HCRASSP03UPU (SSP::1:) performed for the Service of y , L. . of the of : At his Lps. of the his Brethren, and the hoble. and worthie : (At his assembled z Feasted In the : 1622. Written by . (SSP::2:) in seuerall parts: Vsshering toward the High , a in , representing . Holding in His a of . , (SSP::3:) , . , , . . . : , , . . <^Tis Honor with two armed Hands> , (SSP::4:) <#I brauer Embleme for the Place> . (, ) , . . [ . . (SSP::5:) : <^tis exprest> . , . . . Though in this Martiall Habit I appeere I bring nor cause of Doubt, nor thought of feare (SSP::6:) ^Tis onely a Waie found to expres best the Worthie Figure of yond Noble Nor barely to be showne is the Intent and scope of this Seruice: more is ment. There#^s z , whence arise z to the , z A nobeler of , , z z , neuer yet did grace A more. A becomes y State A Christian (a good ) (SSP::7:) : to what may they allude more properer then to , and [ the of a [ To be strong in a iust then to theis belong. of , what doe they Implie but of ^gainst [ Yet they must passe through a Iuditious for see, #they^r tyde wth . They must not inconsiderately be spent but Vsd like of iust (SSP::8:) And as it is in course of knowne ^tis not the propertie of one alone both to Defend, and offend at one time, So let not one hand passe vpon a the waight may fall too Heavy: but take both wth , Twyns of equall growth: those carry a Levell through a Land, For no man shootes an wth one . Beleeue we this: Doe what it can . (SSP::9:) An other Way to make it generall For ^tis an that concernes of the Honorable knitt altogeather for the good. In whose grave , her Faire Strength doth ] stand. You are the : the y . Whose is woond about : Witnes be His , and His , both most Free. And as this saw the of this blessed in the releife (SSP::10:) of the poore : May behold that of , y makes Drosse of Gold. th^#, on Your fall, and , protect . 2. . . . . . (SSP::11:) . . . . (SSP::12:) . . , ] 1