A Description of the file OALD.DAT Roger Mitton, Department of Computer Science, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX 18 July 1985 The file OALD.DAT is a cleaned-up and slightly modified version of the machine-readable form of the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, published by the Oxford University Press, Third edition, 1974. This document explains, first, how OALD.DAT differs from the original, and then describes the character codes and general format of the file, for the benefit of anyone wishing to use it. I obtained a tape of the OALD from the Oxford Text Archive. This tape is one of many that are available to researchers at a small charge. It is listed in the catalogue as being in category U; 'copies of U category texts are freely available outside Oxford subject to the conditions specified on the User Declaration Form.' The one I got is a copy of the one used originally to drive the typesetter that produced the book; it contains explicit typesetting codes and so on. There is another version distributed by the Text Archive, which was produced by a programmer in America; it does not have the typesetting codes and is in general cleaner and more readable than the original. I chose to use the original because I wanted to write a program that would identify various parts of the entries (pronunciation, part-of-speech and so on), and the typesetting codes provide useful clues for this. The book has been revised since the original tape was produced, so the two no longer correspond exactly. For example, my copy of the book (revised 1980) contains 'Zulu', which the file does not; conversely, the file contains 'zoot suit', which is no longer in the book. I began by removing the non-print fields (place-markers for illustrations, printer's section headings etc) and also two fascicles that had been copied out twice to the tape. I then located and corrected a large number of minor errors, which I won't bother to enumerate - lines wholly or partly duplicated, stray characters, missing typesetting codes and the like. I regularised the codes for accents and replaced most of the ligatures by ordinary letters. I inserted quite a lot of missing parts-of-speech (see 'house' 1, for instance, in the book); in particular, I classified all single letters as nouns. (In the book, only 'v', 'x' and 'y' are given a part-of-speech.) Page 2 There was a lot of minor variation in the format of entries - compare, for instance, the presentation (in the book) of 'edgeways' and 'endways', or of 'bicentennial' and 'tercentennial'. This presents no problems for a (human) reader, but it creates difficulties for parsing by computer. So I reduced the number of variant formats for things like alternative spellings, US inflexions and so on. I also checked cross-references to make sure that the information in the cross-reference was present in the main entry; where it wasn't, I added it. Some nouns were given in the original as 'n (sing only)' or as 'n pl (with sing v)'. These were a nuisance since a parenthesis after a part-of-speech normally marks inflexions, such as 'abacus n (pl -cuses)'. I changed these to 'n sing' and 'n pl sing-v' respectively. The ordering of entries was not consistent in the original when the headwords contained initial capitals or punctuation, so I rearranged the order somewhat, adopting the following rules: Parentheses (and characters between them), spaces and word-division marks are ignored, eg 'viceroy' before 'vice versa'. Capitalisation of letters other than the first is ignored, eg 'sortie' before 'SOS'. Diacritics, hyphens and apostrophes are generally ignored - eg 'boss' before 'bo'sun', 'senna' before 'se~nor', 'codpiece' before 'co-ed' - except that, when two words differ only in that one has one of these characters and the other doesn't, the one without comes first - eg 'coop' before 'co-op', 'shed' before 'she'd', 'cure' before 'cur_e' ('_' = acute accent). If two headwords differ only in that one begins with a capital letter, the one without comes first, eg 'march' before 'March'. In addition to these changes, I have made a few that go a little beyond tidying-up. I have split the following entries into two: 'abide', 'according', 'Caesar', 'genius', 'politics', 'said', 'taking', 'thingummy' and 'witch-elm'. I have also introduced two new part-of-speech codes - 'c' for contractions such as 'can't' and 'won't', and 'x' for 'has no obvious part-of-speech'; there are 39 c's and seven x's. I introduced them in order that every genuine headword (ie not a cross-reference) should have a part-of-speech code. Page 3 The format of the file The file has 94852 lines of up to 80 characters each (the version on tape is padded out with spaces to 80 characters per line). Each headword begins on a new line, bracketed between A8 and A9 (I will use Hex codes to refer to characters beyond 7F). The headword is printed in alphabet 1. Thereafter, the alphabet is changed by characters B1 to B8 (B2 puts it into alphabet 2, and so on). The character codes are fairly close to ASCII for most of the eight alphabets over the range 20 to 7E, eg 41 to 5A correspond to 'A' to 'Z' for all the alphabets except alphabet 2 - alphabet 2 is used for phonetic symbols and various other odd characters. I have drawn up a chart (a copy has been lodged, with this file, at the Oxford Text Archive) which shows the printed characters to which all the codes correspond. Several of the characters occur very rarely, some only once - see the table below which gives a count. Note that codes beyond 7F are used. Many systems, when displaying ASCII characters at a terminal or in print, disregard the high bit so that, for instance, the 'thin space' (D4) appears as a 'T' (54), the 'taboo mark' (CF) as an 'O' (4F), the 'start-of-headword' code (A8) as a '(' (28), and so on; users may need to be wary of this. The general format of entries (other than cross-references) is as follows: A8 Headword A9 {homonym number} {, alternative spelling(s)} B4( .. B8 alternative spelling(s) {poss + pronunc} ) B2/ pronunciation / B1 synonym {possibly with pronunciation} B4( .. B8 alternative spelling(s) {poss + pronunc} ) B3 part-of-speech ( long-form inflexion ) B5( short-form inflexion ) B6[ verb-pattern or C/U ] B4 definition and/or style or register B3 example B7 phrase B8+number sense number B8+( sub-sense (a),(b) etc B8+something else subentry B9 in alph 3 or 4 'large box' (= new part-of-speech for headword) B9 in alph 5 'small box' (= new part-of-speech for subentry) The headword, pronunciation and part-of-speech are present in all entries except cross-references; the other sections are all optional. The sections from B6 to the end can occur in many different orders. A subentry can occur Page 4 before a main-entry sense-number. A subentry can have sense numbers of its own, but, if it does, no more main-entry sense numbers will follow. The alphabet-change codes are not unambiguous markers of what follows. For example, music symbols and other odd characters appear in alphabet 2, as well as pronunciations; subscripted numbers appear in alphabet 6, as well as verb patterns; alphabet 8, apart from marking sense numbers, subsenses and subentries, is used for chemical formulas; alphabet 7 is often used just to provide a stress mark in a word that is otherwise in alphabet 3, and so on. The fields may have their own sub-structure. The pronunciation, for example, may contain the US variant pronunciation (marked B3+US: ), or a 'strong form'; the long-form inflexion may contain several inflexions - the type of inflexion in B3, the spelling in B5 and perhaps the pronunciation in B2. A subentry may have several fields - pronunciation, part-of-speech, inflexions etc - or may have none at all. The section beginning 'over-abundant' is in a quite different format all of its own. There now follows, first, a set of samples taken from the file, and then a count of the number of occurrences of each character in each alphabet. Samples from OALD.DAT First 50 lines, then 10 lines every 5000, then the last 50. Line 1 ¨A©1, a ²/eI/ ³n (pl µA's, a's ²/eIz/³) ´the first letter of the English alphabet: ³He knows the subject from A to Z, ´knows it thoroughly. ¸A1 ²/*eI ÚwAn/ ¸(a) ´(of ships) classified as first class. µ¥ Lloyd's. ¸(b) ´(colloq) excellent: ³an A1 dinner; feeling A1, ´in excellent health.¼ ¨a©2 ²/E ³strong form: ²eI/, ±an ²/En ³strong form: ²an/ ³indef art ¸1 ´one: ³I said ²Ú³a train was coming, not ²Ú³the train. ³I have a pen (pl some pens). Have you a pen (pl any pens)? ´Cf ³some, any, several, a few ´with ³pl nn. ¸2 ´(used in the pattern ·a + ³adj ´or ³pron ´of number and quantity): ³a lot of money; a great many friends; a few books; a little more. ¸3 ´(with possessives): ³a friend of my father's, ´one of my father's friends; ³a book of John's, ´one of John's books. ¸4 ´(used in the pattern ·many/such/what + a´): ³Many a man would be glad of the opportunity/such an opportunity. What an opportunity you missed! ¸5 ´(used in the pattern ·half + a + ³n´): ³half a dozen; half an hour; ´(before 1971) ³half a crown, ´the sum of 2s 6d. Cf ³a half-crown, ´former coin worth 2s 6d (= 12§p). ¸6 ´(used in the pattern ·as/how/so/too + ³adj ·+ a´): ³He's not so big a fool as he looks. She's as clever a girl as you can wish to meet. It's too difficult a book for me. ¸7 ´that which is called; any; every (no ³article ´in ³pl´): ³A horse is an animal. ´Cf ³Horses are animals. ¸8 ´(When two objects, articles, etc naturally go together and are thought of as a unit, the ³indef art ´is not repeated): ³a cup and saucer; a knife and fork. ¸9 ´(used with a person's name, and the title ³Mr, Mrs, ´etc to indicate that the person is perhaps unknown to the person addressed): ³A Mr White has called. A Mrs Green is asking to see you. ¸10 ´one like: ³He thinks he's a Napoleon, ´a man like Napoleon. ¸11 ·of/at a, ´(in some phrases) the same: ³They're all of a size. Carry them three at a time. ·Birds of a feather flock together, ´(prov) people of the same kind like to be together. ¸12 ´(used distributively): ³twice a month; 20p a pound; 50p an hour; sixty miles an hour.¼ ¨aback© ²/EÚbak/ ³adv ´backwards. ·be *taken aÚback, ´be startled, disconcerted.¼ ¨aba®cus© ²/ÚabEkEs/ ³n (pl µ-cuses ²/-kEsIz/ ´or µ-ci ²/ÚabEsñI/³) ´frame with beads or balls sliding on rods, for teaching numbers to children, or (still in the East) for calculating; early form of digital computer.¼ ¨abaft© ²/EÚbqft ³US: ²EÚbaft/ ³adv, prep ´(naut) at, in, toward, the stern half of a ship; nearer the stern than; behind.¼ ¨aban®don©1 ²/EÚbandEn/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´go away from, not intending to return to; forsake: ³The order was given to @ ship, ´for all on board to leave the (sinking) ship. ³The cruel man @ed his wife and child. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´give up: ³They @ed the attempt, ´stopped trying. ³They had @ed all hope, ´no longer had any hope. ³The new engine design had to be @ed for lack of financial support. ¸3 ¶[VP14] ·@ oneself to, ´give oneself up completely to, eÔg passions, impulses: ³He @ed himself to despair. ¸@ed ³part adj ¸1 ´given up to bad ways; depraved; profligate: ³You @ed wretch! ¸2 ´deserted; forsaken. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨aban®don©2 ²/EÚbandEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´careless freedom, as when one gives way to impulses: ³waving their arms with @.¼ ¨abase© ²/EÚbeIs/ ³vt ¶[VP6B] ·@ oneself, ´humiliate or degrade oneself: ³@ oneself so far as to do sth, ´lower oneself in dignity to the extent of doing sth. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨abash© ²/EÚba2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(passive only) cause to feel self-conscious or Line 5001 exclamations): ³A@ with them! ´Take them @! ¸3 ´continuously; constantly: ³He was working @. He was laughing/muttering/grumbling @. µ¥ grumble(1), laugh±2µ(2), mutter. ¸4 ´(used with ³vv ´to indicate loss, lessening, weakening, exhaustion): ³The water has all boiled @, ´There is no water left. µ¥ blaze±2µ(4), boil±2µ(4), die±2µ(3), explain(2), melt(1). ¸5 ´(in phrases): ·far and @, ´very much: ³This is far and @ better. ·out and @, ´beyond comparison: ³This is out and @ the best. ·right/straight @, ´at once, without delay.¼ ¨awe©1 ²/c/ ³n ¶[U] ´respect combined with fear and reverence: ³He had a feeling of awe as he was taken before the judge. Savages often live in Line 10001 same regiment. ¸3 ³(pl µbrethren ²/ÚbreDrEn/³) ´fellow member of a religious society. ¸B@, ´form of address: ³B@ Luke. ¸Ú@®hood ²/-h8d/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´feeling of @ for @. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(members of an) association of men with common interests and aims, esp a religious society or socialist organization. ¸@®ly ³adj ´of or like a ³@('s)´: ³@ly affection.¼ ¨brougham© ²/ÚbruEm/ ³n ´(19th c) four-wheeled closed carriage drawn by one horse.¼ ¨brought© ³pt,pp ´of µbring.¼ ¨brou®haha© ²/Úbruhqhq/ ³n ´(dated colloq) fuss; excitement.¼ ¨brow© ²/brñ8/ ³n ¸1 ´(usu ³pl´; also ¸Úeye®@´) arch of hair above Line 15001 a @.¼ ¨col®ony© ²/ÚkolEnI/ ³n (pl µ-nies³) ¸1 ´country or territory settled by migrants from another country, and controlled by it. ¸2 ´group of people from another country, or of people with the same trade, profession or occupation, living together: ³the American @ in Paris; a @ of artists´, eÔg one living in a place famous for its scenic beauty. ¸3 ´(biol) number of animals or plants, living or growing together: ³a @ of ants.¼ ¨color© ´(US) = µcolour.¼ ¨col®ora®tura© ²/*kolErEÚt8ErE/ ³n ¶[U] ´flowery or ornamental passages in vocal music; (attrib): ³a @ soprano.¼ Line 20001 ¨cyc®la®men© ²/ÚsIklEmEn ³US: ²ÚsñIk-/ ³n ´kinds of plant, wild and cultivated, of the primrose family, with delicate, small flowers.¼ ¨cycle© ²/ÚsñIkl/ ³n ¸1 ´series of events taking place in a regularly repeated order: ³the @ of the seasons. ¸2 ´complete set or series: ³a song @, ´eÔg by Schubert; ³the Arthurian ²/qÚTj8ErIEn ³US: ²-ÚT8Er-/ ³@´, the stories of King Arthur and his knights. ¸3 ´(short for) bicycle or motor-cycle. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,B,C] ´ride a bicycle.¼ ¨cyc®lic© ²/ÚsñIklIk/ ³adj ´recurring in cycles.¼ ¨cyc®li®cal© ²/ÚsñIklIkl/ ³adj ´= µcyclic.¼ ¨cyc®list© ²/ÚsñIklIst/ ³n ´person who rides a cycle.¼ Line 25001 boundary; ´(tennis) ³to @ a ball out of the court. ´(golf) ³He @s well. ·@ sth home, ´(fig) impress deeply on the mind. ·let @ at, ´aim a blow at; send a missile at: ³He let @ at me with his left´, aimed a blow at me with his left fist. ¸10 ¶[VP15B,17A,22B] ´cause or compel (sb) to be (in a certain state); cause or compel (sb to do sth): ³Failure drove him to despair/desperation. You'll @ me mad/to my wits' end. He was @n by hunger to steal. ¸11 ¶[VP15,2C] ´(cause to) work very hard: ³He was hard @n. He @s himself very hard. Don't @ the workers too hard. ·@ away at ´(one's work), work very hard at it. ¸12 ¶[VP6A,15B,14] ´bore (a tunnel); make (a horizontal excavation): ³to @ a tunnel/gallery through a hill; to @ a railway across a hilly district. ¸13 Line 30001 cold´, eÔg by taking aspirin. ·@ one's way forward/out (of), ´advance, go forward, by @ing. ·@ it out, ´@ until a dispute is settled. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´manoeuvre (ships, etc) in battle: ³The captain fought his ship well. ¸@er ³n ´person or thing that @s, esp a fast aircraft designed for attacking bombers: ³a ·*³jet-·Ú³@er; ´(attrib) ³a ·Ú³@er pilot/squadron. ¸@®ing ³n ¶[U]´: ·Ú³street @ing. ·a @ing chance´, a possibility of success if great efforts are made.¼ ¨fig®ment© ²/ÚfIgmEnt/ ³n ¶[C] ´sth invented or imagined: ³@s of the imagination.¼ ¨figu®rat®ive© ²/ÚfIgjErEtIv/ ³adj ´(of words and language) used not in the Line 35001 struck with a stick, esp as a signal, eÔg for meals. ¹ ³vt ´(of traffic police) direct (a motorist) to stop by striking a @.¼ ¨gonna© ²/ÚgonE/ ³c ´(US sl) = ³going to. µ¥ go±1µ(27).¼ ¨gon®or®rhea© ´(also ¸-rhoea´) ²/*gonEÚrIE/ ³n ¶[U] ´contagious venereal disease which causes an inflammatory discharge from the genital organs.¼ ¨goo© ²/gu/ ³n ¶[U] ´(sl) sticky wet material; sentimentality. ¸gooey ²/ÚguI/ ³adj ´sticky.¼ ¨good©1 ²/g8d/ ³adj µ(better, best) ¸1 ´having the right or desired qualities; giving satisfaction: ³a @ ´(eÔg sharp) ³knife; a @ fire´, one that is bright and cheerful, giving warmth; ³@ ´(= fertile) ³soil. ³Is raw herring @ eating´, Line 40001 nation to greater efforts. ¸@®ler ³n ´rotor or rotor blade (of a jet engine).¼ ¨im®pend© ²/ImÚpend/ ³vi ´(chiefly in ³pres part´) (formal) be imminent; be about to come or happen: ³her @ing arrival; the @ing storm; the danger @ing over us.¼ ¨im®pen®etrable© ²/ImÚpenItrEbl/ ³adj ·@ (to), ´that cannot be penetrated: ³@ forests and swamps; dig down to @ rock; @ darkness; men who are @ to reason.¼ ¨im®peni®tent© ²/ImÚpenItEnt/ ³adj ´(formal) not penitent. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸im®peni®tence ²/-Ens/ ³n¼ ¨im®pera®tive© ²/ImÚperEtIv/ ³adj ¸1 ´urgent; essential; needing immediate attention: ³Is it really @ for them to have such a large army? Is it @ that Line 45001 ·lay sb/oneself down, ´place in a lying or recumbent position: ³Lay the baby down gently. She laid herself down. ·lay sth down, ¸(a) ´pay or wager: ³How much are you ready to lay down? ¸(b) ´(begin to) build: ³lay down a new ship. ¸(c) ´convert (land) to pasture: ³lay down land in/to/with/under grass. ¸(d) ´store (wine) in a cellar: ³lay down claret and port. ·lay sth down; lay it down that«, ´establish: ³You can't lay down hard and fast rules. It was laid down that all applicants should sit a written examination. These prices have been laid down by the manufacturers. ·lay down one's arms, ´put one's weapons down as a sign of surrender. ·lay down the law, ´say with (or as if with) authority what must be done. ·lay down one's life, ´sacrifice it: ³He laid down Line 50001 like @.¼ ¨mem®ento© ²/mIÚmentE8/ ³n (pl µ@s, @es ²/-tE8z/³) ´sth that serves to remind one of a person or event.¼ ¨memo© ²/ÚmemE8/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-mE8z/³) ´short for µmemorandum.¼ ¨mem®oir© ²/Úmemwq(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´record of events, esp by someone with first-hand knowledge. ¸2 ³(pl) ´person's written account of his own life or experiences: ³the flood of war @s by generals and politicians.¼ ¨mem®or®able© ²/ÚmemErEbl/ ³adj ´deserving to be remembered. ¸mem®or®ably ²/-EblI/ ³adv¼ ¨mem®or®an®dum© ²/*memEÚrandEm/ ³n (pl µ-da ²/-dE/ ´or µ@s³) ´(abbr ¸memo´) ¸1 Line 55001 the rules: ³@ play; the @ rule.¼ ¨off®spring© ²/ÚofsprIG ³US: ²Úcf-/ ³n (pl ´unchanged) child; children; young of animals: ³He is the @ of a scientific genius and a ballet dancer. Their @ are all slightly mad.¼ ¨off-street© ²/Úof strit ³US: ²Úcf/ ³attrib adj ´not on the main streets: ³@ parking, ´of motor vehicles; ³@ (un)loading´, eÔg of lorries at the rear entrances of buildings.¼ ¨off-white© ²/*of ÚwñIt ³US: ²*cf ÚhwñIt/ ³adj ´not pure white, but with a pale greyish or yellowish tinge.¼ ¨oft© ²/oft ³US: ²cft/ ³adv ´(in poetry) often: ³an oft-told tale; many a time Line 60001 ¨pitch©1 ²/pIt2/ ³n ¸1 ´place where sb (esp a street trader) usu does business, where a street entertainer usu performs. ·queer sb's @, ´upset his plans; thwart him. ¸2 ´(cricket) part of the ground between the wickets; manner in which the ball is delivered in bowling; (baseball) manner or act of pitching the ball; (football) ground, field (the usual words) on which the game is played. ¸3 ´act of pitching or throwing anything; distance to which sth is thrown. ¸4 ´(music and speech) degree of highness or lowness; quality of sound. ¸5 ´degree: ³at the lowest @ of his (ill) fortune. Excitement rose to fever @. ¸6 ´amount of slope (esp of a roof). ¸7 ´(of a ship) process of pitchingµ(5)´.¼ Line 65001 ´inquire: ³I @ whether his word can be relied on. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´express doubt about: ³@ a person's instructions. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´put the mark (?) against.¼ ¨quest© ²/kwest/ ³n ¶[C] ´(rhet) search or pursuit: ³the @ for gold. ·in @ of, ´(old or liter use) seeking for, trying to find: ³He went off in @ of food. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ´(esp of dogs) look for; (rhet) go about in @ of: ³@ing for further evidence.¼ ¨ques®tion©1 ²/Úkwest2En/ ³n ¸1 ´sentence which by word-order, use of interrogative words ³(who, why, ´etc) or intonation, requests information, an answer, etc: ³ask a lot of @s; put a @ to sb. ¸Ú@-mark ³n ´the mark (?). µ¥ App 9. ¸Ú@-master ³n ´(in panel games) chairman. ¸Ú@ time, ´(in the House of Line 70001 ¨rose®mary© ²/ÚrE8zmErI ³US: ²-merI/ ³n ¶[U] ´evergreen shrub with fragrant leaves used in making perfumes.¼ ¨ro®sette© ²/rE8Úzet/ ³n ¶[C] ´small rose-shaped badge or ornament, eÔg of silk or ribbon; carved rose on stonework.¼ ¨rosin© ²/ÚrozIn ³US: ²Úrozn/ ³n ¶[U] ´resin, esp in solid form, as used on the strings of violins, etc and on the bow with which violins are played. ³¹ vt ¶[VP6A] ´rub with @.¼ ¨ros®ter© ²/ÚrostE(r)/ ³n ´list of names of persons showing duties to be performed by each in turn.¼ ¨ros®trum© ²/ÚrostrEm/ ³n (pl µ@s ´or µ-tra ²/-trE/³) ´platform or pulpit for Line 75001 manager's expectations. ·cut sth/sb @, ¸(a) ´interrupt; bring to an end before the usual or natural time: ³The chairman had to cut @ the proceedings. ¸(b) ´make @(er). ·go @ (of), ´do without; deprive oneself (of): ³I don't want you to go @ ´(of money, etc) ³in order to lend me what I need. ·run @ (of), ´reach the end: ³Our supplies ran @. We're running @ of paraffin. ·be taken @, ´(colloq) have a sudden motion of the bowels necessitating a hurried visit to the lavatory. ¸3 ·sell @, ´(comm) sell for future delivery (stocks, shares, commodities, etc that one does not own) in the expectation of being able to buy more cheaply before the date agreed upon for delivery. ·sell sb @, ´betray, cheat, belittle, them.¼ Line 80001 archaic or lit) pause: ³S@! (´= Stop!³) You've forgotten your overcoat! ¸6 ¶[VP6A] ´satisfy for a time: ³have a sandwich to @ one's hunger. ¹ ³n ¸1 ´period of @ing; visit: ³make a short @ in Karachi; a fortnight's @ with my rich uncle. ¸2 ´(legal) delay; postponement. ¸@ of execution, ´order that a court judgement need not be carried out for the time being. ¸@er ³n ´person or animal able to @µ(3)´: ³The horse that won the race is a good @er.¼ ¨stay©2 ²/steI/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´rope or wire supporting a mast, pole, etc. µ¥ ´the illus at µbarque. ¸2 ´(fig) support: ³the @ of his old age´, person who helped him, eÔg by giving him a home, looking after him. ¸3 ³(pl) ´(old-fashioned name for) kind of corset reinforced with strips of stiff material (bone or Line 85001 temperature. µ¥ App 5.¼ ¨ther®mos© ²/ÚT3mEs/ ³n ´(also ¸Ú@ flask´) (P) vacuum flask. µ¥ vacuum.¼ ¨the®sau®rus© ²/TIÚscrEs/ ³n ´(³pl µ@es ²/-rEsIz/´) dictionary of words and phrases grouped together according to similarities in their meanings.¼ ¨these© ²/Diz/ µ¥ this.¼ ¨the®sis© ²/ÚTisIs/ ³n ´(³pl µtheses ²/Tisiz/´) statement or theory (to be) put forward and supported by arguments, esp a lengthy written essay submitted (as part of the requirements) for a university degree.¼ ¨Thes®pian© ²/ÚTespIEn/ ³adj ´(liter) connected with the drama. ¹ ³n ´actor or actress.¼ Line 90001 ²/-lE(r)/ ³adj ´of the @.¼ ¨ux®ori®ous© ²/*AkÚscrIEs/ ³adj ´excessively fond of one's wife. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨V©, v ²/vi/ ³n (pl µV's, v's ²/viz/³) ¸1 ´the 22nd letter of the English alphabet; symbol for the Roman numeral 5. µ¥ App 4. ¸2 µV´-shaped thing; ³the V sign´, sign made by the hand with the palm outwards and the first and second fingers spread to form a µV ´(for ³victory). ¸VÔ1, 2 ²/*vi ÚwAn, Útu/, ´flying bomb. µ¥ doodlebug.¼ ¨vac© ²/vak/ ³n ´(colloq, abbr of) µvacation ´(= holidays).¼ ¨va®cancy© ²/ÚveIkEnsI/ ³n (pl µ-cies³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´condition of being empty or Line 94803 ¸@®ism ²/-IzEm/ ³n ´(hist) political movement for the establishment of an independent state for the Jews; (mod use) movement concerned with the development of Israel as a Jewish political and religious State . ¸@®ist ²/-Ist/ ³adj, n¼ ¨zip© ²/zIp/ ³n ¸1 ´sound as of a bullet going through the air, or of the sudden tearing of cloth. ¸2 ´(sl) vigour; energy. ¹ ³vt µ(-pp-) ¶[VP6A,15B,22] ´open sth (·zip sth open´) or close sth (·zip sth up´) by means of a zip-fastener: ³She zipped her bag open/up. ¸zip®per, zip-fastener ³nn ´device for locking together two toothed metal or plastic edges by means of a sliding tab, used for fastening articles of clothing, bags, etc.¼ ¨zip code© ²/ÚzIp kE8d/ ³n ´(US) = µpostcode.¼ ¨zither© ²/ÚzIDE(r)/ ³n ´musical instrument with many strings on a flat sounding-board, played with a plectrum or the fingers.¼ ¨zo®diac© ²/ÚzE8dIak/ ³n ¸1 ´belt of the heavens extending about 8Ä on each side of the path followed by the sun and containing the path of the principal planets, divided into 12 equal parts known as the ·signs of the @´, named after 12 groups of stars. ¸2 ´diagram of the @, used in astrology.¼ ¨zom®bie© ²/ÚzombI/ ³n ´(colloq) dull, slow, lifeless, mindless person.¼ ¨zone© ²/zE8n/ ³n ¸1 ´belt, band or stripe going round, and distinguished by colour, appearance, etc. ¸2 ´one of the five parts into which the earth's surface is divided by imaginary lines parallel to the equator (the ·Ú³torrid, N & S ·Ú³temperate´, and the ·Ú³frigid @s´). ¸3 ´area with particular features, purpose or use: ³the war @; within the @ of submarine activity´, iÔe where, during a war, submarines are active; ³the ·Ú³danger @; a ·Ú³parking @; smokeless @s, ´(usu urban) areas in which only smokeless fuels may be used (in homes, factories, etc). ¸4 ´(US) particular area in which certain postal, telephone, etc rates are charged. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´encircle, mark, with, into, or as with a @ or @s; divide into @s. ¸zonal ²/ÚzE8nl/ ³adj ´relating to, arranged in, @s. ¸zon®ing ³n ¶[U] ´(in planning urban areas) designation of areas for various purposes, eÔg shopping, residential, industrial.¼ ¨zoo© ²/zu/ ³n ´zoological gardens: ³take the children to the zoo.¼ ¨zo®ol®ogy© ²/zE8ÚolEdZI/ ³n ¶[U] ´science of the structure, forms and distribution of animals. ¸zo®ol®ogi®cal ²/*zE8EÚlodZIkl/ ³adj ´of @. ¸zoological gardens´, park (usu public) in which many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition. ¸zo®ol®ogist ²/zE8ÚolEdZIst/ ³n ´expert in @.¼ ¨zoom© ²/zum/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(low, deep humming sound of the) sudden upward flight of an aircraft. ¸2 @ lens, ´(on a camera), one with continuously variable focal length. µ¥ ´the illus at µcamera. ³¹ vi ¶[VP2A,C] ¸1 ´(of aircraft) move upwards at high speed: (fig, colloq) ³Prices @ed´, rose sharply. ¸2 ´(of a camera with a @ lens): ³@ in/out´, cause the object being photographed to appear nearer/further.¼ ¨zo®ophyte© ²/ÚzE8EfñIt/ ³n ´plant-like sea-animal (eÔg a sea anemone, coral).¼ ¨zoot suit© ²/Úzut sut/ ³n ´one with a knee-length jacket and tight-fitting trousers.¼ ¨zuc®chini© ²/z8ÚkinI/ ³n (pl µ@s ´or unchanged³) ´(esp US) = µcourgette. µ¥ ´the illus at µvegetable´.¼ The last line was line 94852. Characters in OALD.DAT Dec Hex Ascii Alph: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total 32 20 ' ' 21619 29428 300164 534382 9909 17312 40056 44299 997169 33 21 '!' 0 4 883 199 0 0 86 8 1180 34 22 '"' 0 1 518 260 0 0 3 0 782 35 23 '#' 36 24 '$' 0 3 267 35 0 0 0 0 305 37 25 '%' 0 1 4 5 0 0 0 0 10 38 26 '&' 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 39 27 ''' 86 1 6912 2906 98 0 1204 140 11347 40 28 '(' 21 2320 4265* 32160* 3291 0 3406 2942 48405 41 29 ')' 21 2320 4262* 32163* 3291 0 3406 2942 48405 42 2A '*' 0 4073 6 6 0 0 406 1874 6365 43 2B '+' 0 2 59 31 0 0 30 0 122 44 2C ',' 274 418 7662 46378 1177 6993 11816 3671 78389 45 2D '-' 419 4282 2804 4438 3465 0 130 4370 19908 46 2E '.' 0 2 29077 40640 4236 165 20 20 74160 47 2F '/' 0 55084 6892 862 3 0 2996 416 66253 48 30 '0' 0 2 789 585 57 84 0 129 1646 49 31 '1' 2071 2 357 776 1004 3152 1 8309 15672 50 32 '2' 1718 3449 182 275 711 3468 0 7861 17664 51 33 '3' 336 1036 154 187 455 1121 1 3413 6703 52 34 '4' 94 0 68 179 304 1154 0 1686 3485 53 35 '5' 29 0 315 253 232 1498 0 933 3260 54 36 '6' 2 0 85 207 139 5587 0 572 6592 55 37 '7' 0 0 66 162 100 230 0 385 943 56 38 '8' 0 4292 65 174 60 63 0 255 4909 57 39 '9' 1 0 82 256 65 247 0 180 831 58 3A ':' 0 5 2410 27462 25 0 16 0 29918 59 3B ';' 0 5 7943 19150 65 0 455 35 27653 60 3C '<' 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 8 61 3D '=' 0 2 23 2268 0 0 0 0 2293 62 3E '>' 63 3F '?' 0 1 2103 354 0 0 11 0 2469 64 40 '@' 0 5 41022 11050 604 0 10144 13010 75835 65 41 'A' 43 2273 1240 701 166 9881 26 98 14428 66 42 'B' 34 0 552 785 3 1428 12 76 2890 67 43 'C' 48 2 969 976 8 6009 14 165 8191 68 44 'D' 30 220 1004 193 5 95 15 84 1646 69 45 'E' 26 17433 482 574 7 20 10 42 18594 70 46 'F' 18 1 331 415 3 1 10 51 830 71 47 'G' 32 1010 580 1044 13 0 26 72 2777 72 48 'H' 30 3 4867 706 5 0 40 96 5747 73 49 'I' 15 23969 4261 821 4 0 47 29 29146 74 4A 'J' 25 1 253 215 5 0 8 34 541 75 4B 'K' 6 3 116 37 3 0 3 19 187 76 4C 'L' 17 0 543 299 10 0 29 71 969 77 4D 'M' 74 0 1001 342 24 0 23 90 1554 78 4E 'N' 32 0 419 400 2 0 27 54 934 79 4F 'O' 16 1 490 108 1 0 12 72 700 80 50 'P' 35 2 754 401 11 8425 14 110 9752 81 51 'Q' 5 1 67 19 1 0 5 14 112 82 52 'R' 28 0 316 297 12 0 9 70 732 83 53 'S' 65 2 4287 2171 11 0 36 156 6728 84 54 'T' 29 572 6778 450 7 0 58 61 7955 85 55 'U' 6 2 2359 1446 7 6267 0 28 10115 86 56 'V' 13 1 87 131 12 8426 1 19 8690 87 57 'W' 11 2 2486 346 4 0 21 43 2913 88 58 'X' 4 1 38 14 3 0 4 1 65 89 59 'Y' 5 1 834 79 4 0 25 8 956 90 5A 'Z' 3 1743 7 9 2 0 0 1 1765 91 5B '[' 0 1 0 0 0 18413 0 0 18414 92 5C '\' 93 5D ']' 0 1 0 0 0 18413 0 0 18414 94 5E '^' 15 1 2 3 1 0 0 1 23 95 5F '_' 81 4 10 21 3 0 0 9 128 96 60 '`' 20 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 27 97 61 'a' 12393 4677 94745 197313 2707 0 8035 9728 329598 98 62 'b' 3138 3956 15823 43503 912 0 4278 3233 74843 99 63 'c' 6883 1990 25183 92635 1549 31 1738 4625 134634 100 64 'd' 4740 7430 46659 88502 1508 7 3247 3967 156060 101 65 'e' 17183 8194 131752 300184 6040 7 11511 12786 487657 102 66 'f' 2246 3239 27092 76862 600 0 4397 1819 116255 103 67 'g' 3201 2256 21970 67111 852 2 2526 3200 101118 104 68 'h' 3446 1196 59063 101120 1010 0 7909 3238 176982 105 69 'i' 11500 2188 70865 186121 3615 1 5941 9747 289978 106 6A 'j' 319 1476 8876 2508 56 0 72 173 13480 107 6B 'k' 1343 8515 8702 20450 504 0 1324 1011 41849 108 6C 'l' 7718 10250 42869 107807 2016 0 3202 7690 181552 109 6D 'm' 4469 5723 23924 60618 1121 0 1644 2750 100249 110 6E 'n' 9856 12386 90374 183269 2163 0 8508 7963 314519 111 6F 'o' 10087 2928 87116 228182 2342 0 13601 7163 351419 112 70 'p' 4889 5472 24587 64580 1415 0 2391 2931 106265 113 71 'q' 382 1442 819 5446 72 0 50 96 8307 114 72 'r' 11224 11205 60837 173338 3309 0 4807 7534 272254 115 73 's' 8304 10311 71558 169725 3806 0 10333 7753 281790 116 74 't' 10736 13171 95220 215811 3336 0 14265 8303 360842 117 75 'u' 6021 2086 29729 73869 1050 0 3740 2905 119400 118 76 'v' 1779 2373 20272 24353 381 0 968 841 50967 119 77 'w' 1203 1410 21395 43136 538 0 2502 1137 71321 120 78 'x' 466 1 1714 5392 82 0 57 292 8004 121 79 'y' 2556 2 20930 37339 471 0 1381 4282 66961 122 7A 'z' 410 2428 522 1334 60 0 16 321 5091 123 7B '{' 124 7C '|' 125 7D '}' 126 7E '~' 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 10 127 7F DEL 160 A0 ' ' 161 A1 '¡' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 29 162 A2 '¢' 5 12 4 4 1 0 0 1 27 163 A3 '£' 164 A4 '¤' 165 A5 '¥' 0 21 0 2 4108 0 0 0 4131 166 A6 '¦' 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 167 A7 '§' 0 1 4 25 0 0 0 0 30 168 A8 '¨' 1* 0 6693 12239 1918 152 1 4 21008 169 A9 '©' 21008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21008 170 AA 'ª' 171 AB '«' 0 2 320 160 0 0 119 2 603 172 AC '¬' 173 AD '­' 0 1 1 18 0 0 0 0 20 174 AE '®' 19004 3 0 0 3 0 1 13634 32645 175 AF '¯' 176 B0 '°' 177 B1 '±' 0 84 39 137 1132 0 0 0 1392 178 B2 '²' 20765 0 2575 540 900 1 15 5313 30109 179 B3 '³' 62 29030 520 38975 1924 276 2273 9165 82225 180 B4 '´' 348 725 34768 614 3603 14258 10724 20101 85141 181 B5 'µ' 1219 100 4223 5877 72 12 484 254 12241 182 B6 '¶' 2 58 9015 983 285 0 38 8144 18525 183 B7 '·' 0 6 5082 5488 490 2451 15 824 14356 184 B8 '¸' 4 106 19310 20287 1917 1375 806 107 43912 185 B9 '¹' 0 0 1263 1847 148 0 0 0 3258 186 BA 'º' 187 BB '»' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 29 188 BC '¼' 0 0 7011 12517 1951 152 2 3 21636 189 BD '½' 190 BE '¾' 191 BF '¿' 192 C0 'À' 193 C1 'Á' 194 C2 'Â' 195 C3 'Ã' 196 C4 'Ä' 0 4 14 53 0 0 0 1 72 197 C5 'Å' 0 1 246 78 0 0 0 0 325 198 C6 'Æ' 199 C7 'Ç' 200 C8 'È' 201 C9 'É' 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 202 CA 'Ê' 203 CB 'Ë' 204 CC 'Ì' 205 CD 'Í' 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 8 206 CE 'Î' 0 0 1 26 0 0 0 0 27 207 CF 'Ï' 0 1 0 49 0 0 0 0 50 208 D0 'Ð' 209 D1 'Ñ' 210 D2 'Ò' 211 D3 'Ó' 212 D4 'Ô' 11 6 310 4448 5 24 10 162 4976 213 D5 'Õ' 214 D6 'Ö' 0 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 8 215 D7 '×' 216 D8 'Ø' 0 50 7 10 0 0 0 0 67 217 D9 'Ù' 218 DA 'Ú' 0 20833 21 6 0 0 2463 7599 30922 219 DB 'Û' 220 DC 'Ü' 221 DD 'Ý' 222 DE 'Þ' 223 DF 'ß' 224 E0 'à' 225 E1 'á' 226 E2 'â' 227 E3 'ã' 0 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 228 E4 'ä' 229 E5 'å' 230 E6 'æ' 231 E7 'ç' 232 E8 'è' 233 E9 'é' 234 EA 'ê' 235 EB 'ë' 236 EC 'ì' 237 ED 'í' 238 EE 'î' 239 EF 'ï' 240 F0 'ð' 241 F1 'ñ' 0 2987 0 0 0 0 0 0 2987 242 F2 'ò' 243 F3 'ó' 244 F4 'ô' 245 F5 'õ' 246 F6 'ö' 247 F7 '÷' 248 F8 'ø' 249 F9 'ù' 250 FA 'ú' 251 FB 'û' 252 FC 'ü' 253 FD 'ý' 254 FE 'þ' 255 FF DEL *1 Parentheses in alphabets 3 and 4 are used interchangeably - a '(' in alphabet 3 may be closed by a ')' in alphabet 4, and vice-versa. *2 This A8 is the very first character in the file.