¨A©1, a ²/eI/ ³n (pl µA's, a's ²/eIz/³) ´the first letter of the English alphabet: ³He knows the subject from A to Z, ´knows it thoroughly. ¸A1 ²/*eI ÚwAn/ ¸(a) ´(of ships) classified as first class. µ¥ Lloyd's. ¸(b) ´(colloq) excellent: ³an A1 dinner; feeling A1, ´in excellent health.¼ ¨a©2 ²/E ³strong form: ²eI/, ±an ²/En ³strong form: ²an/ ³indef art ¸1 ´one: ³I said ²Ú³a train was coming, not ²Ú³the train. ³I have a pen (pl some pens). Have you a pen (pl any pens)? ´Cf ³some, any, several, a few ´with ³pl nn. ¸2 ´(used in the pattern ·a + ³adj ´or ³pron ´of number and quantity): ³a lot of money; a great many friends; a few books; a little more. ¸3 ´(with possessives): ³a friend of my father's, ´one of my father's friends; ³a book of John's, ´one of John's books. ¸4 ´(used in the pattern ·many/such/what + a´): ³Many a man would be glad of the opportunity/such an opportunity. What an opportunity you missed! ¸5 ´(used in the pattern ·half + a + ³n´): ³half a dozen; half an hour; ´(before 1971) ³half a crown, ´the sum of 2s 6d. Cf ³a half-crown, ´former coin worth 2s 6d (= 12§p). ¸6 ´(used in the pattern ·as/how/so/too + ³adj ·+ a´): ³He's not so big a fool as he looks. She's as clever a girl as you can wish to meet. It's too difficult a book for me. ¸7 ´that which is called; any; every (no ³article ´in ³pl´): ³A horse is an animal. ´Cf ³Horses are animals. ¸8 ´(When two objects, articles, etc naturally go together and are thought of as a unit, the ³indef art ´is not repeated): ³a cup and saucer; a knife and fork. ¸9 ´(used with a person's name, and the title ³Mr, Mrs, ´etc to indicate that the person is perhaps unknown to the person addressed): ³A Mr White has called. A Mrs Green is asking to see you. ¸10 ´one like: ³He thinks he's a Napoleon, ´a man like Napoleon. ¸11 ·of/at a, ´(in some phrases) the same: ³They're all of a size. Carry them three at a time. ·Birds of a feather flock together, ´(prov) people of the same kind like to be together. ¸12 ´(used distributively): ³twice a month; 20p a pound; 50p an hour; sixty miles an hour.¼ ¨aback© ²/EÚbak/ ³adv ´backwards. ·be *taken aÚback, ´be startled, disconcerted.¼ ¨aba®cus© ²/ÚabEkEs/ ³n (pl µ-cuses ²/-kEsIz/ ´or µ-ci ²/ÚabEsñI/³) ´frame with beads or balls sliding on rods, for teaching numbers to children, or (still in the East) for calculating; early form of digital computer.¼ ¨abaft© ²/EÚbqft ³US: ²EÚbaft/ ³adv, prep ´(naut) at, in, toward, the stern half of a ship; nearer the stern than; behind.¼ ¨aban®don©1 ²/EÚbandEn/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´go away from, not intending to return to; forsake: ³The order was given to @ ship, ´for all on board to leave the (sinking) ship. ³The cruel man @ed his wife and child. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´give up: ³They @ed the attempt, ´stopped trying. ³They had @ed all hope, ´no longer had any hope. ³The new engine design had to be @ed for lack of financial support. ¸3 ¶[VP14] ·@ oneself to, ´give oneself up completely to, eÔg passions, impulses: ³He @ed himself to despair. ¸@ed ³part adj ¸1 ´given up to bad ways; depraved; profligate: ³You @ed wretch! ¸2 ´deserted; forsaken. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨aban®don©2 ²/EÚbandEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´careless freedom, as when one gives way to impulses: ³waving their arms with @.¼ ¨abase© ²/EÚbeIs/ ³vt ¶[VP6B] ·@ oneself, ´humiliate or degrade oneself: ³@ oneself so far as to do sth, ´lower oneself in dignity to the extent of doing sth. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨abash© ²/EÚba2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(passive only) cause to feel self-conscious or embarrassed: ³The poor man stood/felt @ed at this display of wealth, ´was confused, not knowing what to do or say.¼ ¨abate© ²/EÚbeIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´(liter) (of winds, storms, floods, pain, etc) make or become less: ³The ship sailed when the storm @d. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´(legal) bring to an end; abolish: ³We must @ the smoke nuisance in our big cities. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´abating; decrease.¼ ¨ab®at®toir© ²/ÚabEtwq(r) ³US: ²*abEÚtwqr/ ³n ´slaughter-house (for cattle, sheep, etc).¼ ¨abb_e© ²/ÚabeI ³US: ²*aÚbeI/ ³n ´(courtesy title for a) French priest, esp one without official duties.¼ ¨ab®bess© ²/Úabes/ ³n ´woman (³Mother Superior´) at the head of a convent or nunnery.¼ ¨ab®bey© ²/ÚabI/ ³n (pl µ-beys³) ¸1 ´building(s) in which men (³monks´) or women (³nuns´) live as a community in the service of God. ¸2 ´the whole number of monks or nuns in an @. ¸3 ´church or house which was once an @ or part of an @. ¸the A@, ´often used of Westminster A@, London.¼ ¨ab®bot© ²/ÚabEt/ ³n ´man (³Father Superior´) at the head of the monks in an abbey or monastery.¼ ¨ab®brevi®ate© ²/EÚbrivIeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ´shorten (a word, title, etc): ³@ January to Jan. µ¥ abridge. ¸ab®brevi®ation ²/E*brivIÚeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´abbreviating or being @d. ¸2 ¶[C] ´shortened form (esp of a word). µ¥ App 2,9.¼ ¨ABC© ²/*eI bi Úsi/ ³n ¸1 ´the letters A to Z of the (Roman) alphabet. ¸2 ´simplest facts of a subject, to be learnt first.¼ ¨ab®di®cate© ²/ÚabdIkeIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´give up, renounce, a high office, authority or control, responsibility. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´give up the throne: ³King Edward ´V²_ ³@d in 1936 and was created Duke of Windsor. ¸ab®di®ca®tion ²/*abdIÚkeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´abdicating. ¸2 ¶[C] ´instance of this.¼ ¨ab®do®men© ²/ÚabdEmEn/ ³n ¸1 ´(colloq = ³belly´) part of the body that includes the stomach and bowels. µ¥ ´the illus at µtrunk. ¸2 ´last of the three divisions of an insect, spider, etc. µ¥ ´the illus at µinsect.¼ ¨ab®domi®nal© ²/abÚdomInl/ ³adj ´in, of, for, the abdomen: ³@ pains; an @ belt/operation. µ¥ intestinal.¼ ¨ab®duct© ²/abÚdAkt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´take or lead (esp a woman or child) away unlawfully, by force or fraud. µ¥ kidnap. ¸ab®duc®tion ²/abÚdAk2n/ ³n¼ ¨abeam© ²/EÚbim/ ³adv ´(naut) on a line at a right angle to the length of a ship or aircraft: ³The lighthouse was @ of the ship.¼ ¨abed© ²/EÚbed/ ³adv ´(old use) in bed.¼ ¨ab®er®ra®tion© ²/*abEÚreI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(usu fig) straying away from the right path, from what is normal: ³stealing sth in a moment of @. ¸2 ¶[C] ´instance of this; defect: ³The delay was caused by an @ in the computer. ¸ab®er®rant ²/aÚberEnt/ ³adj ´straying away from what is normal, expected or usual; not true to type.¼ ¨abet© ²/EÚbet/ ³vt µ(-tt-) ¶[VP6A,14] ´(legal) help (sb) (³in ´doing wrong); encourage (vice, crime): ³@ sb in a crime. ·aid and @ sb, ´(legal) be an accomplice in his wrongdoing.¼ ¨abey®ance© ²/EÚbeIEns/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) condition of not being in force or in use for a time: ³The question is in @, ´is suspended, eÔg until more information is obtained. ·fall/go into @, ´(legal) (of a law, rule, custom, etc) be suspended; be no longer observed.¼ ¨ab®hor© ²/EbÚhc(r)/ ³vt µ(-rr-) ¶[VP6A] ´think of with hatred and disgust; detest: ³@ cruelty to animals. ¸@®rence ²/EbÚhorEns ³US: ²-Úhcr-/ ³n ¶[U] ´hatred and disgust: ³hold sth in @rence; his @rence of flattery. ¸@®rent ²/EbÚhorEnt ³US: ²-Úhcr-/ ³adj ´hateful; causing horror (³to ´sb, ³to ´his feelings).¼ ¨abide©1 ²/EÚbñId/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µ@d³) ¸1 ¶[VP3A] ·@ by, ´(formal) be faithful to; keep: ³@ by a promise/decision. I @ by (´colloq "stick to'³) what I said. You'll have to @ by the consequences, ´endure them. (Used only of undesirable consequences.) ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´(esp with ³can't ´or ³couldn't´) ´endure; bear: ³She can't @ that man. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´(liter) wait for: ³@ the event; @ sb's coming. ¸abid®ing ³adj ´(liter) never-ending; lasting.¼ ¨abide©2 ²/EÚbñId/ ³vi (pt,pp µabode ²/EÚbE8d/³) ¶[VP2C] ´(in old or liter use) rest, remain, stay: ³@ at/in a place; @ with sb.¼ ¨abil®ity© ²/EÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(potential) capacity or power (to do sth physical or mental): ³to the best of my @, ´as well as I can. ³I do not doubt your @ to do the work. ¸2 ¶[U] ´cleverness; intelligence: ³a man of great @. ¸3 ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´special natural power to do sth well; talent: ³a man of many abilities.¼ ¨ab initio© ²/*ab IÚnI2IE8/ ³adv ´(Lat) from the beginning.¼ ¨ab®ject© ²/ÚabdZekt/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of conditions) wretched; miserable: ³living in @ poverty. ¸2 ´(of persons, their actions, behaviour) degraded; deserving contempt because cowardly or self-abasing: ³@ behaviour; an @ apology. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸ab®jec®tion ²/abÚdZek2n/ ³n¼ ¨ab®jure© ²/EbÚdZ8E(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) promise or swear solemnly on oath or in public to give up, eÔg a belief, a right, evil ways: ³@ one's religion. ¸ab®jur®ation ²/*abdZ8EÚreI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´abjuring; state of having been @d: ¶[C] ´action of this: ³an abjuration of faith.¼ ¨ab®la®tive© ²/ÚablEtIv/ ³adj, n ´(gram) name of a form in Latin nouns indicating an agent, instrument or cause. ¸the @ case, µ¥ case±1µ(3).¼ ¨ab®laut© ²/Úablñ8t/ ³n ´(ling) systematic vowel changes in verb forms of Indo-European languages (as in ³drive, drove, driven´).¼ ¨ablaze© ²/EÚbleIz/ ³pred adj, adv ¸1 ´on fire, in a blaze: ³set it @. The whole building was soon @. ¸2 ´(fig) shining; bright; excited: ³The streets were @ with lights. Her face was @ with anger.¼ ¨able© ²/ÚeIbl/ ³adj ¸1 ·be @ to do sth, ´have the power, means or opportunity to do sth: ³Shall/Will you be @ to come? You are better @ to do it than I am. µ¥ can±2µ, could. ¸2 µ(-r, -st) ´clever; capable; having or showing knowledge or skill: ³an @ lawyer; an @ speech; the @st/most @ man I know. ¸*@-Úbodied ²/-ÚbodId/ ³adj ´physically strong. ¸*@ Úseaman, *@-*bodied Úseaman ³n ´(GB abbr = ¸AÔB´) seaman trained and certified for all duties. ¸ably ²/ÚeIblI/ ³adv ´in an @ manner.¼ ¨ab®lu®tion© ²/EÚblu2n/ ³n ´(usu ³pl´) (formal) ceremonial washing of the hands or the body, esp as an act of religion: ³perform one's @s, ´(often joc or fac) wash oneself.¼ ¨ab®ne®ga®tion© ²/*abnIÚgeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) self-denial; (often ¸*self-Ú@´) self-sacrifice.¼ ¨ab®nor®mal© ²/abÚncml/ ³adj ´different, often in an undesirable way, from what is normal, ordinary or expected. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ity ²/*abncÚmalEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´quality of being @; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´sth that is @.¼ ¨Abo© ²/ÚabE8/ ³n (pl µAbos³) ´Ï (derog) = µAborigine.¼ ¨aboard© ²/EÚbcd/ ³adv, prep ´on (to) or in(to) a ship, aircraft, or (US) a train or motor-coach: ³It's time to go @. All @! ´(iÔe Go or come @.) ³Welcome @! ´(eÔg as a greeting by a stewardess on an aircraft.)¼ ¨abode©1 ²/EÚbE8d/ ³n ¸1 ´(old or liter use) house; dwelling-place: ³take up one's @ with one's parents-in-law, ´go and live with them. ¸2 ´(legal) ³place of @, ´domicile. ·of/with no fixed @, ´having no fixed dwelling-place.¼ ¨abode©2 ²/EÚbE8d/ ³pt,pp ´of µabide.¼ ¨abol®ish© ²/EÚbolI2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´put an end to, do away with, eÔg war, slavery, an old custom. ¸abol®ition ²/*abEÚlI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ing or being @ed (esp used, in the 18th and 19th cc, of Negro slavery). ¸abol®ition®ist ²/*abEÚlI2EnIst/ ³n ´(esp) person who wished to @ Negro slavery.¼ ¨A-bomb© ²/ÚeI bom/ ³n µ¥ atomic.¼ ¨abom®in®able© ²/EÚbomInEbl/ ³adj ¸1 ´causing hatred and disgust (³to ´sb). ¸2 ´(colloq) unpleasant; bad: ³@ weather/food. ¸@ Úsnowman, ´= µyeti. ¸abom®in®ably ²/-EblI/ ³adv¼ ¨abom®in®ate© ²/EÚbomIneIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,C] ´detest; feel hatred or disgust for; (colloq) dislike. ¸abom®in®ation ²/E*bomIÚneI2n/ ¸1 ¶[U] ´horror and disgust: ³hold sth in abomination. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth that arouses horror and disgust (³to ´sb).¼ ¨abo®rig®inal© ²/*abEÚrIdZEnl/ ³adj ´(of races of people, living creatures, etc) belonging to, existing in, a region from earliest times, or from the time when the region was first known. ¹ ³n ´@ inhabitant, plant, etc of a region. ¸abo®rig®ines ²/*abEÚrIdZEniz/ ³n pl ¸the @, ´the @ inhabitants. ¸Abo®rig®ine ²/*abEÚrIdZEnI/ ³n ´Australian @ person.¼ ¨abort© ²/EÚbct/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´come to nothing; miscarry; terminate prematurely: ³@ a space mission, ´cancel it in space, eÔg because of mechanical trouble.¼ ¨abor®tion© ²/EÚbc2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(legal) expulsion of the foetus from the womb during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy; helping or causing this: ³A@ was formerly a crime in Britain. ¸2 ¶[C] ´instance of this; miscarriage of birth: ³have/procure an @. ¸3 ¶[C] ´creature produced by @; dwarfed or mis-shapen creature; (fig) plan, effort, etc that has failed to develop. ¸@®ist ²/-Ist/ ³n ´person who brings about an @; person who favours and supports legal @.¼ ¨abort®ive© ²/EÚbctIv/ ³adj ´coming to nothing; unsuccessful; arrested in development: ³plans that proved @; an @ rebellion. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨abound© ²/EÚbñ8nd/ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ·@ in/with, ´have, exist, in great numbers or quantities: ³The river @s in fish. Fish @ in the river. The hut @ed with vermin. Vermin @ed in the hut.¼ ¨about©1 ²/EÚbñ8t/ ³adv of degree ´(contrasted with ³just ´or ³exactly´) a little more or less than; a little before or after: ³@ as high as that tree; for @ three miles; @ six o'clock; on or @ the fifth of May. I've had just @ enough ´(colloq understatement for "quite enough'). ³It's @ time you stopped being so rude ´(colloq understatement for "quite time'). ·That's @ (the size of) it, ´(colloq) That is how I assess it, how I see it.¼ ¨about©2 ²/EÚbñ8t/ ³adv part ´(may usu be replaced by ³around ´in µ1, 2 ´and µ3´) ¸1 ´(with ³vv ´of movement) here and there, in no particular direction: ³The children were rushing @. The boys were climbing @ on the rocks. Don't drop cigarette ash @. Don't leave waste paper and empty bottles @ in the park. He's taking Jane @ a lot these days, ´eÔg to dances, cinemas, theatres. ¸2 ´(with other ³vv, ´indicating position, etc): ³There were books lying @ on the floor/people sitting @ on the grass. ¸3 ´(with ³be´): ³There was no one @, ´no one to be seen. ³There's a lot of influenza @, ´many people have it. ·be (out and) @, ´be able to get out, work, etc after eÔg an illness. ·be up and @, ´be out of bed and active. ¸4 ·bring sth @, µ¥ bring(4). ·come @, µ¥ come(11). ¸5 ´facing round; in the opposite direction: ³It's the wrong way @. A@ turn! ´(GB), ³A@ face! ´(US), (mil commands) turn round to face the other way. ¸*@-Úface ³vi ´turn and face the other way. µ¹ ³n ´complete reversal of views, actions, etc: ³He did a complete @-face. ¸6 ´(of two or more persons or groups) ·take turns @; (do sth) turn and turn @, µ¥ turn±1µ(4).¼ ¨about©3 ²/EÚbñ8t/ ³prep ´(may usu be replaced by ³around ´or ³round ´in µ1, 2 ´and µ3´) ¸1 ´(with ³vv ´of movement) here and there, in no particular direction: ³walking @ the town; travelling @ the world. ¸2 ´(with other ³vv, ´indicating position, state, etc): ³idle men standing @ on street corners; books and papers lying @ the room. I haven't any money @ me, ´iÔe with me, in my pockets. ¸3 ´near to: ³I dropped the key somewhere @ here. ¸4 ´concerning; regarding; in connection with: ³He is careless @ his personal appearance. What do you know @ him? What is he so angry @? Tell me all @ it. ·How/What @«, ´used to ask for information, to make a suggestion or to get sb's opinion: ³What @ his qualifications for the position? How @ going to France for our holidays? ¸5 ´concerned or occupied with: ³What are you @? ´(= colloq "up to?'). ³And while you're @ it«, ´while you're doing that«. ³Mind what you're @, ´Be careful what you do. ·go/set @ sth, ´deal with it: ³Do you know how to go @ it, ´deal with the task? ¸6 ´round (which is now more usu preferred): ³the fields @ Oxford. She hung @ his shoulders. He has his wits @ him, µ¥ wit. ¸7 ·@ to + ³inf, ´on the point of (doing sth), just going to (do sth): ³As I was @ to say, when you interrupted me« He was @ to start.¼ ¨above©1 ²/EÚbAv/ ³adv ´(contrasted with ³below±1³, under±1µ(1) ´and ³underneath´) ¸1 ´at a higher point; overhead; on high: ³My bedroom is just @. Seen from @, the fields looked like a geometrical pattern. A voice from @ shouted a welcome. ¸2 ´earlier (in a book, article, etc): ³As was stated @«; See the statement @/the @ statement. ¸3 ´in Heaven: ³the Powers @, ´the heavenly powers. ¸*@ Úboard ³adv ´without deception or concealment; honourably. µ¹ ³pred adj ´frank; open. µ¥ underhand. ¸*@-Úmentioned, *@-Únamed ³adjj ´mentioned, named, @ (or earlier) in this book, article, etc.¼ ¨above©2 ²/EÚbAv/ ³prep ´(contrasted with ³below±2³, under±2 ´and ³underneath´; ´@ may sometimes be replaced by ³over ´or ³beyond´) ¸1 ´higher than: ³The sun rose @ the horizon. We were flying @ the clouds. ´Cf We flew ³over/across ´the Sahara. ³The water came @ our knees. A captain in the Navy ranks @ a captain in the Army. ¸2 ´greater in number, price, weight, etc: ³The temperature has been @ the average recently. There is nothing in this shop @/over fifty cents. It weighs @/over ten tons. Applicants must be @/over the age of 21. ¸3 ´more than: ³A soldier should value honour @ life. ·@ all, ´more than anything else. ·over and @, ´in addition to. ¸4 ´too great, good, difficult, etc for: ³If you want to learn, you must not be @ asking ´(= not be too proud to ask) ³questions. He is @ meanness and deceit, ´does not show meanness or practise deceit. ³This book is @ ´(now more usu ³beyond´) ³me, ´too difficult for me. ¸5 ´out of reach of (because too great, good, etc): ³His heroism was @/beyond all praise. His conduct has always been @ suspicion. ¸6 ´(various uses): ³the waterfall @ ´(= up stream from) ³the bridge; live @/beyond one's means, ´in a style too expensive for one's income; ³be @ oneself, ´in high spirits; ³get @ oneself, ´become conceited, too self-satisfied and lacking in self-control; ³She married @ her station, ´married sb from a higher social class.¼ ¨ab®ra®ca®dabra© ²/*abrEkEÚdabrE/ ³n ¶[U] ´magic jargon; gibberish.¼ ¨abrade© ²/EÚbreId/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´rub or scrape off, wear away (skin, etc) by friction or hard rubbing.¼ ¨ab®rasion© ²/EÚbreIZn/ ³n ¶[U] ´rubbing, scraping, or wearing off; ¶[C] ´area where sth has been worn or scraped away: ³an @ of the skin.¼ ¨ab®ras®ive© ²/EÚbreIsIv/ ³n ¶[U] ´substance (eÔg ³emery´) used for rubbing or grinding down surfaces; ¶[C] ´particular type of @. ´¹ ³adj ´causing abrasion; (fig) harsh, rough: ³an @ voice/character.¼ ¨abreast© ²/EÚbrest/ ³adv ´(of persons, ships, etc) on a level, side by side, and facing the same way: ³walking three @; warships in line @. ·be/keep @ (of/with), ´level with, not behind: ³You should read the newspapers to keep @ of the times, ´to be informed of the latest events, ideas, discoveries, etc.¼ ¨abridge© ²/EÚbrIdZ/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make shorter, esp by using fewer words: ³an @d edition of "David Copperfield'; ´shorten (an interview, the time sth lasts). µ¥ abbreviate. ¸@®ment, abridg®ment ³n ¶[U] ´abridging; ¶[C] ´sth, eÔg a book, that is @d.¼ ¨abroad© ²/EÚbrcd/ ³adv ¸1 ´in or to a foreign country or countries; away from one's own country: ³be/go/live/travel @; visitors who have come from @. Do you like it @/being @? ¸2 ´far and wide; everywhere: ³There's a rumour @ that«, ´People are saying that«. ¸3 ´(old use) out of doors: ³You were @ early this morning.¼ ¨ab®ro®gate© ²/ÚabrEgeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) repeal or annul by authority. ¸ab®ro®ga®tion ²/*abrEÚgeI2n/ ³n¼ ¨abrupt© ²/EÚbrApt/ ³adj ¸1 ´unexpectedly sudden: ³The road is full of @ turns. ¸2 ´(of speech, writing, behaviour) rough; brusque; disconnected: ³a man with an @ manner, ´iÔe rather impolite, gruff, blunt; ³an @ style, ´eÔg of speaking or writing. ¸3 ´(of a slope) steep. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨ab®scess© ²/Úabses/ ³n ¶[C] ´collection of thick yellowish-white liquid (called ³pus´) formed in a cavity in the body: ³@es on the gums.¼ ¨ab®scond© ²/EbÚskond/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (with) (from), ´go away suddenly, secretly, and aware of having done wrong, esp to avoid arrest.¼ ¨ab®sence© ²/ÚabsEns/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´being away (³from´): ³@ from school; during his @ in America, ´while he was there. ³In the @ of the Manager ´(iÔe while he is away) ³Mr X is in charge of the business. ·leave of @, µ¥ leave±2µ(1). ¸2 ¶[C] ´occasion or time of being away: ³numerous @s from school; a long @; after an @ of three months. ¸3 ¶[U] ´lack; non-existence: ³in the @ of definite information. Cold is the @ of heat. ¸4 ·@ of mind, ´absent-mindedness (µ¥ ´below).¼ ¨ab®sent©1 ²/ÚabsEnt/ ³adj ¸1 ·@ (from), ´not present (at): ³@ from school/work. ¸2 ´lost in thought; abstracted: ³When I spoke to him he looked at me in an @ way but did not answer. ¸@®ly ³adv ´(rare) = @-mindedly. ¸*@-Úminded ³adj ´so deep or far away in thought that one is unaware of what one is doing, what is happening around one, etc. ¸@-mind®ed®ly ³adv ¸@-minded®ness ³n¼ ¨ab®sent©2 ²/EbÚsent/ ³vt ¶[VP6B,14] ·@ oneself (from), ´stay away (from): ³Why did you @ yourself (from school) yesterday?¼ ¨ab®sen®tee© ²/*absEnÚti/ ³n ´person who is absent. ¸@ landlord, ´land or house owner who habitually lives away from the place he owns. ¸@®ism ²/-IzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´habitual failure to be present, eÔg the practice of being absent from work or regular duty frequently and without good reason.¼ ¨ab®sinthe©, ab®sinth ²/ÚabsInT/ ³n ¶[U] ´bitter, green alcoholic drink made with wormwood and other herbs.¼ ¨ab®so®lute© ²/ÚabsElut/ ³adj ¸1 ´complete; perfect: ³A child usually has @ trust in its mother. When giving evidence in a law court, we must tell the @ truth. ¸2 ´unlimited; having complete or arbitrary power: ³An @ ruler need not ask anyone for permission to do anything. ¸3 ´real; undoubted: ³It is an @ fact. He must not be punished unless you have @ proof of his guilt. ¸4 ´unconditional; unqualified: ³An @ promise must be kept whatever happens. ¸5 ´not relative; not dependent on or measured by other things. ¸@ zero, ´lowest temperature theoretically possible, = ­273²Ø´15ÄC. µ¥ App 5. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸1 ´completely: ³@ly impossible; @ly right. ¸2 ´unconditionally: ³He refused @ly. ¸3 ²/*absEÚlutlI/ ´(colloq, in answer to a question, or as a comment) quite so; certainly. ¸ab®so®lut®ism ²/*absEÚlutIzEm/ ³n ´(pol) @µ(2) ´government; despotism.¼ ¨ab®sol®ution© ²/*absEÚlu2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´(RÔC Church) freeing (esp by a priest in the sacrament of penance) from the consequences of sin: ³grant, pronounce ³@ from sin. µ¥ penance.¼ ¨ab®solve© ²/EbÚzolv/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (from), ´declare free (from sin, guilt, a promise, duty, etc): ³I @ you from all blame/from your vows.¼ ¨ab®sorb© ²/EbÚscb/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´take or suck in, eÔg a liquid; take in, eÔg heat, light, (fig) knowledge, etc: ³Paper that @s ink is called blotting-paper. Dry sand @s water. The clever boy @ed all the knowledge his teachers could give him. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´use up much of the attention, interest or time of: ³His business @s him. He is completely @ed in his business. He was @ed ³in a book. ¸@®ent ²/-Ent/ ³adj, n ´(substance) capable of @ing: ³@ent cotton wool. ¸ab®sorp®tion ²/EbÚscp2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ing or being @ed; engrossment: ³Complete absorption in sport interferred with his studies.¼ ¨ab®stain© ²/EbÚsteIn/ ³vi ¶[VP3A,2A] ·@ (from), ´hold oneself back, refrain: ³His doctor told him to @ from beer and wine. At the last election he @ed (from voting). ¸@er ³n ´person who @s, esp ³total @er, ´one who never takes alcoholic drinks.¼ ¨ab®stemi®ous© ²/EbÚstimIEs/ ³adj ´sparing or moderate, esp in taking food and drink; frugal: ³@ habits; an @ meal. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨ab®sten®tion© ²/EbÚsten2n/ ³n ¶[U] ·@ (from), ´abstaining, esp not using one's vote at an election, etc; ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³six votes for, three against and two @s.¼ ¨ab®sti®nence© ²/ÚabstInEns/ ³n ¶[U] ·@ (from), ´abstaining, eÔg from food, enjoyment, esp alcoholic drink. ¸*total Ú@, ´refraining completely from alcoholic drink.¼ ¨ab®stract©1 ²/Úabstrakt/ ³adj ¸1 ´separated from what is real or concrete; thought of separately from facts, objects or particular examples: ³A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is @. ¸*@ Úart, ´art which does not represent objects, scenes, etc in an obvious way, but abstracts and isolates features of reality. µ¥ realism(1). ¸*@ Únoun, ´(gram) one that is the name of a quality or state, eÔg ³length, goodness, virtue´. ¸2 ·in the @, ´regarded in an ideal or theoretical way.¼ ¨ab®stract©2 ²/EbÚstrakt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (from), ´take out; separate: ³@ metal from ore; ´(colloq) steal: ³@ a wallet from sb's pocket. ¸@ed ³adj ´not paying attention; withdrawn in thought. ¸@®ed®ly ³adv ´in an absent-minded way.¼ ¨ab®stract©3 ²/Úabstrakt/ ³n ¶[C] ´short account, eÔg of the chief points of a piece of writing, a book, speech, etc: ³an @ of a sermon.¼ ¨ab®strac®tion© ²/EbÚstrak2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´abstracting or being abstracted. ¸2 ¶[U] ´absent-mindedness: ³in a moment of @; with an air of @. ¸3 ¶[C] ´visionary idea; idea of a quality apart from its material accompaniments: ³Whiteness is an @. Don't lose yourself in @s, ´iÔe keep a firm hold on reality. ¸4 ¶[U] ´formation of such an idea or ideas.¼ ¨ab®struse© ²/EbÚstrus/ ³adj ´whose meaning or answer is hidden or difficult to understand; profound. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨ab®surd© ²/EbÚs3d/ ³adj ´unreasonable; foolish; ridiculous: ³What an @ suggestion! It was @ of you to suggest such a thing. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ity ³n ´(³pl µ-ties´) ¸1 ¶[U] ´state of being @; unreasonableness. ¸2 ¶[C] ´@ act or statement.¼ ¨abun®dance© ²/EÚbAndEns/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´great plenty: ³food and drink in @; live in @, ´have plenty of those things that make life enjoyable. ¸2 ´(with ³indef art´) quantity that is more than enough: ³an @ of good things.¼ ¨abun®dant© ²/EÚbAndEnt/ ³adj ¸1 ´more than enough; plentiful: ³We have @ proof of his guilt. ¸2 ·@ in, ´rich in; well supplied with: ³a land @ in minerals ´(³with an abundance of ´or ³abounding in ´are more usu). ¸@®ly ³adv´: ³I've made my views @ly clear.¼ ¨abuse©1 ²/EÚbjus/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ·@ (of), ´wrong use; ¶[C] ´instance of this; ³an @ of trust. ¸2 ¶[C] ´unjust custom or practice that has become established: ³remedy an @; put an end to @s. ¸3 ¶[U] ´angry or violent attack in words; bad language; cursing: ³greet sb with a stream of @; shower @ on sb.¼ ¨abuse©2 ²/EÚbjuz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´make a bad or wrong use of: ³Don't @ your authority/the confidence they have placed in you. ¸2 ´say severe, cruel or unjust things to sb or about sb. ¸3 ´(old use) ill-treat. ¸4 ´(old use, esp in the passive) deceive: ³She has been much @d.¼ ¨abus®ive© ²/EÚbjusIv/ ³adj ´using, containing, insults and curses: ³use @ language to sb; become @, ´begin to insult and curse. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨abut© ²/EÚbAt/ ³vi µ(-tt-) ¶[VP3A] ·@ on, ´(of land) have a common boundary with; border on. ¸@®ment ³n ´(eng) structure that bears the weight of a bridge or an arch.¼ ¨abysm© ²/EÚbIzEm/ ³n ¶[C] ´(poet) abyss.¼ ¨abys®mal© ²/EÚbIzml/ ³adj ´(esp fig and colloq) bottomless; extreme: ³@ ignorance, ´(colloq) complete absence of knowledge. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨abyss© ²/EÚbIs/ ³n ´hole so deep as to appear bottomless: (fig) ³the @ of despair. ¸the @, ´hell, or the lower world.¼ ¨aca®cia© ²/EÚkeI2E/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´(sorts of) tree from which gum is obtained. ¸2 ³(false @ ´or ³locust tree) ´(sorts of) similar tree grown as an ornament in parks and gardens.¼ ¨aca®demic© ²/*akEÚdemIk/ ³adj ¸1 ´of teaching, studying; of schools, colleges, etc; scholarly, literary or classical (contrasted with technical or scientific): ³@ subjects; the @ year, ´(usu Oct to June in GB and US). ¸@ freedom, ´liberty to teach and to discuss problems without outside, eÔg Government, interference. ¸2 ´too much concerned with theory and logic; not sufficiently practical: ³The question/issue is @, ´is of no practical consequence. ¸3 ´of an academy: ³@ rank/costume. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´university teacher; professional scholar. ¸aca®demi®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨aca®dem®icals© ²/*akEÚdemIklz/ ³n pl ´academic costume (cap and gown), as worn on ceremonial occasions.¼ ¨acad®emy© ²/EÚkadEmI/ ³n (pl µ-mies³) ¸1 ´school for higher learning, usu for a special purpose: ³a ·Ú³naval/·Ú³military @; an ·*³@ of ·Ú³music; a ·Ú³riding/·Ú³fencing @. ¸2 ´society of distinguished scholars; society for cultivating art, literature, etc, of which membership is an honour: ³The Royal A@ of Arts. ¸aca®dem®ician ²/E*kadEÚmI2n ³US: ²*akEdEÚmI2n/ ³n ´member of an @µ(2)´, eÔg of the Royal A@ in GB or of the French A@.¼ ¨ac®cede© ²/EkÚsid/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (to), ´(formal) ¸1 ´assent or agree, eÔg to a request or proposal. ¸2 ´take up or succeed to, eÔg an office, a post, a position of authority.¼ ¨ac®cel®er®ando© ²/ak*selEÚrandE8/ ³n, adv, adj ´(music) (direction for) increasing speed gradually. µ¥ rallentando.¼ ¨ac®cel®er®ate© ²/EkÚselEreIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´increase the speed of; cause to move faster or happen earlier. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´(of a motion or process) become faster. ¸ac®cel®er®ation ²/Ek*selEÚreI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´making or being made quicker; rate of increase; of speed per unit of time: ³a car with good acceleration.¼ ¨ac®cel®er®ator© ²/EkÚselEreItE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´device, eÔg the pedal in a car, for controlling speed. µ¥ ´the illus at µmotor. ¸2 ´(phys) device for accelerating particles or nuclei, also called (colloq) an "atom-smasher'.¼ ¨ac®cent© ²/ÚaksEnt ³US: ²Úaksent/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´prominence (by means of stress or intonation) given to a syllable: ³In the word "today' the @ is on the second syllable. ¸2 ´mark or symbol, usu above a letter, used in writing and printing to indicate the quality of a vowel sound or syllabic stress. µ¥ acute(5), circumflex ´and µgrave±3µ. ¸3 ¶[U] ´individual, local or national way of pronouncing: ³a Cockney @; speaking English with a foreign @; speak without an @. ¸4 ³(pl) ´way of speaking which indicates a particular quality, etc: ³in the tender @s of love. ¸5 ´(colloq) emphasis given to some aspect of a display, performance, etc: ³At this year's Motor Show the @ is on sports cars. ´¹ ³vt ²/akÚsent/ ¶[VP6A] ´pronounce with an @; put emphasis on (a syllable or word); make prominent or conspicuous.¼ ¨ac®cen®tu®ate© ²/EkÚsent28eIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´give more force or importance to; draw attention to. ¸ac®cen®tu®ation ²/Ek*sent28ÚeI2n/ ³n¼ ¨ac®cept© ²/EkÚsept/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,9,16B,2A] ¸1 ´(consent to) receive (sth offered): ³@ a gift/an invitation. He asked her to marry him and she @ed him/his proposal. I cannot @ your apology. ¸2 ´agree; recognize; regard with favour or approval: ³I @ that the change may take some time. It is an @ed truth/fact, ´sth that everyone believes. ¸3 ´(comm) take responsibility for: ³@ a bill of exchange; @ delivery of goods. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´worth @ing; welcome: ³if this proposal is @able to you. ¸ac®cepta®bil®ity ²/Ek*septEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¸ac®cept®ance ²/-Ens/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´@ing or being @ed. ¸2 ´approval; favourable reception: ³The proposal met with/found general @ance. ¸3 ´(comm) agreement to pay; (legal) contract, bill of exchange, which has been offered and @ed. ¸ac®cep®ta®tion ²/*aksepÚteI2n/ ³n ´generally @ed meaning of a word or expression.¼ ¨ac®cess© ²/Úakses/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´way (in) to a place: ³easy/difficult of @´; (attrib) ³good @ roads, ´roads giving good @. ³The only @ to the farmhouse is across the fields. ¸Ú@ road, ´= slip-road, µ¥ slip±2µ(10). ¸2 ·@ to, ´right, opportunity or means of reaching, using or approaching: ³Students must have @ to good books. Only high officials had @ to the Emperor. ¸3 ·an @ of, ´(old use) attack (of fever, etc); sudden attack, outburst (of anger, rage, despair, etc). ¸@®ible ²/EkÚsesEbl/ ³adj ·@ (to), ´able to be reached, used, visited, etc: ³facts that are @ible to all; a collection of paintings not @ible to the public; ´that can be influenced by: ³a man who is not @ible to argument. ¸ac®ces®si®bil®ity ²/Ek*sesEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨ac®ces®sary© ²/EkÚsesErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³), pred adj ´(US = ³accessoryµ(1)´) (legal) person who helps in any act, esp a crime: ³an @ to a crime; He was made @ to the crime. ·@ before/after the fact, µ¥ fact(1).¼ ¨ac®ces®sion© ²/akÚse2n/ ³n ·@ to, ¸1 ¶[U] ´reaching a rank, position or state: ³the Queen's @ to the throne; on his @ to the estate/to manhood. ¸2 ¶[U] ´addition; increase; ¶[C] ´example of this: ³recent @s to the school library; the @ of new members to a political party.¼ ¨ac®ces®sory© ²/EkÚsesErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ¸1 ´accessary. ¸2 ´sth extra, helpful, useful, but not an essential part of: ³the accessories of a bicycle, ´eÔg the lamp, a pump; ³the accessories of a woman's dress, ´eÔg gloves, a handbag.¼ ¨ac®ci®dence© ²/ÚaksIdEns/ ³n ¶[U] ´(gram) that part of grammar which deals with meaningful differences in the form of a word, eÔg ³have, has, had; foot, feet, ´etc. The more usu term is now ³morphology. µ¥ syntax.¼ ¨ac®ci®dent© ²/ÚaksIdEnt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´sth that happens without a cause that can be seen at once, usu sth unfortunate and undesirable: ³There have been many railway @s this year. He was killed in a road/motoring @. There has been an @ to« ·A@s will happen, ´(prov) Some unfortunate events must be accepted as inevitable. ·meet with/have an @, ´experience one: ³I had a slight @ on the way to work this morning. ²Ú¸@-prone, µ¥ prone. ¸2 ¶[U] ´chance; fortune: ³by @ of birth. ·by @, ´by chance: ³You might cut yourself by @; you would not cut yourself on purpose. ·without @, ´safely. ¸Ú@ insurance, ´against injury, damage or death which is the result of an @.¼ ¨ac®ci®den®tal© ²/*aksIÚdentl/ ³adj ´happening unexpectedly and by chance: ³an @ meeting with a friend. ¸@®ly ²/-tElI/ ³adv¼ ¨ac®claim© ²/EÚkleIm/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,16B] ´welcome with shouts of approval; applaud loudly: ³@ the winner of a race; @ sb as a great actor. ¸2 ¶[VP23] ´make (sb) ruler, salute (sb) by @ing: ³They @ed him King. ´¹ ³n ¶[U] ´applause; approval: ³The play received great critical @.¼ ¨ac®cla®ma®tion© ²/*aklEÚmeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´loud and enthusiastic approval of a proposal, etc: ³elected/carried by @, ´without voting. ¸2 ´(usu ³pl´) shouts or applause of welcome, acceptance: ³the @s of the crowd.¼ ¨ac®cli®mate© ²/ÚaklImeIt/ ³vt,vi ´(= ³acclimatize´). ¸ac®cli®ma®tion ²/*aklñIÚmeI2n/ ³n¼ ¨ac®cli®mat®ize© ²/EÚklñImEtñIz/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP14,2A] ·@ (to), ´get (oneself, animals, plants, etc) used to a new climate, or (fig) to a new environment, new conditions, etc: ³You will soon get @d. ¸ac®cli®mat®iz®ation ²/E*klñImEtñIÚzeI2n ³US: ²-tIÚz-/ ³n¼ ¨ac®cliv®ity© ²/EÚklIvEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ¶[C] ´upward slope. µ¥ declivity.¼ ¨ac®col®ade© ²/ÚakEleId ³US: ²*akEÚleId/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´bestowal of a knighthood by a tap on the shoulder with the flat of a sword. ¸2 ´(fig) praise; approval: ³the @s of the literary critics.¼ ¨ac®com®mo®date© ²/EÚkomEdeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ¸1 ´have, provide, lodging for: ³This hotel can @ 600 guests. ¸2 ·@ sb (with sth), ´grant sth to sb; do sb a favour: ³The bank will @ you with a loan. ¸3 ·@ sth to, ´change sth so that it fits with or is in harmony with (sth else): ³I will @ my plans to yours. ¸ac®com®mo®dat®ing ³adj ´willing to oblige others; easy to deal with.¼ ¨ac®com®mo®da®tion© ²/E*komEÚdeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(GB) furnished, unfurnished room(s), eÔg in a flat, house, hostel or in a hotel, etc: ³Wanted, @ for a married couple with small child, in London, ´eÔg as in a newspaper advertisement. ³Hotel @ was scarce during the Olympic Games. ¸2 ´(³pl, ´US) lodgings; room(s) and food. ¸3 ¶[C] ´sth that helps; sth for convenience: ¸an Ú@ ladder, ´(attrib) a portable one hung from the side of a ship. ¸4 ¶[U] ´(formal) compromise; settlement or adjustment (of one thing ³to ´another); ¶[C] ´example of this: ³come to an @, ´reach a compromise, eÔg in a dispute. µ¥ agreement.¼ ¨ac®com®pani®ment© ²/EÚkAmpEnImEnt/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´sth that naturally or often goes with another thing: ³Disease is often an @ of famine. ¸2 ´(music) (usu) instrumental part to support a voice, choir or solo instrument: ³a song with a piano @. ¸ac®com®pan®ist ²/EÚkAmpEnIst/ ³n ´person who plays a musical @.¼ ¨ac®com®pany© ²/EÚkAmpEnI/ ³vt (pt,pp µ-nied³) ¶[VP6A,14] ¸1 ´go with: ³Warships will @ the convoy across the Atlantic. He was accompanied by his secretary. ¸2 ´attend; characterize: ³fever accompanied with delirium; lightning accompanied with thunder. ¸3 ´occur or do at the same time as: ³@ one's words with blows. ¸4 ´(music) play an accompaniment to: ³The singer was accompanied at the piano by Gerald Moore.¼ ¨ac®com®plice© ²/EÚkAmplIs ³US: ²EÚkom-/ ³n ¶[C] ´helper or companion (³in, ´esp, wrongdoing).¼ ¨ac®com®plish© ²/EÚkAmplI2 ³US: ²EÚkom-/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´perform; succeed in doing; finish successfully: ³@ a task; a man who will never @ anything. ·an @ed fact, ´sth already done. ¸@ed ³adj ´clever; skilled (³in´): ³an @ed dancer; ´well trained or educated in such social arts as conversation, art and music: ³an @ed young lady. ¸@®ment ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´completion; finishing: ³the @ment of their aims; difficult of @ment. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth @ed, esp sth well done. ¸3 ¶[C] ´skill in a social or domestic art: ³Among her @ments were dancing, playing the piano, sewing and cooking.¼ ¨ac®cord©1 ²/EÚkcd/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ·of one's own @, ´without being asked or forced; willingly. ·in/out of @ (with), ´in/out of harmony (with), agreeing/not agreeing with. ·with one @, ´everybody consenting. ¸2 ¶[C] ´treaty, agreement (³between ´countries; ³with ´a country).¼ ¨ac®cord©2 ²/EÚkcd/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,2C,3A] ·@ (with), ´match, agree (with); be in agreement or harmony (with): ³His behaviour and his principles do not @ (well together). His behaviour does not @ with his principles. What you say does not @ with the previous evidence. ¸2 ¶[VP13A,12A] ´(formal style) give; grant: ³@ sb permission; @ permission to sb. He was @ed a warm welcome.¼ ¨ac®cord®ance© ²/EÚkcdEns/ ³n ·in @ with, ´in agreement or conformity with: ³in @ with your wishes; in @ with custom/the regulations.¼ ¨ac®cord®ing as© ²/EÚkcdIG az/ ³conj ´in proportion as; in a manner that depends upon: ³You will be praised or blamed @ as your work is good or bad.¼ ¨ac®cord®ing to© ²/EÚkcdIG tE/ ³prep ¸(a) ´on the authority of: ³A@ to the Bible, God created the world in six days. ¸(b) ´in a degree in proportion to: ³He will be punished @ to the seriousness of his crime. ¸(c) ´in a manner consistent with: ³The books are placed on the shelves @ to authors. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸1 ´for that reason; therefore. ¸2 ´as the (stated) circumstances suggest: ³I have told you the circumstances, so you must act @ly.¼ ¨ac®cord®ion© ²/EÚkcdIEn/ ³n ´(also ¸piano @ ´) portable musical instrument with a bellows, metal reeds and a keyboard; (attrib) having narrow folds like the bellows of an @: ³@ pleats in a skirt.¼ ¨ac®cost© ²/EÚkost ³US: ²EÚkcst/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´go up to and speak to first, esp a stranger in a public place; (of a prostitute) solicit: ³I was @ed by a beggar/a prostitute.¼ ¨ac®couche®ment© ²/EÚku2moG/ ³n ´(F) lying in; confinement; childbirth. µ¥ ³lie in ´at µlie±2µ(1).¼ ¨ac®count©1 ²/EÚkñ8nt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´(comm) statement of money (to be) paid or received (for goods, services, etc): ³I have an @ with the Midland Bank, ´keep my money with that Bank, pay my debts, etc by means of cheques from that Bank, etc. ·open an @; open a bank/post office, etc @, ´start to keep one's money at a bank, etc. ³ask a shop/shopkeeper/store to ·put sth down to one's @, ´ask him to note the price of what is bought, for payment later. ·settle one's @ (with), ´pay what one owes (to a tradesman, etc); (fig) avenge oneself for an injury, etc. ·send in/render an @, ´send a written statement of what is owed. Hence, ¸*@ Úrendered, ´an @ previously sent in but not yet paid. ·balance/square @s (with sb), ´receive or pay the difference between debit and credit; (fig) remove moral grievances between people by giving or taking punishment. ¸Úbudget @, ´(with a shop) one used for buying goods, paying bills, etc by making regular payments to the shop; (with a bank) special @ with a bank which makes regular deductions for bills paid. ¸Úcurrent @, deÚposit @, Újoint @, Úprivate @, Úsavings @, µ¥ current±1µ(3), deposit±1µ(1), joint±2µ, private(1) ´and µsave±1µ(2). ¸2 ´(archaic) counting; calculation. ·money of @, ´used of sums of money, not of coins or banknotes. µ¥ guinea. ¸3 ³(sing ´only³) ´benefit; profit: ³invest one's money to good @. ·turn/put sth to (good) @, ´use money, abilities, talent, etc profitably: ³He turned/put his knowledge of Spanish to good @. ·work on one's own @, ´for one's own purposes and profit, and at one's own risk. ¸4 ¶[U] ·call/bring sb to @, ´require him to justify or explain his conduct; state that he is answerable for sth. ¸5 ¶[C] ·give a good @ of oneself, ´do well; act in a way that brings credit, eÔg by defeating opponents in contests. ¸6 ¶[C] ´report; description; narrative: ³Don't always believe newspaper @s of events. ·by one's own @, ´according to what one oneself says. ·by/from all @s, ´according to what everybody, all the papers, etc say. ¸7 ¶[U] ´estimation. ·be (reckoned) of some/small @, ´be (considered) of some/low value. ·take sth into @; take @ of sth, ´note or consider it; pay attention to it. ·leave sth out of @, take no @ of sth, ´pay no attention to it. ¸8 ¶[U] ´reason; cause. ·on @ of, ´because of. ·on this/that @, ´for this/that reason: ³He's angry on that @. Don't stay away on @ of John/on John's @. ·on no @; not on any @, ´in no case; not for any reason: ³Don't on any @ leave the baby alone in the house.¼ ¨ac®count©2 ²/EÚkñ8nt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ¸(a) ´serve as an explanation of; explain the cause of: ³His illness @s for his absence. Ah, that @s for it! He has been asked to @ for his conduct, ´explain why he acted as he did. ·There's no @ing for tastes, ´We cannot explain why people have different likes and dislikes. ¸(b) ´give a reckoning of (money that has been entrusted to one): ³The boy has to @ (to his parents) for the money they give him for school expenses. ¸(c) ´destroy; kill; capture: ³We @ed for a fine brace of partridges. ¸2 ¶[VP25] ´consider: ³In English law a man is @ed innocent until he is proved guilty. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ·@able (to sb) (for sth), ´responsible; expected to give an explanation: ³I'll hold you @able. A madman is not @able for his actions.¼ ¨ac®count®ancy© ²/EÚkñ8ntEnsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´profession of an accountant.¼ ¨ac®count®ant© ²/EÚkñ8ntEnt/ ³n ¶[C] ´(in GB) person whose profession is to keep and examine business accounts±1´. ¸chartered @, ´(abbr ¸CÔA´) µ¥ charter ³vµ(1) ´(US = ¸certified public @, ´abbr ¸CÔPÔA´).¼ ¨ac®coutre®ments© ´(US = ¸ac®cou®ter®ments´) ²/EÚkutEmEnts/ ³n pl ´equipment; trappings; (mil) soldier's kit excluding clothes and weapons.¼ ¨ac®credit© ²/EÚkredIt/ ³vt ¶[VP14] ´(usu passive) ¸1 ´appoint or send (sb) as an ambassador, with official letters of introduction: ³He was @ed to/at Lisbon. ¸2 ´= µcredit±2´. ¸@ed ³part adj ´officially recognized (person); generally accepted (belief, opinion, etc); ´guaranteed to be of an approved quality.¼ ¨ac®cretion© ²/EÚkri2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´increase by organic addition or growth; the growing of separate things into one. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth added; sth resulting from @.¼ ¨ac®crue© ²/EÚkru/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (to sb) (from sth), ´come as a natural growth or development: ³If you keep your money in the Savings Bank, interest @s. A@d interest is interest due, but not yet paid or received.¼ ¨ac®cu®mu®late© ²/EÚkjumj8leIt/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make or become greater in number or quantity; come or gather together; heap up: ³By buying ten books every month, he soon @d a library. Dust soon @s if the rooms are not swept. By working hard you may @ a fortune.¼ ¨ac®cu®mu®la®tion© ²/E*kjumj8ÚleI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´accumulating; collection: ³the @ of money/useful knowledge. ¸2 ¶[C] ´material, etc accumulated: ³an @ of books/evidence/rubbish. ¸ac®cu®mu®lat®ive ²/EÚkjumj8lEtIv ³US: ²-leItIv/ ³adj ´arising from @; growing by a succession of additions.¼ ¨ac®cu®mu®la®tor© ²/EÚkjumj8leItE(r)/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´(GB) storage battery, eÔg for a motor vehicle: ³charge/discharge/an @, ´cause a current to flow into/out of it. ¸2 ´(in a computer) device which stores numbers and progressively adds numbers.¼ ¨ac®cu®rate© ²/ÚakjErEt/ ³adj ¸1 ´careful and exact: ³be @ in one's work/in what one says; quick and @ at figures; take @ aim. ¸2 ´free from error: ³@ scales. Clocks in railway stations should be @. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸ac®cu®racy ²/ÚakjErEsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´exactness; correctness.¼ ¨ac®cursed© ²/EÚk3sId/, ±ac®curst ²/EÚk3st/ ³adj ´(poetic) under a curse; detestable; hateful.¼ ¨ac®cu®sa®tion© ²/*akjuÚzeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´accusing or being accused. ¸2 ¶[C] ´charge of doing wrong, of having broken the law: ³bring an @ of theft against sb; be under an @ of theft.¼ ¨ac®cus®ative© ²/EÚkjuzEtIv/ ³adj, n ´(gram) (of the) form of a word when it is the direct object of a verb or preposition. ¸the @ case, µ¥ case±1µ(3).¼ ¨ac®cuse© ²/EÚkjuz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (of sth), ´say that (sb) has done wrong, broken the law, is to be blamed: ³@ sb of theft/cowardice; be @d of sth. ¸the @d, ´the person(s) charged in a criminal case. ¸ac®cuser ³n ¸ac®cus®ing®ly ²/EÚkjuzIGlI/ ³adv ´in an accusing manner: ³He pointed accusingly at me.¼ ¨ac®cus®tom© ²/EÚkAstEm/ ³vt ¶[VP14] ·@ (oneself) to, ´make used to: ³When he became a soldier, he had to @ himself to long marches. ·become/be @ed to, ´become/be used to: ³The boy soon became @ed to hard work and poor food. This is not the kind of treatment I am @ed to, ´not the kind I usually receive. ¸@ed ³part adj ´usual; habitual: ³in his @ed seat.¼ ¨ace© ²/eIs/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´the one on dice, on (playing-)cards or dominoes (¥ these words); card so marked: ³the @ of spades. ·an ace in the hole, ´(US sl, from the game of poker) sth held in reserve, likely to turn failure into success. ¸2 ´(colloq) person who is first-rate or expert at sth, esp an airman or a driver of racing cars. ¸3 ·within an ace of, ´failing, escaping, by a narrow margin: ³within an ace of death/of being killed.¼ ¨acerb®ity© ²/EÚs3bEtI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(formal) bitterness of speech, manner, temper. ¸2 ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´instance of this; bitter remark, etc.¼ ¨acetic© ²/EÚsitIk/ ³adj ´of vinegar or @ acid. ¸*@ Úacid, ´the acid contained in vinegar. ¸acet®ate ²/ÚasIteIt/ ³n ´salt of @ acid: ³acetate silk, ´artificial silk made from cellulose acetate.¼ ¨acety®lene© ²/EÚsetIlin/ ³n ¶[U] ´(chem) colourless gas (¸C¶c¸H¶c´) which burns with a bright light, used in carbide lamps and for welding and cutting metal. µ¥ oxyacetylene.¼ ¨ache© ²/eIk/ ³n ¶[C] ³(sing, ´with or without the ³def art³) ´dull continuous pain: ³have @s and pains all over. ´(@ ´is only combined with ³back, ear, head, heart, stomach, tummy ´and ³tooth, ´as in ³back@. ´For other parts of the body ³a pain/@ in my/his/the foot, etc ´is used): ³have a ²Ú³head@; suffer from ²Ú³back@s/from (the) ²Ú³tooth @. ¸Úheart@, µ¥ heart(7). ´¹ ³vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´have a steady or continuous dull pain: ³My head @s/is aching. After climbing the mountain, he @d all over. It makes my heart @, ´makes me sad. ¸2 ¶[VP3A,4A] ·@ (for), ´have a longing: ³His heart @ed for her. He was aching for home. He @d to be free.¼ ¨achieve© ²/EÚt2iv/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´complete; accomplish; get (sth) done: ³He will never @ anything, ´will not do anything successfully. ³I've @d only half of what I hoped to do. ¸2 ´gain or reach by effort: ³@ one's purpose; @ success/distinction in public life. ¸achiev®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be @d. ¸@®ment ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´achieving: ³the @ment of an undertaking/of one's aims; impossible of @ment; an @ment test ´(of skills, etc). ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth @d; sth done successfully, with effort and skill: ³The inventor was rewarded by the Government for his scientific @ments.¼ ¨Achilles© ²/EÚkIliz/ ³n ¸the heel of @; @' heel, ´(fig) small but weak or vulnerable point, eÔg in sb's character: ³Spelling is my @' heel.¼ ¨acid©1 ²/ÚasId/ ³adj ¸1 ´sour; sharp to the taste: ³A lemon is an @ fruit. Vinegar has an @ taste. ¸Ú@ drops, ´sweets of boiled sugar with an @ flavour. ¸2 ´(fig) sharp; sarcastic: ³an @ wit; @ remarks.¼ ¨acid©2 ²/ÚasId/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(chem) substance that contains hydrogen, which may be replaced by a metal to form a salt: ³Vinegar contains acetic @. H¶c³SO¶e ³stands for sulphuric @; ¶[C] ´example of this: ³Some @s burn holes in wood and cloth. ¸@ test ³n ´(fig) test that gives conclusive proof of the value or worth of sth. ¸2 ¶[U] ´(sl) ¸LÔSÔD´. µ¥ App 2. ¸@®ify ²/EÚsIdIfñI/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µ-fied³) ¶[VP6A,2] ´make or become @. ¸@®ity ²/EÚsIdEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´state or quality of being @. ¸@ic ²/EÚsIdIk/ ³adj ¸@u®lated ²/EÚsIdj8leatId ³US: ²-IdZ8l-/ ³adj ´made slightly @. ¸@u®lous ²/EÚsIdj8lEs ³US: ²-dZ8l-/ ³adj ´sour in feeling or manner; sharp; bitter.¼ ¨ack-ack© ²/*ak Úak/ ³n ´(mil sl) anti-aircraft gun/fire, etc.¼ ¨ac®knowl®edge© ²/EkÚnolIdZ/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,C,9A,24A] ´confess; admit the truth, existence or reality of: ³He refused to @ defeat/that he was defeated. He would not @ his mistake. He won't @ himself beaten. He @d having been frightened. Does he @ the signature, ´agree or admit that it is his? ¶[VP25] ´(liter style): ³We praise thee, O God, we @ Thee to be the Lord. ¶[VP16B] ³Stephen @d Henry as his heir, ´recognized his claim to be heir. ¶[VP25] ³They all @d him master, ´agreed that he was their master. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´report that one has received (sth): ³@ (receipt of) a letter. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´express thanks for: ³We must not fail to @ his services to the town. We should always @ gifts promptly. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´indicate that one recognizes (sb) by giving a greeting, a smile, a nod of the head, etc: ³I passed her in the street but she didn't even @ me when I smiled. ¸@®ment, ac®knowl®edg®ment ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´act of acknowledging: ³We are sending you a small sum of money in @ment of your valuable help. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth given or done to @ sth: ³We have had no @ment of our letter, ´no reply. ³This basket of fruit is a slight @ment of your kindness.¼ ¨acme© ²/ÚakmI/ ³n ¸the @, ´summit; highest point of development; point of perfection: ³the @ of his desires/skill.¼ ¨acne© ²/ÚaknI/ ³n ¶[U] ´disease (common among adolescents) in which there are pimples and blackheads on the face and neck.¼ ¨aco®lyte© ²/ÚakElñIt/ ³n ´person who helps a priest in some religious services, esp the celebration of Mass.¼ ¨ac®on®ite© ²/ÚakEnñIt/ ³n ´(bot) (sorts of) plant with blue or purple flowers; monkshood; drug from the dried poisonous root of one of these kinds, used to slow down the action of the heart.¼ ¨acorn© ²/ÚeIkcn/ ³n ´seed or fruit of the oak tree. µ¥ ´the illus at µtree. ¸Ú@-cup ³n ´cuplike holder of an @.¼ ¨acous®tic© ²/EÚkustIk/ ³adj ´of sound, the science of sound and the sense of hearing. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´studio, hall, etc from the consideration of its @s (µ¥ 2 ´below): ³Try recording the music in a better @. ¸acous®tics ³n ¸1 ´(with ³sing v´) the scientific study of sound. ¸2 ´(with ³pl v´) the physical properties of sound; the properties of a hall, etc, that make it good, poor, etc for hearing music, speeches, etc: ³The @s of the new concert hall are excellent.¼ ¨ac®quaint© ²/EÚkweInt/ ³vt ¶[VP14] ¸1 ·@ sb/oneself with, ´make familiar with, reveal to: ³@ sb with the facts of the case; @ oneself/become @ed/make oneself @ed with one's new duties. ¸2 ·be @ed (with sb), ´have met (sb) personally: ³I am not @ed with the lady. We are not @ed.¼ ¨ac®quaint®ance© ²/EÚkweIntEns/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´knowledge or information gained through experience: ³He has some @ with German, but does not speak it fluently. ·have a bowing/nodding @ with, ´have some @ with (a person, a subject). ·make sb's @, make the @ of sb, ´get to know sb, eÔg by being introduced. ·(up)on (further) @, ´when known for a (further) period of time. ¸2 ¶[C] ´person with whom one is acquainted; person whom one knows (less intimately than a friend): ³He has a wide circle of @s. ¸3 ´(older English, collective): ³He has a wide @, ´many @s. ¸@®ship ²/-2Ip/ ³n ´(circle of) @sµ(2)´.¼ ¨ac®quiesce© ²/*akwIÚes/ ³vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´agree; accept silently or without protest. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ in, ´accept an arrangement, a conclusion, etc without protest: ³Her parents will never @ in such an unsuitable marriage. ¸ac®qui®es®cence ²/*akwIÚesns/ ³n ´(act of) acquiescing. ¸ac®qui®es®cent ²/-Úesnt/ ³adj ´disposed to @.¼ ¨ac®quire© ²/EÚkwñIE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´gain by skill or ability, by one's own efforts or behaviour: ³@ a good knowledge of English/a reputation for dishonesty/a taste for brandy. ·an @d taste, ´one that comes when one has experimented with sth and, in the end, comes to like it: ³Retsina (´= the resin-flavoured Gk wine³) is an @d taste for British people. ¸@®ment ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´acquisition (now the more usu word). ¸2 ¶[C] ´accomplishmentµ(3) ´(now the more usu word).¼ ¨ac®qui®si®tion© ²/*akwIÚzI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´acquiring: ³He devotes his time to the @ of knowledge. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth acquired: ³my most recent @s, ´eÔg books I have bought recently. ³Mr A will be a valuable @ to ´(= a valuable new member of) ³the teaching staff of our school.¼ ¨ac®quis®itive© ²/EÚkwIzEtIv/ ³adj ´fond of, in the habit of, acquiring: ³@ of new ideas. ¸the @ society, ´that values the possession of more and more material things.¼ ¨ac®quit© ²/EÚkwIt/ ³vt µ(-tt-) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (of/on sth), ´give a legal decision that (sb) is not guilty, eÔg of an offence: ³He was @ted of the crime/@ted on two of the charges. ¸2 ¶[VP16B] ´conduct (oneself): ³He @ted himself well/like a hero. ¸@®tal ²/EÚkwItl/ ³n ¶[U] ´judgement that a person is not guilty: ³a sentence of @tal; ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³three convictions and two @tals.¼ ¨acre© ²/ÚeIkE(r)/ ³n ¶[C] ´measure of land, 4Ô840 sq yds or about 4Ô000 sq metres. ¸God's @, ´churchyard (for burials). ¸@®age ²/ÚeIkErIdZ/ ³n ¶[U] ´area of land measured in @s: ³What is the @age of the London parks?¼ ¨ac®rid© ²/ÚakrId/ ³adj ´(of smell or taste) sharp; biting: ³the @ smell of burning feathers; ´(fig) bitter in temper or manner.¼ ¨ac®ri®mony© ²/ÚakrImEnI ³US: ²-mE8nI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) bitterness of temper, manner, language. ¸ac®ri®moni®ous ²/*akrIÚmE8nIEs/ ³adj ´(of arguments, quarrels, words) bitter.¼ ¨ac®ro®bat© ²/ÚakrEbat/ ³n ´person who can perform difficult or unusual physical acts with skill, eÔg on a tightrope or trapeze. ¸@ic ²/*akrEÚbatIk/ ³adj ´of or like an @: ³@ic feats. ¸@®ics ³n pl ´(used with ³sing v´) @ic tricks or feats: ³aircraft @ics.¼ ¨ac®ro®nym© ²/ÚakrEnIm/ ³n ¶[C] ´word formed from the initial letters of a name, eÔg ¸NÔAÔSÔA ²/ÚnasE/´, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. µ¥ App 2.¼ ¨acrop®olis© ²/EÚkropElIs/ ³n ´fortified part of a Gk city in ancient times, esp ¸the A@, ´that of Athens.¼ ¨across©1 ²/EÚkros ³US: ²EÚkrcs/ ³adv ´(used with ³vv ´in the senses of the ³prep´): ³Can you swim @? Will you row me @? I helped the blind man @. Come @ to my office this afternoon. The river is half a mile @, ´= wide. ·@ from, ´(US) opposite: ³The bank is just @ from the school.¼ ¨across©2 ²/EÚkros ³US: ²EÚkrcs/ ³prep ¸1 ´from one side to the other side of: ³walk @ the street; draw a line @ a sheet of paper; a bridge @ the river; row sb @ a lake. ·*@-the-Úboard, ´including all groups, members, etc esp in an occupation or industry: ³an @-the-board wage increase. ¸2 ´on the other side of: ³My house is just @ the street. We shall soon be @ the Channel. He addressed me from @ the room. ¸3 ´so as to form a cross; so as to cross or intersect: ³He sat with his arms @ his chest. The two lines pass @ each other at right angles. ¸4 ´(with ³vv´) µ¥ come(15), drop±2µ(13), get(17), put±1µ(11) ´and µrun±1µ(28).¼ ¨acros®tic© ²/EÚkrostIk ³US: ²-Úkrcs-/ ³n ´word puzzle, word arrangement, in which the first, or the first and last, letters of the lines make a word or words.¼ ¨acryl®ic© ²/EÚkrIlIk/ ³n ´(comm) ¸*@ Úfibre, ´(kinds of) synthetic fibre used for making dress materials, etc. ¸*@ Úresin, ´(kinds of) transparent colourless plastic widely used in industry, eÔg for plastic lenses, aircraft windows.¼ ¨act©1 ²/akt/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´sth done: ³To kick a cat is a cruel act. It is an act of kindness to help a blind man across the street. ¸Acts (of the Apostles), ´(NÔT) accounts of the missionary work of the Apostles. ¸2 ´process of, instant of, doing; action. ·(catch sb) in the (very) act (of doing sth), ´while performing the action: ³The thief was caught in the act of breaking into the house. In the act of ´(= While) ³picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. ¸Act of God, ´sth which is the result of uncontrollable natural forces, eÔg storms, floods, earthquakes. µ¥ ´also µgrace(3). ¸3 ´law made by a legislative body: ³an Act of Parliament: the Acts of Congress.$¸4 ´main division of a play: ³a play in five acts; Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3. µ¥ scene(5). ¸5 ´one of a series of short performances in a programme: ³a circus/variety act. ¸6 ´(colloq) pretence: ³Don't take him seriouslyÅit's just an @. ·put on an act, ´(colloq) pretend; behave in an affected way (to get one's own way, etc).¼ ¨act©2 ²/akt/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,3A] ´perform actions, do sth: ³The time for talking is past; we must act at once. The girl's life was saved because the doctors acted so promptly. You have acted ´(= behaved) ³generously. ·act (up)on ³(a suggestion/sb's advice/an order), ´do what is suggested, advised, etc. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,3A] ´do what is required; function normally: ³The brakes wouldn't act, so there was an accident. The pump is not acting well, ´not performing its proper function. ·act (up)on, ´have an effect (up)on: ³This medicine acts on the heart/the bowels. ¸3 ¶[VP2A,C,3A] ´perform in a professional or official capacity: ³The police refused to act, ´would not interfere. ·act as, ´be, perform, as an interpreter, mediator, etc. ·act for/on behalf of, ´represent (sb) as a solicitor, barrister in a legal case: ³A solicitor acts for his clients. ¸4 ¶[VP2A,C,6A] ´take part in a play on the stage; take the part of, eÔg a character in a play or cinema film, or in real life: ³Who is acting (the part of) Hamlet? She acts well. Don't act the fool/ass/idiot, ´don't behave foolishly. ³Browning's plays won't act, ´are not suitable for the stage. ³She's not really crying; she's only acting ´(= pretending) ³in order to gain your sympathy. ¶[VP15B] ·act sth out, ´perform actions which represent, and may help to release, the fears, inhibitions, etc of a neurotic person. ·act Úup, ´(colloq) behave badly so as to attract attention; cause pain, irritation, annoyance by functioning badly: ³My leg/car/TÔV, etc has been acting ´(now more usu ³playing´) ³up all week.¼ ¨act®ing© ²/ÚaktIG/ ³adj ´doing the duties of another person for a time: ³The A@ Manager/Headmaster; A@ Captain. ´¹ ³n ¶[U] ´(art of) performing in a play for the theatre, cinema, TÔV, etc: ³She did a lot of @ while she was at college. ¸Ú@ copy, ´(of a script) one for the use of an actor or actress.¼ ¨ac®tin®ism© ²/ÚaktInIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´property of light rays that produces chemical activity and changes (as in photographic films). ¸ac®tinic ²/akÚtInIk/ ³adj ´of @: ³actinic rays, ´component of the sun's radiation.¼ ¨ac®tion© ²/Úak2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´process of doing things; movement; (way of) using energy, influence, etc: ³The time has come for @, ´We must act now. ³A man of @ is not content just to talk. ·bring/call sth into @, ´cause it to operate. ·put/set sth in @, ´cause it to start acting. ·put sth out of @, ´stop it working; make it unfit for use. ·take @, ´begin to act. ¸Ú@ painting, ´form of abstract painting in which paint is splashed, dribbled, etc on to the canvas. ¸2 ¶[C] ´thing done; act: ³We shall judge you by your @s, not by your promises. She is impulsive in her @s, ´does things impulsively. ·A@s speak louder than words, ´Doing sth is more convincing than talking about it. ¸3 ¶[C] ¸(a) ´mechanism of a piano, gun or other instrument. ¸(b) ´manner of bodily movement, eÔg of a horse when jumping, of an athlete. ¸4 ¶[C] ´legal process. ·bring an @ against sb, ´seek judgement against him in a law court. ¸5 ¶[U] ´fighting between bodies of troops, between warships, etc: ³go into @, ´start fighting; ³killed in @. ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³break off the @, ´stop fighting. ¸Ú@ stations, ´(mil) positions to which soldiers, etc go when fighting is expected to begin. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´giving just cause for legal @.¼ ¨ac®ti®vate© ²/ÚaktIveIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make active; (chem) accelerate a reaction in, eÔg by heat; (phys) cause radiation from. ¸ac®ti®va®tion ²/*aktIÚveI2n/ ³n¼ ¨ac®tive© ²/ÚaktIv/ ³adj ¸1 ´doing things; able to do things; in the habit of doing things; energetic; characterized by activity: ³He's over 90 and not very @. A boy with an @ brain will be more successful than a dull boy. Mount Vesuvius is an @ volcano, ´is one that erupts. ³She has an @ ´(= lively) ³imagination. He takes an @ part in school affairs. ·on @ service, ´(Navy, Army, Air Force) (GB) engaged in actual military service, esp in fighting during a war; (US) on full duty, not in the reserves. ·under @ consideration, ´being considered or canvassed. ¸2 ´(gram) ¸the @ (voice), (a) ´form of a ³v phrase ´not containing ³be + pp, ´as in: ³He was driving. ´Cf ³He was being driven. µ¥ passive. ¸(b) ´sentence containing a ³vt ´in which the ³n ´or ³pron ´preceding the ³v, ´and agreeing with it (the grammatical subject), refers to the doer of the action, iÔe the agent: ³The children finished the cake ´(active). ´Cf ³The cake was finished by the children ´(passive). ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ac®tiv®ist© ²/ÚaktIvIst/ ³n ¶[C] ´person taking an active part, eÔg in a political movement.¼ ¨ac®tiv®ity© ²/akÚtIvEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´being active or lively: ³When a man is over 70, his time of full @ is usually past. ¸2 ¶[C] ´thing (to be) done; occupation: ³Classroom activities are things done by pupils in the classroom; outdoor activities are things done outside. My numerous activities leave me little leisure.¼ ¨ac®tor© ²/ÚaktE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´man who acts on the stage, TÔV or in films. ¸2 ´person who takes part in a notable event, etc.¼ ¨ac®tress© ²/Úaktrs/ ³n ´woman actor(1).¼ ¨ac®tual© ²/Úakt28El/ ³adj ´existing in fact; real: ³It's an @ fact; I haven't invented or imagined it. Can you give me the @ figures, ´the real figures, not an estimate or a guess? ³What is the @ position of affairs? ¸@®ly ²/Úakt28lI/ ³adv ¸1 ´in @ fact; really: ³the political party @ly in power. He looks honest, but @ly he's a rogue. ¸2 ´strange or surprising as it may seem: ³He @ly expected me to do his work for him! He not only ran in the race; he @ly won it! ¸@®ity ²/*akt28ÚalEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´@ existence; reality. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(usu ³pl´) ´@ conditions or facts; realities.¼ ¨ac®tu®ary© ²/Úakt28ErI ³US: ²-t28erI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´expert who calculates insurance premiums (by studying rates of mortality, frequency of fires, thefts, accidents, etc). ¸ac®tu®ar®ial ²/*akt28ÚeErIEl/ ³adj ´of an @ or his work.¼ ¨ac®tu®ate© ²/Úakt28eIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) cause to act: ³A great statesman is @d by love of his country, not by love of power.¼ ¨acu®ity© ²/EÚkjuEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) acuteness.¼ ¨acu®men© ²/EÚkjumen/ ³n ¶[U] ´sharpness and accuracy of judgement; ability to understand clearly: ³business @.¼ ¨acu®punc®ture© ²/Úakj8pAGkt2E(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´(med) pricking or puncturing of the living tissues of the human body with fine needles to cure diseise, to relieve pain and as a local anaesthetic.¼ ¨acute© ²/EÚkjut/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of the senses, sensations, intellect) keen, sharp, quick: ³Dogs have an @ sense of smell. Our anxiety became more @. He felt @ remorse for his wrongdoing. A bad tooth can cause @ pain. He is an @ observer. ¸2 ´(of diseases) coming sharply to a crisis: ³The patient has reached the @ stage of the disease, ´the brief period during which the disease is severe and at a turning point. ³Pneumonia is an @ disease, ´one that comes quickly to a turning-point. µ¥ chronic. ¸3 ´(of sounds) high; shrill. ¸4 @ angle, ´angle of less than 90Ä. µ¥ ´the illus at µangle. ¸5 @ accent, ´mark over a vowel (_Î), as over ³e ´in ³caf_e. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨ad© ²/ad/ ³n ¶[C] ´(colloq abbr for) advertisement: ³"Want ads', ´in newspapers, etc.¼ ¨ad®age© ²/ÚadIdZ/ ³n ¶[C] ´old and wise saying; proverb.¼ ¨adagio© ²/EÚdqdZIE8/ ³n (pl µ-gios ²/-dZIE8z/³) adj, adv ´(music) (passage played) gracefully and in slow time.¼ ¨Adam© ²/ÚadEm/ ³n ¸*@'s Úapple, ´part that projects in the front of the throat, esp in men, and moves up and down when one speaks. µ¥ ´the illus at µhead. ·the old @, ´(facet) the immoral, selfish side of human nature. ·not know sb from @, ´not know him at all. µ¥ know(2).¼ ¨ada®mant© ²/ÚadEmEnt/ ³n ¶[C] ´kind of stone that, it is said, cannot be cut or broken. ¹ ³pred adj ´unyielding; firm in purpose: ³He was @ to their pleas. On this point I am @, ´Nothing can change my decision. ³I only wish he were less @. ¸ada®man®tine ²/*adEÚmantñIn/ ³adj ´unyielding; inflexible.¼ ¨adapt© ²/EÚdapt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ´make suitable for a new use, need, situation, etc: ³When you go to a new country, you must @ yourself to new manners and customs. Difficult books are sometimes @ed for use in schools. This book is @ed to the needs of beginners/@ed for beginners. The play has been @ed from the French, ´iÔe translated and changed to suit English audiences. ³Novels are often @ed for the stage, television and radio. ¸@er, @or ²/-tE(r)/ ³nn ´person who @s sth; device that enables sth to be used for a purpose, or in a way, different from that for which it was designed, eÔg a fitting for taking electric current from an outlet so that more than one piece of apparatus may be used. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´able to @ oneself; able to be @ed: ³an @able man, ´one who can @ himself to circumstances, etc. ¸@a®bil®ity ²/E*daptEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´power of @ing or being @ed. ¸ad®ap®ta®tion ²/*adapÚteI2n/ ³n ·@ation (of sth) (for/to sth), ¸1 ¶[U] ´state of being @ed; @ing. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth made by @ing: ³an @ation (of a novel) for the stage/for broadcasting.¼ ¨add© ²/ad/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14] ·add sth (to sth), ´join, unite, put (one thing together with another): ³If you add 5 and/to 5 you get 10. The house has been added to from time to time, ´new rooms, etc have been built on to it. ³If the tea is too strong, add some hot water. ¸Úadding-machine ³n ´machine for calculating mechanically. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,9A] ´say further; go on to say: ³"and I hope you'll come early,' he added. She added that«. ¸3 ¶[VP15B,3A,2C] ´(special uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps´):¼ ·add sth in, ´include.¼ ·add to, ´increase: ³This adds to our difficulties.¼ ·add sth together, ´combine two or more things.¼ ·add sth up, ´find the sum of: ³add up a column of figures; add up ten figures; add them up.¼ ·add up (to), ¸(a) ´give as a result, when joined: ³The figures add up to 365. ¸(b) ´(colloq) mean; indicate; amount to: ³All that this adds up to is that you don't want to help, so why not say so at once? ¸(c) ´(colloq) make sense; be plausible: ³It just doesn't add up.¼ ¨ad®den®dum© ²/EÚdendEm/ ³n (pl µ-da ²/-dE/³) ´thing (omitted) that is to be added.¼ ¨ad®der© ²/ÚadE(r)/ ³n ´viper; any of several small poisonous snakes common in Europe, Africa (eÔg the ³puff-@´) and Asia. µ¥ ´the illus at µsnake.¼ ¨ad®dict© ²/EÚdIkt/ ³vt ´(usu passive) ·be @ed to, ´be given to, habitually or compulsively: ³He is @ed to alcohol/smoking/lying/study/drugs. ´¹ ³n ²/ÚadIkt/ ´person who is @ed, esp to sth harmful: ³a ·Ú³drug @. ¸ad®dic®tion ²/EÚdIk2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´being @ed; ¶[C] ´instance of this. ¸ad®dic®tive ²/EÚdIktIv/ ³adj ´causing @ion: ³@ive drugs.¼ ¨ad®di®tion© ²/EÚdI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´process of adding: ³The sign ´+ ³stands for @. ·in @ (to), ´as well (as). ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth added or joined: ³They've just had an @ to the family, ´another child. ³He will be a useful @ to the staff of the school, ´a useful new teacher. ¸@al ²/-2Enl/ ³adj ´extra; added: ³@al charges. ¸@®ally ²/-2EnElI/ ³adv¼ ¨ad®di®tive© ²/ÚadItIv/ ³n ¶[C] ´substance added in small amounts for a special purpose: ³food @s, ´eÔg to add colour; ³petrol @s, ´eÔg to reduce engine knocking.¼ ¨addle© ²/Úadl/ ³adj ´(usu in compounds) confused; muddled. ¸Ú@-brained, Ú@-pated ²/-peItId/ ³adjj ´having confused ideas. ¸Ú@-head ³n ´person with confused ideas. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´confuse: ³@ one's head/brains. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´(of eggs) become rotten: ³@d eggs.¼ ¨ad®dress©1 ²/EÚdres ³US: ²Úadres/ ³n ¸1 ´details of where a person may be found and where letters, etc may be delivered: ³What's your home/business @? Let me know if you change your @. ¸2 ´speech or talk (to an audience). ¸*public Ú@ system, ´system using microphones, loudspeakers, etc for amplifying speeches. ¸3 ¶[U] ´(old use) manner or behaviour, esp in conversation: ³a man of pleasing @. ¸4 ¶[U] ·form of @, ´style of written or spoken communication: ³polite forms of @. ¸5 ³(pl) ´(old use) polite attentions or courtship: ³pay one's @es to a lady, ´seek to win her hand in marriage; ³reject sb's @es, ´show that one does not welcome sb's wishes to be friendly. ¸@ee ²/*adreÚsi/ ³n ´person to whom sth is @edµ(2)´. ¸A@o®graph ²/EÚdresE8grqf ³US: ²-graf/ ³n ´(P) machine for printing @esµ(1) ´on circulars, etc.¼ ¨ad®dress©2 ²/EÚdres/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,16B] ´make a speech to; speak to, using a title: ³Mr Green will now @ the meeting. Don't @ me as "Colonel'; I'm only a major. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´write a destination on (with the name of the person to whom sth is to be delivered): ³The letter was wrongly @ed. ¸3 ¶[VP14] ·@ sth to, ´send (a remark, complaint, etc) to: ³Please @ all enquiries to this office. Please @ complaints to the manager, not to me. ¸4 ¶[VP14] ·@ oneself to, ´(formal) work at, apply oneself to, be busy with (a task, etc): ³It's time we @ed ourselves to the business in hand, ´time we got busy with the business we are here for.¼ ¨ad®duce© ²/EÚdjus ³US: ²EÚdus/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) put forward (as proof, as an example): ³@ reasons/proof/authority.¼ ¨ad®en®oids© ²/ÚadInãIdz ³US: ²-dEn-/ ³n pl ´(anat) soft, sponge-like growth between the back of the nose and the throat, in some cases making breathing and speech difficult: ³have one's @ out, ´iÔe by a surgical operation. ³She's got @, ´(colloq) is suffering from inflammation of the @. µ¥ ´the illus at µhead. ¸ad®en®oidal ²/*adIÚnãIdl/ ³adj ´of the @: ³an adenoidal youth, ´one suffering from diseased @.¼ ¨adept© ²/Úadept/ ³adj ´expert, skilled (³in ´sth; ³at ´or ³in ´doing sth). ¹ ³n ´expert: ³I'm not an @ in photography.¼ ¨ad®equate© ²/ÚadIkwEt/ ³adj ´satisfactory; sufficient; satisfying a requirement: ³$10 a week is not @ to support a family. Are you getting an @ wage for the work you're doing? ¸@®ly ³adv ¸ad®equacy ²/ÚadIkwEsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´state of being @: ³He often doubts his adequacy as a husband and father.¼ ¨ad®here© ²/EdÚhIE(r)/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (to), ´(formal) ¸1 ´stick fast (to): ³Glue and paste are used to make one surface @ to another. ¸2 ´remain faithful (to); support firmly: ³@ to one's plans/to an opinion/to a political party/to a promise. We decided to @ to the programme. ´(Cf ³depart from´). ¸ad®her®ence ²/-rEns/ ³n´: ³adherence to a plan.¼ ¨ad®her®ent© ²/EdÚhIErEnt/ ³n ´supporter (of a party, etc, but not necessarily a member): ³The proposal is gaining more and more @s.¼ ¨ad®hesion© ²/EdÚhiZn/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´adhering; being or becoming attached or united. ¸2 ¶[U] ´support: ³give one's @ to a plan. ¸3 ¶[U] ´(path) joining together of tissues in the body, eÔg after an injury; ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³painful @s resulting from a wound that did not heal.¼ ¨ad®hes®ive© ²/EdÚhisIv/ ³adj ´having the property of sticking: ³@ tape/plaster. ´¹ ³n ¶[C,U] ´@ substance, eÔg ³gum.¼ ¨ad hoc© ²/*ad Úhok/ ³adj, adv ´(Lat) arranged for a particular purpose; not pre-arranged; informal: ³an @ committee meeting.¼ ¨adieu© ²/EÚdju ³US: ²EÚdu/ ³n, int (pl µ-s ´or µ-x ²/EÚdjuz ³US: ²EÚduz/³) ´(F) goodbye: ³bid sb @; make one's @/@s, ´say goodbye.¼ ¨ad in®fi®nitum© ²/*ad *InfIÚnñItEm/ ³adv ´(Lat) without limit; for ever.¼ ¨ad inter®im© ²/*ad ÚIntErIm/ ³adv ´(Lat) in the meantime.¼ ¨adi®pose© ²/ÚadIpE8s/ ³adj ´of animal fat; fatty: ³@ tissue.¼ ¨ad®jac®ent© ²/EÚdZeIsnt/ ³adj ´next ³(to), ´lying near ³(to) ´but not necessarily touching: ³@ rooms; @ angles, µ¥ ´the illus at µangle. ³The house @ to the church is the vicarage.¼ ¨ad®jec®tive© ²/ÚadZIktIv/ ³n ´(gram) word that names a quality, or that defines or limits a noun. ¸ad®jec®tival ²/*adZIkÚtñIvl/ ³adj ´of or like an @: ³an adjectival phrase/clause.¼ ¨ad®join© ²/EÚdZãIn/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ·@ (to), ´be next or nearest to: ³The playing-field @s the school. The two houses @. ¸@®ing ³part adj´: ³@ing bedrooms.¼ ¨ad®journ© ²/EÚdZ3n/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´break off, eÔg proceedings of a meeting, etc for a time: ³The meeting was @ed for a week/until the following week. ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ´(of a meeting, etc) be broken off in this way: ³The meeting @ed at five o'clock. ¸3 ¶[VP2A,C] ´(colloq, of persons who have met together) ¸(a) ´break off proceedings and separate. ¸(b) ´go to another place: ³When dinner was over they @ed to the sitting-room. ¸@®ment ³n ´@ing or being @ed.¼ ¨ad®judge© ²/EÚdZAdZ/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP25,9] ´decide officially, by law: ³@ sb (to be) guilty; @ that a man is insane. ¸2 ¶[VP14] ´award: ³@ land and property to sb; @ a prize/legal damages to sb.¼ ¨ad®ju®di®cate© ²/EÚdZudIkeIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14] ´(of a judge or court) give a judgement or decision upon: ³@ a claim for damages. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,3A] ´sit in judgement in order to decide: ³@ (up)on a question. ¸3 ¶[VP25] ´declare (sb to be): ³@ sb bankrupt. ¸ad®ju®di®ca®tion ²/E*dZudIÚkeI2n/ ³n ¸ad®ju®di®ca®tor ²/-tE(r)/ ³n ´judge; member of a jury, eÔg in a musical competition.¼ ¨ad®junct© ²/ÚadZAGkt/ ³n ¸1 ´sth extra but subordinate. ¸2 ´(gram) word(s) or phrase added to qualify or define another word in a sentence.¼ ¨ad®jure© ²/EÚdZ8E(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP17A] ´(formal) ask (sb) earnestly or solemnly; require (sb) to do sth as though on oath or under penalty: ³I @ you to tell the truth. ¸ad®jur®ation ²/*adZ8EÚreI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´adjuring; ¶[C] ´earnest or solemn request.¼ ¨ad®just© ²/EÚdZAst/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ oneself/sth (to), ´set right; put in order; regulate; make suitable or convenient for use: ³The body @s itself to changes in temperature. You can't see well through a telescope unless it is @ed correctly to your sight. She will have to @ herself to new conditions, ´change her ways of living, thinking, etc. ³Please do not @ your sets, ´warning on a TÔV screen that the controls need not be changed. ³You should @ your expenditure to your income. ¸*well-Ú@ed, ´(psych) in harmonious relations with other persons: ³a well @ed child. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be @ed. ¸@er ³n ´(comm) person from an insurance company whose business it is to settle amounts due when claims are made, eÔg for loss. ¸@®ment ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´@ing; settling of, eÔg insurance, claims; ¶[C] ´act of @ing. ¸2 ¶[C] ´means of @ing sth; part of an apparatus for @ing sth.¼ ¨ad®ju®tant© ²/ÚadZ8tEnt/ ³n ¸1 ´(mil) army officer responsible for general administration and discipline in a battalion. ¸2 ´(also ¸@ bird´) large Indian stork.¼ ¨ad lib© ²/*ad ÚlIb/ ³adv ´(abbr of ³ad libitum´) (colloq) freely; without restraint. ¸ad-lib ³vi µ(-bb-) ¶[VP2A] ´(colloq) improvise, eÔg by making additions to one's part in a play. µ¹ ³attrib adj ´made by @bing: ³@ comments.¼ ¨ad libitum© ²/*ad ÚlIbItEm/ ³adv ´(Lat; abbr ³ad lib´) ´(music) (to be) performed with omissions as desired. µ¥ obbligato(2).¼ ¨ad-man© ²/Úad man/ ³n ´(colloq) man who composes commercial advertisements.¼ ¨ad®mass© ²/Úadmas/ ³n ¶[U] ´that part of the public easily influenced by the mass media. µ¥ media.¼ ¨ad®min®is®ter© ²/EdÚmInIstE(r)/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´control, manage, look after business affairs, a household, etc: ³@ a country, ´govern it. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,14] ´apply; put into operation; hand out; give: ³@ the law; @ punishment to sb; @ relief/help to people who are suffering from floods; @ a severe blow to the enemy; @ justice, ´do the work of a judge. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,14] ´cause to take: ³@ the last sacraments, ´iÔe to a dying man. ³The oath was @ed to him. ¸4 ·@ to, µ¥ minister(2).¼ ¨ad®min®is®tra®tion© ²/Ed*mInIÚstreI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´management of affairs, etc, esp public affairs, government policy, etc. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(often A@) ´(esp US) that part of the Government which manages public affairs: ³Successive A@s failed to solve the country's problems. ¸3 ¶[U] ´the administering of justice, an oath, a sacrament, relief, a remedy, a punishment. µ¥ ministration.¼ ¨ad®min®is®tra®tive© ²/EdÚmInIstrEtIv ³US: ²-streItIv/ ³adj ´of the management of affairs; of an administrationµ(2)´: ³an @ post; lacking in @ ability.¼ ¨ad®min®is®tra®tor© ²/EdÚmInIstreItE(r)/ ³n ´person who administers; person with ability to organize; (legal) person officially appointed to manage the property of others, to take charge of an estate, etc.¼ ¨ad®mir®able© ²/ÚadmErEbl/ ³adj ´excellent; causing admiration. ¸ad®mir®ably ²/-EblI/ ³adv¼ ¨ad®miral© ²/ÚadmErEl/ ³n ´officer in command of a country's warships, or of a fleet or squadron; naval rank above vice-@ and below (GB) @ of the fleet or (US) fleet @. ¸@®ty ²/ÚadmErEltI/ ³n ¸1 ´office of @. ¸2 ´that branch of Government which controls the Navy. ¸the A@ty, ´(GB) headquarters of the naval administration. ¸*Court of ÚA@ty, ´court for deciding law questions concerning shipping.¼ ¨ad®mir®ation© ²/*admEÚreI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´feeling of pleasure, satisfaction, respect (or, formerly) wonder: ³She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with @. Everyone cried out in @. We were lost in @ of the scenery. My @ for your skill is great. ¸2 ´(³sing ´with ³indef art´) object that arouses @.¼ ¨ad®mire© ²/EdÚmñIE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´look at with pleasure or satisfaction; have a high regard for: ³Come and @ the view! Visitors to Britain usually @ our policemen. ¸2 ´express admiration of: ³Don't forget to @ the baby. ¸ad®mirer ³n ´person who @s; man who finds a woman attractive: ³Mary and her many @s. ¸ad®mir®ing ³adj ´showing or feeling admiration: ³admiring glances; an admiring crowd. ¸ad®mir®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨ad®miss®ible© ²/EdÚmIsEbl/ ³adj ¸1 ´(legal) that can be allowed as judicial proof: ³@ evidence. ¸2 ´(formal) that can be allowed or considered. ¸ad®missi®bil®ity ²/Ed*mIsEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨ad®mis®sion© ²/EdÚmI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´admitting, being admitted, to a society, a school, a building such as a theatre, a museum, etc; fee, charge or condition for this: ³A@ to the school is by examination only. Price of @, 10p. A@ free. ¸2 ¶[C] ´statement admitting sth; confession or acknowledgement: ³make an @ of guilt; an @ that one has done wrong. To resign now would be an @ of failure. ·by/on his own @, ´as he himself admitted.¼ ¨ad®mit© ²/EdÚmIt/ ³vt,vi µ(-tt-) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (into/in), ´allow (sb or sth) to enter; let in: ³The servant opened the door and @ted me (into the house). Only one hundred boys are @ted to the school each year. I ordered that he was not to be @ted. Children not @ted. The windows are small and do not @ enough light and air. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´(of enclosed spaces) have room enough for: ³The harbour @s large liners and cargo boats. The theatre is small and @s only 300 people. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´acknowledge, confess, accept, as true or valid: ³@ a claim/an assumption. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,C,9,14,25] ´acknowledge; confess: ³The accused man @ted his guilt. I @ my mistake/that I was mistaken. He @ted having done wrong. You must @ the task to be difficult (´more usu, ³that the task is difficult). ³It is generally @ted that«, ´Most people acknowledge or agree that«. ¸5 ¶[VP3A] ·@ of, ´(formal) leave room for: ³The words @ of ´(= can have) ³no other meaning. It @s of no excuse, ´There can be no excuse for it. ·@ to, ´make an acknowledgement; confess: ³I must @ to feeling ashamed of my conduct. ¸@®ted®ly ²/EdÚmItIdlI/ ³adv ¸1 ´without denial; by general admission: ³He is @tedly an atheist. ¸2 ´(usu in initial position) = "I acknowledge, agree': ³A@tedly I've never actually been there.¼ ¨ad®mit®tance© ²/EdÚmItns/ ³n ¶[U] ´act of admitting, being admitted (esp to a place that is not public); right of entry: ³I called at his house but was refused @, ´was not allowed to enter. ³No @ except on business.¼ ¨ad®mix© ²/adÚmIks/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´mix; become mixed; add as an ingredient.¼ ¨ad®mix®ture© ²/adÚmIkst2E(r)/ ³n ´(formal) = µmixture.¼ ¨ad®mon®ish© ²/EdÚmonI2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ´(formal) give a mild warning or a gentle reproof to: ³The teacher @ed the boys for being lazy/@ed them against smoking. ¸ad®mo®ni®tion ²/*admEÚnI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ing, warning; ¶[C] ´instance of this. ¸ad®moni®tory ²/EdÚmonItrI ³US: ²-tcrI/ ³adj ´containing admonition: ³an admonitory letter.¼ ¨ad nauseam© ²/*ad ÚnczIam/ ³adv ´(Lat) to the point of being disgusted; (colloq) to a degree so as to cause annoyance, eÔg because of length or repetition.¼ ¨ado© ²/EÚdu/ ³n ¶[U] ´(archaic) fuss; trouble and excitement: ³Without more/much/further ado, he signed the agreement.¼ ¨adobe© ²/EÚdE8bI/ ³n ¶[U] ´sun-dried brick (not fired in a kiln), of clay and straw: (attrib) ³an @ house.¼ ¨ado®les®cence© ²/*adEÚlesns/ ³n ¶[U] ´period of life between childhood and maturity; growth during this period. ¸ado®les®cent ²/-Úlesnt/ ³adj, n ´(person) growing up from childhood (age 12 or 13 to 18).¼ ¨adopt© ²/EÚdopt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´take (sb) into one's family as a relation, esp as a son or daughter, with legal guardianship: ³As they had no children of their own, they @ed an orphan. µ¥ foster. ¸2 ´take, eÔg an idea or custom, and use: ³European dress has been @ed by people in many parts of the world. ¸3 ´accept, eÔg a report or recommendation: ³Congress @ed the new measures. ¸adop®tion ²/EÚdop2n/ ³n ´@ing or being @ed: ³the country of his @ion. ¸adop®tive ³adj ´taken by @ion: ³his @ive parents.¼ ¨adore© ²/EÚdc(r)/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´worship (God); love deeply and respect highly. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,C] ´(colloq; not in progressive tenses) like very much: ³The baby @s being tickled. ¸ador®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´lovable; delightful. ¸ador®ably ²/-EblI/ ³adv ¸ador®ation ²/*adEÚreI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´worship; love: ³his adoration for Jane. ¸adorer ³n ´person who @s (sb). ¸ador®ing ³adj ´showing love: ³adoring looks. ¸ador®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨adorn© ²/EÚdcn/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ´add beauty or ornament(s) to; decorate (oneself ³with ´jewels, etc); add distinction to. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´@ing; ¶[C] ´sth used for @ing; ornament; decoration.¼ ¨ad®renal© ²/EÚdrinl/ ³adj ´(anat) of or near the kidneys: ³@ glands.¼ ¨ad®ren®alin© ²/EÚdrenElIn/ ³n ¶[U] ´(med) hormones secreted by the adrenal glands, prepared as a substance used in the treatment of heart failure, etc.¼ ¨adrift© ²/EÚdrIft/ ³adv, pred adj ´(of ships and boats) afloat, not under control and driven by wind and water; loose: ³cut a boat @ from its moorings; ´(fig) at the mercy of circumstances: ³turn sb @, ´send him away, eÔg from home, without money or means of livelihood.¼ ¨adroit© ²/EÚdrãIt/ ³adj ·@ (at/in), ´clever; skilful; ingenious or resourceful when ´dealing with problems. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨adu®la®tion© ²/*adj8ÚleI2n ³US: ²-dZ8Úl-/ ³n ¶[U] ´(the giving of) excessive praise or respect, esp to win favour.¼ ¨adult© ²/ÚadAlt/ ³adj ´grown to full size or strength; (of persons) intellectually and emotionally mature. ¹ ³n ´person or animal grown to full size and strength; (legal) person old enough to vote, marry, etc: ³education for @s; @ education. ¸@®hood ²/-h8d/ ³n ´the state of being @.¼ ¨adul®ter®ate© ²/EÚdAltEreIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ´make impure, make poorer in quality, by adding sth of less value: ³@d milk, ´milk with water added. ¸adul®ter®ant ²/EÚdAltErEnt/ ³n ´sth used for adulterating. ¸adul®ter®ation ²/E*dAltEÚreI2n/ ³n¼ ¨adul®tery© ²/EÚdAltErI/ ³n ¶[U] ´voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with sb who is not the person to whom he or she is married; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ries³) ´instance of this. ¸adul®terer ²/EÚdAltErE(r)/ ³n ´man who commits @. ¸adul®ter®ess ²/EÚdAltErIs/ ³n ´woman who commits @. ¸adul®ter®ous ²/EÚdAltErEs/ ³adj ´of @.¼ ¨ad®um®brate© ²/ÚadAmbreIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) indicate vaguely or briefly; foreshadow (a coming event).¼ ¨ad valorem© ²/*ad vEÚlcrEm/ ³adv ´(Lat) (of taxes) in proportion to the estimated value of the goods.¼ ¨ad®vance©1 ²/EdÚvqns ³US: ²-Úvans/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´forward movement; progress; ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³With the @ of old age, he could no longer do the work well. Science has made great @s during the last fifty years. The country's industrial @ has been remarkable. Has there been an @ in civilization during the 20th century? ·in @ (of), ´before(hand): ³Send your luggage in @, ´before you yourself leave. ³It's unwise to spend your income in @. Galileo's ideas were (well) in @ of the age in which he lived. ¸2 ´(attrib use) in @: ³an @ copy of a new book, ´one supplied before publication; ³an @ party, ´party, eÔg of explorers, soldiers, sent in @; ³have @ notice, ´eÔg of sb's arrival. ¸3 ¶[C] ´money paid before it is due, or for work only partially completed. ¸*@ Úbooking, ´reservation (of a room in a hotel, a seat in a theatre, etc) in @ of the time when it is needed.¼ ¨ad®vance©2 ²/EdÚvqns ³US: ²-Úvans/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,B,3A] ´come or go forward: ³Our troops have @d two miles. He @d (up)on me in a threatening manner. Has civilization @d during this century? The forces of the enemy @d against us. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´(of costs, values, prices) rise: ³Stock market prices/Property values continue to @. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,14] ´move, put or help forward: ³The date of the meeting was @d from the 10th to the 3rd June. µ¥ postpone. ³May I @ my opinion on the matter? He worked so well that he was soon @d ´(= promoted) ³to the position of manager. Such behaviour is not likely to @ your interests. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´increase, raise (prices); (= colloq, ³put up´): ³The shopkeepers @d their prices. ¸5 ¶[VP12A,13A] ´pay (money) before the due date: ³He asked his employer to @ him a month's salary. The banks often @ money to farmers for seed and fertilizer. ¸ad®vanced ³part adj ´far on in life or progress, etc: ³@d in years, ´very old; ³@d courses of study. The professor is engaged in @d studies. µ¥ elementary. ³He has @d ideas, ´ideas that are new and not generally accepted. ¸@d level ´(abbr ¸A level´) (of examinations of the General Certificate of Education), securing admission, in GB, to a college or university. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´promotion; preferment; improvement: ³The aim of a university should be the @ment of learning.¼ ¨ad®van®tage© ²/EdÚvqntIdZ ³US: ²-Úvan-/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´sth useful or helpful, sth likely to bring success, esp in competition: ³the @s of a good education. Living in a big town has many @s, such as good schools, libraries and theatres. ·have/gain/win an @ (over); give sb an @ (over), ´(have, give, etc) a better position or opportunity: ³Tom's university education gave him an @ over boys who had not been to a university. ·have the @ of sb, ´know sb or sth that he does not know. ¸2 ¶[U] ´benefit; profit: ³He gained little @ from his visit to London. ·take @ of sb, ´deceive him, play a trick on him. ·take (full) @ of sth, ´use it profitably, for one's own benefit: ³He always takes full @ of the mistakes made by his rivals. ·to @, ´in a way that enables sth to be seen, used, etc in the best way: ³The painting is seen to better @ from a distance. You should lay out your money ´(= decide how to spend or invest it) ³to the best @. ·be/prove to sb's @, ´be profitable or helpful to him. ·turn sth to @, ´make the most of it; use it profitably. ¸3 ´(tennis) the first point scored after deuce. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´benefit: ³In what way will it @ them?¼ ¨ad®van®tage®ous© ²/*advEnÚteIdZEs/ ³adj ´profitable; helpful. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ad®vent© ²/ÚadvEnt/ ³n ¸1 ´(usu ³sing ´with ³def art´) coming or arrival (of an important development, season, etc): ³Since the @ of atomic power, there have been great changes in industry. ¸2 ¸A@, ´(eccles) the coming of Christ; the season (with four Sundays) before Christmas Day. ¸3 ´the second coming of Christ at the Last Judgement. ¸Ad®vent®ist ²/ÚadvEntIst ³US: ²EdÚventIst/ ³n ´person who believes that Christ's second coming and the end of the world are near.¼ ¨ad®ven®ti®tious© ²/*advenÚtI2Es/ ³adj ´(formal) coming by chance; accidental: ³@ aid.¼ ¨ad®ven®ture© ²/EdÚvent2E(r)/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´strange or unusual happening, esp an exciting or dangerous journey or activity: ³A flight in an aeroplane used to be quite an @. The explorer told the boys about his @s in the Arctic. ¸2 ¶[U] ´risk; danger, eÔg in travel and exploration: ³fond of @; a story of @. ´¹ ³vt ´(= ³venture, ´the usu word). ¸ad®ven®turer ³n ¸1 ´person who seeks @. ¸2 ´person who is ready to make a profit for himself by risky or unscrupulous methods. ¸ad®ven®tur®ess ²/-Is/ ³n ´woman @r, esp one who is ready to use guile to obtain benefits. ¸ad®ven®tur®ous ²/-Es/ ³adj ¸1 ´fond of, eager for, @s. ¸2 ´full of danger and excitement: ³an adventurous voyage. ¸@®some ²/-sEm/ ³adj ´(rare or liter) = adventurous.¼ ¨ad®verb© ²/Úadv3b/ ³n ´(gram) word that answers questions with ³how, when, where ´and modifies ³vv´, ³adjj ´and other ³advv´, etc, eÔg ³soon, here, well, quickly. ¸ad®verb®ial ²/adÚv3bIEl/ ³adj ´of the nature of an @. ¹ ³n ´@ or @ial phrase. ¸ad®verbi®ally ²/adÚv3bIElI/ ³adv¼ ¨ad®ver®sary© ²/ÚadvEsErI ³US: ²-serI/ ³n ´(³pl µ-ries´) enemy; opponent (in any kind of contest).¼ ¨ad®verse© ²/Úadv3s/ ³adj ´unfavourable; contrary or hostile (³to´): ³@ weather conditions; @ winds, ´eÔg for a sailing-ship; ³developments @ to our interests. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ad®ver®sity© ²/EdÚv3sEtI/ ³n ´(³pl µ-ties´). ¸1 ¶[U] ´condition of adverse fortune; trouble: ³be patient/cheerful in @. A brave man smiles in the face of @. ¸2 ¶[C] ´misfortune; affliction.¼ ¨ad®vert©1 ²/EdÚv3t/ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ´(formal) ·@ to, ´refer to (in speech or writing): ³@ to a problem.¼ ¨ad®vert©2 ²/Úadv3t/ ³n ´(GB colloq abbr for) advertisementµ(2)´.¼ ¨ad®ver®tise© ²/ÚadvEtñIz/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A,3A] ´make known to people (by printing notices in newspapers, etc or by other means, eÔg TÔV): ³@ one's goods; @ in all the newspapers; @ for an assistant in the local newspapers, ´announce that one wishes to engage an assistant. ¸ad®ver®tiser ³n ´person who @s. ¸@®ment ²/EdÚv3tIsmEnt ³US: ²*advErÚtñIzmEnt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´advertising: (attrib) ³the @ment manager, ´eÔg of a newspaper. ³A@ment helps to sell goods. ¸2 ¶[C] ´public announcement (in the press, TÔV, etc): ³If you want to sell your piano, put an @ in the newspaper. µ¥ commercial ³n.¼ ¨ad®vice© ²/EdÚvñIs/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(informed) opinion about what to do, how to behave: ³You won't get well unless you follow your doctor's @. If you take my @ and study hard, you'll pass the examination. You should take legal @, ´consult a lawyer. ·act on sb's @, ´do what he suggests. ·(give sb) a piece/bit/word/few words of @, ´(give) an opinion about what to do, etc. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(comm) (usu ³pl´) news from a distance, esp commercial: ³@s from our Tokyo branch. ¸Ú@-note, letter of @, ´(comm) formal notice of delivery of goods, a business call, etc.¼ ¨ad®vis®able© ²/EdÚvñIzEbl/ ³adj ´wise; sensible; to be advised or recommended: ³Do you think it @ to wait? ¸ad®visa®bil®ity ²/Ed*vñIzEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨ad®vise© ²/EdÚvñIz/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,C,17,20,21,14] ´give advice to; recommend: ³The doctor @d a complete rest. What do you @ me to do? Please @ me whether I should accept the offer. We @d an early start/their starting early/them to start early. Her father @d her against marrying in haste. Who is the best man to @ me on this question? ¸2 ¶[VP6A,21,14] ´(comm) inform; notify: ³Please @ us when the goods are dispatched/ @ us of the dispatch of the goods. ¸3 ¶[VP3A] ·@ with (sb), ´(old use) consult; take counsel with. ¸ad®viser ³n ´person who gives advice, esp one who is habitually consulted: ³@r to the Government. ¸ad®vised ³adj ´(old use) considered; carefully thought out; deliberate. ·ill @d, ´unwise; injudicious. ·well @d, ´wise; judicious. ¸ad®vis®ed®ly ²/EdÚvñIzIdlI/ ³adv ´after careful thought. ¸ad®vis®ory ²/EdÚvñIzErI/ ³adj ´of advice; having the power to @: ³an advisory committee/council/panel.¼ ¨ad®vo®cate© ²/ÚadvEkEt/ ³n ¸1 ´person who speaks in favour of sb or sth (esp a cause): ³an @ of equal pay for men and women. ¸2 ´(legal) person who does this professionally in a court of law in Scotland (= ³barrister ´in England and Wales): ¸the Faculty of A@s, ´the Scots Bar. ¸Lord A@, ´principal law officer in Scotland. ¹ ³vt ²/ÚadvEkeIt/ ¶[VP6A,C] ´support; speak publicly in support of: ³Do you @ keeping all children at school till the age of sixteen? ¸ad®vo®cacy ²/ÚadvEkEsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´pleading in support (³of ´a cause or sb).¼ ¨ad®vow®son© ²/*adÚvñ8zn/ ³n ´(GB, eccles) legal right to nominate sb for a church benefice.¼ ¨adze©, adz ²/adz/ ³n ´carpenter's tool (with a blade at right angles to the handle) for cutting or shaping wood.¼ ¨aegis©, egis ²/ÚidZIs/ ³n ´protection; sponsorship. ·under the @ of, ´with the patronage or support of.¼ ¨aeon©, eon ²/ÚiEn/ ³n ¶[C] ´period of time too long to be measured.¼ ¨aer®ate© ²/ÚeEreIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´charge (a liquid) with air or gas; expose to the chemical purifying action of air: ³@ the soil by digging. Blood is @d in the lungs. ¸aer®ation ²/eEÚreI2n/ ³n¼ ¨aer®ial© ²/ÚeErIEl/ ³adj ¸1 ´existing in, moving through, the air: ³an @ railway/ropeway, ´a system of overhead suspension for transport. ¸2 ´(archaic) of or like air; immaterial. ¹ ³n ´that part of a radio or TÔV system which receives or sends out signals, usu a wire or rod, or number of wires or rods (= US ³antenna´).¼ ¨aerie©, aery, eyrie, eyry ²/ÚeErI/ ³n ´eagle's nest; nest of other birds of prey which are built high up among rocks; eagle's brood.¼ ¨aero®bat®ics© ²/*eErEÚbatIks/ ³n ´(³sing v´) ¶[U] ´the performance of acrobatic feats by airmen, eÔg flying upside down.¼ ¨aero®drome© ²/ÚeErEdrE8m/ ³n ´(= US ³airdrome´) (dated) ground for the arrival and departure and servicing of aircraft, with hangars, workshops, etc (³airfield ´and ³airport ´are the more usu words).¼ ¨aero®dy®nam®ics© ²/*eErE8dñIÚnamIks/ ³n pl ´(³sing v´) ¶[U] ´science dealing with the flow of air and the motion of aircraft, bullets, etc through air.¼ ¨aero®naut© ²/ÚeErEnct/ ³n ´person who pilots or travels in a balloon, airship or other aircraft.¼ ¨aero®naut®ics© ²/*eErEÚnctIks/ ³n ´(³sing v´) ¶[U] ´science and practice of aviation (the more usu word).¼ ¨aero®plane© ²/ÚeErEpleIn/ ³n ´(US = ³airplane´) heavier-than-air flying machine with one or more engines. µ¥ ³aircraft, air-liner ´at µair±1µ(7).¼ ¨aero®sol© ²/ÚeErEsol ³US: ²-scl/ ³n ¶[U] ´dispersion of fine solid or liquid particles, eÔg of scent, paint, insecticide, detergent, released (in a mist) by pressure from a container with compressed gas from a valve; ¶[C] ´(P) the container itself.¼ ¨aero®space© ²/ÚeErE8speIs/ ³n ´the earth's atmosphere and the space beyond, considered as area available to air- or space-craft: ³the @ industry.¼ ¨aer®tex© ²/ÚeEteks/ ³n ´(P) kind of loosely woven textile material (as used for underwear).¼ ¨aery© ²/ÚeErI/ ³n µ¥ aerie.¼ ¨aes®thete©, es®thete ²/ÚisTit ³US: ²ÚesTit/ ³n ´person who has or claims to have great love of and understanding of what is beautiful, esp in the arts.¼ ¨aes®thetic©, es®thetic ²/isÚTetIk ³US: ²es-/ ³adj ´of the appreciation of the beautiful, esp in the arts; (of persons) having such appreciation: ³@ standards. ´¹ ³n ¶[U] ´particular set of @ principles: ³the @ to which he remained faithful. ¸aes®thet®ical, es®thet®ical ²/-kl/ ³adj ´= aesthetic. ¸aes®thet®ically ²/-klI/ ³adv ¸aes®thet®ics, es®thet®ics ³n sing-v ¶[U] ´branch of philosophy which tries to make clear the laws and principles of beauty (contrasted with morality and utility).¼ ¨aether© ²/ÚiTE(r)/ ³n µ¥ ether.¼ ¨aeti®ol®ogy© ²/*itIÚolEdZI/ ³n µ¥ etiology.¼ ¨afar© ²/EÚfq(r)/ ³adv ´(poet) ´far off or away. ·from @, ´from a distance.¼ ¨af®fable© ²/ÚafEbl/ ³adj ´polite and friendly; pleasant and easy to talk to: ³@ to everybody; an @ reply. ¸af®fably ²/-EblI/ ³adv ¸affa®bil®ity ²/*afEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ´quality of being @ (³to ´or ³towards´).¼ ¨af®fair© ²/EÚfeE(r)/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´concern; sth (to be) done; business: ³That's my @, not yours. ¸2 ´(³pl´) business of any kind; day-to-day concerns of organization, etc: ³A prime minister is kept busy with @s of state, ´the task of government. ³When he asked me how much I earned, I told him to mind his own @s, ´not to ask questions about my business, etc. ³We can't afford a holiday in the present state of @s, ´while things remain as they are now. ¸Secretary of State for Foreign/Home/Welsh, etc A@s, ´titles of Government Ministers in GB. ¸3 ·have an @ (with sb), ´have an emotional (and sexual) relationship with sb to whom one is not married: ³The doctor, they say, is having an @ with the rector's wife. ·@ of honour, ´duel. ¸4 ´(colloq) occurrence; event; object: ³The railway accident was a terrible @. Her hat was a wonderful @. What a ramshackle @ your old car is!¼ ¨af®fect©1 ²/EÚfekt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´have an influence or impression on; act on: ³The climate @ed his health, ´injured it. ³Some plants are quickly @ed by cold. Will the changes in taxation @ you personally, ´Will you have to pay more (or less) in taxes? ³The rise in the price of bread will @ us all. ¸2 ´move the feelings of: ³He was much @ed by the sad news. His death @ed us deeply. ¸3 ´(of diseases) attack; cause a particular condition in: ³The left lung is @ed, eÔg by cancer, tuberculosis. ¸4 ·well/ill @ed (towards), ´well/ill disposed (the more usu word) or inclined (towards). ¸@®ing ³adj ´moving or touching (the feelings): ³an @ing sight. ¸@®ing®ly ³adv ´tenderly; pathetically.¼ ¨af®fect©2 ²/EÚfekt/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,7A] ´pretend to have or feel (ignorance, indifference); pretend (to do, etc): ³She @s an American accent. ³He @ed not to hear me. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´have a liking for and use (esp for ostentation): ³He @s long and learned words, ´uses them instead of short and simple words. ³She @s bright colours, ´wears brightly coloured clothes, etc. ¸@ed ³adj ´pretended; not natural or genuine: ³an @ed politeness; @ed manners; with an @ed cheerfulness; written in an @ed style, ´showing a liking for an artificial style.¼ ¨af®fec®ta®tion© ²/*afekÚteI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´behaviour that is not natural or genuine: Keep clear of all @, ´Do not behave unnaturally; ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³Her little @s annoyed me. ¸2 ¶[C] ´pretence (made on purpose, for effect): ³an @ of interest/indifference/ignorance.¼ ¨af®fec®tion© ²/EÚfek2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´kindly feeling; love: ³Every mother has @ for/feels @ toward her children. He is held in great @, ´is much loved. ¸2 ¶[U ´or ³pl¶] ·gain/win sb's @(s), ´win the love of. ¸3 ¶[C] ´(old use) disease; unhealthy condition: ³an @ of the throat.¼ ¨af®fec®tion®ate© ²/EÚfek2EnEt/ ³adj ´loving; fond; showing love (³to ´sb): ³an @ wife; @ looks. ¸@®ly ³adv ·Yours @ly, ´used at the close of a letter, eÔg from a man to his sister.¼ ¨af®fi®ance© ²/EÚfñIEns/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(usu passive; liter or old use) promise in marriage: ³be @d to (sb), ´be engaged to marry him/her.¼ ¨af®fi®da®vit© ²/*afIÚdeIvIt/ ³n ´(legal) written statement, made on oath, (to be) used as legal proof or evidence: ³swear/make/take an @.¼ ¨af®fili®ate© ²/EÚfIlIeIt/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,14,2A] ·@ (to/with), ´(of a society or institution, or a member) enter into association: ³The College is @d to the University. Is the Mineworkers' Union @d with the TÔUÔC?¼ ¨af®fili®ation© ²/E*fIlIÚeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´affiliating or being affiliated; ¶[C] ´connection made by affiliating. ¸Ú@ order, ´(GB, legal) order made by a magistrate, determining the paternity of an illegitimate child and requiring the father to contribute towards its support.¼ ¨af®fin®ity© ²/EÚfInEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ·@ (between/to/for), ¸1 ¶[C] ´close connection, structural resemblance (between animals and plants, languages, etc) (or of one thing to/with another). ¸2 ¶[U] ´relationship; ¶[C] ´relation (by marriage); similarity of character suggesting relationship. ¸3 ¶[C] ´strong liking or attraction: ³She feels a strong @ to/for him. ¸4 ´chemical or physical attraction: ³the @ of common salt for water.¼ ¨af®firm© ²/EÚf3m/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,9,14] ´declare positively: ³@ the truth of a statement/@ that it is true; @ to sb that«. µ¥ deny. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´(legal) (of a person who has conscientious objections to swearing on the Bible) declare solemnly but not on oath. ¸@®ation ²/*afEÚmeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´@ing. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth @ed; (legal) declaration made by @ingµ(2)´. ¸@®ative ²/EÚf3mEtIv/ ³adj n ´(answering) "yes': ³an @ative answer. The answer is in the @ative, ´is "Yes'. µ¥ negative(1).¼ ¨af®fix©1 ²/EÚfIks/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sth (to), ´(formal) ´fix; fasten; attach: ³@ a seal/stamp to a document; ´add in writing: ³@ your signature to an agreement.¼ ¨af®fix©2 ²/ÚafIks/ ³n ´suffix or prefix, eÔg ³-ly, -able, un-, co-. µ¥ App 3.¼ ¨af®fla®tus© ²/EÚfleItEs/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) ´divine revelation; inspiration.¼ ¨af®flict© ²/EÚflIkt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ´cause bodily or mental trouble to: ³@ed with rheumatism; feel much @ed at/by the news.¼ ¨af®flic®tion© ²/EÚflIk2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´suffering; distress: ³help people in @. ¸2 ¶[C] ´cause or occasion of suffering: ³the @s of old age, ´eÔg deafness, blindness.¼ ¨af®flu®ence© ²/Úafl8Ens/ ³n ¶[U] ´wealth; abundance: ³living in @; rise to @, ´become wealthy.¼ ¨af®flu®ent©1 ²/Úafl8Ent/ ³adj ´wealthy; abundant: ³in @ circumstances. ¸the @ society, ´society which is prosperous and whose members are concerned with material improvement.¼ ¨af®flu®ent©2 ²/Úafl8Ent/ ³n ¶[C] ´stream flowing into a larger one (³tributary ´is the usu word).¼ ¨af®ford© ²/EÚfcd/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,7] ´(usu with ³can/could, be able to´) spare or find enough time or money for: ³We can't @ a holiday/can't @ to go away this summer. Are you able to @ the time for a holiday? ¸2 ¶[VP7] ´(with ³can/could´) run a risk by doing sth: ³I can't @ to neglect my work. She couldn't @ to displease her boss. ¸3 ¶[VP12A,13A,6A] ´(formal) provide; give: ³The trees @ a pleasant shade. It will @ me great pleasure to have dinner with you.¼ ¨af®for®est© ²/EÚforIst ³US: ²EÚfcr-/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make into forest land. ¸af®for®est®ation ²/E*forIÚsteI2n ³US: ²E*fcr-/ ³n´: ³@ation projects, ´projects for planting large areas with trees.¼ ¨af®fran®chise© ²/EÚfrant2ñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´free from servitude.¼ ¨af®fray© ²/EÚfreI/ ³n ¶[C] ´fight in a public place, causing or likely to cause a disturbance of the peace: ³The men were charged with causing an @.¼ ¨af®front© ²/EÚfrAnt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´insult on purpose; hurt sb's feelings or self-respect, esp in public: ³feel @ed at having one's word doubted. ´¹ ³n ¶[C] ´public insult; deliberate show of disrespect: ³an @ to his pride; suffer an @; offer an @ to sb.¼ ¨afield© ²/EÚfild/ ³adv ´far away from home; to or at a distance: ³Don't go too far @.¼ ¨afire© ²/EÚfñIE(r)/ ³pred adj ´(poet) on fire.¼ ¨aflame© ²/EÚfleIm/ ³pred adj ´(poet) in flames; burning; red as if burning: (fig) ³@ with passion. The autumn woods were @ with colour.¼ ¨afloat© ²/EÚflE8t/ ³pred adj ¸1 ´floating; borne up, carried along, on air or water: ³The ship stuck fast on the rocks and we couldn't get it @ again. ¸2 ´at sea; on board ship: ³life @, ´the life of a sailor. ¸3 ´awash; flooded. ¸4 ´(business) started; solvent: ³get a new periodical @, ´launch it. ¸5 ´(of stories, rumours) current; in circulation.¼ ¨afoot© ²/EÚf8t/ ³pred adj ¸1 ´in progress or operation; being prepared: ³There's mischief @. There's a scheme @ to improve the roads. ¸2 ´(old use) on foot; walking.¼ ¨afore© ²/EÚfc(r)/ ³adv, prep ´(naut) before. ¸@ the mast, ´as an unlicensed seaman with quarters in the forecastle. ¸Ú@-said ³pron, adj ´(legal) (that has been) said or mentioned before. ¸Ú@-thought, µ¥ malice.¼ ¨a fortiori© ²/*eI *fctIÚcrñI/ ³adv ´(Lat) by a more convincing argument.¼ ¨afoul© ²/EÚfñ8l/ ³adv ·run/fall @ of, ´(more usu ³run/fall foul of´) come into collision with; get mixed up with.¼ ¨afraid© ²/EÚfreId/ ³pred adj ¸1 ·@ (of), ´frightened (of): ³There's nothing to be @ of. Are you @ of snakes? ¸2 ·@ of ´« ³gerund´; ·@ that, ´doubtful or anxious about consequences: ³I was @ of hurting his feelings/that I might hurt his feelings. She was @ of waking her husband, ´didn't want to wake him, perhaps because he was ill or in need of sleep. ¸3 ·@ to ´« ³inf, ´worried, filled with apprehension: ³She was @ to wake her husband, ´feared that he might be angry with her. ³Don't be @ ´(= Don't hesitate) ³to ask for my help. ¸4 ·@ (that), ´(³that ´usu omitted) (a polite formula used with a statement that may be unwelcome): ³I'm @ (that) we shall be late. We missed the last train, I'm @. I'm @ I can't help.¼ ¨afresh© ²/EÚfre2/ ³adv ´again; in a new way: ³Let's start @.¼ ¨Af®ri®can© ²/ÚafrIkEn/ ³n, adj ´(indigenous inhabitant) of Africa.¼ ¨Af®ri®kaans© ²/*afrIÚkqns/ ³n ´language developed from Dutch, one of the two official European languages in the Republic of South Africa. ³adj ´of this language or the people who speak it. ¸Afri®kaner ²/-ÚkqnE(r)/ ³n, adj ´(of) a native @ speaker.¼ ¨Afro-© ²/*afrE8/ ³pref ´(in compounds) of Africa or Africans: ³an A@-hairstyle. ¸*@-ÚAsian ³adj ´of Africa and Asia. ¸*@-AÚmerican ³n ´American of African descent. ¸*@-Úwig ³n ´wig in the style of hairdressing of some African women.¼ ¨aft© ²/qft ³US: ²aft/ ³adv ´(naut) at or near the stern of a ship, µ¥ ´the illus at µship´: ³go aft; fore and aft, µ¥ fore.¼ ¨after©1 ²/ÚqftE(r) ³US: ²Úaf-/ ³adj ´(attrib only) ¸1 ´later; following: ³in @ years. ¸2 ´(naut) toward the stern of a ship: ³the ·Ú³@ cabin; the ·Ú³@mast.¼ ¨after©2 ²/ÚqftE(r) ³US: ²Úaf-/ ³adv ´later in time; behind in place: ³He fell ill on Monday and died three days @ (later ´is more usu³). What comes @? Soon @ (afterwards ´is more usu³), he went to live in Wales.¼ ¨after©3 ²/ÚqftE(r) ³US: ²Úaf-/ ³conj ´at or during a time later than: ³I arrived @ he (had) left. I shall arrive @ you leave/have left.¼ ¨after©4 ²/ÚqftE(r) ³US: ²af-/ ³prep ¸1 ´following in time; later than: ³@ dinner; @ dark; @ two o'clock; soon/shortly @ six. ´Cf a little ³before ´six. ³@ that, ´then; next; ³the day @ tomorrow; the week @ next; ´(US) ³half @ ´(= GB past) ³seven. ¸2 ´next in order to; following: ³Put the direct object @ the verb. "Against' comes @ "again' in the dictionary. ¸3 ´behind: ³Shut the door @ you when you leave the room. ¸4 ´in view of; as a result of: ³I shall never speak to him again @ what he has said about me. ¸5 ·@ all, ¸(a) ´in spite of all: ³A@ all my care, it was broken. ¸(b) ´nevertheless: ³He failed @ all, ´in spite of all that had been done, etc. ¸6 ´(in the pattern: ³n @ n´, indicating succession): ³day @ day; week @ week; time @ time, ´repeatedly, very often; ³shot @ shot. ·one (damned) thing @ another, ´succession of unpleasant happenings, etc. ¸7 ´(indicating manner) in the style of; in imitation of: ³a painting @ Rembrandt. ·(do sth) @ a fashion; a man @ my own heart, µ¥ fashion(1), heart(2). ¸8 ´(with ³vv, ´indicating pursuit, search, inquiry): ³The policeman ran @ the thief. Did they inquire @ me, ´ask for news of me? ·be/get @ sb, ´look for, in order to reprimand, punish, etc according to context: ³The police are @ him. They'll be @ you if you steal apples from this orchard. µ¥ ³look @, name sb @, take @, ´at µlook±1µ(6), name±2µ(1) ´and µtake(16). ¸9 ´(Irish usage) preceding a gerund, making an equivalent of a perfect tense: ³He's @ drinking, ´has been drinking.¼ ¨after-© ²/ÚqftE(r) ³US: ²Úaf-/ ³pref ´second or later. ¸Ú@®care ³n ´further treatment given to a person or class of persons, eÔg sb who has been ill or offenders discharged from prison. ¸Ú@®damp ³n ´poisonous mixture of gases after the explosion of firedamp in a coal-mine. ¸Ú@-effect ³n ´effect that occurs afterwards, eÔg a delayed effect of a drug used medically. ¸Ú@®glow ³n ´glow in the sky after sunset. ¸(the) Ú@®life ³n ¸(a) ´the life believed to follow death. ¸(b) ´the later part of sb's lifetime (esp after a particular event). ¸Ú@®math ²/-maT/ ³n ´(of grass) crop from a second growth (after the hay harvest); (fig) outcome; consequence: ³Misery is usually the @math of war. ¸Ú@®thought ³n ¶[U] ´reflection afterwards; ¶[C] ´thought that comes afterwards.¼ ¨after®noon© ²/*qftEÚnun ³US: ²*af-/ ³n ¶[U,C] ´time between morning and evening: ³in/during the @; this/yesterday/tomorrow @; every @; on Sunday @; on the @ of May 1st; one @ last week; on several @s; ´(attrib) ³an @ sleep/concert.¼ ¨afters© ²/ÚqftEz ³US: ²Úaf-/ ³n pl ´(colloq) last (usu sweet) course at a meal: ³What's for @? Is it fruit and custard?¼ ¨after®wards© ²/ÚqftEwEdz ³US: ²Úaf-/ ³adv ´after; later.¼ ¨again© ²/EÚgen/ ³adv ¸1 ´once more: ³If you fail the first time, try @. Say it @, please. Do you think she will marry @, ´remarry? ³You must type this letter @, ´retype it. ·now and @, ´occasionally. ·@ and @; time and (time) @, ´repeatedly; very often. ·(the) same @, ´formula for re-ordering, eÔg a drink. ¸2 ´(with ³not, never´) any more: ³This must never happen @. Don't do that @. ¸3 ´to or in the original condition, position, etc: ³You'll soon be well @. He was glad to be home @. You won't get the money back @, ´won't regain it. ·be oneself @, ´be restored to a normal (physical or mental) condition. ¸4 ·as many/much @, ¸(a) ´the same number/quantity. ¸(b) ´twice as many/much; the same in addition. ·half as many/much/long, etc @, ´half as many/much, etc in addition. ¸5 ´(often preceded by ³and ´or ³and then´) furthermore, besides: ³Then @, I feel doubtful whether«.¼ ¨against© ²/EÚgenst/ ³prep ¸1 ´(indicating opposition): ³Public opinion was @ the proposal. ´Cf ³for, in favour of. ³We were rowing @ the current. ´Cf ³with. It was a race @ time, ´an attempt to finish before a certain time, before a possible happening, etc. ³She was married @ her will. Is there a law @ spitting in the streets in this country? His appearance is @ him, ´is such that people are unlikely to favour or support him. ¸2 ´(with ³vv ´indicating protest): ³vote/cry out/write/raise one's voice @ a proposal. ¸3 ´(with ³vv, ´to indicate collision or impact): ³The rain was beating @ the windows. He hit his head @ the wall in the dark cellar. µ¥ ³run against ´at µrun±1µ(21). ¸4 ´in contrast to: ³The pine trees were black @ the morning sky. ¸5 ´in preparation for; in anticipation of: ³take precautions @ fire; an injection @ rabies; save money @ a rainy day, ´(prov) for a time of possible need. ¸6 ´(indicating support or close proximity): ³Place the ladder @ the tree. Put the piano with its back @ the wall. He was leaning @ a post. ¸7 ·over @, ¸(a) ´facing, opposite to. ¸(b) ´(fig) in contrast with, in addition to.¼ ¨agape© ²/EÚgeIp/ ³pred adj ´(facet) ´with the mouth wide open (owing to wonder, surprise, or a yawn).¼ ¨agar-agar© ²/*eIgqr ÚeIgq(r) ³US: ²*qg- Úqg-/ ³n ¶[U] ´(jelly-like substance prepared from) seaweed.¼ ¨ag®ate© ²/ÚagEt/ ³n ´(sorts of) very hard stone, a form of silica, with bands or patches of colour.¼ ¨agave© ²/EÚgeIvI ³US: ²EÚgqvI/ ³n ´(bot) (kinds of) tropical fleshy-leaved plant (including ³sisal´), cultivated for their fibres and as a source of intoxicating drinks, eÔg ³pulque.¼ ¨age©1 ²/eIdZ/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´length of time a person has lived or a thing has existed: ³What's his age, ´How old is he? ³Their ages are 4, 7 and 9. At what age do children start school in your country? What's the age of that old church? When I was your age« I have a son your age, ´a son$the same age as you. ³She ought to be earning her own living at her age, ´She's old enough now to do this. ·be/come of age, ´be/become old enough to be responsible in law. µ¥ ³age of consent ´at µconsent. ·be of an age, ´reach a stage in life when one ought to do sth: ³He's of an age when he ought to be settling down, eÔg get a good job, marry. ·over age, ´having passed a certain age or age limit: ³He won't be called up for military service; he's over age. µ¥ ³age limit ´at µlimit±1µ. ·under age, ´too young; not yet of age. ¸Úage-bracket ³n ´period of life between two specified ages, eÔg between 20 and 30. ¸Úage-group ³n ´number of persons of the same age. ¸2 ¶[U] ´later part of life (contrasted with ³youth´): ³His back was bent with age. If we could have the strength of youth and the wisdom of age,«. ¸3 ¶[C] ´great or long period of time, with special characteristics or events: ³the age of machinery; the atomic age; the Elizabethan Age, ´the time of Queen Elizabeth ²¥ ´of England (1558Å1603). µ¥ ³golden age, middle age, the Middle Ages, the Stone Age ´at µgolden(2), middle(3), stone(1). ¸4 ¶[C] ´(colloq) very long time: ³We've been waiting an age/for ages.¼ ¨age©2 ²/eIdZ/ ³vt,vi (pres part µageing ´or µaging, ³pp µaged ²/eIdZd/³) ¶[VP6A,2A] ´(cause to) grow old: ³He's ag(e)ing fast. I found him greatly aged, ´looking much older. ¸aged ²/ÚeIdZd/ ³pred adj ´of the age of: ³a boy aged ten. µ¹ ³attrib adj ²/ÚeIdZId/ ´very old: ³an aged man; the poor and the aged, ´those who are poor and old. ¸Úaging, Úage®ing ³n ¶[U] ´process of growing old; changes that occur as the result of the passing of time. ¸Úage®less ³adj ´eternal; always young; not affected by time. ¸Úage-long ³adj ´lasting for centuries; handed down the ages. ¸*age-Úold ³adj ´that has been known, practised, etc for a long time: ³age-old customs/ceremonies.¼ ¨agency© ²/ÚeIdZEnsI/ ³n (pl µ-cies³) ¸1 ´business, place of business, of an agentµ(1)´: ³The Company has agencies in all parts of Africa. He found a job through an employment @. Not all travel agencies are reliable. ¸2 ¶[U] ·the @ of, ´the operation, action of; ³Rocks are worn smooth through the @ of water. He obtained a position in a government office through/by the @ ´(= with the help or influence) ³of friends.¼ ¨agenda© ²/EÚdZendE/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´(list of) things to be done, business to be discussed, eÔg by a committee: ³the next item on the @; item No 5 on the @. ¸2 ´(comp) set of operations which form a procedure for solving a problem.¼ ¨agent© ²/ÚeIdZEnt/ ³n ¸1 ´person who acts for, or who manages the business affairs of, another or others: ³a ·Ú³house-@, ´one who buys, sells, lets and rents houses for the owners; ³a ·Ú³literary @, ´one who helps authors to find a publisher; ³a ·Ú³shipping or ·Ú³forwarding @, ´one who sends goods by rail, sea, road, etc for merchants, manufacturers, etc. ¸Úlaw @, ´(in Scotland) solicitor. µ¥ free±1µ(1), secret(1). ¸2 ´person used to achieve sth, to get a result; (science) substance, natural phenomenon, etc producing an effect: ³Rain and frost are natural @s that wear away rocks.¼ ¨agent pro®voca®teur© ²/*aZon prE*vokEÚt3(r)/ ³n (pl µagents provocateurs´, pronunciation unchanged³) ´(F) person employed to find suspected criminals or offenders by tempting them to commit an offence openly.¼ ¨ag®glom®er®ate© ²/EÚglomEreIt/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´gather, collect, into a mass. ¹ ³adj ²/EÚglomErEt/ ´collected into, forming or growing into, a mass. ¸ag®glom®er®ation ²/E*glomEÚreI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´action of agglomerating; ¶[C] ´(esp untidy) heap or collection of @d objects, eÔg a sprawl of untidy suburbs.¼ ¨ag®glu®tin®ate© ²/EÚglutIneIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,2A] ´join together as with glue; combine. ¸ag®glu®ti®nat®ive ²/EÚglutInEtIv ³US: ²-tEneItIv/ ³adj ´(of languages) that combine simple words into compounds without change of form or loss of meaning.¼ ¨ag®grand®ize© ²/EÚgrandñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) ´increase (in power, rank, wealth, importance). ¸ag®grand®ize®ment ²/EÚgrandIzmEnt/ ³n´: ³a man bent on personal @.¼ ¨ag®gra®vate© ²/ÚagrEveIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´make worse or more serious: ³@ an illness/offence. ¸2 ´(colloq) irritate; exasperate: ³He @s her beyond endurance. How aggravating, ´annoying! ¸ag®gra®va®tion ²/*agrEÚveI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´aggravating or being @d; ¶[C] ´sth that @s.¼ ¨ag®gre®gate© ²/ÚagrIgeIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´bring or come together in a mass. ¸2 ¶[VP2E] ´amount to (specified total). ¹ ³n ²/ÚagrIgEt/ ¸1 ´total obtained by addition; mass or amount brought together. ·in the @, ´as a whole; collectively. ¸2 ´materials (sand, gravel, etc) mixed with cement to make concrete. ¸ag®gre®ga®tion ²/*agrIÚgeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´number of separate things, materials, brought together into a mass or group.¼ ¨ag®gres®sion© ²/EÚgre2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´unprovoked hostility, often beginning a quarrel or war: ³It was difficult to decide which country was guilty of @ (on/upon the other). ¸2 ¶[C] ´instance of this.¼ ¨ag®gres®sive© ²/EÚgresIv/ ³adj ¸1 ´quarrelsome; disposed to attack: ³an @ man; a man with an @ disposition. ¸2 ´offensive; of or for attack: ³@ weapons. ¸3 ´pushing; not afraid of resistance: ³A man who goes from door to door selling things has to be @ if he wants to succeed. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n ¸ag®gres®sor ²/-sE(r)/ ³n ´person, country, making an @ attack: (attrib) ³the aggressor nation.¼ ¨ag®grieve© ²/EÚgriv/ ³vt ´(usu passive) grieve: ³be @d. ·feel (oneself) much @d (at/over sth), ´feel that one has been treated unjustly; be hurt in one's feelings.¼ ¨ag®gro© ²/ÚagrE8/ ³n ¶[U] ´(GB sl) aggression as shown by gangs of teenagers towards other gangs, racial minorities, etc.¼ ¨aghast© ²/EÚgqst ³US: ²EÚgast/ ³pred adj ´filled with fear or surprise: ³He stood @ at the terrible sight.¼ ¨agile© ²/ÚadZñIl ³US: ²ÚadZl/ ³adj ´(of living things) quick-moving; active. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸agil®ity ²/EÚd2IlEtI/ ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨agin© ²/EÚgIn/ ³prep ´(used jocularly for) against, eÔg in: ³@ the government.¼ ¨ag®ing© ³n ´= ageing. µ¥ age ±2µ.¼ ¨agi®tate© ²/ÚadZIteIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´move or shake (aliquid); stir up (the surface of a liquid). ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´disturb; cause anxiety to (a person, his mind or feelings): ³She was deeply @d until she learnt that her husband was among the survivors. He was @d about his wife's health. ¸3 ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ´argue publicly in favour of, take part in a campaign for: ³@ for the repeal of a law; workers who @d for higher wages. ¸agi®tated ³part adj ´troubled. ¸agi®tat®ing ³part adj ´causing anxiety. ¸agi®ta®tion ²/*adZIÚteI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´moving or shaking (of a liquid). ¸2 ¶[U] ´excitement of the mind or feelings; anxiety: ³She was in a state of agitation. ¸3 ¶[C,U] ´discussion or debate (for the purpose of bringing about a change); ¶[U] ´social or political unrest or trouble caused by such discussion: ³Small shopkeepers carried on a long agitation against the big department stores. ¸agi®ta®tor ²/-tE(r)/ ³n ´person who @s, esp politically.¼ ¨aglow© ²/EÚglE8/ ³pred adj ¸1 ´bright with colour; in a glow: ³The sky was @ with the setting sun. ¸2 ´(of persons) showing warmth from exercise or excitement: ³@ with pleasure; ´shining: ³a face @ with health.¼ ¨ag®nail© ²/ÚagneIl/ ³n ¶[U] ´torn skin at the base of a finger-nail.¼ ¨ag®nos®tic© ²/agÚnostIk/ ³n ´person who believes that nothing$can be known about God or of anything except material things. ¹ ³adj ´of this belief. ¸ag®nos®ti®cism ²/agÚnostIsIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´this belief.¼ ¨ago© ²/EÚgE8/ ³adv ´(used to indicate time measured back to a point in the past; always placed after the word or words it modifies; used with the simple ³pt´): ³The train left a few minutes ago/not long ago. That was many years/a long while ago. How long ago is it that you last saw her? I met Mary no longer ago than ´(= as recently as) ³last Sunday. It was seven years ago that my brother died. ´Cf It ³is ´seven years ³since ´my brother died.¼ ¨agog© ²/EÚgog/ ³pred adj ´eager; excited: ³@ for news; @ to hear the news. The whole village was @. His unexpected return set the town @, ´eÔg was the cause of many rumours about the reasons for his return.¼ ¨ag®ony© ²/ÚagEnI/ ³n (pl µ-nies³) ¶[U,C] ´great pain or suffering (of mind or body): ³She looked on in @ at her child's sufferings. I've suffered agonies/have been in agonies with toothache. He was in an @ of remorse. ¸Ú@ column, ´newspaper column with advertisements for news of missing friends, etc. ·pile on the @, ´(colloq) µ¥ pile±3µ(1). ¸ag®on®ized ²/ÚagEnñIzd/ ³adj ´expressing @: ³agonized shrieks. ¸ag®on®iz®ing ²/ÚagEnñIzIG/ ³adj ´causing @.¼ ¨agora© ²/ÚagErE/ ³n ´(in ancient Greece) (place of) assembly; market-place. ¸@®phobia ²/*agErEÚfE8bIE/ ³n ¶[U] ´fear of (crossing) open spaces.¼ ¨agrar®ian© ²/EÚgreErIEn/ ³adj ´of land (esp farmland) or land ownership: ³@ laws/problems/reforms/disputes.¼ ¨agree© ²/EÚgri/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,3A,B] ·@ (to), ´say "Yes'; consent: ³I asked him to help me and he @d. Mary's father has @d to her marrying John. He @d to my proposal. ¸2 ¶[VP3A,B,4C,7A] ´(also with an ³inf ´or a ³that´-clause without a ³prep´) be of the same opinion(s); be in harmony (³with ´sb ³on/about ´sth, ³as to ´how to do sth, etc): ³We @d to start early. I hope you will @ with me that our teacher's advice is excellent. We all @d on the terms. We @d on an early start/on making an early start/that we should start early/to start early. We met at the @d time, ´at the time we had @d on. ³We are ´(= have) ³all @d on finding the accused man innocent. We are all @d that the proposal is a good one. We could not @ (as to) how it should be done. Have you @d about the price yet? ¸3 ¶[VP2A,C] ´(of two or more persons) be happy together; get on well with one another (without arguing, etc): ³We shall never @. Why can't you children @ (together)? ¸4 ¶[VP3A] ·@ (with), ´match, conform (with): ³Your story @s with what I had already heard. This bill does not @ with your original estimate, ´the two are different. ¸5 ¶[VP3A] ·@ with, ´suit, eÔg the health or constitution of: ³The climate doesn't @ with me. The mussels I had for lunch haven't @d with me, ´have upset my stomach. ¸6 ¶[VP3A] ·@ with, ´(gram) correspond in number, person, etc with: ³The verb @s with its subject in number and person. ¸7 ¶[VP6A] ´(of figures, accounts, proposals, etc) accept or approve (as being correct): ³The Inspector of Taxes has @d your return of income.¼ ¨agree®able© ²/EÚgriEbl/ ³adj ¸1 ´pleasing; giving pleasure: ³She has an @ voice. ¸2 ´ready to agree: ³Are you @ to the proposal? I'm @ to doing what you suggest. ¸agree®ably ²/-EblI/ ³adv´: ³I was agreeably surprised, ´surprised and pleased.¼ ¨agree®ment© ²/EÚgrimEnt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´having the same opinion(s); thinking in the same way: ³We are in @ on that point. I'm quite in @ with what you say. There is no @ upon/about what should be done. ¸2 ¶[C] ´arrangement or understanding (spoken or written) made by two or more persons, groups, business companies, governments, etc: ³sign an @; an @ to rent a house. ·come to/arrive at/make/reach an @ (with sb), ´reach an understanding.¼ ¨ag®ri®cul®ture© ²/ÚagrIkAlt2E(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´science or practice of farming; cultivation of the soil. ¸ag®ri®cul®tural ²/*agrIÚkAlt2ErEl/ ³adj ´of @: ³agricultural workers.¼ ¨aground© ²/EÚgrñ8nd/ ³adv, pred adj ´(of ships) touching the bottom in shallow water: ³The ship went @/was fast @/ran @.¼ ¨ague© ²/ÚeIgju/ ³n ´fever.¼ ¨ah© ²/q/ ³int ´cry of surprise, pity, etc.¼ ¨aha© ²/qÚhq/ ³int ´cry of surprise, triumph, satisfaction, etc, according to context.¼ ¨ahead© ²/EÚhed/ ³adv ·@ (of), ´in front; in advance: ³Tom was a quick walker and soon got @ of the others. He ran on @. Standard time in Turkey is two hours @ of Greenwich Mean Time. ·Full speed @! ´Go forward at full speed! ·go @, ¸(a) ´make progress: ³Things are going @. ¸(b) ´(colloq, also ·fire @´) ´continue (with what you're about to say or do). ·in line @, ´(of warships) moving forward, anchored, in a column or file. ·look @, ´(fig) think of and prepare for future needs.¼ ¨ahem© ²/EÚhEm/ ³int ´(usu spelling form of the) noise made when clearing the throat; noise made to give a slight warning or to call sb's attention.¼ ¨ahoy© ²/EÚhãI/ ³int ´greeting or warning cry used by seamen.¼ ¨aid© ²/eId/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,17B,14] ´help: ³aid one another; aid sb to do sth; aid sb with money. ´¹ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´help: ³aid programmes, ´those designed to give help, eÔg to developing countries. ³He came to my aid, ´came to help me. ³What is the collection in aid of, ´What is the money to be used for? µ¥ first±1µ(2), legal. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth that helps. ¸visual aids, ´pictures, films, film-strips, etc used in teaching. ¸Úhearing-aid, ´appliance that helps a deaf person to hear.¼ ¨aide-de-camp© ²/*eId dE Úkom ³US: ²Úkamp/ ³n (pl µaides-de-camp´, pronunciation unchanged³) ´naval or military officer who helps a superior by carrying orders, etc.¼ ¨aide-m_emoire© ²/*eId *memÚwq(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´(in diplomacy) memorandum. ¸2 ´document, list etc to remind sb of sth.¼ ¨aigrette©, aigret ²/ÚeIgret ³US: ²*eIÚgret/ ³n ´tuft of feathers worn as an ornament on the head; spray of gems or jewels in imitation of this.¼ ¨ail© ²/eIl/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´(old use) trouble: ³What ails him, ´What's wrong with him, What's troubling him? ¸2 ¶[VP2A,B] ´be ill: ³The children are always ailing, ´always in poor health.¼ ¨aileron© ²/ÚeIlEron/ ³n ´hinged part of the wing of an aircraft that helps to balance the aircraft and control ascent and descent. µ¥ ´the illus at µaircraft.¼ ¨ail®ment© ²/ÚeIlmEnt/ ³n ¶[C] ´illness.¼ ¨aim©1 ²/eIm/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14,2A] ·aim (at), ¸(a) ´point (a gun, etc) towards: ³aim a gun at sb. He aimed (his gun) at the lion, fired and missed. ¸(b) ´send, direct, eÔg a blow, object (³at ´sb or sth): ³Tom got angry with his brother and aimed a heavy book at his head. ´(fig) ³My remarks were not aimed at you. ¸2 ¶[VP3A, ³aim at doing sth; ´US ¶4A, ³aim to do sth¶] ´have as a plan or intention: ³Harry aims at becoming/to become a doctor. What are you aiming at?¼ ¨aim©2 ²/eIm/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´act of aiming, eÔg with a gun: ³Take careful aim at the target. He missed his aim, ´did not hit the target. ¸2 ¶[C] ´purpose; object: ³What's your aim in life, ´What do you want to do or be? ³He has only one aim and object in lifeÅto make a fortune before he is fifty.¼ ¸aim®less ³adj ´having no aim or purpose: ³an aimless sort of life. ¸aim®less®ly ³adv´: ³wandering about the town aimlessly.¼ ¨ain't© ²/eInt/ ³c ´(vulg) contracted form of ³are/is/am not, ´and ³have/has notÔ´: ³I @ going. We @ got any.¼ ¨air©1 ²/eE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and which we breathe: ³Let's go out and have some fresh air. ·in the air, ¸(a) ´uncertain: ³My plans are still quite in the air. ¸(b) ´(of opinions, etc) spreading about: ³There are rumours in the air that«. ¸(c) ´(mil) uncovered, unprotected: ³Their left flank was left in the air. ·clear the air, ¸(a) ´make the air (in a room, etc) fresh again. ¸(b) ´(fig) get rid of suspicion, doubt, etc by giving facts, etc. µ¥ ´also µcastle, hot±1µ(8). ¸2 ·by air, ´in aircraft: ³travel/send goods, etc by air; ´(attrib) of flying, aircraft, etc: ³air transport. ¸ÚAir Arm, the ÚAir Force, ´all the military aircraft, the officers and men, etc of a country. ¸3 ¶[U] ´(radio) ·on the air, ´broadcast(ing): ³The Prime Minister will be on the air ´(= will be broadcasting) ³at 9.15pÔm. ·go off the air, ´stop broadcasting: ³Why has that station gone off the air? ¸4 ¶[C] ´(liter, naut) breeze: ³light airs, ´iÔe almost a state of calm. ¸5 ¶[C] ´(music, dated) tune, melody. ¸6 ¶[C] ¸(a) ´appearance; manner: ³He has an air of importance, ´seems to be, looks, important. ³The house has an air of comfort. ¸(b) ´(usu ³pl´) ·give oneself/put on airs, ´behave in an unnatural way in the hope of impressing people. ·airs and graces, ´foolish, exaggerated ways of behaving. ¸7 ´(compounds and attrib uses) ¸Úair®bed ³n ´mattress inflated with air. ¸Úair-bladder ³n ´(in animals and plants, esp seaweed) bladder filled with air. ¸Úair®borne ³adj ¸(a) ´transported by air. ¸(b) ´(of an aircraft) having taken off; in flight: ³We were soon airborne. ¸(c) ´(of troops) specially trained for air operations: ³an airborne division. ¸Úair®brake ³n ´brake worked by compressed air. ¸*Air (*Chief) ÚMarshal, *Air ÚCommodore ³nn ´highest ranks in the RÔAÔF. ¸Úair-conditioned ³adj ´(of a room, building, railway coach, etc) supplied with air that is purified and kept at a certain temperature and degree of humidity. ¸Úair-conditioning ³n ´this process. ¸*air-Úcooled ³adj ´cooled by a current of air. ¸Úair cover ³n ´force of aircraft used to protect a military or naval operation, eÔg an invasion. ¸Úair®craft ³n (pl ´unchanged³) ´aeroplane(s); airship(s). µ¥ ´the illus at the end of µair±1µ. ¸Úair®craft car®rier ³n ´ship built to carry aircraft, with a long, wide deck for taking off and landing. ¸Úair®craft®man ²/-mEn/ ³n ´lowest non-commissioned rank in the RÔAÔF. ¸Úair®crew ³n ´crew of an aircraft. ¸Úair cushion ³n ´one inflated with air. ¸Úair-cushion vehicle ³n ´vehicle or craft of the hovercraft type. µ¥ ´the illus at µhovercraft. ¸Úair®drome ³n ´(US) aerodrome. ¸Úair drop ³n ´dropping (of men, supplies) by parachutes from aircraft. ¸Úair duct ³n ´device, eÔg in an aircraft or a ship's cabin, for directing a flow of air for the comfort of passengers. ¸Úair®field ³n ´area of open, level ground, with hangars, workshops, offices, etc for operations of (esp military) aircraft. ¸Úair®flow ³n ´flow of air over the surfaces of an aircraft in flight. ¸Úair®frame ³n ´complete structure of an aircraft without the engine(s). ¸Úair gun ³n ´gun in which compressed air is used to propel the charge. ¸Úair hostess ³n ´stewardess in an airliner. ¸Úair letter ³n ´sheet of light paper (to be) folded and sent, without an envelope, cheaply by airmail. ¸Úair lift ³n ´large-scale transport of persons or supplies by air, esp in an emergency. ¸Úair®line ³n ´regular service of aircraft for public use. ¸Úair®liner ³n ´passenger-carrying aircraft. ¸Úair lock ³n ¸(a) ´(bubble of air in a pipe causing) stoppage in the flow of liquid. ¸(b) ´compartment with air-tight doors at each end. ¸Úair®mail ³n ¶[U] ´mail (to be) carried by air: ·Ú³airmail edition, ´(of newspapers, periodicals) printed on thin light paper for sending by airmail. ¸Úair®man ²/-mEn/ ³n ´man who flies in an aircraft as a member of the crew, esp a pilot; (RÔAÔF) man of any rank up to and including a Warrant Officer. ¸*air-Úminded ³adj ´looking upon flying as a normal and necessary method of transport. ¸Úair pillow ³n ´air cushion. ¸Úair®plane ³n ´(US) aeroplane. ¸Úair pocket ³n ´atmospheric condition (partial vacuum) causing an aircraft to drop some distance: ³We had a bumpy flight because of air pockets. ¸Úair®port ³n ´public flying ground for commercial use by airliners. ¸Úair-pump ³n ´pump for exhausting a vessel of its air. ¸Úair-raid ³n ´attack by aircraft that drop bombs; (attrib, with hyphen): ³air-raid warnings/precautions; air-raid warden, ´person in charge of air-raid precautions. ¸Úair rifle ³n ´= air gun. ¸Úair®screw ³n ´aircraft propeller. µ¥ ´the illus at µscrew. ¸*air-*sea Úrescue ³n ´organization for, work of, rescuing airmen and passengers from the sea, eÔg by the use of motor-boats or helicopters. ¸Úair-shaft ³n ´passage for air into a mine. ¸Úair®ship ³n ´gas-filled flying-machine with engine(s). µ¥ balloon, dirigible. ¸Úair space ³n ´part of the earth's atmosphere above a country: ³violation of our air space by military aircraft. ¸Úair speed ³n ´speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is moving. ¸Úair®strip ³n ´strip of ground for the use of aircraft, esp one made for use in war or in an emergency. ¸Úair terminal ³n ´terminus (in a town or city centre) to or from which passengers, etc travel to or from an airport. ¸Úair®tight ³adj ´not allowing air to enter or escape. ¸Úair umbrella ³n ´= air cover. ¸Úair®way ³n ´route regularly followed by airliners; ³(pl) ´company operating a service of airliners: ³British Airways. ¸Úair®woman ³n ´(WÔRÔAÔF) woman of any rank up to and including a Warrant Officer. ¸Úair®worthy ³adj ´(of aircraft) fit to fly; in good working order. ¸Úair®worthi®ness ³n ¸*air-to-Úair ³adj ´(of missiles) fired from one aircraft against another. ¸*air-to-Úground ³adj ´fired from an aircraft to hit a target on the ground.¼ ¨air©2 ²/eE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´put (clothing, bedding, etc) into the open air or into a warm place to make it quite dry: ³The mattress needs to be aired. ¸2 ´let air into (a room, etc). ¸3 ´cause others to know (one's opinions, a grievance, etc): ³He likes to air his knowledge, ´let people see how much he knows. ¸air®ing ²/ÚeErIG/ ³n´: ³give sth an airing, ´expose it to the air or to a fire; ³go for an airing, take the children for an airing, ´out in the fresh air. ¸Úairing-cupboard ³n ´warmed cupboard in which to keep bed-linen, towels, etc.¼ ¨Aire®dale© ²/ÚeEdeIl/ ³n ´large rough-coated terrier (kind of dog).¼ ¨air®less© ²/ÚeElIs/ ³adj ¸1 ´not having enough fresh air; stuffy: ³an @ room. ¸2 ´(of the weather) calm; still: ³Isn't it @ this evening!¼ ¨airy© ²/ÚeErI/ ³adj ¸1 ´having plenty of fresh air moving through it: ³a nice @ room. ¸2 ´of or like air; immaterial. ¸3 ´not sincere; superficial: ³@ promises, ´unlikely to be kept; ³an @ manner, ´careless and light-hearted. ¸air®ily ²/ÚeErElI/ ³adv¼ ¨aisle© ²/ñIl/ ³n ¸1 ´passage in a church, esp one that is divided by a row of columns from the nave; (in a small church) passage between rows of pews (= seats). µ¥ ´the illus at µchurch. ¸2 ´(US) passage between any rows of seats, eÔg in a theatre or railway coach; any long and narrow passageway.¼ ¨aitch© ²/eIt2/ ³n ´the letter H. ·drop one's @s, ´fail to utter the sound ²/h/ ´at the beginning of a word, eÔg by saying ³'at ´for ³hat. ¸Ú@-bone ³n ´(cut of beef over the) bone of the rump.¼ ¨ajar© ²/EÚdZq(r)/ ³pred adj ´(of doors) slightly open.¼ ¨akim®bo© ²/EÚkImbE8/ ³adv ·with arms @, ´with the hands on the hips and elbows bent outwards.¼ ¨akin© ²/EÚkIn/ ³pred adj ·@ (to), ´of similar character; like: ³Pity is often @ to love.¼ ¨ala®bas®ter© ²/ÚalEbqstE(r) ³US: ²-bas-/ ³n ¶[U] ´soft, white stone like marble in appearance, used for ornaments. ¹ ³adj ´like @ in smoothness and whiteness.¼ ¨`a la carte© ²/*q lq Úkqt/ ³adv ´(F) (of meals) ordered from a list, course by course, not at a fixed price for the complete meal (as for ³table d'h^ote´).¼ ¨alack© ²/EÚlak/ ³int ´(old use) cry of regret or sorrow.¼ ¨alac®rity© ²/EÚlakrEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´eager and cheerful readiness.¼ ¨`a la mode© ²/*q *lq ÚmE8d/ ³adv ´(F) according to the latest fashion, ideas, etc; (US) served with ice-cream: ³apple pie @.¼ ¨alarm© ²/EÚlqm/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´(sound or signal giving a) warning of danger; apparatus used to give such a warning: ³a ·Ú³fire @. ·give/raise/sound the @, ring a bell or in other ways send out a warning signal. ¸Ú@(-clock) ³n ´clock that can be set to ring a bell or sound a buzzer at a fixed time to waken a sleeping person: ³set the @(-clock) for six o'clock. ¸2 ¶[U] ´fear and excitement caused by the expectation of danger: ³He jumped up in @. I hope you didn't take/feel @ at the news. ´¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´give a warning or feeling of danger to; cause anxiety to: ³The noise of the shot @ed hundreds of birds. Everybody was @ed at the news that war might break out. ¸@®ing ³part adj ´causing @. ¸@®ist ²/-Ist/ ³n ´person who raises @s with little cause.¼ ¨alas© ²/EÚlas/ ³int ´cry of sorrow or regret.¼ ¨alb© ²/alb/ ³n ´white vestment reaching to the feet, worn by some Christian priests at ceremonies. µ¥ ´the illus at µvestment.¼ ¨al®ba®tross© ²/ÚalbEtros/ ³n ´large, white, web-footed seabird, common in the Pacific and Southern Oceans. µ¥ ´the illus at µwater.¼ ¨al®beit© ²/*clÚbiIt/ ³conj ´(formal) though µ(1)´.¼ ¨al®bino© ²/alÚbinE8 ³US: ²-ÚbñI-/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-nE8z/³) ´animal or human being born without natural colouring matter in the skin and hair (which are white) and the eyes (which are pink).¼ ¨al®bum© ²/ÚalbEm/ ³n ¸1 ´blank book in which a collection of photographs, autographs, postage stamps, etc can be kept. ¸2 ´holder for a set of discs; long-playing record with several pieces by the same musician(s), singer(s).¼ ¨al®bu®men© ²/Úalbj8mn/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´white of egg. µ¥ ´the illus at µfowl. ¸2 ´substance as in white of egg, part of animal and vegetable matter.¼ ¨al®chem®ist© ²/ÚalkImIst/ ³n ´person who studied or practised alchemy.¼ ¨al®chemy© ²/ÚalkImI/ ³n ¶[U] ´chemistry of the Middle Ages, the chief aim of which was to discover how to change ordinary metals into gold.¼ ¨al®co®hol© ²/ÚalkEhol ³US: ²-hcl/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(pure, colourless liquid present in) such drinks as beer, wine, brandy, whisky. ¸2 ¶[U,C] ´(chem) large group of compounds of the same type as @µ(1). ¸@ic ²/*alkEÚholIk ³US: ²-Úhcl-/ ³adj ´of or containing @. µ¹ ³n ´person addicted to @ic drink. ¸@ism ²/-®IzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´addiction to @ic drink; diseased condition caused by this.¼ ¨al®cove© ²/ÚalkE8v/ ³n ´recess; partially enclosed extension of a room, often occupied by a bed or by seats; similar space within a garden enclosure.¼ ¨al®der© ²/ÚcldE(r)/ ³n ´tree of the birch family, usu growing in marshy places.¼ ¨al®der®man© ²/ÚcldEmEn/ ³n (pl µ-men ²/-mEn/³) ´senior member of a city or borough council in England and Ireland, next in rank to a mayor, elected by fellow councillors. ¸@ic ²/*cldEÚmanIk/ ³adj¼ ¨ale© ²/eIl/ ³n ¶[U] ´(GB) (kind of) beer; (old use) = beer. µ¥ ´also µginger. ¸Úale-house ³n ´(old name for) public house.¼ ¨alee© ²/EÚli/ ³adv, pred adj ´(naut) at, on, towards, the lee or sheltered side of a ship.¼ ¨alert© ²/EÚl3t/ ³adj ´watchful; fully awake; lively: ³@ in answering questions. ´¹ ³n ¸1 ·on the @, ´on the look-out (³for ´sth, ³against ´an attack, etc, ³to do ´sth). ¸2 ¶[C] ´(period of) watchfulness under enemy attack, esp an air raid. ¸3 ¶[C] ´notice to stand ready: ³They received the @ at 10aÔm. ´¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´put (troops, etc) on the @. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n ´being @ or prompt (³in ´doing sth).¼ ¨alex®an®drine© ²/*alIgÚzandrñIn/ ³n ´(of verse rhythm) iambic line of six feet or twelve syllables.¼ ¨alexia© ²/EÚleksIE/ ³n ¶[U] ´(path) disease in which cerebral lesions cause inability to read (popularly called "word blindness'). ¸alexic ²/EÚleksIk/ ´adj of @: ³alexic ´children.¼ ¨al®falfa© ²/alÚfalfE/ ³n ¶[U] ´(US) = µlucerne.¼ ¨al®fresco© ²/*alÚfreskE8/ ³adj, adv ´(of meals) in the open air; out of doors: ³an @ lunch; lunching @.¼ ¨alga© ²/ÚalgE/ ³n (pl µalgae ²/ÚaldZi/³) ´(bot) water plant of very simple structure.¼ ¨al®ge®bra© ²/ÚaldZIbrE/ ³n ´branch of mathematics in which signs and letters are used to represent quantities. ¸@ic ²/*aldZIÚbreIIk/¸, @®ical ²/-kl/ ³adj ´of @. ¸@®ic®ally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨alias© ²/ÚeIlIEs/ ³n (pl µ@es ²/-sIz/³) ´name by which a person is called on other occasions: ³The criminal had several @es. ´¹ ³adv ´also called.¼ ¨alibi© ²/ÚalIbñI/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-bñIz/³) ¸1 ´(legal) plea that one was in another place at the time of an alleged act, esp a crime: ³The accused man was able to establish/prove an @. ¸2 ´(colloq) excuse (for failure, etc).¼ ¨alien© ²/ÚeIlIEn/ ³n ´(legal or official use) foreigner who is not a subject of the country in which he lives: ³An Englishman is an @ in the United States. ´¹ ³adj ¸1 ´foreign: ³an @ environment. ¸2 ·@ (to), ´differing in nature or character: ³These principles are @ to our religion. ¸3 ´contrary or opposed (³to´): ³Cruelty was quite @ to his nature.¼ ¨alien®ate© ²/ÚeIlIEneIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (from), ¸1 ´estrange; cause (sb previously friendly) to become unfriendly or indifferent (by unpopular or distasteful actions): ³The Prime Minister's policy @d many of his followers. At various times artists have felt @d from society, ´felt shut out from society. ¸2 ´transfer ownership of (property): ³Enemy property is often @d in time of war, ´iÔe seized by the Government. ¸alien®ation ²/*eIlIEÚneI2n/ ³n ´alienating or being @d; estrangement; (theatre) critical detachment (of actors and audience) from, emotional non-involvement in, problems presented by a drama.¼ ¨alien®ist© ²/ÚeIlIEnIst/ ³n ¸1 ´(US) expert on the mental competence of witnesses in a law court. ¸2 ´(old use) specialist in mental illness (now called a ³psychiatrist´).¼ ¨alight©1 ²/EÚlñIt/ ³pred adj ´on fire; lighted up: ³The sticks were damp and wouldn't catch @. ´(fig) ³Their faces were @ ´(= bright, cheerful) ³with happiness.¼ ¨alight©2 ²/EÚlñIt/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ¸1 ´get down (³from ´a horse, bus, etc). ¸2 ´(of a bird) come down from the air and settle (³on ´a branch, etc). ¸3 ·@ on, ´(formal) (fig) find by chance.¼ ¨align© ²/EÚlñIn/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´arrange in a line; bring into line (esp three or more points into a straight line); eÔg of soldiers, form in line: ³@ the sights of a rifle. ¸2 ¶[VP14,3A] ´bring, come, into agreement, close co-operation, etc ³(with)´: ³They @ed themselves with us. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[C,U] ´(an) arrangement in a straight line: ³The desks are in/out of @ment. There was a new @ment of European powers, ´a new grouping (colloq, ³line-up´) ´of powers.¼ ¨alike© ²/EÚlñIk/ ³pred adj ´similar; like one another: ³The two sisters are very much @. All music is @ to him, ´He has no ear for music, cannot distinguish one kind from other kinds. ¹ ³adv ´in the same way: ³treat everybody @; ´the same: ³summer and winter @.¼ ¨ali®men®tary© ²/*alIÚmentErI/ ³adj ´of food and digestion. ¸the @ canal, ´parts of the body through which food passes (from the mouth to the anus).¼ ¨ali®mony© ²/ÚalImEnI ³US: ²-mE8nI/ ³n ¶[U] ´money allowance (to be) paid by a man to his wife, or former wife, by a judge's order, eÔg after a legal separation or divorce.¼ ¨alive© ²/EÚlñIv/ ³pred adj ¸1 ´living: ³Who's the greatest man @? You wouldn't like to be buried @. ¸2 ´in force; in existence: ³If a claim is kept @, it is more likely to be recognized. An awareness of the dangers of air-pollution should be kept @ by the press and TÔV. ¸3 ·@ to, ´conscious or aware of: ³He is fully @ to the dangers of the situation/public opinion. ¸4 ´active; lively: ³He is very much @. ·Look @! ´Hurry up! Get busy! ¸5 ·@ with, ´full of (living or moving things): ³The lake was @ with fish.¼ ¨al®kali© ²/ÚalkElñI/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-lñIz/³) ´(chem) one of a number of substances (such as soda, potash, ammonia) that combine with acids to form salts. ¸al®ka®line ²/ÚalkElñIn/ ³adj ´of @s: ³soil of alkaline peat.¼ ¨all©1 ²/cl/ ³adj ¸1 ´(with ³pl nn´) ´the whole number of; (with ³sing ´material or abstract ³nn´) ´the whole extent or amount of; (followed by the ³def art, ´demonstratives, possessives, and cardinal numbers): ³All horses are animals but not all animals are horses. All five men/All five of them are hard workers. All you boys need to work harder. You've had all the fun and I've had all the hard work. He has lived all his life in London. ·of Úall people, ´specially; particularly: ³Of all people he should be the last to complain, ´there is a strong reason why he shouldn't. ³Why ask ²Ú³me to help, of ²Ú³all people? ´I am the least likely person to be able to help, or the person to whom the speaker has the least right to apply for help. ·of all the idiots/nitwits, ´an expression of annoyance with sb who has behaved foolishly. ·on all fours, µ¥ four. ¸2 ³He spent all (of) that year ´(= the whole of that year) ³in London. µ¥ whole(3). ¸3 ´(Cf ³all ´and ³every. All ´suggests the whole; ³every ´points to each member of a group individually): ³All (of) the boys enjoyed themselves. ´Cf ³Every one of the boys enjoyed himself. ¸4 ·with all speed/haste, ´the utmost possible. ¸5 ´any: ³beyond all doubt/argument/question, ´there can't be any doubt, etc. ³He hates all ´(= any) ³criticism of his work. ¸6 *All ÚFools' Day, ´1 Apr; ¸*All ÚHallows', *All ÚSaints' Day, ´1 Nov; ¸*All ÚSouls' Day, ´2 Nov.¼ ¨all©2 ²/cl/ ³adv ¸1 ´quite; entirely: ³They were dressed all in black. ´Cf ³They were all dressed ´(= All of them were dressed) ³in black. Your hands are all tar, ´(colloq) covered with tar. ³She was all ´(colloq = greatly) ³excited. ·all alone, ¸(a) ´not in the company of others. ¸(b) ´without the help and company of other persons. ·all along, ¸(a) ´for the whole length of: ³There are trees all along the road. ¸(b) ´(colloq) all the time; from the start: ³But I knew that all along! ·all clear, µ¥ clear±1µ(4). ·all for, ´(colloq) strongly in favour of; anxious to have, etc: ³I'm all for accepting the offer. ·all the same, ´yet, nevertheless. ·all the same to, ´a matter not causing inconvenience to; a matter of indifference to: ³If it's all the same to you«; It's all the same to me whether you go or stay. ·all one to, ´a matter of indifference to: ³Do as you like; it's all one to me. ·all in, ¸(a) ´(colloq) exhausted; ³He was all in at the end of the race. ¸(b) ³(all-in) ´inclusive of everything: ³an all-in price; ³all-in wrestling, ´with no restrictions about methods or holds. ·all-out, ´(colloq) using all possible strength, energy, etc: ³He was going all out/was making an all-out effort. ·all over, ¸(a) ´in every part of: ³He has travelled all over the world. ¸(b) ´at an end. ·all right, ´(US) ¸al®right ¸(a) ´satisfactory, satisfactorily; safe and sound; in good order: ³Are you feeling all right? ¸(b) ´(as a response to a suggestion, etc) Yes, I consent. ·all there, ´(colloq) having one's wits about one; mentally alert. ·not all there, ´(colloq) not quite sane; mentally deficient. ·all told, ´altogether; as the total: ³There were six people all told ´(= in all). ·all up (with), ´at an end, over (with): ³It's all up with him now, ´He's likely to be ruined, to die, etc. ¸2 ·all the ³+ comp adj·, ´much; so much: ³You'll be all the better for a holiday.¼ ¨all©3 ²/cl/ ³n ·my/his/their, etc all, ´all that I/he/they, etc possess, value most, etc: ³We must stake our all in this struggle. He had lost his all.¼ ¨all©4 ²/cl/ ³pref ´(in compounds) ¸1 ´(prefixed to many ³adjj ´and ³pres participles´) in the highest degree; without limit: ·*³all-·Ú³merciful; ·*³all-·Ú³powerful; ·*³all-em²Ú³bracing. ¸2 *all-Úmains ³attrib adj ´(of a radio receiver) adaptable to all voltages: ³an all-mains set. ¸*all-Úround ³adj ´having ability in many different ways: ³an all-round sportsman, ´good at many different games and sports. Hence, ¸*all-Úrounder ³n ·an *all-*star Úcast, ´(for a play, etc) one with star performers for all the chief parts. ·*all-*time Úhigh/Úlow ³n ´(colloq) highest/lowest figure, level, etc on record. ·*all-*up Úweight, ´total weight of an aircraft, including crew, passengers, cargo, etc when in the air.¼ ¨all©5 ²/cl/ ³pron ¸1 ´everything: ³He wanted all or nothing. ¸2 ·all of, ´every one, the whole: ³All of us want to go. Take all of it. ¸3 ´(used in apposition, in the same way as ³both ´and ³each´): ³We all want to go. Take it all. They were all broken. ¸4 ´(followed by a relative clause, ³that ´being omitted): ³All I want is peace and quiet. He took all there was. ¸5 ´(in prepositional phrases): ·above all, µ¥ above±2µ(3). ·after all, µ¥ after. ·(not) at all, ²/E Útcl/ ´(not) in any way, in the least degree: ³if you are at all worried; not at all suitable for the post. ·Not at all, ´polite formula in answer to an expression of thanks. Cf US: You're welcome. ·for all ³(his wealth/great learning), ´in spite of. ·for all I know/care, etc, ´(used to show ignorance or indifference): ³He may be dead for all I know. ·in all, µ¥ in±2µ(13). ·and all, ´as well; including: ³The dog ate the whole rabbit, head, bones and all. ·once (and) for all, ´now and for the last or only time. ·It was all I/he, etc could do not to ³(laugh, etc), ´I/he, etc could hardly refrain from (laughing, etc). ·all in all, ´of supreme or exclusive importance, interest, etc: ³They were all in all to each other. ·(taking it) all in all, ´considering everything. ·not as/so ³+ adj/adv + ·as all that, ´to that extent; in that degree: ³It's not so difficult as all that, ´as is suggested, supposed, etc. ·not all that ³+ adj/adv·, ´(colloq or vulg): ³It isn't all that cheap, ´not cheap if all things are considered.¼ ¨Allah© ²/ÚalE/ ³n ´name of God among Muslims.¼ ¨al®lay© ²/EÚleI/ ³vt (pt,pp µ-layed³) ¶[VP6A] ´make sth (eÔg pain, trouble, excitement, fears) less.¼ ¨al®lege© ²/EÚledZ/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,9] ´declare; put forward, esp as a reason or excuse, in support of a claim or in denial of a charge: ³In your statement you @ that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime. The statement @d to have been made by the accused is clearly untrue. An @d thief, ´person who is declared to be a thief. ¸al®le®ga®tion ²/*alIÚgeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´alleging; ¶[C] ´statement, esp one made without proof: ³You have made serious allegations, but can you substantiate them? ¸al®leg®edly ²/-IdlI/ ³adv¼ ¨al®le®giance© ²/EÚlidZEns/ ³n ¶[U] ´duty, support, loyalty, due (to a ruler or government): ³Members of Parliament took the oath of @ to the Queen.¼ ¨al®le®gory© ²/ÚalIgErI ³US: ²-gcrI/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ries³) ´story, painting or description in which ideas such as patience, purity and truth are symbolized by persons who are characters in the story, eÔg Bunyan's ³Pilgrim's Progress. ¸al®le®goric ²/*alIÚgorIk ³US: ²-Úgcr-/, ¸al®le®gori®cal ²/-kl/ ³adj¼ ¨al®le®gretto© ²/*alIÚgretE8/ ³n, adj, adv ´(I; music) (passage played) fast and lively, but not so brisk as allegro.¼ ¨al®legro© ²/EÚleIgrE8/ ³n, adj, adv ´(I; music) (passage played) in quick time; fast and lively.¼ ¨al®le®luia© ²/*alIÚlujE/ ³int ´= µhallelujah.¼ ¨al®lergy© ²/ÚalEdZI/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ-gies³) ´(med) (condition of) being unusually sensitive to particular foods, kinds of pollen, insect stings, etc (as in the case of a person who begins to suffer from asthma when he gets a certain kind of dust or pollen into his nose or mouth). ¸al®ler®gen ²/ÚalEdZen/ ³n ´(med, science) anything that causes an @. ¸al®ler®gic ²/EÚl3dZIk/ ³adj ´of @. ·allergic to, ´having an @ to (sth); (colloq) having a dislike of; unable to get on well with.¼ ¨al®levi®ate© ²/EÚlivIeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make (pain, suffering) less or easier to bear. ¸al®levi®ation ²/E*livIÚeI2n/ ³n¼ ¨al®ley© ²/ÚalI/ ´(also ¸Ú@®way´) ³n (pl µ@s³) ¶[C] ¸1 ´narrow passage between houses or other buildings (often a narrow street in a slum quarter). ¸*blind Ú@, ´@ closed at one end; (fig) occupation, eÔg that of an errand boy, that does not teach a trade or lead to a profession. ¸2 ´path or walk in a garden or park. ¸3 ´narrow enclosure for such games as bowls and skittles.¼ ¨al®liance© ²/EÚlñIEns/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´association or connection. ·in @ (with), ´joined or united (with). ¸2 ¶[C] ´union of persons, families, eÔg by marriage, or states (by treaty): ³enter into an @ with a country.¼ ¨al®lied© ²/EÚlñId/ ³pt,pp µ¥ ally.¼ ¨al®li®ga®tor© ²/ÚalIgeItE(r)/ ³n ´reptile (like a crocodile but with a shorter snout) living in the lakes and rivers of southeastern US, µ¥ ´the illus at µreptile´; leather made from its skin. ¸@ pear, ´avocado.¼ ¨al®li®ter®ation© ²/E*lItEÚreI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´repetition of the first sound or letter of a succession of words, eÔg ³safe and sound; apt @'s artful aid. ¸al®lit®er®ative ²/EÚlItrEtIv ³US: ²-tEreItIv/ ³adj ¸al®lit®er®ative®ly ³adv¼ ¨al®lo®cate© ²/ÚalEkeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (to/for), ´give, put on one side, as a share or for a purpose: ³@ duties to sb; @ a sum of money among several persons; @ a sum of money to education. ¸al®lo®ca®tion ²/*alEÚkeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´allocating or distributing. ¸2 ¶[C] ·@ (to/for), ´sth @d or assigned (to or for a purpose, etc).¼ ¨al®lot© ²/EÚlot/ ³vt µ(-tt-) ¶[VP6A,12A,13A,14] ·@ sth (to), ´make a distribution of; decide a person's share of: ³@ sth to sb for a purpose; @ duties (to sb). Can we do the work within the time they have @ted (to) us? They were @ted a house to live in. ¸@®ment ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´division; distribution (of shares). ¸2 ¶[C] ´part or share, esp (in GB) small area of public land rented as a vegetable garden.¼ ¨allow© ²/EÚlñ8/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,C,17,15B] ´permit: ³Smoking is not @ed here. No dogs @ed, ´It is forbidden to bring dogs into this place (building, park, etc). ³Please @ me to carry your bag. She is not @ed out after dark. ¸2 ¶[VP12A,13A,14] ´give, let (sb or sth) have; agree to give: ³How much money does your father @ you for books? He @s his wife $100 a year for clothes. She @ed her imagination full play, ´did nothing to control it. ³The bank @s 5 per cent interest on deposits. We can @ ´(= take off, deduct) ³5 per cent for cash payment. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´(legal) agree that sth is right or just: ³The judge @ed the claim. ¸4 ¶[VP25,9] ´admit (now the more usu word): ³We must @ him to be a genius/@ that he is a genius. ¸5 ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ´take into consideration: ³It will take thirty minutes to get to the station, @ing for traffic delays. ·@ of, ´admit of (now more usu): ³The situation @s of no delay. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that is or can be @ed (by law, the rules, etc).¼ ¨allow®ance© ²/EÚlñ8Ens/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´sum of money, amount of sth, allowed to sb: ³a dress @ of $70 a year. The Director has an entertainment @, ´money for entertaining important customers, etc. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(comm, fin) deduction or discount. ¸3 ³(sing ´or ³pl) ·make @(s) for, ´allow for, µ¥ allow(5). ³We must make @(s) for his youth, ´remember that he is young, and not be too severe, etc.¼ ¨alloy© ²/ÚalãI/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´mixture of metals, esp a metal of low value mixed with a metal of higher value: (used attrib) ³@ steel. ´¹ ³vt ²/EÚlãI/ ¶[VP6A] ´mix (one metal) with a metal or metals of lower value; (fig) spoil; impair.¼ ¨all®spice© ²/ÚclspñIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´spice made from the dried berries of a W Indian tree called the pimento.¼ ¨allude© ²/EÚlud/ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ´refer (indirectly) to; mention (now the more usu word): ³In your remarks you @ to certain sinister developments.¼ ¨allure© ²/EÚl8E(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14,17A] ´tempt; entice; lure (now the more usu word). ¹ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(liter) power to @; fascination. ¸allur®ing ³part adj ´charming; fascinating. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[C,U] ´that which @s; charm, attraction (now the more usu words).¼ ¨al®lu®sion© ²/EÚluZn/ ³n ¶[C] ·@ (to), ´indirect reference to: ³His speeches are full of classical @s which few people understand. That man has a glass eye but he doesn't like people to make any @ to it. ¸al®lus®ive ²/EÚlusIv/ ³adj ´containing @s.¼ ¨al®luv®ial© ²/EÚluvIEl/ ³adj ´made of sand, earth, etc, left by rivers or floods: ³@ soil/deposits.¼ ¨ally© ²/EÚlñI/ ³vt (pt,pp µ-lied³) ¸1 ¶[VP14] ·@ (oneself) with/to, ´unite by treaty, marriage, etc: ³Great Britain was allied with the United States in both World Wars; ´Hence: ³the Allied ²/ÚalqId/ ³Powers. ¸2 ·allied to, ´(of things) connected with: ³The English language is allied to the German language. ´¹ ³n ²/ÚalñI/ ³(pl µ-lies³) ´person, state, etc, allied to another; person who gives help or support.¼ ¨Alma Mater© ²/*almE ÚmqtE(r)/ ³n ´(Lat) name used for the university or school that a person attended; (US) school song or anthem.¼ ¨al®ma®nac© ²/ÚclmEnak/ ³n ´annual book or calendar of months and days, with information about the sun, moon, tides, anniversaries, etc.¼ ¨al®mighty© ²/clÚmñItI/ ³adj ´having all power; powerful beyond measure, esp ³A@ God. ´¹ ³n ¸the A@, ´God.¼ ¨almond© ²/ÚqmEnd/ ³n ´(nut inside the) hard seed ³(stone-fruit) ´of a tree allied to the peach and plum: ³ground @s, ´@ nuts ground to powder. ³shelled @s, ´@ nuts removed from the shell or hard cover. ¸*@-Úeyed ³adj ´having eyes that appear to slant upwards and become narrower.¼ ¨almoner© ²/ÚqmEnE(r) ³US: ²Úalm-/ ³n ¸1 ´(formerly) official who distributed money and help to the poor. ¸2 ´(GB) hospital official in charge of social service work for patients.¼ ¨al®most© ²/ÚclmE8st/ ³adv ¸1 ´(with ³vv, advv, adjj, nn´; replaceable by ³nearly´): ³He slipped and @ fell. That's a mistake he @ always makes. Dinner's @ ready. It's @ time to start. ¸2 ´(with ³no, none, nothing, never, ´not replaceable by ³nearly; ´often replaced by ³hardly ´or ³scarcely ´with ³any´): ³A@ no one ´(= Hardly anyone) ³believed her. The speaker said @ nothing ´(= scarcely anything) ³worth listening to.¼ ¨alms© ²/qmz/ ³n pl ´(or ³sing´) ´money, clothes, food, etc given to the poor: ³give @ to sb; ask/beg (an) @ of sb. ¸Ú@-box ³n ¸Ú@-giving ³n ¸Ú@-house ³n ´(old use) house, founded by charity, in which poor people, no longer able to earn money, may live without paying rent.¼ ¨aloe© ²/ÚalE8/ ³n ¸1 ´plant with thick, sharp-pointed leaves. ¸2 ´(also ¸bitter @s´) juice from this plant, used in medicine.¼ ¨aloft© ²/EÚloft ³US: ²EÚlcft/ ³adv ´high up, esp at the masthead of a ship, or up in the rigging.¼ ¨alone© ²/EÚlE8n/ ³pred adj, adv µ¥ lonely. ¸1 ´(= ³by oneself/itself´) without the company or help of others or other things: ³He likes living @, ´by himself. ³The house stands on the hillside all @, ´with no other houses near it. ³You can't lift the piano @, ´without help. ³His silence @ is proof of his guilt. ¸2 ´(following a ³n ´or ³pron´) and no other: ³Smith @ ´(= Smith and no one else) ³knows what happened. You @ ´(= You and no other person) ³can help me in this task. ¸3 ´(in the ³pred, ´with ³in´): ³We are not @ in thinking ´(= not the only persons who think) ³that. ¸4 ·let @, ´without referring to or considering: ³He cannot find money for necessities, let @ such luxuries as wine and tobacco. ·let/leave sb/sth @, ´abstain from touching, moving, interfering with: ³You had better leave that dog @; it will bite you if you tease it. ·let well @, ´do not go further than what is already satisfactory.¼ ¨along© ²/EÚloG ³US: ²EÚlcG/ ³adv ¸1 ´(used with ³vv ´to indicate onward movement, often with the same sense as ³on´): ³Come @! The dog was running @ behind its master. ·Move @ please! ´eÔg a request by a policeman to people who are holding up the movement of others. ¸2 ´(used, as are ³over, across, up, down, ´in informal requests): ³Come @ and see me some time. ¸3 ·all @, µ¥ all±2µ(1). ·get @, µ¥ get(17). ´¹ ³prep ¸1 ´from one end of to the other end of; through any part of the length of: ³We walked @ the road. There are trees all @ the river banks. Pass @ the bus please! ´(a request that passengers should move on so as to leave the entrance clear). ¸2 ·@ here, ´in this direction. ¸@side ²/E*loGÚsñId/ ³adv, prep ´close to, parallel with, the side of (a ship, pier, wharf).¼ ¨aloof© ²/EÚluf/ ³adv ´apart. ·stand/hold/keep (oneself) @ (from), ´keep away from, take no part in sth: ³Buyers are holding @, ´making no offers to buy. ¹ ³adj ´cool; remote (by nature): ³I find him rather @. He's a very @ character. ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨aloud© ²/EÚlñ8d/ ³adv ¸1 ´in a voice loud enough to be heard, not in a whisper: ³Please read the story @. ¸2 ´loudly, so as to be heard at a distance: ³He called @ for help.¼ ¨alp© ²/alp/ ³n ¸1 ´high mountain, esp one of those (¸the Alps´) between France and Italy. ¸2 ´(in Switzerland) green pasture-land on a mountain-side.¼ ¨al®paca© ²/alÚpakE/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´sheep-like animal, kind of llama, of Peru. ¸2 ¶[U] ´(cloth made from) its wool, often mixed with silk or cotton: ³an @ coat.¼ ¨alpen®stock© ²/ÚalpEnstok/ ³n ´long, iron-tipped stick used in climbing mountains.¼ ¨al®pha© ²/ÚalfE/ ³n ´the first letter (A, ²É´) in the Gk alphabet. ·A@ and Omega, ´the beginning and the end. µ¥ App 4. ¸Ú@ particle, ´helium nucleus given off by a radio-active substance. ·@ plus, ´(of marks in an examination) very good indeed.¼ ¨al®pha®bet© ²/ÚalfEbet/ ³n ´the letters used in writing a language, arranged in order: ³the Greek @; ´the ABC. µ¥ App 4. ¸@i®cal ²/*alfEÚbetIkl/ ³adj ´in the order of the @: ³The words in a dictionary are in @ical order. ¸@i®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨al®pine© ²/ÚalpñIn/ ³adj ´of the Alps; of alps: ³@ plants; an @ hut. ¸al®pin®ist ²/ÚalpInIst/ ´@ climber.¼ ¨al®ready© ²/clÚredI/ ³adv ´(usu with ³v, ´but may be placed elsewhere for emphasis) ¸1 ´by this/that time: ³The postman has @ been/has been @. When I called, Tom was @ dressed. ¸2 ´(Cf ³yet ´which usu replaces ³already ´in neg and interr sentences. In neg and interr sentences ³already ´is used to show surprise.): ³Have you had breakfast @? Is it 10 o'clock @? You're not leaving us @, are you? ¸3 ´previously; before now: ³I've been there @, so I don't want to go again.¼ ¨al®right© ²/clÚrñIt/ ³adj, adv ´= all right, µ¥ all±2µ(1).¼ ¨Al®sa®tian© ²/alÚseI2n/ ³n ´(US = ³German shepherd´) large breed of dog, like a wolf, often trained for police work. µ¥ ´the illus at µdog.¼ ¨also© ²/ÚclsE8/ ³adv ´too; besides; as well. (In spoken English, ³too ´and ³as well ´are often preferred to ³also. Also ´in an affirm sentence is replaced by ³either ´in a neg sentence.): ³Tom has been to Canada. Harry has @ been to Canada. ´Cf ³Tom has not been to Brazil. Harry has not been to Brazil, either. ·not only« but @, ´both« and: ³He not only read the book but @ remembered what he had read. ¸Ú@-ran ³n ´(racing) horse not among the first three at the winning post; (fig) unsuccessful person in a contest.¼ ¨al®tar© ²/ÚcltE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´raised place (flat-topped table or platform) on which offerings are made to a god. ¸2 ´(in Christian churches) the Communion table, µ¥ ´the illus at µchurch´. ·lead (a woman) to the @, ´marry her. ¸Ú@-piece ³n ´painting or sculpture placed behind an @.¼ ¨al®ter© ²/ÚcltE(r)/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make or become different; change in character, appearance, etc: ³The ship @ed course. That @s matters/the case, ´makes the situation different. ³These clothes are too large; they must be @ed. He has @ed a great deal since I saw him a year ago. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that @s or that can be @ed. ¸@®ation ²/*cltEÚreI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ing; making a change; ¶[C] ´act of changing; change that is the result of @ing: ³There isn't much @ation in the village; it's almost the same as it was twenty years ago. For making @ations to a suit of clothes, $1.20.¼ ¨al®ter®ca®tion© ²/*cltEÚkeI2n/ ³n ´(formal) ¶[U] ´quarrelling; ¶[C] ´quarrel; noisy argument.¼ ¨al®ter ego© ²/*altEr ÚegE8 ³US: ²ÚigE8/ ³n ´(Lat) one's other self; very intimate friend.¼ ¨al®ter®nate©1 ²/clÚt3nEt/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of things of two kinds) by turns, first the one and then the other: ³@ laughter and tears. Tom and Harry do the work on @ days, ´eÔg Tom on Monday, Harry on Tuesday, Tom on Wednesday, etc. ¸2 ´(of leaves along a stem) not opposite. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨al®ter®nate©2 ²/ÚcltEneIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14] ´arrange or perform by turns; cause to take place, appear, one after the other: ³He @d kindness with severity, ´was kind, then severe, then kind again, etc. ³Most farmers @ crops. µ¥ rotation(2). ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ between, ´pass from one state, etc to a second, then back to the first, etc: ³He @d between high spirits and low spirits. ·@ with, ´come one after the other, by turns: ³Wet days @d with fine days. ¸*alternating Úcurrent, ´current that reverses its direction at regular intervals, the cycle being repeated continuously, the number of complete cycles per second being known as the ³frequency. µ¥ direct±1µ(5). ¸al®ter®na®tion ²/*cltEÚneI2n/ ³n¼ ¨al®ter®na®tive© ²/clÚt3nEtIv/ ³adj ´(of two things) that may be had, used, etc in place of sth else: ³"Either' and "or' are @ conjunctions. There are @ answers to x±2 ´= 16 (iÔe x = +4 or x = ­4). ¹ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´choice between two things: ³You have the @ of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and being unsuccessful. Is there no @ to what you propose? ¸2 ´one of more than two possibilities. ¸@®ly ³adv ´as an @: ³a fine of $10 or @ly six weeks imprisonment.¼ ¨altho© ²/clÚDE8/ ´(US spelling for) although.¼ ¨al®though© ´(US also ¸altho´) ²/clÚDE8/ ³conj µ¥ though.¼ ¨al®tim®eter© ²/ÚaltImitE(r) ³US: ²*alÚtImItEr/ ³n ´barometer, eÔg as used in aircraft, for showing height above sea-level.¼ ¨al®ti®tude© ²/ÚaltItjud ³US: ²-tud/ ³n ¸1 ´(not of living things) height, esp above sea-level. ¸2 ´(usu ³pl´) place high above sea-level: ³It is difficult to breathe at these @s. ¸3 ´(astron) angular distance of a celestial object above the horizon.¼ ¨alto© ²/ÚaltE8/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-tE8z/³) ¸1 ´(musical part for, a person having a) male singing voice between tenor and treble; counter tenor; female voice of similar range (³contralto´). ¸2 ´instrument with the same range: ³@-saxophone.¼ ¨al®to®gether© ²/*cltEÚgeDE(r)/ ³adv ¸1 ´entirely; wholly: ³I don't @ agree with him. It's @ out of the question. ¸2 ´(of a total quantity) taken as a whole: ³You owe me $3 @. ¸3 ´(modifying a complete sentence) on the whole; considering everything: ³The weather was bad and the trains were crowdedÅ@, it wasn't a very satisfactory excursion.¼ ¨al®tru®ism© ²/ÚaltruIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´principle of considering the well-being and happiness of others first; unselfishness; ¶[C] ´instance of this. ¸al®tru®ist ²/ÚaltruIst/ ³n ´person who follows @. ¸al®tru®is®tic ²/*altruÚIstIk/ ³adj ¸al®tru®is®ti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨alum© ²/ÚalEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´white mineral salt, used medically, in dyeing, etc.¼ ¨alu®min®ium© ²/*alj8ÚmInIEm/ ´(US = ¸alu®mi®num ²/EÚlumInEm/´) ³n ¶[U] ´light white metal (symbol ¸Al´) extracted chiefly from bauxite, used for making hard, light alloys for cooking utensils, electrical apparatus, etc.¼ ¨alumna© ²/EÚlAmnE/ ³n (pl µ@e ²/-ni/³) ´(US) girl or woman who was a pupil or student of a school, college or university.¼ ¨alum®nus© ²/EÚlAmnEs/ ³n (pl µ-ni ²/-nñi/³) ´(US) boy or man who was a pupil or student of a school, college or university.¼ ¨al®veolar© ²/alÚvIElE(r)/ ³n, adj ´(phon) (consonant) made by the tongue against the gum behind the upper front teeth, eÔg ²/t, d, s/´.¼ ¨al®ways© ²/ÚclweIz/ ³adv ¸1 ´at all times; without exception: ³The sun @ rises in the east. (Always ´may be modified by ³almost, nearly ´or ³not.) He's nearly @ at home in the evening. ´Cf ³not @ ´and ³hardly ever´: ³I'm not @ at home on Sundays, ´iÔe I'm occasionally away from home. ³I'm hardly ever ´(= very seldom) ³at home on Sundays. ¸2 ´(usu with the continuous tenses) again and again; repeatedly: ³He was @ asking for money. Why are you @ finding fault?¼ ¨am© ²/³after "I': ²m ³otherwise: ²Em, ³strong form: ²am/ µ¥ be±1µ.¼ ¨amah© ²/ÚqmE/ ³n ´(in the East) nursemaid; maidservant.¼ ¨amain© ²/EÚmeIn/ ³adv ´(old use, or poet) ¸1 ´violently. ¸2 ´in haste.¼ ¨amal®gam© ²/EÚmalgEm/ ³n ¸1 ´alloy of mercury. ¸2 ´soft mixture, eÔg one used for filling holes in decayed teeth.¼ ¨amal®ga®mate© ²/EÚmalgEmeIt/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´(of classes, societies, races of people, business companies) mix; combine; unite. ¸amal®ga®ma®tion ²/E*malgEÚmeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´mixing; combining. ¶[C] ´combination; union.¼ ¨am®anu®en®sis© ²/E*manj8ÚensIs/ ³n (pl µ-ses ²/-siz/³) ´person who writes from dictation or copies what sb else has written.¼ ¨ama®ryl®lis© ²/*amEÚrIlIs/ ³n ´(kinds of) lily-like plant growing from a bulb.¼ ¨amass© ²/EÚmas/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´pile or heap up, collect: ³@ riches/a fortune.¼ ¨ama®teur© ²/ÚamEtE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´person who paints pictures, performs music, acts in plays, etc, for the love of it, not for money; person playing a game, taking part in sports, etc, without receiving payment: (attrib) ³an @ painter/photographer. µ¥ professional. ¸@®ish ²/-rI2/ ³adj ´inexpert; imperfect. ¸@®ism ²/-IzEm/ ³n¼ ¨ama®tory© ²/ÚamEtErI ³US: ²-tcrI/ ³adj ´(formal) of or causing (esp sexual) love; of lovers; of making love.¼ ¨amaze© ²/EÚmeIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´fill with great surprise or wonder: ³You @ me! I was @d at the news/@d to hear that«. ¸amaz®ing ³part adj ¸amaz®ing®ly ³adv´: ³He's doing amazingly well. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ³I heard with @ment that«; His @ment at the news was immense. He looked at me in @ment.¼ ¨Ama®zon© ²/ÚamEzEn ³US: ²-zon/ ³n ¸1 ´(in old Gk stories) female warrior. ¸2 ´(small ³a´) tall, vigorous woman.¼ ¨am®bas®sa®dor© ²/amÚbasEdE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´minister representing the Government of his country in a foreign country: ³the British A@ to Greece. ¸2 ´(often ³A@ Extraordinary´) ´minister sent by the Government of one State to the Government of another on a special mission. ¸3 ´authorized representative. ¸am®bas®sa®dress ²/amÚbasEdrIs/ ³n ´female @. ¸@®ial ²/am*basEÚdcrIEl/ ³adj µ¥ diplomat, embassy.¼ ¨am®ber© ²/ÚambE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´hard, clear yellowish-brown gum used for making ornaments, etc; its colour (seen in traffic lights between red and green).¼ ¨am®ber®gris© ²/ÚambEgris ³US: ²-grIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´wax-like substance present in the intestines of whales and found floating in tropical seas, used as a fixative in perfumes.¼ ¨am®bi®dex®trous© ²/*ambIÚdekstrEs/ ³adj ´able to use the left hand or the right equally well.¼ ¨am®bi®ence© ²/ÚambIEns/ ³n ´environment; atmosphere.¼ ¨am®bi®ent© ²/ÚambIEnt/ ³adj ´(formal) (of air, etc) on all sides; surrounding.¼ ¨am®bi®guity© ²/*ambIÚgjuEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´state of being ambiguous. ¸2 ¶[C] ´expression, etc that can have more than one meaning: ³Let's clear up the @ in this paragraph.¼ ¨am®bigu®ous© ²/amÚbIgj8Es/ ³adj ¸1 ´having more than one meaning: ³"More' is @ in "Ask me more difficult questions.' ¸2 ´of uncertain meaning or intention: ³He gave me an @ glance. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨am®bit© ²/ÚambIt/ ³n ´(often ³pl´) ´bounds; extent; range of power or authority.¼ ¨am®bi®tion© ²/amÚbI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´strong desire (³to be ´or ³do ´sth, ³for ´sth): ³A boy who is filled with @ usually works hard. His @ to become prime minister is likely to be realized. ¸2 ¶[C] ´particular desire of this kind: ³He has great @s. ¸3 ¶[C] ´object of such a desire: ³achieve one's @(s).¼ ¨am®bi®tious© ²/amÚbI2Es/ ³adj ¸1 ´full of ambition: ³an @ boy; @ for fame; @ for one's children; @ to succeed in life. ¸2 ´showing or needing ambition: ³@ plans; an @ attempt. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨am®biva®lent© ²/amÚbIvElEnt/ ³adj ´having either or both of two contrary or similar values, meanings, etc. ¸am®biva®lence ²/-lEns/ ³n¼ ¨amble© ²/Úambl/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ´(of a horse) move along without hurrying, lifting the two feet on one side together; (of a person) ride or walk at an easy pace. ¹ ³n ´slow, easy, pace: ³He was coming along at an @.¼ ¨am®bro®sia© ²/amÚbrE8zIE ³US: ²-E8ZE/ ³n ¶[U] ´(Gk myth) the food of the gods; anything that has a delightful taste or smell.¼ ¨am®bu®lance© ²/Úambj8lEns/ ³n ´closed vehicle for carrying people who are ill, wounded in war or hurt in accidents.¼ ¨am®bus®cade© ²/*ambEÚskeId/ ³n, vt ´= µambush.¼ ¨am®bush© ²/Úamb82/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(the placing of) troops, etc, waiting to make a surprise attack: ³fall into an @; be attacked from (an) @. ·lie/wait in @ (for), ´be hidden waiting to attack. ´¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´attack from such a position.¼ ¨ameba© ²/EÚmibE/ ³n ´= µamoeba.¼ ¨ameer© ²/EÚmIE(r)/ ³n ´= µamir.¼ ¨ameli®or®ate© ²/EÚmilIEreIt/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´(formal) (cause to) become better. ¸ameli®or®ation ²/E*milIEÚreI2n/ ³n¼ ¨amen© ²/qÚmen ³US: ²*eIÚmen/ ³int ´(eccles) word used at the end of a prayer or hymn and meaning "May it be so'.¼ ¨amen®able© ²/EÚminEbl/ ³adj ·@ (to), ¸1 ´(of persons) responsive; willing to be guided or controlled: ³@ to kindness/advice/reason. Do you find your wife @? ¸2 ´(legal) (of persons) responsible (³to´); in a position where one must do certain things or be punished for not doing them: ³We are all @ to the law. ¸3 ´(of cases, situations) able to be tested or dealt with: ³The case is not @ to ordinary rules.¼ ¨amend© ²/EÚmend/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make or become better; improve; free from faults or errors: ³He'll have to @ his style of living. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´make changes in the wording of a rule, a proposed law, etc. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´@ing; ¶[C] ´change proposed or made (³to ´a rule, regulation, etc).¼ ¨amends© ²/EÚmendz/ ³n pl ·make @/all possible @ (to sb) (for sth), ´give compensation: ³make @ to sb for an injury.¼ ¨amen®ity© ²/EÚminEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ¸1 ³(pl) ´things, circumstances, surroundings, that make life easy or pleasant: ³an exchange of amenities, ´of courtesies, polite expressions; ³a town with many amenities, ´eÔg a park, a public library, playing fields; ³the amenities offered by a Bank, ´eÔg the provision of travel cheques, payment of standing orders. ¸2 ³(sing) ´pleasantness: ³the @ of the climate.¼ ¨Amer®ica© ²/EÚmerIkE/ ³n ´the United States of @.¼ ¨Ameri®can© ²/EÚmerIkEn/ ³adj ´of N or S America, esp the UÔS. ¸Ú@ organ, ´small organ with reeds but no pipes. ¸Ú@ plan, ´(at hotels) system of charges including room, all meals and service. ¹ ³n ´native or inhabitant of America; citizen of the UÔS. ¸@®ism ²/-IzEm/ ³n ¶[C] ´word or phrase typical of @ English; ¶[U] ´loyalty to the UÔS or to things typically @.¼ ¨am®ethyst© ²/ÚamITIst/ ³n ´precious stone, purple or violet.¼ ¨ami®able© ²/ÚeImIEbl/ ³adj ´good-tempered; kind-hearted; easy and pleasant to talk to: ³I've always found him a most @ fellow. ¸amia®bil®ity ²/*eImIEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´friendliness. ¸2 ³(pl) µ(-ties) ´friendly remarks: ³after a few amiabilities. ¸ami®ably ²/-EblI/ ³adv¼ ¨amic®able© ²/ÚamIkEbl/ ³adj ´peaceable; done in a friendly way: ³When countries cannot settle a dispute in an @ way, they should settle it by arbitration. ¸amica®bil®ity ²/*amIkEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¸amic®ably ²/-EblI/ ³adv´: ³live together amicably, ´peacefully, in a friendly way.¼ ¨amid© ²/EÚmId/, ±amidst ²/EÚmIdst/ ³preps ´(poet) among; in or into the middle of.¼ ¨amid®ships© ²/EÚmId2Ips/ ³adv ´(naut) half-way between the bows and stern of a ship: ³Our cabin is @.¼ ¨amir©, ameer, emir ²/EÚmIE(r)/ ³n ´title used by some Muslim rulers.¼ ¨amiss© ²/EÚmIs/ ³pred adj, adv ´wrong(ly); out of order: ³There's not much @ with it. Nothing comes @ to him, ´(colloq) He's ready to welcome, is able to use, anything that comes to him. ·take sth @, ´take offence at it, be hurt in one's feelings: ³Don't take it @ if I point out your errors.¼ ¨am®ity© ²/ÚamEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´friendship; friendly relations (between persons or countries): ³live in @ with sb; a treaty of @.¼ ¨am®me®ter© ²/ÚamItE(r)/ ³n ´meter that measures electric current in amperes.¼ ¨am®mo®nia© ²/EÚmE8nIE/ ³n ¶[U] ´strong, colourless gas (¸NH¶d´) with a sharp smell, used in refrigeration and for the manufacture of explosives and fertilizers; solution of this gas in water. ¸am®mo®ni®ated ²/EÚmE8nIeItId/ ³adj ´combined with @.¼ ¨am®mon®ite© ²/ÚamEnñIt/ ³n ´coiled shell of an extinct mollusc.¼ ¨am®mu®ni®tion© ²/*amj8ÚnI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´military stores, esp of explosives (shells, bombs, etc) to be used against the enemy.¼ ¨am®nesia© ²/amÚnizIE ³US: ²-ÚniZE/ ³n ¶[U] ´(path) partial or total loss of memory.¼ ¨am®nesty© ²/ÚamnEstI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ¶[C] ´general pardon, esp for offences against the State: ³The rebels returned home under an @.¼ ¨amoeba© ²/EÚmibE/ ³n (pl µ@s ´or µ@e ²/-bi/³) ´(zool) simple microscopic form of living matter, found in water, soil and animal parasites, always changing shape and too small to be seen except with the help of a microscope. ¸amoebic ²/EÚmibIk/ ³adj ´of, caused by, amoebae: ³amoebic dysentery.¼ ¨amok© ²/EÚmok/ ³adv ´(also ¸amuck´) ·run @, ´run about wildly and act violently.¼ ¨among© ²/EÚmAG/, ±amongst ²/EÚmAGst/ ³preps ¸1 ´(showing position) surrounded by; in the middle of: ³a village @ the hills; sitting @ her children; hiding @ the bushes. ´(Note that the ³n ´or ³pron ´after ³among ´must be ³pl) ´Cf Switzerland is situated ³between ´France, Italy, Austria and W Germany. ¸2 ´(also with a ³pl n ´or ³pron, ´or a collective ³n, ´to show inclusion, association, connection): ³You are only one @ many who need help. A@ those present were the Prime Minister, the Bishop of Barchester and Mrs Proudie. I saw him @ the crowd. ¸3 ´(followed by a superl) one of: ³Leeds is @ the largest industrial towns in England. ¸4 ´(indicating division, distribution, possession or joint activity to, for or by more than two persons): ³He divided his property @ his sons. You must settle the matter @ yourselves. They had less than $10 @ them, ´all of them together had less than $10. µ¥ between±2µ(7). ¸5 ´(after a ³prep´): ³Choose one from @ these.¼ ¨amoral© ²/*eIÚmorEl ³US: ²-ÚmcrEl/ ³adj ´non-moral; not concerned with morals.¼ ¨am®or®ous© ²/ÚamErEs/ ³adj ´easily moved to love; showing love; of (esp sexual) love: ³@ looks; an @ young man; @ poetry. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨amor®phous© ²/EÚmcfEs/ ³adj ´having no definite shape or form.¼ ¨amor®tize© ²/EÚmctñIz ³US: ²ÚamErt-/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(legal) end (a debt) by setting aside money regularly for future payments. µ¥ ³sinking fund ´at µsink±1µ(7). ¸amor®ti®za®tion ²/E*mctIÚzeI2n ³US: ²*amErtI-/ ³n¼ ¨amount© ²/EÚmñ8nt/ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ´add up to; be equal to: ³His debts @ to $5Ô000. What he said @ed to very little indeed, ´didn't mean much, wasn't important. ³Riding on a bus without paying the fare @s to ´(= is the same thing as) ³cheating the bus company. It @s to this, that«, ´It means that«. ¹ ³n ¸1 ´total; whole: ³He owed me $100 but could pay only half that @, ´could only pay $50. ¸2 ¶[C] ´quantity: ³A large @ of money is spent on tobacco every year. ³There is still quite an @ of prejudice against him. ·any @ of, ´large quantity: ³He has any @ of money, ´is very rich. ·in large/small, etc @s, ´large/small, etc quantities at a time.¼ ¨amour© ²/EÚm8E(r)/ ³n ¶[C] ´(fac) love affair: ³Don't bore us with accounts of your @s.¼ ¨amour-propre© ²/*am8E ÚproprE/ ³n ´(F) self-respect; self-esteem.¼ ¨amp© ²/amp/ ³n ´(abbr) = µampere.¼ ¨am®pere© ²/ÚampeE(r) ³US: ²ÚampIEr/ ³n ´unit for measuring electric current.¼ ¨am®pheta®mine© ²/amÚfetEmin/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(med) (trade name ³Benzedrine´) (variety of) drug used medically, eÔg for slimming, and by drug addicts seeking euphoria.¼ ¨am®phib®ian© ²/amÚfIbIEn/ ³n ¸1 ´animal able to live both on land and in water, eÔg a frog. ¸2 ´aircraft designed to take off from and alight on either land or water. ¸3 ´flat-bottomed vehicle able to move in water and on land: (attrib) ³@ tank.¼ ¨am®phibi®ous© ²/amÚfIbIEs/ ³adj ´adapted for both land and water: ³@ vehicles, ´vehicles that can cross rivers, etc as well as move on land; ³@ operations, ´military operations in which land forces use @ vehicles when making an invasion from the sea.¼ ¨amphi®theatre© ´(US = ¸-ter´) ²/ÚamfITIEtE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´round or oval unroofed building with rows of seats rising behind and above each other round an open space used for public games and amusements. ¸2 ´(not US) rows of seats similarly arranged in a half-circle in a theatre. ¸3 ³(natural @) ´level space with hills rising on all sides.¼ ¨am®phora© ²/ÚamfErE/ ³n (pl µ@s ´or µ@e ²/-ri/³) ´two-handled jar, used in ancient Greece and Rome for holding wine or oil.¼ ¨ample© ²/Úampl/ ³adj µ(-r, -st) ¸1 ´large-sized; with plenty of space: ³This new car has an @ boot. There's @ room for the children on the back seat. ¸2 ´plentiful: ³He has @ resources, ´is wealthy. ¸3 ´sufficient; quite enough: ³$5 will be @ for my needs. ¸am®ply ²/ÚamplI/ ³adv´: ³amply supplied with money, ´having more than is needed; ³amply rewarded, ´well rewarded.¼ ¨am®plify© ²/ÚamplIfñI/ ³vt (pt,pp µ-fied³) ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´make larger or fuller, esp give fuller information, more details, etc, about: ³@ a story/an account. ¸2 ´increase the strength of (voltage or current, etc). ¸am®pli®fi®ca®tion ²/*amplIfIÚkeI2n/ ³n ¸am®pli®fier ²/ÚamplIfñIE(r)/ ³n ´appliance for @ing.¼ ¨am®pli®tude© ²/ÚamplItjud ³US: ²-tud/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) breadth; largeness; abundance.¼ ¨am®poule© ´(US also ¸am®pule´) ²/Úampul/ ³n ´small container, esp for a hypodermic injection.¼ ¨am®pu®tate© ²/Úampj8teIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´cut off, eÔg an arm, a leg, by surgery. ¸am®pu®ta®tion ²/*ampj8ÚteI2n/ ³n¼ ¨amuck© ²/EÚmAk/ ³adv µ¥ amok.¼ ¨amu®let© ²/Úamj8lIt/ ³n ´sth worn in the belief or hope that it will protect the wearer (³against ´evil, etc).¼ ¨amuse© ²/EÚmjuz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´make time pass pleasantly for: ³The boys @d themselves (by) drawing caricatures of their teacher. Keep the baby @d with these toys. ¸2 ´make (sb) laugh or smile: ³His foolish mistakes @d all of us. The children were @d at/by the storyteller's jokes. We were @d to learn that«. ¸amus®ing ³part adj ´causing laughter or smiles: ³an amusing story/storyteller. ¸@®ment ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´state of being @d: ³She couldn't hide her @ment at his foolish mistake. To the great @ment of everybody, the actor's beard fell off. He looked at me in @ment. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth that makes time pass pleasantly: ³There are plenty of @ments hereÅcinemas, theatres concerts, football matches, and so on. ¸Ú@ment arcade, ´room or hall containing pin-tables, gambling machines, etc, esp in large towns, seaside resorts, etc. ¸Ú@ment park/grounds, ´place with swings, roundabouts, shooting galleries, and other means of amusing oneself. ·places of @ment, ´cinemas, theatres, etc. ·do sth for @ment, ´do it as a means of passing time pleasantly, not for a serious purpose.¼ ¨an©1 ²/En ³strong form: ²an/ ³indef art µ¥ a±2µ.¼ ¨an©2 ²/an/ ³conj ´(old use) if.¼ ¨anach®ron®ism© ²/EÚnakrEnIzEm/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´mistake in dating sth; sth out of date now or in a description of past events: ³In the sentence "Julius Caesar looked at his wrist-watch and lifted the telephone receiver' there are two @s. ¸2 ´person, custom, attitude, etc regarded (unfavourably) as out of date: ³Most young people in Britain regard Tory politicians who shoot grouse in Scotland as dreadful @s. ¸anach®ron®is®tic ²/E*nakrEÚnIstIk/ ³adj¼ ¨ana®conda© ²/*anEÚkondE/ ³n ´large snake of tropical S America, esp the kind that crushes its prey.¼ ¨anae®mia© ´(US = ¸ane®mia´) ²/EÚnimIE/ ³n ¶[U] ´lack of enough blood; poor condition of the blood, causing paleness. ¸anaemic ´(US = ¸anemic´) ²/EÚnimIk/ ³adj ´suffering from @.¼ ¨an®aes®thesia© ´(US = ¸an®es®thesia´) ²/*anIsÚTizIE ³US: ²-ÚTiZE/ ³n ¶[U] ´state of being unable to feel (pain, heat, cold, etc); branch of chemistry concerned with substances producing this state. ¸an®aes®thetic ´(US = ¸an®es®thetic´) ²/*anIsÚTetIk/ ³n ¶[C] ´substance (eÔg ether, chloroform), technique, that produces @: ³under an anaesthetic. ¸general anaesthetic, ´one affecting the whole body, usu administered in hospital. ¸local anaesthetic, ´one administered by injection and affecting only part of the body, eÔg into the gums by a dentist. ¸an®aes®the®tize ´(US = ¸an®es®the®tize´) ²/EÚnisTEtñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make insensible to pain, etc. ¸an®aes®the®tist ´(US = ¸an®es®the®tist´) ²/EÚnisTEtIst/ ³n ´person trained to administer anaesthetics.¼ ¨ana®gram© ²/ÚanEgram/ ³n ´word made by changing the order of the letters in another word (eÔg plumÅlump): ³Let's play @s, ´make words of this kind.¼ ¨anal© ²/ÚeInl/ ³adj ´(anat) of the anus.¼ ¨ana®lects© ²/ÚanElekts/, ±ana®lecta ²/*anEÚlektE/ ³n pl ´collection of pieces of literature: ³Confucian @.¼ ¨an®al®gesia© ²/*analÚdZizIE ³US: ²-ZE/ ³n ¶[U] ´(med) absence of, condition of not feeling, pain. ¸an®al®gesic ²/*analÚdZisIk/ ³n ´substance, eÔg an ointment, which relieves pain.¼ ¨anal®og®ous© ²/EÚnalEgEs/ ³adj ·@ (with), ´similar or parallel (to): ³The two processes are not @ (with each other). ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ana®logue© ´(also ¸-log´) ²/ÚanElog ³US: ²-lcg/ ³n ¸1 ´sth that is similar to another thing: ³meat @, ´artificial prepared substitute for meat (usu of soya beans). ¸2 ¸Ú@ computer ³n ´one which can perform operations on numbers, the numbers being represented by some physical quantity or electrical signal. µ¥ ³digital computer ´at µdigit.¼ ¨anal®ogy© ²/EÚnalEdZI/ ³n (pl µ-gies³) ¸1 ¶[C] ´partial likeness or agreement. ·draw an @ between, ´describe the similarities: ³The teacher drew an @ between the human heart and a pump. ¸2 ¶[U] ·by/from @; on the @ of, ´by a process of reasoning between parallel cases: ³argue by @; argument by/from @.¼ ¨ana®lyse© ´(US = ¸-lyze´) ²/ÚanElñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´examine (sth) in order to learn what it is made up of: ³If we @ water, we find that it is made up of two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen. ¸2 ´(gram) split up (a sentence) into its grammatical parts. ¸3 ´study or examine in order to learn about: ³The leader tried to @ the causes of our failure. ¸4 ´= µpsycho@.¼ ¨analy®sis© ²/EÚnalEsIs/ ³n (pl µ-yses ²/-Esiz/³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´(eÔg of a book, a character, a situation) separation into parts possibly with comment and judgement: ³critical @ of literary texts; expert @ of market trends, ´iÔe of how prices, sales, etc are likely to go; ¶[C] ´instance of this; statement of the result of doing this. µ¥ synthesis. ¸2 ´= µpsycho@. ¸ana®lytic ²/*anEÚlItIk/, ¸-i®cal ²/-kl/ ³adj ´of @; using @. ¸ana®lyti®cally ²/klI/ ³adv¼ ¨ana®lyst© ²/ÚanElIst/ ³n ¸1 ´person skilled in making (esp chemical) analyses: ³a food @. ¸2 ´= µpsycho@.¼ ¨ana®lyze© µ¥ analyse.¼ ¨ana®paest© ´(US = ¸-pest´) ²/ÚanEpist ³US: ²-pest/ ³n ´(of verse rhythm) foot consisting of two unaccented syllables followed by one accented syllable, (²@Ô@Ô´Å) as in eÔg "I am ²Ú´mon/arch of ²Ú´all/I sur²Ú´vey'. ¸ana®paes®tic, ´(US = ¸-pestic´) ²/*anEÚpistIk ³US: ²-Úpest-/ ³adj¼ ¨an®archy© ²/ÚanEkI/ ³n ¶[U] ´absence of government or control; disorder; confusion. ¸an®arch®ism ²/-IzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´political theory that government and laws are undesirable. ¸an®arch®ist ²/-Ist/ ³n ´person who favours @; person who wishes to overthrow all established governments. ¸an®archic ²/EÚnqkIk/ ³adj ¸an®archi®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨anath®ema© ²/EÚnaTEmE/ ³n ¸1 ´(eccles) formal declaration of the Church, excommunicating sb or condemning sth as evil. ¸2 ´sth that is detested. ¸@®tize ²/EÚnaTEmEtñIz/ ³vt,vi ´curse.¼ ¨anat®omy© ²/EÚnatEmI/ ³n ¶[U] ´science of the structure of animal bodies; study of their structures by separation into parts. ¸ana®tomi®cal ²/*anEÚtomIkl/ ³adj ¸anat®om®ist ²/-Ist/ ³n ´person who dissects corpses; person who studies or teaches @.¼ ¨an®ces®tor© ²/ÚansestE(r)/ ³n ´any one of those persons from whom one is descended, esp one more remote than a grandparent. ¸@ worship, ´the worship of one's @s as spirits or gods. ¸an®ces®tress ²/-trIs/ ³n ´woman @. ¸an®ces®tral ²/anÚsestrEl/ ³adj ´belonging to, having come from, one's @s: ³his ancestral home. ¸an®ces®try ²/ÚansestrI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´line of @s.¼ ¨an®chor© ²/ÚaGkE(r)/ ³n ´heavy piece of iron with a ring at one end, to which a cable is fastened, used for keeping a ship fast to the sea bottom or a balloon to the ground; anything that gives stability or security. ·let go/drop/cast the @, ´lower it. ·weigh @, ´raise it. ·come to @; bring (a ship) to @, ´stop sailing and lower the @. ·lie/ride/be at @, ´be made fast and held safe by the @. ¸@®man ²/-mEn/, ´one who co-ordinates the work of a group of persons who work together, eÔg in a radio or TÔV studio. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A] ´make (a ship) secure with an @; ¶[VP2A] ´lower an @. ¸@®age ²/-rIdZ/ ³n ´place where ships may @ safely.¼ ¨an®chor®ite© ²/ÚaGkErñIt/ ³n ´hermit.¼ ¨an®chovy© ²/Úant2EvI/ ³n (pl µ-vies³) ´small fish of the herring family; it has a strong flavour and is used for sauces, etc: (attrib) ³@ paste/sauce.¼ ¨ancient© ²/ÚeIn2Ent/ ³adj ¸1 ´belonging to times long past: ³@ Rome and Greece; the @s, ´the civilized people who lived long ago. ¸2 ´(often hum) very old: ³an @-looking hat.¼ ¨an®cil®lary© ²/anÚsIlErI ³US: ²ÚansElerI/ ³adj ¸1 ´helping, providing a service to those carrying on the main business of an enterprise: ³The transport corps is @ to the infantry. ¸2 ´subordinate ³(to)´: ³@ roads/undertakings/industries.¼ ¨and© ²/³usu forms: ²En, End´; ³(after ²t,d,f,v,T,D,s,z,2,Z³) often ²n³; ³strong form: ²and/ ³conj ¸1 ´(connecting words, clauses, sentences): ³a table and four chairs; learning to read and write. ´(When two ³nn ´stand for things or persons closely connected, the determining word is not repeated before the second ³n´): ³a knife and fork. ´Cf a knife and a spoon; ³my father and mother. ´Cf my father and my uncle. ¸2 ´(Note ³twenty-five ´but ³five and twenty, ´sometimes used in telling the time): ³five and twenty to six. ¸3 ´(In constructions replacing an ³if-´clause): ³Work hard and you will pass ´(= If you work hard, you will pass) ³the examination. ¸4 ´(indicating intensive repetition or continuation): ³for hours and hours; for miles and miles; better and better. We knocked and knocked, ´continued to knock. ¸5 ´(colloq) to: ³Try and come early. Go and buy one.¼ ¨an®dante© ²/anÚdantI/ ³n, adj, adv ´(I; music) (piece of music to be played) in moderately slow time.¼ ¨and®iron© ²/ÚandñIEn/ ³n ´iron support (usu one of a pair) for holding logs in a fireplace. Also called ³firedog.¼ ¨an®ec®dote© ²/ÚanIkdE8t/ ³n ´short, usu amusing, story about some real person or event.¼ ¨ane®mia©, ane®mic µ¥ anaemia, anaemic.¼ ¨anem®om®eter© ²/*anIÚmomItE(r)/ ³n ¶[C] ´(met) instrument for measuring the force and velocity of the wind.¼ ¨anem®one© ²/EÚnemEnI/ ³n ¸1 ´(bot) (also called ³wind-flower´) small star-shaped woodland flower; cultivated varieties of this flower. ¸2 ¸Úsea @, ´popular name of a creature living in the sea, having a tube-like body with tentacles.¼ ¨anent© ²/EÚnent/ ³prep ´(old use, or Scot) concerning; about.¼ ¨an®er®oid© ²/ÚanErãId/ ³adj, n ¸@ (barometer), ´one that measures air-pressure by the action of air on the elastic lid of a box partly exhausted of air.¼ ¨an®es®thesia© ³n µ¥ anaesthesia.¼ ¨anew© ²/EÚnju ³US: ²EÚnu/ ³adv ´again; in a new or different way.¼ ¨angel© ²/ÚeIndZl/ ³n ¸1 ´(esp in Christian belief) messenger from God (usu shown in pictures as a human being in white with wings). ¸2 ´lovely or innocent person. ¸3 ´(as a compliment to sb who is kind, thoughtful, etc): ³Thanks, you're an @! ¸@ic ²/anÚdZelIk/ ³adj ´of or like an @. ¸@i®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨an®gelica© ²/anÚdZelIkE/ ³n ¶[U] ´sweet-smelling plant, esp the kind used in cooking and medicine; its stem, boiled in sugar.¼ ¨an®gelus© ²/ÚandZIlEs/ ³n ´(also ¸A@´) (bell rung in RÔC churches at morning, noon and sunset to call people to recite) prayer to the Virgin Mary.¼ ¨anger© ²/ÚaGgE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´the strong feeling that comes when one has been wronged or insulted, or when one sees cruelty or injustice; the feeling that makes people want to quarrel or fight: ³filled with @ at what he saw; speak in @; do sth in a moment of @. ´¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´fill (sb) with @; make angry: ³He is easily @ed.¼ ¨an®gina pec®toris© ²/an*dZñInE ÚpektErIs/ ³n ´(Lat) (path) heart disease marked by sharp pain in the chest.¼ ¨angle©1 ²/ÚaGgl/ ³n ¸1 ´space between two lines or surfaces that meet. ¸Ú@-dozer ³n ´mechanical scraper used for levelling roads or ground surfaces. µ¥ bulldozer. ¸Ú@-iron ³n µL´-shaped length of iron or steel used to strengthen a framework. ¸Ú@-park ³vt,vi ´park a vehicle at an angle to the side of the roadway, etc: ³cars @-parked as close as herring-bones. ¸2 ´(fig) point of view: ³Try looking at the affair from a different @. What @ are you writing the story from? ´¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ³@ the news, ´present it to the public in a particular way (usu to suit the bias of the writer or his employer).¼ ¨angle©2 ²/ÚaGgl/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ¸1 ´fish (for trout, etc) with a rod, line, hook and bait. ¸2 ·@ for, ´(fig) use tricks, hints, etc in order to get sth: ³@ for compliments; @ for an invitation to a party. ¸ang®ler ²/ÚagglE(r)/ ³n ´person who @s. Cf ³fisherman ´using nets, etc. ¸ang®ling ³n ¶[U] ´(art, sport of) fishing with a rod.¼ ¨Ang®li®can© ²/ÚaGglIkEn/ ³n, adj ´(member) of the Church of England.¼ ¨ang®li®cize© ²/ÚaGglIsñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make English or like English: ³@ a French word. ¸ang®li®cism ²/ÚaGglIsIzEm/ ³n ´English way of saying sth.¼ ¨Anglo-© ²/*aGglE8/ ³pref ´English: ³@-French relations, ´between GB and France. ¸*@-ÚCatholic ³n, adj ´(member) of the party in the Anglican Church that insists upon its unbroken connection with the early Christian Church and that objects to being called Protestant. ¸*@-ÚIndian ³n, adj ¸(a) ´(person) of British birth, living or having lived, in India. ¸(b) ´(person) of mixed British and Indian blood; Eurasian. ¸*@-ÚSaxon ³n, adj ´(person) of English descent; one of the group of people who settled in England (from NÔW Europe) before the Norman Conquest; their language (also called ³Old English´).¼ ¨Anglo®mania© ²/*aGglE8ÚmeInIE/ ³n ´excessive love of and admiration for English customs, etc.¼ ¨Anglo®phile© ²/ÚaGglE8fñIl/, ±Anglo®phil ²/ÚaGglE8fIl/ ³n ´person who loves England or English things.¼ ¨Anglo®phobe© ²/ÚaGglE8fE8b/ ³n ´person who hates or fears England or English things.¼ ¨Anglo®pho®bia© ²/*aGñlE8ÚfE8bIE/ ³n ´excessive hatred or fear of England and of English things.¼ ¨an®gora© ²/aGÚgcrE/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´long-haired cat, goat or rabbit. ¸2 ¶[U] ´material made from wool of @ goats.¼ ¨an®gos®tura© ²/*aGgEÚstj8ErE/ ³n ¶[U] ´bitter liquid, used as a tonic, made from the bark of a S American tree.¼ ¨angry© ²/ÚaGgrI/ ³adj µ(-ier, -iest) ¸1 ´filled with anger ³(with ´sb, ³at ´what sb does or says, ³about ´sth): ³He was @ at being kept waiting. He was @ with himself for having made such a foolish mistake. He will be @ to learn ´(= when he learns) ³that you have disobeyed his orders. ¸2 ´(of a cut, sore, wound) red; inflamed. ¸3 ´(of the sea, sky, clouds) stormy; threatening. ¸ang®ri®ly ²/-ElI/ ³adv¼ ¨angst© ²/aGst/ ³n ¶[U] ´(G) feeling of anxiety (eÔg caused by considering the state of world affairs).¼ ¨an®guish© ²/ÚaGgwI2/ ³n ¶[U] ´severe suffering (esp of mind): ³She was in @ until she knew that her husband's life had been saved. ¸@ed ³adj ´expressing @: ³@ed looks.¼ ¨angu®lar© ²/ÚaGgj8lE(r)/ ³adj ¸1 ´having angles or sharp corners. ¸2 ´(of persons) with the shape of the bones showing under the skin; (of a person's nature, etc) rather stiff and awkward: ³an @ gait. ¸@®ity ²/*aGgj8ÚlarEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³).¼ ¨ani®line© ²/ÚanIlin ³US: ²ÚanElIn/ ³n ´substance obtained chemically from coal-tar, used in the manufacture of dyes, drugs, etc.¼ ¨ani®mad®vert© ²/*anImadÚv3t/ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ·@ (on), ´(formal) make (esp critical) remarks (about sb's conduct). ¸ani®mad®version ²/*anImadÚv32n ³US: ²-Zn/ ³n ´criticism.¼ ¨ani®mal© ²/ÚanIml/ ³n ¸1 ´living thing that can feel and move about. Men, dogs, birds, flies, fish and snakes are all @s. ¸the Ú@ kingdom, ´one of three divisions (the others being ³vegetable ´and ³mineral). µ¥ ´the illus at µape, bird, cat, dog, domestic, fish, insect, large, reptile, sea, small. ¸2 ´four-footed @ (eÔg a dog or a horse): ³@ husbandry, ´the breeding of cattle, sheep, horses, etc. ¸3 ´@ other than man. ¸4 ´(used attrib) of the physical, not spiritual, side of man: ³@ needs, ´eÔg food; ³@ desires. ·@ spirits, ´natural lightheartedness. ¸@®cule ²/*anIÚmalkjul/ ³n ´microscopically small @.¼ ¨ani®mate© ²/ÚanImEt/ ³adj ´living; lively. ¹ ³vt ²/ÚanImeIt/ ³v ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb/sth (to/with sth), ´give life to; make lively; inspire: ³A smile @d her face. There was an @d discussion. The news @d us to greater efforts/with greater enthusiasm. All his life this great man was @d by a passion for truth and justice. ¸*@d carÚtoon ³n ´cinema film made by photographing a series of drawings. ¸ani®ma®tion ²/*anIÚmeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´(esp) liveliness; ardour.¼ ¨ani®mism© ²/ÚanImIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´belief that all objects (trees, stones, the wind, etc) have souls.¼ ¨ani®mos®ity© ²/*anIÚmosEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ·@ (against/towards/between), ´strong dislike, active enmity; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´instance of this.¼ ¨ani®mus© ²/ÚanImEs/ ³n ¶[U] ´animosity; (with ³indef art´) ´instance of this: ³an @ against me.¼ ¨an®ise© ²/ÚanIs/ ³n ´plant with sweet-smelling seeds. ¸ani®seed ²/ÚanIsid/ ³n ¶[U] ´seed of @, used for flavouring.¼ ¨ankle© ²/ÚaGkl/ ³n ´joint connecting the foot with the leg; thin part of the leg between this joint and the calf. µ¥ ´the illus at µleg. ¸Ú@ socks, ´short ones just covering the @s. ¸ank®let ²/ÚaGklIt/ ³n ´ornament for the @.¼ ¨anna© ²/ÚanE/ ³n ´former copper coin in Pakistan and in India, a sixteenth part of a rupee.¼ ¨an®nals© ²/Úanlz/ ³n pl ´story of events year by year; record of new knowledge or discoveries written year by year; yearly record of the work of a learned society. ¸an®nal®ist ²/ÚanElIst/ ³n ´writer of @.¼ ¨an®neal© ²/EÚnil/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´cool (metals, glass, etc) very slowly after heating, in order to toughen and temper.¼ ¨an®nex©1 ²/EÚneks/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ¸1 ´take possession of (territory, etc). ¸2 ·@ (to), ´add or join (sth) (as an extra part ³to ´sth). ¸@®ation ²/*anekÚseI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ing; ¶[U] ´instance of this, that which is @ed.¼ ¨an®nex©2 ²/ÚanEks/ ´(also ¸an®nexe´) ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´smaller building added to, or situated near, a larger one: ³an @ to a hotel. ¸2 ´addition ³(to ´a document).¼ ¨an®ni®hi®late© ²/EÚnñIEleIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´destroy completely; end the existence of (eÔg ´an army, a fleet): ³The invasion force was @d. ´(fig) ³Radio communication has @d space. ¸an®ni®hi®la®tion ²/E*nñIEÚleI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´complete destruction (of military or naval forces, etc).¼ ¨an®ni®ver®sary© ²/*anIÚv3sErI/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ries³) ´yearly return of the date of an event; celebration of this: ³my wedding @; the @ of Shakespeare's birth; an @ dinner, ´one held to celebrate an @.¼ ¨Anno Domini© ²/*anE8 ÚdomInñI/ ³x ´(Lat) (abbr ¸AÔD ²/*eI Údi/´) in the year of our Lord: ³in ¶AÔD ³250, ´250 years after the birth of Jesus. µ¥ ³before Christ ´(¶BC´) at µbefore±3µ; ¥ ¶BC ´in µApp 2.¼ ¨an®no®tate© ²/ÚanEteIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´add notes (to a book, etc) explaining difficulties, giving opinions, etc: ³an @d text/version. ¸an®no®ta®tion ²/*anEÚteI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´annotating; ¶[C] ´note or comment.¼ ¨an®nounce© ²/EÚnñ8ns/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,9,14] ¸1 ´make known: ³Mr Green @d (to his friends) his engagement to Miss White. It has been @d that Mr Green and Miss White will be married in May. The book was @d as in preparation. The Government @d that the danger was past. ¸2 ´make known the arrival of: ³The secretary @d Mr and Mrs Brown, ´spoke their names as they entered. ¸3 ´say that sb is about to speak, sing, etc (eÔg in a TÔV programme). ¸@®ment ³n ¶[C] ´sth said, written, or printed to make known what has happened or (more often) what will happen: ³a broadcast @ment. An @ment will be made next week. A@ments of deaths, marriages and births appear in the newspapers. ¸an®noun®cer ³n ´(esp) person who @s speakers, singers, etc in a radio or TÔV broadcast.¼ ¨an®noy© ²/EÚnãI/ ³vt ¶[VP6A ´esp in passive¶] ·be @ed with sb/at sth/about sth, ´irritate; make rather angry: ³He was @ed with his wife because the dinner was badly cooked. I felt @ed when he refused to help. Do stop @ing your father! He was @ed to learn that the train would be delayed. He felt/got/was @ed with the boy for being so stupid/was @ed at the boy's stupidity. ¸@®ing ³part adj´: ³It's @ing to miss a train. How @ing! The @ing thing about it is that«, ´What causes trouble or irritation is that«. ¸@®ance ²/-Ens/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´vexation; being @ed: ³with a look of @ance; much to our @ance; subject a person to @ance, ´worry him. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth that @s: ³All these little @ances did not spoil her sweet temper.¼ ¨an®nual© ²/Úanj8El/ ³adj ¸1 ´coming or happening every year. ¸2 ´lasting for only one year or season. ¸3 ´of one year: ³his @ income; the @ production. ´¹ ³n ¸1 ´plant that lives for one year or season. ¸*hardy Ú@, ´(joc) event, etc which often recurs (and is considered tiresome or monotonous). ¸2 ´book, etc that appears under the same title but with new contents every year. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨an®nu®ity© ²/EÚnjuEtI ³US: ²-Únu-/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´fixed sum of money paid to sb yearly as income during his lifetime; form of insurance to provide such a regular, annual income. ¸an®nui®tant ²/EÚnjuItEnt ³US: ²-Únu-/ ³n ´person who receives an @.¼ ¨an®nul© ²/EÚnAl/ ³vt µ(-ll-) ¶[VP6A] ´put an end to, eÔg an agreement, a law, etc; declare (that sth, eÔg a marriage, is) invalid, of no effect. ¸@®ment ³n¼ ¨an®nu®lar© ²/Úanj8lE(r)/ ³adj ´(rare) ring-like.¼ ¨an®nun®ci®ate© ²/EÚnAnsIeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) announce; proclaim.¼ ¨an®nun®ci®ation© ²/E*nAnsIÚeI2n/ ³n ¸the A@, ´(eccles) the announcement by the angel Gabriel to Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus Christ; festival that commemorates this, 25 Mar.¼ ¨an®ode© ²/ÚanE8d/ ³n ´(electr) (US also called ³plate) ¸1 ´positively charged electrode (from which current enters). µ¥ cathode. ¸2 ´negative terminal of a battery.¼ ¨ano®dyne© ²/ÚanEdñIn/ ³n, adj ´(medicine, drug) able to lessen pain; (sth) able to give comfort to the mind.¼ ¨anoint© ²/EÚnãInt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,23,14] ´apply oil or ointment to (esp as a religious ceremony): ³@ sb with oil. The Lord @ed thee King over Israel ´(µ¥ ²¥ ´Sam 15:17). ¸@®ment ³n¼ ¨anom®al®ous© ²/EÚnomElEs/ ³adj ´irregular; different in some way from what is normal. ¸@ verb, ´verb that forms its interr and neg without the helping verb ³do ´(eÔg ³must, ought´). ¸@®ly ³adv ¸anom®aly ²/EÚnomElI/ ³n (pl µ-lies³) ´@ thing: ³A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly.¼ ¨anon©1 ²/EÚnon/ ³adv ´(old use) soon. ·ever and @, ´every now and then.¼ ¨anon©2 ²/EÚnon/ ³x ´(in footnotes, etc) short for ³by an anonymous author.¼ ¨ano®nym®ity© ²/*anEÚnImEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´state of being anonymous.¼ ¨anony®mous© ²/EÚnonImEs/ ³adj ´without a name, or with a name that is not made known: ³an @ letter, ´not signed; ³an @ gift, ´from sb whose name is not known; ³an author who remains @. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨anoph®eles© ²/EÚnofIliz/ ³n ´=(zool) (kinds of) mosquito, esp the kinds that spread malaria. µ¥ ´the illus at µinsect.¼ ¨an®or®ak© ²/ÚanErak/ ³n ¶[C] ´jacket with a hood attached, worn as protection against rain, wind and cold; wind-cheater.¼ ¨an®other© ²/EÚnADE(r)/ ³pron, adj µ¥ other. ¸1 ´an additional (one): ³Will you have @ cup of tea? Where shall we be in @ ten years, ´ten years from now? ³I don't like this hat; please show me @ (one). ¸2 ´a similar (one): ³This young man is very clever; he may be @ Edison, ´an inventor as clever as Edison. ¸3 ´a different (one): ³We can do that @ time. That's quite @ matter. Taking one thing/year, etc with @, ´on the whole, taking the average (of good and bad, etc). ·one @, µ¥ one±3µ(3).¼ ¨answer©1 ²/ÚqnsE(r) ³US: ²Úan-/ ³n ·@ (to), ¸1 ´sth done in return; reply: ³Have you had an @ to your letter? She gave no @, ´said nothing in return. ³I have a complete @ to the accusation, ´can prove that it was wrongly made. ·in @ (to), ´as a reply (to): ³in @ to your letter. The doctor came at once in @ to my telephone call. ¸2 ´solution; result of working with figures, etc: ³The @ to ´3 Ø 17 ³is ´51. ·have/know all the @s, ´know, or believe one knows, a great deal about sth.¼ ¨answer©2 ²/ÚqnsE(r) ³US: ²Úan-/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,9,12A,2A] ´say, write or do, sth in return (to): ³@ a question; @ the teacher. He @ed nothing. What shall I @? Have you @ed his letter? He @ed that he knew nothing about it. No one @ed. No one was able to @ him a word ´(µ¥ ´Matt 22:48). ³A@ me this question. ·@ the door/the bell, ´go to the door when sb has knocked or rung the bell. ·@ the telephone, ´pick up the receiver and @ the caller. ¶[VP2C,15B] ·@ (sb) back, ´@ impolitely, interrupt, esp when being corrected or scolded. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´fulfil; be suitable or satisfactory for: ³Will this @ your purpose? ¸3 ¶[VP2A] ´succeed; be satisfactory: ³This plan has not @ed; we must find a better one. ¸4 ¶[VP3A] ·@ to the name of, ´(of a pet animal) have the name of: ³The dog @s to the name of Spot. ·@ to a description, ´correspond to it, be as described: ³He doesn't @ to the description of the missing man that appeared in the newspapers. ¸5 ¶[VP6A,3A] ·@ (to) the helm, ´(of a ship) change course when the helm is moved: ³The ship no longer @s the helm, ´cannot be steered. ¸6 ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ´be responsible for: ³I can't @ for his honesty, ´cannot guarantee that he is honest. ³I will @ for it ´(= promise) ³that the next one will be better. You will have to @ for ´(= suffer for) ³your wrongdoing one day. He has a lot to @ for, ´is responsible for, to be blamed for, many things. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ¸1 ´that can be @ed. ¸2 ´(³pred ´only) responsible (³to ´sb ³for ´sth).¼ ¨ant© ²/ant/ ³n ´small insect, proverbial for industry, that lives in highly organized societies. µ¥ ´the illus at µinsect. ¸Úant-eater ³n ´name of various animals that live on ants. ¸Úant-hill ³n ´pile of earth, etc, over an underground nest of ants; cone-shaped nest of white ants. ¸*white Úant ³n ´white ant-like insect (termite) that destroys wood, etc by eating it.¼ ¨an®tag®on®ism© ²/anÚtagEnIzEm/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(instance of) active opposition: ³the @ between the two men; feel a strong @ for/toward sb, ´find oneself strongly opposed to him.¼ ¨an®tag®on®ist© ²/anÚtagEnIst/ ³n ´person struggling against another; opponent.¼ ¨an®tag®on®is®tic© ²/an*tagEÚnIstIk/ ³adj ·@ (to), ¸1 ´hostile; opposed; contrary. ¸2 ´(of forces) acting against each other. ¸an®tag®on®is®ti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨an®tag®on®ize© ²/*anÚtagEnñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make an enemy of (sb); irritate into conflict: ³I advise you not to @ him.¼ ¨ant®arc®tic© ²/anÚtqktIk/ ³adj ´of the south polar regions. ¸the *A@ ÚCircle, ´the line of latitude 66§ÄS.¼ ¨ante©1 ²/ÚantI/ ³n ´stake in the game of poker that a player must put down after looking at his cards or before ´he can draw new cards. ·raise the @, ´increase one's stake (or contribution to sth).¼ ¨ante©2 ²/ÚantI/ ³pref ´before: ³@nuptial, ´before marriage.¼ ¨ante®ced®ent© ²/*antIÚsidnt/ ³adj ·@ (to), ´(formal) previous (to). ´¹ ³n ¸1 ´preceding event or circumstance. ¸2 ³(pl) ´ancestors; past history of a person or persons. ¸3 ´(gram) noun, clause or sentence, to which a following pronoun or adverb refers. ¸ante®ced®ence ²/-ns/ ³n ´priority.¼ ¨ante®cham®ber© ²/ÚantIt2eImbE(r)/ ³n ´room leading into a large room or hall.¼ ¨ante®date© ²/*antIÚdeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´put a date on, eÔg a letter, document, etc, earlier than the true one; give an earlier date than the true one to (an event). ¸2 ´come before in time: ³This event @s the arrival of Columbus by several centuries.¼ ¨ante®di®luvian© ²/*antIdIÚluvIEn/ ³adj ´of, suitable for, the time before the Flood, (Genesis); old-fashioned; out of date. ¹ ³n ´old-fashioned person.¼ ¨ante®lope© ²/ÚantIlE8p/ ³n ´deer-like, fast-running animal with thin legs. µ¥ ´the illus at µlarge.¼ ¨ante mer®id®iem© ²/*antI mEÚrIdIEm/ ³adv ´(Lat) (abbr ¸aÔm´) time between midnight and noon: ³7.30aÔm. µ¥ ³pÔm ´at µpost meridiem; ¥ App ´(6).¼ ¨ante®na®tal© ²/*antIÚneItl/ ³adj ´existing or occurring before birth; pre-natal: ³@ clinics, ´for pregnant women.¼ ¨an®tenna© ²/anÚtenE/ ³n (pl µ@e ²/-ni/³) ¸1 ´jointed organ found in pairs on the heads of insects and crustaceans, used for feeling, etc. µ¥ ´the illus at µinsect. ¸2 ³(pl ´also µ@s³) ´(esp US) (kind of) radio or TÔV aerial.¼ ¨ante®nup®tial© ²/*antIÚnAp2l/ ³adj ´before marriage: ³an @ contract.¼ ¨ante®pen®ul®ti®mate© ²/*antIpIÚnAltImEt/ ³adj ´last but two: ³the @ syllable.¼ ¨an®ter®ior© ²/anÚtIErIE(r)/ ³adj ´(formal) coming before (in time or position).¼ ¨ante®room© ²/ÚantIr8m ³US: ²-rum/ ³n ´antechamber; waiting-room.¼ ¨an®them© ²/ÚanTEm/ ³n ´musical composition, usu for choir and organ, to be sung in churches. ¸*national Ú@, ´song or hymn of a country, eÔg "God Save the Queen'.¼ ¨an®ther© ²/ÚanTE(r)/ ³n ´(bot) part of the stamen containing pollen. µ¥ ´the illus at µflower.¼ ¨an®thol®ogy© ²/*anÚTolEdZI/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ-gies³) ´collection of poems or pieces of prose, or of both, by different writers, or a selection from the work of one writer.¼ ¨an®thra®cite© ²/ÚanTrEsñIt/ ³n ¶[U] ´very hard form of coal that burns with little smoke or flame.¼ ¨an®thrax© ²/ÚanTraks/ ³n ¶[U] ´infectious, often fatal, disease of sheep and cattle that may be transmitted to human beings.¼ ¨an®thro®poid© ²/ÚanTrEpãId/ ³adj ´man-like. ¹ ³n ´@ animal, esp an ape, eÔg a gorilla.¼ ¨an®thro®pol®ogy© ²/*anTrEÚpolEdZI/ ³n ¶[U] ´science of man, esp of the beginnings, development, customs and beliefs of mankind. ¸an®thro®pol®ogist ²/*anTrEÚpolEdZIst/ ³n ´expert in @. ¸an®thro®po®logi®cal ²/*anTrEpEÚlodZIkl/ ³adj¼ ¨anti-© ²/*antI ³US: ²*antñI/ ³pref ´against: ·*³@-bal·Ú³listic; ·*³@-·Ú³clerical; ·*³@-·Ú³christian, ´opposed to Christianity.¼ ¨anti-air®craft© ²/*antI ÚeEkrqft ³US: ²-kraft/ ³adj ´used against enemy aircraft: ³@ guns.¼ ¨anti®biotic© ²/*antIbñIÚotIk/ ³n, adj ´(med) (substance, eÔg ³penicillin´) ´produced by moulds and bacteria, capable of destroying or preventing the growth of bacteria.¼ ¨anti®body© ²/ÚantIbodI/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ-dies³) ´(physiol) (kinds of) substance formed in the blood tending to inhibit or destroy harmful bacteria, etc.¼ ¨an®tic© ²/ÚantIk/ ³n ´(usu ³pl´) ´grotesque movement, step, attitude, intended to amuse, eÔg by a clown at a circus; queer behaviour.¼ ¨an®tici®pate© ²/anÚtIsIpeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,C,9] ¸1 ´do, make use of, before the right or natural time: ³Don't @ your income, ´order goods, etc before you receive your income. ¸2 ´do sth before sb else does it: ³It is said that Columbus discovered America, but he was probably @d by sailors from Norway who reached Labrador 500 years earlier. ¸3 ´see what needs doing, what is likely to happen, etc and do what is necessary: ³He tries to @ all my needs, ´satisfy them before I mention them. ³A good general tries to @ the enemy's movements. ¸4 ´expect (which is the more usu word): ³We don't @ much trouble. The directors @d a fall in demand/that demand would fall. ¸an®tici®pa®tory ²/an*tIsIÚpeItErI/ ³adj¼ ¨an®tici®pa®tion© ²/an*tIsIÚpeI2n/ ³n ¶[C,U] ·(in) @ (of), ´action of anticipating; sth anticipated: ³We bought an extra supply of coal in @ of a cold winter. Thanking you in @, ´in advance and expecting you to do what I have asked.¼ ¨anti-cli®max© ²/*antI ÚklñImaks/ ³n ¶[C] ´sudden fall from sth noble, serious, important, sensible, etc; descent that contrasts with a previous rise.¼ ¨anti-clock®wise© ²/*antI ÚklokwñIz/ ³adv ´in the direction opposite to the movements of the hands of a clock.¼ ¨anti®cyc®lone© ²/*antIÚsñIklE8n/ ³n ¶[C] ´(met) area in which atmospheric pressure is high compared with that of surrounding areas, with an outward flow of air; the area is characterized by quiet, settled weather. µ¥ depression(4).¼ ¨anti®dote© ²/ÚantIdE8t/ ³n ¶[C] ´medicine used against a poison, or to prevent a disease from having an effect: ³an @ against/for/to snakebite.¼ ¨anti®freeze© ²/ÚantIfriz/ ³n ¶[U] ´substance (usu a liquid) added to another liquid to lower its freezing point, eÔg as used in the radiator of a motor vehicle.¼ ¨anti-hero© ²/ÚantI hIErE8/ ³n (pl µ@es ²/-rE8z/³) ´(in fiction and drama) protagonist lacking the traditional characteristics of a hero, such as courage and dignity.¼ ¨anti®knock© ²/*antIÚnok/ ³n ¶[U] ´substance added to the fuel in a motor-car engine to reduce noise. µ¥ knock±2µ(3).¼ ¨anti®log®ar®ithm© ²/*antIÚlogErIDEm ³US: ²-Úlcg-/ ³n ´number to which a logarithm belongs: ³1Ô000, 100 and 10 are the @s of 3, 2 and 1.¼ ¨anti®ma®cas®sar© ²/*antImEÚkasE(r)/ ³n ´covering to protect the back or arm of a chair or sofa from grease-marks.¼ ¨anti®mony© ²/ÚantImEnI ³US: ²-mE8nI/ ³n ¶[U] ´easily broken silvery white metal, (symbol ¸Sb´) used in alloys, esp metal for type±1µ(3).¼ ¨an®tipa®thy© ²/anÚtIpETI/ ³n ·@ (to/towards/against) (between ³two persons·), ¶[U] ´strong and decided dislike; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-thies³) ´instance or object of this: ³feel/show a strong/marked @ ³to a place/against sb. ¸anti®pa®thetic ²/*antIpEÚTetIk/ ³adj¼ ¨anti-per®son®nel© ²/*antI *p3sEÚnel/ ³adj ´(usu of mines±2µ(3)´) designed to kill or wound human beings (not to destroy vehicles).¼ ¨an®tipo®des© ²/anÚtIpEdiz/ ³n pl ´(usu ¸the @´) (two) place(s) on the opposite sides of the earth, esp the region opposite our own.¼ ¨anti®quar®ian© ²/*antIÚkweErIEn/ ³adj ´connected with the study, collection or sale of antiquities: ³an @ bookseller. ´¹ ³n ´antiquary.¼ ¨anti®quary© ²/ÚantIkwErI ³US: ²-kwerI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´person who studies, collects or sells, antiquities.¼ ¨anti®quated© ²/ÚantIkweItId/ ³adj ´obsolete; out of date; (of persons) having old-fashioned ideas and ways.¼ ¨an®tique© ²/anÚtik/ ³adj ´belonging to the distant past; existing since old times; in the style of past times. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´material, (eÔg a piece of furniture, a work of art) of a past period (in GB at least 50 years old, in US 100 years). ¸the @, ´@ style in art. Cf ³second-hand, ´usu of things more recent.¼ ¨an®tiquity© ²/anÚtIkwEtI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´old times, esp before the Middle Ages; great age: ³the heroes of @; a city of great @, ´eÔg Athens; ³in remote @. ¸2 ³(pl µ-ties³) ´buildings, ruins, works of art, remaining from ancient times: ³Greek and Roman antiquities.¼ ¨an®tir®rhi®num© ²/*antIÚrñInEm/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ´(bot) genus of plants; snapdragon.¼ ¨anti-Sem®ite© ²/*antI ÚsimñIt ³US: ²Úsem-/ ³n, adj ´(person) prejudiced against Jews, hating Jews. ¸anti-Sem®itic ²/*antI sIÚmItIk/ ³adj ¸anti-Semi®tism ²/*antI ÚsemItIzEm/ ³n¼ ¨anti®sep®tic© ²/*antIÚseptIk/ ³n, adj ´(chemical substance) preventing a wound, etc from becoming septic, esp by destroying germs.¼ ¨anti®so®cial© ²/*antIÚsE82l/ ³adj ¸1 ´opposed to social laws or to organized societies. ¸2 ´likely, tending, to interfere with or spoil public amenities: ³It is @ to leave litter in public places/to play a transistor in public. ¸3 ´not sociable.¼ ¨anti®tank© ²/*antIÚtaGk/ ³attrib adj ´for use against military tanks: ³@ guns/ditches.¼ ¨an®tith®esis© ²/anÚtITEsIs/ ³n (pl µ-ses ²/-siz/³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´direct opposite (³of, to´). ¸2 ¶[U] ´opposition (³of ´one thing ³to ´another, ³between ´two things); ¶[C] ´instance of this; contrast of ideas vividly expressed, as in "Give me liberty, or give me death'. ¸anti®thetic ²/*antIÚTetIk/, ¸anti®theti®cal ²/-Ikl/ ³adj ¸anti®theti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨anti®toxin© ²/*antIÚtoksIn/ ³n ´substance (usu a serum) able to counteract a toxin or disease.¼ ¨anti®trade© ²/*antIÚtreId/ ³adj ¸Ú@ wind, ´wind that blows in the opposite direction to a trade wind. ¹ ³n ´(usu ³pl´) ´@ wind.¼ ¨ant®ler© ²/ÚantlE(r)/ ³n ´branched horn; branch of a horn (of a stag or other deer). µ¥ ´the illus at µlarge.¼ ¨an®to®nym© ²/ÚantEnIm/ ³n ¶[C] ´word that is contrary in meaning to another: ³Hot is the @ of cold. µ¥ synonym.¼ ¨anus© ²/ÚeInEs/ ³n ´(anat) opening at the end of the alimentary canal, through which waste matter passes out. µ¥ ´the illus at µalimentary.¼ ¨an®vil© ²/ÚanvIl/ ³n ¸1 ´large, heavy block of iron on which a smith hammers heated metal into shape. ¸2 ´(anat) bone in the ear. µ¥ ´the illus at µear.¼ ¨anxiety© ²/aGÚzñIEtI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´emotional condition in which there is fear and uncertainty about the future: ³We waited with @ for news of her safe arrival. Tom's foolish behaviour caused his parents great @. ¸2 ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´instance of such a feeling: ³All these anxieties made him look pale and tired. The Budget statement removed all anxieties about higher taxes. ¸3 ¶[U] ´keen desire: ³@ for knowledge; his @ to please his employers.¼ ¨anxious© ²/ÚaGk2Es/ ³adj ¸1 ·@ (about/at/for), ´feeling anxiety; troubled: ³I am very @ about my son's health. He is @ for/about her safety/at her non-arrival. ¸2 ´causing anxiety: ³We have had an @ time. His illness has been a very @ business. ´has caused us anxiety. ¸3 ·@ to/for/about/that, ´strongly wishing: ³He was @ to meet you/@ for his brother to meet you. We were @ that help should be sent promptly/@ for help to be sent. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨any©1 ²/ÚenI/ ³adj ¸1 µ¥ some±1µ(1) ´(in neg and interr sentences, and in clauses of condition, etc´) ¸2 ´(in affirm sentences, with negation implied, eÔg with a ³v ´such as ³"prevent', ´after the ³prep "without', ´after such ³advv ´as ³"hardly'´)´: ³We did the work without any difficulty. I have hardly any leisure nowadays. Please try to prevent any loss while the goods are on the way. ¸3 ´(usu stressed; usu in affirm sentences) no matter which: ³Come any day you like. You will find me at my desk at any hour of the day, ´at all times. ³We must find an excuse, any excuse will do. ¸4 ·in Úany case, ´whatever happens, whatever the circumstances may be. ·at Úany rate, ´at least. ¸5 ´(colloq; used in affirm and neg sentences, with ³sing ´common ³nn ´for ³a(n) ´or ³one´): ³This bucket is uselessÅit hasn't any handle.¼ ¨any©2 ²/ÚenI/ ³adv of degree ´(used in neg, interr and conditional sentences, in contexts where negation or doubt is indicated or implied, and with comparatives. Cf the similar use of ³no ´and ³none´.) at all; in any degree: ³Is your father any better? They were too tired to go any further. The children didn't behave any too well, ´iÔe they behaved rather badly. ³If it's any good/use, I'll buy it. ·(not) any the better/the worse (for), ´(not) at all better/worse for: ³He got wet through in the rain yesterday but isn't any the worse for it, ´has not suffered in any way.¼ ¨any©3 ²/ÚenI/ ³pron µ¥ some±2µ.¼ ¨any®body© ²/ÚenIbodI/ ³n, pron ¸1 ´(in neg, interr, etc sentences: µ¥ somebody, someone´). ¸2 ´(in affirm sentences) no matter who: ³A@ will tell you where the bus stop is. A@ who saw the accident is asked to communicate with the police. That's @'s guess, ´(colloq) is quite uncertain. ·@ else, µ¥ else. ¸3 ´person of importance: ³You must work harder if you wish to be @. Was she @ before her marriage, ´Had she any social position? ³He'll never be @.¼ ¨any®how© ²/ÚenIhñ8/ ³adv ¸1 ´in any possible way; by any possible means: ³The house was empty and I couldn't get in @. ¸2 ´carelessly; without order: ³The work was done all @. ¸3 ³(adv ´or ³conj) ´in any case; at any rate: ³A@, you can try, ´even if there's not much chance of success. ³It's too late now, @.¼ ¨any®one© ²/ÚenIwAn/ ³n, pron ´= µanybody.¼ ¨any®place© ²/ÚenIpleIs/ ³adv ´(esp in US) = µanywhere.¼ ¨any®thing© ²/ÚenITIG/ ³n, pron ¸1 ´(in neg, interr, etc sentences: µ¥ something´) (note the position of the ³adj´): ³Has @ unusual happened? ¸2 ´no matter what: ³I want something to eat; @ will do. ·be @ but, ´be definitely not: ³He's @ but mad. ¸3 ´(used adverbially, to intensify a meaning): ³The thief ran like @ when he saw the policeman. ·(as) easy as @, ´(colloq) very easy.¼ ¨any®way© ²/ÚenIweI/ ³adv ´= µanyhow(3).¼ ¨any®where© ²/ÚenIweE(r) ³US: ²-hweEr/ ³adv ¸1 ´(in neg, interr, etc sentences: µ¥ somewhere´) (note the use of @ with post-adjuncts): ³I'll go @ (that) you suggest. Are we going @ (in) particular? ¸2 ´(used as a ³prep ´object): ³That leaves me without @ to keep all my books. ¸3 ´no matter where: ³Put the box down @. We'll go @ you like.¼ ¨aorta© ²/eIÚctE/ ³n ´chief blood-vessel through which blood is carried from the left side of the heart. µ¥ ´the illus at µrespiratory.¼ ¨apace© ²/EÚpeIs/ ³adv ´(old use, or liter) quickly: ³Ill news spreads @.¼ ¨apache© ²/EÚpa2/ ³n ´(in Paris) hooligan; rough.¼ ¨apa®nage© ´(also ¸ap®pan®age´) ²/ÚapEnIdZ/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´natural accompaniment; sth that necessarily goes with sth else. ¸2 ´property, etc coming to sb because of birth or office.¼ ¨apart© ²/EÚpqt/ ³adv ¸1 ´distant: ³The two houses are 500 metres @. The negotiators are still miles @, ´show no signs of agreeing. ¸2 ´to or on one side: ³He took me @ in order to speak to me alone. Why does she hold herself @, ´iÔe not mix with other people? ·joking/jesting @, ´speaking seriously. ·set/put (sth/sb) @ (from), ´put (it) on one side; reserve it; make (sb) (appear) special: ³His far-sightedness set him @ from most of his contemporaries. ¸3 ´separate(ly): ³I can't get these two things @. He was standing with his feet wide @. ·@ from, ´independently of; leaving on one side: ³@ from these reasons. ·tell/know two things or persons @, ´distinguish one from the other. µ¥ come(15), pull±1µ(7), take±1µ(16).¼ ¨apart®heid© ²/EÚpqtheIt/ ³n ´(S Africa) (policy of) racial segregation; separate development of Europeans and non-Europeans.¼ ¨apart®ment© ²/EÚpqtmEnt/ ³n ¸1 ´single room in a house. ¸2 ³(pl) ´set of rooms, furnished or unfurnished, either owned or rented by the week or month, eÔg for a holiday at the seaside. ¸3 ´(US) set of rooms in a large building (called ³an ·Ú³@ house´)´, usu on the same floor. (US @ = GB ³flat; ´US ³@ house ´= GB ³block of flats; ´US ³@ hotel ´= GB ³service flats.´) µ¥ tenement.¼ ¨apa®thy© ²/ÚapETI/ ³n ¶[U] ´absence of sympathy or interest; indifference ³(towards). ¸apa®thetic ²/*apEÚTetIk/ ³adj ´showing or having @. ¸apa®theti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨ape© ²/eIp/ ³n ¸1 ´tailless monkey ³(gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-outang, gibbon). ¸2 ´person who mimics others: ³play the ape, ´mimic. ¸3 ´(colloq) clumsy, ill-bred person. ¹ ³vt ´imitate (sb's behaviour, etc).¼ ¨aperi®ent© ²/EÚpIErIEnt/ ³n, adj ´(formal) laxative.¼ ¨aperi®tif© ²/EÚperEtIf ³US: ²E*perEÚtif/ ³n ¶[C] ´alcoholic drink, (eÔg ³vermouth´) taken before a meal.¼ ¨ap®er®ture© ²/ÚapEt2E(r)/ ³n ´opening, esp one that admits light, eÔg to a camera lens.¼ ¨apex© ²/ÚeIpeks/ ³n (pl µ@es ´or µapices ²/ÚeIpIsiz/´) top or highest point: ³the @ of a triangle; at the @ of his career/fortunes.¼ ¨apha®sia© ²/EÚfeIzIE ³US: ²-ZE/ ³n ¶[U] ´(path) loss of ability to use speech or to understand speech (as the result of brain injury).¼ ¨aphid© ²/ÚeIfId/ ³n ´= µaphis.¼ ¨aphis© ²/ÚeIfIs/ ³n (pl µaphides ²/ÚeIfIdiz/³) ´very small insect that lives by sucking juices from plants; plant louse.¼ ¨aph®or®ism© ²/ÚafErIzEm/ ³n ¶[C] ´short, wise saying; maxim.¼ ¨aph®ro®dis®iac© ²/*afrEÚdIzIak/ ³n, adj ¶[C,U] ´(substance, drug) exciting sexual desire and activity.¼ ¨api®ary© ²/ÚeIpIErI ³US: ²-IerI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´place with a number of hives where bees are kept. ¸api®ar®ist ²/ÚeIpIErIst/ ³n ´person who keeps bees. ¸api®cul®ture ²/ÚeIpIkAlt2E(r)/ ³n ´bee-keeping.¼ ¨apiece© ²/EÚpis/ ³adv ´to, for or by, each one of a group: ³They cost a penny @, ´each.¼ ¨apish© ²/ÚeIpI2/ ³adj ´of or like an ape; foolishly imitative.¼ ¨aplomb© ²/EÚplom/ ³n ¶[U] ´self-confidence; assurance (in speech or behaviour): ³He answered with perfect @.¼ ¨apoca®lypse© ²/EÚpokElIps/ ³n ´revelation (esp of knowledge from God). ¸the A@, ´the last book in the Bible, recording the revelation to St John. µ¥ App 10. ¸apoca®lyp®tic ²/E*pokEÚlIptIk/ ³adj ´of or like an @ or the A@.¼ ¨Apoc®ry®pha© ²/EÚpokrIfE/ ³n pl ´(with ³sing v´) those books of the Old Testament that are considered of doubtful authorship by the Jews and were excluded from the Bible at the time of the Reformation. µ¥ App 10. ¸apoc®ry®phal ²/EÚpokrIfl/ ³adj ´of doubtful authority or authorship.¼ ¨apo®gee© ²/ÚapEdZi/ ³n ¸1 ´(astron) position (in the orbit of the moon or any planet) when it is at its greatest distance from the earth. ¸2 ´(fig) highest point.¼ ¨apolo®getic© ²/E*polEÚdZetIk/ ³adj ´making an apology; expressing regret; excusing a fault or failure: ³He was @ about/for arriving late. He wrote an @ letter. ¸apolo®geti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv ¸apolo®get®ics ³n ´(usu with ³sing v´) the art or practice of explaining or justifying a religious belief, political creed, etc. ¸apolo®gist ²/EÚpolEdZIst/ ³n ´person who engages in @s.¼ ¨apolo®gize© ²/EÚpolEdZñIz/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (to sb) (for sth), ´make an apology; say one is sorry: ³You must @ to your sister for being so rude.¼ ¨apol®ogy© ²/EÚpolEdZI/ ³n (pl µ-gies³) ¸1 ¶[C] ·@ (to sb) (for sth), ´statement of regret (for doing wrong, being impolite, hurting sb's feelings): ³offer/make/accept/refuse an @; offer sb an @; make one's apologies (to sb), ´eÔg for being late, for not being able to come. ¸2 ¶[C] ´explanation or defence (of beliefs, etc). µ¥ apologetics. ¸3 ·an @ for, ´a poor specimen of, eÔg a dinner/letter.¼ ¨apo®phthegm©, apo®thegm ²/ÚapETem/ ³n ¶[C] ´short, pointed or forceful saying.¼ ¨apo®plexy© ²/ÚapEpleksI/ ³n ¶[U] ´loss of power to feel, move, think, usu caused by injury to blood-vessels in the brain. ¸apo®plec®tic ²/*apEÚplektIk/ ³adj ´connected with, causing @; suffering from @: ³an apoplectic stroke/fit; ´(colloq) red in the face; easily made angry.¼ ¨apos®tasy© ²/EÚpostEsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´giving up one's beliefs or faith; turning away from one's religion; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-sies³) ´instance of this. ¸apos®tate ²/EÚposteIt/ ³n, adj ´(person) guilty of @.¼ ¨a pos®teri®ori© ²/*eI *posterIÚcrñI/ ³adv, adj phrase ´(Lat) (reasoning) from effects to causes, eÔg saying, ³"The boys are tired so they must have walked a long way'. µ¥ a priori.¼ ¨apostle© ²/EÚposl/ ³n ¸1 ´one of the twelve men (¸the Twelve A@s´) chosen by Jesus to spread his teaching; missionary of the early Christian Church, eÔg St Paul, the A@ to the Gentiles. ¸2 ´leader or teacher of reform, of a new faith or movement. ¸apos®tolic ²/*apEÚstolIk/ ³adj ¸1 ´of the @sµ(1) ´or the times when they lived. ¸2 ´of the Pope.¼ ¨apos®trophe©1 ²/EÚpostrEfI/ ³n ´the sign ' used to show omission of letter(s) or number(s), (as in ³can't, I'm, '05, ´for ³cannot, I am, 1905), ´for the possessive (as in ³boy's, boys'´), ´and for the plurals of letters (as in ³There are two l's in "Bell'´). µ¥ App 9.¼ ¨apos®trophe©2 ²/EÚpostrEfI/ ³n ´passage in a public speech, in a poem, etc addressed to a particular person (who may be dead or absent). ¸apos®tro®phize ²/EÚpostrEfñIz/ ³vt ´make an @ to.¼ ¨apoth®ecary© ²/EÚpoTIkErI ³US: ²-kerI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´(old use, but still in Scot) person who prepares and sells medicines and medical goods. ¸apothecaries' weight, µ¥ App 5.¼ ¨apo®thegm© µ¥ apophthegm.¼ ¨apothe®osis© ²/E*poTIÚE8sIs/ ³n (pl µ-ses ²/-siz/³) ¸1 ´(of a human being) making or becoming a god or a saint: ³the @ of a Roman Emperor. ¸2 ´release from earthly life. ¸3 ´glorification; glorified ideal.¼ ¨ap®pal© ´(US also ¸ap®pall´) ²/EÚpcl/ ³vt µ(-ll-) ¶[VP6A] ´fill with fear or terror; dismay; shock deeply: ³They were @led at the news. ¸@®ling ³adj´: ³When will this @ling war end? ¸@®ling®ly ³adv¼ ¨ap®pa®nage© µ¥ apanage.¼ ¨ap®par®atus© ²/*apEÚreItEs ³US: ²-ÚratEs/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ@es³) ´(rarely ³pl; ´sometimes ·a piece of @´) ¸1 ´set of instruments or other mechanical appliances put together for a purpose: ³a heating @, ´eÔg for supplying steam heat throughout a building. ¸2 ´bodily organs by which natural processes are carried on: ³Your digestive @ takes the food you eat and changes it so that it can be used to build up the body.¼ ¨ap®parel© ²/EÚparEl/ ³n ¶[U] ´(old use, or liter) ´dress; clothing. ¹ ³vt µ(-ll-, ´US µ-l-) ´dress; clothe.¼ ¨ap®par®ent© ²/EÚparEnt/ ³adj ¸1 ´clearly seen or understood: ³It was @ to all of us«, ´We all saw clearly«; ³as will soon become @, ´as you will soon see. ¸2 ´seeming; according to appearances: ³in spite of her @ indifference, ´although she seemed to be indifferent. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ap®par®ition© ²/*apEÚrI2n/ ³n ¶[C] ´the coming into view, esp of a ghost or the spirit of a dead person.¼ ¨ap®peal© ²/EÚpil/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (to sb) (against/for/from sth), ¸1 ´make an earnest request: ³The prisoner @ed to the judge for mercy. At Christmas people @ to us to help the poor. ¸2 ´(legal) take a question (to a higher court, etc) for rehearing and a new decision: ³@ to another court; @ against a decision; @ from a judgement. ¸3 ´go (to sb) for a decision: (football, etc) ³@ to the linesman; @ against the referee's decision; ´(cricket) ³The captain @ed against the light, ´said the light was too poor for further play. ¸4 ´attract; move the feelings of: ³Bright colours @ to small children. Do these paintings @ to you? ´¹ ³n ¸1 ·an @ for, ´an earnest call for: ³make an @ for help. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(legal) act of @ingµ(2)´: ³an @ to a higher court; an @ from a decision; to lodge an @; ¶[U] ³to give notice of @; acquittal on @. ¸3 ¶[C] ´(esp in sport) act of @ing: ³an @ to the referee. ¸4 ¶[U] ´interest; (power of) attraction: ³That sort of music hasn't much @ for me/has lost its @. ¸5 ¶[U] ´supplication: ³with a look of @ on her face, ´asking for help or sympathy. ¸@®ing ³adj ¸1 ´moving; touching the feelings or sympathy. ¸2 ´attractive. ¸@®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨ap®pear© ²/EÚpIE(r)/ ³vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C] ´come into view, become visible: ³When we reached the top of the hill, the town @ed below us. The ship @ed on the horizon. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C] ´arrive: ³He promised to be here at four but didn't @ until six. ¸3 ¶[VP2A,C] ¸(a) ´(of an actor, singer, lecturer, etc) come before the public: ³He has @ed in every large concert hall in Europe. ¸(b) ´(of a book) be published: ³When will your new novel @? ¸(c) ´(legal) present oneself publicly: ³The defendant failed to @ before the court. ¸4 ¶[VP2A,4D,E] ´seem: ³Why does she @ so sad? He @s to have many friends. You don't want to @ a fool, ´to look like a fool. ³The house @ed (to be) deserted. It would @ that his intention was/His intention @s to have been to arrive yesterday. There @s to have been a mistake. So it @s. It @s not. It @s to me that«/It begins to @ that«, ´It looks as though«.¼ ¨ap®pear®ance© ²/EÚpIErEns/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´act of appearing: ³make an @; make one's first @, ´(of an actor, singer, etc) appear in public for the first time. ·put in an @, ´show oneself, attend (a meeting, party, etc): ³I don't want to go to the garden party but I'd better put in an @. ¸2 ´that which shows or can be seen; what sth or sb appears to be: ³The child had the @ of being ´(= looked as if it were) ³half starved. She has a slightly foreign @. We mustn't judge by @s, ´by what can be seen outside, by outward looks. ·keep up @s, ´maintain an outward show (in order to hide what one does not wish people to see, eÔg by buying smart clothes and spending little on food, etc). ·in @, ´so far as @ is concerned; outwardly: ³In @ it is a strong building. ·to/by/from all @(s), ´so far as can be seen: ³He was to all @(s) dead.¼ ¨ap®pease© ²/EÚpiz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make quiet or calm: ³@ sb's anger; @ sb's curiosity/hunger. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´appeasing, eÔg by making concessions to potential enemies.¼ ¨ap®pel®lant© ²/EÚpelEnt/ ³adj ´(legal) concerned with appeals. ¹ ³n ´(legal) person who appeals to a higher court.¼ ¨ap®pel®la®tion© ²/*apEÚleI2n/ ³n ¶[C] ´(formal) name or title; system of names.¼ ¨ap®pend© ²/EÚpend/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sth (to), ´(formal) add in writing or in print; add (sth) at the end: ³@ a clause to a treaty; @ a seal or signature to a document.¼ ¨ap®pend®age© ²/EÚpendIdZ/ ³n ¶[C] ´sth added to, fastened to or forming a natural part of, a larger thing.¼ ¨ap®pen®dix© ²/EÚpendIks/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ³(pl µ-dices ²/-dIsiz/³) ´sth added, esp at the end of a book. ¸2 ¶[C] ³(pl ´also µ@es´) small out-growth on the surface of a bodily organ, esp ¸(Úvermiform @) ´a worm-like appendage of the large intestine. µ¥ ´the illus at µalimentary. ¸ap®pen®di®ci®tis ²/E*pendIÚsñItIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´diseased condition of the vermiform @, requiring in many cases a surgical operation. ¸ap®pen®dec®tomy ²/*apenÚdektEmI/ ³n (pl µ-mies³) ´removal by surgery of the vermiform @.¼ ¨ap®per®tain© ²/*apEÚteIn/ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ´(formal) belong to as a right; be appropriate: ³the duties @ing to his office.¼ ¨ap®pe®tite© ²/ÚapItñIt/ ³n ¶[U] ´physical desire (esp ³for ´food): ³She is suffering from lack of @. If you eat a lot of chocolate before supper, it will spoil/take away your @, ´prevent you from enjoying your supper. (fig) ³He had no @ for the fight. ¶[C] ´instance of such a desire: ³The long walk gave him a good @. ¸ap®pe®tizer ²/ÚapItñIzE(r)/ ³n ´sth done (eÔg a walk) or served (eÔg olives, a short alcoholic drink) in order to stimulate the @. ¸ap®pe®tiz®ing ³adj ´pleasing to, exciting, the @: ³an appetizing smell from the kitchen.¼ ¨ap®plaud© ²/EÚplcd/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A,B] ´show approval (of) by clapping the hands: ³The audience @ed (the singer) for five minutes. He was loudly @ed. ¸2 ´express approval of: ³I @ your decision.¼ ¨ap®plause© ²/EÚplcz/ ³n ¶[U] ´loud approval; hand-clapping: ³greeted with @; win the @ of the audience.¼ ¨apple© ²/Úapl/ ³n ´(tree with) round fruit with firm juicy flesh and skin that is green, red or yellow when the fruit is ripe. µ¥ ´the illus at µfruit. ·the @ of one's eye, ´sb or sth dearly loved. ·@ of discord, ´cause of quarrel. ·upset the/sb's Ú@-cart, ´spoil the/his plans. ·in *@-*pie Úorder, ´in perfect order, with everything in the right place. ¸Ú@®jack ³n ´(US) brandy distilled from fermented cider. ¸*@ Úsauce, ´(US = ¸Ú@®sauce´) ³n ¸(a) ´sliced @s stewed. ¸(b) ´(US colloq) nonsense: insincere flattery. ¸Adam's @, µ¥ Adam.¼ ¨ap®pli®ance© ²/EÚplñIEns/ ³n ¶[C] ´instrument or apparatus: ³an @ for rescuing sailors from a wrecked ship, ´eÔg a rope that can be fired from a gun; ³household @s, ´eÔg a washing-machine, a food-mixer.¼ ¨ap®pli®cable© ²/ÚaplIkEbl/ ³adj ·@ (to), ´that can be applied; that is suitable and proper: ³Is the rule @ to this case?¼ ¨ap®pli®cant© ²/ÚaplIkEnt/ ³n ·@ (for), ´person who applies (esp for a position): ³As the wages were low, there were no @s for the job.¼ ¨ap®pli®ca®tion© ²/*aplIÚkeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ·@ (to sb) (for sth), ´making of a request: ³A list of new books may be had on @ to the publishers; ¶[C] ´request (esp in writing): ³The manager received twenty @s for the position. We made an @ to the court for an enquiry. ¸Ú@ form, ´form to be filled in when applying for sth. ¸2 ¶[U] ·@ (of sth) (to sth), ´putting one thing on to another: ³This oil is for external @ only, ´to be used only on the surface; ¶[C] ´substance used: ³The doctor ordered an @ of ice to the forehead. Both cold and hot @s are used to help people who are in pain. ¸3 ¶[U] ·@ (of sth) (to sth), ´bringing a rule to bear on a case; putting to practical use: ³the @ of the rule to this case; the @ of a discovery/a new process, etc to industry. ¸4 ¶[U] ´effort; attention: ³If you show @ in your studies ´(= If you work hard) ³you will succeed. My work demands close @, ´iÔe I have to concentrate my thoughts on it.¼ ¨ap®plied© µ¥ apply.¼ ¨ap®pli®qu_e© ²/aÚplikeI ³US: ²*aplIÚkeI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(esp in dress-making) ornamental work made of one kind of material, or material of one colour, applied to the surface of another. ¹ ³vt ´ornament in this way.¼ ¨ap®ply© ²/EÚplñI/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µ-lied³) ¸1 ¶[VP2C,3A] ·@ (to sb) (for sth), ´(formally) ask for: ³@ to the Consul for a visa. You may @ in person or by letter. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,14] ´lay one thing on or in another; cause (sth) to serve a purpose by doing this: ³@ a plaster to a cut; @ the brakes ´(of a motor vehicle, etc); (fig) ³We intend to @ economic sanctions. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,3A] ·@ (to sth), ´(cause to) have a bearing (on); concern: ³The rule cannot be applied in every case. What I have said does not @ to you. ¸4 ¶[VP14] ·@ oneself/one's mind/one's energies (to sth/to doing sth), ´concentrate one's thoughts, etc on a task, give all one's energy and attention to: ³@ your mind to your work. We must @ our energies to finding a solution. ¸5 ¶[VP14] ´make practical use of (research, a discovery): ³We can @ his findings in new developments. ¸ap®plied ³part adj ´put to practical use: ³applied mathematics, ´eÔg as used in engineering; ³applied art, ´eÔg as used in textile designs, for pottery, etc.¼ ¨ap®point© ²/EÚpãInt/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14,16A] ·@ sth (for sth), ´choose, decide, fix (a time/date, etc): ³The time @ed for the meeting was 8.30pÔm. We must @ a time to meet again/a time for the next meeting. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,14,16A,23,25] ·@ sb (to sth), ´choose for a post; set up by choosing members: ³They @ed White (to be) manager. Smith was @ed to the vacant post. The newly-@ed officials are all expert. We must @ a committee. ¸3 ¶[VP9] ´(formal or older use) give orders: ³@ that sth shall be done. ¸4 ·well/badly @ed, ´well/badly equipped. ¸@ee ²/EpãInÚti/ ³n ´person @ed to an office or position.¼ ¨ap®point®ment© ²/EÚpãIntmEnt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´appointing: ³meet sb by @, ´after fixing a time and place. ¸2 ¶[C] ´arrangement to meet sb: ³make/fix an @ with sb; keep/break an @. I have an @ with my dentist at 3pÔm. ¸3 ¶[C] ´position or office: ³get a good @ in a business firm; an @ as manager. ¸4 ³(pl) ´equipment; furniture.¼ ¨ap®por®tion© ²/EÚpc2n/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,12B,13B,14] ·@ (among/to), ´divide; distribute; give as a share: ³I have @ed you different duties each day of the week. This sum of money is to be @ed among the six boys.¼ ¨ap®po®site© ²/ÚapEzIt/ ³adj ´strikingly appropriate for a purpose or occasion: ³an @ remark. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ap®po®si®tion© ²/*apEÚzI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´(gram) addition of one word or group of words to another as an explanation: ³In the sentence, "Herr M¢uller, our new teacher, is a German', ´teacher ³is in @ to ´M¢uller; teacher ³and ´M¢uller ³are in @.¼ ¨ap®praise© ²/EÚpreIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´fix a price for; say what sth is worth: ³@ the ability of one's pupils; @ property (at a certain sum) for taxation. ¸ap®praisal ²/EÚpreIzl/ ³n ´valuation.¼ ¨ap®preci®able© ²/EÚpri2Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be seen, measured or felt: ³an @ change in the temperature. ¸ap®preci®ably ²/-EblI/ ³adv¼ ¨ap®preci®ate© ²/EÚpri2IeIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´judge rightly the value of; understand and enjoy: ³You can't @ English poetry unless you understand its rhythm. We all @ a holiday after a year of hard work. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´put a high value on: ³We greatly @ all your help. ¸3 ¶[VP2B] ´(of land, goods, etc) increase in value: ³The land has @d greatly since the new railway was built. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,9,10] ´realise and understand: ³I @ your anxiety about your son's illness.¼ ¨ap®preci®ation© ²/E*pri2IÚeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C,U] ´(statement giving) judgement, valuation: ³Write an @ of a new symphony. She showed little or no @ of good music. ¸2 ¶[U] ´proper understanding and recognition: ³in sincere @ of your valuable help. ¸3 ¶[U] ´rise in value, eÔg of land, business shares. ¸ap®preci®ative ²/EÚpri2jEtIv/ ³adj ´feeling or showing @µ(2)´: ³an appreciative audience; appreciative of kindness. ¸ap®preci®ative®ly ²/EÚpri2jEtIvlI/ ³adv¼ ¨ap®pre®hend© ²/*aprIÚhend/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,9] ´(old use) understand: ³You are, I @, ready to«. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,9] ´(formal) fear: ³Do you @ any difficulty/that there will be any difficulty? ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´(legal) ´arrest, seize: ³@ a thief. ¸ap®pre®hen®sible ²/*aprIÚhensEbl/ ³adj ´capable of being @edµ(1)´.¼ ¨ap®pre®hen®sion© ²/*aprIÚhen2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´grasping (of ideas); understanding: ³quick/slow of @. ¸2 ¶[C,U] ´fear; unhappy feeling about the future: ³feel @ for sb's safety; filled with @; entertain an @ of failure. ¸3 ´(legal) seizing: ³the @ of a thief/deserter.¼ ¨ap®pre®hen®sive© ²/*aprIÚhensIv/ ³adj ´uneasy; worried: ³@ of further defeats; @ for sb's safety; @ that sb will be hurt.¼ ¨ap®pren®tice© ²/EÚprentIs/ ³n ´learner of a trade who has agreed to work for a number of years in return for being taught. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (to), ´bind as an @: ³The boy was @d to a carpenter. ¸@®ship ²/-tI2Ip/ ³n ´(time of) being an @: ³serve one's @ship (with sb).¼ ¨ap®prise© ²/EÚprñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP14] ·@ of, ´(formal) inform: ³be @d of sb's intentions; be @d that«.¼ ¨ap®pro© ²/ÚaprE8/ ³n ·on @, ´(comm sl) on approval: ³goods on @, ´to be returned if not satisfactory.¼ ¨ap®proach© ²/EÚprE8t2/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´come near(er) (to): ³A boy of eighteen is @ing manhood. As winter @ed the weather became colder. ´(fig) ³Few writers can even @ Shakespeare in greatness. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´go to (sb) with a request or offer: ³When is the best time to @ my employer about an increase in salary? He is rather difficult to @, ´It is not easy to get on friendly terms with him. ¹ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´act of @ing: ³The enemy ran away at our @. ·easy/difficult of @, ¸(a) ´(of a place) easy/difficult to get to. ¸(b) ´(of a person) easy/difficult to meet and talk to. ·make @es to sb, ¸(a) ´try to obtain his interest, attract his attention. ¸(b) ´offer, try, to enter into personal relations with (eÔg of a man who wants intimate friendship with a girl or woman). ¸2 ¶[C] ´approximation: ³an @ to perfection. ¸3 ¶[C] ´way, path, road: ³All the @es to the Palace were guarded by soldiers. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´(of a person or place) that can be @ed; accessible.¼ ¨ap®pro®ba®tion© ²/*aprEÚbeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) approval; sanction.¼ ¨ap®pro®pri®ate©1 ²/EÚprE8prIEt/ ³adj ·@ (for/to sth), ´suited to; in keeping with: ³Sports clothes are not @ for a formal wedding. Write in a style @ to your subject. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ap®pro®pri®ate©2 ²/EÚprE8prIeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ¸1 ´put on one side for a special purpose: ³$20ÔÔ000 has been @d for the new school buildings. ¸2 ´take and use as one's own: ³He often @s my ideas. ¸ap®pro®pri®ation ²/E*prE8prIÚeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´appropriating or being @d; ¶[C] ´instance of this. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth, esp a sum of money, that is @d: ³make an appropriation for payment of debts; Senate A@s Committee, ´(US) one which deals with funds for defence, welfare, etc.¼ ¨ap®pro®val© ²/EÚpruvl/ ³n ¶[U] ´feeling, showing or saying, that one is satisfied, that sth is right, that one agrees to sth: ³Your plans have my @. Does what I have done meet with your @? She gave a nod of @/nodded her @. ·goods on @, ´to be returned if not satisfactory.¼ ¨ap®prove© ²/EÚpruv/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP3A] ·@ of sth/sb, ´give one's approval of: ³Her father will never @ of her marriage to you. I cannot support a policy of which I have never @d. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´confirm; agree to: ³The minutes (of the meeting) were read and @d. The expenditure has been @d. ¸Ú@d school, ´(GB) boarding school for training and educating children under 17 who are sent there by magistrates for juvenile offences or because in need of care and protection. (US = ³reformatory, reform school). ¸ap®prov®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨ap®proxi®mate©1 ²/EÚproksImEt/ ³adj ·@ (to), ´very near correct; about right: ³a sum of money @ to what will be needed. The @ area of my land is half an acre. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ap®proxi®mate©2 ²/EÚproksImeIt/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ´come near to (esp in quality or number): ³His description of the event @d to the truth but there were a few inaccuracies. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,3A] ´bring or come near to. ¸ap®proxi®ma®tion ²/E*proksIÚmeI2n/ ³n ¶[C] ´almost correct amount or estimate; ¶[U] ´being or getting near (in number or quality).¼ ¨ap®pur®ten®ance© ²/EÚp3tInEns/ ³n ´(usu ³pl´) (legal) sth that belongs to or usu goes with another thing: ³the house and its @s, ´the lesser rights and privileges that go with ownership of the house.¼ ¨apr`es-ski© ²/*apreI Úski/ ³attrib adj ´of the evening period after skiing: ³@ fun and games; @ clothes.¼ ¨apri®cot© ²/ÚeIprIkot/ ³n ´(tree with) round, orange-yellow or orange-red fruit with soft flesh and a hard stone-like seed; colour of this fruit when ripe.¼ ¨April© ²/ÚeIprEl/ ³n ´fourth month of the year. ¸*@ Úfool, ´person who is hoaxed on ²*´All ²Ú´Fools' Day (1 April).¼ ¨a priori© ²/*eI *prñIÚcrñI/ ³adv, adj ´(Lat) (reasoning) from cause to effect, eÔg saying, ³"The boys have walked a long way so they must be tired.' µ¥ a posteriori.¼ ¨apron© ²/ÚeIprEn/ ³n ¸1 ´loose garment worn over the front part of the body to keep clothes clean; any similar covering. ·tied to his mother's/wife's Ú@-strings, ´too long or too much under her control. ¸2 ´hard-surfaced (tarmac, concrete, etc) area on an air-field, used for manoeuvring and (un)loading aircraft. ¸3 ¸Ú@ stage, ´(in some theatres) part of the stage jutting out into the audience. µ¥ proscenium.¼ ¨apro®pos© ²/*aprEÚpE8/ ³adv, pred adj ´to the purpose; well suited (to what is being said or done): ³His suggestion is very much @. ·@ of ³prep ´concerning, with reference to.¼ ¨apse© ²/aps/ ³n ´semi-circular or many-sided recess, with an arched or domed roof, esp at the east end of a church. µ¥ ´the illus at µchurch.¼ ¨apt© ²/apt/ ³adj µ(-er, est) ¸1 ·apt (at doing sth), ´quick-witted: ³one of my aptest pupils; very apt at picking up a new subject. ¸2 ´to the point; well suited: ³an apt remark. ¸3 ·apt to do sth, ´having a tendency, likely to do sth: ³Cast iron is apt to break. He's a clever boy but apt to get into mischief. ¸apt®ly ³adv ´suitably, justly. ¸apt®ness ³n¼ ¨ap®ti®tude© ²/ÚaptItjud ³US: ²-tud/ ³n ¶[U] ·@ (for), ´natural or acquired talent: ³He shows some @ for languages. ¶[C] ´particular talent: ³He has a singular @ for dealing with a crisis. ¸Ú@ test, ´test to discover and assess skills.¼ ¨aqua®lung© ²/ÚakwElAG/ ³n ´(P) breathing unit (face mask, valve unit and cylinder(s) of compressed air or oxygen) used for underwater swimming or diving. µ¥ ´the illus at µfrogman.¼ ¨aqua®mar®ine© ²/*akwEmEÚrin/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´bluish-green (jewel).¼ ¨aqua®naut© ²/ÚakwEnct/ ³n ´person trained to live for a long period, in a structure submerged in the sea, to study marine life, etc.¼ ¨aqua®plane© ²/ÚakwEpleIn/ ³n ´board on which a person stands while being pulled along by a fast motor-boat. ¹ ³vi ´ride on such a board.¼ ¨aquar®ium© ²/EÚkweErIEm/ ³n (pl µ@s, -ria ²/-rIE/³) ´(building with an) artificial pond or tank for keeping and showing living fish and water plants.¼ ¨Aquar®ius© ²/EÚkweErIEs/ ³n ´the eleventh sign of the zodiac. µ¥ ´the illus at µzodiac.¼ ¨aqua®tic© ²/EÚkwatIk/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of plants, animals, etc) growing or living in or near water. ¸2 ´(of sports) taking place on or in water, eÔg rowing, swimming.¼ ¨aqua®tint© ²/ÚakwEtInt/ ³n ¶[U] ´process of etching on copper, the picture being made by letting acid bite into a plate covered with a layer of resin dust; ¶[C] ´picture made in this way.¼ ¨aqua®vit© ²/ÚakwEvIt/ ³n ¶[U] ´strong Scandinavian liquor flavoured with caraway seed.¼ ¨aque®duct© ²/ÚakwIdAkt/ ³n ´artificial channel for supplying water, esp one built of stone or brick and higher than the surrounding land.¼ ¨aque®ous© ²/ÚeIkwIEs/ ³adj ´of or like water: ³an @ solution.¼ ¨aqui®line© ²/ÚakwIlñIn/ ³adj ´of or like an eagle: ³an @ nose, ´hooked like an eagle's beak.¼ ¨Arab© ²/ÚarEb/ ³n ´name applied to any of those Semitic people who speak Arabic and claim descent from the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula who, in the 7th c, were conquerors of N Africa, Syria and Mesopotamia: ³the military conquests of the @s; the @ League.¼ ¨ara®besque© ²/*arEÚbesk/ ³n ¶[C] ´(art) elaborate design of leaves, branches, scrolls, etc; (ballet) pose of a dancer on one leg, the other stretched backwards.¼ ¨Ara®bian© ²/EÚreIbIEn/ ³n, adj ´(person) of (Saudi) Arabia or the Arabs. ¸the @ Nights, ´famous stories of the Arabs in ancient times. ¸the @ camel, ´the dromedary.¼ ¨Ara®bic© ²/ÚarEbIk/ ³adj ´of the Arabs. ¸@ numerals, ´the signs 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. µ¥ App 4. ´¹ ³n ´language of the Arabs.¼ ¨Ara®bist© ²/ÚarEbIst/ ³n ´student or specialist in Arabic culture, language, affairs, etc.¼ ¨ar®able© ²/ÚarEbl/ ³adj ´(of land) suitable for ploughing; usually ploughed.¼ ¨arach®nid© ²/EÚraknId/ ³n ´(zool) member of the genus including spiders, scorpions and mites.¼ ¨ar®bi®ter© ²/ÚqbItE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ·@ (of), ´person with complete control (of ´sth): ³the sole @ of their destinies. ¸2 ´= µarbitrator.¼ ¨ar®bitra®ment© ²/qÚbItrEmEnt/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) deciding of a dispute by an arbiter; ¶[C] ´decision made by an µarbiter.¼ ¨ar®bit®rary© ²/ÚqbItrErI ³US: ²-trerI/ ³adj ¸1 ´based on opinion or impulse only, not on reason. ¸2 ´dictatorial; using despotic power.¼ ¨ar®bi®trate© ²/ÚqbItreIt/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ·@ (between), ´decide by arbitration; judge between ´two parties to a dispute (usu at the request of the two parties): ³Mr X has been asked to @ the dispute/to @ between the employers and their workers. If countries would always @ their quarrels, wars could be avoided.¼ ¨ar®bi®tra®tion© ²/*qbIÚtreI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´(attempt at a) settlement of a dispute by the decision of a person or persons chosen and accepted as judges or umpires: ³refer a wage dispute to @; submit a claim for @. ¶[C] ´instance of such a settlement. ·go to @, ´arbitrate: ³The Union agreed to go to @, ´iÔe for a settlement of their claims.¼ ¨ar®bi®tra®tor© ²/ÚqbItreItE(r)/ ³n ´(legal) arbiter; person appointed by two parties to settle a dispute.¼ ¨ar®bor© µ¥ arbour.¼ ¨ar®bor®eal© ²/qÚbcrIEl/ ³adj ´(formal) of, living in, connected with trees: ³@ animals, ´eÔg squirrels, monkeys.¼ ¨ar®bour© ´(US = ¸ar®bor´) ²/ÚqbE(r)/ ³n ´shady place among trees, esp one made in a garden, with climbing plants growing over a framework.¼ ¨arc© ²/qk/ ³n ´part of the circumference of a circle or other curved line. µ¥ ´the illus at µcircle. ¸Úarc-lamp, Úarc-light ³nn ´brilliant light produced by electric current flowing across a space between two carbon rods.¼ ¨ar®cade© ²/qÚkeId/ ³n ´covered passage, usu with an arched roof, eÔg a passage with shops or market stalls along one or both sides; covered market. ¸aÚmusement @, µ¥ amusement.¼ ¨Ar®cad®ian© ²/qÚkeIdIEn/ ³adj ´of an ideal rustic simplicity; simple and innocent. ¹ ³n ´person with @ tastes.¼ ¨ar®cane© ²/qÚkeIn/ ³adj ´secret; mysterious.¼ ¨arch©1 ²/qt2/ ³n ¸1 ´curved structure supporting the weight of what is above it, as in bridges, aqueducts, gateways, etc. µ¥ ´the illus at µaqueduct, church. ¸2 ´(also ¸Ú@®way´) passageway under an @, built as an ornament or gateway: ³a triumphal @. ¸3 ´any curve in the shape of an @, eÔg the curved under-part of the foot, µ¥ ´the illus at µleg´; a structure for supporting climbing roses, etc. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´form into an @: ³The cat @ed its back when it saw the dog. Horses @ their necks. ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ´be like an @: ³The trees @ over the river.¼ ¨arch©2 ²/qt2/ ³attrib adj ´mischievous in an innocent or playful way (esp of women and children): ³an @ glance/smile. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨arch-© ²/qt2/ ³pref ´chief; notable; extreme: ²*³@-²Ú³enemy.¼ ¨ar®chae®ol®ogy© ´(also ¸ar®che®ol-´) ²/*qkIÚolEdZI/ ³n ¶[U] ´study of ancient things, esp remains of prehistoric times, eÔg tombs, buried cities. ¸ar®chae®ologi®cal ²/*qkIEÚlodZIkl/ ³adj ´of @. ¸ar®chae®ol®ogist ²/*qkIÚolEdZIst/ ³n ´expert in @.¼ ¨ar®chaic© ²/qÚkeIIk/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of eÔg a word in a language) not now used except for special purposes. ¸2 ´of ancient times. ¸ar®cha®ism ²/ÚqkeIIzEm/ ³n ¶[C] ´@ word or expression; ¶[U] ´use or imitation of what is @.¼ ¨arch®angel© ²/ÚqkeIndZl/ ³n ´angel of high rank.¼ ¨arch®bishop© ²/*qt2ÚbI2Ep/ ³n ´chief bishop. ¸@®ric ³n ´position or rank of an @; church district governed by an @.¼ ¨arch®deacon© ²/*qt2ÚdikEn/ ³n ´(in the C of E) priest next below a bishop, superintending rural deans. ¸@ry ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´position, rank, residence, of an @.¼ ¨arch®dio®cese© ²/*qt2ÚdñIEsIs/ ³n ´diocese of an archbishop.¼ ¨arch®duke© ²/*qt2Údjuk ³US: ²-Úduk/ ³n ´(title given to) son or nephew of former Emperors of Austria.¼ ¨archer© ²/Úqt2E(r)/ ³n ´person who shoots with a bow and arrows. ¸arch®ery ²/Úqt2ErI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(art of) shooting with a bow and arrows.¼ ¨arche®type© ²/ÚqkItñIp/ ³n ´prototype; ideal form regarded as a pattern not to be changed. ¸arche®typal ²/*qkIÚtqIpl/ ³adj¼ ¨archi®man®drite© ²/*qkIÚmandrñIt/ ³n ´head of a monastery in the Gk Orthodox Church.¼ ¨archi®pel®ago© ²/*qkIÚpelEgE8/ ³n (pl µ@s, @es ²/-gE8z/³) ´(sea with a) group of many islands.¼ ¨archi®tect© ²/ÚqkItekt/ ³n ´person who designs (and supervises the construction of) buildings, etc.¼ ¨archi®tec®ture© ²/ÚqkItekt2E(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´art and science of building; design or style of building(s). ¸archi®tec®tural ²/*qkIÚtekt2ErEl/ ³adj ´of @: ³the architectural beauties of a city.¼ ¨ar®chives© ²/ÚqkñIvz/ ³n pl ´(place for keeping) public or government records; other historical records. ¸archi®vist ²/ÚqkIvIst/ ³n ´person in charge of @.¼ ¨arch®way© ²/Úqt2weI/ ³n µ¥ arch±1µ(2).¼ ¨arc®tic© ²/ÚqktIk/ ³adj ´of the north polar regions: ³the A@ Ocean; @ weather, ´very cold weather. ¸the *A@ ÚCircle, ´the line of latitude 66§ÄN.¼ ¨ar®dent© ²/Úqdnt/ ³adj ´full of ardour: ³@ supporters of the new movement. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ar®dour© ´(US = ¸-dor´) ²/ÚqdE(r)/ ³n ·@ (for), ¶[C,U] ´warm emotion; enthusiasm.¼ ¨ar®du®ous© ²/Úqdj8Es ³US: ²-dZ8-/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of work) needing and using up much energy. ¸2 ´(of a road, etc) steep; hard to climb. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨are©1 ²/E(r) ³strong form: ²q(r)/ µ¥ be±1µ.¼ ¨are©2 ²/q(r)/ ³n ´metric unit of area, = 100 square metres. µ¥ App 5.¼ ¨area© ²/ÚeErIE/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´surface measure: ³If a room measures 3 Ø 5 metres, its @ is 15 square metres/it is 15 square metres in @. ¶[C] ´instance of this measurement. µ¥ App 5. ¸2 ¶[C] ´region of the earth's surface: ³desert @s of North Africa; the postal @s ´(more usu ³districts´) ³into which London is divided. ¸3 ¶[C] ´(fig) scope or range of activity: ³the @ of finance. The @s of disagreement were clearly indicated at the Board Meeting, ´The subjects on which members of the Board disagreed became clear. ¸4 ¶[C] ´small courtyard giving light to the windows of basement rooms, eÔg kitchen, scullery, in an old-fashioned town house, usu with stone steps from the street pavement: ³sitting on the @ steps.¼ ¨areca© ²/ÚarIkE/ ³n ´kind of palm-tree from which areca-nut (betel-nut) is obtained. µ¥ betel.¼ ¨arena© ²/EÚrinE/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ´central part, for games and fights, of a Roman amphitheatre, µ¥ ´the illus at µamphitheatre´; (fig) any scene of competition or struggle: ³the @ of politics.¼ ¨aren't© ²/qnt/ ³c ´= are not: ³aren't I? ´= am I not?¼ ¨ar^ete© ²/aÚreIt/ ³n ´(F) (esp of mountains in Switzerland) sharp ridge. µ¥ ´the illus at µmountain.¼ ¨ar®gent© ²/ÚqdZEnt/ ³n, adj ´(in heraldry and poetry) silver (colour).¼ ¨ar®gon© ²/Úqgon/ ³n ¶[U] ´chemically inactive gas (symbol ¸Ar´), present in the atmosphere (0²Ø´8 per cent), used in some kinds of electric lamps.¼ ¨Ar®go®naut© ²/ÚqgEnct/ ³n ´(myth) one of the heroes who sailed in the ship Argo ²/ÚqgE8/ ´with Jason in search of the Golden Fleece.¼ ¨ar®gosy© ²/ÚqgEsI/ ³n (pl µ-sies³) ´(poet) large merchant ship, esp one with valuable cargo.¼ ¨ar®got© ²/ÚqgE8/ ³n ¶[U] ´jargon; slang.¼ ¨ar®gue© ²/Úqgju/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C,3A] ·@ (with sb) (about/over sth), ´express disagreement; quarrel: ³Don't @ with me; my decision is final. Why are they always @ing? ¸2 ¶[VP2A,3A,9] ·@ (for/against/that«), ´maintain a case, give reasons (in support of, for, against, esp with the aim of persuading sb): ³He @s soundly. You can @ either way, for or against. He was arguing that poverty may be a blessing. ¸3 ¶[VP14] ·@ sb into/out of doing sth, ´persuade by giving reasons: ³They tried to @ him into joining them. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´debate: ³The lawyers @d the case for hours. ¸ar®gu®able ²/Úqgj8Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be @d about. ¸ar®gu®ably ²/-EblI/ ³adv¼ ¨ar®gu®ment© ²/Úqgj8mEnt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ·an @ (with sb) (about/over sth), ´(perhaps heated) disagreement; quarrel: ³endless @s about money; an @ with the referee. ¸2 ¶[U] ´reasoned discussion: ³It is beyond @ that «; ¶[C] ·an @ (for/against), ´instance of this: ³an @ for not gambling; I have no wish to engage in (an) @ with you. ¸3 ¶[C] ´summary of the subject matter of a book, etc. ¸ar®gu®men®ta®tive ²/*qgj8ÚmentEtIv/ ³adj ´fond of arguingµ(1)´.¼ ¨ar®gu®men®ta®tion© ²/*qgj8menÚteI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´process of arguing; debate.¼ ¨Ar®gus© ²/ÚqgEs/ ³n ´(Gk myth) monster with a hundred eyes. ¸*@-Úeyed ³adj ´observant; vigilant.¼ ¨aria© ²/ÚqrIE/ ³n ´(³pl µ@s´) song for a single voice (esp in 18th c operas and oratorios).¼ ¨arid© ²/ÚarId/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of soil, land) dry, barren; (of climate, regions) having not enough rainfall to support vegetation. ¸2 ´(fig) uninteresting. ¸arid®ity ²/EÚrIdEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´dryness.¼ ¨Aries© ²/ÚeEriz/ ³n ´the Ram, the first sign of the zodiac. µ¥ ´the illus at µzodiac.¼ ¨aright© ²/EÚrñIt/ ³adv ´(archaic) rightly: ³if I heard @. ´(Before a ³pp ´use ³rightly, ´as in ³to be rightly informed.´)¼ ¨arise© ²/EÚrñIz/ ³vi (pt µarose ²/EÚrE8z/, ³pp µarisen ²/EÚrIzn/³) ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´come into existence; come to notice; present itself: ³A new difficulty has @n. If the need should @«; Before they could start a mist arose. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ from, ´result from: ³Serious obligations may @ from the proposed clause. ¸3 ¶[VP2A] ´(old use) get up; stand up.¼ ¨ar®is®toc®racy© ²/*arIÚstokrEsI/ ³n (pl µ-cies³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´government by persons of the highest social rank; ¶[C] ´country or state with such a government. ¸2 ¶[C] ´ruling body of nobles; the social class from which these nobles come. ¸3 ¶[C] ´best representatives in any class: ³an @ of talent.¼ ¨ar®is®to®crat© ²/ÚarIstEkrat ³US: ²EÚrIst-/ ³n ´member of the class of nobles; person of noble birth. ¸@ic ²/*arIstEÚkratIk ³US: ²E*rIstE-/ ³adj ´of the aristocracy; having the ways and manners of an @: ³with an @ic bearing. ¸@i®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨arith®me®tic© ²/EÚrITmEtIk/ ³n ¶[U] ´science of numbers; working with numbers. ¸ar®ith®meti®cal ²/*arITÚmetIkl/ ³adj ´of @. ¸@al progression, ´series of numbers showing an increase, or decrease, by a quantity that is always the same, eÔg 1, 2, 3, etc, or 7, 5, 3, etc. ¸arith®me®tician ²/E*rITmEÚtI2n/ ³n ´expert in @.¼ ¨ark© ²/qk/ ³n ´(in the Bible) ¸1 ´covered ship in which Noah and his family were saved from the Flood. ¸2 Ark of the Covenant, ´wooden chest in which writings of Jewish law were kept.¼ ¨arm©1 ²/qm/ ³n ¸1 ´either of the two upper limbs of the human body, from the shoulder to the hand: ³She was carrying a child in her arms. He was carrying a book under his arm, ´between the arm and the body. ³She had a basket on her arm, ´with the handle supported on her arm. ·baby/child/infant in arms, ´child too young to walk. ³(hold, carry sth) ·at arm's length, ´with the arm fully extended. ·keep sb at arm's length, ´(fig) avoid becoming familiar with him. ³(welcome sb/sth) ·with open arms, ´warmly, with enthusiasm. ·walk *arm-in-Úarm, ´(of two persons) walk side by side, with the arm of one round the arm of the other. ¸Úarm-band ³n ´armlet. ¸Úarm®chair ³n ´chair with supports for the arms. ¸Úarmchair critic, ´person who offers criticism but is not actively involved. ¸Úarm-hole ³n ´hole (in a shirt, jacket, etc) through which the arm is put. ¸Úarm®let ²/-lIt/ ³n ´band (of cloth, etc) worn round the arm (on a sleeve). ¸Úarm®pit ³n ´hollow under the arm near the shoulder. ¸2 ´sleeve: ³The arms of this coat are too long. ¸3 ´large branch of a tree. ¸4 ´sth shaped like or suggesting an arm: ³an arm of the sea; the arms of a chair. ¸5 ´(fig) ·the (long) arm of the law, ´the authority or power of the law. ¸arm®ful ²/Úqmf8l/ ³n ´as much as one arm, or both arms, can hold: ³carrying in books by the armful.¼ ¨arm©2 ²/qm/ ³n ´branch or division of a country's armed forces: ³the infantry arm; the air arm.¼ ¨arm©3 ²/qm/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,14,2A] ·arm (with), ´supply, fit, weapons and armour; prepare for war: ³a warship armed with nuclear weapons; armed with a big stick; ´(fig) ³armed with patience/with answers to all likely questions. Their former enemy is arming again ´(= rearming). ¸the armed forces/services, ´the military forces. ¸armed neutrality, ´policy of remaining neutral but prepared for defence against aggression.¼ ¨ar®mada© ²/qÚmqdE/ ³n ´great fleet of warships, esp ¸the A@, ´the fleet sent by King Philip ²¢ ´of Spain against England in 1588.¼ ¨ar®ma®dillo© ²/*qmEÚdIlE8/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-lE8z/³) ´small burrowing animal of S America, with a body covered with a shell of bony plates, and the habit of rolling itself up into a ball when attacked. µ¥ ´the illus at µsmall.¼ ¨Ar®ma®ged®don© ²/*qmEÚgedn/ ³n ¸1 ´(biblical) (scene of) the last battle to be fought between the forces of good and evil, prophesied to happen at the end of time. µ¥ Rev 16:16. ¸2 ´(fig) any similar dramatic conflict.¼ ¨ar®ma®ment© ²/ÚqmEmEnt/ ³n ¸1 ´(usu ³pl´) ´military forces and their equipment; navy, army, air force. ¸2 ´(usu ³pl´) ´weapons, esp the large guns on a warship, military tank, etc: ³the ²Ú³@s industry. ¸3 ¶[U] ´process of getting military forces equipped; preparation for war.¼ ¨ar®ma®ture© ²/ÚqmEt28E(r)/ ³n ´(electr) that part of a dynamo which rotates in a magnetic field and in which the current is developed; coil(s) of an electric motor.¼ ¨ar®mis®tice© ²/ÚqmIstIs/ ³n ´agreement during a war or battle to stop fighting for a time. ¸ÚA@ Day, ´11 Nov, kept as the anniversary of the @ that ended fighting in the First World War (US = ³Veterans' Day´). µ¥ remembrance.¼ ¨ar®moire© ²/Úqmwq(r) ³US: ²qmÚwqr/ ³n ¶[C] ´large cabinet or wardrobe.¼ ¨ar®mor© µ¥ armour.¼ ¨ar®morial© ²/qÚmcrIEl/ ³adj ´of heraldry; of coats of arms. µ¥ arms(2)´: ³@ bearings, ´a coat of arms.¼ ¨ar®mour© ´(US = ¸ar®mor´) ²/ÚqmE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´defensive covering, usu metal, for the body, worn in fighting: ³a suit of @. ¸2 ´metal covering (steel plates, etc) for warships, tanks, motor vehicles, etc. ¸3 ´(collective) tanks, motor vehicles, etc protected with @. ¸Ú@-plate ³n ´sheet of metal used as @. ¸@ed ³part adj ¸1 ´covered or protected with @: ³an @ed cruiser/car. ¸2 ´equipped with tanks, vehicles, guns, etc, that are protected with @: ³an @ed column/division, ´etc. ¸@er ³n ¸1 ´manufacturer or repairer of arms and @. ¸2 ´man in charge of fire-arms. ¸@y ²/ÚqmErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´place where arms are kept.¼ ¨arms© ²/qmz/ ³n pl ¸1 ´weapons (note, ³fire-arm, ´used in the ³sing ´form): (attrib) ³an @ depot; The soldiers had plenty of @ and ammunition. ¸Ú@-race, ´competition among nations on military strength. ¸Úfire-@, ´those requiring explosives. ¸Úsmall @, ´fire-@ that can be carried by hand, eÔg revolvers, rifles, light machine-guns. ·lay down (one's) @, ´stop fighting. ·take up @; rise up in @, ´(liter or fig) get ready to fight ³(against). ·under @, ´provided with weapons and ready to fight. ·(be) up in @ (about/over), ´(usu fig) be protesting vigorously. ¸2 ´(heraldry) pictorial design used by a noble family, town, university, etc. ¸*coat of Ú@, ´such a design, eÔg on a shield. µ¥ ´the illus at µarmour.¼ ¨army© ²/ÚqmI/ ³n (pl µ-mies³) ¸1 the @, ´the military forces of a country, organized for fighting on land: ³be in the @, ´be a soldier; ³go into/join the @, ´become a soldier. ¸Ú@ Act ³n ´body of laws regulating the conduct of soldiers. ¸Ú@ corps ³n ´main subdivision of an @. ¸Ú@ list ³n ´official list of commissioned officers. ¸2 ´organized body of persons: ³the Salvation A@´; large number: ³an @ of workmen/officials/ants.¼ ¨ar®nica© ²/ÚqnIkE/ ³n ¶[U] ´medical substance (made from a plant) used for healing bruises and sprains.¼ ¨aroma© ²/EÚrE8mE/ ³n ¸1 ´sweet smell, fragrance: ³the @ of a cigar. ¸2 ´(fig) quality or surrounding atmosphere considered typical: ³the @ of wealth. ¸aro®matic ²/*arEÚmatIk/ ³adj ´fragrant; spicy: ³the @tic bark of the cinnamon tree.¼ ¨arose© ²/EÚrE8z/ ³pt ´of µarise.¼ ¨around©1 ²/EÚrñ8nd/ ³adv ¸1 ·(all) @, ´on every side; in every direction; here and there: ³From all @ we heard the laughter of children. Don't leave your clothes lying @. ¸2 ´(colloq) not far away (in place or time): ³I'll be @ if you should want me. I'll be seeing you @, I expect. ·have been @, ´have travelled widely, have had experience of life and the world: ³She's obviously been @ a lot. µ¥ about±2µ(1,2,3), round±2µ, shop ³vµ(1), sleep±2µ(2).¼ ¨around©2 ²/EÚrñ8nd/ ³prep ¸1 ·(all) @, ´throughout: ³He's been all @ India. ¸2 ´encircling (wholly or partially): ³Take your arm from @ my waist. Go for a run @ the block. µ¥ about±3µ(1,2,3), round±4µ.¼ ¨arouse© ²/EÚrñ8z/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ¸1 ´awaken: ³behaviour that might @ suspicion; sufferings that @d our sympathy; @ sb from his sleep. ¸2 ´cause (sb) to become active; stir (sb) up from inactivity; stimulate sexually: ³fully @d.¼ ¨ar®peg®gio© ²/qÚpedZIE8/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ´(I; music) the playing of the notes of a chordµ(2) ´in (usu upwards) succession.¼ ¨ar®que®bus© ²/ÚqkwIbEs/ ³n ´early kind of portable gun, supported on a tripod or a forked rest, used before muskets were invented.¼ ¨ar®rack© ²/Úarak/ ³n ¶[U] ´strong alcoholic drink made in Eastern countries.¼ ¨ar®raign© ²/EÚreIn/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ´(legal) bring a criminal charge against (sb); bring (sb) before a court for trial: ³@ed on a charge of theft. ¸@®ment ³n ´@ing or being @ed.¼ ¨ar®range© ²/EÚreIndZ/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´put in order: ³She's good at arranging flowers. I @d the books on the shelves. Before going away, he @d his business affairs. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15A,3A,4C] ´make plans in advance, see to the details of sth: ³A marriage has been @d between Mr Brown and Miss White. The Tourist Bureau @d everything for our journey to Rome. I have @d to meet her at ten o'clock. I have @d for a car to meet you at the airport. The meeting @d for tomorrow has been postponed. I can't @ for everything. ¸3 ¶[VP3A] ·@ (with sb) (for/about sth), ´come to an agreement. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (for), ´adapt (a piece of music): ³@ a piece of music for the violin. ¸5 ¶[VP6A] ´settle, adjust (now the more usu words): ³Mrs White often has to @ disputes/differences between the two boys.¼ ¨ar®range®ment© ²/EÚreIndZmEnt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´putting in order; arranging or being arranged: ³The @ of the furniture in our new house took a long time. ¸2 ³(pl) ´plans; preparations: ³Have you made @s for your journey to Scotland? I'll make @s for somebody to meet you/for you to be met at the airport. ¸3 ¶[U] ´agreement; settlement: ³The price of the house is a matter for @, ´is a matter to be settled by discussion. ³We can come to some sort of @ over expenses. ¸4 ¶[C] ´result or manner of arranging: ³an @ ´(eÔg of orchestral music) ³for the piano. I have an @ by which I can cash my cheques at banks everywhere in Britain.¼ ¨ar®rant© ²/ÚarEnt/ ³adj ´(always of sth or sb bad) in the highest degree: ³an @ liar/knave/dunce/hypocrite/rogue; @ nonsense.¼ ¨ar®ras© ²/ÚarEs/ ³n ´tapestry, esp the kind formerly hung on the walls of rooms.¼ ¨ar®ray© ²/EÚreI/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15A] ´(liter) ¸1 ´place (esp armed forces, troops) in order for battle: ³The Duke and his men @ed themselves against the King, ´took up arms against the King. ¸2 ´dress: ³@ed in ceremonial robes; @ed like a queen. ´¹ ³n ´(liter) ¸1 ´order: ³troops in battle @. ¸2 ´clothes: ³in holiday @; in bridal @. ¸3 ·@ (of), ´display: ³a fine @ of tools; an imposing @ of statistics.¼ ¨ar®rears© ²/EÚrIEz/ ³n pl ¸1 ´money that is owing and that ought to have been paid: ³@ of rent/wages. ·be in/fall into @ (with), ´be late in paying. Cf ³be behindhand with. ¸2 ´work still waiting to be done: ³@ of correspondence, ´letters waiting to be answered.¼ ¨ar®rest© ²/EÚrest/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´put a stop to (a process or movement): ³Poor food @s the natural growth of children. ¸2 ´catch (sb's attention): ³The bright colours of the flowers @ed the child's attention. ¸3 ´seize (sb) by the authority of the law: ³The police @ed the thief and put him in prison. ´¹ ³n ´act of @ing (a wrongdoer, etc): ³The police made several @s. ·under @, ´held as a prisoner. ·be/place/put under @, ´be/be made a prisoner: ³The officer was put under @. ¸@er ³n ¸Ú@er hook, ´device for reducing the speed of aircraft as they land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. ¸@®ing ³adj ´striking; likely to hold the attention.¼ ¨ar®ri`ere pens_ee© ²/*arI*eE ÚponseI ³US: ²ponÚseI/ ³n ´(F) ulterior motive; mental reservation.¼ ¨ar®ri®val© ²/EÚrñIvl/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´act of arriving: ³on @ home; on his @; waiting for the @ of news; to await @, ´(on a letter, parcel, etc) to be kept until the addressee arrives. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sb or sth that arrives: ³There are several new @s at the hotel. The new @ ´(colloq = The newborn child) ³is a boy.¼ ¨ar®rive© ²/EÚrñIv/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C,3A] ¸1 ´reach a place, esp the end of a journey: ³@ home; @ at a port; @ in harbour. ¸2 ´come: ³At last the day @d. Her baby @d ´(= was born) ³yesterday. ¸3 ¶[VP3A] ·@ at, ´reach (a decision, a price, the age of 40, manhood, etc). ¸4 ¶[VP2A] ´establish one's position or reputation.¼ ¨ar®ro®gant© ²/ÚarEgEnt/ ³adj ´behaving in a proud, superior manner; (of behaviour, etc) showing too much pride in oneself and too little consideration for others: ³speaking in an @ tone. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸ar®ro®gance ²/-Ens/ ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨ar®ro®gate© ²/ÚarEgeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP14] ´(formal) ¸1 ·@ to oneself, ´claim or take without right: ³He @d to himself the dignity of a chair´, claimed to be a university professor (although he was only a lecturer). ¸2 ´attribute unjustly; ascribe: ³Don't @ evil motives to me.¼ ¨ar®row© ²/ÚarE8/ ³n ¸1 ´thin, pointed stick (to be) shot from a bow. µ¥ ´the illus at µarchery. ¸2 ´mark or sign (²`´) used to show direction or position, eÔg on a map or as a road sign. ¸Ú@®head ³n ´pointed end of an @.¼ ¨ar®row®root© ²/ÚarE8rut/ ³n ¶[U] ´starchy food made from the powdered root of a plant.¼ ¨arse© ²/qs/ ´(US = ¸ass ²/as/´) ³n ´(Ï not in polite use) buttocks; anus. ·silly @, ´fool. ¸Ú@®hole ´(US = ¸Úass®hole´) ³n ´anus.¼ ¨ar®senal© ²/ÚqsEnl/ ³n ´building(s) where weapons and ammunition are made or stored; (fig) reserve of strength.¼ ¨ar®senic© ²/ÚqsnIk/ ³n ¶[U] ´(chem) brittle, steel-grey crystalline chemical element (symbol ¸As´), used in glass-making, dyes, etc; white mineral compound of @, a violent poison.¼ ¨ar®son© ²/Úqsn/ ³n ¶[U] ´act of setting sth on fire intentionally and unlawfully, eÔg another person's property or one's own with the purpose of claiming under an insurance policy.¼ ¨art©1 ²/qt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´the creation or expression of what is beautiful, esp in visual form; fine skill or aptitude in such expression: ³the art of the Renaissance; children's art; the art of landscape painting. The story is developed with great art. ¸the *fine Úarts, ´drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, ballet. ¸a *work of Úart, ´a fine painting, piece of sculpture, etc. ¸an Úart gallery, ´one for the display of works of art. ¸an Úart school, ´one at which the arts of painting, etc are taught. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth in which imagination and personal taste are more important than exact measurement and calculation: ³History and literature are among the arts/the arts subjects ´(contrasted with science/science subjects). ³Teaching/Public speaking is an art. ¸*Bachelor/*Master of ÚArts, ´(abbr ¸BÔA/MÔA´) ´person who has passed the examination and fulfilled other conditions for the award of a university degree in this branch of learning. ¸3 ¶[U] ´cunning; trickery; ¶[C] ´trick: ³In spite of all her arts, the young man was not attracted to her. ¸the black art, ´magic (used for evil purposes). ¸4 ´(attrib) relating to artµ(1)´; of artistic design: ³an ·Ú³art historian/critic; art needlework/pottery.¼ ¨art©2 ²/qt/ ³pres t ´form of ³be ´(archaic) used with ³thou´: ³thou art, ´you are.¼ ¨ar®te®fact© µ¥ artifact.¼ ¨ar®ter®ial© ²/qÚtIErIEl/ ³adj ´of or like an artery: ³@ blood: @ roads, ´important main roads; ³@ railways/traffic.¼ ¨ar®terio®scler®osis© ²/q*tIErIE8sklEÚrE8sIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´chronic disease with the hardening of the arteries, hindering blood circulation.¼ ¨ar®tery© ²/ÚqtErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ¸1 ´one of the tubes carrying blood from the heart to all parts of the body. µ¥ ´the illus at µrespiratory. ¸2 ´main road or river; chief channel in a system of communications, etc: ³arteries of traffic.¼ ¨ar®tesian© ²/qÚtizIEn ³US: ²-iZn/ ³adj ¸@ well, ´perpendicular well producing a constant supply of water rising to the surface without pumping.¼ ¨art®ful© ²/Úqtfl/ ³adj ´cunning; deceitful; clever in getting what one wants. ¸@ly ²/-fElI/ ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨ar®thri®tis© ²/*qÚTrñItIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´inflammation of a joint or joints; gout. ¸ar®thri®tic ²/qÚTrItIk/ ³adj¼ ¨ar®ti®choke© ²/ÚqtIt2E8k/ ³n ¸1 globe @, ´plant like a large thistle, with a flowering head of thick, leaf-like scales used as a vegetable. µ¥ ´the illus at µvegetable. ¸2 ¸Jerusalem @, ´plant like a sunflower, with tuberous roots used as a vegetable.¼ ¨ar®ticle© ²/ÚqtIkl/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´particular or separate thing: ³@s of clothing, ´eÔg shirts, coats; ³toilet @s, ´eÔg soap, toothpaste. ¸2 ´piece of writing, complete in itself, in a newspaper or other periodical: ¸*leading Ú@, ´(in a newspaper) @ expressing the views of the editor(s). ¸3 ´(legal) separate clause or item in an agreement: ³@s of apprenticeship/employment. ¸4 ´(gram) ¸definite @, ´"the'. ¸indefinite @, ´"a', "an'. ¹ ³vt ´bind, eÔg an apprentice by @sµ(3)´: ³an @d clerk.¼ ¨ar®ticu®late©1 ²/qÚtIkj8lEt/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of speech) in which the separate sounds and words are clear. ¸2 ´(of a person) able to put thoughts and feelings into clear speech: ³That man is not very @. ¸3 ´jointed. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨ar®ticu®late©2 ²/qÚtIkj8leIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2C] ´say (words) distinctly; speak (distinctly). ¸2 ¶[VP15A,2C] ´connect by joints: ³bones that @/are @d with others. ¸an @d vehicle, ´having parts joined in a flexible manner, eÔg a tractor flexibly joined to the part that carries the load.¼ ¨ar®ticu®la®tion© ²/q*tIkj8ÚleI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´production of speech sounds: ³The speaker's ideas were good but his @ was poor. ¸2 ´(connection by a) joint.¼ ¨ar®ti®fact©, ar®te®fact ²/ÚqtIfakt/ ³n ¶[C] ´artificial product; something made by human being(s), esp a simple tool or weapon of archaeological interest.¼ ¨ar®ti®fice© ²/ÚqtIfIs/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´skilful way of doing sth. ¸2 ¶[U] ´cunning; ingenuity; trickery; ¶[C] ´trick.¼ ¨ar®ti®fi®cer© ²/qÚtIfIsE(r)/ ³n ´skilled workman. ¸engine-room @, ´(rank in the Navy of a) skilled mechanic.¼ ¨ar®ti®fi®cial© ²/*qtIÚfI2l/ ³adj ´not natural or real; made by the art of man: ³@ flowers/teeth/light; @ silk, ´(old name for) rayon; ³@ manures, ´chemical manures (not dung); ³@ tears, ´not caused by genuine sorrow; ³@ manners, ´affected, not natural manners. ¸@ respiration, ´method of forcing air into the lungs, eÔg to a man nearly drowned. µ¥ ´also µinsemination. ¸ar®ti®fi®ci®ally ²/-2ElI/ ³adv¼ ¨ar®til®lery© ²/qÚtIlErI/ ³n ¶[U] ´big guns (mounted on wheels, etc); branch of an army that uses these.¼ ¨ar®ti®san© ²/*qtIÚzan ³US: ²ÚqtIzn/ ³n ´skilled workman in industry or trade; mechanic.¼ ¨art®ist© ²/ÚqtIst/ ³n ¸1 ´person who practises one of the fine arts, esp painting. ¸2 ´person who does sth with skill and good taste: ³an @ in words.¼ ¨art®iste© ²/qÚtist/ ³n ´professional singer, actor, dancer, etc.¼ ¨ar®tis®tic© ²/qÚtIstIk/ ³adj ¸1 ´done with skill and good taste, esp in the arts; able to appreciate what is beautiful. ¸2 ´having or showing good taste. ¸3 ´of art or artists. ¸ar®tis®ti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨art®istry© ²/ÚqtIstrI/ ³n ¶[U] ´artistic skill or work; qualities of taste and skill possessed by an artist.¼ ¨art®less© ²/ÚqtlIs/ ³adj ´(contrasted with ³artful´) natural; simple; innocent: ³as @ as a child of 5. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨arty© ²/ÚqtI/ ³adj ´(colloq) pretending or falsely claiming to be artistic. ¸*@-Úcrafty, ´(colloq) of, using, making, handmade articles, esp in a way that is considered affected.¼ ¨arum© ²/ÚeErEm/ ³n ¸@ lily, ´tall white lily.¼ ¨Aryan© ²/ÚeErIEn/ ³adj ´of the family of languages called Indo-European, iÔe related to Sanskrit, Persian, Greek, Latin and the Germanic and Slavonic languages; of a race using an @ language. ¹ ³n ´person whose mother tongue is one of the @ languages; (popular sense, now discredited) person of Germanic or Scandinavian ancestry.¼ ¨as©1 ²/Ez ³strong form: ²az/ ³adv ´(followed by ³as, conj´) ´in the same degree: ³I'm as tall as you. Is it as difficult as they say it is? ´(In a neg sentence ³as ´is often replaced by ³so´): ³It's not so difficult as I expected.¼ ¨as©2 ²/Ez ³strong form: ²az/ ³conj ¸1 ´when; while: ³I saw him as he was getting off the bus. As a child, he lived in India. As he grew older he became less active. ¸2 ´(expressing reason) since; seeing that: ³As he wasn't ready in time, we went without him. ¸3 ´(in comparisons of equality, in the patterns: ³as + adj/adv + as; not as/so + adj/adv as´): ³I want a box twice as large as this. It isn't as/so big as you think it is. ´(Used in numerous proverbial phrases): ³as easy as ABC; as heavy as lead. ´(Note the ³pronouns ´in these examples): ³You hate him as much as I, ´iÔe as much as I hate him; ³You hate him as much as me, ´iÔe as much as you hate me. (When there is no ambiguity, the object form of the ³pronoun ´is used in speech): ³At your age, you can't expect to play football as/so well as me ´(= as I do). ¸4 ´(introducing a concessive clause, usu replaceable by a construction with ³although´): ¸(a) ´with an ³adj ´or ³adv´: ³I know some of the family secrets, young as I am, ´although I am young. ³Much as I like you ´(= Although I like you much), ³I will not marry you. ¸(b) ´(with ³vv´, esp ³may, might, will, would´): ³Try as he would ´(= Although he tried, However hard he tried), ³he could not lift the rock. ¸5 ´(introducing adverbial clauses of manner) in the way in which: ³Do as I do. Do it as I do it. Leave it as it is. ¸6 ´(introducing a complement of manner) like: ³Why is he dressed as a woman? ¸7 ´(used to avoid repetition in the predicate): ³Harry is unusually tall, as are his brothers, ´and his brothers are also unusually tall. ¸8 ´in the capacity or character of: ³He was respected both as a judge and as a man. Looking at Napoleon as a statesman, not as a soldier«. ¸9 ´(used in ¶[VP16B] ´after ³regard, view, represent, treat, acknowledge, ´and ³vv ´similar in meaning but not after ³consider, ´to introduce a predicative): ³Most people regarded him ´(= looked upon him) ³as a fool. ´Cf Most people ³considered him (to be) ´a fool. ³Do you treat all men as your equals? ¸10 ´(used to introduce illustrations or examples; usu preceded by ³such´; ´replaceable by ³for instance, for example ´or ³like´): ³Countries in the north of Europe, such as Finland, Norway, Sweden,«. ¸11 ·as if; as though, ´(introducing a clause of manner, with a ³pt ´in the clause): ³He talks as if he knew all about it. He looks as if he had seen a ghost. It isn't as though he were poor. ´(followed by a ³to´-infinitive): ³He opened his lips as if to say something. ¸12 ·Úas for, ´with reference to (sometimes suggesting indifference or contempt): ³As for you, I never want to see you here again. ·Úas to, ´about; concerning (better avoided except when the words following ³as to ´are shifted to the beginning of a sentence for prominence): ³As to your brother, I will deal with him later; ´(with a gerund) ³As to accepting their demand,«. ¸13 ´(used as a ³conj ´to introduce relative clauses, chiefly after ³same ´and ³such´): ³Such women as knew Tom ´(= Those women who knew him) ³thought he was charming. Such women as Tom knew ´(= Those women whom Tom knew) ³thought he was charming. You must show my wife the same respect as you show me, ´the respect that you show me. ³We drove out of the town by the same road as we had entered by. ¸14 ´(introducing a non-defining relative clause, the antecedent being inferred): ³Cyprus, as ´(= which fact) ³you all know, is in the Mediterranean. To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish. ¸15 ·Úso as to, ¸(a) ´(introducing an infinitive of purpose): ³He stood up so as to ´(= in order to) ³see better. ¸(b) ´(introducing an infinitive of manner): ³It is foolish to behave so as to annoy ´(= in ways that annoy) ³your neighbours. ¸16 ·as good as, ´the same thing as: ³Will he be as good as his word? ´Will he do what he promised? ³He's as good as dead, ´almost dead, sure to die soon. ¸17 ·as/so long as, ¸(a) ´on condition that: ³You can go where you like so long as you get back before dark. ¸(b) ´while: ³You shall never enter this house as long as I live in it. ¸18 ·as much, ´so; (what really amounts to) that: ³I thought as much. ¸19 ·as far as, µ¥ far±1µ(2). ·as such; such as, µ¥ such ³pron. ¸20 ·(just) as soon; as soon as (not), µ¥ soon(3,5). ·as well (as), µ¥ well±2µ(8).¼ ¨as®bes®tos© ²/azÚbestos/ ³n ¶[U] ´soft, fibrous, grey, mineral substance that can be made into fire-proof fabrics or solid sheeting and used as a heat-insulating material.¼ ¨as®cend© ²/EÚsend/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A,C] ´go or come up (a mountain, river, etc): ³We watched the mists @ing from the valley. The path @s here. ¸2 ·@ the throne, ´become king or queen.¼ ¨as®cend®ancy©, -ency ²/EÚsendEnsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(position of) having power. ·gain/have the @ (over sb)´: ³He has the @ over his rivals/his party.¼ ¨as®cend®ant©, -ent ²/EÚsendEnt/ ³n ·in the @, ´rising in power and influence.¼ ¨as®cen®sion© ²/EÚsen2n/ ³n ´act of ascending. ¸the A@, ´the departure of Jesus from the earth, on the fortieth day after the Resurrection.¼ ¨as®cent© ²/EÚsent/ ³n ¶[C] ´act of ascending; way up; upward movement: ³The @ of the mountain was not difficult. I have never made an @ ´(= have never been up) ³in a balloon. The last part of the @ is steep.¼ ¨as®cer®tain© ²/*asEÚteIn/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,9,8,10,17] ´find out (in order to be certain about); get to know: ³@ the facts; @ that the news is true; @ whether the train stops at X; @ what really happened. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be @ed.¼ ¨as®cetic© ²/EÚsetIk/ ³adj ´self-denying; austere; leading a life of severe self-discipline. ¹ ³n ´person who (often for religious reasons) leads a severely simple life without ordinary pleasures. ¸as®ceti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv ¸as®ceti®cism ²/EÚsetIsIzEm/ ³n¼ ¨as®cor®bic© ²/EÚskcbIk/ ³adj ¸@ acid, ´(also known as ³vitamin C´) ´vitamin found in citrus fruits and vegetable products, used against scurvy.¼ ¨as®cribe© ²/EÚskrñIb/ ³vt ¶[VP14] ·@ to, ¸1 ´consider to be the cause, origin, reason or author, of: ³He @d his failure to bad luck. This play has been @d to Shakespeare, ´it has been said that Shakespeare was the author. ¸2 ´consider as belonging to: ³@ a wrong meaning to a word. ¸as®crib®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be @d: ³His quick recovery is ascribable to his sound constitution. ¸as®crip®tion ²/EÚskrIp2n/ ³n ´ascribing: ³The ascription of this work to Schubert may be false.¼ ¨as®dic© ²/ÚazdIk/ ³n ´device using reflected sound-waves, for detecting submarines, etc.¼ ¨asep®tic© ²/*eIÚseptIk/ ³adj ´(of wounds, dressings, etc) free from bacteria; surgically clean. ¸asep®sis ²/*eIÚsepsIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ condition.¼ ¨asex®ual© ²/*eIÚsek28El/ ³adj ¸1 ´without sex or sex organs: ³@ reproduction. ¸2 ´(of a person) showing no interest in sexual relations. ¸@®ity ²/eI*sek28ÚalEtI/ ³n¼ ¨ash©1 ²/a2/ ³n ´forest-tree with silver-grey bark and hard, tough wood; ¶[U] ´wood of this tree. ¸Úash-key ³n ´winged seed of the ash. µ¥ ´the illus at µtree.¼ ¨ash©2 ²/a2/ ³n ¶[U ´or ³pl´, but not with numerals¶] ¸1 ´powder that remains after sth has burnt: ³Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet. Remove the ash(es) from the stove once a day. The house was burnt to ashes. ¸2 ³(pl) ´the burnt (= cremated) remains of a human body. ¸Ash Wednesday, ´first day of Lent. ¸Úash-bin, Úash-can ³nn ´(esp US; µ¥ dustbin´) large rigid receptacle for ashes, cinders, kitchen waste, etc. ¸Úash-pan ³n ´tray (in a fireplace, stove, etc) into which ashes drop from a fire. ¸Úash-tray ³n ´small (metal, glass, etc) receptacle for tobacco ash.¼ ¨ashamed© ²/EÚ2eImd/ ³pred adj ·@ (of/that/to do sth), ´feeling shame: ³You should be @ of yourself/of what you have done. He was/felt @ to ask for help. He felt @ that he had done/of having done so little. I feel @ for you, ´on your account, as if I were you. ¸asham®ed®ly ²/EÚ2eImIdlI/ ³adv¼ ¨ashen© ²/Úa2n/ ³adj ´of ashes; pale; ash-coloured: ³His face turned @ at the news.¼ ¨ashore© ²/EÚ2c(r)/ ³adv ´on, on to, the shore. ·go @, ´(of a sailor, etc) leave a ship to go on land. ·run/be driven @, ´(of a ship) be forced to the shore, eÔg by bad weather.¼ ¨ashy© ²/Úa2I/ ³adj ´of or like ashes; covered with ashes; ash-coloured, pale.¼ ¨Asian© ²/ÚeI2n ³US: ²ÚeIZn/ ³n, adj ´(native) of Asia.¼ ¨Asi®atic© ²/*eI2IÚatIk ³US: ²*eIZI-/ ³n, adj ´(native) of Asia (³Asian ´is the preferred word).¼ ¨aside© ²/EÚsñId/ ³adv ´on or to one side: ³He laid the book @, ´put it down and stopped reading it. ³We turned @ ´(= away) ³from the main road. The decision/verdict was set @, ´made of no effect. ³Please put this @ for me, ´reserve it. ³Joking @, ´iÔe speaking seriously,«. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´words spoken @, esp (on the stage) words that other persons (on the stage) are supposed not to hear.¼ ¨as®in®ine© ²/ÚasInñIn/ ³adj ¸1 ´of asses. ¸2 ´(colloq) stupid.¼ ¨ask© ²/qsk ³US: ²ask/ ³vt,vi ´(³pt,pp µasked´) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,12C,14 ´often with the indirect object omitted in ¶12C] ´call for an answer to; request information or service: ³Did you ask the price? Ask (him) his name. May I ask (you) a question? Have I asked too much of you/asked you for too much? You asked of me more than you asked of the others. He asked a favour of me. We must ask him about it. He asked me for help. ¶[VP8,20] ³I will ask (him) how to get there. Did you ask (her) which to buy? ¶[VP10,21] ³They asked (me) what my name was, where I came from, and why I had come. Please ask (her) when she will be back. ¶[VP3A] ·ask after, ´ask for information about: ³He asked after you/your health. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,17,15B,3A] ´invite: ³We asked him to come again. I've been asked (out) to dinner. Mr Brown is at the door; shall I ask him in? ·ask for trouble, ´(colloq) ·ask for it, ´behave in such a way that trouble is likely; invite trouble. ¸3 ¶[VP7A,9,17,10] ´request to be allowed: ³I must ask you to excuse me/ask to be excused. He asked permission to get up. He asked to get up/that/if he might get up. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,12C,14] ´demand as a price: ³He asked (me) $25 a month as rent for that house. You're asking too much. What are they asking for the house? ¸5 ·ask the banns, ´(old use; now usu ³put up ´or ³publish´) ´publish them.¼ ¨askance© ²/EÚskans/ ³adv ´(only in) ·look @ at sb/sth, ´look at with suspicion.¼ ¨askew© ²/EÚskju/ ³adv, pred adj ´out of the straight or usual (level) position: ³hang a picture @´; ³have one's hat on @´: ³cut a plank @, ´aslant.¼ ¨ask®ing© ²/ÚqskIG/ ³n ·for the @, ´by requesting: ³You may have it/It's yours for the @, ´You have only to ask for it and it will be given to you.¼ ¨aslant© ²/EÚslqnt ³US: ²EÚslant/ ³adv, prep ´in a slanting direction ³(to)´: ³The wrecked coach lay @ the railway track.¼ ¨asleep© ²/EÚslip/ ³adv, pred adj ¸1 ´sleeping: ³He was fast @. He fell/dropped @ during the sermon. ¸2 ´(of the arms or legs) without feeling (as when under pressure).¼ ¨asp©1 ²/asp/ ³n ´= µaspen.¼ ¨asp©2 ²/asp/ ³n ´(zool) small poisonous snake of Egypt and Libya.¼ ¨as®para®gus© ²/EÚsparEgEs/ ³n ¶[U] ´plant whose young shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable; the shoots.¼ ¨as®pect© ²/Úaspekt/ ³n ¸1 ´look or appearance (of a person or thing): ³a man of fierce @´; ³a man with a serious @. ¸2 ´front that faces a particular direction: ³a house with a southern @. ¸3 ´(fig) particular part: ³study every @ of a subject, ´study it thoroughly. ¸4 ´(gram) verb form which relates activity to passage of time. ¸as®pec®tual ²/aÚspekt28El/ ³adj´: ³There is an @ual difference between "I saw him ´cross ³the road' and "I saw him ´crossing ³the road'.¼ ¨as®pen© ²/ÚaspEn/ ³n ´kind of poplar tree with leaves that move in the slightest wind.¼ ¨as®per®ity© ²/aÚsperEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ´(formal) ¸1 ¶[U] ´roughness; harshness (of manner); severity (of weather): ³speak with @. ¸2 ´(with ³pl´) ´instance of one of these qualities: ³the asperities of winter in Labrador; an exchange of asperities, ´eÔg of hard or bitter words.¼ ¨as®perse© ²/EÚsp3s/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) slander; say false or unkind things about: ³@ sb's good name/honour/reputation. ¸as®per®sion ²/EÚsp32n ³US: ²-Zn/ ³n ´(only in) ·cast aspersions (up)on sb/sb's honour, etc, ´slander him; say false things about him.¼ ¨as®phalt© ²/Úasfalt ³US: ²-fclt/ ³n ¶[U] ´black, sticky substance like coal-tar used for making roofs, etc waterproof, and mixed with gravel or crushed rock, for making road surfaces. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´surface (a road) with @.¼ ¨as®pho®del© ²/ÚasfEdel/ ³n ¸1 ´sort of lily. ¸2 ´(poet) immortal flower of the Gk Elysium ²/IÚlizIEm/ ´(home of the dead).¼ ¨as®phyxia© ²/asÚfIksIE/ ³n ¶[U] ´condition caused by lack of enough air in the lungs; suffocation. ¸as®phyxi®ate ²/EsÚfIksIeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make ill, cause the death of, through lack of sufficient air in the lungs: ³The men in the coal-mine were @ted by bad gas. ¸as®phyxi®ation ²/Es*fIksIÚeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´= asphyxia; suffocation.¼ ¨as®pic© ²/ÚaspIk/ ³n ¶[U] ´clear meat jelly: ³chicken in @.¼ ¨as®pi®dis®tra© ²/*aspIÚdIstrE/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ´plant with broad, pointed leaves, usually grown as a house plant.¼ ¨as®pir®ant© ²/EÚspñIErEnt/ ³n ·@ (to/after), ´person who is ambitious for fame, etc: ³an @ to high office.¼ ¨as®pir®ate©1 ²/ÚaspErEt/ ³n ´(phon) the sound of "h'; sound with an "h' in it: ³Mind your @s, ´be careful to make the "h' sounds where necessary.¼ ¨as®pir®ate©2 ²/ÚaspEreIt/ ³vt ´(phon) say with an "h' sound: ³The "h' in "honour' is not @d.¼ ¨as®pir®ation© ²/*aspEÚreI2n/ ³n ¶[C,U] ¸1 ·@ (for/after); @ (to do/be), ´aspiring; desire: ³his @s for fame; his @ to be an actor; the @s of the developing countries. ¸2 ´aspirating.¼ ¨as®pire© ²/EÚspñIE(r)/ ³vi ¶[VP3A,4A] ´be filled with high ambition: ³@ after knowledge; @ to fame; @ to become an author.¼ ¨as®pirin© ²/ÚasprIn ³US: ²-pEr-/ ³n ¶[U] ´(P) medicine used to relieve pain and reduce fever; ¶[C] ´tablet or measure of this: ³Take two @s for a headache.¼ ¨ass©1 ²/as/ ³n ¸1 ´animal of the horse family with long ears and a tuft at the end of its tail; donkey; stupid person. ¸2 ·make an ass of oneself, ´behave stupidly so that one is ridiculed.¼ ¨ass©2 ²/as/ ³n ´(US vulg) = µarse.¼ ¨as®sa®gai© ²/ÚasEgñI/ ³n ´= µassegai.¼ ¨as®sail© ²/EÚseIl/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (with), ´attack violently; pester: ³@ sb with questions/insults; be @ed with doubts. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be attacked. ¸@®ant ²/-Ent/ ³n ´attacker.¼ ¨as®sas®sin© ²/EÚsasIn ³US: ²-sn/ ³n ´person, often one hired by others, who assassinates. ¸@®ate ²/EÚsasIneIt ³US: ²-sEn-/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´kill sb (esp an important politician, ruler) violently and treacherously, for political reasons. ¸@®ation ²/E*sasIÚneI2n ³US: ²E*sasEnÚeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´murder of this kind; ¶[C] ´instance of this.¼ ¨as®sault© ²/EÚsclt/ ³n ·@ (on/upon), ´violent and sudden attack: ³They made an @ on the enemy's positions. The sonic boom was an @ on our nerves. The enemy's positions were taken by @. ·@ and battery, ´(legal) beating or hitting sb. ¸Ú@ craft ³n ´portable boat with an outboard motor, used for making attacks across rivers, etc. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make an @ on; attack (eÔg a fortress) by a sudden rush.¼ ¨as®say© ²/EÚseI/ ³n ¶[C] ·@ (of), ´test of the fineness, purity, or quality (of precious metals, ores, etc): ³make an @ of an ore. ´¹ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´test, eÔg the purity of a metal, analyse, eÔg an ore, etc. ¸2 ·@ (to do sth), ¶[VP6A,7A] ´(old use) attempt, eÔg sth difficult.¼ ¨as®se®gai© ²/ÚasEgñI/ ³n ´throwing-spear with a wooden haft, used by S African tribes.¼ ¨as®sem®blage© ²/EÚsemblIdZ/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´bringing or coming together; assembly (now the usu word): ³the @ of parts of a machine. ¸2 ¶[C] ´collection of things or (joc) persons.¼ ¨as®semble© ²/EÚsembl/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´gather together; collect: ³The pupils @d/were @d in the school hall. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´fit or put together (the parts of): ³@ a watch/car.¼ ¨as®sem®bly© ²/EÚsemblI/ ³n (pl µ-lies³) ¸1 ¶[C] ´number of persons who have come together, esp a meeting of law-makers: ³the Legislative A@; the school @, ´the daily @ of pupils and staff. ¸Ú@ room(s), ´public hall in which meetings, balls, etc take place. ¸2 Ú@ hall, ´one where a school meets for prayers, etc; workshop where parts of large machines, eÔg aircraft, are put together. ¸Ú@ line, ´stage of mass production in which parts of a machine, vehicle, etc move along for progressive @. ¸3 ´military call, by drum or bugle, for soldiers to assemble.¼ ¨as®sent© ²/EÚsent/ ³n ·@ (to), ´official agreement, eÔg to a proposal; (royal) agreement (to a bill passed by Parliament). ·by common @, ´everybody agreeing. ·with one @, ´unanimously; nobody opposing. µ¥ accord±1µ(1), dissent. ´¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (to), ´give agreement (eÔg to a proposal).¼ ¨as®sert© ²/EÚs3t/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´make a claim to, eÔg one's rights. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,9,25] ´declare: ³@ one's innocence/that one is innocent; @ sth to be true. ·@ oneself, ´display authority, self-confidence.¼ ¨as®ser®tion© ²/EÚs32n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´insisting upon the recognition of one's rights: ³self-@. ¸2 ¶[C] ´strong statement; claim: ³make an @.¼ ¨as®sert®ive© ²/EÚs3tIv/ ³adj ´having or showing positive assurance: ³speaking in an @ tone. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨as®sess© ²/EÚses/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ¸1 ´decide or fix the amount of (eÔg a tax or a fine): ³Damages were @ed at $100. ¸2 ´appraise; fix or decide the value of (eÔg property), the amount of (eÔg income), for purposes of taxation; (fig) test the value of: ³@ a speech at its true worth. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´@ing; ¶[C] ´amount @ed. ¸@or ²/-sE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´person who @es property, income, taxes, etc. ¸2 ´person who advises a judge, magistrate or official committee, etc on technical matters.¼ ¨as®set© ²/Úaset/ ³n ¸1 ´(usu ³pl´) anything owned by a person, company, etc that has money value and that may be sold to pay debts. µ¥ liability. ¸2 ´valuable or useful quality or skill: ³Good health is a great @.¼ ¨as®sev®er®ate© ²/EÚsevEreIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,9] ´(formal) assert solemnly: ³@ one's innocence/that one is innocent. ¸as®sev®er®ation ²/E*sevEÚreI2n/ ³n¼ ¨as®si®du®ity© ²/*asIÚdjuEtI ³US: ²-Údu-/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´constant and careful attention to what one is doing: ³He plans everything with unfailing @. ¸2 ³(pl µ-ties³) ´constant attentions ³(to).¼ ¨as®sidu®ous© ²/EÚsIdj8Es ³US: ²-dZ8Es/ ³adj ´diligent; persevering: ³@ in his duties. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨as®sign© ²/EÚsñIn/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP13A,12A] ·@ sth (to sb/sth), ´give for use or enjoyment, or as a share or part in a distribution, eÔg of work, duty: ³Those rooms have been @ed to us. Your teacher @s you work to be done at home. ¸2 ¶[VP13A,B] ´name, put forward as a time, place, reason, etc: ³Has a day been @ed for the trial? Can one @ a cause to these events? ¸3 ¶[VP13A,17] ·@ sb (to/to do), ´appoint, name: ³A@ your best man to the job. Two pupils were @ed to sweep the classroom. ¸4 ¶[VP14] ·@ to, ´(legal) transfer property, rights, etc. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be attributed or @ed: ³@able to several causes. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´@ing; ¶[C] ´that which is @ed.¼ ¨as®sig®na®tion© ²/*asIgÚneI2n/ ³n ¶[C] ´appointment, eÔg of a time and place for a furtive meeting between lovers.¼ ¨as®simi®late© ²/EÚsImEleIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´absorb (food) into the body (after digestion); be thus absorbed: ³We @ some kinds of food more easily than others. Some kinds of food @ easily. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´(allow people to) become part of another social group or state: ³The UÔSÔA has @d people from many countries, ´has absorbed them, so that they are Americans. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´absorb, eÔg ideas, knowledge. ¸4 ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ´make or become like. ¸as®simi®la®tion ²/E*sImEÚleI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´assimilating or being @d.¼ ¨as®sist© ²/EÚsIst/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,17,14,2A,3A] ·@ (sb) (with sth/in doing sth/to do sth), ´(formal) help: ³@ (sb) with the form-filling; @ sb to fill in the forms. Two men are @ing the police in their enquiries, ´are answering questions which may lead to the arrest of the criminal(s), or perhaps their own arrest as the criminals. ¸@®ance ²/-Ens/ ³n ¶[U] ´help: ³give/lend/render @ance (to sb); come to sb's @ance; be of @ance (to sb). ¸@®ant ²/-Ent/ ³n ´helper: ³an @ant to the Manager; @ant master, ´in a school; ³a ·Ú³shop-@ant, ´one who serves customers.¼ ¨as®size© ²/EÚsñIz/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´trial by a judge and jury. ¸2 ³(pl) ´(until 1971) sessions held periodically in every English County to try civil and criminal cases before High Court Judges: (attrib, ³sing´) courts of @; judges on @; @ towns. µ¥ ³Crown Court ´at µcourt±1µ(1) ´for the new system.¼ ¨as®so®ci®ate©1 ²/EÚsE82IEt/ ³adj ´joined in function or dignity: ³an @ judge. ´¹ ³n ´person who has been joined with others ³in ´work, business or crime; person given certain limited rights in an association; companion.¼ ¨as®so®ci®ate©2 ²/EÚsE82IeIt/ ³vt,vi ·@ with ¸1 ¶[VP14] ´join or connect: ³@ oneself with sb in a business undertaking; @ one thing with another. We @ Egypt with the Nile. I don't wish to @ myself with what has been said, ´don't want anyone to think that I have a part in it, or approve of it. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ´be often in the company of: ³Don't @ with dishonest boys.¼ ¨as®so®ci®ation© ²/E*sE8sIÚeI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ·@ (with), ´associating; being associated; companionship: ³I benefited much from my @ with him/from our @. His English benefited through his long @ with British children. ·in @ (with), ´together (with). ¸2 ¶[C] ´group of persons joined together for some common purpose: ³the ·Ú³Automobile A@; the ·*³Young Men's ·Ú³Christian A@. ¸3 *A@ Úfootball, ´(common abbr ³soccer´) ´game in which two teams of eleven players use a spherical ball that must not be touched with the hands except by the goalkeeper or when throwing in. µ¥ ´the illus at µfoot. ¸4 ´connection (of ideas).¼ ¨as®son®ance© ²/ÚasEnEns/ ³n ´agreement between stressed vowels in two words, but not in the following consonants, as in ³sharper ´and ³garter.¼ ¨as®sorted© ²/EÚsctId/ ³part adj ¸1 ´of various sorts; mixed: ³a pound of @ toffees, ´toffees of different kinds, mixed together. ¸2 ´matched, suited, one to another: ³an ill-@ couple, ´husband and wife who get on badly. ¸as®sort®ment ²/EÚsctmEnt/ ³n ´@ collection of different examples of one class or of several classes: ³This shop has a good assortment of goods to choose from.¼ ¨as®suage© ²/aÚsweIdZ/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make (sth, eÔg pain, suffering, feelings, desire) less.¼ ¨as®sume© ²/EÚsjum ³US: ²EÚsum/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,9,25] ´take as true before there is proof: ³You @ his innocence/him to be innocent/that he is innocent before hearing the evidence against him. He's not such a fool as you @d ´(= supposed) ³him to be. Assuming this to be true«. µ¥ presume(1). ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´take up; undertake: ³@ the direction of a business; @ office; @ the reins of government, ´begin to govern. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´take upon or for oneself sth not genuine or sincere: ³@ a look of innocence; @ a new name.¼ ¨as®sump®tion© ²/EÚsAmp2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´sth taken for granted; sth supposed but not proved: ³Their @ that the war would end quickly was proved wrong. ·on the @ that, ´accepting it to be true that«. ¸2 ¶[C] ·@ of, ´the act of assumingµ(2)´: ³his @ of office/power/the presidency. ¸3 ¶[C] ·@ of, ´the adopting of a manner, etc which is not genuine: ³with an @ of indifference, ´pretending not to be interested. ¸4 the A@, ´reception into Heaven in bodily form of the Virgin Mary; Church feast commemorating this.¼ ¨as®sur®ance© ²/EÚ28ErEns/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(often ³self-@´) confidence in oneself; belief and trust in one's own powers: ³He answered all the questions with @. A businessman, to be successful, should act with perfect (self-)assurance. ¸2 ¶[C] ´promise; statement made to give confidence: ³He gave me a definite @ that the repairs would be finished by Friday. ¸3 ¶[U] ´(chiefly GB) insurance on sth that is certain: ²Ú³life @, ´because death is certain. µ¥ insurance. ¸4 ¶[U] ´impudence (the much more usu word). ¸5 ·@ (in), ¶[U] ´certainty; confidence ´(the much more usu word). ·make @ doubly sure, ´remove all possible doubt.¼ ¨as®sure© ²/EÚ28E(r)/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP11] ´say positively, with confidence: ³I @ you (that) there's no danger. ¸2 ¶[VP11,14] ´cause (sb) to be sure, to feel certain: ³We tried to @ the nervous old lady that flying was safe. He @d me of his readiness to help. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´ensure (the more usu word): ³Nothing can @ permanent happiness. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´insure, esp against the death of sb or oneself. ¸as®sured ³part adj ´sure; confident. ·rest @d (that), ´feel confident (that). ¸as®sur®ed®ly ²/EÚ28ErIdlI/ ³adv ´surely; confidently.¼ ¨as®ter© ²/ÚastE(r)/ ³n ´garden plant with flowers that have white, pink or purple petals round a yellow centre.¼ ¨as®ter®isk© ²/ÚastErIsk/ ³n ´the mark *, used to call attention to something, eÔg a footnote, or to show that letters are omitted, as in ³Mr J´***³s, ´for ³Mr Jones.¼ ¨astern© ²/EÚst3n/ ³adv ¸1 ´in or at the stern of a ship. µ¥ ´the illus at µship. ¸2 ´backward: ³Full speed @! ¸3 ·fall @ (of), ´fall behind (another ship).¼ ¨as®ter®oid© ²/ÚastErãId/ ³n ¶[C] ´any of many small planets between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. µ¥ ´the illus at µplanet.¼ ¨asthma© ²/ÚasmE ³US: ²ÚazmE/ ³n ¶[U] ´chronic chest disease marked by difficulty in breathing. ¸asth®matic ²/asÚmatIk ³US: ²az-/ ³adj ´suffering from @; of @.¼ ¨astig®ma®tism© ²/EÚstIgmEtIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´defect in an eye or lens that prevents correct focusing. ¸as®tig®matic ²/*astIgÚmatIk/ ³adj¼ ¨astir© ²/EÚst3(r)/ ³adv, pred adj ¸1 ´in motion; in a state of excitement: ³The whole village was @ when news came that the Queen was coming. ¸2 ´(dated) out of bed and about: ³You're @ early this morning.¼ ¨as®ton®ish© ²/EÚstonI2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´surprise greatly: ³The news @ed everybody. You look @ed at the news. I was @ed to see him there. I am @ed that he didn't come. ¸@®ing ³part adj ´very surprising: ³It is @ing to me that he should be absent. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´great surprise: ³I heard to my @ment that«; He looked at me in @ment.¼ ¨astound© ²/EÚstñ8nd/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´overcome with surprise; shock.¼ ¨as®tra®khan© ²/*astrEÚkan ³US: ²ÚastrEkEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´skin of young lambs with wool in tight little curls: (used attrib) ³an @ coat/cap.¼ ¨as®tral© ²/ÚastrEl/ ³adj ´of or from the stars.¼ ¨astray© ²/EÚstreI/ ³adv, pred adj ´out of, off, the right path, esp (fig) into wrong-doing: ³The boy was led @ by bad companions.¼ ¨astride© ²/EÚstrñId/ ³adv, pred adj, prep ´with one leg on each side (of): ³riding @; sitting @ his father's knee.¼ ¨as®trin®gent© ²/EÚstrIndZEnt/ ³n ´(kind of) substance that shrinks soft tissues and contracts blood-vessels, thus checking the flow of blood. ¹ ³adj ´of or like an @; (fig) harsh; severe. ¸as®trin®gency ²/EÚstrIndZEnsI/ ³n¼ ¨as®tro®dome© ²/ÚastrEdE8m/ ³n ´small, transparent observation dome on the top of the fuselage of an aircraft, used by the navigator.¼ ¨as®tro®labe© ²/ÚastrEleIb/ ³n ´instrument used in the Middle Ages to determine the height of the sun, etc. µ¥ sextant.¼ ¨as®trol®ogy© ²/EÚstrolEdZI/ ³n ¶[U] ´art of observing the positions of the stars in the belief that they influence human affairs. ¸as®trol®oger ²/-EdZE(r)/ ³n ´expert in @. ¸as®tro®logi®cal ²/*astrEÚlodZIkl/ ³adj¼ ¨as®tro®naut© ²/ÚastrEnct/ ³n ´person who travels in a spacecraft. ¸@®ics ²/*astrEÚnctIks/ ³n sing-v ´science and technology of travel through outer space.¼ ¨as®tron®omy© ²/EÚstronEmI/ ³n ¶[U] ´science of the sun, moon, stars and planets. ¸as®tron®omer ³n ´student of, authority on, @. ¸as®tro®nomi®cal ²/*astrEÚnomIkl/ ³adj ´of the study of @; (colloq; of a quantity) very large: ³an astronomical amount.¼ ¨as®tro®phys®ics© ²/*astrE8ÚfIzIks/ ³n pl sing-v ´science of the chemical and physical conditions of the stars.¼ ¨as®tute© ²/EÚstjut ³US: ²EÚstut/ ³adj ¸1 ´quick at seeing how to gain an advantage. ¸2 ´shrewd; clever: ³an @ lawyer/businessman. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨asun®der© ²/EÚsAndE(r)/ ³adv ´(liter) ¸1 ´(of two or more things) apart: ³Parents and children were driven @ ´(= separated) ³by the war. ¸2 ´into pieces: ³tear sth @.¼ ¨asy®lum© ²/EÚsñIlEm/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´refuge; safety; protection from persecution, etc: ³ask for political @; ¶[C] ´place where this is found or given. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(formerly) institution where mentally ill people were cared for, now called a ³mental home/hospital/institution.¼ ¨at© ²/Et ³strong form: ²at/ ³prep ¸1 ´(place and direction) ¸(a) ´(indicating the place in or near which sth or sb was, is or will be): ³at his office; at my uncle's; at the station. ´Cf ³in ´for countries and large towns, and places important to the speaker. ¸(b) ´(towards; in the direction of): ³look at sth/sb; shoot/aim a gun at sth; rush at the enemy; laugh/growl at sb/sth; throw sth at sb, ´iÔe intending to hit him. µ¥ ³throw to ´at µthrow±2µ(1)´; ³talk at sb, ´iÔe make an indirect attack on him, µ¥ ³talk to ´at µtalk±1µ(1). ¸(c) ´(indicating an attempt to get or reach sth, an uncompleted or imperfect action): ³The drowning man clutched at the oar, ´tried to seize it. ³He had to guess at the meaning. ¸(d) ´(indicating distance): ³hold sth at arm's length. It looks better at a distance. ¸(e) ´(indicating a point of entrance or exit) through; by: ³What the teacher says often goes in (at) one ear and out (at) the other. ¸2 ´(time and order) ¸(a) ´(indicating a point of time): ³at 2 o'clock; at sunset; at any moment; at this (point), ´when this happened. ¸(b) ´(of age): ³He left school at (the age of) 15. ¸(c) ´(indicating order): ³at the third attempt; at first; at last. ¸(d) ´(indicating frequency): ³at (all) times; at regular intervals. ¸3 ´(activity, state, manner) ¸(a) ´(indicating occupation): ³at work; at play. What is he at now, ´What is he doing? ·*hard Úat it, ´working hard. ¸(b) ´(after ³adjj´): ³busy at his tasks; good at translation. ¸(c) ´(state, condition): ³at war/peace; at leisure. ¸(d) ´(manner): ³at a gallop; finish something at a sitting, ´iÔe during one continuous period of activity. ¸4 ´(rate or degree, value, cost) ¸(a) ´(rate): ³at full speed; at a snail's pace. ¸(b) ´(value, cost, etc): ³at immense cost; sell sth at a loss; buy articles at 20p and sell them at 25p. ¸(c) ´(with ³superl´): ³at its/his/their, etc best; at least; at (the) worst. ¸5 ´(cause) ¸(a) ´(after ³vv´): ³The pupils marvelled at the extent of their teacher's knowledge. ¸(b) ´(after ³adjj ´and ³pp's´): ³impatient at the delay; delighted at the idea of going to England. µ¥ ´also ³n ´entries for ³at hand, at last, in at the death ´and others.¼ ¨ata®brine© ²/ÚatEbrin/ ³n ¶[U] ´(P) bitter-tasting, anti-malarial drug.¼ ¨ata®vism© ²/ÚatEvIzEm/ ³n ´reappearance in a person of a characteristic or quality that has not shown itself for several or many generations. µ¥ reversion, throwback. ¸ata®vis®tic ²/*atEÚvIstIk/ ³adj¼ ¨ate© ²/et ³US: ²eIt/ ³pt ´of µeat.¼ ¨atel®ier© ²/aÚtelIeI ³US: ²*atlÚjeI/ ³n ´(F) workshop; studio.¼ ¨athe®ism© ²/ÚeITIIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´belief that there is no God. ¸athe®ist ²/ÚeITIIst/ ³n ´person who believes that there is no God. ¸athe®is®tic ²/*eITIÚIstIk/ ³adj ´of @ or atheists.¼ ¨athirst© ²/EÚT3st/ ³pred adj ·@ (for), ´(liter) thirsty, eager (for news, etc).¼ ¨ath®lete© ²/ÚaTlit/ ³n ´person trained for competing in physical exercises and outdoor games, eÔg a person good at running, jumping, swimming, boxing.¼ ¨ath®letic© ²/aTÚletIk/ ³adj ¸1 ´of athletes. ¸2 ´physically strong, with well-balanced proportions between the trunk and limbs: ³an @-looking young man.¼ ¨ath®let®ics© ²/aTÚletIks/ ³n pl ´(usu with ³sing v´) practice of physical exercises and sports, esp competitions in running, jumping, etc.¼ ¨at-home© ²/Et ÚhE8m/ ³n µ¥ home±1µ(1).¼ ¨athwart© ²/EÚTwct/ ³adv, prep ·@ (of), ´(naut) from one side to the other side.¼ ¨atishoo© ²/EÚtI2u/ ³int ´(hum) spelling form used to indicate a sneeze.¼ ¨at®las© ²/ÚatlEs/ ³n ´book of maps.¼ ¨at®mos®phere© ²/ÚatmEsfIE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´esp ¸the @, ´mixture of gases surrounding the earth. ¸2 ¶[U] ´air in any place. ¸3 ¶[C] ´feeling, eÔg of good, evil, that the mind receives from a place, conditions, etc: ³There is an @ of peace and calm in the country quite different from the @ of a big city.¼ ¨at®mos®pheric© ²/*atmEsÚferIk/ ³adj ´of, connected with, the atmosphere: ³@ conditions. ¸*@ Úpressure, ´pressure at a point due to the weight of the column of air above that point, about 14§ lb or 6²Ø´6 kg per square inch at sea level. ¸at®mos®pher®ics ³n pl ´electrical discharges that occur in the atmosphere and cause crackling sounds in radio receivers.¼ ¨atoll© ²/Úatol/ ³n ´ring-shaped coral reef(s) almost or entirely enclosing a lagoon.¼ ¨atom© ²/ÚatEm/ ³n ¸1 ´smallest unit of an element that can take part in a chemical change: ³A molecule of water ´(H¶c´O) ³is made up of two @s of hydrogen and one @ of oxygen. µ¥ electron, neutron, nucleus, proton. ¸*@ Úbomb, ´= atomic bomb. ¸2 ´very small bit: ³blow sth to @s, ´destroy it by explosion. ³There's not an @ of truth ´(= no truth at all) ³in what he said.¼ ¨atomic© ²/EÚtomIk/ ³adj ´of an atom, or atoms. ¸Ú@ bomb, ´bomb of which the destructive power comes from the release of @ energy in the shortest possible time. ¸*@ Úenergy, ´energy obtained as the result of nuclear fission. ¸*@ Úpile, µ¥ reactor. ¸*@ Úweight, ´weight of an atom of an element expressed on a scale in which an atom of oxygen is 16. µ¥ nuclear.¼ ¨at®om®ize© ²/ÚatEmñIz/ ³vt ´reduce to atoms. ¸@r ³n ´device for producing a fine spray, eÔg of perfume.¼ ¨atonal© ²/eIÚtE8nl/ ³adj ´(music) not conforming to any system of key or mode. ¸@®ity ²/*eItE8ÚnalEtI/ ³n¼ ¨atone© ²/EÚtE8n/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (for), ´make repayment: ³@ (for) a fault by doing sth. How can I @ for hurting your feelings? How can I @? ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´atoning: ³make @ment for a fault. ¸the A@ment, ´the sufferings and death of Jesus.¼ ¨atop© ²/EÚtop/ ³adv ·@ (of), ´(US) on top (of).¼ ¨at®ra®bil®ious© ²/*atrEÚbIlIEs/ ³adj ´(rare) melancholy; acrimonious.¼ ¨atro®cious© ²/EÚtrE82Es/ ³adj ¸1 ´very wicked or cruel: ³an @ crime. ¸2 ´(colloq) ´very bad: ³an @ dinner; @ weather. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨atroc®ity© ²/EÚtrosEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´wickedness; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´wicked or cruel act: ³the atrocities of which the enemy forces were guilty.¼ ¨atro®phy© ²/ÚatrEfI/ ³n ¶[U] ´wasting away (of the body or part of it, or (fig) of a moral quality). ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A] ´cause @ in; ¶[VP2A,B] ´suffer @.¼ ¨atta®boy© ²/*atEÚbãI/ ³int ´(US colloq) (expressing encouragement or admiration) Bravo!¼ ¨at®tach© ²/EÚtat2/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP14] ·@ sth (to sth), ´fasten or join: ³@ labels to the luggage; @ a document to a letter; the sample @ed to the letter; a house with a garage @ed. A@ed you will find/A@ed please find«, ´(business style) You will find, @ed to this letter«. ¸2 ¶[VP14] ·@ oneself to, ´join eÔg as a junior, and perhaps unwelcome, member: ³@ oneself to a political party/to a travelling circus. ¸3 ·be @ed to, ´be bound to by love or affection: ³She is deeply @ed to her young brother. He is foolishly @ed to old customs. ¸4 ¶[VP14] ·@ sth to sth, ´consider to have; connect with: ³Do you @ much importance to what he says? ¸5 ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ´go with, be joined to: ³No suspicion/blame @es to him, ´He cannot be suspected/blamed. ¸6 ¶[VP6A] ´(legal) seize by legal authority: ³Part of his salary was @ed by shopkeepers to whom he owed money. ¸7 ·@ed to, ´(mil) appointed to another unit for specialist duties: ³a gunnery officer @ed to an infantry regiment. ¸@®ment ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´act of @ing or joining; being @ed. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth @ed, esp an accessory @ed to sth larger. ¸3 ¶[C] ´affection; friendship: ³have an @ment for sb. ¸4 ´legal seizing of goods, etc. ¸5 ·on @ment to, ´(temporarily) appointed to.¼ ¨at®tach_e© ²/EÚta2eI ³US: ²*atEÚ2eI/ ³n ´person who is attached to the staff of an ambassador: ³the naval/military/press @. ¸@ case ²/EÚta2I keIs/ ³n ´small, flat, rectangular box or holder for documents.¼ ¨at®tack© ²/EÚtak/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´violent attempt to hurt, overcome, defeat: ³make an @ upon the enemy; ¶[U] ³The enemy came under @. A@ is said to be the best form of defence. ¸2 ¶[C] ´adverse criticism in speech or writing: ³a strong @ against/on the Government's policy. ¸3 ¶[C] ´start, occurence, eÔg of disease: ³an @ of fever; a ·Ú³liver @; a ·Ú³heart @, ´pain in the region of the heart, with irregular beating. ¸4 ¶[U] ´way of beginning an activity, eÔg playing the violin, playing a stroke in cricket. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make an @ upon: ³@ the enemy; @ the Prime Minister's proposals; a disease that @s children. Rust @s metals. ¸@er ³n ´person who @s.¼ ¨at®tain© ²/EÚteIn/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´succeed in doing or getting: ³@ one's hopes/object/the end one has in view. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ´reach, arrive at: ³@ to perfection/power/prosperity; @ to man's estate, ´reach manhood. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be @ed: ³The goal is not yet @able. ¸@®ment ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´act of @ing: ³easy/difficult/impossible of @ment, ´easy, etc to @; ³for the @ment of ´(= in order to @) ³his purpose. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(usu ³pl´) sth @ed; skill or accomplishment in some branch of knowledge, etc: ³legal/linguistic @ments; a scholar of the highest @ments.¼ ¨at®tain®der© ²/EÚteIndE(r)/ ³n ´(legal) forfeiture of property and civil rights following sentence of death or outlawry. ¸Bill of A@, ´Parliamentary Bill imposing this penalty without trial.¼ ¨at®tar© ²/ÚatE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ³@ of roses, ´perfume from rose petals.¼ ¨at®tempt© ²/EÚtempt/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP7A,6A] ´make a start at doing sth; try: ³The prisoners @ed to escape/an escape but failed. You have @ed ´(= made a start at performing) ³a difficult task. Don't @ impossibilities, ´Don't try to do impossible things. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ³@ sb's life, ´(old use) try to kill him. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ·@ to do sth; @ at doing sth, ´@ing; effort to do sth: ³They made no @ to escape/at escaping. His first @ at English composition was poor. They failed in all their @s to climb the mountain. ¸2 ·@ at, ´sth not very well done: ³Her @ at a Christmas cake had to be thrown away. ¸3 ·@ on/upon, ´attack on: ³make an @ on sb's life; an @ on the world speed record.¼ ¨at®tend© ²/EÚtend/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP3A,2A] ·@ (to), ´give care and thought (to): ³@ to one's work; @ to what sb is saying, ´listen carefully; ³@ to the wants of customers, ´try to supply them. ³Are you being @ed to? ´(in a shop) Is anyone serving you? ³You're not @ing, ´not listening, not paying attention. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,3A] ·@ (on/upon), ´wait on; serve; look after: ³Which doctor is @ing you, ´giving you medical care? ³The patient has three nurses @ing (on) him. She has many servants @ing upon her. He had the honour of @ing upon the Prince. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´go to; be present at: ³@ school/church; @ a meeting/lecture. The lectures were well @ed, ´there were good audiences. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) accompany: ³a method that is @ed by some risk; Our plans were @ed with great difficulties. May good luck @ you!, ´(formal) May you have good luck!¼ ¨at®tend®ance© ²/EÚtendEns/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ·in @ (on/upon), ´act of attendingµ(2)´: ³Major X was in @ upon the Queen. Now that the patient is out of danger, the doctor is no longer in @. µ¥ dance±2µ(2). ¸2 ¶[C,U] ´(time of) being present, at school etc: ³The boy was given a prize for regular @, ´for attending school regularly. ³How many @s has he made? Is @ at school compulsory? ¸3 ¶[C] ´(with ³adjj´) number of persons present: ³There was a large @ at church this morning.¼ ¨at®tend®ant© ²/EÚtendEnt/ ³n ¸1 ´servant or companion. ¸2 ³medical @, ´doctor. ¸3 ³(pl) ´persons who accompany an important person: ³the Prince and his @s. ´¹ ³adj ¸1 ´accompanying: ³famine and its @ diseases, ´the diseases that result from famine; ³old age and its @ evils, ´eÔg deafness. ¸2 ´waiting upon: ³an @ nurse.¼ ¨at®ten®tion© ²/EÚten2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´act of directing one's thoughts to sth: ³Pay @ to what you're doing, ´Don't let your thoughts wander. ³A teacher must know how to secure the @ of his pupils. No @ was paid to my advice, ´no one took it. ³Give your whole @ to what you are doing, ´iÔe think of nothing else. ³He called/invited my @ to some new evidence, ´asked me to examine it. ³He shouted to attract @, ´to make people notice him. ³A@, Mr Roberts, ´(in comm or official correspondence) This letter, memorandum, etc is to be dealt with by Mr Roberts. ¸2 ´(often ³pl´) kind or polite act: ³They showed the old lady numerous little @s, ´were kind and helpful in numerous ways. ³A pretty girl usually receives more @(s) than a plain girl, ´finds men more willing to do things for her. ·pay one's @s to a lady, ´(dated) court her, be polite and kind in the hope of winning her affections. ¸3 ¶[U] ´(mil) drill position in which a man stands straight and still: ³come to/stand at @; ´(as a military command): ³A@! ´(shortened to ³'shun ²/2An/´).¼ ¨at®tent®ive© ²/EÚtentIv/ ³adj ·@ (to), ´giving or paying attention: ³A speaker likes to have an @ audience. Please be more @ to your studies. A good host is @ to (the needs of) his guests. She was always @ to her young brother. ¸@®ly ³adv´: ³They listened @ly to the teacher.¼ ¨at®tenu®ate© ²/EÚtenj8eIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) make thin or slender; weaken; reduce.¼ ¨at®test© ²/EÚtest/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´be or give clear proof of: ³The man's ability was @ed by his rapid promotion, ´His promotion was proof of his ability. ³These papers @ the fact that«. ·@ a signature, ´make it legal by witnessing it. ¸*@ed Úmilk/Úcattle, ´certified free of disease, esp tuberculosis. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´declare on oath; put (a person) on oath; cause (sb) to declare solemnly: ³I have said nothing that I am not ready to @, ´to say on oath. ¸3 ¶[VP2A] ´enrol for military service (by taking the oath of allegiance). ¸4 ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ´bear witness to: ³feats which @ to his strength of will.¼ ¨at®tic© ²/ÚatIk/ ³n ´space within the roof of a house: ³two small rooms in the @.¼ ¨At®tic© ²/ÚatIk/ ³adj ´of ancient Athens or Attica.¼ ¨at®tire© ²/EÚtñIE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´(liter or poet) dress: ³in holiday @. ´¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(dated) dress: ³@d in white/satin.¼ ¨at®ti®tude© ²/ÚatItjud ³US: ²-tud/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´manner of placing or holding the body: ³He stood there in a threatening @. ·strike an @, ´suddenly and dramatically take up an @. ¸2 ´way of feeling, thinking or behaving: ³What is your @ towards this question, ´What do you think about it, how do you propose to act? ³We must maintain a firm @, ´not show signs of weakness. ¸at®ti®tu®din®ize ²/*atIÚtjudInñIz ³US: ²-ÚtudEn-/ ³vi ¶[VP2A] ´strike @s; speak, write, behave in an affected way.¼ ¨at®tor®ney© ²/EÚt3nI/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ¸1 ´person with legal authority to act for another in business or law: ³letter/warrant of @, ´written authority by which a a person appoints another to act for him; ³power of @, ´authority so given. ¸2 *A@ ÚGeneral, (a) ´legal officer with authority to act in all cases in which the State is a party, usu ³district @. ¸(b) ´(US, in some States) public prosecutor. ¸3 ´solicitor.¼ ¨at®tract© ²/EÚtrakt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´pull towards (by unseen force): ³A magnet @s steel. ¸2 ´get the attention of; arouse interest or pleasure in: ³Bright colours @ babies. Bright lights @ moths. He shouted to @ attention. Do you feel @ed to her, ´Do you like her?¼ ¨at®trac®tion© ²/EÚtrak2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´power of pulling towards: ³The @ of the moon for the earth causes the tides. He cannot resist the @ of the sea on a hot day/of a pretty girl. The cinema has little @ for some people. ¸2 ¶[C] ´that which attracts: ³the @s of a big city, ´eÔg theatres, concerts, cinemas, fine shops.¼ ¨at®tract®ive© ²/EÚtraktIv/ ³adj ´having the power to attract; pleasing: ³a most @ girl; goods offered at @ prices. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨at®tribute©1 ²/EÚtrIbjut/ ³vt ¶[VP14] ·@ to, ´consider as a quality of, as being the result of, as coming from: ³He @s wisdom to his teachers, ´thinks they have wisdom. ³He @s his success to hard work, ´says that his success is the result of hard work. ³This comedy has been @d to Shakespeare, ´it has been said that Shakespeare was the author. ¸at®tribu®table ²/EÚtrIbj8tEbl/ ³adj ´that can be @d ³(to). ¸at®tri®bu®tion ²/*atrIÚbju2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´act of attributing ³(to)´; ¶[C] ´that which is @d.¼ ¨at®tribute©2 ²/ÚatrIbjut/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´quality looked upon as naturally or necessarily belonging to sb or sth: ³Mercy is an @ of God. Politeness is an @ of a gentleman. ¸2 ´material object recognized as a symbol of a person or his position: ³The crown is an @ of kingship.¼ ¨at®tribu®tive© ²/EÚtrIbj8tIv/ ³adj ¸@ adjective, ´naming a quality and used with the noun ´as in ³"old ´man', ³"red ´hair', and contrasted with µpredicative´. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨at®tri®tion© ²/EÚtrI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´wearing away by rubbing: ³war of @, ´war in which each side waits for the other to wear itself out.¼ ¨at®tune© ²/EÚtjun ³US: ²EÚtun/ ³vt ¶[VP14] ·@ to, ´bring into harmony or agreement with: ³hearts @d to worship; ´make used to: ³ears @d to the sound of gunfire.¼ ¨au®ber®gine© ²/ÚE8bEZin/ ³n ¶[C] ´fruit of the eggplant, used as a vegetable. µ¥ ´the illus at µvegetable.¼ ¨au®brie®tia© ²/cÚbri2E/ ³n ´(kinds of) spring-flowering dwarf perennial grown on stone walls, rockeries, etc.¼ ¨au®burn© ²/ÚcbEn/ ³adj ´(usu of hair) reddish-brown.¼ ¨auc®tion© ²/Úck2n/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´public sale at which goods are sold to the persons making the highest bids or offers: ³sale by @; ²Ú³@-sale; sell goods by @; put sth up to/for @; attend all the local @s; @ bridge, µ¥ bridge±2µ. ´¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (off), ´sell by @. ¸@®eer ²/*ck2EÚnIE(r)/ ³n ´person who conducts an @.¼ ¨aud®acious© ²/cÚdeI2Es/ ³adj ¸1 ´daring; bold. ¸2 ´foolishly bold. ¸3 ´impudent. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸aud®ac®ity ²/cÚdasEtI/ ³n¼ ¨aud®ible© ²/ÚcdEbl/ ³adj ´loud enough to be heard: ³in a scarcely @ voice. The speaker was scarcely @, ´could be heard only with difficulty. ¸aud®ibly ²/-EblI/ ³adv ¸audi®bil®ity ³n ²/*cdEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ´capacity for being heard.¼ ¨audi®ence© ²/ÚcdIEns/ ³n ¸1 ´gathering of persons for the purpose of hearing a speaker, singer, etc: ³There was a large @ in the theatre. He has addressed large @s all over England. ¸2 ´persons within hearing, whether they are together or not: ³A broadcaster may have an @ of several million. ¸3 ´(of a book) readers: ³His book has reached a wide @. ¸4 ´formal interview given by a ruler, the Pope, etc: ³The Pope granted him an @. The Prime Minister was received in @ by the Queen.¼ ¨audio-© ²/*cdIE8/ ³pref ´of hearing. ¸*@-visual Úaids, ´teaching aids such as record players and film projectors. ¸*@-lingual Úmethods, ´teaching methods making use of a language laboratory, tape recorders, etc. ¸*@ Úfrequency, ´(radio) frequency which, when converted into sound waves by a loudspeaker, can be heard.¼ ¨au®dit© ²/ÚcdIt/ ³n ´official examination of accounts to see that they are in order. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´examine, eÔg accounts, officially.¼ ¨aud®ition© ²/cÚdI2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´trial hearing to test the voice of a singer, speaker, etc who is applying for employment or of an actor wishing to take part in a play. ¸2 ¶[U] ´power of hearing; listening. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´give an @ to.¼ ¨au®di®tor© ²/ÚcdItE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´listener to a speaker, etc. ¸2 ´person who audits.¼ ¨au®di®tor®ium© ²/*cdIÚtcrIEm/ ³n ³(pl µ@s³) ´building, or part of a building, in which an audience sits.¼ ¨au®di®tory© ²/ÚcdItrI ³US: ²-tcrI/ ³adj ´of the sense of hearing: ³the @ nerve. µ¥ ´the illus at µear.¼ ¨au fait© ²/*E8 ÚfeI/ ³pred adj ´(F) instructed: ³put sb @ of sth, ´instruct him about it.¼ ¨au fond© ²/*E8 Úfon/ ³adv ´(F) basically.¼ ¨au®ger© ²/ÚcgE(r)/ ³n ´carpenter's tool for boring large holes in wood, with a handle at right angles; instrument for boring in soil. µ¥ ´the illus at µtool.¼ ¨aught© ²/ct/ ³n ´(archaic) anything: ³for @ I know/care, ´used to indicate that the speaker does not know/care at all.¼ ¨aug®ment© ²/cgÚment/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make or become greater; increase: ³@ one's income by writing short stories. ¸aug®men®ta®tion ²/*cgmenÚteI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ing or being @ed; ¶[C] ´sth added.¼ ¨au®gur© ²/ÚcgE(r)/ ³n ´(in ancient Rome) religious official who claimed to foretell future events by omens from the entrails of birds, etc. ¹ ³vi,vt ¶[VP6A,2A] ´foretell, be a sign of: ³Does this news @ war? ·@ well/ill (for sb/sth), ´be a good/bad sign for the future, for us. ¸@y ²/Úcgj8rI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ¶[C] ´omen; sign.¼ ¨au®gust© ²/cÚgAst/ ³adj ´majestic; causing feelings of respect or awe.¼ ¨Au®gust© ²/ÚcgEst/ ³n ´the eighth month.¼ ¨Au®gust®an© ²/cÚgAstEn/ ³adj ´of the best period of Latin literature; classical; of the period of English Literature including Dryden, Pope and Swift.¼ ¨auk© ²/ck/ ³n ´northern seabird, with short wings used in swimming.¼ ¨auld lang syne© ²/*cld laG ÚsñIn/ ³n ´(Scot song name) good times long ago.¼ ¨aunt© ²/qnt ³US: ²ant/ ³n ´sister of one's father or mother; wife of one's uncle. ¸*A@ ÚSally, ´wooden model of a woman's head, at which sticks are thrown, at fairs, etc; (fig) object, person, widely abused. ¸aun®tie, aun®ty ²/ÚqntI ³US: ²ÚantI/ ³n ´(familiar for) aunt.¼ ¨au pair© ²/*E8 ÚpeE(r)/ ³n ´(F) (in GB) girl from overseas who, in return for light household duties, receives board and lodging, and facilities for study.¼ ¨aura© ²/ÚcrE/ ³n ´atmosphere surrounding a person or object and thought to come from him or it: ³There seemed to be an @ of holiness about the Indian saint.¼ ¨au®ral© ²/ÚcrEl/ ³adj ´of the organs of hearing: ³an @ surgeon.¼ ¨aure®ole© ²/ÚcrIE8l/ ³n ´halo.¼ ¨au re®voir© ²/*E8 rEÚvwq(r)/ ³int ´(F) till we meet again; good-bye.¼ ¨aur®icle© ²/ÚcrIkl/ ³n ¸1 ´the external part of the ear. µ¥ ´the illus at µear. ¸2 ´either of the two upper cavities of the heart. µ¥ ´the illus at µrespiratory.¼ ¨aur®icu®lar© ²/cÚrIkj8lE(r)/ ³adj ´of or near the ear: ³@ confession, ´made privately in the ear, eÔg of a priest.¼ ¨aur®if®er®ous© ²/cÚrIfErEs/ ³adj ´yielding gold.¼ ¨aur®ora© ²/cÚrcrE/ ³n ¸1 A@, ´Roman goddess of dawn. ¸2 @ bor®ea®lis ²/c*rcrE *bcrIÚeIlIs/ ³n ´display of coloured light, in streamers and bands, mainly red and green, seen in the sky in the regions of the North Pole; also called ³Northern Lights. ¸@ aus®tra®lis ²/c*rcrE oÚstreIlIs/ ³n ´similar display seen in the southern hemisphere.¼ ¨aus®pices© ²/ÚcspIsIz/ ³n pl ·under (the) @ (of), ´helped and favoured by: ³under favourable @, ´with the omens in one's favour, with favourable prospects.¼ ¨aus®pi®cious© ²/cÚspI2Es/ ³adj ´showing signs, giving promise, of future success; favourable; prosperous. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨Aus®sie© ²/ÚozI/ ³n ´(sl) Australian.¼ ¨aus®tere© ²/cÚstIE(r)/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of a person, his behaviour) severely moral and strict. ¸2 ´(of a way of living, of places, styles) simple and plain; without ornament or comfort. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸aus®ter®ity ²/cÚsterEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties´) ¸1 ¶[U] ´quality of being @. ¸2 ³(pl) ´@ practices, eÔg fasting, living in a cell, for religious reasons.¼ ¨aut®archy© ²/ÚctqkI/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(country under) absolute sovereignty.¼ ¨aut®arky© ²/ÚctqkI/ ³n ¶[U] ´self-sufficiency, esp of a State in its economy.¼ ¨auth®en®tic© ²/cÚTentIk/ ³adj ´genuine; known to be true: ³@ news; an @ signature. ¸auth®en®ti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv ¸@®ity ²/*cTEnÚtIsEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´quality of being @: ³feel confident of the @ity of a signature.¼ ¨auth®en®ti®cate© ²/cÚTentIkeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´prove to be genuine; prove beyond doubt the origin, authorship, etc of. ¸auth®en®ti®ca®tion ²/c*TentIÚkeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´authenticating.¼ ¨author© ²/ÚcTE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´writer of a book, play, etc: ³Dickens is his favourite @. ¸2 ´person who creates or begins sth: ³God, the A@ of our being. ¸@®ess ²/ÚcTErIs/ ³n ´woman @. ¸@®ship ²/-2Ip/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´occupation of an @: ³It's risky to take to @ship ´(= begin to write books) ³for a living. ¸2 ´origin of a book, etc: ³Nothing is known of the @ship of the book, ´about who wrote it.¼ ¨auth®ori®tar®ian© ²/c*TorIÚteErIEn/ ³adj ´supporting or requiring obedience to authority, esp that of the State, contrasted with individual liberty. ¹ ³n ´supporter of this principle. ¸@®ism ²/-IzEm/ ³n¼ ¨auth®ori®tat®ive© ²/cÚTorItEtIv ³US: ²-teItIv/ ³adj ¸1 ´having, given with, authority: ³@ orders. ¸2 ´having an air of authority; commanding: ³in an @ manner; speaking in @ tones. ¸3 ´that can be trusted because from a reliable source: ³an @ report; @ information; from an @ source. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨auth®or®ity© ²/cÚTorEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´power or right to give orders and make others obey: ³The problem of how to cope with @, ´eÔg wrongdoers with the police, children with parents. ³An officer has/exercises @ over the soldiers under him. Who is in @ here? He has made his @ felt, ´caused people to realize that he has power to make them obey. ·under the @ of; under sb's @, ´responsibleµ(1) ´to: ³These boys are under the @ of their teacher/under his @. ¸2 ¶[U] ·@ (for sth/to do sth), ´right given to sb: ³Only the treasurer has @ to make payments. He had the @ of the Governor for what he did. ¸3 ¶[U] ´person or ³(pl) ´group of persons having @: ³the City, Municipal, County, etc authorities; the health authorities; the A·*³tomic ·Ú³Energy A@. ¸4 ¶[C,U] ´person with special knowledge; book, etc that supplies reliable information or evidence: ³He is a great @ on phonetics. The "Oxford English Dictionary' is the best @ on English words. What is your @ for that statement? You should quote your authorities, ´give the titles of books, etc, names of persons, etc used as sources for facts.¼ ¨auth®or®ize© ²/ÚcTErñIz/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP17] ´give authority to: ³I have @d him to act for me while I am abroad. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´give authority for: ³The Finance Committee @d the spending of $10Ô000 on a new sports ground. This payment has not been @d. ¸*A@d ÚVersion, ´(common abbr ¸AÔV´) the English translation of the Bible, first published 1611. ¸auth®or®iz®ation ²/*cTErñIÚzeI2n ³US: ²-rIÚz-/ ³n ¶[U] ´authorizing; giving legal right (³to do ´sth, ³for ´sth); the right given.¼ ¨aut®ism© ²/ÚctIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´(psych) severe form of mental illness in children. ¸aut®is®tic ²/cÚtIstIk/ ³adj ´of @: ³autistic children.¼ ¨auto© ²/ÚctE8/ ³n ´(US colloq abbr of) µautomobile.¼ ¨auto-© ²/*ctE8/ ³pref ´(in compounds) self-, by oneself; independent(ly): ³@-intoxication, ´poisoning by substances produced within the body. ¸Ú@-changer, ´device (on a record-player) that plays a number of discs in succession without attention.¼ ¨au®to®bahn© ²/ÚctEbqn/ ³n (pl µ@s ´or (G) µ@en ²/-nEn/³) ´(G) = µmotorway.¼ ¨au®to®bi®ogra®phy© ²/*ctEbñIÚogrEfI/ ³n (pl µ-phies³) ¸1 ¶[C] ´story of a person's life written by himself. ¸2 ¶[U] ´the art and practice of this sort of writing. ¸auto®bio®graphic ²/*ctEbñIEÚgrafIk/, ¸auto®bio®graphi®cal ²/-Ikl/ ³adjj ´of, engaged in, @.¼ ¨au®toc®racy© ²/cÚtokrEsI/ ³n (pl µ-cies³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´government by a ruler who has unlimited power. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(country with a) government of this kind.¼ ¨au®to®crat© ²/ÚctEkrat/ ³n ´ruler with unlimited power; person who requires things to be done without considering the wishes of others. ¸@ic ²/*ctEÚkratIk/ ³adj ´of or like an @: ³Don't be so @ic, ´Don't behave as if you were an @. ¸auto®crati®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨au®to-da-f_e© ²/*ctE8 dq ÚfeI ³US: ²*ñ8tE8 dE/ ³n (pl µautos-da-f_e ²/*ctE8z ³US: ²*q8tE8z/³) ´trial and sentence of a heretic by the Inquisition; carrying out of the sentence, esp by burning.¼ ¨au®to®giro©, -gyro ²/*ctE8ÚdZñIErE8/ ³n ´(P) early form of helicopter with a propeller in front and rotors above.¼ ¨au®to®graph© ²/ÚctEgrqf ³US: ²-graf/ ³n ´person's own handwriting, esp his signature: ²Ú³@ book/album, ´one in which signatures, eÔg of famous persons, are collected. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´write one's name on or in: ³a book @ed by the author; an @ed photograph.¼ ¨au®to®mat© ²/ÚctEmat/ ³n ´(US) restaurant at which food and drink are obtained, by the customers themselves, from coin-operated closed compartments.¼ ¨au®to®mate© ²/ÚctEmeIt/ ³vt ´(science, comm) convert to, control by, automation.¼ ¨au®to®matic© ²/*ctEÚmatIk/ ³adj ¸1 ´self-acting; self-moving; (of a machine) able to work or be worked without attention: ³an @ pilot, ´(on an aircraft) maintaining altitude, course, etc; ³@ gear-change ´(in a motor-vehicle); ³@ weapons, ´weapons that continue firing until pressure on the trigger is released. ¸2 ´(of actions) done without thought; unconscious: ³Breathing is @. ´¹ ³n ´small @ firearm. ¸au®to®mati®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨au®to®ma®tion© ²/*ctEÚmeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´(use of) methods and machines to save human labour.¼ ¨au®toma®ton© ²/*cÚtomEtEn ³US: ²-ton/ ³n (pl µ@s, -ta ²/-tE/³) ´person who appears to act involuntarily or without active intelligence; robot.¼ ¨au®to®mo®bile© ²/ÚctEmEbil ³US: ²*ctEmEÚbil/ ³n ´(esp US) motor-car.¼ ¨au®ton®omous© ²/cÚtonEmEs/ ³adj ´(of states) self-governing; free. ¸au®ton®omy ²/cÚtonEmI/ ³n (pl µ-mies³) ¶[U,C] ´(right of) self-government; freedom.¼ ¨au®topsy© ²/ÚctopsI/ ³n (pl µ-sies³) ¶[C] ´(med) post-mortem examination of a body (by cutting it open) to learn the cause of death.¼ ¨au®to®strada© ²/*ñ8tE8ÚstrqdE/ ³n (pl µ@s, ´or, (I) µ-de ²/-ÚstrqdeI/³) ´(I) = µmotorway.¼ ¨au®tumn© ²/ÚctEm/ ³n ¶[C] ´(US = ³fall´) third season of the year, between summer and winter (Sept, Oct and Nov in the northern hemisphere): ³in @; in the @ of 1980; in (the) early/late @; ´(fig) ³in the @ of his life; ´(attrib) ³@ weather/fashions. ¸au®tum®nal ²/*cÚtAmnEl/ ³adj ´of @.¼ ¨aux®ili®ary© ²/cgÚzIlIErI/ ³adj ´helping; supporting: ³@ troops; an @ verb ´(eÔg ³is ´in ³He is working; has ´in ³He has gone). ´¹ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ¸1 ´@ verb. ¸2 ´(usu ³pl´) ´@ troops (esp troops hired from a foreign or allied country, eÔg in the Roman Empire in ancient times).¼ ¨avail© ²/EÚveIl/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP14] ·@ oneself of, ´make use of, profit by, take advantage of: ³You should @ yourself of every opportunity to practise speaking English. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,3A] ´(liter) be of value or help: ³Money does not @ on a desert island. Nothing @ed against the storm. ´¹ ³n ·of no/little @, ´not helpful; not effective: ³His intervention was of little @. ·without @; to no @, ´without result; unsuccessfully: ³We pulled him out of the river and tried to revive him, but to no @. Of what @ is it to«, ´What use is it to«?¼ ¨avail®able© ²/EÚveIlEbl/ ³adj ·@ (for) ¸1 ´(of objects) able to be used; that may be obtained: ³These tickets are @ for one month only. The book you ordered is not @. ¸2 ´(of persons) able to be present: ³Are you @ (for a meeting) tomorrow morning? ¸avail®abil®ity ²/E*veIlEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¶[U]¼ ¨ava®lanche© ²/ÚavElqn2 ³US: ²-lant2/ ³n ´great mass of snow and ice at a high altitude, caused by its own weight to slide down a mountain side, often carrying with it thousands of tons of rock, and sometimes destroying forests, houses, etc in its path: (fig) ³an @ of words/letters/questions.¼ ¨avant-garde© ²/*avon Úgqd/ ³n ´(F) vanguard of an army; (fig) radical leader(s) of any movement (in art, drama, literature, etc): (attrib) ³@ writers/artists.¼ ¨av®ar®ice© ²/ÚavErIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´greed (for money or possessions); great eagerness to get or keep. ¸av®ar®icious ²/*avEÚrI2Es/ ³adj ·@ (of), ´greedy (of ´money, power, etc). ¸av®ar®icious®ly ³adv¼ ¨avast© ²/EÚvqst ³US: ²EÚvast/ ³int ´(naut) Stop!¼ ¨ava®tar© ²/*avEÚtq(r)/ ³n ´(Hindu myth) (descent to earth of a) deity in human or animal form.¼ ¨avaunt© ²/EÚvcnt/ ³int ´(old use) Begone; Go away!¼ ¨avenge© ²/EÚvendZ/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ´get or take vengeance for: ³@ an insult; @ oneself/be @d on an enemy (for ´an injury, etc). ³He @d his father's death upon the murderer, ´punished the murderer. ¸aven®ger ³n¼ ¨av®enue© ²/ÚavEnju ³US: ²-nu/ ³n ¸1 ´road with trees on each side, esp the private road going up to a large country house. ¸2 ´wide street with buildings on one or both sides. ¸3 ·@ (to), ´(fig) way (to some object or aim): ³@s to success/promotion.¼ ¨aver© ²/EÚv3(r)/ ³vt µ(-rr-) ¶[VP6A,9] ·@ (that), ´(old use) state positively (that sth is true).¼ ¨av®er®age© ²/ÚavErIdZ/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´result of adding several quantities together and dividing the total by the number of quantities: ³The @ of 4, 5 and 9 is 6. ¸2 ¶[U] ´standard or level regarded as ordinary or usual: ³Tom's work at school is above (the) @, Harry's is below (the) @ and Jim's is about up to (the) @. ·on (an/the) @, ´according to the @: ³On (an/the) there are twenty boys present every day. ´¹ ³adj ¸1 ´found by making an @: ³The @ age of the boys in this class is fifteen. What's the @ temperature in this town in August? ¸2 ´of the ordinary or usual standard: ³boys of @ intelligence; men of @ ability. ´¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´find the @ of: ³If you @ 7, 14 and 6, you get 9. ¸2 ¶[VP2B] ´amount to as an @; do as an @: ³@ 200 miles a day during a journey. The rainfall @s 36 inches a year.¼ ¨averse© ²/EÚv3s/ ³adj ·@ from/to, ´opposed, disinclined: ³He is @ to hard work. We are @ from taking action.¼ ¨aver®sion© ²/EÚv32n ³US: ²Zn/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C,U] ·@ to, ´strong dislike: ³He has a strong @ to getting up early. He took an @ to me. Do you feel any @ to hard study? ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth or sb disliked. ¸pet @, ´sth specially disliked.¼ ¨avert© ²/EÚv3t/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP14] ·@ (from), ´turn away (one's eyes, thoughts, etc): ³@ one's eyes/gaze from a terrible spectacle. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´prevent, avoid: ³@ an accident; @ suspicion; @ failure by hard work.¼ ¨avi®ary© ²/ÚeIvIErI ³US: ²-vIerI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´place for keeping birds, eÔg in a zoo.¼ ¨avi®ation© ²/*eIvIÚeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´(art and science of) flying in aircraft. ¸Ú@ spirit, ´high-octane motor spirit used in aircraft engines. ¸avi®ator ²/ÚeIvIeItE(r)/ ³n ´airman (now usu ³pilot ´or ³captain´) who controls an aircraft, airship or balloon.¼ ¨avid© ²/ÚavId/ ³adj ·@ for, ´eager, greedy: ³@ for fame/applause. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ity ²/EÚvIdEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´eagerness: ³He accepted the offer with @ity.¼ ¨avo®cado© ²/*avEÚkqdE8/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-dE8z/³) ´(also ³alligator pear´) pear-shaped tropical fruit. µ¥ ´the illus at µfruit.¼ ¨avo®ca®tion© ²/*avEÚkeI2n/ ³n ´(formal) occupation that is not a person's ordinary business.¼ ¨avoid© ²/EÚvãId/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,C] ´keep or get away from; escape: ³Try to @ danger. We only just @ed an accident. You can hardly @ meeting her if you both work in the same office. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be @ed. ¸@®ance ²/-Ens/ ³n ¶[U] ´act of @ing: ³the @ance of bad companions; @ance of taxation, ´eÔg by not buying taxed goods such as tobacco and wine.¼ ¨avoir®du®pois© ²/*avEdEÚpãIz/ ³n ´system of weights used, before metrication, in most English-speaking countries (1 pound = 16 ounces), used for all goods except precious metals and stones, and medicines. µ¥ App 5.¼ ¨avouch© ²/EÚvñ8t2/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,9,3A] ´(liter; now rare) assert; guarantee: ³@ (for) sth.¼ ¨avow© ²/EÚvñ8/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,25 ´reflex¶] ´(formal) admit; declare openly: ³@ a fault. He @ed himself (to be) a Christian. ¸@al ²/-El/ ³n ¶[U] ´free and open confession; ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³make an @al of one's sentiments. ¸@®ed®ly ²/EÚvñ8IdlI/ ³adv ´by confession; openly: ³He was @edly in the wrong.¼ ¨avun®cu®lar© ²/EÚvAGkj8lE(r)/ ³adj ´(joc) of or like an uncle (esp a benevolent uncle).¼ ¨await© ²/EÚweIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´(of persons) wait for: ³I @ your instructions. ¸2 ´be in store for; be waiting for: ³A hearty welcome @s you. Death @s all men.¼ ¨awake©1 ²/EÚweIk/ ³vi (pt µawoke ²/EÚwE8k/, ³pp µawoke ´or µ@d³) (pp ´rare³) ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´= µwake. ´(³awake ´is preferred for the fig uses, intrans, and ³awaken ´for the fig uses, trans) ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ´become conscious of, realize: ³He awoke to his opportunities. You must @ to the fact ´(= You must realize) ³that failure will mean disgrace. When he awoke to his surroundings«, ´realized where he was«. ¶[VP4B] ³He awoke to find himself famous, ´learnt, the next day, that he was famous.¼ ¨awake©2 ²/EÚweIk/ ³pred adj ´roused from sleep: ³Is he @ or asleep? ·@ to, ´aware of: ³be @ to what is going on/to a danger/to one's own interests.¼ ¨awaken© ²/EÚweIkEn/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´= µawake ´(³awaken ´is preferred for fig uses, trans). ¸2 ¶[VP14] ·@ sb to sth, ´make sb aware of: ³@ sb to a sense of his responsibility/to a sense of shame. ¸@®ing ²/EÚweIknIG/ ³n ´act of becoming aware, of realizing, esp sth unpleasant: ³It was a rude @ing when he was told that he was to be dismissed for inefficiency.¼ ¨award© ²/EÚwcd/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,12A,13A] ´give or grant (by official decision): ³He was @ed the first prize. The judge @ed her $200 as damages. The gold medal was @ed to Mr Brown for his fine show of vegetables. ´¹ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´decision made by a judge or arbitrator. ¸2 ´sth given as the result of such a decision, eÔg a prize in a competition: ³His horse was given the highest @ at the show. ¸3 ´money granted to a student at a university, etc.¼ ¨aware© ²/EÚweE(r)/ ³pred adj ·@ of/that, ´having knowledge or realization: ³Are you @ that you're sitting on my hat? We are fully @ of the gravity of the situation. Without being @ of it«; I was not @ (of) how deeply he had felt the death of his mother. ¸@®ness ³n ¶[U].¼ ¨awash© ²/EÚwo2/ ³pred adj ´washed over by, level with, the waves: ³rocks @ at high tide. The ship's deck was @.¼ ¨away© ²/EÚweI/ ³adv part ¸1 ´to or at a distance (from the place, person, etc in question): ³The sea is two miles @. The shops are only a few minutes' walk @. Is our next football match at home or @, ´on our ground or on the ground of our opponents? ³It's an @ match. Take these things @, ´remove them. ³Keep the baby @ from the fire. Don't look @ ´(iÔe in a different direction) ³while I'm taking your photograph. ¸2 ·@ with «, ´(used in verbless exclamations): ³A@ with them! ´Take them @! ¸3 ´continuously; constantly: ³He was working @. He was laughing/muttering/grumbling @. µ¥ grumble(1), laugh±2µ(2), mutter. ¸4 ´(used with ³vv ´to indicate loss, lessening, weakening, exhaustion): ³The water has all boiled @, ´There is no water left. µ¥ blaze±2µ(4), boil±2µ(4), die±2µ(3), explain(2), melt(1). ¸5 ´(in phrases): ·far and @, ´very much: ³This is far and @ better. ·out and @, ´beyond comparison: ³This is out and @ the best. ·right/straight @, ´at once, without delay.¼ ¨awe©1 ²/c/ ³n ¶[U] ´respect combined with fear and reverence: ³He had a feeling of awe as he was taken before the judge. Savages often live in awe of nature. The lazy boy stood in awe of his stern teacher. ¸Úawe-inspiring ³adj ´filling with awe: ³an awe-inspiring sight. ¸Úawe-stricken, Úawe-struck ³adjj ´suddenly filled with awe. ¸Úawe®some ²/-sEm/ ³adj ´causing awe.¼ ¨awe©2 ²/c/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·awe (into), ´strike with awe, fill with awe: ³I was awed by his solemn words. He awed them into obedience. The children were awed into silence.¼ ¨aweigh© ²/EÚweI/ ³adv ´(naut, of an anchor) hanging just clear of the sea bottom.¼ ¨aw®ful© ²/Úcfl/ ³adj ¸1 ´terrible; dreadful: ³He died an @ death. His sufferings were @ to behold. ¸2 ´(colloq, intensive) very bad; very great; extreme of its kind: ³What an @ nuisance! What @ handwriting/weather! ¸@ly ²/ÚcflI/ ³adv ´(chiefly colloq) very (much): ³It has been @ly hot this week. I'm @ly sorry. Thanks @ly.¼ ¨awhile© ²/EÚwñIl ³US: ²EÚhwñIl/ ³adv ´for a short time: ³Stay @.¼ ¨awk®ward© ²/ÚckwEd/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of objects, places) not well designed for use; (of circumstances, etc) likely to cause inconvenience or difficulty: ³This is an @ staircase. This is an @ corner; there have been several road accidents here. The handle of this teapot has an @ shape. The meeting was at 9 o'clock, which was an @ time for many people. It's @ that Brown should be unable to play in our team this week. ·an @ customer, ´(colloq) person or animal difficult or dangerous to deal with. ¸2 ´(of living things) clumsy; having little skill: ³The child is still @ with his knife and fork. Some animals are @ on land but able to move easily in the water. ·the Ú@ age, ´years when adolescents are lacking in self-confidence. ¸3 ´embarrassed: ³an @ silence/pause. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨awl© ²/cl/ ³n ´small pointed tool for making holes, esp in leather or wood. µ¥ ´the illus at µtool.¼ ¨awn®ing© ²/ÚcnIG/ ³n ´canvas covering (against rain or sun), eÔg over a ship's deck, over or before doors or windows.¼ ¨awoke© µ¥ awake.¼ ¨awry© ²/EÚrñI/ ³adv, pred adj ´crooked(ly); wrong(ly): ³Our plans have gone @, ´have gone wrong.¼ ¨ax©, axe ²/aks/ ³n (pl µaxes ²/ÚaksIz/³) ´tool for felling trees or splitting wood, µ¥ ´the illus at µtool´: ³apply the axe to public expenditure, ´reduce its cost by economies, etc. ·*have an Úaxe to grind, ´(fig) have private interests to serve. ·get the axe, ´(colloq) be dismissed from one's job. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(colloq) reduce, eÔg costs, public services; dismiss: ³He's just been axed, ´iÔe to save money.¼ ¨ax®iom© ²/ÚaksIEm/ ³n ´statement accepted as true without proof or argument. ¸axio®matic ²/*aksIEÚmatIk/ ³adj ´of the nature of an @; clear and evident without proof: ³It is @atic that a whole is greater than any of its parts.¼ ¨axis© ²/ÚaksIs/ ³n (pl µaxes ²/Úaksiz/³) ¸1 ´line round which a turning object spins. ¸the earth's @, ´the imaginary line joining the North and South Poles through the centre of the earth, on which the earth rotates once in twenty-four hours. ¸2 ´line that divides a regular figure into two symmetrical parts, eÔg the diameter of a circle. ¸3 ´political connection (not always an alliance) between two or more states: ³the BerlinÅRomeÅTokyo A@ ´(before 1939); ³A@ powers.¼ ¨axle© ²/Úaksl/ ³n ¸1 ´rod upon or with which a wheel turns. ¸2 ´bar or rod that passes through the centres of a pair of wheels: ³the back @ of a bus.¼ ¨ayah© ²/ÚñIE/ ³n ´(In India and Pakistan) native nurse-maid; lady's maid-servant.¼ ¨aye©1, ay ²/ñI/ ³int, adv ´(Scot and regional) yes; (naval) usual reply to an order: ·*³Aye, ·*³aye, sir! ´¹ ³n pl ´vote or person supporting a proposal: ³The ayes have it, ´Those for it are in the majority.¼ ¨aye©2 ²/eI/ ³adv ´(old use) always: ³for @.¼ ¨aza®lea© ²/EÚzeIlIE/ ³n ´(kinds of) flowering shrub of the rhododendron genus.¼ ¨azi®muth© ²/ÚazImET/ ³n ´(astron) angular distance extending from the zenith to the horizon; (surveying) angle measured clockwise from the south or north.¼ ¨az®ure© ²/ÚaZE(r)/ ³adj, n ´(poet) bright blue: ³an @ sky.¼ ¨B©, b ²/bi/ ³n (pl µB's, b's ²/biz/³) ´the second letter of the English alphabet.¼ ¨baa© ²/bq/ ³n ´cry of a sheep or lamb. ¹ ³vi µ(baaing, ³pt µbaaed ´or µbaa'd ²/bqd/³) ´make this cry; bleat. ¸Ú@-lamb ³n ´child's word for a sheep or lamb.¼ ¨baas© ²/bqs/ ³n ´(S Africa) boss.¼ ¨babble© ²/Úbabl/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,B,C] ´talk in a way that is difficult to understand; make sounds like a baby; (of streams, etc) murmur. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (out), ´repeat foolishly; tell (a secret): ³@ (out) nonsense/secrets. ¹ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´childish or foolish talk; confused talk not clearly to be understood (as when many people are talking at once). ¸2 ´gentle sound of water flowing over stones, etc. ¸bab®bler ²/ÚbablE(r)/ ³n ´person who @s, esp one who tells secrets.¼ ¨babe© ²/beIb/ ³n ¸1 ´(liter) baby. ¸2 ´inexperienced and easily deceived person. ¸3 ´(US sl) girl or young woman.¼ ¨babel© ²/ÚbeIbl/ ³n ¸1 the Tower of B@, ´tower built to reach heaven. µ(Gen 11). ¸2 ³(sing ´with ³indef art) ´scene of noisy and confused talking: ³What a @! A @ of voices could be heard from the schoolroom.¼ ¨ba®boo©, babu ²/Úbqbu/ ³n ´(as Hindu title) Mr; Hindu gentleman; Hindu clerk; (old use, pej) Hindu affecting English speech and manners.¼ ¨ba®boon© ²/bEÚbun ³US: ²ba-/ ³n ´large monkey (of Africa and southern Asia) with a dog-like face. µ¥ ´the illus at µape.¼ ¨baby© ²/ÚbeIbI/ ³n (pl µ-bies³) ¸1 ´very young child: ³She has a ·*³@-·Ú³boy/·Ú³girl. Which of you is the @ ´(= the youngest member) ³of the family? ·(be left) carrying/holding/to carry/to hold the @, ´(colloq) be left responsible for sth one does not wish to be responsible for (because of its difficulty or distastefulness. ¸Ú@ carriage, ´(US) pram. ¸Ú@-faced, ´looking much younger than one's age. ¸Ú@-farmer, ´(often pej) woman who contracts to keep (esp unwanted) babies. ¸Ú@-minder, ´woman paid to look after a @ for long periods (eÔg while the mother is out working). ¸Ú@-sit®ter, ´person paid to look after a @ for a short time (eÔg while its parents are at the cinema). Hence, ¸Ú@-sit ³vi, ¸Ú@-sit®ting ³n ¸Ú@-talk ³n ´kind of speech used by or to babies with distorted vocabulary and syntax. ¸2 ´(used attrib) very small of its kind: ³a ·³@ car, ´a small motor-car. ¸@ Úgrand, ´small grand piano. ¸3 ´(sl) girl; sweetheart. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(colloq) treat like a @: ³Don't @ the boy! ¸Ú@®hood ³n ´state of being a @; time when one is a @. ¸@®ish ³adj ´of or like a @: ³@ish behaviour.¼ ¨bac®ca®laur®eate© ²/*bakEÚlcrIEt/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´last secondary school examination in France. ¸2 ´university degree of Bachelor.¼ ¨bac®ca®rat© ²/ÚbakErq/ ³n ¶[U] ´gambling game with playing cards.¼ ¨bac®cha®nal© ²/ÚbakEnl/ ³adj ¸1 ´of or like Bacchus ²/ÚbakEs/ ´(the Gk god of wine) or his rites. ¸2 ´wild, excited, drunken: ³a @ feast. ¹ ³n ¸1 ´follower of Bacchus; drunken reveller. ¸2 ´dance or song in honour of Bacchus; merrymaking. ¸bac®cha®na®lian ²/*bakEÚneIlIEn/ ³adj ´of @s; noisy and drunken.¼ ¨baccy© ²/ÚbakI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(colloq) tobacco.¼ ¨bach®elor© ²/Úbat2ElE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´unmarried man, µ¥ spinster´; (attrib) of, suitable for, an unmarried person: ³a @ ´(= independent unmarried) ³girl; @ flats. ¸2 ´(man or woman who has taken the) first university degree: ³B@ of Arts/Science.¼ ¨ba®cil®lus© ²/bEÚsIlEs/ ³n (pl µ-cilli ²/-ÚsIlñI/³) ´rod-shaped bacterium, esp one of the types that cause disease.¼ ¨back©1 ²/bak/ ³n ¸1 ´(of the human body) surface of the body from the neck to the buttocks; spine, µ¥ ´the illus at µskeleton´: ³If you lie on your @, you can look up at the sky. He slipped and fell on his @. ·at the @ of sb; at sb's @, ´giving him support or protection: ³He knows that he has the head of the Department at his @, ´that the head is ready to support him. Cf ³back sb up. ·do/say sth behind sb's @, ´without his knowledge (always in connection with sth unpleasant, such as slander). ·break one's @, ´fracture or dislocate one's spine; (fig) work (too) strenuously. ·break the @ of sth ´(eÔg a piece of work), finish the hardest or larger part of it. ·get off sb's @, ´stop being a burden or hindrance. ·give sb a @; make a @ for sb, ´bend down in the game of leapfrog, or to enable sb to climb on one's @ in order to get over a wall, etc. ·be glad to see the @ of sb, ´feel pleased to see him go away. ·be with/have one's @ to the wall, ´be in a difficult position, forced to defend oneself. ·be on one's @, ´(esp) be ill in bed. ·put one's @ into sth, ´work at it with all one's energy. ·put/get sb's @ up, ´make him angry. ·turn one's @ on sb, ´turn away from him in an impolite way; avoid, shun, him. ¸2 ´upper surface of an animal's body: ³Fasten the saddle on the horse's @. ¸3 ´that part of a chair or seat on which a person's @ rests. ¸4 ´(contrasted with ³front´) that surface of an object that is less used, less visible or important: ³the @ of one's hand, ´with the nails and knuckles. ³You can't cut with the @ of the knife. You can't see the @ of your head. You write the address on the front of an envelope, not on the @. ¸5 ´(contrasted with ³front´) that part of a thing that is farthest from the front: ³a room at the @ of the house; a garden at the @ of a house. ¸the B@s, ´lawns and grounds (on the River Cam) of some Cambridge colleges. ¸6 ·break her @, ´(of a ship) break in two. ¸7 ´(football, etc) ³(centre-·Ú³@; half-·Ú³@) ´player whose position is behind, near the goal. µ¥ ´the illus at µfootball.¼ ¨back©2 ²/bak/ ³adv part ¸1 ´(contrasted with ³forward´) to or at the rear; away from the front or the centre: ³Stand @, please! The police held the crowd @. Fasten the curtains @. Sit @ in your chair and be comfortable. The house stands @ ´(iÔe at some distance) ³from the road. ·go @ (up)on/from one's word, ´fail to keep a promise. ·(in) @ of, ´(US colloq) behind: ³the houses @ of the church. ¸2 ´in(to) an earlier position or condition: ³Put the dictionary @ on the shelf. Throw the ball @ to me. Call that boy @. We shall be @ ´(= home again) ³before dark. Shall we walk @ or ride @? How far is it there and @? My brother is just @ ´(iÔe has just returned home) ³from Paris. The company is now @ on its feet, ´has re-established itself after a period of financial, etc difficulties. ·@ and forth µ¥ forth. ¸3 ´in return: ³If I hit you, would you hit me @? Don't answer @, ´Don't retort or argue. ³When can you pay @ ´(= repay) ³the money you borrowed? ·have/get one's Úown @ (on sb), ´(colloq) have one's revenge. ¸4 ´(of time) ago; into the past: ³some few years @; far @ in the Middle Ages.¼ ¨back©3 ²/bak/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15A,2A,C] ´go or cause to go @wardµ(2)´: ³The horse @ed suddenly. He @ed the car into/out of the garage. The wind @ed, ´changed gradually in an anti-clockwise direction (eÔg from E through NÔE to N). µ¥ veer. ·@ the oars; @ water, ´use the oars to reverse a boat's forward motion. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (up), ´support: ³@ a friend in an argument or quarrel; @ up an argument. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-up ³n ´(colloq) support; spare±1´. ·@ a bill/note, ´endorse it as a promise to pay money if necessary. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´bet money on (a horse, a greyhound): ³The favourite was heavily @ed, ´Much money was bet on its winning the race. ¸4 ¶[VP2C] ·@ Údown (from), ´give up a claim, etc: ³I see he has @ed down from the position he took last week. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-down ³n´. ·@ off, ´give up a claim. ·@ out (of), ´withdraw (from a promise or undertaking): ³He promised to help and then @ed out. He's trying to @ out of his bargain, ´escape from the agreement. ¸5 ¶[VP6A] ´put or be a lining to; put on as a surface at the @: ³@ed with sheet iron. ¸6 ¶[VP6A,3A] ·@ (on) (to), ´be situated at the @ of: ³Our garden @s theirs. Their house @s on (to) our garden. ¸@er ³n ¸1 ´person who @s a horse. ¸2 ´person who gives support or help (eÔg to a political movement); person who gives financial support to an undertaking. ¸@®ing ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´help; support; ¶[C] ´body of supporters: ³The new leader has a large @ing. ¸2 ¶[U] ´material used to form a thing's @ or support. ¸3 ¶[U,C] ´(pop music) musical accompaniment to a singer: ³vocal/instrumental @ing.¼ ¨back©4 ²/bak/ ³n ´(used attrib, and in compounds, with references to the articles on the ³n, adv part ´and ³v ´above) ¸1 µ¥ back±1µ(1,2). ¸Ú@®ache ³n ¶[U,C] ´ache or pain in the @. ¸Ú@®band ³n ´strap over a horse's cart-saddle, supporting the shafts of a cart or carriage. ¸Ú@®bone ³n ¸(a) ´line of bones down the middle of the @, from the skull to the hips; spine, spinal column; µ¥ ´the illus at µskeleton´, (fig) chief support: ³Such men are the @bone of the country. ¸(b) ¶[U] ´(fig) strength; firmness: ³He hasn't enough @bone, ´is weak in character. ¸(c) ·to the @bone, ´(fig) completely; in every way: ³He's British to the @bone. ¸Ú@-break®ing ³adj ´(of work) exhausting. ¸2 µ¥ back±1µ(4,5). ¸*@®Úhand(ed) ³adj´: ³@hand blow/stroke, ´one that is delivered with the @ of the hand turned outwards, or in a direction different from what is usual or expected. µ¥ forehand´. Hence, (fig): ³a @handed compliment, ´one that is ambiguous (eÔg suggesting sarcasm). ¸Ú@®scratcher ³n ¸(a) ´device with claws on a long handle for scratching the @ (when there is an irritation, etc). ¸(b) ´flatterer. µ¥ scratch ³vÔµ(5). ¸Ú@-stroke ³n ¸(a) ¶[U] ´swimming stroke done on the @, rotating the arms alternately. ¸(b) ¶[C] ´@-handed stroke. ¸Ú@®sword ³n ´sword with only one cutting edge. ¸3 µ¥ back±1µ(5) ´and µback±2µ(1). ·*@-to-Ú@, ´(of housing) of two rows of terrace houses, often separated by a narrow alley, with the @s facing. ¸*@-Úbench(er) ³n ´(person occupying) one of the seats in the House of Commons (or other law-making body) used by those members, who, because they do not or have not held office, are not entitled to a front-bench seat. µ¥ bench(1). ¸Ú@-blocks ³n pl ´(in Australia) areas of land a long way from a railway, river, the sea-coast, etc and thinly populated. ¸Ú@®board ³n ´movable board at the @ of a cart. ¸Ú@®cloth ³n ´painted cloth hung at the @ of a stage in a theatre, as part of the scenery. ¸*@®Údoor ³n ´door at the @ of a house or other building; (attrib, fig) secret or indirect; clandestine: ³@door influence. ¸Ú@®drop ³n ´= @cloth. ¸Ú@®ground ³n ¸(a) ´that part of a view, scene (and, fig, a description) that serves as a setting for the chief objects, persons, etc. µ¥ foreground. ¸(b) ´person's past experiences, education, environment. ¸(c) ´contemporary condition(s): ³the social and political @ground; ´(comm) details necessary to an understanding of company business: ³B@ground information will be supplied at the Board meeting. ¸(d) ·(be/keep/stay) in the @ground, ´away from publicity; hidden. ¸(e) ¸@ground music/effects, etc, ´music, etc that accompanies dialogue, action, etc (eÔg in a radio or TV programme or a cinema film) but is not essential to the story, etc. ¸@®less ³adj ´(of a dress), not covering the @; cut to the waist at the @: ³a @less gown. ¸Ú@®most ³adj ´farthest from the front. ¸Ú@®room ³n ´room at the @ of a building. ·@room boys, ´(colloq) scientists, engineers, research workers in offices and laboratories. ¸*@®Úseat ³n ´seat at the @. ·take a @seat, ´(fig) behave as if one were unimportant; humble oneself. ¸*@®seat Údriver, ´passenger (in a car) who corrects or advises the driver. ¸Ú@®side ³n ´(colloq) buttocks: ³give sb a kick on the @side. ¸*@®Ústage ³adv ¸(a) ´behind the scenes (in a theatre): ³I was taken @stage by the leading actor. ¸(b) ´(attrib): ³@stage life, ´of actors and actresses when not on the stage. ¸*@®Ústair ³adj ´secret; underhand: ³@stair influence. ¸*@®Ústairs ³n ´staircase from servants' quarters: (attrib) ³@stairs gossip, ´iÔe among servants. ¸Ú@®stays ³n pl ´(naut) set of ropes from the mast-head to the sides of a ship, sloping towards the stern. ¸Ú@®wash ³n ´movement of water going away in waves, esp the rush of water behind a ship; (fig) unpleasant after-effects of sth done. ¸Ú@®water ³n ¸(a) ´part of a river not reached by its current, where the water does not flow. ¸(b) ´(fig) place, condition of mind, untouched by events, progress, etc: ³living in an intellectual @water, ´untouched by new ideas, etc. ¸Ú@®woods ³n pl ´uncleared forest land; (fig) culturally backward area. ¸Ú@®woods®man ²/-mEn/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´man who lives in the @woods; (fig) old-fashioned person. ¸@ Úyard ³n ´(esp of terraced houses) (usu paved) area at the @ of a house: ³The dustbin is kept in the @ yard. ¸4 µ¥ back±2µ(1). ´to an earlier point in time; to a former place. ¸*@®Údate ³vt ´date @ to a time in the past: ³The wage increases are to be @dated to the first of January. ¸*@®Úfire ³n ´(sound caused by the) too early explosion of gas in an internal combustion engine, causing the piston to move in the wrong direction. µ¹ ³vi ´produce, make the sound of, a @fire; (fig) produce an unexpected or undesired result: ³The plot @fired. ¸Ú@-formation ³n ¶[U,C] ´(process of making a) word that appears to be the root of a longer word (eÔg ³televise, ´from ³television´). ¸Ú@®log ³n ´accumulation of work or business (eÔg arrears of unfulfilled orders) not yet attended to. ¸Ú@ num®ber ³n ¸(a) ´issue of a periodical of an earlier date, not now on sale. ¸(b) ´(fig, colloq) out-of-date or old-fashioned method, thing, person, etc. ¸Ú@ pay/rent/taxes, etc, ³n ´pay, etc in arrears; pay, etc that is overdue. ¸*@®Úpedal ³vi ´(on a bicycle, etc) pedal @wards; (fig) retreat hurriedly from sth stated or promised. ¸*@®Úslide ³vi ¶[VP2A] ´fall back from good ways into bad old ways of living; lose interest in religious practice, morality, etc. ¸*@®Úspace ³vi ´move the carriage of a typewriter @ one or more spaces by pressing the key (called the ·Ú³@spacer key´) used for this purpose. ¸5 µ¥ back±2µ(3). ´in return; in reply. ¸Ú@®bite ³vt,vi ´slander the reputation of (sb who is absent); speak slanderously about an absent person. Hence, ¸Ú@®biter ³n ´person who @bites. ¸Ú@®chat ³n ¶[U] ´(colloq) (exchange of) impertinent remarks: ³I want none of your @chat. ¸Ú@®lash ³n ¶[U] ¸(a) ´excessive movement caused by loose connections between mechanical parts (often causing @ward movement). ¸(b) ´(fig) antagonistic reaction (esp in social or race relations). ¸Ú@®talk ³n ¶[U] ´= @chat.¼ ¨back®gam®mon© ²/bakÚgamEn ³US: ²Úbak-/ ³n ¶[U] ´game for two players, played on a special double board with draughts and dice.¼ ¨back®sheesh© µ¥ baksheesh.¼ ¨back®ward© ²/ÚbakwEd/ ³adj ¸1 ´towards the back or the starting-point: ³a @ glance/movement; a @ flow of water. ¸2 ´having made, making, less than the usual or normal progress: ³This part of the country is still @; there are no railways or roads and no electricity. Because of his long illness, Tom is @ in his studies. ´Cf ³well up in. Spring is @ this year. ¸3 ´shy; reluctant; hesitant: ³Although he is clever, he is @ in giving his views. ¹ adv ¸@(s), ¸1 ´away from one's front; towards the back: ³He looked @(s) over his shoulder. ¸2 ´with the back or the end first: ³It's not easy to walk @(s). Can you say the alphabet @(s), ´iÔe ZYXWV, etc? ·know sth @ward(s), ´know it perfectly; be quite familiar with it. ·@(s) and forward(s), ´first in one direction and then in the other: ³travelling @(s) and forward(s) between London and the south coast. Cf ³back and forth; to and fro.¼ ¨ba®con© ²/ÚbeIkEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig. ·bring home the @, ´(sl) succeed in one's undertaking. ·save one's @, ´(colloq) escape death, injury, punishment.¼ ¨bac®ter®ium© ²/bakÚtIErIEm/ ³n (pl µ-ria ²/-rIE/³) ´(kinds of) simplest and smallest form of plant life, existing in air, water and soil, and in living and dead creatures and plants, essential to animal life and sometimes a cause of disease. ¸bac®ter®ial ²/-rIEl/ ³adj ´of bacteria: ³bacterial contamination. ¸bac®teri®ol®ogy ²/bak*tIErIÚolEdZI/ ³n ´science or study of bacteria. ¸bac®teri®ol®ogist ²/-dZIst/ ³n ´student of, expert in, bacteriology.¼ ¨bad©1 ²/bad/ ³adj µ(worse, worst) ¸1 ´wicked, evil, immoral: ³It is bad to steal. He leads a bad life. ·act in bad faith, ´dishonestly, insincerely. ·a bad egg/hat/lot, ´(dated sl) morally unreliable person. ·call sb bad names, ´insult him. ¸bad language, ´swear words; (the use of) obscene or profane words merely to insult or for emphasis. µ¥ p xi. ¸bad word, ´swear-word. ¸2 ´unpleasant; disagreeable; unwelcome: ³We've had some bad news. What bad weather we're having! There's a bad smell here. The way he was sacked created a bad odour, ´(fig) created unpleasant feelings. ¸3 ´(of things that are in themselves undesirable) notable; noticeable; serious: ³That was a bad mistake. He's had a bad accident. There's been a bad falling-off in attendance. ¸4 ´inferior; worthless; incorrect; of poor quality: ³His pronunciation is bad. He speaks bad English. What a bad drawing! You can't take photographs if the light is bad. ·be in a bad way, ´be very ill or unfortunate; be in trouble or difficulty. ·be in bad (with), ´(US colloq) be in disfavour: ³He's in bad with the boss. ·go from bad to worse, ´become seriously worse. ·with bad grace, ´showing unwillingness. ·not (so) bad, ´(colloq understatement) quite good. ·not half bad, ´very good. ¸a bad business/job, ´(colloq) an unfortunate affair. ¸bad debt, ´one unlikely to be paid. ¸Úbad-lands, ´(US) barren, infertile regions. ¸bad law, ´one that cannot be sustained or held to be valid. ¸bad shot, ´(fig) wrong guess. ¸5 ´not able to be eaten; rotten: ³bad eggs/meat. ·go bad, ´become unfit to eat: ³Don't let that fish go badÅput it in the fridge. ¸6 ·bad for, ´hurtful or injurious for; unsuitable for: ³Smoking is bad for the health. Very small print is bad for the eyes. It's bad for him to live alone. ¸7 ´in ill health, diseased: ³a bad ´(= sore) ³finger; a bad leg, ´causing pain; (colloq) ³She feels bad today. ·be taken bad, ´(colloq) fall ill; become more ill: ³She was taken bad during the night. ¸8 ´(colloq) unfortunate: ³It's too bad she's so ill. ¸9 ´(colloq) sorry; bothered: ³I feel so bad about not being able to help you. ¸bad®ly ³adv µ(worse, worst) ´(Cf ³well, better, best.´) ¸1 ´in a bad manner; roughly; untidily, etc: ³badly made/dressed/wounded. ¸2 ´by much: ³badly beaten at football; badly in need of repair. ¸3 ´(with ³want, need´) ´very much: ³She wants it badly. ¸4 ·badly off, ´poor. ·badly off for, ´in need of. ¸bad®ness ³n ´quality of being bad: ³the badness of the weather/climate.¼ ¨bad©2 ²/bad/ ³n ¶[U] ´that which is bad: ³take the bad with the good, ´take bad fortune with good fortune. ·go to the bad, ´become completely immoral; become ruined. ·to the bad, ´(accounts) in loss: ³I am $50 to the bad, ´have lost $50 as the result (of the deal, etc).¼ ¨bade© ²/bad/ ³pt µ¥ bid±1µ(3).¼ ¨badge© ²/badZ/ ³n ¸1 ´sth worn (usu a design on cloth or made of metal) to show a person's occupation, rank, etc or membership of a society. ¸2 ´(fig) sth that shows a quality or condition: ³Chains are a @ of slavery.¼ ¨badger©1 ²/ÚbadZE(r)/ ³n ´small, grey animal living in holes in the earth and going about at night. µ¥ ´the illus at µsmall.¼ ¨badger©2 ²/ÚbadZE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14,16A] ·@ sb (with questions, etc)/(for sth)/(into doing sth), ´worry or tease: ³Tom has been @ing his uncle to buy him a camera. I was @ed into doing what she wanted.¼ ¨ba®di®nage© ²/ÚbadInqZ ³US: ²*badEnÚqZ/ ³n ¶[U] ´banter.¼ ¨bad®min®ton© ²/ÚbadmIntEn/ ³n ´game played with rackets and shuttlecocks across a high, narrow net.¼ ¨baffle©1 ²/Úbafl/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´puzzle; prevent (sb) from doing sth; be too difficult to do, understand, etc: ³One of the examination questions @d me completely. They were @d in their attempt. The scene @d all description, ´could not be described.¼ ¨baffle©2 ²/Úbafl/ ³n ´plate, board, screen or other device, used to hinder or control the flow of a gas, a liquid or sound through an inlet or outlet.¼ ¨bag©1 ²/bag/ ³n ¸1 ´container made of flexible material (paper, cloth, leather) with an opening at the top, used for carrying things from place to place: ·Ú³shopping-bag; ·Ú³travelling-bag; ·Ú³handbag; ·Ú³kitbag; ·Ú³tool-bag; ·Ú³mailbag, µ¥ ´these words. ·bag and baggage, ´with all one's belongings (used esp of sb who is expelled). ·a bag of bones, ´a very thin person or animal. ·let the cat out of the bag, ´tell a secret (without intending to do so). ·pack one's bags, ´pack (for a journey). ·the whole bag of tricks, ´(colloq) everything needed for a purpose; the whole lot. ¸2 ´(= ³Úgame-bag´) all the birds, animals, etc shot or caught: ³They secured a good bag. ·be in the bag, ´(colloq) (of results, outcomes, etc) be as desired: ³The election is in the bag. ¸3 ·bags of, ´(sl) plenty of: ³There's bags of room. He has bags of money. ¸4 ·bags under the eyes, ´(colloq) puffiness under the eyes (eÔg from lack of sleep). ¸5 old bag, ´(colloq) fussy, unattractive, boring woman.¼ ¨bag©2 ²/bag/ ³vt,vi µ(-gg-) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B] ´put into a bag or bags: ³to bag (up) wheat. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´(of sportsmen) kill or catch: ³They bagged nothing except a couple of rabbits. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´(colloq) take (sb else's property, etc without permission, but not intending to steal): ³Who has bagged my matches? She bagged ´(= occupied, sat in) ³the most comfortable chair. Try to bag an empty table, ´secure one (eÔg in a crowded restaurant). ¸4 ¶[VP2A,C] ´hang loosely, looking like a cloth bag: ³trousers that bag at the knees.¼ ¨baga®telle© ²/*bagEÚtel/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´kind of game like billiards, played on a board with holes instead of pockets. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(often ·a mere @´) ´sth small and of no importance. ¸3 ¶[C] ´musical trifle.¼ ¨bag®gage© ²/ÚbagIdZ/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´(more usu, except in US, ³luggage´) ´all the bags, trunks, etc with which a person travels. ¸Ú@ room, ´(US) left luggage office. ¸2 ´tents, bedding, equipment, etc, of an army: ·Ú³@ animals, ·Ú³@ train, etc, ´animals, carts, trucks, etc, carrying @. ¸3 ´(dated) (playfully) saucy girl: ³You little @!¼ ¨baggy© ²/ÚbagI/ ³adj ´hanging in loose folds: ³trousers @ at the knees; @ skin under the eyes.¼ ¨bagnio© ²/ÚbqnIE8/ ³n ´(old use) ¸1 ´prison. ¸2 ´brothel.¼ ¨bag®pipe© ²/ÚbagpñIp/ ³n ´(often ¸the @s´) musical instrument with air stored in a bag of wind held under one arm and pressed out through pipes in which there are reeds. µ¥ ´the illus at µkilt.¼ ¨bags© ²/bagz/ ³n pl ´(colloq) trousers: ³Oxford @. µ¥ debag.¼ ¨bah© ²/bq/ ³int ´used as a sign of contempt.¼ ¨bail©1 ²/beIl/ ³n ¶[U] ´sum of money demanded by a law court, paid by or for a person accused of wrongdoing, as security that he will appear for his trial, until which time he is allowed to go free. ·go/put in/stand @ (for sb), ´pay money to secure his freedom in this way. ·(be) out on @, ´free after payment of @. ·forfeit one's @, ´fail to appear for trial. ·refuse @, ´(of a judge) refuse to accept @ and give freedom to a prisoner. ·surrender to one's @, ´appear for trial after being out on @. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP15B] ·@ sb out, ´obtain his freedom until trial by payment of @. ¸@ee ²/*beIÚli/ ³n ´(legal) person(s) to whom permission is given to have the goods of another (eÔg a laundry which accepts goods for washing or dry-cleaning). ¸@®ment ³n ´(legal) delivery of goods to a @ee. ¸@or ²/ÚbeIlc(r)/ ³n ´(legal) one who delivers goods to a @ee.¼ ¨bail©2 ²/beIl/ ³n ´(cricket) either of the two cross-pieces over the three stumps. µ¥ ´the illus at µcricket.¼ ¨bail©3 ²/beIl/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B,2A,C] ·@ (out), ´throw water out of a boat with buckets, etc: ³@ing water (out); @ing (out) the boat. ¸2 ´(sometimes used for) µbale±2µ.¼ ¨bailey© ²/ÚbeIlI/ ³n ´outer wall of a castle; courtyard of a castle enclosed by strong walls. ¸Old B@, ´London Central Criminal Court.¼ ¨Bailey bridge© ²/ÚbeIlI brIdZ/ ³n ´bridge (in prefabricated sections) designed for speedy assembly, used for spanning rivers, etc. µ¥ ´the illus at µbridge.¼ ¨bail®iff© ²/ÚbeIlIf/ ³n ¸1 ´law officer who helps a sheriff. ¸2 ´landowner's agent or manager.¼ ¨bairn© ²/beEn/ ³n ´(Scot and N England) child.¼ ¨bait©1 ²/beIt/ ³n ¸1 ´food, or sth made in imitation, put on a hook to catch fish, or in nets, traps, etc to attract prey: ³The fish took/swallowed/rose to/nibbled at the @. ¸live @, ´small fish used as @ to catch large fish. ¸2 ´(fig) sth that allures or tempts. ·rise to the @, ´succumb to temptation.¼ ¨bait©2 ²/beIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´put food, real or imitation, (on a hook, etc) to catch fish, etc: ³@ a hook with a worm. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´give food to (horses on a journey); (of horses) take food. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´worry (a chained animal) by making dogs attack it: ·Ú³bear-@ing; ·Ú³bull-@ing; @ a bear with dogs. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´torment (sb) by making cruel or insulting remarks.¼ ¨baize© ²/beIz/ ³n ¶[U] ´thick woollen cloth, usu green, used for covering (tables, etc): ³a ·Ú³@-covered door; green @ for the billiard-table.¼ ¨bake© ²/beIk/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,22,2A,C] ¸1 ´cook, be cooked, by dry heat in an oven: ³@ bread/cakes; @d beans. The bread is baking/being @d. ¸2 ´make or become hard by heating: ³The sun @d the ground hard. Bricks and earthenware articles are @d in kilns. ¸3 ´be warmed or tanned: ³We are baking in the sun. ¸*half-Ú@d ³adj ´(colloq) half-witted; lacking in experience or common sense: ³half-@d ideas; a half-@d prophet. ¸*baking-Úhot ³adj ´very hot: ³a baking-hot day. ¸Úbaking-powder ³n ´mixture of powders used to make bubbles of gas in cakes, etc and so cause them to be light. ¸baker ³n ´person who @s bread, etc. ¸@r's dozen, ´thirteen. ¸bak®ery ²/ÚbeIkErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´place where bread is @d for many people.¼ ¨bake®lite© ²/ÚbeIkElñIt/ ³n ¶[U] ´(P) synthetic resin compound as formerly used for fountain pens, trays, telephones, etc.¼ ¨bak®sheesh©, back®sheesh ²/Úbak2i2/ ³n ¶[U] ´(in the Middle East) money given as a tip or as alms: ³The porter expects @ from you.¼ ¨bala®laika© ²/*balEÚlñIkE/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ´guitar-like musical instrument (triangular, with three strings), popular in Russia and other countries in eastern Europe. µ¥ ´the illus at µstring.¼ ¨bal®ance©1 ²/ÚbalEns/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14] ´weigh (a question, etc); compare (two objects, plans, etc) (in order to judge the relative weight, value, etc). ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15A] ´keep or put (sth, oneself) in a state of balance: ³Can you @ a stick on the end of your nose? How long can you @ (yourself) on one foot? ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´(accounts) compare debits and credits and record the sum needed to make them equal. ·@ the budget, ´arrange for income and expenditure to be equal. ¶[VP2A] ´(of the two sides of a balance-sheet) be equal: ³My accounts @. ¸4 ·a @d diet, ´one with the quantity and variety of food needed for good health.¼ ¨bal®ance©2 ²/ÚbalEns/ ³n ¸1 ´apparatus for weighing, with a central pivot, beam and two scales or pans. ·be/hang in the @, ´(fig, of a result) be still uncertain: ³For a long time his fate was in the @. ¸2 ´regulating apparatus of a watch or clock. ¸Ú@-wheel ³n ´wheel, in a watch, that regulates the beat. ¸3 ¶[U] ´condition of being steady; condition that exists when two opposing forces are equal. ¸checks and @s, µ¥ check±2µ(1). ·hold the @, ´have the power to decide. ·in the @, ´undecided. ·keep one's @, ´keep steady, remain upright: ³A small child has to learn to keep its @ before it can walk far. Don't get excited; keep your @, ´(fig) keep calm. ·lose one's @, ´become unsteady; fall; (fig) be upset mentally: ³He was surrounded by so many dangers that he lost his @, ´became nervous and upset. ·throw sb off his @, ´upset him; cause him to fall. ¸@ of power, ´condition in which no one country or group of countries is much stronger than another. ¸4 ¶[U] ´(in art) harmony of design and proportion: ³a picture lacking in @. ¸5 ´(accounts) difference between two columns of an account (money received and money paid out, etc). ·on @, ´taking everything into consideration. ·strike a @ (between«), ´find this difference; (fig) reach a solution or adjustment considered to be fair to all; (fig) compromise; find a middle course. ¸@ of payments, ´statement (for a stated period) of the total payments to foreign countries (for imports, outflow of capital and gold) and the total receipts from foreign countries (for exports, inflow of capital and gold). ¸@ of trade, ´difference in value between exports and imports. ¸Ú@-sheet, ´written statement of this difference, with details, showing credit and debit. ¸6 ´amount still owed after a part payment: ³@ to be paid within one week. ¸7 ¸the @, ´(colloq) the remainder of anything; what is left.¼ ¨bal®cony© ²/ÚbalkEnI/ ³n (pl µ-nies³) ¸1 ´platform (with a wall or rail) built on an outside wall of a building, reached from an upstairs room. ¸2 ´(in a theatre or concert hall) series of rows of seats above floor-level and (usu) rising one above the other. (US = ³gallery.´) ¸bal®conied ³adj ´having a @ or balconies: ³a balconied house.¼ ¨bald© ²/bcld/ ³adj µ(-er, -est) ¸1 ´(of men) having no or not much hair on the scalp; (of animals) hairless; (of birds) featherless; (of trees) leafless; (of land, hills, etc) without trees or bushes. ¸2 ´(fig) dull; without ornament: ³a @ style of writing; a @ statement of the facts, ´one that gives the facts in an uninteresting way. ¸3 Ú@-head, Ú@-pate ³n ´man with a @ head. ·go at it *@-Úheaded, ´(colloq) attack or deal with it in a reckless manner, using all one's energy. ¸@®ly ³adv ´(always fig): ³speaking @ly; to put it @ly, ´plainly, without trying to soften what one says. ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨bal®der®dash© ²/ÚbcldEda2/ ³n ¶[U] ´foolish or meaningless talk or writing.¼ ¨bal®dric© ²/ÚbcldrIk/ ³n ´belt (passing over the right shoulder to the left hip) for a sword, bugle, horn, etc.¼ ¨bale©1 ²/beIl/ ³n ¶[C] ´heap of material pressed together and tied with rope or wire: ³@s of cloth, ´(usu packed in canvas); ³@s of hay, ´(tied in string). ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make into, pack in, @s: ³to @ hay.¼ ¨bale©2 ²/beIl/ ³vt ´= bail±3µ(1). ·@ out (of), ´(of an airman) jump with a parachute from a damaged aircraft or an aircraft out of control.¼ ¨bale©3 ²/beIl/ ³n ´(old use, liter) evil. ¸@®ful ²/-f8l/ ³adj ´evil; sinister, harmful: ³@ful looks/influences. ¸@®fully ²/-f8lI/ ³adv¼ ¨balk©, baulk1 ²/bck/ ³n ¸1 ´thick, roughly squared beam of wood. ¸2 ´hindrance; obstacle; cause of delay.¼ ¨balk©, baulk2 ²/bck/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14] ´purposely get in the way of: ³@ sb's plans, ´prevent him from carrying them out; ³@ sb of his prey, ´prevent him from getting it; ³be @ed in one's purpose. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (at), ´(eÔg of a horse) refuse to go forward; hesitate: ³The horse @ed at the high hedge. Her husband @ed at the expense of the plans she had made.¼ ¨ball©1 ²/bcl/ ³n ¸1 ´any solid or hollow sphere as used in games ³(·Ú³base@, ·Ú³foot@, ·Ú³tennis-@, ·Ú³cricket-@, ´etc. µ¥ ´the illus at these ³nn). ·be on the @, ´be alert, competent (in what one is doing). ·have the @ at one's feet, ´have a good chance of attaining success. ·keep the @ rolling, ´keep the conversation, etc going. ·play @, ´(colloq) co-operate: ³The management refused to play @. ·start/set the @ rolling, ´start sth, esp conversation, going. ·The @ is in his, etc court/with him, etc, ´The next move (in talks, etc) is his, etc. ¸three @s, ´pawnbroker's sign. ¸*@-Úbearing(s), ´bearingsµ(5) ´in which friction is lessened by the use of small steel @s; ³(sing) ´one of these @s. ¸Ú@(-)cock ³n ´device which regulates the supply of water in a tank or cistern by means of a floating @ which shuts or opens a valve as the water rises and falls. ¸Ú@-pen, *@®point-Úpen, ´pen in which the ink flows round a @-bearing that rotates on contact with the paper. ¸2 ´(cricket) single delivery of the @ by the bowler. ·no @, ´delivery that breaks the rules; (baseball) any strike or throw: ³a foul @; ´(football) movement of the @ by a player: ³send over a high @. ¸3 ´material gathered, rolled or wound, into a round mass: ³a @ of wool/string; a ·Ú³snow@; a ·Ú³meat@, ´of minced meat. ¸4 ´metal missile to be fired from a gun: ·Ú³cannon-@, ´(old fashioned, cf ³shell´). ¸Ú@-cartridge, ´one containing a bullet (contrasted with ³blank cartridge´). ¸5 ´round part: ³the @ of the thumb, ´near the palm, µ¥ ´the illus at µarm´; ³the @ of the foot, ´near the base of the big toe, µ¥ ´the illus at µleg´. ¸6 ´Ï (sl) testicle. ¹ ³int ´Ï ¸@s! ´(sl) Nonsense! ¹ ³vi,vt ¸1 ´form into a @: ³The snow @ed under the horse's feet. ¸2 ´wind or squeeze into a @. ¸3 ·@s sth up, ´(sl) make a mess of it. Hence, ¸@s-up ³n ´mess.¼ ¨ball©2 ²/bcl/ ³n ´social gathering for dancing, with an organized programme, and (often) special entertainment. ¸Ú@-dress, ´woman's frock to be worn at @s. ¸Ú@®room, ´large room for @s.¼ ¨bal®lad© ²/ÚbalEd/ ³n ´simple song or poem, esp one that tells an old story.¼ ¨bal®lade© ²/baÚlqd/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´poem of one or more stanzas, each with 7, 8 or 10 lines, each ending with the same refrain line, followed by an envoy. ¸2 ´musical composition of a romantic nature.¼ ¨bal®last© ²/ÚbalEst/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´heavy material (eÔg rock, iron, sand) loaded into a ship to keep it steady. ·in @, ´carrying @ only. ¸2 ´sand or other material carried in a balloon, to be thrown out to make the balloon go higher. ¸3 ´(fig) mental stability. ¸4 ´gravel, crushed rock, etc used to make a foundation for a road, esp a railway. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´supply with @.¼ ¨bal®ler®ina© ²/*balEÚrinE/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ´(I) ´woman ballet-dancer, esp one who takes one of the chief classical roles.¼ ¨bal®let© ²/ÚbaleI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´dramatic performance, without dialogue or singing, illustrating a story by a group of dancers. ¸2 ¶[U] ´the dancers: ³a member of the @. ¸3 ¶[U] ¸the @, ´this kind of stage performance as an art. ¸Ú@-dancer, ´person who dances in @s. ¸Ú@-skirt, ´short skirt worn by a @ dancer.¼ ¨bal®lis®tic© ²/bEÚlIstIk/ ³adj ´of projectiles: ³intercontinental @ missile ¸(IÔCÔBÔM)´, long-range rocket for use in war. ¸bal®lis®tics ³n sing-v ´study, science, of projectiles.¼ ¨bal®locks© ²/ÚbolEks/ ³n pl ´Ï (vulg) ¸1 ´testicles. ¸2 ´nonsense.¼ ¨bal®loon© ²/bEÚlun/ ³n ¸1 ´bag or envelope filled with air, or with gas lighter than air: ³captive @, ´one moored to the ground. ¸Ú@ barrage, ´barrier of steel cables, supported by captive @s, intended to give protection against low-flying enemy aircraft. ¸Úbarrage @, ´one of these captive @s. ¸hot-Úair @, ´apparatus for travel in the air with a basket or car (for the passengers, etc) suspended beneath a large bag of hot gas. ¸Ú@ tyre, ´low-pressure pneumatic tyre of great width. ¸2 ´(in a strip cartoon, etc) outline for dialogue, exclamations, etc. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ´swell out like a @. ¸@®ist ³n ´person who goes up in @s.¼ ¨bal®lot© ²/ÚbalEt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´piece of paper (also ·Ú³@-paper´), ticket or ball, used in secret voting; ¶[U] ´secret voting; ¶[C] ´instance of this. ·take a @, ´decide by voting. ¸2 ´votes so recorded. ¸Ú@-box, ´box into which @-papers are dropped by voters. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (for), ´give a vote; draw lots: ³@ for precedence, ´eÔg in moving resolutions in the House of Commons.¼ ¨bally© ²/ÚbalI/ ³adj, adv ´(GB dated sl, euphem for ³bloody µ(3)´) ´(used to show the speaker's strong feelings of like or dislike, etc): ³What a @ nuisance!¼ ¨bally®hoo© ²/*balIÚhu ³US: ²ÚbalIhu/ ³n ¶[U] ´(colloq) ¸1 ´noisy publicity or advertising; vulgar or misleading ways of attracting attention. ¸2 ´uproar.¼ ¨balm© ²/bqm/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´sweet-smelling oil or ointment obtained from certain kinds of trees, used for soothing pain or healing. ¸2 ´(fig) that which gives peace of mind; consolation. ¸@y ³adj ¸1 ´(of air) soft and warm. ¸2 ´healing; fragrant. ¸3 ´(sl) = µbarmy.¼ ¨bal®oney© ²/bEÚlE8nI/ ³n ´= µboloney.¼ ¨balsa© ²/ÚbclsE/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(light-weight wood of a) tropical American tree; raft of floats fastened to a framework: (attrib) ³a @ raft.¼ ¨bal®sam© ²/ÚbclsEm/ ³n ¸1 ´= balmµ(1). ¸2 ´tree yielding balm. ¸3 ´flowering plant grown in gardens.¼ ¨bal®us®ter© ²/ÚbalEstE(r)/ ³n ´one of the upright posts supporting a handrail; ³(pl) ´banisters.¼ ¨bal®us®trade© ²/*balEÚstreId/ ³n ´row of balusters with the stonework or woodwork that joins them on top, round a balcony, terrace, flat roof, etc.¼ ¨bam®bino© ²/bamÚbinE8/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ´(I) ¸1 ´baby. ¸2 ´representation in art of the infant Jesus.¼ ¨bam®boo© ²/bamÚbu/ ³n ¶[U] ´tall plant with hard, hollow, jointed stems, of the grass family; ¶[C] ³(pl µ@s³) ´stem, used as a stick or support.¼ ¨bam®boozle© ²/bamÚbuzl/ ³vt ´(colloq) ¶[VP6A,14] ¸1 ´mystify: ³You can't @ me. ¸2 ·@ sb (into/out of) (doing) (sth) ´trick, cheat him.¼ ¨ban© ²/ban/ ³vt µ(-nn-) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´order with authority that sth must not be done, said, etc: ³a ban-the-bomb demonstration, ´one calling for nuclear disarmament. ³The play was banned by the censor. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (from) (doing) (sth), ´order with authority that sb may not do sth: ³He was @ned from (attending) the meeting. ¹ n ´(also ¸Ú@ning-order´) order that bans sth/sb: ³under a ban, ´banned.¼ ¨ba®nal© ²/bEÚnql ³US: ²ÚbeInl/ ³adj ´commonplace; uninteresting: ³@ remarks. ¸@®ity ²/bEÚnalEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´quality of being @; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´@ remark, etc: ³conversation that was chiefly @ities.¼ ¨ba®nana© ²/bEÚnqnE ³US: ²bEÚnanE/ ³n ¶[C] ´long, thick-skinned (yellow when ripe) fruit growing in bunches on the @-tree in tropical and semi-tropical countries. µ¥ ´the illus at µfruit. µ¥ plantain.¼ ¨band© ²/band/ ³n ¸1 ´flat, thin strip of material, esp for fastening things together or for placing round an object to strengthen it: ³iron @s round a barrel; papers kept together with a rubber @. ¸Ú@-saw ³n ´(eng) machine-driven saw consisting of an endless steel belt. ¸2 ´flat, thin strip of material forming part of an article of clothing: ³Some shirts have a ·Ú³neck@ and two ·Ú³wrist@s. ¸3 ´strip or line, different from the rest in colour or design, on sth: ³a white plate with a blue @ round the edge. ¸4 ´group of persons doing sth together under a leader and with a common purpose: ³a @ of robbers/fugitives/revellers. ¸5 ´group of persons who play music together, eÔg of wind-instrument performers (often ³brass @´)´: ³the ·*³Regimental ·Ú³B@; a ·Ú³dance @; a ·Ú³jazz @; a ·Ú³steel @. ¸Ú@®master ²/ÚbandmqstE(r)/ ³n ´conductor of a @. ¸Ú@s®man ²/-mEn/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´member of a @. ¸Ú@®stand ²/Úbandstand/ ³n ´raised platform usu roofed, for a @ playing in the open air. ¸Ú@®wagon ³n ´wagon carrying the @ heading a march or procession (esp of a political party). ·climb/jump on/aboard the @wagon, ´join in what seems likely to be a successful enterprise. ¸6 ´(radio; short for ·Ú³wave-@´) ´range of frequencies that may be tuned in together: ³the 19-metre @. ¹ vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´put a @, strip or line on. ¸2 ¶[VP15B,14,2C] ·@ together/with, ´unite in a group: ³@ people together; @ with others to do sth. They @ed together to protest.¼ ¨ban®dage© ²/ÚbandIdZ/ ³n ´strip of material for binding round a wound or injury, or for blindfolding sb. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (up), ´tie up with a @: ³@ (up) a boy's leg; a man with a @d hand.¼ ¨ban®danna© ²/banÚdanE/ ³n ´brightly coloured square of material with red or yellow spots, usu worn round the neck.¼ ¨band®box© ²/Úbandboks/ ³n ´light, cardboard box for millinery: ³She looks as if she had just come out of a @, ´She looks extremely smart and neat.¼ ¨ban®deau© ²/ÚbandE8 ³US: ²-ÚsE8/ ³n (pl µ-deaux ²/-dE8z ³US: ²-ÚdE8z/³) ´band for keeping a woman's hair in place.¼ ¨ban®dit© ²/ÚbandIt/ ³n ´robber, one of an armed band (eÔg of brigands attacking travellers in forests or mountains or, today, banks and offices). ¸@ry ³n ¶[U] ´activity of @s.¼ ¨ban®do®leer©, ban®do®lier ²/*bandEÚlIE(r)/ ³n ´shoulder-belt with pockets for cartridges.¼ ¨bandy©1 ²/ÚbandI/ ³vt (pt,pp µ-died³) ¶[VP6A,14,15B] ´exchange (words, blows). ·have one's name bandied about, ´be talked about in an unfavourable way, be a subject for gossip. ·@ a story about, ´pass it from person to person. ·@ words with sb, ´exchange remarks quickly, esp when quarrelling.¼ ¨bandy©2 ²/ÚbandI/ ³adj ´(of the legs) curving outwards at the knees. ¸Ú@-legged ³adj ´(of persons or animals) having @ legs.¼ ¨bane© ²/beIn/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´(only in compounds) ´poison: ·Ú³rat's-@. ¸2 ´cause of ruin or trouble: ³Drink was the @ of his life. He has been the @ of my life, ´caused me constant trouble and anxiety. ¸@®ful ²/-f8l/ ³adj ´evil: ³a @ful influence. ¸@®fully ²/-f8lI/ ³adv¼ ¨bang©1 ²/baG/ ³n ´violent blow; sudden, loud noise: ³He fell and got a nasty @ on the head. He always shuts the door with a @. The firework went off with a @. ·go (off) with a @, ´(GB colloq); ·go (over) with a @, ´(US colloq) (of a performance, etc) be successful, be greatly liked. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B,2A,C] ´hit violently; give a @ to; shut with a noise: ³He @ed at the door. He was @ing on the door with his fist. He @ed his fist on the table. She @ed the keys of the piano. The teacher tried to @ grammar into the heads of his pupils. Don't @ the lid down. He @ed the box down on the floor. A door was @ing somewhere. The door @ed shut. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C] ´make a loud noise: ³The fireworks @ed. The guns @ed away. We were @ing away ´(= firing continuously) ³at the enemy. Tell the children to stop @ing about, ´being noisy. ¹ ³adv, int´: ³go @, ´burst with a loud noise; ³@ in the middle, ´exactly in the middle; ³come @ up ´(= violently) ³against sth.¼ ¨bang©2 ²/baG/ ³vt ´cut (the front hair) squarely across the forehead: ³She wears her hair @ed. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´fringe of @ed hair.¼ ¨banger© ²/ÚbaGE(r)/ ³n ´(sl) ¸1 ´sausage. ¸2 ´noisy firework. ¸3 ´old dilapidated car.¼ ¨bangle© ²/ÚbaGgl/ ³n ´ornamental rigid band worn round the arm or ankle.¼ ¨ban®ian©, ban®yan ²/ÚbanjEn/ ³n ¸1 ´Hindu trader. ¸2 ´(also ¸Ú@-tree´) Indian fig, whose branches come down to the ground and take root.¼ ¨ban®ish© ²/ÚbanI2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ¸1 ·@ (from), ´send away, esp out of the country, as a punishment: ³He was @ed from the realm. ¸2 ´put away from, out of (the mind): ³@ care. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´state of being @ed: ³go into @ment.¼ ¨ban®is®ter©, ban®nis®ter ²/ÚbanIstE(r)/ ³n ´post supporting the handrail of a staircase; ³(pl) ´posts and handrail together.¼ ¨banjo© ²/ÚbandZE8/ ³n (pl µ@s, -@es´) musical instrument played by plucking the strings with the fingers. µ¥ ´the illus at µstring.¼ ¨bank©1 ²/baGk/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´land along each side of a river or canal; ground near a river: ³A river flows between its @s. His house is on the south @ of the river. ¸2 ´sloping land or earth, often forming a border or division: ³low @s of earth between rice-fields. There were flowers growing on the @s on each side of the country lanes. ¸3 ´(also ¸Úsand®@´) part of the sea-bed higher than its surroundings, but covered with enough water for ships except at low tide; (mining) coal-face. ¸4 ´flat-topped mass of cloud, snow, etc esp one formed by the wind: ³The sun went down behind a @ of clouds. ¸5 ´artificial slope made to enable a car to go round a curve with less risk.¼ ¨bank©2 ²/baGk/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B,2C] ·@ up, ¸(a) ´make or form into @s, µ¥ 4 ´above: ³The snow has @ed up. ¸(b) ´stop water (of a river, etc) from flowing by making a @ of earth, mud, etc. ¸(c) ´heap up (the fire in a fireplace or furnace) with coal-dust, etc so that the fire burns slowly for a long time. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´(of a motor-car or aircraft) travel with one side higher than the other (eÔg when turning).¼ ¨bank©3 ²/baGk/ ³n ¸1 ´establishment for keeping money and valuables safely, the money being paid out on the customer's order (by means of cheques). ¸the B@, ´the B@ of England, which is used by the British Government; ³have money in the @, ´have savings; ·Ú³@ clerk, ´clerk working in a @. ¸Ú@-bill ³n ´bill drawn by one @ upon another @. ¸Ú@-book ³n ´(also ·Ú³passbook´) book containing a record of a customer's account with a @. ¸@ giro, µ¥ giro. ¸*@ Úholiday ³n ´(GB) one of those days (not Sundays) on which @s are closed by law, usu kept as general holidays (eÔg Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day); (US) any weekday on which @s are closed. ¸Ú@®note ³n ´piece of paper money issued by a @. ¸Ú@-rate ³n ´rate at which the B@ of England (or other national @) will discount bills, µ¥ bill±3µ(5). ¸Ú@®roll ³n ´roll of paper money. ¸2 ´(gambling) sum of money held by the keeper of the gaming table, from which he pays his losses. ·break the @, ´(eÔg at Monte Carlo) win all this money. ¸3 ´(place for storing) reserve supplies. ¸Úblood @ ³n ´place where blood or blood plasma is stored for use in hospitals, etc.¼ ¨bank©4 ²/baGk/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´place (money) in a bank±3µ(1)´: ³He @s half his salary every month. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ (with), ´keep money in a bank: ³Who do you @ with, ´With what firm of bankers do you keep your money? ³Where do you @? ¸3 ¶[VP3A] ·@ on/upon, ´base one's hopes on: ³I'm @ing on your help. ¸@er ³n ´person who owns or is a partner in a joint-stock bank, or is a governor or director; keeper of a bank±3µ(2). ¸@er's order, µ¥ standing order. ¸@®ing ³n ´business of keeping a bank: ³Ú@ing hours, ´eÔg 10aÔm to 3pÔm¼ ¨bank©5 ²/baGk/ ³n ¸1 ´row of keys, switches, etc: ³a three-@/four-@ typewriter. ¸2 ´bench for rowers in a galleyµ(1). ¸3 ´row of cylinders (in an engine).¼ ¨bank®rupt© ²/ÚbaGkrApt/ ³n ´(legal) person judged by a law court to be unable to pay his debts in full, his property being distributed for the benefit of his creditors. ¹ ³adj ¸1 ´unable to pay one's debts. ·go @, ´become @, insolvent. ¸2 ·@ in/of, ´completely without: ³The newspapers accused the Government of being @ in ideas. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make @. ¸@cy ²/ÚbaGkrEpsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ condition; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-cies³) ´instance of this: ³There were ten @cies in the town last year.¼ ¨ban®ner© ²/ÚbanE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´flag (now chiefly fig): ³the @ of freedom. ·under the @ (of), ´belonging to, supporting (a particular faith or movement). ¸2 ´flag or announcement, usu on two poles, carried in (eÔg religious or political) processions, making known principles, slogans, etc. ¸@ headline, ´(in a newspaper) prominent headline in large type.¼ ¨ban®nis®ter© ³n ´= µbanister.¼ ¨ban®nock© ²/ÚbanEk/ ³n ´(Scot and N England) flat, oatmeal, home-made loaf.¼ ¨banns© ²/banz/ ³n pl ´public announcement in church that two persons are to be married: ³put up/publish the @; have one's @ called. ·forbid the @, ´declare opposition to a proposed marriage.¼ ¨ban®quet© ²/ÚbaGkwIt/ ³n ´elaborate meal, usu for a special event, at which speeches are made: ³a ·Ú³wedding @. ¹ vt,vi ¶[VP6A] ´give a @ to (sb); ¶[VP2A] ´take part in a @; feast.¼ ¨ban®shee© ²/banÚ2i ³US: ²Úban2i/ ³n ´(Ireland and the Scottish Highlands) spirit whose cry is said to mean that there will be a death in the house where the cry is heard.¼ ¨bant© ²/bant/ ³vi ¶[VP2A] ´(dated) adopt a diet designed to reduce weight (³slim ´and ³reduce ´are the usu words). ¸@®ing ³n ´treatment of obesity by this means.¼ ¨ban®tam© ²/ÚbantEm/ ³n ¸1 ´small-sized kind of domestic fowl, esp the cock, which is a fighter. ¸2 ´boxer between 112 and 118 lb.¼ ¨ban®ter© ²/ÚbantE(r)/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´tease in a playful way (by joking talk). ¹ ³n ¶[U] ´good-humoured teasing. ¸@®ing ³adj ¸@®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨Ban®tu© ²/banÚtu ³US: ²Úbantu/ ³adj, n ´(member) of a group of related Central and S African peoples; of their languages.¼ ¨ban®yan© ³n ´= µbanian.¼ ¨bao®bab© ²/ÚbeIEbab ³US: ²Úbñ8bab/ ³n ´tree of tropical Africa with a trunk that grows to an enormous size.¼ ¨bap®tism© ²/ÚbaptIzEm/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´ceremony of sprinkling sb with, or immersing sb in, water, accepting him as a member of the Christian Church and (usu) giving him a name or names (in addition to the family name); ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³There were six @s at this church last week. ¸2 ´(fig) first experience of a new kind of life: ³a soldier's @ of fire, ´his first experience of warfare. ¸bap®tis®mal ²/bapÚtIzmEl/ ³adj ´of @: ³@al name/water/font.¼ ¨Bap®tist© ²/ÚbaptIst/ ³n, adj ´(member) of the denomination of Christians who object to infant baptism and believe that baptism should be by immersion and at an age when a person is old enough to understand the meaning of the ceremony.¼ ¨bap®tize© ²/bapÚtñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,23] ´give baptism to (sb): ³He had been @d a Roman Catholic.¼ ¨bar©1 ²/bq(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´long piece of hard, stiff material (eÔg metal, wood, soap, chocolate). ¸2 ´rod or rail, rigid length of wood or metal, across a door, window or gate, or forming part of a grate (in a fireplace or furnace) or grid: ³He was placed behind prison bars, ´put into a prison cell. ¸3 ´barrier (across a road) that could not be passed (in former times) until a sum of money (called a ³toll´) was paid: ³a toll bar. ¸4 ´bank or ridge of sand, etc across the mouth of a river or the entrance to a bay, deposited by currents or tides, often hindering navigation: ³The ship crossed the bar safely. We stuck fast on the bar. ¸5 ´(fig) barrier or obstacle; sth that hinders or stops progress: ³Poor health may be a bar to success in life. Poverty is not always a bar to happiness. ¸6 ´narrow band (of colour, light, etc): ³As the sun went down, there was a bar of red across the western sky. ¸7 ´strip of metal across the ribbon of (esp a military) medal to indicate either ¸(a) ´that the holder has received the same award twice, or ¸(b) ´that he has served in a particular field of operations. ¸8 ´(in music) vertical line across the stave marking divisions of equal value in time; one of these divisions and the notes in it: ³the opening bars of the National Anthem. µ¥ ´the illus at µnotation. ¸9 ´railing or barrier in a law court, separating the part where the business is carried on from the part for spectators: ³be tried at (the) Bar, ´be tried in open court, where everyone may see and hear, not secretly. ·the prisoner at the bar, ´the accused person. ¸10 ´(in Parliament) railing dividing off the space to which non-members are admitted (eÔg for examination by members); similar place in the US Senate, House of Representatives and State Legislatures. ¸11 ´(fig) sth that can be compared to a judge or examiner: ³at the bar of public opinion; the bar of conscience. ¸12 the Bar, ´the profession of barrister; all those who have the right to act as barristers. ·be called to the Bar, ´be received as a member of the Bar. ·read for the Bar, ´study to become a barrister. ¸13 (a) ´(in an inn or public house) room, counter, where drinks (such as beer and spirits) are served: ³the Public Bar, the Private Bar, ´for different classes of users. ¸(b) ´(in a hotel, licensed restaurant or private house) room with such a counter. ¸Úbar®maid ³n ´woman who serves drinks at a barµ(13). ¸Úbar®man ²/-mEn/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´man who does this. ¸Úbar®ten®der ³n ´barmaid or barman (µ¥ ³cocktail lounge´). ¸14 ´counter at which meals, etc are served and also eaten: ³a ²Ú³milk bar; a quick-lunch bar.¼ ¨bar©2 ²/bq(r)/ ³vt µ(-rr-) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´fasten (a door, gate, etc) with a bar or bars±1µ(2). ¸2 ¶[VP15B] ´keep (sb) in or out: ³He barred himself in, ´fastened doors, windows, etc so that no one could enter the building. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´obstruct: ³bar a road/path. Soldiers barred the way and we couldn't go any farther. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,14] ·bar (from), ´prohibit: ³bar sb from a competition, ´order that he shall not take part. ¶[VP6C] ´(colloq): ³She bars smoking in the drawing-room, ´does not permit it. ³We bar playing cards for money. ¶[VP12C] ³I will bar no honest man my house, ´will let any honest man visit my house. ¸5 ¶[VP6A] ´(usu passive) mark with a stripe or stripes: ³a sky barred with clouds.¼ ¨bar©3 ²/bq(r)/, ±bar®ring ²/ÚbqrIG/ ³prep ´(colloq) except: ³We shall arrive at noon barring accidents, ´unless there are accidents. ·bar none, ´without exception. ·bar one, ´except one.¼ ¨bar©4 ²/bq(r)/ ³n ´large Mediterranean fish.¼ ¨barb© ²/bqb/ ³n ´back-turning or back-curving point of an arrow, spear, fish-hook, etc. ¸@ed ³adj ´having a @ or @s. ¸@ed wire, ´wire with short, sharp points, used for fences, etc: ³@ed wire entanglements, ´for defensive purposes in war.¼ ¨bar®bar®ian© ²/bqÚbeErIEn/ ³adj, n ´uncivilized or uncultured (person).¼ ¨bar®baric© ²/bqÚbarIk/ ³adj ´of or like barbarians; uncultivated; rough and rude (esp in art and taste): ³the @ splendour of Attila's court.¼ ¨bar®bar®ism© ²/ÚbqbErIzEm/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´state of being uncivilized, ignorant, or rude: ³living in @. ¸2 ¶[C] ´instance of this; (esp) misuse of language by mixing foreign or vulgar words into talk or writing.¼ ¨bar®bar®ity© ²/bqÚbarEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´savage cruelty; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´instance of this: ³the barbarities of modern warfare, ´eÔg the bombing of towns, sinking of passenger liners.¼ ¨bar®bar®ize© ²/ÚbqbErñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make barbarous.¼ ¨bar®bar®ous© ²/ÚbqbErEs/ ³adj ´uncivilized; cruel; savage; unrefined in taste, conduct, or habits. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨bar®be®cue© ²/ÚbqbIkju/ ³n ´grill, iron framework, for cooking an animal whole; ox, pig, etc roasted whole; (outdoor) social occasion at which meat cooked over a charcoal fire is eaten. ¹ ³vt ´roast (meat, etc) in this way.¼ ¨bar®bel© ²/Úbqbl/ ³n ´large European fresh-water fish.¼ ¨bar®ber© ²/ÚbqbE(r)/ ³n ´person whose trade is shaving and cutting men's hair (cf ³hairdresser, ´for both men and women). ¸@'s pole, ´pole painted in coloured spirals and used as a sign. ¸Ú@'s shop, ´(US = ¸Ú@ shop´) ´place where a @ does his work.¼ ¨bar®bi®can© ²/ÚbqbIkEn/ ³n ´fortified building, esp a double tower over a gate or bridge, used in olden times as an outer defence to a city or castle.¼ ¨bar®bi®tone© ²/ÚbqbItE8n/ ³n ¶[U] ´drug used to soothe the nerves and cause sleep; veronal.¼ ¨bar®bitu®rate© ²/bqÚbItj8rEt/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(chem) (kinds of) organic compound with a (possibly dangerous) soporific effect; pill for settling the nerves or inducing sleep.¼ ¨bar®ca®role©, bar®ca-rolle ²/*bqkEÚrE8l/ ³n ´song of Venetian gondoliers.¼ ¨bard© ²/bqd/ ³n ¸1 ´(esp Celtic) minstrel. ¸2 ´(liter) poet: ³the @ of Avon, ´Shakespeare. ¸bar®dic ³adj ´of @s or their songs. ¸bar®dol®atry ²/bqÚdolEtrI/ ³n ¶[U] ´enthusiastic admiration of Shakespeare.¼ ¨bare©1 ²/beE(r)/ ³adj µ(-r, -st) ¸1 ´without clothing, covering, protection, or decoration: ³fight with @ hands´, without boxing gloves; ³@ to the waist, ´clothed from the waist down; ³with his head @´, not wearing a hat; ³@ floors´, without carpets, rugs, etc; ³a @ hillside´, without shrubs or trees; ³hills @ of vegetation; trees that are already @´, that have already lost their leaves. ·sleep on @ boards, ´without a mattress, etc. ·lay @, ´uncover, expose, make known (sth secret or hidden). ·in one's @ skin, ´naked. ¸Ú@®back ³adv ´(of a horse) without a saddle: ³ride @back. ¸*@®Úbacked ³adj ´having the back @. µ¹ ³adv ´= µ@back. ¸Ú@®faced ³adj ´insolent; shameless; undisguised: ³It's @faced robbery to ask $15 for such an old bicycle! ¸@®faced®ly ³adv ¸Ú@®foot ³adv ´without shoes and stockings: ³be/go/walk @foot. ¸*@®Úfooted ³adj ´with @ feet. µ¹ ³adv ´= µ@foot. ¸*@®Úheaded ³adj ´with a @ head; not wearing a hat. ¸*@®Úlegged ³adj ´with the legs @; not wearing stockings. ¸2 ´empty or almost empty: ³a room @ of furniture; a larder @ of food; @ shelves. The garden looked @ in winter´, had few or no flowers. ¸3 ´not more than; mere: ³the @ necessities of life´, things needed merely to keep alive; ³earn a @ living´, only just enough money to live on: ³approved by a @ majority´, a very small one; ³a @ possibility´, a mere or very slight one. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸1 ´in a @ way: ³@ly furnished rooms´, with little furniture. ¸2 ´only just; scarcely: ³We @ly had time to catch the train. He can @ly read and write. I @ly know her. ¸@®ness ³n ´@ state.¼ ¨bare©2 ²/beE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´uncover; reveal: ³@ one's head´, take one's hat off; ³@ the end of a wire´, strip off the covering of rubber, etc (before making an electrical connection). ·@ one's heart, ´make known one's deepest feelings. ·@ its teeth, ´(of an animal) show its teeth in anger.¼ ¨bar®gain© ²/ÚbqgIn/ ³n ¸1 ´agreement to buy, sell or exchange sth, made after discussion; (in industry) agreement between management and labour over wages, hours, etc; sth obtained as the result of such an agreement. ·A @'s a @, ´When an agreement has been made, it must be kept. ·drive a hard @, ´try to force an agreement favourable to oneself. ·a good/bad @, ´one that favours/does not favour oneself. ·into the @, ´as well; in addition; moreover. ·make/strike a @ (with sb) (over sth), ´reach agreement. ¸Ú@®ing position, ´(in a debate, etc) state of affairs, arrangements, etc: ³The Foreign Secretary was in a good/bad @ing position in his dealings with his opposite number in France, ´was in a favourable/unfavourable position when negotiating. ¸2 ´sth offered, sold or bought cheap: ³a ·Ú³@ sale´, sale of goods at reduced prices; ·Ú³@-basement´, lowest floor of a shop, where goods are offered at reduced prices; ·Ú³@-counter´, counter at which @s are displayed or sold; ³@ price´, low price; ·Ú³@-hunter´, person looking for @s. ¹ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (with sb) (for sth), ´talk for the purpose of reaching an agreement (about buying or selling sth, doing a piece of work, etc): ³We @ed with the farmer for a supply of milk and butter. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ about, ´= @ over. ·@ for, ´be ready or willing to accept or agree to: ³I didn't @ for John arriving so soon´, was surprised by this, didn't expect it. ·get more than one @s for, ´(colloq) be unpleasantly surprised at the consequences. ·@ over sth, ´@ with sb for sth. ¸3 ¶[VP9] ´make a condition: ³The men @ed that they should not have to work on Saturday afternoons. ¸4 ¶[VP15B] ·@ away, ´give up in return for sth; sacrifice: ³@ away one's freedom´, give it up in return for some advantage or other.¼ ¨barge©1 ²/bqdZ/ ³n ¸1 ´large flat-bottomed boat for carrying goods and people on rivers and canals, in harbours, etc with or without sails, towed by a tug or horse; similar boat with its own engine. ¸2 ´warship's boat, for the use of the officers. ¸3 ´large rowing-boat for ceremonial occasions. ¸Ú@-pole ³n ´long pole used for guiding a @. ·I wouldn't touch it with a @-pole, ´I dislike or distrust it extremely.¼ ¨barge©2 ²/bqdZ/ ³vi ´(colloq) ¸1 ¶[VP3A] ·@ into/against, ´rush or bump heavily into/against (sb or sth). ¸2 ¶[VP2C,3A] ·@ about, ´move clumsily, without proper control of one's movements or without care (for persons or things). ·@ in/into, ´intrude; make one's way in, interrupt, rudely: ³Stop barging into our conversation.¼ ¨bar®gee© ²/bqÚdZi/ ³n ´master or member of the crew of a barge. ·swear like a @, ´swear forcibly, and with a great variety of swear-words.¼ ¨bari®tone© ²/ÚbarItE8n/ ³n ´male voice between tenor and bass.¼ ¨bar®ium© ²/ÚbeErIEm/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´soft, silvery-white metal (symbol ¸Ba´) of which the compounds are used in industry. ¸2 ´chemical substance (@ sulphate) introduced into the intestines before an X-ray photograph of them is taken.¼ ¨bark©1 ²/bqk/ ³n ¶[U] ´outer covering or skin on the trunks, boughs and branches of trees. µ¥ ´the illus at µtree. ³¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´take the @ off (a tree). ¸2 ´scrape the skin off (one's knuckles, shin, knee, etc) (by falling against sth, etc).¼ ¨bark©2 ²/bqk/ ³n ´the cry made by dogs and foxes; (fig) sound of gunfire, or of a cough. ·His @ is worse than his bite, ´He is bad-tempered but not dangerous or (fig) malicious. ¹ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C,3A] ´(of dogs, etc) give a @ or @s: ³The dog @s at strangers. ·@ up the wrong tree, ´(fig) direct one's complaint, accusation, etc wrongly. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15B] ´say (sth) in a sharp, commanding voice: ³The officer @ed out his orders. "Come here!' he @ed (out).¼ ¨bark©3, barque ²/bqk/ ³n ¸1 ´sailing-ship with 3 to 5 masts and sails. ¸2 ´(poet) any ship or boat.¼ ¨barker© ²/ÚbqkE(r)/ ³n ´(colloq) ¸1 ´person who stands outside a booth in a travelling show, or outside a shop, talking loudly to advertise the show, goods, etc. ¸2 ´(sl) pistol.¼ ¨bar®ley© ²/ÚbqlI/ ³n ¶[U] ´grass-like plant and its seed (called grain), used for food and for making beer and whisky. µ¥ ´the illus at µcereal. ¸Ú@-corn ³n ¶[U] ´grain of @; (colloq) malt liquor. ¸pearl @ ³n ´@ grain made smaller by grinding. ¸Ú@-water ³n ¶[U] ´drink made by boiling pearl @ in water and then straining it. ¸Ú@-sugar ³n ¶[U] ´solid sweet substance, made from pure sugar.¼ ¨barm© ²/bqm/ ³n ¶[U] ´yeast.¼ ¨barmy© ²/ÚbqmI/ ³adj ´(GB colloq) wrong in the head; foolish.¼ ¨barn© ²/bqn/ ³n ¸1 ´covered building for storing hay, grain, etc on a farm. ¸Ú@ dance ³n ´kind of rustic dance. ¸Ú@-door ³n ´large door of a @; (colloq fig) target too large to miss. ¸*@-Údoor fowl ³n ´ordinary kind of fowl kept on farms. ¸Ú@®storm ³vi ´(US) travel rapidly through the country making political speeches, presenting plays, etc. Hence, ¸Ú@®stormer ³n ´person who does this. ¸Ú@-yard ³n ´= µfarmyard. ¸2 ´(contemptuous) any large, plain building: ³What a @ of a house! ¸3 ´(US) building for sheltering cattle or horses; depot for trams, buses, etc.¼ ¨bar®nacle© ²/ÚbqnEkl/ ³n ´small sea-animal that fastens itself to objects under water, rocks, the bottoms of ships, the timbers of wharves, etc.¼ ¨ba®rom®eter© ²/bEÚromItE(r)/ ³n ´instrument for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere, used for forecasting the weather and measuring height above sea-level; (fig) something which forecasts changes or fluctuations (eÔg in public opinion, market prices). ¸baro®met®ric ²/*barEÚmetrIk/ ³adj¼ ¨bar®on© ²/ÚbarEn/ ³n ¸1 ´(in GB) nobleman; lowest rank of Peer (called ³Lord ´Å); holder of the non-British title (called ³Baron ´Å). ¸2 ´(orig US) great industrial leader: ³oil @s; beer @s. ¸Ú@®age ²/-IdZ/ ³n ´the @s collectively; book with a list of these Peers. ¸@®ess ²/ÚbarEnIs/ ³n ´@'s wife; woman holding the rank of a @ in her own right. ¸bar®o®nial ²/bEÚrE8nIEl/ ³adj ´of, suitable for, @s. ¸bar®ony ²/ÚbarEnI/ ³n ´rank of a @: ³confer a @y on sb´, make him a @.¼ ¨bar®onet© ²/ÚbarEnIt/ ³n ´member of the lowest hereditary titled order, lower in rank than a baron but above a knight; shortened to ³Bart´, added to the name, as ³Sir John Williams, Bart. ¸@cy ²/ÚbarEnItsI/ ³n ´rank, title, of a @.¼ ¨ba®roque© ²/bEÚrok ³US: ²-E8k/ ³n, adj ´(of the) florid or extravagant style in the arts (esp architecture) in Europe in the 17th and 18th cc.¼ ¨ba®rouche© ²/bEÚru2/ ³n ´four-wheeled carriage, pulled by horses, with two seats facing each other and a folding top, for four occupants and a driver.¼ ¨barque© ²/bqk/ ³n µ¥ bark±3µ.¼ ¨bar®rack©1 ²/ÚbarEk/ ³n ¸1 ´(usu ³pl ´with ³indef art ´and ³sing v) ´large building(s) for soldiers to live in: ³The @s are/is quite new. ¸2 ´any building of plain or ugly appearance.¼ ¨bar®rack©2 ²/ÚbarEk/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´jeer at; make cries of protest against (eÔg slow play in a cricket match). ¸@®ing ³n ´slow clapping, etc.¼ ¨bar®ra®cuda© ²/*barEÚkudE/ ³n ´large, fierce Caribbean sea-fish.¼ ¨bar®rage© ²/ÚbarqZ ³US: ²bEÚrqZ/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´artificial obstacle built across a river (not across a valley) for storing water to be diverted into canals for irrigation (as on the Nile and the Indus). µ¥ dam. ¸2 ´(mil) barrier made by heavy, continuous gunfire directed onto a given area. ¸3 ³balloon @; @ balloon, µ¥ balloon.¼ ¨barred© ²/bqd/ ³pt,pp ´of ³bar±3³.¼ ¨bar®rel© ²/ÚbarEl/ ³n ¸1 ´round container, made of wooden staves with bands or hoops, or of plastic; the amount that a @ holds. ¸*@-roofed Úvault ³n ´(semi-)cylindrical roof. ¸2 ´metal tube of a rifle, revolver or pistol. µ¥ ´the illus at µrifle. ¸3 ´part of a fountain pen that holds the ink. ¸4 Ú@-organ ³n ´instrument from which music is produced by turning a handle and so causing a cylinder to act mechanically on keys; usu played by a man who goes round the streets, playing it for money. ¹ vt µ(-ll-) ´put in a @ or @s. ¸@®led ³part adj ´stored in a @: ³@led beer.¼ ¨bar®ren© ²/ÚbarEn/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of land) not good enough to produce crops. ¸2 ´(of plants, trees) not producing fruit or seeds. ¸3 ´(of women, animals) unable to have young ones. ¸4 ´(fig) without value, interest, or result: ³a @ subject/discussion; an attempt that was @ of results. ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨bar®ri®cade© ²/*barIÚkeId/ ³n ´barrier of objects (eÔg trees, carts, overturned or burnt-out cars, barrels) made across or in front of something as a defence. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (in/off), ´block (a street, etc) with a @: ³They @d themselves in.¼ ¨bar®rier© ²/ÚbarIE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´sth (eÔg a wall, rail, fence, turnstile) that prevents, hinders or controls, progress or movement: ³The Sahara Desert is a natural @ that separates North and Central Africa. Show your ticket at the @, ´eÔg in a railway station. µ¥ ´also µcrash±1µ(1), half(3), heat±1µ(5) ´and µsound±2µ(3). ¸2 ´(fig) hindrance: ³Poor health and lack of money may both be @s to educational progress.¼ ¨bar®ring© ²/ÚbqrIG/ ³prep ´excluding. µ¥ bar±3µ.¼ ¨bar®ris®ter© ²/ÚbarIstE(r)/ ³n ´(in England) lawyer who has the right to speak and argue as an advocate in higher law courts. µ¥ advocate, solicitor, counsel.¼ ¨bar®row©1 ²/ÚbarE8/ ³n ¸1 ´= µwheel-@. ¸2 ´(also ·Ú³hand-@, ·Ú³coster's @´) small cart with two wheels, pulled or pushed by hand. ¸Ú@-boy/-man ²/-man/ ³n ´costermonger. ¸3 ´(also ³luggage-@´) metal frame with two wheels used by porters for luggage (at railway-stations, in hotels, etc).¼ ¨bar®row©2 ²/ÚbarE8/ ³n ´mound, dating from prehistoric times, built over a burial ground. µ¥ tumulus.¼ ¨bar®ter© ²/ÚbqtE(r)/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP15B,14,2A] ·@ (with sb/for sth); @ sth away, ´exchange (goods, property, etc) (for other goods, etc): ³@ wheat for machinery; ´(fig) ³@ away one's rights/honour/freedom. ¹ n ¶[U] ´exchange made in this way. ¸@®er ³n¼ ¨ba®salt© ²/Úbasclt ³US: ²bEÚsclt/ ³n ¶[U] ´sorts of dark-coloured rock of volcanic origin.¼ ¨bas®cule© ²/Úbaskjul/ ³n ¸Ú@ bridge, ´(eng) kind of drawbridge of which the two halves can be raised and lowered with counter-weights.¼ ¨base©1 ²/beIs/ ³n ¸1 ´lowest part of anything, esp the part on which sth rests or is supported: ³the @ of a pillar, µ¥ ´the illus at µcolumn. ¸Ú@®board ³n ´(US) skirting-board. ¸2 ´(geom) line or surface on which a figure stands or can stand: ³BÔC is the @ of the triangle AÔBÔC, AÔBÔCÔD is the @ of the pyramid. ¸3 ´(chem) substance capable of combining with an acid to form a salt; substance into which other things are mixed. ¸4 ´place at which armed forces, expeditions, etc have their stores, hospitals, etc: ³a ·Ú³naval @; an ·Ú³air @; a @ of operations; a @ camp, ´eÔg for an Everest expedition. ¸5 ´(maths) the number (usu 10) which is the starting point for a logarithmic system. ¸6 ´(@ball) one of four stations or positions. ·get to first @, ´(US; fig) take a successful first step towards achieving sth. ¸@ hit ³n ´hit on which a player gets to first @. ¸7 @®less ³adj ´without cause or foundation: ³@less fears.¼ ¨base©2 ²/beIs/ ³vt ¶[VP14] ·@ sth on/upon, ´build or place; use as a basis for: ³Direct taxation is usually @d upon income. I @ my hopes on the news we had yesterday.¼ ¨base©3 ²/beIs/ ³adj ¸1 µ(-r, -st) ´(of persons, their behaviour, thoughts, etc) dishonourable: ³acting from @ motives. ¸2 @ metals, ´non-precious metals. ¸@ coin, ´mixed with inferior metals.¼ ¨base®ball© ²/ÚbeIsbcl/ ³n ´national game of the US, played with a bat and ball, by two teams of nine players each, on a field with four bases±1µ(6).¼ ¨base®ment© ²/ÚbeIsmEnt/ ³n ´lowest part of a building, partly or wholly below ground level; inhabited room(s) in this part.¼ ¨bases© ¸1 ²/ÚbeIsiz/ ³pl ´of µbasis. ¸2 ²/ÚbeIsIz/ ³pl ´of µbase±1µ.¼ ¨bash© ²/ba2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15A,B] ´strike heavily so as to break or injure: ³@ in the lid of a box; @ sb on the head with a golf club; @ one's head against sth in the dark. ¹ ³n ´violent blow or knock: ³give sb a @ on the nose. ·have a @ at sth, ´(sl) attempt it.¼ ¨bash®ful© ²/Úba2f8l/ ³adj ´shy. ¸@ly ²/-f8lI/ ³adv¼ ¨basic© ²/ÚbeIsIk/ ³adj ´of or at the base or foundation; fundamental: ³the @ processes of arithmetic, ´eÔg adding, subtraction, multiplying; ³the @ vocabulary of a language´, the words that must be known. ¸B@ English, ´artificial, simplified form of English. ¸@ slag ³n ´fertilizer containing phosphates. ¸ba®si®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv ´fundamentally.¼ ¨basil© ²/Úbazl/ ³n ¶[U] ´sweet-smelling plant like mint, used in cooking.¼ ¨ba®sil®ica© ²/bEÚzIlIkE/ ³n ´oblong hall with a double row of columns and an apse at one end (used in ancient Rome as a law court); building of this type used as a church: ³the @ of St Peter's in Rome.¼ ¨bas®il®isk© ²/ÚbasIlIsk/ ³n ¸1 ´small American lizard with a hollow crest that can swell up with air. ¸2 ´fabulous reptile able to cause death by its look or breath.¼ ¨basin© ²/ÚbeIsn/ ³n ¸1 ´round, open dish of metal, pottery, etc for holding liquids; contents of a @. µ¥ wash-@. ¸2 ´bowl for preparing or serving food in. ¸3 ´hollow place where water collects (eÔg a stone structure at the base of a fountain, a deep pool at the base of a waterfall). ¸4 ´deep part of a harbour that is almost surrounded by land; dock with gates that control the inflow and outflow of water. ¸5 ´area of country drained by a river and its tributaries: ³the Thames @.¼ ¨basis© ²/ÚbeIsIs/ ³n (pl µbases ²/ÚbeIsiz/³) ¸1 ´substance into which others are mixed; most important part of a mixture. ¸2 ´foundation (usu fig): ³the @ of morality; on a solid @; arguments that have a firm @´, that are founded in facts. ³On the @ of our sales forecasts ´(iÔe From what these indicate) ³we may begin to make a profit next year.¼ ¨bask© ²/bqsk ³US: ²bask/ ³vi ¶[VP2C] ´enjoy warmth and light: ³sitting in the garden, @ing in the sunshine´; (fig) ³@ing in her favour/approval.¼ ¨bas®ket© ²/ÚbqskIt ³US: ²ÚbaskIt/ ³n ¸1 ´container, usu made of materials that bend and twist easily (eÔg osiers, canes, rushes) with or without a handle: ³a ·Ú³shopping @; a ·Ú³clothes @; a waste-·Ú³paper @. ¸2 ´as much as a @ holds: ³They ate a @ of plums. ¸@®ball ²/ÚbqskItbcl ³US: ²Úbas-/ ³n ´game (resembling netball), played by two teams of five players who try to throw a large inflated ball into an open-ended net fixed 10 ft above the ground. µ¥ netball.¼ ¨bas-relief© ²/*bas rIÚlif/ ³n ¶[U] ´(= ³low relief´) form of art in which a flat surface of metal or stone is cut away so that a design or picture stands out as on a coin but often to a greater degree; ¶[C] ´example of this. µ¥ ´the illus at µchurch.¼ ¨bass©1 ²/Úbas/ ³n (pl ´unchanged) (zool) kinds of fish (perch) used as food, caught in rivers, lakes and in the sea.¼ ¨bass©2 ²/beIs/ ³adj ´deep-sounding; low in tone. ¹ ³n ´lowest part in music (voice and instruments); singer or instrument with lowest notes: ·*³@-clari·Ú³net; ·*³@ ·Ú³drum, µ¥ ´the illus at µpercussion´; ·*³double-·Ú³@, µ¥ ´the illus at µstring´; ·*³@ ·Ú³clef, µ¥ ´the illus at µnotation.¼ ¨bass©3 ²/bas/ ³n ¶[U] ´inner fibrous bark of the lime-tree, used for weaving baskets, mats, etc and for tying plants.¼ ¨Bass© ²/bas/ ³n ´(P) beer made by the brewers named Bass.¼ ¨bas®si®net© ²/*basIÚnet/ ³n ´baby's cradle or carriage made of woven wicker, with a hood.¼ ¨bas®soon© ²/bEÚsun/ ³n ´musical wind-instrument with double reeds, made of wood, giving very low notes. µ¥ ´illus at µbrass.¼ ¨bast© ²/bast/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´= bass±3´. ¸2 ´other fibrous barks (eÔg raffia) used for tying and weaving.¼ ¨bas®tard© ²/ÚbqstEd ³US: ²Úbas-/ ³n ¸1 ´illegitimate child: (attrib) ³a @ child/daughter/son. ¸2 ´Ï (also as ³int) ´ruthless insensitive person (used as a term of abuse): ³You heartless @! He's a real @, leaving his wife in that way; ´(also, not abusively, friendly colloq): ³Harry, you old @! Fancy meeting you here! ¸3 ´Ï unfortunate fellow: ³Poor @! He's been sacked and he won't find another job very easily; ´(also of an unfortunate incident, state, etc): ³this @ of a headache/essay. ¸4 ´(usu attrib) (of things) not genuine or authentic; spurious. ¸Ú@®ize ³vt ¸1 ´prove to be, pronounce as a @. ¸2 ´make spurious: ³a @ized account of what happened. ¸@y ³n ´(legal) illegitimacy: ³a @y order, ´one (made by a magistrate) for the support of an illegitimate by its father (now called a ³maintenance order).¼ ¨baste©1 ²/beIst/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ´(in making clothes, etc) sew pieces together with long temporary stitches (so that adjustments are possible afterwards).¼ ¨baste©2 ²/beIst/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ·@ meat, ´pour over it the fat, juices, etc which come from it during cooking.¼ ¨baste©3 ²/beIst/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´thrash; beat.¼ ¨bas®ti®nado© ²/*bastIÚnqdE8/ ³n (pl µ@es³) ´caning on the soles of the feet. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´punish by caning in this way.¼ ¨bas®tion© ²/ÚbastIEn/ ³n ´(often five-sided) part of a fortification that stands out from the rest; (fig) military stronghold near hostile territory; (fig) sth preserved from destruction or change.¼ ¨bat©1 ²/bat/ ³n ´small mouse-like animal that flies at night and feeds on fruit and insects. µ¥ ´the illus at µsmall. ·have bats in the belfry, ´(sl) be eccentric, have queer ideas. ·as blind as a bat, ´unable to see, not seeing, clearly.¼ ¨bat©2 ²/bat/ ³n ¸1 ´shaped wooden implement for striking the ball in games, esp cricket and baseball. µ¥ ´the illus at these entries. ·carry one's bat, ´(cricket) be "not out' at the end of the innings. ·do sth off one's own bat, ´(fig) do it without help. ¸2 ´= batsman: ³He's a useful bat. ¹ ³vi,vt µ(-tt-) ¸1 ¶[VP2A,B,C] ´use a bat: ³Green batted (for) two hours´, was at the wicket for two hours. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´hit (with a bat). ¸bats®man ²/-smEn/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ¸1 ´(cricket) player who bats: ³He's a good batsman but no good as a bowler. ¸2 ´(aviation) man who uses a pair of bats (like those used in table-tennis) to guide an aircraft as and after it touches down (eÔg on the deck of an aircraft-carrier).¼ ¨bat©3 ²/bat/ ³n ·go off at a terrific/rare bat, ´(sl) at a fast rate.¼ ¨bat©4 ²/bat/ ³vt µ(-tt-) ´(sl) wink. ·not bat an eyelid, ¸(a) ´not sleep at all. ¸(b) ´not show any surprise.¼ ¨batch© ²/bat2/ ³n ¸1 ´number of loaves, cakes, etc baked together: ³baked in @es of twenty. ¸2 ´number of persons or things receiving attention as a group: ³a @ of letters to be answered; a @ of recruits for the army.¼ ¨bate© ²/beIt/ ³vt ´= µabate. ·with @d breath, ´with the voice lowered to a whisper (in expectancy, anxiety, etc).¼ ¨bath© ²/bqT ³US: ²baT/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/bqDz ³US: ²baDz/³) ¸1 ´washing of the body, esp by putting oneself completely in water: ³I shall have a hot @ and go to bed. He takes a cold @ every morning. ¸Ú@®robe ³n ´loose-fitting robe worn before and after taking a @. ¸2 ´water for a @: ³Your @ is ready. ¸Ú@®tub ³n ´(usu ³bath ´in GB except in trade use) large (usu oblong) vessel (of fibre-glass, porcelain or metal) in which @s are taken. ¸Ú@®room ³n ´room in which there is a @-tub (and usu a wash-hand-basin): ³Every room in the hotel has a private @room´, iÔe its own @room. ¸3 ´(container for) liquid in which sth is washed or dipped (in chemical and industrial processes): ³an ²Ú³oil @, ´(for parts of a machine); ³a ²Ú³hypo @, ´(photography). ¸4 ³(pl) ´place where one can bath or swim: ³public swimming @s; the Turkish @s. ¹ vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´give a @ to: ³@ the baby; ´take a bath: ³I @ every night.¼ ¨Bath© ²/bqT ³US: ²baT/ ³n ´(town in W England, with hot mineral springs). ¸*@-Úchair ³n ´three-wheeled chair for an invalid, pushed or pulled by hand.¼ ¨bathe© ²/beID/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ´apply water to; soak in water; put in water: ³The doctor told him to @ his eyes twice a day. The nurse @d the wound. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ·be @d in, ´be made wet or bright all over: ³Her face was @d in tears. The countryside was @d in brilliant sunshine. He was @d in sweat, µ¥ ´also µsun(4). ¸3 ¶[VP2A] ´go into the sea, a river, lake, etc for sport, swimming, to get cool, etc. ¹ ³n ´act of swimming in the sea, a river, lake, etc: ³We had an enjoyable @ before breakfast. Let's go for a @. ´Cf ³have/take a bath. ¸bather ²/ÚbeIDE(r)/ ³n¼ ¨bath®ing© ²/ÚbeIDIG/ ³n ´act or practice of going into the sea, etc: ³The @ here is safe´, It is safe to swim here. ³He's fond of @. There have been many fatal @ accidents here´, Many bathers have been drowned here. ¸Ú@-cap ³n ´cap to cover a woman's hair while in the water. ¸Ú@-costume/suit ³n ´garment worn for swimming (cf ³bikini, swimming-trunks´). ¸Ú@-machine ³n ´cabin on wheels, pulled down to the water's edge and (formerly) used by bathers for dressing and undressing.¼ ¨bathos© ²/ÚbeITos/ ³n ¶[U] ´(rhet) sudden change (in writing or speech) from what is deeply moving or sublime to what is foolish or unimportant.¼ ¨bathy®sphere© ²/ÚbaTIsfIE(r)/ ³n ´large, strongly built, hollow sphere that can be lowered to great depths in the sea, for observation of marine life.¼ ¨ba®tik© ²/bEÚtik/ ³n ¶[U] ´method (originally in Java) of printing coloured designs on textiles by waxing the parts not to be dyed; ¶[C] ´example of such a fabric.¼ ¨ba®tiste© ²/baÚtist/ ³n ¶[U] ´fine thin linen or cotton cloth.¼ ¨bat®man© ²/ÚbatmEn/ ³n (pl µ-men ²/-mEn/³) ´(GB mil) army officer's personal servant.¼ ¨baton© ²/ÚbatEn ³US: ²bEÚton/ ³n ¸1 ´policeman's short, thick stick, used as a weapon: ³The police made a @ charge´, drove the crowd back by using their @s. ¸2 ´short, thin stick used by the conductor of a band or an orchestra. ¸3 ´staff of office: ³a Field-Marshal's @.¼ ¨bats© ²/bats/ ³pred adj ´(sl) mad; eccentric. µ¥ ´also µbat±1µ.¼ ¨bat®tal®ion© ²/bEÚtalIEn/ ³n ´army unit made up of several companies and forming part of a regiment or brigade.¼ ¨bat®ten©1 ²/Úbatn/ ³n ´long board, esp one used to keep other boards in place, or to which other boards are nailed; (on a ship) strip of wood or metal used to fasten down covers or tarpaulins over a hatch. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ sth (down), ´make secure with @s: ³@ down the hatches.¼ ¨bat®ten©2 ²/Úbatn/ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ·@ on/upon, ´thrive, grow fat on (esp at the expense of others, or so as to injure others).¼ ¨bat®ter©1 ²/ÚbatE(r)/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15A,B,2C] ´strike hard and often; beat out of shape: ³The heavy waves @ed the wrecked ship to pieces. Let's @ the door down. Someone was @ing (away) at the door. He was driving a badly @ed old car and wearing a @ed old hat. ¸Ú@®ing ram ³n ²/-tErIG/ ´(mil) big, heavy log with an iron head used in olden times for @ing down walls.¼ ¨bat®ter©2 ²/ÚbatE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´beaten mixture of flour, eggs, milk, etc for cooking.¼ ¨bat®tery© ²/ÚbatErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ¸1 ´army unit of big guns, with men and vehicles. ¸2 ´group of big guns on a warship, or for coastal defence. ¸3 ´portable cell for supplying electricity: ³a ·Ú³car @. ³This transistor has four small batteries. µ¥ cell(3). ¸4 ´set of similar utensils or instruments used together: ³a @ of lenses/ovens. ¸5 ·assault and @, ´(legal) attack upon or threatening touch (to sb). ¸6 ´series of boxes, etc in which hens are kept for laying eggs or for fattening: ²Ú³@ hens. µ¥ free-range.¼ ¨bat®ting© ²/ÚbatIG/ ³n ¶[U] ´cotton wool in flat wads.¼ ¨battle© ²/Úbatl/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´fight, esp between organized and armed forces (armies, navies, aircraft); (fig) any struggle: ³the @ of life. ¸2 ¶[U] ´victory; success: ³The @ is to the strong´, The strong are likely to win. ³Youth is half the @´, Youthful strength brings likelihood of success. ¸3 ¶[U] ³die in @´, die fighting. ·give/offer @, ´show readiness to fight. ·refuse @, ´refuse to fight. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ·@ (with/against sth) (for sth), ´struggle: ³battling against adversity. They @d with the winds and waves. ¸Ú@-axe ³n ¸(a) ´heavy axe with a long handle, formerly used as a weapon. ¸(b) ´(colloq) domineering and assertive woman. ¸Ú@-cruiser ³n ´large fast cruiser with heavy guns and lighter armour than a @ship. ¸Ú@®dress ³n ´soldier's uniform of belted blouse and trousers. ¸Ú@®field ³n ´place where a @ is or was fought. ¸Ú@®ground ³n ´@field. ¸Ú@®ship ³n ´large kind of warship, with big guns and heavy armour.¼ ¨battle®dore© ²/Úbatldc(r)/ ³n ´bat or small racket used in the game called @ and shuttlecock. µ¥ ´the illus at µbadminton.¼ ¨battle®ments© ²/ÚbatlmEnts/ ³n pl ´flat roof of a tower or castle enclosed by parapets with openings through which to shoot.¼ ¨bat®tue© ²/baÚtu/ ³n ¶[C] ´driving of game±1µ(6) ´(by beating bushes, etc) towards the sportsmen; occasion when this is done.¼ ¨batty© ²/ÚbatI/ ³adj ´(sl) (of a person) crazy; slightly mad. µ¥ bats.¼ ¨bauble© ²/Úbcbl/ ³n ´pretty, bright and pleasing ornament of little value.¼ ¨baulk© ²/bck/ µ¥ balk.¼ ¨baux®ite© ²/ÚbcksñIt/ ³n ¶[U] ´clay-like substance from which aluminium is obtained.¼ ¨baw®bee© ²/Úbcbi/ ³n ´(Scot) halfpenny.¼ ¨bawd© ²/bcd/ ³n ´(old use) woman who keeps a brothel. ¸@y ³adj ´(of talk, persons) vulgar; humorously coarse: ³@y talk/stories; a @y old man. µ¹ ³n ´@y talk, etc. ¸@®ily ³adv¼ ¨bawl© ²/bcl/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15A,2C,3A] ´shout or cry loudly: ³He @ed out a curse. He @ed to me across the street. The frightened child @ed for help. ·@ sb out, ´(US, sl) scold severely.¼ ¨bay©1 ²/beI/ ³n ¸1 ´(also ·Ú³bay-tree, ·Ú³bay laurel´) ´kind of tree or shrub with leaves that are used in cooking and are spicy when crushed. ¸2 bays, Úbay-wreath, ´laurel wreath given in olden times to poets and heroes, victors in war and athletic contests; (fig) honour; glory. ¸3 bay rum, ´hair lotion, made from the leaves of a W Indian tree.¼ ¨bay©2 ²/beI/ ³n ´part of the sea or of a large lake, enclosed by a wide curve of the shore: ³the Bay of Biscay; Hudson Bay.¼ ¨bay©3 ²/beI/ ³n ¸1 ´compartment between columns and pillars that divide a building into regular parts. ¸2 ´extensions of a room beyond the line of one or two of its walls; recess. ¸*bay Úwindow, ´window, usu with glass on three sides, built in such a recess. µ¥ ´the illus at µwindow. ¸3 ´side-line and platform in a railway station, used as a starting-point and terminus for local trains, separate from the main lines. ¸4 ´compartment in the fuselage of an aircraft: ³the ·Ú³bomb bay; ´part of a warship, college campus, etc for those who are ill or injured: ³the ·Ú³sick-bay; ´compartment in a warehouse, barn etc for storing things: ³Clear No 3 bay to make room for new equipment.¼ ¨bay©4 ²/beI/ ³n ´deep bark, esp of hounds while hunting. ·at bay, ´(of a hunted animal) forced to face its attackers and show defiance; (fig) in a desperate position, compelled to struggle fiercely. ·keep/hold sb at bay, ´keep an enemy, etc at a distance; prevent him from coming too near. ·bring ³(a stag, an enemy) ·to bay, ´force (it, him) to make a final resistance; come to close quarters so that escape is impossible. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A] ´(esp of large dogs, hounds) bark with a deep note, esp continuously, when hunting.¼ ¨bay©5 ²/beI/ ³adj, n ´reddish-brown (horse): ³He was riding a dark bay.¼ ¨bay®onet© ²/ÚbeIEnIt/ ³n ´dagger-like blade that can be fixed to the muzzle of a rifle and used in hand-to-hand fighting. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´stab with a @.¼ ¨bayou© ²/ÚbñIu/ ³n ´(in N America) marshy offshoot of a river.¼ ¨ba®zaar© ²/bEÚzq(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´(in Iran, India and other Eastern countries) street of workshops and shops; that part of a town where the markets and shopping streets are. ¸2 ´(in GB, US) shop for the sale of cheap goods of great variety. ¸3 ´(place where there is a) sale of goods for charitable purposes: ³a church @.¼ ¨ba®zoo®ka© ²/bEÚzukE/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ´portable weapon for firing armour-piercing rockets.¼ ¨be©1 ²/bi/ ³vi (pres t µam ²/³after "I': ²m´; ³otherwise: ²Em´; ³strong form: ²am/´, µis ²/z´; ³but ²s ³after ²p, t, k, f, T´; ³strong form: ²Iz/´, µare ²/E(r)´; ³strong form: ²q(r)/´; ³pt µwas ²/wEz´; ³strong form: ²woz/´, µwere ²/wE(r) ³strong form: ²w3(r)/´; contracted forms, µI'm ²/ñIm/´, µhe's ²/hiz/´, µshe's ²/2iz/´, µit's ²/Its/´, µwe're ²/wIE(r)/´, µyou're ²/j8E(r)/´, µthey're ²/DeE(r)/´; neg µisn't ²/Iznt/´, µaren't ²/qnt/´, µwasn't ²/woznt/´, µweren't ²/w3nt/´; ³Am I not ´is contracted to ³aren't I ²/Úqnt ñI ³US: ²Úant/´; ³pres p µbeing ²/ÚbiIG/´; ³pp µbeen ²/bin ³US: ²bIn/³) ¶[VP1] ´(linking ³v ´(or ³copula´), between the subject and various complements) ¸1 ´(with a ³n ´or ³pron´, identifying or asking about the subject): ³Today is Monday. Peter is a teacher/a Catholic. Who is that? It's me/him/her/the postman. ¸2 ´(with an ³adj ´or a ³prep´, indicating a quality, an attribute): ³The world is round. He is ten years old. Short skirts are in/out of fashion. µ¥ fashionable, unfashionable. ¸3 ´(with a ³prep ´or ³adverbial particle´, indicating a place): ³The lamp is on the table. John's out in the garden. Mary's upstairs. The station is a mile away. ¸4 ´(with a ³n ´or a ³prep´, indicating possession, actual or intended): ³The money's not yours, it's John's. The parcel is for you.¼ ¨be©2 ²/bi/ ³vi µ¥ be±1 ¶[VP1] ´(linking ³v´, indicating a change from one quality, place, etc to another): ³He wants to be ´(= become) ³a fireman when he grows up. Give me a pound, and the skirt is ´(= will be) ³yours. You can be ´(= get) ³there in five minutes. Once more he was ´(= again became) ³the old John we used to know. Suddenly his face was ´(= became) ³scarlet.¼ ¨be©3 ²/bi/ ³vi µ¥ be±1 ¶[VP1] ¸1 ´(with introductory ³there´): ³There's a bus-stop down the road. There were six of us. There are some stamps in that drawer. There's a letter for you, ´A letter has come for you. (Cf ³One of the letters is for you´). ¸2 ´(also with introductory ³there, ´meaning "exist'): ³There is a God. For there to be life there must be air and water. ¸3 ´go; come (esp the ³pp µbeen´): ³I've been to see ´(= have paid a visit to) ³my uncle. Have you ever been to Cairo? He has been to Paris. (´Cf ³He's gone to Paris, ´iÔe is now either in Paris or on the way there.) ³Has the postman been ´(iÔe called) ³yet? ¸4 ·the *be-all and Úend-all (of sth), ´the most important part (of it). ·been and«, ´(vulg or hum) (used to indicate surprise, protest, etc): ³You've been and bought a new hat! Who's been and taken my dictionary? ·for the time being, ´until some other arrangement. µ¥ ´also µbeing. ·the «-to-be, ´the future «: ³the bride/mother-to-be. ¸Úwould-be ³adj ´who wishes to be or imagines himself to be: ³a would-be poet. ¸might-have been ³n ¶[C] ´past possibility.¼ ¨be©4 ²/bi/ ³aux v µ¥ be±1 ¸1 ´(used with ³pres p ´to form the progressive or continuous tenses): ³They are/were reading. I shall be seeing him soon. What have you been doing this week? ¸2 ´(used with a ³pp ´to form the passive voice): ³He was killed in the war. Where were they made? He is to be pitied. ¸3 ¶[VP4F] ´(used with a ³to-´infinitive) ¸(a) ´(equivalent to ³must ´or ³ought´, to indicate duty, necessity, etc): ³I am to inform you ´(= I have been told to inform you) ³that« You are ´(= ought, deserve) ³to be congratulated. ¸(b) ´intention: ³They are to be married in May. ¸(c) ´possibility: ³The book was not to be ´(= could not be) ³found. ¸(d) ´a supposition or unreal condition: ³If I were to tell you/Were I to tell you«; If it were to rain ´(= If it rained) ³tomorrow«. ¸(e) ´(chiefly ³pt) ´destiny: ³He was never to see his wife and family again, ´Although he did not know this at the time, he did not see them again. ¸(f) ´mutual arrangement: ³We are to be married in May. Every member of the party was to pay his own expenses. ¸(g) ´the expressed wish of another person: ³At what time am I ´(= do you want me) ³to be there? ¸(h) ´purpose: ³The telegram was to say that she had been delayed.¼ ¨be-© ²/bI-/ ³pref ¸1 ´all over; in every direction ¸(a) ´(making ³vv ´from ³vv´): ³besmear´, smear all over (with sth). ¸(b) ´(making ³vv from ³nn´): ³bedew´, cover with dew. ¸2 ´(making an intransitive ³v ´transitive): ³bemoan. ´Cf ³bemoan one's fate´, moan about one's fate. ¸3 ´(making ³adjj ´in ³-ed ´from ³nn´) wearing: ³bewigged´; covered with: ³bejewelled. ¸4 ´(intensifying): ³begrudge; belabour.¼ ¨beach© ²/bit2/ ³n ´shore between high- and low-water mark, covered with sand or water-worn pebbles. ¸Ú@ ball ³n ´very large light-weight one used for games on the @. ¸Ú@ buggy ³n ´small motorized vehicle, used for racing on waste ground, beaches, etc. ¸Ú@®comber ²/-kE8mE(r)/ ³n ¸(a) ´long wave rolling in from the sea. ¸(b) ´man who makes a poor living on the waterfront in ports in the Pacific. ¸Ú@®head ³n ´fortified position established on a @ by an invading army. µ¥ bridgehead. ¸Ú@®wear ³n ¶[U] ´clothes for sunbathing, swimming, playing games, etc on the @. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´push or pull (a boat, a ship) up on to the shore or @.¼ ¨bea®con© ²/ÚbikEn/ ³n ¸1 ´(old use; also ¸Ú@-fire´) fire lit on a hill-top as a signal. ¸2 ´light on a hill or mountain, or on the coast, on rocks, etc to give warning of danger or for the guidance of ships, etc. ¸3 ´(also ¸Ú@-light´) fixed lantern to warn or guide ships; flashing light to warn aircraft of high mountains, etc. ¸4 ´(in GB) seven-foot high post with a lamp, used to indicate a street-crossing for pedestrians: ³flashing @ ´or ³Belisha ²/bEÚli2E/ ³@´, one with a light that flashes, to warn motorists that pedestrians have priority over wheeled traffic. ¸5 ´(US) = beamµ(4).¼ ¨bead© ²/bid/ ³n ¸1 ´small ball of wood, glass, etc with a hole through it, for threading with others on a string or wire; ³(pl) ´necklace of @s. ¸2 ·tell one's @s, ´(old use) say one's prayers (while counting @s on a rosary). ¸3 ´drop of liquid: ³His face was covered with @s of sweat. ¸@®ing ³n ´wooden strip with a pattern of @s, used for ornament; similar pattern on stonework; lace trimmings, etc with @s on the threads.¼ ¨beadle© ²/Úbidl/ ³n ´(formerly) parish officer who helped the priest by keeping order in church, giving out money to the poor, etc.¼ ¨beady© ²/ÚbidI/ ³adj ´(of eyes) small, round and bright.¼ ¨beagle© ²/Úbigl/ ³n ´small, short-legged hound used for hunting hares when those who take part are on foot, not on horse-back. ¸beag®ling ²/-glIG/ ³n ´hunting hares with @s.¼ ¨beak©1 ²/bik/ ³n ¸1 ´hard, horny part of a bird's mouth, esp when curved. µ¥ ´the illus at µprey. ¸2 ´ram at the prow of a warship in ancient times.¼ ¨beak©2 ²/bik/ ³n ¸1 ´(sl) magistrate: ³brought up before the @. ¸2 ´(old use; sl) schoolmaster.¼ ¨beaker© ²/ÚbikE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´open glass vessel with a lip (as used for chemical experiments, etc). ¸2 ´(liter or archaic) large drinking vessel; goblet. ¸3 ´plastic vessel, shaped like and used as a drinking glass.¼ ¨beam© ²/bim/ ³n ¸1 ´long horizontal piece of squared timber, or of steel, light alloy, concrete, supported at both ends, used to carry the weight of a building, etc. ¸2 ´horizontal cross-timber in a ship, joining the sides and supporting the deck(s); the greatest width of a ship, µ¥ ´the illus at µship. ·on/off the port/starboard @, ´on/at a distance from either side. ·on her *@-Úends, ´(of a ship) lying over to one side; almost capsizing. ·be on one's *@-Úends, ´(of a person) at the end of one's financial resources; destitute. ·broad in the @, ´(colloq, of a person) wide and stocky. ¸3 (a) ´crosspiece of a balance, from which the scales hang. µ¥ ´the illus at µbalance. ¸(b) ´chief piece of timber in an old-style plough, to which the share is fastened. ¸4 (a) ´ray or stream of light (eÔg from a lamp or lighthouse, the sun or moon); (fig) bright look or smile, showing happiness, etc: ³with a @ of delight. ¸(b) ´directed electromagnetic waves: ³the @ system, ´by which short waves are directed to a specific target. ¸(c) ´radio signal used to direct an aircraft on its course. ·on/off the @, ´(of an aircraft) following/not following the radio @; (colloq) on the right/wrong track; behaving in a way likely/unlikely to be right. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP2C] ´(of the sun, etc) send out light and warmth; (fig) smile happily and cheerfully: ³@ing on his friends; @ing with satisfaction. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15] ·@ sth (to), ´(telegraphy) broadcast (a message, radio programme, etc) in a particular direction: ³@ed from Britain to S America.¼ ¨bean© ²/bin/ ³n ¸1 ´(any of several plants bearing) seed in long pods (all used as vegetables): ·³broad @s, ·Ú³kidney @s, ·Ú³soya @s. µ¥ ´the illus at µvegetable. ¸Ú@®stalk ³n ´stalk of tall-growing varieties of @. ¸2 ´seed similar in shape of other plants (esp ²Ú³coffee-@s, ´also called ³berries´). ¸3 ´(sl uses) ·be without/not have a @, ´be without any money. ·full of @s, ´lively; in high spirits or vigour. ·give sb @s, ´punish or scold him. ·old @, ´(dated sl, as a familiar form of address) old boy/fellow. ·spill the @s, ´give away information, esp sth not intended to be made known. ¸Ú@-feast; beano ²/ÚbinE8/ ³nn ´(dated colloq) feast; celebration; jolly time.¼ ¨bear©1 ²/beE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´large, heavy animal with thick fur. µ¥ cub, whelp. ¸Ú@®skin ³n ´tall military headdress of black fur (worn by the Brigade of Guards in Britain). ¸2 ´rough, clumsy ill-mannered person. ¸3 the Great/Little B@, ´names of two constellations in the northern hemisphere. ¸4 ´(stock exchange) person who sells stock for future delivery hoping before then to buy it cheap. µ¥ bull±1µ(3). ¸@ish ³adj ´rough; clumsy.¼ ¨bear©2 ²/beE(r)/ ³vt,vi (pt µbore ²/bc(r)/, ³pp µborne ²/bcn/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B] ´carry: ³@ a heavy load. ·@ away, ´(now usu ³carry off´): ³@ away the palm´, excel in competition, by winning a prize, etc; ³@ away ´(iÔe win) ³the prize. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´have; show: ³@ the marks/signs/traces of blows/wounds/punishment; a document that @s your signature; @ arms´, be provided with weapons; ³@ no/some/not much/little resemblance to sb or sth. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´have; be known by: ³@ a good character; a family that bore an ancient and honoured name. ¸4 ¶[VP16B] ·@ oneself, ¸(a) ´carry oneself in a specified way: ³He @s himself like a soldier´, stands, walks, etc like one. ¸(b) ´behave; conduct oneself: ³He bore himself with dignity in these difficult circumstances. ¸5 ¶[VP14,12C] ·@ (against/towards), ´have in the heart or mind: ³@ a grudge against sb; @ no malice towards sb; bear sb no malice; the love/hatred she bore him´, felt towards him. ¸6 ¶[VP6A,14,11] ´bring; provide. ·@ a hand, ´help. ·@ witness (to sth), ´(fig) provide evidence; speak in support: ³actions that @ witness to ³his courage. Will you @ witness (for me) that I am innocent? ·@ false witness (against sb), ´give false evidence. ¸7 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´support; sustain: ³The ice is too thin to @ your weight. The ice doesn't @ yet. Who will @ the responsibility/expense? ¸8 ¶[VP6A,6D,7A,17] ´(usu with ³can/could´, and esp in neg and interr) endure; tolerate; put up with: ³I can't @ (the sight of) that old man. The pain was almost more than he could @. There's no @ing ´(= It's impossible to @) ³such rude fellows. She couldn't @ to see animals treated cruelly. She can't @ to be laughed at/can't @ being laughed at. ¸9 ¶[VP6E] ´be fit for: ³His language won't @ repeating. Your joke will @ repeating´, is amusing enough to be heard again. ¸10 ¶[VP6A,12C] ´give birth to: ³@ a child. She has borne him six sons. ´Cf ³born´: The eldest son was born in 1932. ¸11 ¶[VP2C] ·@ (to the), ´(of direction) turn, incline: ³When you reach the top of the hill, @ (to the) right. ¸12 ¶[VP15B,2C,3A] ´(with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps´)´:¼ ·bear down, ´overcome; defeat: ³@ down the enemy; @ down all resistance. ·@ down on/upon, ´(esp of a ship, car) move quickly towards.¼ ·be borne Úin on/upon sb, ´(of sb) be made to realize: ³The terrible truth was borne in on him´, he had to realize it. ³It was gradually borne in on me that«, The idea that« was one that I gradually had to accept.¼ ·bear on/upon, ´have relation to, have influence on, be relevant to: ³How does this @ upon the problem? These are matters that @ upon the welfare of the community. ·bring to @ on/upon, ´make (sth) relate to, have influence on: ³bring all one's energies to @ upon a task; bring pressure to @ on sb. ·@ hard/heavily/severely, etc on/upon, ´be a burden on: ³Taxation @s heavily on all classes in Britain.¼ ·bear (sth or sb) out, ´confirm (sth); support (sb): ³@ out a statement. John will @ me out/@ out what I've said.¼ ·bear up (against/under sth), ´be strong in the face of (sorrow, etc): ³He bore up well against all these misfortunes. Tell her to @ up´, to have courage, not give way.¼ ·bear with sb, ´treat him patiently or indulgently: ³If you will @ with me ´(iÔe listen patiently to me) ³a little longer«.¼ ¨bear®able© ²/ÚbeErEbl/ ³adj ´(from µbear±2µ(8)´) that can be borne or endured.¼ ¨beard©1 ²/bIEd/ ³n ¸1 ´hair of the lower part of the face (excluding the moustache): ³a man with a @; a week's (growth of) @´; similar growth of hair on an animal: ³a billy-goat's @. ¸2 ´@-like sheath on the grain of barley, oats, etc. ¸@ed ³adj ´having a @. ¸@®less ³adj ´having no @: ³a @less youth.¼ ¨beard©2 ²/bIEd/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´defy openly, oppose: ³@ the lion in his den´, (fig) defy sb in his own stronghold.¼ ¨bearer© ²/ÚbeErE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´person who brings a letter or message: ³the @ of good news; the @ of this letter. ¸2 ´person who helps to carry a coffin to a grave, who carries a stretcher, flag, etc. ¸3 ´person employed to carry sth. ¸4 ´person who presents, at a bank, a cheque payable on demand. ¸Ú@ bonds ³n pl ´bonds, interest on which is payable to the @, the owner's name not being written on them. ¸5 ´(with ³adjj´) plant, tree, etc that produces fruit, crops, etc: ³a good/poor @.¼ ¨bear®ing© ²/ÚbeErIG/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´way of behaving; way of standing, walking, etc: ³a man of noble/soldierly @. His kindly @ caused all the children to like him. µ¥ bear±2µ(4). ¸2 ¶[C,U] ´relation, aspect: ³We must consider the question in all its @s. What he said has no/not much @ on ´(iÔe is not connected with) ³the subject. µ¥ bear±2µ(12). ¸3 ¶[U] ´possibility of being endured; endurance: ³His conduct was beyond (all) @. µ¥ bear±2µ(8). ¸4 ¶[C] ´direction in which a place, etc, lies (as measured, eÔg in degrees): ³take a compass @ on a lighthouse´; ³(pl) ´relative position; direction. ·get/take one's @s, ´find the direction of a ship's course; find one's position by looking round for landmarks, etc. ·lose/be out of one's @s, ´be lost; (fig) be puzzled. ¸5 ´(usu ³pl´) (in a machine) device that supports moving parts and reduces friction: ³ball/roller @s. ¸6 ¶[U] ´(of a tree, etc): ³in full @´, producing fruit well. µ¥ child-@.¼ ¨bear®ish© ²/ÚbeErI2/ ³adj µ¥ bear±1µ.¼ ¨beast© ²/bist/ ³n ¸1 ´four-footed animal ³(animal ´is the usu word; ³beast ´is used in fables). ¸2 ´(farming) cow or bullock; animal for riding or driving. ¸3 ´cruel or disgusting person. ¸4 ´(reproachfully or playfully) person who behaves badly: ³They hate that @ of a foreman! ´(eÔg of a foreman who is very strict). ¸@®ly ³adj ¸1 ´like a @ or its ways; unfit for human use. ¸2 ´(colloq) nasty: ³What @ly weather! µ¹ ³adv ´(colloq; used to intensify ³adjj ´and ³advv ´used in a bad sense) very; unpleasantly: ³He was @ly drunk. µ¥ jolly. ³It was @ly cold. ¸@®li®ness ²/-lInIs/ ³n ¶[U]¼ ¨beat©1 ²/bit/ ³vt,vi (pt µbeat³, pp µ@en ²/Úbitn/³) ¸(a) ¶[VP6A,14,2A,C] ´hit repeatedly (esp with a stick): ³She was @ing the carpet/@ing the dust out of the carpet. He was @ing a drum. We heard the drums @ing/being @en. ³The boy was @en until he was black and blue´, covered with bruises. ³The hunters had to @ a way through the undergrowth´, make a path by forcing the branches, etc down. ³Somebody was @ing at/upon the door. ·@ one's brains, µ¥ brain(4). ·@ a retreat, ´give the signal (by drum) to retreat; (fig) go back, retire. ·@ the woods, ´go into them to drive out game (for sport, shooting). ¸@®ing ³n ¸(a) ´punishment, esp by hitting repeatedly: ³give sb/get a good @ing. ¸(b) ´(colloq) defeat: ³Our team got a sound @ing. ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ´(of the sun, rain, wind, etc) strike: ³The rain was @ing against the windows. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,14] ´mix thoroughly and let air into by using a fork or similar utensil: ³@ eggs; @ cream ´(to a froth); ³@ flour and eggs, etc, ´(to a paste). µ¥ whip±2µ(2). ¸4 ¶[VP6A,22,15B] ´hammer, change the shape of by blows: ³@ sth flat; @ out gold´, hammer it flat; ³@ the door in´, break in by hammering down the door. ¸5 ¶[VP6A,14,15A] ´defeat; do better than: ³Our army was @en. I'll @ you to the top of that hill´, race you and get there first. ³He @ me at chess. ·@ the record, ´break the record, make a new and better record. ¸6 ¶[VP6A] ´be too difficult for; perplex: ³That problem has @en me. ¸7 ¶[VP6A,14] ´move up and down regularly: ³The bird was @ing its wings against the sides of the cage. His heart was still @ing. Her heart was @ing with joy. ·@ time, ´measure time (in music) by making regular movements (with the hands, etc). ¸8 ´(various uses): ·@ about the bush, ´approach a subject without coming to the point. ·dead @, ´tired out. ·@ it, ´(sl) go away. ¸9 ¶[VP2C,15B] ´(with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps)´:¼ ·beat down (on), ³The sun was @ing down on our heads´, shining with great heat. ·@ sb/sth down´: ³He wanted $800 for the car but I @ him down ´(= made him lower his price) ³to $600. I @ down his price´, made him lower it. ³The wheat had been @en down ´(= flattened) ³by the rain.¼ ·beat sb/sth off, ³The attacker/attack was @en off´, repulsed.¼ ·beat sth out, ³The dry grass caught fire, but we @ it out´, extinguished the fire by @ing the burning grass. ³He @ out ´(= drummed) ³a tune on a tin can.¼ ·beat sb up, ³He was badly @en up ´(= beaten severely with cudgels, etc) ³in a back alley. ·@ sth up (into/to), ´mix thoroughly and let air into by using a fork or other utensil: ³@ the mixture up to a creamy consistency; @ the flour and eggs (up) to a paste.¼ ¨beat©2 ²/bit/ ³n ¸1 ´regular repeated stroke, or sound of this: ³We heard the @ of a drum. His heart @s were getting weaker. ¸2 ´recurring emphasis marking rhythm in music or poetry. ¸3 ´route over which sb goes regularly; appointed course of a sentinel or policeman: ³The policeman was on his @´, on the route he was ordered to patrol. ·be off/out of one's @, ´(fig) be doing sth with which one is not familiar, sth different from one's usual work, etc.¼ ¨beat©3 ²/bit/ ³attrib adj ´of or like beatniks: ³the @ generation. ¹ ³n ´= µbeatnik.¼ ¨beaten© ²/Úbitn/ ³adj ´(esp) ¸1 ´shaped by beating: ³@ silver. ¸2 ´(of a path) worn hard by use: ³a well-@ path. ·go off/keep to the @ track, ´do sth/not do anything unusual.¼ ¨beater© ²/ÚbitE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´utensil used for beating, such as: ¸Úcarpet-@, ¸Úegg-@. ¸2 ´man employed to drive birds, etc to those waiting with guns to shoot them.¼ ¨bea®tif®ic© ²/bIEÚtIfIk/ ³adj ´showing great happiness; making blessed.¼ ¨be®atify© ²/bIÚatIfñI/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(in the RÔC church) announce that a dead person is among the Blessed (iÔe those who will live for ever with God in a state of supreme happiness). ¸be®ati®fi®ca®tion ²/bI*atIfIÚkeI2n/ ³n ´@ing or being beatified; first step before canonization. µ¥ canonize.¼ ¨be®ati®tude© ²/bIÚatItjud ³US: ²-tud/ ³n ¶[U] ´great happiness; blessedness. ¸The B@s, ´Christ's sermon on blessedness (in the Bible, Matt 5: 3-11).¼ ¨beat®nik© ²/ÚbitnIk/ ³n ´(1950's) person adopting unconventional manners and dress as a defiant protest against current morality and as a means of self-expression. Cf ³hippy´, a later word.¼ ¨beau© ²/bE8/ ³n (pl µ@x ²/bE8z/³) ¸1 ´(old use) rather old man who is greatly interested in the fashion of his clothes. ¸2 ´(now usu fac) man who pays great attention to women. ¸3 ´(now usu fac) girl's admirer or lover. ¸4 @ ideal, ´one's idea of what is most excellent or beautiful. ¸the @ monde ²/*bE8 Úmcnd/ ´(F) fashionable society.¼ ¨Beau®jolais© ²/ÚbE8ZEleI ³US: ²*bE8ZEÚleI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(F) light wine (usu red) of Burgundy.¼ ¨beau®te®ous© ²/ÚbjutIEs/ ³adj ´(poet) beautiful.¼ ¨beau®tician© ²/bjuÚtI2n/ ³n ´person who runs a beauty-parlour.¼ ¨beau®ti®ful© ²/ÚbjutEfl/ ³adj ´giving pleasure or delight to the mind or senses: ³a @ face/flower/voice; @ weather/music. ¸@ly ²/-flI/ ³adv ´in a @ manner: ³She plays the piano @ly. That will do @ly, ´will be most satisfactory. ¸beau®tify ²/ÚbjutIfñI/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make @.¼ ¨beauty© ²/ÚbjutI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´combination of qualities that give pleasure to the senses (esp the eye and ear) or to the moral sense or the intellect: ³Everyone must admire the @ of a tropical sunset/a mother's love. ·B@ is only skin deep, ´(prov) We must not judge by outward appearance only. ¸2 ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´person, thing, specimen, feature, characteristic, that is beautiful or particularly good: ³Isn't she a @! Her smile is one of her beauties. Look at this peachÅisn't it a @! We are always finding new beauties in Shakespeare's poetry. That's the @ of it, ´the point that gives satisfaction. ¸Ú@-parlour ³n ´establishment (now usu ·Ú³@-salon´) in which women receive treatment (of the skin, hair, etc) to increase their @. ¸Ú@ queen ³n ´girl voted the most beautiful in a @ contest. ¸Ú@-salon, ´= @-parlour. ¸Ú@-sleep ³n ´sleep before midnight. ¸Ú@-spot ³n ¸1 ´place with beautiful scenery. ¸2 ´birthmark or artificial patch on the face, said to heighten @.¼ ¨bea®ver©1 ²/ÚbivE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´fur-coated animal that lives both on land and in water, with strong teeth with which it cuts down trees and makes dams across rivers. µ¥ ´the illus at µsmall. ¸2 ¶[U] ´its fur. ¸3 ¶[U] ´heavy woollen cloth that looks like @ fur. ¸4 ¶[C] ´high hat made of @ fur, formerly worn by men.¼ ¨bea®ver©2 ²/ÚbivE(r)/ ³n ´(on the helmet worn by soldiers in olden times) movable lower part that guarded the lips and chin.¼ ¨bea®ver©3 ²/ÚbivE(r)/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ·@ away (at sth), ´(colloq) work hard.¼ ¨be®calmed© ²/bIÚkqmd/ ³pred adj ´(of a sailing-ship) stopped because there is no wind.¼ ¨be®came© ³pt ´of µbecome.¼ ¨be®cause© ²/bIÚkoz/ ³conj ¸1 ´for the reason that: ³I did it @ they asked me to do it. Just @ I don't complain, you mustn't suppose that I'm satisfied. ´(Note that when the reason is obvious, or is thought to be known, it is preferable to use ³as, ´or a construction with ³so: As it's raining, you'd better take a taxi. It's raining so you'd better take a taxi. ´After the noun ³reason, that ´is preferred to @: ³The reason why we were late is that«´) ¸2 ·@ of, ³prep ´by reason of; on account of: ³B@ of his bad leg, he couldn't walk so fast as the others. I said nothing about it, @ of his wife('s) being there.¼ ¨beck©1 ²/bek/ ³n ´(N England) mountain stream or brook.¼ ¨beck©2 ²/bek/ ³n ´movement of the head, hand or arm, as a signal or sign, used only in: ·be at sb's @ and call, ´be bound to obey his orders, to come and go, all the time. ·have sb at one's @ and call, ´have sb always waiting to obey one's orders.¼ ¨beckon© ²/ÚbekEn/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15B,16A,2A] ´call sb's attention by a movement of the hand or arm, usu to show that he is to come nearer or to follow: ³He @ed (to) me to follow. He @ed me on/in.¼ ¨be®come© ²/bIÚkAm/ ³vi,vt (pt µbecame ²/bIÚkeIm/, ³pp µbecome³) ¸1 ¶[VP2D] ´come or grow to be; begin to be: ³He became a doctor. He has @ a famous man. The custom has now @ a rule. He has @ accustomed to his new duties. It's becoming much more expensive to travel abroad. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ of, ´happen to: ³What will @ of the children if their father dies? I don't know what has @ of him. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´be well suited to: ³Her new hat @s her. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´be right or fitting; befit: ³He used language ´(eÔg insulting language) ³that does not @ a man of his education. ¸be®com®ing ³adj ·@ (to), ¸1 ´(of dress, etc) well suited to the wearer: ³a becoming hat/dress/style of hair-dressing. ¸2 ´suitable, appropriate: ³with a modesty becoming to his low rank. ¸be®com®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨bed©1 ²/bed/ ³n ¸1 ´piece of furniture, or other arrangement, on which to sleep (Note omission and use of the articles): ³go to bed; ³be in bed; get into/out of bed; put the children to bed; sit on the bed; find a bed for sb; ´(fig) love-making: ³He thinks of nothing but bed. ¸single bed, ´for one person. ¸double bed, ´for two persons: ³I want a room with two single beds/a double bed. ¸twin beds, ´two exactly similar single beds. ¸spare bed(room), ´one that is kept for an occasional visitor. ¸bed and board, ´food and lodging; entertainment (at an inn, etc). ·make the beds, ´put the bedclothes (sheets, blankets, etc) in order, ready for use. ·As you make your bed so you must lie on it, ´(prov) you must accept the consequences of your acts. ·He got out of bed on the wrong side, ´said of sb who is bad-tempered for the day. ·take to/keep to one's bed, ´stay in bed because of illness. ¸2 ´mattress: ³a feather bed; a spring-bed. ¸3 ´flat base on which sth rests: ³The machine rests on a bed of concrete. ¸4 ´bottom of the sea, a river, lake, etc; layer of rock, stone, etc, as a foundation for a road or railway; layer of clay, rock, etc, below the surface soil: ³If you dig here, you will find a bed of clay. ¸Úbed-rock, ´solid rock below the soil, found at different depths in different places; (fig) ultimate facts or principles on which a theory, etc, is based: ³reach/get down to bed-rock. ¸5 ´garden plot, piece of ground (for flowers, vegetables, etc): ·Ú³seed-bed; ·Ú³onion-bed; ·Ú³flower beds. ¸6 ´(compounds) ¸Úbed-bug ³n ´wingless, blood-sucking insect. ¸Úbed-clothes ³n pl ´sheets, blankets, etc for a bed. ¸Úbed-fellow ³n ´person with whom one shares a bed; (fig) companion. ¸Úbed®pan ³n ´vessel for waste matter from the body, used by an invalid in bed. ¸Úbed®post ³n ´upright support of a bedstead (esp the old-fashioned sort). ¸Úbed®ridden ³adj ´confined to bed by weakness or old age. ¸Úbed-roll ³n ´portable roll of bedding (eÔg as used by campers). ¸Úbed®room ²/³with ²-dr- ³as in "dry', not separated as in "head-room'²/ ³n ´room for sleeping in. ¸Úbed®side ³n ´side of (esp a sick person's) bed: ³Dr Green has a good bedside manner, ´is tactful, knows how to fill his patients with confidence in himself; (attrib) ³bedside table; bedside books. ¸bed®Úsit(ter) ´(colloq for) ¸*bed®Úsitting-room ³n ´room used (eÔg by students, single persons away from home) for both living in and sleeping in. ¸Úbed®sore ³n ´sore on the back, etc of an invalid, caused by lying in bed for a long time. ¸Úbed®spread ³n ´covering spread over a bed during the day. ¸Úbed®stead ³n ´framework of wood and metal to support the mattress. ¸Úbed®time ³n ´time for going to bed: ³His usual bedtime is eleven o'clock.¼ ¨bed©2 ²/bed/ ³vt µ(-dd-) ¶[VP6A,15A,B] ¸1 ·bed (in/out), ´plant (seedlings, etc): ³He was bedding out some young cabbage plants. He bedded the seedlings (in). ¸2 ·bed (in), ´place or fix in a foundation: ³Bricks and stones are bedded in mortar or concrete. The bullet bedded itself in ´(= went deep into) ³the wall. Heavy guns have to be bedded (in) before they will fire accurately. ¸3 ·bed down, ´provide with a bed or bedding: ³bed down a horse, ´provide it with straw, etc on which to rest; ³bed down a soldier/traveller, etc. ¸-bed®ded, ´having the specified type or number of bed(s): ³a single-/double-/twin-bedded room. ¸Úbed®ding ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´bedclothes, eÔg blankets. ¸2 ´straw, etc, for animals to sleep on.¼ ¨be®daubed© ²/bIÚdcbd/ ³pred adj ·@ with, ´smeared (with sth dirty, wet, sticky, etc).¼ ¨bed®ding© ²/ÚbedIG/ ³n ¶[U] µ¥ bed±2µ.¼ ¨be®decked© ²/bIÚdekt/ ³pred adj ·@ with, ´adorned, decorated (with flowers, jewels, etc).¼ ¨be®dev®il© ²/bIÚdevl/ ³vt µ(-ll-, ´US µ-l-) ´(usu passive) confuse; complicate: ³The issue is @led by Smith's refusal to co-operate with us. ¸@®ment ³n¼ ¨be®dewed© ²/bIÚdjud ³US: ²-Údud/ ³pred adj ·@ with, ´(liter) sprinkled with, made wet with: ³a face @ with tears.¼ ¨be®dim®med© ²/bIÚdImd/ ³pred adj ·@ with, ´(liter) (of the eyes, mind) made dim: ³eyes @ with tears; a mind @ with sorrow.¼ ¨bed®lam© ²/ÚbedlEm/ ³n ¸1 ´(old use) asylum for mad people. ¸2 ´scene of noisy confusion: ³When the teacher was called away the classroom was a regular @.¼ ¨Bed®ouin©, Bed®uin ²/Úbed8In/ ³n (pl ´unchanged) nomadic Arab of the desert.¼ ¨be®drag®gled© ²/bIÚdragld/ ³pred adj ´(esp of clothing) made wet or dirty by rain, mud, etc.¼ ¨bee© ²/bi/ ³n ¸1 ´small, four-winged, stinging insect that produces wax and honey after gathering nectar from flowers. µ¥ ´the illus at µinsect. ·have a bee in one's bonnet, ´be obsessed by an idea. ·make a Úbee-line for, ´go towards by the shortest way, go quickly towards. ¸Úbee®hive ³n µ¥ hive(1). ¸2 ´(chiefly US) meeting for combined work and amusement (esp of neighbours and friends). ¸Úspelling bee, ´competition in spelling.¼ ¨beech© ²/bit2/ ³n ¶[C] ´forest tree with smooth bark and shiny dark-green leaves and small triangular nuts; ¶[U] ´its wood. ¸Ú@ mast ³n ¶[U] ´@ nuts.¼ ¨beef© ²/bif/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´flesh of an ox, bull or cow, used as meat. ¸Ú@ cattle, ´bred and reared for @. µ¥ dairy cattle. ¸@ tea, ´stewed juice from @ (for people who are ill). ¸Ú@®steak ³n µ¥ steak. ¸Ú@®eater ³n ´yeoman of the guard; one of the warders of the Tower of London, dressed as in the days of the Tudor kings. ¸2 ¶[U] ´(in men) muscle: ³He's got plenty of @. ¸3 ¶[C] ³(pl µbeeves ²/bivz/´) fattened ox, considered as food. ¹ ³vi ´(sl) complain: ³Stop @ing so much! ¸@y ³adj ´(of a person) well covered with flesh; strong.¼ ¨been© µ¥ be±1µ.¼ ¨beep© ²/bip/ ³n ´repeated signal (as during a phone conversation, indicating that it is being recorded).¼ ¨beer© ²/bIE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´alcoholic drink made from malt and flavoured with hops; other drinks made from roots, etc: ·*³ginger-·Ú³@, ·Ú³nettle-@. ·small @, ´sth trifling and unimportant: ³He thinks no small @ of himself, ´has a high opinion of himself. ¸@y ³adj ´like @ in taste or smell; (eÔg of a person) smelling of @.¼ ¨bees®wax© ²/Úbizwaks/ ³n ¶[U] ´wax made by bees for honeycomb, used for polishing wood. ¹ ³vt ´polish with @.¼ ¨beet© ²/bit/ ³n ´sorts of plant with a sweet root. ¸Úred @, ´used as a vegetable, esp in salads. ¸Úwhite @, ´used for making sugar. ¸*@ Úsugar, ´sugar made from @s, identical with cane sugar. ¸Ú@®root ²/Úbitrut ³with ²tr ³as in "try'²/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´root of @; red @.¼ ¨beetle©1 ²/Úbitl/ ³n ´tool with a heavy head and handle, used for crushing, ramming and smoothing.¼ ¨beetle©2 ²/Úbitl/ ³n ´insect with hard, shiny wing-covers. µ¥ ´the illus at µinsect.¼ ¨beetle©3 ²/Úbitl/ ³vi ¶[VP2A] ´overhang; project: ³beetling cliffs. ¸Ú@-browed ³adj ´having shaggy or projecting eyebrows.¼ ¨beeves© µ¥ beef(3).¼ ¨be®fall© ²/bIÚfcl/ ³vt,vi ³(pt µbefell ²/bIÚfel/ ³pp µbefallen ²/bIÚfclEn/³) ¶[VP6A] ´(used only in the 3rd person) (old use) happen (to): ³What has @en him?¼ ¨be®fit© ²/bIÚfIt/ ³vt µ(-tt-) ¶[VP6A] ´(used only in 3rd person) (formal) be fitted for; be right and suitable for: ³It does not @ a man in your position to«. ¸@®ting ³adj ´right and proper. ¸@®ting®ly ³adv¼ ¨be®fog®ged© ²/bIÚfogd ³US: ²-Úfcgd/ ³pred adj ´(fig, of a person) puzzled; muddle-headed.¼ ¨be®fore©1 ²/bIÚfc(r)/ ³adv ¸1 ´(contrasted with ³afterwards´) at an earlier time; in the past; already: ³I've seen that film @. It had been fine the day @, ´the previous day. ³You should have told me so @, ´earlier. ³That happened long @, ´a long time earlier. ¸2 ´(of space or position): ³They have gone on @, ´in advance.¼ ¨be®fore©2 ²/bIÚfc(r)/ ³conj ´(contrasted with ³after´) previous to the time when: ³I must finish my work @ I go home. Do it now @ you forget. It will be five years @ we meet again ´(note the use of the ³present t ´here). ´Cf We ³shall not meet again ´until five years from now.¼ ¨be®fore©3 ²/bIÚfc(r)/ ³prep ¸1 ´(contrasted with ³after´) earlier than: ³the day @ yesterday; the year @ last; two days @ Christmas; ³@ the holidays; since @ the war; @ now/then; @ long, ´soon. ¸@ Christ ´(abbr ¸BÔC´): ³in 55¶BC, ´55 years before the birth of Christ. ¸2 ´(contrasted with ³after´) in front of (esp with reference to order or arrangement): ³B comes @ C. Ladies @ gentlemen, ´ladies first. ³Your name comes @ mine on the list. ¸3 ´(contrasted with ³behind´) in front of (with reference to position). (Except in a few phrases ³in front of ´is preferred to ³before ´in this sense, eÔg There are some trees ³in front of ´the house.) ·carry all @ one, ´be successful in everything one attempts. ·sail @ the mast, ´as an ordinary seaman, not as an officer. ·sail @ the wind, ´with the wind behind. ¸4 ´in the presence of; face to face with: ³He was brought @ the judge. Don't hesitate to speak out @ everyone ´(iÔe in public) ³about the way you've been treated. ¸5 ´rather than; in preference to: ³Death @ dishonour.¼ ¨be®fore®hand© ²/bIÚfchand/ ³adv ´earlier; before±1µ(1)´: ³I knew what he would need, so I made preparations @, ´in advance, in readiness. ³Please let me know @. You ought to have told me @. ¹ ³pred adj ·@ (with), ´early; in advance: ³When you go on a journey, it's a good thing to be @ with your packing. She's always @ with the rent, ´pays it, or is ready to pay it, before it is due.¼ ¨be®foul© ²/bIÚfñ8l/ ³vt ´(liter) make dirty.¼ ¨be®friend© ²/bIÚfrend/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make a friend of; be kind and helpful to (esp sb younger and needing help).¼ ¨beg© ²/beg/ ³vt,vi µ(-gg-) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A,C,3A,14] ·beg (for) (sth) (from/of sb), ´ask for (food, money, clothes, etc); make a living by asking for money (in the streets, etc): ³He begged a meal. He was so poor that he had to beg (for) his bread. He made a living by begging from the rich. ·a begging letter, ´one that asks for help, esp money. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,7A,17,9,2C,14] ·@ (sth) (of sb), ´ask earnestly, or with deep feeling: ³beg a favour of sb, ´ask him to help to do sth; ³beg (of) sb to do sth. They begged us not to punish them. I beg (of) you not to take any risks. I begged (of) him to stay/that he would stay. The children begged to come with us/that they might come with us. ·beg the question, ´assume (usu unjustifiably) the truth of the matter that is in question. ·go begging, ´(of things) be unwanted: ³If these things are going begging ´(= if nobody wants them), ³I'll take them. ·beg off, ´ask to be excused. ³He promised to come and help but has since begged off. ·beg sb off, ´ask that sb may be excused or forgiven. µ¥ pardon. ¸3 ¶[VP7A] ´take the liberty of (saying or doing sth): ³I beg to differ. I beg to state/observe, etc that«.¼ ¨be®gad© ²/bIÚgad/ ³int ´(old use) by God!¼ ¨be®gan© µ¥ begin.¼ ¨be®get© ²/bIÚget/ ³vt µ(-tt-) ³(pt µbegot ²/bIÚgot/, ´old use µbegat ²/bIÚgat/³, pp µbegotten ²/bIÚgotn/³) ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´(archaic) give existence to (as father): (Bible) ³Abraham begat Isaac. The only begotten of the Father, ´the only Son of God the Father. ¸2 ´(liter) be the cause of: ³War @s misery and ruin. ¸@®ter ³n ´one who @s.¼ ¨beg®gar© ²/ÚbegE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´(also ¸Ú@man, Ú@woman´) ´person who lives by begging, eÔg for money, food; poor person. ·B@s can't be choosers, ´must take whatever is offered them. ¸2 ´person who begs for others, for charities, etc: ³He's a good @, ´successful in collecting money for charity, etc. ¸3 ´(colloq; playful or friendly use) person; fellow: ³You lucky @! ¹ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´make poor, ruin: ³You'll @ your family if you spend so much money on drink. ¸2 ·@ description, ´make words seem poor and inadequate: ³The scenery @ed description. ¸@®ly ³adj ´very poor; mean; deserving contempt: ³What a @ly salary to offer me! ¸@y ³n ¶[U] ´extreme poverty: ³He complained that taxation was reducing him to @y.¼ ¨be®gin© ²/bIÚgIn/ ³vt,vi µ(-nn-, ³pt µbegan ²/bIÚgan/´, ³pp µbegun ²/bIÚgAn/µ) ´(For notes on the use of ³begin ´and ³start, µ¥ start.´) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´start: ³When did you @ English, ´learn your first English words? ³It's time to @ work. We shall @ the meeting at seven o'clock. The meeting will @ at seven o'clock. He has begun a new book, ´is reading (or writing) the first few pages. ·@ (on), ¶[VP3A ´the ³v ´being understood¶] ³He has begun on ´(= is reading, writing) ³a new book. Has he begun (on) another bottle, ´begun to drink another bottle? ¸2 ¶[VP7A,6D] ´(used of activities and states that come into existence. The ³inf ´is preferred when the ³pred ´denotes a state of mind or a mental activity): ³She began to feel dizzy/afraid. I'm @ning to understand. I began to think you were never coming. ´(The ³inf ´is preferred when the grammatical subject is lifeless, not a person): ³The plaster was @ning to fall from the walls. The barometer began to fall. The water is @ning to boil. The snow began to melt when the sun came out. ´(Either the ³inf ´or the ³gerund ´is used when the grammatical subject is a person and when the ³pred ´indicates an activity or process, not a state. Alternatives are given in the examples. Note that if ³begin ´is used in one of the progressive tenses, an ³inf ´follows, not a ³gerund´): ³When did you begin learning/to learn German? She began crying/to cry. It began raining/to rain. It is @ning to rain (´not ³@ning raining). ¸3 ·@ at, ´start from: ³Today we @ at page 30, line 12. ·to @ with, ´in the first place: ³We can't give Smith the position; to @ with, he's too young; secondly, I want my son to have the job. ·@ life as, ´start one's life or career as: ³He began life as a builder's labourer. ·@ the world, ´(old use; liter) start in life, enter upon one's career. ¸@®ner ³n ´(esp) person still learning and without much experience. ¸@®ning ³n ´starting point: ³I've read the book from @ning to end. When learning a foreign language, it's important to make a good @ning. ³Did democracy have its @nings in Athens?¼ ¨be®gone© ²/bIÚgon ³US: ²-Úgcn/ ³v ´(imper only) (liter) go away (stronger than "Go!'): ³B@! B@ dull care! µ¥ ´also µwoe@.¼ ¨be®gonia© ²/bIÚgE8nIE/ ³n ¶[C] ´garden plant with brightly coloured leaves and flowers.¼ ¨be®gorra© ²/bIÚgorE/ ³int ´(Irish form of) by God!¼ ¨be®got©, be®got®ten µ¥ beget.¼ ¨be®grimed© ²/bIÚgrñImd/ ³pred adj ´made grimy: ³hands @ with oil and dirt.¼ ¨be®grudge© ²/bIÚgrAdZ/ ³vt ´(intensive form of ³grudge) ¶[VP13A,12A,6C] ´feel or show dissatisfaction or envy at: ³No one @s you your good fortune. We don't @ your going to Italy.¼ ¨be®guile© ²/bIÚgñIl/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (into), ´cheat, deceive: ³They were @d into forming an unwise alliance. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (with), ´cause (time, etc) to pass pleasantly: ³Our journey was @d with pleasant talk. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (with), ´amuse: ³We @d the children with fairy tales.¼ ¨be®gum© ²/ÚbeIgEm/ ³n ´Muslim princess or lady of high rank.¼ ¨be®gun© µ¥ begin.¼ ¨be®half© ²/bIÚhqf ³US: ²-Úhaf/ ³n ·in @ of, ´(US) in the interest of. ·on @ of, ´for, in the interest of, on account of, as the representative of. ·on my/his/our/John's, etc @, ´for me/him/us/John, etc: ³On @ of my colleagues and myself, ´speaking for them and me. ³Don't be uneasy on my @, ´about me.¼ ¨be®have© ²/bIÚheIv/ ³vi, reflex ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C,6B] ´act; conduct oneself: ³He has @d shamefully towards his wife´, has treated her in a shameful way. ³Can't you make your little boy @ (himself)´, show good manners, be polite? ³The troops @d gallantly under fire. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C] ´(of machines, etc) work; function: ³How's your new car behaving? ¸be®haved ³adj ´(in compounds) ¸*well-/*badly-Ú@d, ´behaving well/badly. ³What badly @d children!¼ ¨be®hav®iour© ´(US = ¸-ior´) ²/bIÚheIvIE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´way of behaving; manners (good or bad); treatment shown towards others: ³His @ towards me shows that he does not like me. Tom won a prize for good @ at school. ·be on one's best @, ´take great care to behave well. ·put sb on his best @, ´advise or warn him to behave well. ¸@®ism ²/-IzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´(psych) doctrine that all human actions could, if full knowledge were available, be analysed into stimulus and response. ¸@®ist ²/-Ist/ ³n ´believer in this doctrine.¼ ¨be®head© ²/bIÚhed/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´cut off the head of (as a punishment).¼ ¨be®held© µ¥ behold.¼ ¨be®hest© ²/bIÚhest/ ³n ´(old use; only in) ·at sb's @, ´on sb's orders: ³at the King's @.¼ ¨be®hind©1 ²/bIÚhñInd/ ³adv ´(contrasted with ³ahead ´or ³in front) ¸1 ´in the rear: ³The dog was running @. The others are a long way @. The enemy attacked us from @. ·fall/lag @, ´fail to keep up: ³Keith was tired and fell @. ·stay/remain @, ´stay after others have left. ¸2 ·be @ with/in, ´be in arrears with: ³Are you @ with your work/studies, etc, ´Have you done less than you ought to have done? ³He was @ in his payments´, had not made payments (eÔg of rent) when they were due.¼ ¨be®hind©2 ²/bIÚhñInd/ ³n ´(colloq) buttocks: ³He kicked the boy's @. He fell on his @.¼ ¨be®hind©3 ²/bIÚhñInd/ ³prep ¸1 ´(contrasted with ³in front of´) to the rear of: ³The boy was hiding @ a tree. Come out from @ the door. There is an orchard @ the house. The sun was @ ´(= hidden by) ³the clouds. Walk close @ me. He put the idea @ him´, (fig) refused to consider it. µ¥ ´also µback±1µ(1), scene(6) ´and µleave±1µ(3). ¸2 ´(contrasted with ³ahead of´) not having made so much progress as: ³@ other boys of his age; a country far @ its neighbours. Mary is @ the other girls in sewing. ¸3 ·leave @, ´leave remaining after: ³He left nothing but debts @ him. The storm left a trail of destruction @ it. ¸4 ·be @ one, ´(of time) be in the past: ³Your schooldays will soon be far @ you. µ¥ ´also µtime±1µ(2,10).¼ ¨be®hind®hand© ²/bIÚhñIndhand/ ³pred adj ¸1 ·be/get @ (with/in), ´be in arrears: ³be @ with the rent; get @ in one's work. ¸2 ´late; after others: ³He did not want to be @ in generosity´, later than others in being generous.¼ ¨be®hold© ²/bIÚhE8ld/ ³vt (pt,pp µbeheld ²/bIÚheld/³) ¶[VP6A] ´(old or liter use) take notice; see (esp sth unusual or striking). ¸lo and @, µ¥ lo. ¸@er ³n ´spectator.¼ ¨be®holden© ²/bIÚhE8ldEn/ ³pred adj ·@ (to), ´under an obligation; owing thanks: ³We are much @ to you for your help.¼ ¨be®hove© ²/bIÚhE8v/ ´(US = ¸be®hoove ²/bIÚhuv/´) ³vt ´(impers) ·it @s one to do sth, ´(old formal use) it is right or necessary for one to do sth: ³It @s you to´, It is your duty to, You ought to«; ³It does not @ you to´, You must not or ought not to«.¼ ¨beige© ²/beIZ/ ³n ¶[U] ´colour of sandstone (brown, brownish grey or greyish yellow); soft fabric of undyed and unbleached wool.¼ ¨be®ing© ²/ÚbiIG/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´existence. ·bring/call sth into @, ´cause it to have reality or existence. ·come into @, ´begin to exist: ³We do not know when this world came into @. ·in @, ´existing. ¸2 ¶[C] ´living creature. ¸human @, ´human creature: ³Men, women and children are human @s. ¸3 the Supreme B@, ´God.¼ ¨be®jew®elled© ´(US = ¸-eled´) ²/bIÚdZuEld/ ³part adj ´decorated, adorned, with jewels.¼ ¨be®labour© ´(US = ¸-bor´) ²/bIÚleIbE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(archaic) beat hard, give hard blows to: ³The robbers @ed him soundly.¼ ¨be®lated© ²/bIÚleItId/ ³adj ¸1 ´coming very late or too late: ³a @ apology/explanation. ¸2 ´(old use) overtaken by darkness: ³The @ travellers lost their way in the forest. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨be®lay© ²/bIÚleI/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(naut and mountaineering) make secure (a rope) round sth or sb. ¸beÚlay®ing-pin ³n ´fixed wooden or iron pin or cleat for @ing. ¹ ³n ´turn of a rope in @ing.¼ ¨belch© ²/belt2/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (out), ´send, eÔg smoke, flames, out: ³A volcano @es out smoke and ashes. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´send out gas from the stomach noisily through the mouth. ¹ ³n ´act or sound of @ing; sth @ed out (eÔg a burst of flame from a furnace).¼ ¨bel®dam©, bel®dame ²/ÚbeldEm/ ³n ´(old use) old, esp bad-tempered, woman.¼ ¨be®leaguer© ²/bIÚligE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´besiege.¼ ¨bel®fry© ²/ÚbelfrI/ ³n ´tower for bells; part of a church tower in which bells hang. µ¥ ´the illus at µchurch´. ·bats in the @, µ¥ bat±1µ.¼ ¨be®lie© ²/bIÚlñI/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´give a wrong or untrue idea of: ³His cheerful appearance @d his feelings. ¸2 ´fail to justify or be equal to (what is hoped for or promised).¼ ¨be®lief© ²/bIÚlif/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ·@ (in), ´the feeling that sth is real and true; trust; confidence: ³I haven't much @ in his honesty´, cannot feel sure that he is honest. ³He had no great @ in his doctor´, had little confidence that his doctor could cure him. ³He has lost his @ in God´, no longer accepts the existence of God as true. ³It is my @ that´, I feel confident that«. ·in the @ that, ´feeling confident that: ³He came to me in the @ that I could help him. ·to the best of my @, ´in my genuine opinion. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth accepted as true or real; sth taught as part of a religion; religion: ³the @s of the Christian Church.¼ ¨be®lieve© ²/bIÚliv/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,9,10,25] ´feel sure of the truth of sth, that sb is telling the truth; be of the opinion (that): ³I @ that man. I @ what that man says. People used to @ (that) the world was flat. They @d him to be/@d (that) he was insane. I @ it to have been a mistake. Nobody will @ what difficulty there has been over this question/how difficult this question has been. Will they be ready tomorrow? Yes, I @ so. No, I @ not. ·@ (you) me, ´I assure you. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ in, ¸(a) ´have trust in: ³I @ in that man. ¸(b) ´feel sure of the existence of: ³@ in God. ¸(c) ´feel sure of the value or worth of: ³He @s in getting plenty of exercise. He @s in old-fashioned remedies. ¸3 ·make @, ´pretend: ³The boys made @ that they were/made @ to be explorers in the African forests. ´Hence, ¸Úmake-@ ³n´: ³Don't be frightened, it's all make-@´, is all pretence. ¸be®liever ³n ´person who @s, esp a person with religious faith. ¸be®liev®able ³adj ´that can be @d. ¸be®liev®ing ³n ·seeing is believing, ´you may @ sth if you see it.¼ ¨be®like© ²/bIÚlñIk/ ³adv ´(old use) possibly.¼ ¨be®little© ²/bIÚlItl/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´cause to seem unimportant or of small value: ³Don't @ yourself´, be too modest about your abilities, etc.¼ ¨bell© ²/bel/ ³n ¸1 ´hollow vessel of cast metal, usu shaped like a cup, that makes a ringing sound when struck (usu by a tongue or clapper inside the @ or, in an electric @, by a small hammer). ·@, book and candle, ´ecclesiastical curse of excommunication. ·as sound as a @, ´(fig) in first-rate condition. ·ring a @, ´(colloq) recall to memory sth half forgotten. ¸2 ´(naut) time signal in the form of a bell rung from one to eight times every half hour, eÔg: ³eight @s´, 12, 4 or 8 o'clock; ³four @s´, 2, 6 or 10 o'clock. ¸3 Ú@®boy, Ú@®hop ³n ´(US) boy or man employed in a hotel to carry luggage, messages, etc. µ¥ buttons(4) ´(GB). ¸Ú@-bottomed ³adj ´(of trousers) made very wide at the bottom of the leg (eÔg as worn by some sailors). ¸Ú@-bottoms ³n pl ´trousers made this way. ¸Ú@-buoy ³n ´buoy with a @ that is made to ring by the movement of the waves. ¸Ú@-flower ³n ´any plant of the genus ³campanula. ¸Ú@-founder ³n ´person whose trade is the casting of @s. ¸Ú@-foundry ³n ´place where large @s (for churches, etc) are cast. ¸Ú@-metal ³n ¶[U] ´alloy of copper and tin used for making @s. ¸Ú@-push ³n ´button pressed to ring an electric @. ¸Ú@-ringer ³n ´person who rings church @s. ¸Ú@-tent ³n ´@-shaped tent. ¸Ú@-wether ³n ´leading male sheep of a flock, with a @ on its neck; (fig) ringleader. ¹ ³vt ·@ the cat, ´(prov) do something dangerous in order to save others (from the fable of the mouse that suggested fastening a @ round the cat's neck).¼ ¨bella®donna© ²/*belEÚdonE/ ³n ´(drug prepared from) poisonous plant with red flowers and black berries.¼ ¨belle© ²/bel/ ³n ´beautiful girl or woman: ³the @ of the ball´, the most beautiful woman present.¼ ¨belles-lettres© ²/*bel ÚletrE/ ³n pl ´(with ³sing v´) (F) literary studies and writings (contrasted with commercial, technical, scientific, etc).¼ ¨bel®li®cose© ²/ÚbelIkE8s/ ³adj ´(liter) inclined to fighting; anxious to fight.¼ ¨-bel®lied© ²/-belId/ µ¥ belly.¼ ¨bel®liger®ency© ²/bIÚlIdZErEnsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´being warlike; state of being at war.¼ ¨bel®liger®ent© ²/bIÚlIdZErEnt/ ³adj, n ´(person, nation, etc) waging war: ³the @ Powers´, those that are waging war.¼ ¨bel®low© ²/ÚbelE8/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´make a loud, deep noise (like a bull); roar; shout: ³He @ed before the dentist had even started. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (out) ´utter loudly or angrily: ³They @ed out a drinking song.¼ ¨bel®lows© ²/ÚbelE8z/ ³n pl ·a pair of @, ´sometimes ·a @ ¸1 ´apparatus for blowing air into a fire, eÔg in a forge. ¸2 ´apparatus for forcing air through the pipes of an organ, eÔg in a church.¼ ¨belly©1 ²/ÚbelI/ ³n ¸1 ´(colloq) abdomen. ¸Ú@-flop ³n ´(colloq) clumsy dive, landing in the water on the front of the body. ¸Ú@-laugh ³n ´loud, coarse laugh. µ¹ ³vi ´give such a laugh. ¸2 ´the stomach: ³with an empty @´, hungry. ¸Ú@-ache ³n ´(colloq) pain in the stomach or bowels µ¹ ³vi ´(colloq) grumble or complain bitterly, esp without good reason. ¸Ú@ button ³n ´(colloq) navel. ¸3 ´bulging part (concave or convex) of anything, eÔg the surface of a violin across which the strings pass. ¸Ú@ landing ³n ´landing made on the hull of an aircraft (when the under-carriage fails to operate). Hence, ¸Ú@-land ³vi´. ¸-bellied ³adj´: ·*³big-·Ú³bellied´, having a big @. ¸@®ful ²/-f8l/ ³n ´as much as one wants of anything: ³He's had his @ful of fighting´, doesn't want any more.¼ ¨belly©2 ²/ÚbelI/ ³vi,vt ¶[VP6A,15B,2A,C] ·@ (out), ´(cause to) swell out: ³The wind bellied (out) the sails. The sails bellied (out).¼ ¨be®long© ²/bIÚloG ³US: ²-ÚlcG/ ³vi ¸1 ¶[VP3A] ·@ to, ¸(a) ´be the property of: ³These books @ to me´, are mine. ¸(b) ´be a member of, be connected with: ³Which club do you @ to? ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ´have as a right or proper place. ³Do you @ here´, live here? ³Does this item of expenditure @ under the head of office expenses´, is it rightly placed there? ¸@®ings ³n pl ´movable possessions (not land, buildings, a business, etc): ³personal @ings; I hope you've left none of your @ings in the hotel.¼ ¨be®loved© ²/bIÚlAvd/ ³pp, pred adj ´dearly loved: ³@ by all; @ of all who knew her. ¹ adj, n ²/bIÚlAvId/ ´(person) dearly loved; darling: ³his @ wife.¼ ¨be®low©1 ²/bIÚlE8/ ³adv ´(contrasted with ³above±1´; also µ¥ under±1µ, underneath, over±1µ(2)´) ¸1 ´(sometimes used after ³from´, as if it were a ³n´) at or to a lower level: ³From the hilltop we saw the blue ocean @. The people in the rooms @ are very noisy. We heard voices from @. ·be/go @, ´(in a ship) be/go @ deck in (to) a cabin, saloon, etc. ¸2 ´at the foot of a page, etc; later (in a book, article, etc): ³see paragraph six @. Please affix your signature @. ¸3 ·down @, ´in the lower part of a building, in a ship's hold, etc (according to context). ·here @, ´on earth.¼ ¨be®low©2 ²/bIÚlE8/ ³prep ´(contrasted with ³above±2´; also µ¥ under±2µ, over±1µ(2)´; ³below ´can sometimes, but not always, be replaced by ³under´; when ³under ´is possible, it is given in the examples) ¸1 ´lower than: ³Skirts this year reach just @ the knees. When the sun sets it goes @ the horizon. Shall I write my name on, above or @ the line? The temperature was five degrees @ freezing-point. There is nothing @/under 50p´, costing less than this. ³The Dead Sea is @ sea level. A captain in the army ranks @ a captain in the Navy. Your work is @ the average. He can't be much @/under sixty, ´iÔe years of age. µ¥ ´also µbelt(1), mark±1µ(8). ¸2 ´down stream from: ³a few yards @ the bridge. ¸3 ·(speak) @ one's breath ´(more usu ³under´), in a whisper. ¸4 ´(replaceable by ³beneath´) unworthy of: ³@ one's dignity.¼ ¨belt© ²/belt/ ³n ¸1 ´adjustable band or strip of cloth, leather, etc worn round the waist or over one shoulder to support or keep in place clothes or weapons, or, like a corset, to support the abdomen: ³He ate so much that he had to loosen his @ two holes. ·hit below the @, ´give an unfair blow, fight unfairly. ·tighten one's @, µ¥ tight(8). ¸2 ´endless strap, used to connect wheels and so drive machinery. ¸Úfan-belt, ´in the engine of a car. ¸3 ´any wide strip or band, surrounding area, etc. ¸the comÚmuter belt, ´residential area outside a large town, eÔg London, from which people commute to and from work. ¸the ÚCotton @, ´(US) area in which cotton is extensively grown. ¸Úgreen @, ´area of grassland, parks, etc, round a town. ¹ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B] ´fasten with a @: ³The officer @ed his sword on. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´thrash with a @; (colloq) strike with the fist(s): ³If you don't shut up, I'll @ you. ¸@®ing ³n´: ³give the boy a good @ing´, thrash him well. ¸3 ¶[VP2C,3A] ·@ along, ´(colloq) move fast. ¸4 ¶[VP15B] ·@ out, ´(colloq) sing loudly and forcefully: ³No one can @ out those old songs like she can. ¸5 ¶[VP2C] ·@ up, ´(sl) stop talking.¼ ¨be®moan© ²/bIÚmE8n/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(poet) moan for; show great sorrow for: ³@ one's sad fate; @ing the loss of all her money.¼ ¨be®mused© ²/bIÚmjuzd/ ³pred adj ´preoccupied; confused, bewildered.¼ ¨ben©1 ²/ben/ ³n ´(Scot) inner room (usu of a two-roomed house).¼ ¨ben©2 ²/ben/ ³n ´(Scot) mountain peak (used with names as ³Ben Nevis´).¼ ¨bench© ²/bent2/ ³n ¸1 ´long seat of wood or stone, eÔg in a public park, or across a rowing-boat; (in the House of Commons) seat occupied by certain classes of members. ¸Úback-@es, ´for members not entitled to a front @. ¸Úcross-@es, ´for independent members who do not vote with either of the two main political parties. ¸Úfront-@es, ´reserved for ministers or ex-ministers. Hence, ¸*back-/*cross-/*front-Úbencher, ´one of the above people. ¸the ÚTreasury B@, ´for Ministers. ¸Ú@ seat, ´(in a car) seat (for 2 or 3 persons) extending the width of the car. µ¥ bucket seat. ¸2 ¶[U] ´(collective, with ³def art´, often ¸the B@´) judges; magistrates; judge's seat or office; law court. ·be raised to the B@, ´be made a judge or a bishop. ¸the *King's ÚB@ Division, ´of the High Court of Justice. ¸3 ´work-table at which a shoemaker, carpenter, etc, works.¼ ¨bend©1 ²/bend/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µbent ²/bent/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15A,B] ´cause (sth rigid) to be out of a straight line or surface; force into a curve or angle: ³It isn't easy to @ a bar of iron. He heated the iron rod and bent it into a right angle. B@ the end of the wire up/down/back. Rheumatism prevents him from @ing his back. Her head was bent over her book. ·@ the knee (to), ´(rhet) bow, pray. ·on @ed knees, ´(liter) kneeling; in an attitude of prayer or entreaty. ·@ a rule, ´(colloq) interpret it loosely (to suit the circumstances). ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C] ´become curved or angular; bow; stoop: ³The branches were @ing (down) with the weight of the fruit. The branch bent but didn't break when the boy climbed on to it. Can you @ down and touch your toes without @ing your knees? The tall man bent forward to listen to the little girl. Sit up straight: don't @ over your desk. The river @s ´(= turns) ³several times before reaching the sea. The road @s to the left here. ¸3 ¶[VP15A] ´direct: ³It's time for us to @ our steps homeward, ´turn towards home. ³All eyes were bent on me, ´every one was looking at me. ³She stood there with eyes bent on the ground, ´looking down. ³He couldn't @ his mind ´(= give his attention) ³to his studies. ¸4 ¶[VP2C,15A] ·@ (sb) to, ´submit: ³@ to sb's will; ´make (sb) submit: ³@ sb to one's will. ¸5 ¶[VP6A] ´curve (a bow) in order to string it: ³None of the suitors could @ the bow of Odysseus. ¸6 ·be bent on, ´have the mind set on, have as a fixed purpose: ³He is bent on mastering English, ´determined to learn it thoroughly. ³He is bent on mischief, ´has plans to do sth mischievous. ¸bent ³pred adj ´(sl) dishonest; corrupt; mad.¼ ¨bend©2 ²/bend/ ³n ¸1 ´curve or turn: ³a sharp @ in the road. ·round the bend, ´(sl) mad. ¸2 ´sailor's knot (in a rope). ¸3 the @s, ´(colloq) pains in the joints, caused by working in compressed air, eÔg in a caissonµ(2)´.¼ ¨be®neath© ²/bIÚniT/ ³prep, adv ¸1 ´(old use, or liter) below, under(neath). ¸2 ´not worthy of: ³His accusations are @ contempt/notice, ´should be ignored. ³It is @ you to complain, ´unworthy of you to do so.¼ ¨ben®edick© ²/ÚbenIdIk/ ´(US = ¸ben®e®dict ²/ÚbenIdIkt/´) ³n ´recently married man, esp one who has been a bachelor for many years.¼ ¨Bene®dic®tine© ²/*benIÚdIktIn/ ³n, adj ¸1 ¶[C] ´(monk or nun) of the religious order founded in ¶AÔD ´529 by St Benedict. ¸2 ¶[U] ²/-tin/ ´liqueur made by monks of this order.¼ ¨bene®dic®tion© ²/*benIÚdIk2n/ ³n ´blessing (esp one given by a priest at the end of a church service): ³pronounce the @.¼ ¨bene®fac®tion© ²/*benIÚfak2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´doing good; ¶[C] ´good deed (esp the giving of money for charity); charitable gift: ³That man's @s now amount to $10Ô000.¼ ¨bene®fac®tor© ²/ÚbenIfaktE(r)/ ³n ´person who has given friendly help, esp financial help, to a school, hospital or charitable institution. ¸bene®fac®tress ²/ÚbenIfaktrIs/ ³n ´woman @.¼ ¨bene®fice© ²/ÚbenIfIs/ ³n ´income-producing property (called a ³church living´) ´held by a priest or clergyman (esp a vicar or rector). ¸bene®ficed ²/-fIst/ ³adj ´having a @: ³a @d clergyman.¼ ¨be®nefi®cence© ²/bIÚnefIsns/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) doing good; active kindness. ¸be®nefi®cent ²/bIÚnefIsnt/ ³adj ´(formal) doing good; kind.¼ ¨bene®fi®cial© ²/*benIÚfI2l/ ³adj ´(formal) having good effect, helpful: ³Fresh air and good food are @ to the health. I hope your holiday will be @, ´do you good. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨bene®fi®ci®ary© ²/*benIÚfI2ErI ³US: ²-ÚfI2IerI/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ries³) ´person who receives a benefit, esp one who receives money, property, etc under a will (at sb's death).¼ ¨bene®fit© ²/ÚbenIfIt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´advantage; profit; help: ³Did you get much @ from your holiday, ´did you feel better afterwards? ³The book wasn't of much @ to me, ´didn't help me much. ³The money is to be used for the @ of the poor, ´to help poor people. ³It was done for your @, ´to help you. ·give sb the @ of the doubt, ´assume that he is innocent because there is insufficient evidence that he is guilty. ·@ in kind, µ¥ kind±1µ(4). ¸Ú@ performance/concert/match, ´theatrical performance/concert/cricket or football match, etc, money for which is for the @ of a charity, a particular player, etc. ¸2 ¶[C] ´act of kindness; favour; advantage: ³the @s of a good education; the @s we receive from our parents and teachers. ¸3 ¶[C] ´allowance of money to which a person is entitled as a citizen or as a member of an insurance society, etc: ³medical/unemployment/sickness @s. ¹ vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´do good to: ³The new railway will @ the district. The sea air will @ you. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ from/by, ´receive @ from/by: ³You will @ by a holiday.¼ ¨ben®ev®ol®ence© ²/bIÚnevElEns/ ³n ¶[U] ´wish to do good; activity in doing good: ³His @ made it possible for many poor boys to attend college.¼ ¨ben®ev®ol®ent© ²/bIÚnevElEnt/ ³adj ·@ to/towards, ´kind and helpful. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨be®nighted© ²/bIÚnñItId/ ³part adj ¸1 ´(liter or old use) without the light of knowledge; in moral darkness. ¸2 ´(old use, of travellers) overtaken by darkness.¼ ¨be®nign© ²/bIÚnñIn/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of persons) kind and gentle. ¸2 ´(of soil, climate) mild, favourable. ¸3 ´(of a disease, tumour) not dangerous. µ¥ malignant(2). ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨be®nig®nant© ²/bIÚnIgnEnt/ ³adj ´(formal) kind, gracious. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨be®nig®nity© ²/bIÚnIgnEtI/ ³n ´(formal) ¶[U] ´kindness of heart; ¶[C] ´kind act, favour.¼ ¨beni®son© ²/ÚbenIzn/ ³n ¶[C] ´(old use) blessing.¼ ¨bent©1 ²/bent/ ³n ·@ (for), ´inclination or aptitude; natural skill in and liking: ³She has a @ for sewing/music. ·follow one's @, ´do what one is interested in and what one enjoys doing. ·to the top of one's @, ´to one's heart's desire.¼ ¨bent©2 µ¥ bend±1 ´esp µ(6).¼ ¨be®numbed© ²/bIÚnAmd/ ³pred adj ´made numb; with all feelings taken away: ³My fingers were @ with cold.¼ ¨Ben®ze®drine© ²/ÚbenzEdrin/ ³n ´(P) brand of amphetamine.¼ ¨ben®zene© ²/Úbenzin/ ³n ¶[U] ´colourless liquid ¸(C¶g¸H¶g¸) ´obtained from petroleum and coal-tar, used in the manufacture of numerous chemical products.¼ ¨ben®zine© ²/Úbenzin/ ³n ¶[U] ´colourless liquid (mixture of hydrocarbons) obtained from mineral oil, used for cleaning, etc.¼ ¨ben®zol© ²/Úbenzol ³US: ²-zcl/ ³n ¶[U] ´= µbenzene.¼ ¨be®queath© ²/bIÚkwiD/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,12A,13A] ·@ (to), ¸1 ´arrange (by making a will) to give (property, etc to sb) at death: ³He has @ed me his gold watch. ¸2 ´(fig) hand down to those who come after: ³discoveries @ed to us by the scientists of the last century.¼ ¨be®quest© ²/bIÚkwest/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´bequeathing. ¸2 ¶[C] ´sth bequeathed: ³He left @s of money to all his servants.¼ ¨be®rate© ²/bIÚreIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´scold sharply.¼ ¨be®reave© ²/bIÚriv/ ³vt (pt,pp µbereft ²/bIÚreft/ ´or µbereaved´; usu µbereft ´in µ(1) ´and µbereaved ´in µ(2)´) ¶[VP14] ·@ of ¸1 ´rob or dispossess (of sth immaterial): ³bereft of hope, ´without hope; ³bereft of reason, ´mad. ³Indignation bereft him of speech, ´took away his power to speak. ¸2 ´(of death) leave sad by taking away (a relation, etc): ³the accident that @d him of his wife and child; the @d husband, ´the man whose wife had died. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´being @d; loss by death: ³We all sympathize with you in your @ment; ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³Owing to a recent @ment she did not attend the concert.¼ ¨be®reft© µ¥ bereave.¼ ¨be®ret© ²/ÚbereI ³US: ²bEÚreI/ ³n ´flat, round cap of felt or cloth, worn with sports and holiday clothes, and as military head-dress.¼ ¨berg© ²/b3g/ ³n ´= µiceberg.¼ ¨beri-beri© ²/*berI ÚberI/ ³n ¶[U] ´disease, common in oriental and tropical countries, caused by lack of vitamins, etc, essential to health.¼ ¨berry© ²/ÚberI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ¸1 ´small seedy fruit: ³holly berries; straw@; black@; rasp@. µ¥ ´the illus at µfruit. ¸2 ´coffee bean.¼ ¨ber®serk© ²/bEÚs3k/ ³pred adj ·be/go/send sb @, ´be, go, cause sb to go uncontrollably wild: ³He suddenly went @ with rage.¼ ¨berth© ²/b3T/ ³n ¸1 ´sleeping-place in a train, a ship or an aircraft. ¸2 ´place at a wharf where a ship can be tied up; place for a ship to swing at anchor. ·give a wide @ to, ´(fig) keep well away from, at a safe distance from. ¸3 ´(dated colloq) job. ·find a snug @, ´an easy or pleasant job. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP15A,2C] ´(naut) find, have, a sleeping-place (for): ³Six passengers can be @ed amidships. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´moor (a ship) in harbour, tie up (a ship) at a wharf, etc.¼ ¨beryl© ²/ÚberEl/ ³n ´precious stone (usu green).¼ ¨be®seech© ²/bIÚsit2/ ³vt (pt,pp µbesought ²/bIÚsct/³) ¶[VP6A,17A,11,13B] ´(old use, or liter) ask earnestly or urgently: ³He besought an interview. The prisoner besought the judge to be merciful/besought him for mercy. Spare him, I @ you. ¸@®ing ³adj ´(of a person's look, tone of voice, etc) entreating, appealing. ¸@®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨be®seem© ²/bIÚsim/ ³vt ´(liter, old use) (only impers, in the 3rd person) be fitting or suitable: ³It ill @s you to refuse, ´It is not fitting that you should refuse.¼ ¨be®set© ²/bIÚset/ ³vt µ(-tt-, ³pt,pp µbesetµ) ¶[VP6A] ´close in on all sides, have on all sides: ³the temptations that @ young people, ´by which they are faced on all sides: ³a problem @ with difficulties; @ by doubts, ´troubled by doubts. ¸@®ting sin, ´sin that most frequently tempts a person: ³His @ting sin is laziness.¼ ¨be®shrew© ²/bIÚ2ru/ ³vt ´(archaic): ³B@ me! ´May evil fall upon me!¼ ¨be®side© ²/bIÚsñId/ ³prep ¸1 ´at the side of; close to: ³Come and sit @ me. She would like to live @ the sea, ´at the sea-side. ¸2 ´compared with: ³You're quite tall @ your sister. ·set @, ´put against; compare with: ³There's no one to set @ him as a general. ¸3 ·@ the point/mark/question, ´wide of, having nothing to do with (what is being discussed, etc). ¸4 ·@ oneself, ´at the end of one's self-control: ³He was @ himself with joy/anger.¼ ¨be®sides© ²/bIÚsñIdz/ ³adv ´moreover; also: ³I don't like that new dictionary; @, it's too expensive. It's too late to go for a walk now; @, it's beginning to rain. ¹ ³prep ´in addition to; as well as: ³I have three other hats @ this. There were five of us @ John, ´not including John. ³He hadn't time to prepare his lecture, @ which, he was unwell.¼ ¨be®siege© ²/bIÚsidZ/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´surround (a place) with armed forces and keep them there; attack from all sides: ³Troy was @d by the Greeks for ten years. ¸2 ¶[VP14] ·@ with, ´crowd round (with requests, etc): ³The teacher was @d with questions and requests from her pupils. ¸be®sieger ³n¼ ¨be®smear© ²/bIÚsmIE(r)/ ³vt ·@ with, ´smear all over, eÔg with grease.¼ ¨be®smirch© ²/bIÚsm3t2/ ³vt ´make dirty: (fig) ³His reputation was @ed.¼ ¨be®som© ²/ÚbizEm/ ³n ´broom made by tying a bundle of twigs to a long handle.¼ ¨be®sot®ted© ²/bIÚsotId/ ³part adj ·@ by/with, ´stupefied (by alcoholic drink, drugs, love, etc).¼ ¨be®sought© µ¥ beseech.¼ ¨be®spangled© ²/bIÚspaGgld/ ³pred adj ·@ with, ´covered, decorated, with spangles.¼ ¨be®spat®tered© ²/bIÚspatEd/ ³pred adj ·@ with, ´covered with spots of mud, etc.¼ ¨be®speak© ²/bIÚspik/ ³vt (pt µbespoke ²/bIÚspE8k/³, pp µbespoke ´or µbespoken ²/bIÚspE8kEn/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´(old use) order in advance; engage or reserve (a table in a restaurant, a room in a hotel). ¸bespoke shoemaker/tailor, ´one who makes goods to order (contrasted with a seller of ready-made shoes, etc). µ¥ ³custom-built ´at µcustom(5). ¸2 ¶[VP6A,25] ´(formal) be evidence of: ³His polite manners @ the gentleman.¼ ¨best©1 ²/best/ ³adj ´(independent ³superl´; µ¥ good, better´) of the most excellent kind: ³the @ poetry/poets; the @ dinner I have ever had; the @ ´(= quickest, most convenient, etc) ³way from London to Paris. ·the Ú@ part of, ´most of; the greater part of: ³I've been waiting the @ part of an hour. ·the @ thing to do, ´that which is most likely to bring about the desired result. ·make the @ use of one's time/gifts/opportunities, etc, ´use one's time, etc in the most useful way. ·put one's @ foot forward, µ¥ foot(1). ·with the Ú@ will in the world, ´even making every effort to be fair, etc. ¸*@ Úman, ´bridegroom's friend, supporting him at his wedding.¼ ¨best©2 ²/best/ ³adv ´(independent ³superl; µ¥ well, better´) ¸1 ´in the most excellent way: ³He works @ in the morning. She was the @-dressed woman in the village. ·as @ one may/can, ´in the @ way possible to one. ·think @, ´judge to be the @ way of acting: ³Do as you think @. ¸2 ´most: ³He is the @-hated man in the village. ¸*@-Úseller ³n ´book that is sold in very large numbers: ³His new novel is one of the season's @-sellers. ¸3 ·had @, ´= had better. µ¥ better±2µ(2).¼ ¨best©3 ²/best/ ³pron ´(independent ³superl; µ¥ better±3´) the outstanding person, thing, etc among several; the most excellent part, aspect, of sth: ³He's the @ of husbands, ´is distinguished among husbands for good qualities. ³We're the @ of friends, ´very close friends. ·be all for the @, ´be good in the end (although not at first seeming to be good). ·do sth all for the @, ´act with good intentions (although it may not seem so). ·be/dress in one's (Sunday) @, ´wear one's finest clothes: ³They were (dressed) in their @ for the wedding. ·All the @! ´(used when parting from sb) With warmest wishes! ·the Ú@ of it/the joke/etc, ´the amusing part (of what happened): ³And the @ of it/the @ part of it was that«. ·at @, ´taking the most hopeful view: ³We can't arrive before Friday at @. ·at its/their/his, etc @, ´in the @ condition: ³The garden is at its best this month, ´looking most beautiful. ³He was at his @ yesterday evening and kept us all amused, ´talked in his most amusing way. ·(even) at the Ú@ of times, ´(even) when circumstances are most favourable. ·have/get the @ of it/of the fight/quarrel/deal/bargain, etc, ´win; gain the advantage. ·have/get the @ of everything, ´enjoy the @ food, housing, etc. ·with the @, ´as well as anyone: ³Although he's nearly fifty, he can still play tennis with the @. ·with the Ú@ of intentions, ´intending only to help. ·do one's @/the @ one can, ´do one's utmost. ·(do sth) to the @ of one's ability/power, ´use all one's ability/power when doing it. ·make the @ of a bad job/business, ´do what one can, in spite of failure, misfortune, etc. ·make the @ of one's way home, ´return home as quickly as possible, in spite of difficulties. ·make the @ of things, ´be contented (although things are not satisfactory). ·to the @ of my knowledge/belief/recollection, ´so far as I know/believe/recollect (though my knowledge, etc may be imperfect).¼ ¨best©4 ²/best/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(colloq) get the better of; defeat.¼ ¨bes®tial© ²/ÚbestIEl/ ³adj ´of or like a beast; brutish; savage. ¸@ly ³adv ¸bes®ti®al®ity ²/*bestIÚalEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ¶[U] ´quality of being @; ¶[C] ´@ or brutal act.¼ ¨bes®ti®ary© ²/ÚbestIErI ³US: ²-tIerI/ ³n ´medieval collection of moral stories about animals.¼ ¨be®stir© ²/bIÚst3(r)/ ³vt µ(-rr-) ¶[VP6A,17] ·@ oneself, ´(old use or joc) busy oneself, be active.¼ ¨be®stow© ²/bIÚstE8/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (on/upon), ´give as an offering: ³@ an honour/a title on sb; the praise that has been @ed upon him. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´(old use) put, place. ¸@al ³n ´@ing.¼ ¨be®strew© ²/bIÚstru/ ³vt (pt µ@ed³, pp µbestrewn ²/-Ústrun/ ´or µ@ed´) ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (with), ´(poet) strew (a surface); scatter (things) about.¼ ¨be®stride© ²/bIÚstrñId/ ³vt (pt µbestrode ²/bIÚstrE8d/´, ³pp µbestridden ²/bIÚstrIdn/ ´or µbestrid ²/bIÚstrId/ ´or µbestrode³) ¶[VP6A] ´(formal) sit, stand, with one leg on each side of: ³@ a horse/chair/bidet/ditch/fence, etc; ´(fig) dominate: ³Caesar bestrode the Roman Empire.µ¥ astride.¼ ¨bet© ²/bet/ ³vt,vi µ(-tt-, ³pt,pp µbet ´or µbetted) ¶[VP9,11,12C,2A,3A] ¸1 ·bet on sth, bet (sb) that«, ´risk money on a race or on some other event of which the result is doubtful: ³He bet me a pound that Hyperion would win. It's foolish to bet on horses. Do you ever bet? ¸2 ´(colloq uses): ³I bet, ´I'm certain; ³you bet, ´you may be certain. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´agreement to risk money, etc on an event of which the result is doubtful; the money, etc offered: ³make a bet; win/lose a bet; accept/take up a bet.¼ ¨beta© ²/ÚbitE ³US: ²ÚbeItE/ ³n ´second letter (B, ²«´) of the Greek alphabet. µ¥ App 4.¼ ¨be®take© ²/bIÚteIk/ ³vt (pt µbetook ²/bIÚt8k/´, ³pp µbetaken ²/bIÚteIkEn/³) ¶[VP14, ´reflex¶] ·@ oneself to, ´(old use) go to, apply oneself to.¼ ¨betel© ²/Úbitl/ ³n ´leaf which is wrapped round bits of areca-nut and used by some Indians for chewing. ¸Ú@-nut, ´areca-nut.¼ ¨b^ete noire© ²/*beIt Únwq(r)/ ³n ´(F) thing or person one dislikes greatly.¼ ¨bethel© ²/ÚbeTl/ ³n ´nonconformist chapel; (esp US) chapel for seamen.¼ ¨be®think© ²/bIÚTIGk/ ³vt (pt,pp µbethought ²/bIÚTct/³) ¶[VP11,14,17,20,21] ·@ oneself (of), ´(old use) reflect, consider.¼ ¨be®tide© ²/bIÚtñId/ ³vt ´(only in) ·woe @ him/you, etc (if«), ´may misfortune come to him/you, etc (if«).¼ ¨be®times© ²/bIÚtñImz/ ³adv ´(old use) early; in good time: ³We must be up @ tomorrow.¼ ¨be®token© ²/bIÚtE8kEn/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(old use) indicate, suggest: ³Those black clouds @ rain.¼ ¨be®took© µ¥ betake.¼ ¨be®tray© ²/bIÚtreI/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´be disloyal to; act deceitfully towards: ³He @ed his principles. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (to), ´give away or make known or sell treacherously: ³Judas @ed Jesus to his enemies. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´allow (a secret) to become known, either by accident or on purpose. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,25] ´be or give a sign of, show: ³The boy's face @ed the fact that he had been eating jam. His accent at once @ed the fact that he was/@ed him to be a foreigner. ·@ oneself, ´show what one really is, etc: ³He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he @ed himself, ´iÔe he was recognized by his voice. ¸@al ²/bIÚtreIEl/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ing or being @ed; ¶[C] ´instance of this. ¸@er ³n¼ ¨be®troth© ²/bIÚtrE8D/ ³vt ´(old formal use) ·@ to, ¶[VP6A,14] ´engage (a woman) in contract of marriage (usu in ³pp´): ³His daughter was @ed to a banker. ¸@ed ³n ´person engaged to be married. ¸@al ³n ´engagement (the usual word) to be married.¼ ¨bet®ter©1 ²/ÚbetE(r)/ ³adj ´(independent ³comp´; µ¥ good, best´) ¸1 ³This is good but that is @. He's a @ man than his brother. ·@ than one's word, ´more generous than one's promise. ·(do sth) against one's @ judgement, ´despite feelings that it may be unwise. ·no @ than, ´practically the same as: ³He's no @ than a beggar´, is, in spite of appearances, etc, almost a beggar. ·be no @ than she should be, ´(old use) be a woman of low regard or easy virtue. µ¥ virtue(2). ·the @ part of, ´the larger part of: ³Discretion is the @ part of valour, µ¥ discretion(1). ·see @ days, ´be not so poor or unfortunate as at present: ³He has seen @ days. ·one's @ feelings, ´one's moral nature. ·his @ half, ´(colloq) his wife. ¸2 ´(of health) recovering from illness (often contrasted with ³ill ´and related to ³well´): ³The patient is @ today but is still not well enough to get up. I'm quite @ now´, am fully recovered.¼ ¨bet®ter©2 ²/ÚbetE(r)/ ³adv ´(independent ³comp´; µ¥ well, best´) ¸1 ³The @ ´(= The more) ³I know her the more I admire her abilities. You would write @ if you had a good pen. You play tennis @ than I do. You'll like it @ ´(= more) ³when you understand it more. ·be @ off, ´richer; more comfortable. ·be @ off without, ´happier; more at ease: ³We'd be @ off without all that din from the children's room. ·know @, ¸(a) ´be wise or experienced enough not to do sth: ³You ought to know @ than to go out without an overcoat on such a cold day. ¸(b) ´refuse to accept a statement (because one knows it is not true): ³He says he didn't cheat, but I know @´, feel sure that he did. ·think (all) the @ of sb, ´have a higher opinion of him: ³I shall think all the @ of you after seeing you bear these misfortunes so bravely. ·think @ of sth/of doing sth, ´decide, after thought, not to do it. ¸2 ´(used in ¶[VP5]´) ·had @, ´would find it more suitable, more to your advantage, etc: ³You had @ mind your own business. You'd @ not say that´, I advise you not to say that. ³I had @ begin by explaining«, ´It will be useful if I begin by«; ³Hadn't you @ take an umbrella?¼ ¨bet®ter©3 ²/ÚbetE(r)/ ³n ·one's (elders and) @s, ´older, wiser, more experienced people: ³Don't ignore the advice of your elders and @s. ´Cf ³superior, ´as in: ³He's my superior at chess. ·get the @ of sb or sth, ´overcome; defeat; win (an argument, etc): ³His shyness got the @ of him´, he was overcome by shyness, was too shy to speak out. ³She always gets the @ of these quarrels. ·for @ (or) for worse, ´in both good and bad fortune. Cf ³for good or ill.¼ ¨bet®ter©4 ²/ÚbetE(r)/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´improve; do better than: ³The Government hopes to @ the conditions of the peasants. Your work last year was good; I hope you will @ it, this year. ·@ oneself, ´get a @ position, higher wages, etc. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´making or becoming @.¼ ¨bet®ter©5, bet®tor ²/ÚbetE(r)/ ³n ´person who bets; punter (the more usu word).¼ ¨be®tween©1 ²/bIÚtwin/ ³adv ·(in) @, ´in(to) a place or time that is before the one (place or time) but after the other: ³We visited the Museum in the morning and the Art Gallery later, with a hurried lunch @. ·far @, ´at wide intervals. ·few and far @, ´few and widely scattered or separate: ³In this part of Canada houses are few and far @.¼ ¨be®tween©2 ²/bIÚtwin/ ³prep ¸1 ´(of place) ³The letter B comes @ A and C, ´iÔe ³after ´A but ³before ´C. ³The Mediterranean Sea is @ Europe and Africa. A river flows @ its banks. ´(³Between ´usu involves only two limits, but when boundaries are concerned, there may be more than two limits. ³Switzerland lies @ France, Italy, Austria and Germany. µ¥ among.´) ¸2 ´(of order, rank, etc): ³An army major ranks @ a captain and a colonel. ¸3 ´(of time): ³@ the two world wars; @ 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock; @ youth and middle age. ¸4 ´(of distance, amount, etc): ³@ five and six miles; @ thirty and forty tons; @ 5p and 10p; @ freezing-point and boiling-point. ¸5 ´(of movement) to and from: ³This liner sails @ Southampton and New York. ¸6 ´(showing connection): ³after all there has been @ us´, in view of our past friendship, the experiences we have shared, etc. ·There is *no Úlove lost @ them, ´They dislike each other. ·There's nothing to choose @ them, ´They are (both or all) alike. ¸7 ´(to show sharing; used of two only): ³Divide/Share the money @ you. ·@ ourselves; @ you, me and the gatepost; @ you and me, ´in confidence. ¸8 ´(to show combination, used of two, or more than two to show several and independent relationships): ³The first five batsmen scored 253 runs @ them. We ´(two or more) ³saved up for a year and bought a second-hand car @ us. B@ them ´(iÔe as the result of their combined efforts) ³they soon finished the work. ¸9 ·@ sth and sth, ´with these things combined: ³B@ astonishment and despair she hardly knew what to do. My time is fully taken up @ writing and lecturing. ¸10 ´(showing relationship): ³the relation @ teacher and pupil; the distinction @ right and wrong; a comparison @ two things; quarrels/wars/ill-feeling/rivalries/friendships, etc @ nations.¼ ¨be®twixt© ²/bIÚtwIkst/ ³prep, adv ´(old or liter use) between. ·@ and between, ´(colloq) in an intermediate state; neither one thing nor the other.¼ ¨bevel© ²/Úbevl/ ³n ´sloping edge; surface with such a slope, eÔg at the side of a picture frame or a sheet of plate glass. ¸Ú@ gear, ´either of a pair of gears with @led teeth surfaces. ¹ ³vt µ(-ll-, ´US µ-l-) ´give a sloping edge to.¼ ¨bev®er®age© ²/ÚbevErIdZ/ ³n ¶[C] ´(formal) any sort of drink except water, eÔg milk, tea, wine, beer.¼ ¨bevy© ²/ÚbevI/ ³n ¸1 ´company or gathering. ¸2 ´flock (³of ´birds, esp quail).¼ ¨be®wail© ²/bIÚweIl/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(poet) express sorrow over; mourn for.¼ ¨be®ware© ²/bIÚweE(r)/ ³vi,vt ¶[VP2A,3A,10 ´in the imperative and infinitive only¶] ·@ (of), ´be on guard, take care: ³B@ of the dog! B@ of pickpockets! B@ (of) how you attempt it. B@, sir, (of) what you do.¼ ¨be®wil®der© ²/bIÚwIldE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´puzzle; confuse: ³The old woman from the country was @ed by the crowds and traffic in the big city. Tom was @ed by the examination questions. ¸@®ing ³adj ´that @s: ³find sth @ing. ¸@®ment ³n ¶[U] ´state of being @ed: ³He looked at me in open-mouthed @ment.¼ ¨be®witch© ²/bIÚwIt2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´work magic on; put a magic spell on: ³The old woman @ed the cows so that they gave no milk. ¸2 ´charm; delight very much: ³She danced so well that she @ed all the young men. ¸@®ing ³adj ´that @es: ³a @ing smile. ¸@®ing®ly ³adv´: ³She smiled at him @ingly.¼ ¨bey© ²/beI/ ³n ´(Turkish word meaning) governor: ³the Bey of Tunis.¼ ¨be®yond©1 ²/bIÚjond/ ³adv ´at or to a distance; farther on: ³India and the lands @. What is @?¼ ¨be®yond©2 ²/bIÚjond/ ³prep ¸1 ´at, on or to, the farther side of: ³The house is @ the bridge. Don't go @ the town boundary. We saw peak @ peak´, a succession of peaks. ¸2 ´(of time) later than: ³Don't stay out @ ´(³after ´is the more usu word) ³10 o'clock. He never sees @ the present. ¸3 ´surpassing, exceeding; out of reach of: ³Your work is @ all praise´, so good that it cannot be praised enough. ³We succeeded @ our hopes´, were more successful than we had hoped to be. ³That's going @ a joke´, passes the limits of what is reasonable as a joke. ³He lives @ his income´, spends more than he earns. ³It's quite @ me´, is more than I can understand. ¸4 ´(in neg and interr) except: ³He has nothing @ his pension.¼ ¨be®zique© ²/bIÚzik/ ³n ¶[U] ´card-game for two or four players.¼ ¨bhang© ²/baG/ ³n ´(kinds of) narcotic made from hemp.¼ ¨bi-© ²/*bñI/ ³pref ¸1 ´appearing twice (in the period given): ²*³bi-²Ú³monthly; bi-annual. ¸2 ´lasting for two, appearing every two: ³biennial. ¸3 ´having two: ³bilateral; bilingual; biped, biplane. ¸4 ´in two ways; doubly: ³bi-concave.¼ ¨bias© ²/ÚbñIEs/ ³n ¸1 ´leaning of the mind towards or away from sth; predisposition: ³He has a @ towards/against the plan´, is in favour of it/opposed to it without having full knowledge of it. ³He is without @´, is impartial, unprejudiced. ¸2 ·cut on the @, ´(dress-making, etc) cut across, slantingly. ¸3 ´(esp of a ball in the game of bowls) tendency to swerve; the weighting causing this tendency. ¹ ³vt (pt,pp µ@ed ´or µ@sed³) ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (towards/against), ´give a @ to; influence (usu unfairly): ³The government used newspapers and the radio to @ the opinions of the people. He is @(s)ed towards/against the plan´, is prejudiced. ³He's clearly @(s)ed.¼ ¨bib©1 ²/bIb/ ³n ¸1 ´piece of cloth tied under a child's chin. ¸bib and tucker, µ¥ tucker. ¸2 ´upper part of an apron.¼ ¨bib©2 ²/bIb/ ³vi µ(-bb-) ´drink too much or too often (rare except in ³wine-bibbing, wine-bibber).¼ ¨Bible© ²/ÚbñIbl/ ³n ´sacred writings of the Jews and the Christian Church. ¸Ú@ puncher, ´(colloq) evangelical preacher. ¸bib®li®cal ²/ÚbIblIkl/ ³adj ´of, concerning, contained in, the @: ²Ú³biblical style´, the style used in (esp the Authorized Version of) the @.¼ ¨bib®li®ogra®phy© ²/*bIblIÚogrEfI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ³(pl µ-phies³) ´list of books and writings of one author or about one subject. ¸2 ¶[U] ´study of the authorship, editions, etc of books. ¸bib®li®ogra®pher ²/*bIblIÚogrEfE(r)/ ³n ´person who writes or studies bibliographies.¼ ¨bib®lio®phile© ²/ÚbIblIEfñIl/ ³n ´person who loves and collects books.¼ ¨bibu®lous© ²/ÚbIbj8lEs/ ³adj ´(joc) fond of much alcoholic drink.¼ ¨bi®cam®eral© ²/*bñIÚkamErEl/ ³adj ´(of a legislature) having two chambers, eÔg House of Commons, House of Lords.¼ ¨bi®car®bon®ate© ²/*bñIÚkqbEnEt/ ³n ¶[U] ´acid salt of carbonic acid. ¸@ of soda ´(= ³sodium @´) ¸(NaHCO¶d¸), ´used in cooking and in medicine.¼ ¨bi®cen®ten®ary© ²/*bñIsenÚtinErI ³US: ²-ÚsentEnerI/ ³n ´(celebration of the) 200th anniversary of an event.¼ ¨bi®cen®ten®nial© ²/*bñIsenÚtenIEl/ ³adj ¸1 ´happening once in 200 years. ¸2 ´lasting for 200 years. ¸3 ´of a 200th anniversary. ¹ ³n ´200th anniversary.¼ ¨bi®ceps© ²/ÚbñIseps/ ³n (pl ´unchanged) large muscle in the front part of the upper arm: ³His @ is/are impressive.¼ ¨bicker© ²/ÚbIkE(r)/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C,3A] ·@ (with sb) (over/about sth), ´quarrel about sth unimportant: ³Stop @ing!¼ ¨bi®cycle© ²/ÚbñIsIkl/ ³n ´two-wheeled machine for riding on, propelled by using pedals. ¹ ³vi ´(usu shortened to ³cycle ²/ÚsñIkl/´) ¶[VP2A,C] ´ride a @.¼ ¨bid©1 ²/bId/ ³vt,vi µ(-dd-) ¸1 ³(pt,pp µbid³) ¶[VP6A,14,2A,3A] ·bid (for), ´(at an auction sale) make an offer of money; offer (a certain price): ³Will anyone bid $5 for this painting? Mr X bid $20 for the horse so I bid $21. Is nobody else going to bid? What shall I bid? I hoped to get the house but a rich man was bidding against me´, offering higher prices. µ¥ outbid. ³The politicians are bidding for popular support´, making offers, eÔg of tax reductions, in order to get support from the public. ·bid up, ¶[VP15B] ´make the price higher by offering more money: ³The goods were bid up far beyond their real value. ¸2 ³(pt,pp µbid³) ¶[VP3A] ·bid for, ´(colloq) attempt to attain: ³The army bid for power and succeeded. ¸3 ³(pt,pp µbid³) ¶[VP2A,3A] ·bid on, ´(US) state a price (for doing sth); put in a tender for: ³The firm decided to bid on the new bridge. µ¥ tender±3´. ¸4 ´(old use) (³pt µbade ²/bad/³, pp µbidden ²/ÚbIdn/³, µbid³) ¶[VP17,18B] ¸(a) ´command; tell: ³He bade me (to) come in. Do as you are bid. Soldiers must do as they are bidden. Bid him come in. ¸(b) ´invite: ³the bidden guests; bid sb to a wedding. ¸(c) ¶[VP12A,13A] ´say (as a greeting, etc): ³bid farewell (´= say goodbye³) to sb; bid sb good morning. ¸5 ·bid fair to, ´seem likely to: ³Our plan bids fair to succeed. ·bid defiance to, ´(old use) announce that one defies (the enemy, etc). ¸6 ´(cards, bridge) make a bid: ³bid 2 hearts. µ¥ bid±2µ(4). ¸Úbid®dable ³adj ´(colloq) docile; ready to obey. ¸bid®ding ³n ¶[U] ¸(a) ´command. ·do sb's bidding, ´do what he commands. ¸(b) ´act of offering a price at an auction sale: ³Bidding was brisk´, There were many bids, quickly made. ¸(c) ´(at cards) the making of bidsµ(5)´. ¸bid®der ³n ´person who bids.¼ ¨bid©2 ²/bId/ ³n ¸1 ´(at an auction sale) offer of a price: ³Are there no bids for this very fine painting? Will no one make a higher/further bid? ¸2 ´(US) statement of price for a piece of work, etc: ³Bids were invited for the construction of a swimming-pool. µ¥ tender±3µ. ¸3 ·make a bid for, ´(colloq) try to obtain: ³make a bid for power/popular support. ¸4 ´(card games, esp bridge) statement of the number of tricks a player proposes to win: ³a bid of 2 hearts/3 no-trumps; raise the bid.¼ ¨bide© ²/bñId/ ³vt ´(liter; old use) abide. (rare except in) ·@ one's time, ´wait for a favourable opportunity.¼ ¨bidet© ²/ÚbideI ³US: ²biÚdeI/ ³n ´(F) raised narrow bath (to be straddled) for washing the genitals and bottom.¼ ¨bi®en®nial© ²/bñIÚenIEl/ ³adj ´lasting for two years; happening every alternate year. ¹ ³n ´plant that lives two years and has flowers and seeds in the second year. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨bier© ²/bIE(r)/ ³n ´movable wooden stand for a coffin or a dead body.¼ ¨biff© ²/bIf/ ³n ´(sl) sharp blow. ¹ ³vt ´(sl) strike: ³@ sb on the nose.¼ ¨bi®focal© ²/*bñIÚfE8kl/ ³adj ´(esp of lenses in spectacles for the eyes) designed for both distant and near vision. ¸bi®focals ³n pl ´spectacles with @ lenses.¼ ¨bi®fur®cate© ²/ÚbñIfEkeIt/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´(formal) (of roads, rivers, boughs of trees, etc) divide into two branches, etc; fork. ¹ ³adj ´(also ¸@d´) forked. ¸bi®fur®ca®tion ²/*bñIfEÚkeI2n/ ³n¼ ¨big© ²/bIg/ ³adj µ(-gg-) ´(antonym ³little´; cf ³large´, and ³small´) ´of large size, extent, capacity, importance, etc. ·get/grow too big for one's boots, ´(colloq) become conceited. ·have big ideas, ´be ambitious. ·talk big, ´boast. ¸Úbig bug ³n ´(sl) µ¥ bug(4). ¸*big Úbusiness, ´commerce on a @ financial scale. ¸big game, µ¥ game±1µ(6). ¸big end ³n ´(eng) part of a connecting shaft that bears on a crankshaft. ¸big noise ³n ´(sl) µ¥ noise. ¸Úbig shot ³n ´(sl) µ¥ shot±2µ(8). ¸Úbig stick, ´= @ shot. ¸the Úbig time, ´(sl) highest level. ¸Úbig®wig ³n ´(sl) important person.¼ ¨big®amy© ²/ÚbIgEmI/ ³n ¶[U] ´having two wives or husbands living. ¸Úbig®am®ous ²/ÚbIgEmEs/ ³adj ´guilty of, involving, @: ³a bigamous marriage. ¸Úbig®am®ist ²/ÚbIgEmIst/ ³n ´person guilty of @.¼ ¨bight© ²/bñIt/ ³n ¸1 ´loop made in a rope. ¸2 ´curve in a coast, larger than, or with not so much curve as, a bay.¼ ¨bigot© ²/ÚbIgEt/ ³n ´person who holds strongly to an opinion or belief in defiance of reason or argument. ¸@ed ²/-Id/ ³adj ´intolerant and narrow-minded (in religion, etc). ¸@ry ²/-rI/ ³n ¶[U] ´state of being @ed; ¶[C] ´act, etc, of a @.¼ ¨bi®jou© ²/ÚbiZu/ ³n ´(F) jewel. ¹ ³adj ´small and elegant: ³@ villas.¼ ¨bike© ²/bñIk/ ³n, vi ´(colloq and common abbr for) bicycle.¼ ¨bi®kini© ²/bIÚkinI/ ³n ´scanty two-piece garment (bra and briefs) worn by girls and women for swimming and sun-bathing: ³@ top ´(= bra); ³@ briefs, µ¥ briefs.¼ ¨bi®lab®ial© ²/*bñIÚleIbIEl/ ³adj, n ´(phon) (consonant) pronounced with both lips, eÔg ²/b, p, m, w/´.¼ ¨bi®lat®eral© ²/*bñIÚlatErEl/ ³adj ´of, on, with two sides; (legal) (of an agreement, etc) made between two (persons, governments). ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ism ²/-IzEm/ ³n ´principle based upon @ agreements, esp of trade and financial agreements between countries.¼ ¨bil®berry© ²/ÚbIlbErI ³US: ²-berI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´fruit of a dwarf hardy shrub growing on heaths, etc in N Europe (also called ³blaeberry, whortleberry´).¼ ¨bile© ²/bñIl/ ³n ¶[U] ´brownish-yellow bitter liquid produced by the liver to help in digesting food; (med) disorder of the @; (fig) peevishness, bad temper. ¸Ú@-duct, ´(anat) tube carrying @ to the duodenum. µ¥ ´the illus at µalimentary.¼ ¨bilge© ²/bIldZ/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´almost flat part of a ship's bottom, inside or outside; (also ¸Ú@-water´) the dirty water that collects in a ship's @. ¸2 ´(sl) foolish or worthless talk or writing.¼ ¨bil®har®zia© ²/*bIlÚhqzIE/ ³n ´tropical disease caused by parasites, flatworms in the blood and bladder.¼ ¨bi®lin®gual© ²/bñIÚlIGgwEl/ ³adj ¸1 ´speaking, using, two languages (esp when these are learnt together in childhood): ³a @ country, ´one in which two languages are used officially. ¸2 ´written, printed, in two languages. ¹ ³n ´@ person.¼ ¨bil®ious© ²/ÚbIlIEs/ ³adj ¸1 ´caused by too much bile: ³a @ complaint/headache/attack; ´suffering from such complaints: ³@ patients. ¸2 ´peevish; taking a gloomy view of life. ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨bilk© ²/bIlk/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (out) of, ´escape paying money to; cheat (esp by running away): ³He @ed us out of the money.¼ ¨bill©1 ²/bIl/ ³n ´(also ¸Ú@®hook´) long-handled tool with a curved blade used for cutting off branches of trees.¼ ¨bill©2 ²/bIl/ ³n ´horny part of the mouth of some birds. µ¥ ´the illus at µbird. ¹ ³vi ´(of doves) stroke @ with @. ·@ and coo, ´(fig) exchange caresses.¼ ¨bill©3 ²/bIl/ ³n ¸1 ´written statement of charges for goods delivered or services rendered: ³It's wrong to leave a hotel without paying all your @s. There are some @s to pay/to be paid. µ¥ estimate±2µ, quotation(3). ·foot the @, µ¥ foot±2µ. ¸2 ´written or printed notice, poster, placard: ³a theatre/concert @, ´giving information about a play, concert, etc. ·fill/fit the @, ´be, do, all that is required or expected. ·head/top the @, ´be advertised at the head of the list, in large type, etc. ¸@ of fare, ´list of dishes to be served at a hotel, restaurant, etc; menu. ¸Ú@®board ³n ´(US) structure for the display of advertisements, eÔg at the roadside (GB = ³hoarding´). ¸Ú@-poster, Ú@-sticker ³nn ´person who pastes up @s or placards (on walls, hoardings, etc). ¸3 ´(legal) proposed law, to be discussed by a parliament (and called an ³Act ´when passed). ¸4 ´(US) ´banknote: ³a ten-dollar @. ¸Ú@®fold ³n ´(US) wallet for banknotes. ¸5 B@ of Exchange, ´order to a bank to pay a sum of money on a given date. ¸@s payable, ´@s of exchange due for payment by the holder. ¸@s receivable, ´such @s due for payment to the holder. ¸6 ´certificate. ¸@ of entry, ´(comm) certificate from the Customs to indicate final clearance of imported goods. ¸@ of health, ´(naut) certificate regarding infectious disease in a ship's crew. ·clean @ of health, ¸(a) ´one certifying that there is no such disease. ¸(b) ´(fig) assurance of good health. ¸@ of lading, µ¥ lading. ¸@ of quantities, µ¥ quantity(4). ¸@ of sale, µ¥ sale(1). ³¹ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´make known by means of @sµ(2) ´or placards; announce, put, in a programme: ³Olivier was @ed to appear as Lear, ´It was announced that he would play the part of Lear. ¸2 ¶[VP14] ·@ sb for sth, ´submit a @µ(1) ´to: ³@ a client for services rendered.¼ ¨bil®let©1 ²/ÚbIlIt/ ³n ¸1 ´place (usu a private house) where soldiers are boarded and lodged: ³The troops are in @s, ´in ordinary homes, not in camp or barracks. ¸2 ´(colloq) appointment or situation; job: ³a soft/cushy @, ´one not needing much effort. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (on), ´place (troops) in @s: ³@ soldiers on sb/on a town/on the villagers.¼ ¨bil®let©2 ²/ÚbIlIt/ ³n ´thick piece of firewood.¼ ¨bil®let-doux© ²/*bIleI Údu/ ³n (pl µbillets-doux´, pronunciation unchanged³) ´(F) (joc) love-letter.¼ ¨bill®hook© ²/ÚbIlh8k/ ³n µ¥ bill±1µ.¼ ¨bil®liards© ²/ÚbIlIEdz/ ³n sing-v ´game played with small, hard, heavy balls and long tapering sticks (called ³cues´) ´on an oblong, cloth-covered table: ³play @; have a game of @. B@ is played by women as well as by men. ¸Úbilliard-player/-room/-table/-marker ³nn ´(³sing ´in compounds).¼ ¨bil®lings®gate© ²/ÚbIlIGzgeIt/ ³n ¶[U] ´(from the name of a London fish-market) abusive language full of swear-words.¼ ¨bil®lion© ²/ÚbIlIEn/ ³n ´(GB) million millions or 10±12´; (US) thousand millions or 10±9´. µ¥ App 4.¼ ¨bil®low© ²/ÚbIlE8/ ³n ´(liter) great wave; ³(pl, ´poet) the sea; (fig) anything that sweeps along like a great wave. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2C] ´rise or roll like waves: ³The flames @ed over the prairie. ¸@y ³adj ´rising or moving like @s.¼ ¨billy© ²/ÚbIlI/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ-lies³) ´(esp in Australia) tin can (sometimes called a ³billy-can´) with a lid and a wire handle, used as a kettle or cooking pot, esp in camping out.¼ ¨billy-goat© ²/ÚbIlI gE8t/ ³n ´male goat. µ¥ nanny-goat.¼ ¨billy-(h)o© ²/ÚbIlI (h)E8/ ³n ´(dated sl) ·like @, ´vigorously: ³raining/fighting like @.¼ ¨bil®tong© ²/ÚbIltoG/ ³n ¶[U] ´(in S Africa) sun-dried salted meat cut into strips.¼ ¨bi®met®al®lism© ²/*bñIÚmetElIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´system of having two metals, eÔg gold and silver, with a fixed ratio to each other as legal tender. ¸bi®met®al®lic ²/*bñImIÚtalIk/ ³adj¼ ¨bin© ²/bIn/ ³n ´large rigid container or enclosed space, usu with a lid, for storing coal, grain, flour, bread, etc: ·Ú³dustbin, ´bin for rubbish, ashes, etc; ·Ú³litter bin.¼ ¨bi®nary© ²/ÚbñInErI/ ³adj ´of or involving a pair or pairs: ³a ²Ú³@ system, ´(astron) two stars revolving round a common centre or one round the other. ³the @ scale, ´(maths) with two digits, 0 and 1, as the base of the notation:¼ ´1Í2Í3ÎÎ4ÎÎ5ÎÎ6ÎÎ7ÍÍ8ÍÍ9ÎÎ10¼ ´1Î10Î11Î100Î101Î110Î111Î1000Î1001Î1010¼ ¨bind© ²/bñInd/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µbound ²/bq8nd/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B,14] ·@ (to); @ (together) (with), ´tie or fasten, with rope, etc: ³They bound his legs (together) so that he shouldn't escape. Joan of Arc was bound to the stake and burnt to death. The prisoner was bound hand and foot´, His arms and legs were tied. (fig): ³Commerce @s the two countries together. We are bound to him by gratitude/by a close friendship. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (with), ´secure the edge of sth with tape, braid, etc: ³@ the edge of a carpet, ´to prevent fraying; ³@ the cuffs of a jacket with leather. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (up), ´tie or wind sth round: ³@ up a wound. Before sweeping the house she bound up her hair in a large handkerchief. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,15A,B] ·@ (up), ´fasten (sheets of paper) into a cover: ³@ a book; a well-bound book; bound in leather; @ up two books into one volume. ¶[VP2A ´in ³progressive tenses ´only¶] ³The new impression is @ing´, is being bound. ¸5 ¶[VP6A,15B,2A] ·@ (up/together), ´hold or stick together in a solid mass: ³Frost @s the soil. The ground is frost-bound´, frozen hard. ³Clay @s ´(= becomes hard) ³when it is baked. Stones bound together with cement make good roads. Some kinds of food @ the bowels/are @ing´, cause constipation. ¸6 ¶[VP17,14,15B,16B] ·@ sb to do sth/to sth, ´hold (sb) (by legal agreement, a promise, or under penalty) to a certain course of action: ³@ sb to pay a debt; @ sb to secrecy´, make him promise to keep sth secret. ·@ oneself to do sth, ´promise, undertake, guarantee, to do it. ·@ sb over ´(to keep the peace, etc), order that he must appear before the judge again (if he fails to keep the peace, etc). ·@ sb over (as an apprentice) (to sb), ´make an agreement that he shall be one: ³The boy was bound over as an apprentice to a carpenter. ¸7 ¶[VP2A] ´(dated sl) complain; carp: ³Oh, do stop @ing! ¸8 µ¥ bound±5 ´for special uses of the ³pp. ¸@er ³n ¸1 ´person who @s, esp ³a ·Ú³book-@er. ¸2 ´thing that ties or holds things together, eÔg a machine, or part of a machine, that cuts and @s grain; loose cover for unbound magazines; substance such as cement or bitumen for joining things. ¸Ú@®ery ³n ´place where books are bound. ¸@®ing ³adj ·be @ing on/upon, ´@µ(6) ´or oblige sb to do sth: ³an agreement that is @ing on/upon all parties. µ¥ ´also µbind(5). ¹ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(esp) ¸1 ´book-cover. ¸2 ´strip, braid, etc for protecting an edge or a seam (of a garment, etc).¼ ¨bind®weed© ²/ÚbñIndwid/ ³n ¶[U] ´kinds of wild convolvulus.¼ ¨bine© ²/bñIn/ ³n ´flexible stem of various kinds of climbing plants, eÔg hops.¼ ¨binge© ²/bIndZ/ ³n ´(sl) ·have a @; go on the @, ´drink and make merry.¼ ¨bingo© ²/ÚbIGgE8/ ³n ¶[U] ´popular gambling game, played with cards on which numbered squares are covered as the numbers are called at random: (attrib) ³@ halls.¼ ¨bin®nacle© ²/ÚbInEkl/ ³n ´(naut) non-magnetic stand for a ship's compass (usu in front of the helm).¼ ¨bin®ocu®lars© ²/bIÚnokj8lEz/ ³n pl ´field-glasses; instrument with lenses for both eyes, making distant objects seem nearer.¼ ¨bi®nomial© ²/bñIÚnE8mIEl/ ³adj ´(maths) made up of two numbers or algebraic expressions joined by + or ­ (eÔg ³a±2 ´­ 3³b).¼ ¨bio®chem®is®try© ²/*bñIE8ÚkemIstrI/ ³n ¶[U] ´chemistry of living organisms.¼ ¨bio®de®grad®able© ²/*bñIE8dIÚgreIdEbl/ ³adj ´(of substances) that can be broken down by bacteria: ³Are plastic bags indestructible or @?¼ ¨bio®graph© ²/ÚbñIEgrqf ³US: ²-graf/ ³n ´= µbioscope.¼ ¨bi®ogra®phy© ²/bñIÚogrEfI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´person's life-history written by another. ¸2 ¶[U] ´branch of literature dealing with the lives of persons. ¸bi®ogra®pher ²/bñIÚogrEfE(r)/ ³n ´person who writes a @. ¸bio®graphic, -i®cal ²/*bñIEÚgrafIk, -Ikl/ ³adj ´of @.¼ ¨bi®ol®ogy© ²/bñIÚolEdZI/ ³n ¶[U] ´science of the physical life of animals (= ³zoology´) and plants (= ³botany´). ¸bi®ol®ogist ²/bñIÚolEdZIst/ ³n ´student of, expert in, @. ¸bio®logi®cal ²/*bñIEÚlodZIkl/ ³adj ´of @: ³a biological laboratory/experiment. ¸*biological Úwarfare, ´the deliberate use of germs, etc for spreading disease.¼ ¨bio®scope© ²/ÚbñIEskE8p/ ³n ´early name (still used in S Africa) for the cinema, or a film-projector.¼ ¨bi®par®ti®san© ²/*bñIpqtIÚzan ³US: ²*bñIÚpqrtIzn/ ³adj ´of, supported by, consisting of, two otherwise opposed (esp political) parties: ³a @ foreign policy.¼ ¨bi®ped© ²/ÚbñIped/ ³n ´two-footed animal, eÔg a man or a bird.¼ ¨bi®plane© ²/ÚbñIpleIn/ ³n ´aircraft with two pairs of wings, one above the other.¼ ¨birch© ²/b3t2/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´(kinds of) forest tree growing in northern countries; it has smooth bark and slender branches. ¸2 ¶[U] ´its wood, eÔg as used for making canoes. ¸3 ¶[C] ´(also ¸Ú@-rod´) bundle of @ twigs tied together and used formerly for punishing schoolboys. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´punish with a @-rod.¼ ¨bird© ²/b3d/ ³n ¸1 ´feathered creature with two legs and two wings, usu able to fly. µ¥ ´the illus below and at µfowl, prey, rare, water. ·A @ in the hand is worth two in the bush, ´(prov) Sth which one has, though small, is better than sth larger, which one has not. ·get the @, ´(sl) be hissed, scorned or rejected. ·give sb the @, ´(sl) hiss, scorn or reject him. ·kill two @s with one stone, ´achieve two aims at once. ¸Ú@-cage ³n ´cage for a @ or @s. ¸Ú@-fancier ³n ´person who knows about, collects, breeds or sells @s. ¸Ú@-lime ³n ´sticky substance put on branches to catch @s. ¸*@'s-*eye Úview ³n ´wide view seen from high up; (fig) general survey of a subject. ¸Ú@-nesting ³n ´hunting for birds' nests to get the eggs). ¸Ú@-watcher ³n ´one who studies the habits of birds. µ¥ ´also µfeather±1µ, passage(1), prey. ¸2 ´(colloq) person: ³He's a queer/rum @. He's a cunning/wise/knowing old @. ¸3 ´(sl) young girl, esp a girl companion.¼ ¨bir®etta© ²/bIÚretE/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl @s³) ´square cap worn by RÔC and some Anglican priests.¼ ¨biro© ²/ÚbñIErE8/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl @s³) ´(P) (kind of) ball-pen.¼ ¨birth© ²/b3T/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(process of) being born, coming into the world; ¶[C] ´instance of this: ³The baby weighed seven pounds at @, ´when it was born. ³The boy has been delicate from (his) @´, has been weak in health since he was born. ³Cats sometimes have four or five young at a @. There were 167 more @s than deaths in the town last year. ·give @ to, ´bring into the world; (fig) produce: ³give @ to a child/a poem/a dispute. ¸2 ¶[U] ´origin, descent: ³She is Russian by @ and British by marriage. ·be of good @, ´(old use) come of an acceptable family. ¸Ú@-control ³n ¶[U] ´(method of) preventing unwanted conceptionµ(2)´. ¸Ú@®day ³n ´(anniversary of the) day of one's @. ¸Ú@®mark ³n ´mark on the body at or from @. ¸Ú@®place ³n ´house or district in which one was born. ¸Ú@®rate ³n ´number of @s in one year for every 1Ô000 persons. ¸Ú@®right ³n ´any of various rights, privileges and properties to which a person has a right as a member of his family, a citizen of his country, etc.¼ ¨bis®cuit© ²/ÚbIskIt/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´flat, thin, crisp cake of many kinds, sweetened or unsweetened. ·take the @, ´(sl) be the best/worst at something; be surprising. ¸2 ´(US) bread dough baked in small shapes. ¸3 ´light-brown.¼ ¨bi®sect© ²/bñIÚsekt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´cut or divide into two (usu equal) parts. ¸bi®sec®tion ²/bñIÚsek2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´division into two (equal) parts.¼ ¨bi®sex®ual© ²/*bñIÚsek28El/ ³adj ´of two sexes; having both male and female sexual organs; sexually attracted to either sex. ¹ ³n ´individual showing one of these characteristics. ¸@®ity ²/*bñIsek28ÚalEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´condition of being @.¼ ¨bishop© ²/ÚbI2Ep/ ³n ¸1 ´Christian clergyman of high rank who organizes the work of the Church in a city or district. µ¥ ´the illus at µvestment. ¥ diocese. ¸@®ric ²/-rIk/ ³n ´office of a @; district under a @. ¸2 ´chess piece, µ¥ ´the illus at µchess.¼ ¨bis®muth© ²/ÚbIzmET/ ³n ¶[U] ´reddish-white metal (symbol ¸Bi´), used in alloys; compound of this used medically, eÔg for stomach troubles.¼ ¨bi®son© ²/ÚbñIsn/ ³n (pl ´unchanged³) ´European wild ox; American buffalo. µ¥ ´the illus at µlarge.¼ ¨bis®tro© ²/ÚbistrE8/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ@s³) ´small, cheap restaurant; (in France) small bar±1µ(13) ´or nightclub.¼ ¨bit©1 ²/bIt/ ³n ¸1 ´mouth-piece (metal bar) forming part of a horse's bridle. µ¥ ´the illus at µharness. ·take the bit between one's teeth, ´(of a horse) run away out of control; (fig) apply oneself to sth difficult or risky or distasteful. ¸2 ´part of a tool that cuts or grips when twisted; tool for boring or drilling holes (usu fitted into a ³brace´). µ¥ ´the illus at µbrace.¼ ¨bit©2 ²/bIt/ ³n ¸1 ´small piece of anything: ³He took some paper and a few bits of wood and soon made a fire. He ate every bit of ´(= all) ³his dinner. He has saved a nice bit ´(= a good sum) ³of money. ·bit by bit, ´slowly, gradually. ·a bit at a time, ´by degrees. ·every bit as (good, etc), ´equally (good, etc). ·do one's bit, ´perform one's share of a task; give as much help as is expected of one. ·wait a bit, ´a short time. ·a bit, ´rather: ³She's feeling a bit tired. ·a bit of a, ´rather a: ³He's a bit of a coward. ·a bit of all right, ´(GB sl) very fine. ·not a bit, ´not at all; not in the least: ³He's not a bit better. He doesn't care a bit. It's not a bit of use, ´It's quite useless. ·not a bit of it, ´not at all (used as a strong denial): ³You'd think she'd be tired after such a long journey, but not a bit of it! ·pull/cut/tear sth to bits, ´into small pieces. ·go/come to bits, ´into small pieces. ¸2 ´(used colloq, like ³piece´, with ³news, advice, luck´): ³a bit of good advice. ¸3 (a) ´small coin: ³threepenny bit´, (former) coin (GB) worth threepence. ¸(b) ´(US) 12§ cents. ¸4 ´(colloq, esp US) area common to a group of subjects, attitudes, etc: ³She couldn't accept the whole drug-culture bit.¼ ¨bit©3 ²/bIt/ ³n ´(comp) unit of information expressed as a choice between two possibilities.¼ ¨bit©4 ²/bIt/ µ¥ bite±1µ.¼ ¨bitch© ²/bIt2/ ³n ¸1 ´female dog, wolf or fox. ¸2 ´(colloq) spiteful woman or girl. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A] ´(colloq) complain in a sour, carping way; speak spitefully to or about sb or sth. ¸@y ³adj ´(colloq) spiteful.¼ ¨bite©1 ²/bñIt/ ³vt,vi (pt µbit ²/bIt/, ³pp µbitten ²/ÚbItn/³). ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B,2A,3A] ·@ (into), ´cut into with the teeth: ³The dog bit me in the leg. Does your dog @, ´is it in the habit of biting people? ³He bit into the peach. ·@ at sth, ´try to get it with the teeth; snap at. ·@ off, ´cut off with the teeth: ³He bit off a large piece of the apple. ·@ off more than one can chew, ´attempt too much. ·(have) sth to @ on, ´sth to get one's teeth into; (fig) sth definite to do, examine, etc. ·@ the dust, ´(colloq) (fig) fall to the ground; be killed. ·@ one's lips, ´try to conceal one's anger or annoyance. ·once bitten twice shy, ´(prov) a person who has been cheated, hurt, etc is likely to be cautious afterwards. ·the biter bitten, ´the person who intended to cheat was himself cheated. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ¸(a) ´(of fleas, mosquitoes, etc) sting: ³He was badly bitten by the mosquitoes. ¸(b) ´(of fish) accept the bait: ³The fish wouldn't @. I tried to sell him my old car but he wouldn't @, ´(fig) would not consider the suggestion. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,2A,3A] ·@ (into), ´cause a smarting pain to; injure: ³His fingers were bitten by the frost/were frost-bitten. Mustard and pepper @ the tongue. Strong acids @ (into) metals´, make holes in them. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´take strong hold of; grip: ³The rails were covered with ice and the wheels did not @. ¸bit®ing ³adj ´sharp; cutting: ³a biting wind; biting words. ¸bit®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨bite©2 ²/bñIt/ ³n ¸1 ´act of biting: ³eating sth at one @. ¸2 ´injury resulting from a @ or sting: ³His face was covered with insect @s. ¸3 ´piece cut off by biting. ¸4 ´(colloq) food to eat: ³I haven't had a @ since morning´, have eaten nothing. ¸5 ´taking bait from a hook by fish: ³He had been fishing all morning but hadn't had a @. ¸6 ¶[U] ´sharpness; sting: ³There's a @ in the air this morning. ¸7 ¶[U] ´grip; hold: ³a file/screw with plenty of @.¼ ¨bit®ten© ²/ÚbItn/ µ¥ bite±1µ.¼ ¨bit®ter© ²/ÚbItE(r)/ ³adj ¸1 ´tasting like beer or unsweetened coffee. ¸*@-Úsweet ³adj ´sweet but with a @ taste at the end; (fig) pleasant but with a mixture of sth unpleasant. ¸2 ´unwelcome to the mind; hard to bear; causing sorrow: ³@ hardships/experiences. His failure to pass the examination was a @ disappointment. ·a @ pill to swallow, ´sth unpleasant to accept. ¸3 ´filled with, showing, caused by, envy, hate, remorse, or disappointment: ³@ quarrels/words/enemies/reproaches/tears. ¸4 ´piercingly cold: ³a @ wind. ¸5 ·to the @ end, ´until all that is possible has been done: ³fight to the @ end. ¹ ³n ¸1 ´bitterness. ·take the @ with the sweet, ´accept misfortune as well as good fortune. Cf ³take the rough with the smooth, ´which is more usu. ¸2 ¶[U] ´@ beer, iÔe heavily flavoured with hops: ³a pint of @. ¸3 ³(pl) ´liquor made from herbs, fruits, etc taken to help digestion or used to flavour gin, etc: ³orange @s; gin and @s. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨bit®tern© ²/ÚbItEn/ ³n ´any of several kinds of wading birds that live on marshes, esp the kind known for its booming note. µ¥ ´the illus at µwater.¼ ¨bitu®men© ²/ÚbItj8mEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´black, sticky substance (from petroleum), used for making roads, etc; mineral pitch; asphalt. ¸bit®umi®nous ²/bIÚtjumInEs ³US: ²-Útu-/ ³adj ´containing @ or tar: ³bituminous coal, ´burning with smoky yellow flames.¼ ¨bi®valve© ²/ÚbñIvalv/ ³n ´(zool) mollusc with a hinged double shell, eÔg an oyster, a mussel, a clam.¼ ¨biv®ouac© ²/ÚbIv8ak/ ³n ´soldiers' temporary camp without tents or other cover. ¹ ³vi (pt,pp µbivouacked³) ¶[VP2A] ´make a @; stay in a @.¼ ¨biz© ²/bIz/ ³n ´(sl) business: ³Good biz! ´Well done! ¸Úshow®biz, ´(sl) (providing and managing) popular entertainment.¼ ¨bi®zarre© ²/bIÚzq(r)/ ³adj ´grotesque; odd.¼ ¨bi®zonal© ²/*bñIÚzE8nl/ ³adj ´of two zones.¼ ¨blab© ²/blab/ ³vt,vi µ(-bb-) ¶[VP6A,15B,2A] ´(colloq) talk foolishly or indiscreetly: ³Don't @! ·@ (out), ´tell (a secret): ³@ out a secret.¼ ¨blab®ber© ²/ÚblabE(r)/ ³vt,vi ´= µblab. ¸Ú@®mouth ³n ´person who @s.¼ ¨black© ²/blak/ ³adj µ(-er, -est) ¸1 ´without light or almost without light; the colour of this printing-ink; opposite to white. ·be @ and blue, ´covered with bruises. ·@ in the face, ´dark red or purple (with anger or because of making great efforts). ·be in sb's @ book(s), µ¥ book±1µ(6). ·look @ at sb; give sb a @ look, ´look at him angrily. ·not so @ as one is painted, ´not so bad as one is said to be. ¸2 ´(various uses, mostly to intensify the meaning of the ³n´): ³@ despair, ´deep, dismal; ³@ tidings, ´sad news, causing despair; ³@ deeds, ´wicked; ³in one of his @ moods´, ´silent and bad-tempered. ¸3 ´(of work in a factory, shipyard, etc during a strike; of the materials, etc) not to be done, handled, etc: ³The strikers declared the work/cargo @. ¸4 ´(compounds, etc) ·@ and white, ´ink drawing. ·(have sth down) in @ and white, ´(have it) recorded in writing or print. ¸@ art, ´magic, used for evil purposes. ¸Ú@®ball ³vt ´prevent (sb) from being elected a member of a club by voting against him at a secret ballot. ¸Ú@-beetle ³n ´cockroach. ¸Ú@®berry ²/ÚblakbErI ³US: ²-berI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´small berry, @ when ripe, growing wild on bushes (called ³brambles´): ³go @berrying ²/-berIIG/´, go out gathering @berries. µ¥ ´the illus at µfruit. ¸Ú@®bird ³n ´common European songbird. ¸Ú@®board ³n ´board used in schools for writing and drawing on with chalk. ¸*@ Úbox ³n ´device for recording information about the performance of an aircraft during a flight. ¸*@ Úcap ³n ´(formerly in GB) cap put on by a judge before sentencing a murderer to death. ¸*@ Úcoffee ³n ´coffee without milk, usu strong. ¸*@ Úcomedy ³n ´(theatre) comedy with a tragic element or basic pessimism, usu heavily ironical. cf ³sick joke. ¸the ÚB@ Country, ´the smoky, industrial area in Staffordshire and Warwickshire. ¸*@Ú®cur®rant ³n ´kind of currant with @ fruit. µ¥ currant(2). ¸the *@ Úflag, ´flag formerly used by pirates (sea-robbers); flag once used at prisons as a signal that a murderer had been executed by hanging. ¸*@ Úfrost ³n ´hard frost without rime. ¸Ú@®guard ²/Úblagqd/ ³n ´person who is quite without honour; scoundrel. µ¹ ³vt ´call (sb) a @guard; use very bad language about or to (sb). ¸Ú@®guard®ly ²/ÚblagEdlI/ ³adj ´dishonest and immoral: ³a @guardly trick. ¸Ú@®head ³n ´(kind of) pimple on the skin, the top being @. ¸*@ Úice ³n ´ice, esp on a road surface, which is almost invisible and dangerous to drive on. ¸*@-Úlead ³n ¶[U] ´soft, grey-black solid (plumbago, or graphite) used for lead pencils, polishing and as a lubricant. µ¹ ³vt ´polish, eÔg a fireplace, with @-lead. ¸Ú@®leg ³n ´person who offers to work when the regular workers are on strike. µ¹ ³vi,vt µ(-gg-) ´act as @leg; betray (fellow workers) by doing this. ¸Ú@®list ³n ´list of persons who are considered dangerous or who are to be punished. µ¹ ³vt ´enter the name of (sb) on a @list. ¸*@ Úmagic ³n ´witchcraft. ¸Ú@®mail ³vt, n ¶[U] ´(force sb to make a) payment of money for not making known sth discreditable about him. Hence, ¸Ú@®mailer ³n ´person who does this. ¸*@ MaÚria ²/mEÚrñIE/ ³n ´van for taking prisoners from and to jail. ¸*@ Úmark ³n ´(fig) markµ(4) ´of bad conduct, failure, etc: ³Her continual lateness was a @ mark against her promotion. ¸*@ Úmarket ³n ´unlawful buying and selling of goods, currencies, etc that are officially controlled; place where such trading is carried on. ¸*@ *markeÚteer ²/*mqkIÚtIE(r)/ ³n ´(US) ´person carrying on this trade. ¸*@ Úmass ³n ´travesty of the RÔC Mass, for Satan instead of God. ¸Ú@®out ³n ¸(a) ´(during wartime) the keeping of all buildings, etc, dark (by curtains, etc, in windows, by having no street-lighting, etc) in order to prevent any light being seen, esp from the air. ¸(b) ´temporary complete failure of the memory or consciousness; (esp flying) temporary blindness caused by a sudden turn or a change in speed. ¸(c) ´extinguishing of all lights on the stage of a theatre, eÔg for a change of scenery. ¸@ out ³vt,vi ¶[VP15B,2A] ´cause a @out (µ(a) ´and µ(c) ´above); lose one's memory, etc, temporarily. ¸*B@ ÚPanther ³n ´(US, 1960's) member of a militant B@ Power group. ¸*B@ ÚPower ³n ´(US, 1960's) militant movement for civil rights for Negroes. ¸*@ Úpudding ³n ´sausage made of blood, suet, barley, etc. ¸*B@ ÚSash ³n ´(S Africa) women's anti-apartheid organisation. ¸*@ Úsheep ³n ´good-for-nothing person. ¸ÚB@®shirt ³n ´member of the former Italian Fascist party. ¸Ú@®smith ³n ´man who makes and repairs things of iron, esp a shoer of horses. ¸Ú@ spot ³n ´place (eÔg on a road) where accidents often happen. ¸Ú@®thorn ³n ´thorny shrub which has white blossom before the leaves appear and purple fruit (³sloe´) like a small plum. ¸*@®water Úfever, ³n ´tropical disease with bloody urine. ¹ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´@ colour: ³He was dressed in @´, in @ clothes. ¸2 ¶[U] ´@ paint or dye. ¸3 ¶[C] ´particle of soot. ¸4 ¶[C] ´Negro (formerly derog, but now widely used). ¸5 the @, ´credit side of business accounts. ·be in/get into the @, have/get assets that ewxceed liabilities. µ¥ red ³nµ(4). ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´make @, polish (boots, etc), with blacking. ¸2 ´declare @µ(3)´: ³The strikers @ed the ship/the cargo. ·@ out, µ¥ @out ´above.¼ ¨blacka®moor© ²/ÚblakEmc(r)/ ³n ´(hum or derog) black-skinned person.¼ ¨blacken© ²/ÚblakEn/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make or become black. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ·@ (sb's name), ´speak evil of (sb's character).¼ ¨black®ing© ²/ÚblakIG/ ³n ¶[U] ´black paste or liquid for polishing shoes (now usu ³shoe polish´).¼ ¨blad®der© ²/ÚbladE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´bag of skin in which urine collects in human and animal bodies. µ¥ ´the illus at µkidney. ¸2 ´such a bag, or a bag of rubber, etc, that can be filled with air, eÔg the rubber @ in a football.¼ ¨blade© ²/bleId/ ³n ¸1 ´flattened cutting part of a knife, sword, chisel, etc: ³a pocket-knife with two @s; a packet of five razor @s. µ¥ ´the illus at µrazor. ¸2 ´sword; swordsman. ¸3 ´flat wide part of an oar (the part that goes into the water), bat, propeller, etc. ¸4 ´flat, long, narrow leaf, esp of grass and cereals (wheat, barley, etc).¼ ¨blae®berry© ²/ÚbleIbErI ³US: ²-berI/ ³n ´= µbilberry.¼ ¨blah© ²/blq/ ³n ¶[U] ´(colloq) high-sounding but meaningless talk or writing.¼ ¨blame© ²/bleIm/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (for sth); @ sth on sb, ´fix on sb the responsibility for sth done (badly or wrongly) or not done: ³Bad workmen often @ their tools. He @d his teacher for his failure. ³He @d his failure on his teacher. I have nothing to @ myself for. ·be to @, ´deserve censure: ³Who is to @ for starting the fire´, Whom have we to find fault with? ³I am in no way to @´, am not in any way responsible. ¹ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´responsibility for sth done (badly or wrongly) or not done: ³Where does the @ lie for our failure´, Who or what is responsible? ·bear/take the @ (for sth), ´take the responsibility. ·put/lay the @ on sb (for sth), ´make him responsible. ¸2 ´finding fault: ³If you don't do the work well, you will incur @´, people will find fault. ¸@®less ³adj ´free from @ or faults; innocent: ³I am @less in this matter. ¸@®less®ly ³adv ¸@®worthy ²/ÚbleImw3DI/ ³adj ´deserving @.¼ ¨blanch© ²/blqnt2 ³US: ²blant2/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make or become pale or white, eÔg by taking the skin off almonds, by not letting light get to plants; make or become pale with fear, cold, etc.¼ ¨blanc®mange© ²/blEÚmonZ/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´jelly made in a mould with milk: ³@ powder´, mixture of powdered milk, powdered gelatine, etc to make kinds of @.¼ ¨bland© ²/bland/ ³adj ¸1 ´gentle or polite in manner or talk (usu in order to ingratiate oneself). ¸2 ´(of air, food, drink) mild; comforting. ¸3 ´featureless; uninteresting. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨bland®ish®ment© ²/ÚblandI2mEnt/ ³n ´(usu ³pl´) ´(formal) soft and gentle ways and speech intended to make sb do sth; flattery; coaxing.¼ ¨blank© ²/blaGk/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of paper, parts of a document, etc) with nothing written, printed or drawn on it: ³a @ sheet of paper; a @ page/space. ¸*@ Úbill, ´Bill of Exchange on which the name of the person to be paid is not stated. ¸*@ Úcheque, ´one with the amount left for the payee to fill in. ·give sb a @ cheque, ´(fig) full power to act as he thinks best. ¸2 ´empty; without interest or expression: ³There was a @ look on his face´, He seemed not to be interested, not to understand, etc. ³He looked @, ´puzzled. ³His future looks @, ´seems to be empty and dull. ³My mind went @, ´I could not recall things, esp things I needed to be aware of. ¸*@ Úcartridge, ´with a charge of powder, but no bullet. ¸*@ Úverse, ´(usu lines of ten syllables) without rhyme. ¸*@ Úwall, ´one with no door, window or other opening. ·come up against a @ wall, ´(fig) be unable to find support, information, etc. ¹ ³n ¸1 ´space left empty or to be filled (in sth printed or written): ³In a telegraph form there are @s for the name and address, the message, etc. When Tom was doing his French translation, he left @s for all the words he did not know. ¸2 ´lottery ticket that does not win a prize. ·draw a @, ´get nothing (after hoping to win or find sth). ¸3 ´empty surface; emptiness: ³His mind/memory was a complete @´, he could remember nothing. ³The death of her husband in the war left a big @ in her life. ¸4 ¶[C,U] ´@ cartridge: ³They fired twenty rounds of @/twenty @s. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨blan®ket© ²/ÚblaGkIt/ ³n ¸1 ´thick, woollen covering used on beds, or for keeping a horse warm in a stable, etc: (fig) ³a @ of snow. ·wet @, ´(colloq) person who, by being gloomy himself, prevents others from enjoying themselves. ¸2 ´(used attrib) covering all cases or classes: ³a @ ´(= comprehensive) ³insurance policy; @ instructions, ´intended to provide for everything. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (in/with), ´cover thickly: ³The valley was @ed with fog.¼ ¨blare© ²/bleE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´sound or noise (of trumpets or horns): ³the @ of a brass band. ¹ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C] ·@ (out), ´make such sounds: ³The trumpets @d out. ¸2 ¶[VP15B] ·@ out, ´produce with such sounds; utter loudly: ³The band @d out a current hit. He @d out a warning.¼ ¨blar®ney© ²/ÚblqnI/ ³n ¶[U] ³vt,vi ´(dated) (use) the kind of talk that flatters and deceives people: ³Not so much of your @!¼ ¨blas_e© ²/ÚblqzeI ³US: ²blqÚzeI/ ³adj ·@ (about), ´not showing signs of enjoying (sth) or being pleased (about sth): ³@ about her success.¼ ¨blas®pheme© ²/blasÚfim/ ³vi,vt ¶[VP2A,6A] ´speak in an irreverent way about God and sacred things; use violent language about (sb or sth): ³@ the name of God. ¸@er ³n ´person who @s. ¸blas®phem®ous ²/ÚblasfEmEs/ ³adj ´(of persons) using blasphemy; (of language) containing blasphemy. ¸blas®phem®ous®ly ³adv ¸blas®phemy ²/ÚblasfEmI/ ³n ¶[U] ´contemptuous or irreverent talk about God and sacred things; ¶[C] ´instance of this.¼ ¨blast© ²/blqst ³US: ²blast/ ³n ¸1 ´strong, sudden rush of wind: ³A @ of hot air came from the furnace. When the window was opened an icy @ came into the room. ¸2 ´(often ¶[U]´) strong rush of air or gas spreading outwards from an explosion: ³Thousands of windows were broken by @ during the air raids. ¸Ú@-off, µ¥ blast ³vµ(3). ¸3 ´stream of air used to intensify the heat in a furnace, etc. ·at full @, ´(colloq) with the maximum activity. ·in/out of @, ´(of a furnace) working/not working. ¸Ú@-furnace ³n ´furnace for melting iron ore by forcing into it a current of heated air. ¸4 ´sound made by a wind-instrument: ³The hunter blew a @ on his horn. The ship sounded a prolonged @ on the siren. ¸5 ´quantity of explosive (eÔg dynamite) used at one time (eÔg in a quarry). ¹ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´blow up (rocks, etc) with explosives: ³Danger! B@ing in progress! ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´cause (sth) to come to nothing; shrivel; injure: ³blossom @ed by frost. The tree had been @ed by lightning. His hopes were @ed. ¸3 ¶[VP15B,2C] ·@ off, ´(of spacecraft, etc) force, be forced, upwards by expanding gases. Hence, ¸Ú@-off ³n ´(time of) launching of such a spacecraft: ³the count-down to @-off. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´(sl) reproach sb severely: ³be @ed by one's boss; get a @ing from sb. ¸5 ´(in curses, with ³May God ´understood) ³B@ it/you! ¸@ed ²/ÚblqstId ³US: ²Úbla-/ ³attrib adj ´(in curses) damnable.¼ ¨bla®tant© ²/ÚbleItnt/ ³adj ´noisy and rough; attracting attention in a vulgar and shameless way; too obvious. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨blather© ²/ÚblaDE(r)/ ³n, v µ¥ blether.¼ ¨blaze©1 ²/bleIz/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´bright flame or fire: ³We could see the @ of a cheerful fire through the window. I put some wood on the fire and it soon burst into a @´, began to burn brightly. ¸2 ´fire; burning building(s): ³It took the firemen two hours to put the @ out. ¸3 ³(pl) ´(sl) hell: ³Go to @s! He was working like @s´, working furiously. ¸4 ´glow of colour; bright light: ³The red tulips made a @ of colour in the garden. The main street of the town is a @ of light(s) in the evening. ¸5 ´violent outburst: ³in a @ of anger.¼ ¨blaze©2 ²/bleIz/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C] ´burn with flame: ³There was a fire blazing on the hearth. When the firemen arrived the whole building was blazing. ·@ up, ´burst into flames. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C] ´be bright with colour; shine brightly or with warmth: ³The garden was blazing with colour. The sun @d down on us. ¸3 ¶[VP2A,C] ´burst out with strong feeling: ³He was blazing with anger/indignation. ¸4 ¶[VP2C,15B] ·@ away, ´fire continuously with rifles, etc: ³They @d away at the enemy. He @d away all his ammunition. ¸blaz®ing ³adj´: ³a blazing fire´; (fig) conspicuous: ³a blazing ³indiscretion´; (foxhunting) ³a blazing ´(= very strong) ³scent.¼ ¨blaze©3 ²/bleIz/ ³n ´white mark on a horse's or an ox's face; mark made on a tree by cutting the bark. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´mark (a tree) by cutting off part of the bark. ·@ a trail, ´mark trees to show a path through a forest; (fig) do sth for the first time and show others how to do it.¼ ¨blaze©4 ²/bleIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (abroad), ´make known far and wide: ³@ the news (abroad).¼ ¨blazer© ²/ÚbleIzE(r)/ ³n ´loose-fitting jacket (sometimes in the colours of a school, club, team, etc) for informal wear.¼ ¨bla®zon© ²/ÚbleIzn/ ³n ´coat of arms, esp on a shield. µ¥ ´the illus at µarmour. ¹ ³vt ´= blaze±4´. ¸@ry ³n ´bright display.¼ ¨bleach© ²/blit2/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make or become white (by chemical action or sunlight): ³@ linen; bones of animals @ing on the desert sand. ¸Ú@ing-powder ³n ´(eÔg chloride of lime) substance used to remove colour from dyed materials. ¹ ³n ´chemical for @ing and sterilizing: ³household @.¼ ¨bleach®ers© ²/Úblit2Ez/ ³n pl ´(US) unroofed seats/planks at sports grounds.¼ ¨bleak© ²/blik/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of the weather) cold and cheerless; (of a place) bare, swept by cold winds: ³a @ hillside. ¸2 ´(fig) dreary: ³@ prospects. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨bleary© ²/ÚblIErI/ ³adj ´dim; blurred. ¸*@-Úeyed ²/*blIErIÚñId/ ³adj ´having @ eyes: ³He got out of bed all @-eyed.¼ ¨bleat© ²/blit/ ³n ´cry of a sheep, goat or calf. ¹ ³vi,vt ¶[VP2A] ´make a cry of this kind; ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (out), ´speak, say (sth) feebly: ³He @ed (out) a complaint.¼ ¨bleed© ²/blid/ ³vi,vt (pt,pp µbled ²/bled/³) ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C] ´lose, send out, blood: ³If you cut your finger it will @. He was slowly @ing to death. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C,3A ´simple tenses only¶] ·@ (for), ´feel great distress: ³Our hearts @ for homeless people during this cold winter. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´draw blood from: ³Doctors used to @ people when they were ill. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,14] ´force (sb) to pay money unjustly: ³The blackmailers bled him for $500. ¸5 ¶[VP2A] ´(of a plant, tree, etc) lose sap or juice.¼ ¨bleep© ²/blip/ ³n ´high-pitched sound or signal sent out by radio, used eÔg as a summoning or warning device. ¹ ³vi ´emit such sounds.¼ ¨blem®ish© ²/ÚblemI2/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´mark, etc that spoils the beauty or perfection of sb or sth; moral defect: ³without @, ´faultless. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´spoil the perfection of.¼ ¨blench© ²/blent2/ ³vi ¶[VP2A] ´make a quick movement of fear.¼ ¨blend© ²/blend/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µ@ed ´or, liter, µblent ²/blent/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´mix together, esp sorts of tea, tobacco, spirits, etc, to get a certain quality: ³@ed whisky. A grocer used to need to know how to @ tea. Our coffees ´(iÔe varieties of coffee) ³are carefully @ed. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,3A] ´mix, form a mixture: ³Oil and water do not @. Oil does not @ with water. ¸3 ¶[VP2A] ´go well together; have no sharp or unpleasant contrast: (esp of colours) pass by degrees into each other: ³These two colours @ well. How well their voices @! ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´mixture made of various sorts (of tea, tobacco, etc): ³This coffee is a @ of Java and Brazil.¼ ¨blent© µ¥ blend.¼ ¨bless© ²/bles/ ³vt (pt,pp µ@ed ²/blest/ ´or µblest³) ´(as in µ(6) ´below) ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´ask God's favour for: ³They brought the children to Jesus and he @ed them. The priest @ed the people/the crops. ¸2 ´wish happiness or favour to: ³B@ you, my boy! ¸3 ´consecrate; make sacred or holy: ³bread @ed at the altar. ¸4 ·be @ed with, ´be fortunate in having: ³I am not greatly @ed with worldly goods´, am not rich. ³May you always be @ed with good health. ¸5 ´call (God) holy: ³"We praise Thee, we @ Thee,' "We @ Thy Holy Name.' ¸6 ´(colloq, in exclamations, expressing surprise): ³B@ me! B@ my soul! Well, I'm blest! ³I'm blest if I know! ´iÔe I don't know at all. ¸@ed ²/ÚblesId/ ³adj ¸1 ´holy, sacred: ¸the B@ed Virgin, ´the mother of Jesus. ¸the B@ed Sacrament, ´Holy Communion. ¸2 ´fortunate: ³B@ed are the poor in spirit. ¸3 the B@ed, ´those who are with God in paradise. ¸4 ´(sl, mild swearing) cursed: ³I've broken the whole @ed lot! ¸@ed®ness ²/ÚblesIdnIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´happiness. ¸@®ing ³n ¸1 ´the favour of God; prayer for God's favour; thanks to God before or after a meal: ³ask a @ing. µ¥ grace(5). ¸2 ´sth that one is glad of; sth that brings comfort or happiness: ³What a @ing it is you didn't get caught in the storm yesterday! ·a @ing in disguise, ´sth that seems unfortunate, but that is seen later to be fortunate.¼ ¨blether© ²/ÚbleDE(r)/, ±blather ²/ÚblaDE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´foolish talk. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ´talk nonsense.¼ ¨blew© ²/blu/ µ¥ blow±1µ.¼ ¨blight© ²/blñIt/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(sorts of) plant disease; mildew. ¸2 ¶[C] ´evil influence of obscure origin: ³a @ upon his hopes. ¹ vt ¶[VP6A] ´be a @ on: ³His hopes were @ed. Her life was @ed by constant illness. ¸@er ³n ´(dated sl) ¸1 ´annoying person. ¸2 ´fellow: ³You lucky @er!¼ ¨Blighty© ²/ÚblñItI/ ³n ´(GB 1st world war sl) home (during service abroad). ·a @ wound, ´one severe enough for a soldier to be returned to GB.¼ ¨bli®mey© ²/ÚblñImI/ ³int ´(vulg) expressing surprise.¼ ¨blimp© ²/blImp/ ³n ¸1 ´small non-rigid airship. ¸2 (Colonel) B@, ´pompous-looking reactionary person.¼ ¨blind©1 ²/blñInd/ ³adj ¸1 ´without the power to see: ³Tom helped the @ man across the road. He is @ in the right eye. ·turn a/one's @ eye to sth, ´pretend not to see it. ¸@ spot, ´point on the retina insensible to light; (fig) inability to recognize, understand or sympathize with sth. ¸2 ·@ (to), ´unable to see effects, to judge or understand well: ³Mothers are sometimes @ to the faults of their children. A man would be @ not to see that difficulty. ¸3 ´reckless; thoughtless: ³In his @ haste he almost ran into the river. ¸4 ´not ruled by purpose: ³Some people think that the world is governed by @ forces. ¸5 ´(sl) drunk (also ·@ drunk´). ¸6 @ alley, µ¥ alley(1). ¸@ date, µ¥ date±1µ(4). ¸@ flying, ´navigation, eÔg in cloud, fog, with the aid of instruments only. ¸@ turning, ´(in a road) one that cannot easily be seen by drivers. ¸*@®*man's Úbuff ³n ´game in which one player, who is blindfolded, tries to catch and identify one of the others who push him about.¼ ¨blind©2 ²/blñInd/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (to), ´make @; (fig) take away the power of judgement: ³a @ing light. The soldier had been @ed in the war. His feelings for her @ed him to her faults. ¸@®ers ³n pl ´(US) blinkers. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@ness ³n¼ ¨blind©3 ²/blñInd/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´roll of cloth (usu strong linen) fixed on a roller and pulled down to cover a window (US = ³window-shade´): ³pull down/lower, draw up/raise the @s. ¸2 ´(fig) deception: ³It was only a @´, sth intended to hide the reality. ¸3 ´(US) hide±1 ³n¼ ¨blind®fold© ²/ÚblñIndfE8ld/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´cover the eyes of (sb) with a bandage so that he cannot see. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´such a cover. ¹ ³adj ´with the eyes bandaged, covered with a handkerchief, etc.¼ ¨blink© ²/blIGk/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C,6A,15B] ´shut and open the eyes quickly: ³@ the eyes; @ away a tear. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ·@ the fact that, ´(fig) refuse to consider; ignore: ³There's no @ing the fact that«. ¸3 ¶[VP2C] ´(of lights, esp when in the distance) come and go; shine in an unsteady way: ³We saw the lights of a steamer @ing on the horizon. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´instance of @ing. ¸@®ing ³adj ´(colloq euphem for) bloodyµ(3)´: ³It's a @ing nuisance.¼ ¨blink®ers© ²/ÚblIGkEz/ ³n pl ´(US = ³blinders´) leather squares to prevent a horse from seeing sideways. µ¥ ´the illus at µharness.¼ ¨blip© ²/blIp/ ³n ´spot of light on a radar screen.¼ ¨bliss© ²/blIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´perfect happiness; great joy. ¸@®ful ²/-f8l/ ³adj ¸@®fully ²/-f8lI/ ³adv¼ ¨blis®ter© ²/ÚblIstE(r)/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´small bag-like swelling under the skin, filled with liquid (caused by rubbing, burning, etc): ³If your shoes are too tight, you may get @s on your feet. ¸2 ´similar swelling on the surface of metal, painted or varnished wood, a plant, etc. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´cause, get, a @ or @s on: ³He is not used to manual work and his hands @ easily. The hot sun has @ed the paint on the door.¼ ¨blithe© ²/blñID/, ±blithe®some ²/blñIDsEm/ ³adj ´(chiefly poet) gay and joyous. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨blith®er®ing© ²/ÚblIDErIG/ ³adj ´(colloq) utter; contemptible (esp in): ³@ idiot.¼ ¨blitz© ²/blIts/ ³n ´rapid, violent attack (esp from the air). ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´damage or destroy in this way (esp in ³pp´): ³@ed areas/towns, ´destroyed by bombing during air-raids.¼ ¨bliz®zard© ²/ÚblIzEd/ ³n ¶[C] ´violent and heavy snowstorm.¼ ¨bloated© ²/ÚblE8tId/ ³adj ´swollen; fat and large in an unhealthy way: ³a @ face; a fat, ugly man, @ with over-eating´; (fig) ³@ with pride´, puffed up with pride.¼ ¨bloater© ²/ÚblE8tE(r)/ ³n ´kind of salted and smoked herring: ³@ paste´, paste made from @s. µ¥ kipper.¼ ¨blob© ²/blob/ ³n ´drop of liquid, eÔg paint; small round mass, eÔg of wax; spot of colour.¼ ¨bloc© ²/blok/ ³n ´combination of parties, groups, states, etc with a special interest: ³the sterling @´, those countries with currencies related to sterling.¼ ¨block©1 ²/blok/ ³n ¸1 ´large, solid piece of wood, stone, etc: ³A butcher cuts up his meat on a large @ of wood. The @s of stone in the Pyramids are five or six feet high. The statue is to be carved out of a @ of marble. Children play with building @s, ´cubes of wood put together to make toy houses, etc. µ¥ chip(1). ¸2 ´main part of a petrol engine, consisting of the cylinders and valves. ¸3 the @, ´(in olden times) large piece of wood on which a person put his neck to have his head cut off as a punishment. ·go/be sent to the @, ´to death in this way. ¸4 ´shaped piece of wood on which hats are moulded. ¸5 ´pulley, or system of pulleys, in a case (often ·@ and tackle´). ¸6 ´piece of wood or metal with designs, etc, cut (engraved) on it for printing. ¸7 ´mass of buildings (shops, offices, apartments, etc) joined together; (esp US) area of buildings bounded by four streets; the length of one side of such an area: ³To reach the post-office, walk two @s east and then turn left. ¸@®buster ²/ÚblokbAstE(r)/ ³n ´powerful explosive to demolish buildings; (fig) forceful person or thing bringing about a sudden effect, eÔg in a dispute. ¸8 ´division of seats in a theatre, concert hall, etc; large quantity of shares in a business. ¸9 ´obstruction; sth that makes movement or flow difficult or impossible: ³There was a @ in the pipe and the water couldn't flow away. ¸Úroad @, ´barrier across a road at which documents, etc are checked. ¸Útraffic @, ´(usu ³traffic jam´) large number of buses, cars, vans, trams, etc held up and unable to move on. ¸10 Ú@ grant, ´fixed and non-recurring subsidy. ¸*@ Úcapitals Úletters/Úwriting, ´with each letter separate and in capitals: ³Write your name in @ letters. ¸11 ´(cricket) spot on which a batsman rests his bat before playing a ball. ¸12 ´(sl) (person's) head: ³I'll knock your @ off!¼ ¨block©2 ²/blok/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (up), ´make movement difficult or impossible in (by sth being in the way); obstruct: ³All roads were @ed by the heavy snowfall. They @ed up (´= entirely covered³) the entrance to the cave with big rocks. My cold gave me a @ed-up nose. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´obstruct (progress); make (action) difficult or impossible: ³The general succeeded in @ing the enemy's plans. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´(chiefly in ³pp´) restrict the use or expenditure of (currency, assets, etc): ³@ed sterling. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´shape (eÔg hats) on a @. µ¥ block±1µ(4). ¸5 ·@ in/out, ´make a rough sketch or plan of the general arrangement (of objects in a drawing, etc). ¸6 ´(cricket) stop (the ball) with the bat (kept upright in front of the wicket).¼ ¨block®ade© ²/bloÚkeId/ ³n ´the enclosing or surrounding of a place, eÔg by armies or warships, to keep goods or people from entering or leaving. ·run the @, ´evade and get through the forces that are surrounding a place. ·raise the @, ´end it. ¸Ú@-runner ³n ´ship, etc that gets through or past a @. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make a @ around, eÔg a town, fort, etc.¼ ¨block®age© ²/ÚblokIdZ/ ³n ¶[C] ´state of being blocked; sth that blocks: ³There's a @ in the drain-pipe.¼ ¨block®head© ²/Úblokhed/ ³n ´slow and stupid person.¼ ¨block®house© ²/Úblokhñ8s/ ³n ´military strongpoint with openings through which to shoot.¼ ¨bloke© ²/blE8k/ ³n ´(sl) man.¼ ¨blond© ²/blond/ ³n, adj ´(man) having fair±1µ(5) ´complexion and hair.¼ ¨blonde© ²/blond/ ³n, adj ´(woman) µblond.¼ ¨blood©1 ²/blAd/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´red liquid flowing throughout the body of man and the higher animals: ³The soldiers shed their @ ´(= died) ³for their country. It was more than flesh and @ ´(= human nature) ³could stand. He gave his @ to help his sister´, gave @ to be injected into his sister after a surgical operation or an accident. ·infuse new @ (into sth), ´(fig) revive business, etc by introducing new talent. ·let @, ´draw off @ from a vein. µ¥ 7 ´below. ¸2 ´passion; temper: ³His @ is up´, he is angry, filled with passion. ³His @ ran cold´, he was filled with terror or horror. ·(kill sb) in cold @, ´when one is not feeling angry or excited; deliberately. ·make bad @ between persons, ´cause them to feel ill will towards one another. ·make one's Ú@ boil, ´make one very angry. ·make one's Ú@ run cold, ´fill one with fear or horror. ¸3 ´relationships; family: ³They are of the same @´, have ancestors in common. ¸*blue Ú@ ³n ´aristocratic descent. ·of the (royal) @, ´of royal family. ·one's own flesh and @, ´one's relations. ·B@ is thicker than water, ´(prov) The ties of family relationship are real. ¸Ú@ feud ³n ´deadly feud between families. ¸Ú@-relation ³n ´person related by @, not by marriage. ¸4 ·@ and iron, ´(fig) relentless use of force. ¸5 ¶[C] ´(old colloq use) man of fashion; rich, pleasure-loving young man. ¸6 ·@ and thunder ³attrib adj ´(of stories, dramas) melodramatic; full of exciting incidents. ¸7 ´(compounds) ¸Ú@ bank ³n µ¥ bank±1µ(3). ¸Ú@-bath ³n ´large-scale slaughter, eÔg in battle, or during a revolution. ¸Ú@ brother, ´one who swears to treat another as a brother (perhaps by the symbolic act of mixing his @ with the other person). ¸Ú@ count ³n ´(counting of the) number of red and white corpuscles in a certain volume of @. ¸Ú@-curdling ³adj ´sending feelings of horror through the body. ¸Ú@-donor ³n ´person who gives @ for @ transfusions. ¸Ú@-group/type ³n ´any of several distinct classes of human @. ¸*@-Úheat ³n ´the normal temperature of human @ (about 98²Ø´5ÄF, 37ÄC). ¸Ú@®hound ³n ´large dog able to trace a person by scent. µ¥ ´the illus at µdog. ¸Ú@-letting ³n ´surgical drawing off of some of a patient's @. ¸Ú@®lust, ´desire for killing sb. ¸Ú@-money ³n ´money obtained at the cost of a life, eÔg received by a murderer for killing someone or as a reward for betraying sb who is to be put to death. ¸Ú@-poisoning ³n ´condition that results when poisonous germs enter the @, esp through a cut or wound. ¸Ú@ pressure ³n ´the force exerted by @ within the arteries. ¸*@ Úred, ´having the colour of @. ¸Ú@®shed ³n ´killing or wounding of people; putting to death: ³There was great @shed in Paris during the years after the Revolution in 1789. ¸Ú@®shot ³adj ´(of the white of the eyes) red. ¸Ú@-sports ³n pl ´outdoor sports in which animals or birds are killed. ¸Ú@®stained ³adj ¸(a) ´stained with @: ³a @stained shirt. ¸(b) ´disgraced by @shed. ¸Ú@®stock ³n ´(collective) thoroughbred horses. ¸Ú@®sucker ³n ¸(a) ´creature that sucks @, esp a leech. ¸(b) ´(fig) person who unjustly forces another or others to give him as much money as possible. ¸Ú@®thirsty ³adj ´cruel and eager to take life; taking pleasure in killing. ¸Ú@®thirsti®ness ³n ¸Ú@-transfusion ³n ´transfer of @ (originally taken) from the veins of one person to those of another. ¸Ú@-vessel ³n ´tube (vein or artery) through which @ flows in the body. µ¥ ´the illus at µrespiratory. ¸@®less ³adj ¸1 ´without @shed: ³a @less victory. ¸2 ´pale; unfeeling and coldhearted. ¸@®less®ly ³adv¼ ¨blood©2 ²/blAd/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´allow the first taste of @ to (foxhounds, etc).¼ ¨bloody© ²/ÚblAdI/ ³adj ¸1 ´bleeding; covered with blood: ³a @ nose. ¸2 ´with much bloodshed: ³a @ battle. ¸3 ´(vulg intensive): ³What a @ shame! ´(derog) ³You're a @ fool! ´(laud) ³You're a @ genius! ¸*@-Úminded, ´(sl) obstructive; unwilling to co-operate. ¹ ³adv ´(vulg sl): ³Not @ likely! ´(= not at all likely). ·@ well, ´(vulg sl) certainly.¼ ¨bloom© ²/blum/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´flower, esp of plants admired chiefly for their flowers (eÔg roses, tulips, chrysanthemums). ·in @, ´(of plants) flowering: ³The tulips are in full @ now. ´Cf ³in blossom ´for shrubs and trees. ¸2 ¶[U] ´(time of) greatest beauty or perfection: ³She was in the @ of youth. ¸3 ¶[U] ´covering of fine dust or powder on plums, grapes, etc when they are at their best. ·take the @ off sth, ´cause it to seem stale. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ¸1 ´be in flower; bear flowers: ³The roses have been @ing all summer. ¸2 ´(fig) be in full beauty and perfection. ¸@®ing ³adj ¸1 ´(in the senses of the ³v´) ¸2 ²/Úbl8mIG/ ´(colloq euphem for ³bloodyµ(3)´): ³You @ing idiot!¼ ¨bloomer© ²/ÚblumE(r)/ ³n ´(sl) blunder: ³He made a tremendous @.¼ ¨bloom®ers© ²/ÚblumEz/ ³n pl ´loose garment covering each leg to the knee and hanging from the waist, formerly worn by girls and women for games, cycling, etc, with or without a skirt.¼ ¨blos®som© ²/ÚblosEm/ ³n ¶[C] ´flower, esp of a fruit-tree; ¶[U] ´mass of flowers on a bush or tree. µ¥ ´the illus at µflower. ·in @, ´(of bushes and trees) having flowers: ³The apple-trees are in @. µ¥ bloom(1). ³¹ ³vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´open into flowers: ³The cherry-trees will @ next month. ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ·@ out, ´develop: ³He @ed out as a first-rate athlete.¼ ¨blot© ²/blot/ ³n ¸1 ´mark caused by ink spilt on paper. ¸2 ´fault; disgrace; sth that takes away from the beauty or goodness of sth: ³a @ on his character; a @ on the landscape´, eÔg an ugly building or advertisement. ¹ ³vt µ(-tt-) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´make a @ or @s on (paper with ink). ·@ one's copy-book, ´(colloq) do sth that spoils one's good record. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´dry up (wet ink) with @ting-paper. ¸Ú@®ting-paper ³n ´absorbent paper used to dry up wet ink quickly. ¸3 ¶[VP15B] ·@ out, ¸(a) ´make a @ over (words that have been written): ³Several words in his letter had been @ted out. ¸(b) ´hide from view: ³The mist came down and @ted out the view. ¸(c) ´destroy, exterminate (enemies, etc). ¸@®ter ³n ¸1 ´book containing sheets of writing-paper interleaved with sheets of @ting-paper. ¸police @ter, ´(US) book in which the police enter records, eÔg of lost and found articles, missing persons. ¸2 ´piece or pad of @ting-paper.¼ ¨blotch© ²/blot2/ ³n ´large, discoloured mark, usu irregular in shape (eÔg on the skin, or of ink on paper).¼ ¨blotto© ²/ÚblotE8/ ³pred adj ´(sl) fuddled or intoxicated with alcoholic drink.¼ ¨blouse© ²/blñ8z ³US: ²blñ8s/ ³n ¸1 ´outer garment from neck to waist, worn by women and girls (US = ³shirtwaist´). ¸2 ´loose-fitting garment, often with a belt at the waist, worn by some workmen. ¸3 ´tunic as worn by some sailors and soldiers.¼ ¨blow©1 ²/blE8/ ³vi,vt (pt µblew ²/blu/´, ³pp µblown ²/blE8n/ ´or µ@ed³) ´(µ11 ´below) ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C] ´(with ³air, wind´, or ³it ´as the subject) move along, flow as a current of air: ³It was @ing hard´, there was a strong wind. ³It was @ing a gale/@ing great guns´, there was a (violent) gale. ³The wind was @ing round the street-corners. It's @ing up for rain´, the wind seems likely to bring rain soon. ¸2 ¶[VP15A,B] ´(of the wind) cause to move: ³The wind blew my hat off. I was almost @n over by the wind. The ship was @n out of its course/on to the rocks. The wind blew the papers out of my hand. ¶[VP12A] ·It's an ill wind that @s nobody any good, µ¥ ill(2). ¸3 ¶[VP2,C,E] ´(of objects, etc) be moved or carried by the wind or other air current: ³My hat blew off. The door blew open. The dust has @n into the house. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,15B,2C] ´send or force a strong current of air upon, into or through: ³@ (on) one's food ´(to cool it); ³@ the dust off a book; ³@ (up) the fire´, make it burn better (eÔg by using a pair of bellows). ·@ hot and cold´, (fig) vacillate. ·@ one's nose, ´in order to clear it. ¸5 ¶[VP6A] ´make by @ing: ³@ bubbles, ´by sending air through a pipe with soapy water, etc; shape by @ing: ³@ glass, ´by sending a current of air into molten glass. ¸6 ¶[VP6A] ´use (sth) to produce a current of air: ³@ bellows; ´work the bellows of: ³@ an organ. ¸7 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´produce sound from (a trumpet, etc) by sending air into it; (of a wind-instrument, etc) produce sound: ³The referee blew his whistle. Stop work when the whistle @s. The huntsman blew his horn. We heard the bugles @ing. ¸8 ¶[VP2A] ´breathe hard and quickly: ³The old man was puffing and @ing when he got to the top of the hill. ¸9 ¶[VP2A] ´(of whales) force up a stream of air and water: ³There she @s! ´There is the fountain sent up by the whale! ¸10 ¶[VP2A,C,6A,15B] ·@ (out), ´(of a fuse) melt because the electric current is too strong; cause to do this: ³The fuse has @n. The fuse blew out. Don't @ (out) the fuse. ¸11 ´(sl uses) spend (money) recklessly or extravagantly: ³@ $10 on a dinner with a girl friend. µ¥ blue±3µ. ³B@ the expense´, Don't worry about it. ³I'll be @ed if«/B@ed if I will«, ´I will certainly not«. ³Well, I'm @ed! ´(indicating surprise). ·@ one's top, ´lose one's temper; explode into angry words, etc. ¸12 ´(compounds from the ³v´) ¸Ú@-dry ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´dry (sth, esp hair) by passing a current of warm air over (it). ¸Ú@®fly ³n ´common meat fly. ¸Ú@®hole ³n ¸(a) ´opening for air, smoke, etc, in a tunnel. ¸(b) ´hole (in rocks, etc near the seashore) through which air and water are forced by rising tides. ¸Ú@®lamp, Ú@torch ³nn ´lamp for directing an intensely hot flame on to a surface. ¸Ú@®pipe ³n ¸(a) ´tube for increasing the heat of a flame by forcing air into it. ¸(b) ´tube through which some primitive people @ poisoned darts. ¸13 ¶[VP2C,3A,15B] ´(special uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps´):¼ ·blow back, ´(of gas in a tube, etc) explode. Hence, ¸Ú@®back ³n ´explosion of gas in a tube, etc.¼ ·blow in/into, ´(colloq) arrive noisily, cheerfully, etc: ³The door opened and John blew in/blew into the room.¼ ·blow off steam, ´release tension by arguing, being noisy, etc: ³Parents must let children @ off steam sometimes.¼ ·blow out; @ sth out, ´(be) put out by @ing: ³The candle was @n out by the wind. The flame blew out. ·@ itself out, ´exhaust itself: ³The gale had @n itself out. ·@ one's brains out, ´kill oneself by shooting in the head. ¸Ú@®out ³n ¸(a) ´sudden (often violent) escape of air, steam, etc; (esp) bursting of a tyre. ¸(b) ´@ing out of an electric fuse. ¸(c) ´(sl) abundant meal; feast.¼ ·blow over, ´pass by; be forgotten: ³The storm/scandal will soon @ over.¼ ·blow up, ¸(a) ´explode: ³The barrel of gunpowder blew up. ¸(b) ´arise: ³A storm is @ing up. ¸(c) ´lose one's temper; work up to a crisis: ³I'm sorry I blew up at you. ·@ sb up, ´(colloq) scold severely: ³The teacher blew John up for not doing his homework. ´Hence, ¸*@®ing-Úup ³n ´scolding. ·@ sth up, ¸(a) ´break or destroy by explosion: ³The soldiers blew up the bridge. ¸(b) ´inflate with air or gas: ³@ up a tyre. ¸(c) ´enlarge greatly: ³@ up a photograph. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-up ³n ´greatly enlarged photograph: ³The men in the procession carried @-ups of their leader. ¸(d) ´exaggerate: ³His abilities have been greatly @n up by the newspapers.¼ ¨blow©2 ²/blE8/ ³n ´blowing: ³Give your nose a good @´, clear it thoroughly. ·have/go for a @, ´go outdoors for fresh air.¼ ¨blow©3 ²/blE8/ ³n ¸1 ´hard stroke (given with the hand, a stick, etc): ³He struck his enemy a heavy @ on the head. ·at one @; at a (single) @, ´in a single effort: ³I killed six flies at a @. ·come to @s; exchange @s, ´fight. ·get a @ in, ´succeed in placing a @. ·strike a @ for, ´perform a single act of support for; struggle for. ·without striking a @, ´without having to fight. ·a @-by-@ account, ´a detailed account (eÔg of a boxing match). ¸2 ´shock; disaster: ³His wife's death was a great @ to him. It was a @ to our hopes.¼ ¨blow©4 ²/blE8/ ³vi (pp µ@n ²/blE8n/³) ´(chiefly in ³pp ´as) ³full-blown roses, ´wide open, with petals about to fall; ³She has a complexion like a new-blown rose, ´a delicate pink complexion.¼ ¨blower© ²/ÚblE8E(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´apparatus for forcing air, etc into or through sth. ¸2 ´person who makes things by blowing (eÔg ³a ·Ú³glass-@´) or who pumps air into sth (eÔg ³an ·Ú³organ-@´). ¸3 ´(colloq) speaking-tube; (GB sl) telephone: ³Get Jones on the @ for me.¼ ¨blown© ²/blE8n/ ³pp ´of µblow±1µ. ¥ ´also µblow±4µ. ¹ ³adj ´breathless (as the result of effort).¼ ¨blowzy© ²/Úblñ8zI/ ³adj ´(usu of a woman) red-faced, dirty-looking and untidily dressed.¼ ¨blub®ber©1 ²/ÚblAbE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´fat of whales and other sea-animals from which oil is obtained.¼ ¨blub®ber©2 ²/ÚblAbE(r)/ ³vi,vt ¶[VP2A] ´weep noisily; ¶[VP15B] ·@ (sth) out, ´say with sobs.¼ ¨bludgeon© ²/ÚblAdZEn/ ³n ´short, thick stick with a heavy end, used as a weapon. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ´strike repeatedly with a @: ³He had been @ed to death. ·@ sb into doing sth, ´(fig) compel him to do it.¼ ¨blue©1 ²/blu/ ³adj µ(-r, -st) ´coloured like the sky on a clear day or the deep sea when the sun is shining: ³@ eyes. ³His face was @ with cold. ¸*@ Úblood(ed) ³adj, n ´(of) aristocratic birth. ¸*@ Úchips, ´(fin) industrial shares considered valuable because of past records. ¸*@ Úfilm, ´obscene film. ¸*@ Újokes, ´improper jokes. ¸*B@ ÚPeter, ´@ flag with a white square in the centre, used to show that a ship is about to sail. ¸*@ Úribbon, ´sign of great distinction: ³the @ ribbon of the Atlantic´, held by the liner that has the record for the fastest crossing. ·look @, ´(colloq) be sad or depressed. ·(Things are) looking @, ´depressing. ·once in a @ moon, ´very rarely.¼ ¨blue©2 ²/blu/ ³n ¸1 ´@ colour: ³dressed in @; ³Oxford @´, dark @; ³Cambridge @´, light @. ¸2 ´(the) sky. ·appear/come out of the @, ´unexpectedly. ·a bolt from the @, ´sth quite unexpected. ¸3 ·win/get one's @ (for sth), ´(at Oxford or Cambridge University) gain the right to wear a @ cap, scarf etc because one has represented the University in a sport: ³She got her @ for tennis. ´Hence, person with this right: ³He's a rowing @. ¸4 ´(poet) (the) sea. ¸5 ·a true @, ´a loyal member (of a political party, esp the Conservative). ¸6 ³(pl) ´(dances, dance tunes, for) haunting jazz melodies originally of Negroes in the southern US. ¸the @s, ´(colloq) condition of being sad, melancholy. ¸7 ´(compounds) ¸Ú@®bell ³n ´(Scotland and N England) = harebell; (S England) wild hyacinth with @ or white flowers growing in moist places and flowering in spring. ¸Ú@ book ³n ´book published by the Government containing a report. ¸Ú@®bottle ³n ´meat fly or blowfly. ¸*@-Úcollar ³adj ´of workers in factories, etc, who wear overalls (contrasted with ³white-collar ´workers). ¸Ú@-jacket ³n ´seaman in the Navy. ¸*@-Úpencil ³vt ´mark, censor, with a @ pencil. ¸Ú@®print ³n ´photographic print, white on @ paper, usu for building plans; (fig) plan, scheme: (attrib) ³the @print stage. ¸Ú@®stock®ing ³n ´woman who is regarded as having superior literary tastes and intellectual interests. ¸blu®ish ²/ÚbluI2/ ³adj ´tending towards @: ³bluish green.¼ ¨blue©3 ²/blu/ ³vt ¸1 ´make blue. ¸2 ·@ one's money´, (sl) spend it recklessly.¼ ¨bluff©1 ²/blAf/ ³n ´headland with a broad and very steep face. ¹ ³adj ¸1 ´(of headlands, cliffs, a ship's bows) with a broad, perpendicular front. ¸2 ´(of a person, his manner, etc) abrupt; rough but honest and kind, simple and good-natured. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨bluff©2 ²/blAf/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,14,15B,2A] ´deceive sb by pretending. ·@ sb into doing sth, ´lead sb to do sth or believe sth by deceiving him: ³They were @ed into supposing we were ill prepared. ·@ it out, ´survive a difficult situation by pretence. ·@ one's way out of sth, ´escape from a situation by pretence. ¹ ³n ¶[U,C] ´deception of this kind; (the use of) threats that are intended to get results without being carried out. ·call sb's @, ´invite him to do what he threatened to do. ¸@er ³n ´person who tries to @ people.¼ ¨blun®der© ²/ÚblAndE(r)/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C,3A] ´move about uncertainly, as if blind: ³@ into a wall. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´make foolish mistakes: ³Our leaders have @ed again. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´stupid or careless mistake. ¸@er ³n ´person who commits a @.¼ ¨blun®der®buss© ²/ÚblAndEbAs/ ³n ´old-fashioned gun with a wide mouth, firing many bullets or small shot at once at short range.¼ ¨blunt© ²/blAnt/ ³adj µ(-er, -est) ¸1 ´without a point or sharp edge: ³a @ knife. ¸2 ´(of a person, what he says) plain; not troubling to be polite: ³He's a @ man. The @ fact is that«. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make @: ³If you try to cut stone with a knife, you will @ the edge. ¸@®ly ³adv´: ³to speak @ly´, plainly, without ceremony. ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨blur© ²/bl3(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´dirty spot or mark; smear of ink. ¸2 ´confused or indistinct effect: ³If, when you try to read small print, you see only a @, you probably need glasses. ¹ ³vt,vi µ(-rr-) ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make a dirty mark or smear on (sth); make or become unclear, confused in appearance: ³Tears @red her eyes. Mists @red the view. The writing was @red. Rain @red the windows of our car.¼ ¨blurb© ²/bl3b/ ³n ´publisher's description of the contents of a book, printed on the paper jacket, etc.¼ ¨blurt© ²/bl3t/ ³vt ¶[VP15B] ·@ sth out, ´tell sth, eÔg a secret, suddenly, often thoughtlessly.¼ ¨blush© ²/blA2/ ³vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C,3A] ´become red (in the face) from shame or confusion: ³She @ed for/with shame. She @ed at the thought of«; ³He @ed as red as a peony. ¸2 ¶[VP4B] ´(fig) be ashamed: ³@ to confess that«. ¹ ³n ¸1 ´reddening of the face, eÔg from shame, etc: ³She turned away to hide her @es. ¸2 ´(old use) glimpse: ³at first @´, at the first look. ¸@®ing ³adj ¸@®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨blus®ter© ²/ÚblAstE(r)/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C] ´(of the wind, waves, etc) storm; be rough or violent. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´(of persons) act and speak in a forceful but rather unsteady, often rather boastful way. ¸3 ¶[VP15B] ·@ out, ´utter in this way: ³@ out threats. ¹ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´noise of violent wind or waves. ¸2 ´@ing talk and behaviour; noisy threats. ¸@y ³adj ´(of the weather) rough and blowy.¼ ¨bo(h)© ²/bE8/ ³int µ¥ boo.¼ ¨boa© ²/ÚbE8E/ ³n ¸1 ´(also ¸Ú@-constrictor´) large non-poisonous snake that kills by crushing its prey. µ¥ ´the illus at µsnake. ¸2 ´(also ¸Úfeather-boa´) feather stole (formerly) worn by women.¼ ¨boar© ²/bc(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´wild male pig. ¸2 ´uncastrated male domestic pig. µ¥ hog, sow±2µ.¼ ¨board©1 ²/bcd/ ³n ¸1 ´long, thin, flat piece of wood with squared edges, used in building walls, floors, boats, ship's decks, etc. ¸2 ´flat piece of wood or other material for a special purpose, sometimes bare, sometimes covered with cloth, leather, etc: ·Ú³sign@; ·Ú³notice@; a ·Ú³diving-@. ¸3 ´flat surface with patterns, etc on which games, eÔg chess, are played. µ¥ ´the illus at µchess. ¸4 ´(from the @s that form the stage of a theatre) ¸the @s, ´the theatre: ³on the @s´, employed as an actor; on the stage. ¸5 ´(from the @s that form the deck of a ship) ·on @, ´in a ship. ·go on @, ´go on to a ship or into an airliner (in US, also of trains). ·go by the @, ´(of masts, etc) fall over the ship's side; (fig, of plans, hopes, etc) be given up or abandoned; fail completely. ¸6 ´(from the idea of ³table´, used for gambling). ·above @, ´openly, without deception. ·sweep the @, ´win all the cards or the money staked; (fig) be completely successful. ¸7 ´(from the idea of ³table´) council-table; councillors; committee; group of persons controlling a business, or a government department: ³the *B@ of ÚGovernors, ´eÔg of a school; ³the ·*³B@ of ·Ú³Trade; Local ·Ú³Government B@; ·Ú³School B@, ´(in England until 1902) controlling elementary schools known as ·Ú³b@-schools; a ³Se·Ú³lection B@´, one that selects from applicants or candidates. ·across the @, µ¥ across±2µ(1). ¸8 ¶[U] ´food served at table, esp meals supplied by the week or month (eÔg at a lodging-house) or as part payment for service: ³The hotel porter gets $40 a week and free @. B@ and lodging $45 weekly. ¸9 ´thick, stiff paper, sometimes cloth-covered, used for book covers: ³bound in cloth @s. µ¥ ´also µcard@, paste@. ¸10 ´(compounds) ¸Ú@®room ³n ´room in which meetings (of a B@ of Directors, etc) are held. ¸Ú@walk ³n ´(US) promenade, originally made of planks, esp along a beach.¼ ¨board©2 ²/bcd/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B] ´make or cover with boardsµ(1)´: ³@ up a window; @ (over) the stern of a boat´, cover it with boards to make a deck. ³The floor was @ed. ¸2 ´(µ¥ board±1µ(8)´) ¶[VP6A,3A,E] ´get, supply with, meals for a fixed weekly/monthly, etc payment: ³In a university town, many people make a living by @ing students. He @s at his aunt's/with his aunt. ·@ out, ´take meals at a different place from that in which one lives and sleeps. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´get on or into (a ship, train, bus, etc); force a way on @ (a ship). ¸Ú@ing-card, ´embarkation card, esp for an airliner or ship. ¸@er ³n ´person who @s with sb. µ¥ 2 ´above; schoolboy or girl at a @ing-school (µ¥ ´below). ¸@®ing ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´structure of @s±1µ(1)´. ¸2 ´the providing or receiving of @±1µ(8)´. ¸Ú@ing-house ³n ´private house that provides @ and lodging. ¸Ú@ing-school ³n ´one at which pupils receive @ and lodging as well as lessons.¼ ¨boast© ²/bE8st/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´words used in praise of oneself, one's acts, belongings, etc: ³It was the enemy's @ that they could never be defeated. ¸2 ´cause for satisfaction; sth of which one may rightly be proud: ³It was his @ that he had never failed in an examination. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A,3A,B] ·@ (of/about), ´make a @ or @s: ³He @s of being/@s that he is the best tennis-player in the town. That's nothing to @ of. He often @s to his neighbours about the successes of his children. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´possess with pride: ³Our school @s a fine swimming-pool. ¸@er ³n ´person who @s. ¸@®ful ²/-f8l/ ³adj ´(of persons) fond of @ing; (of words, etc) full of self-praise. ¸@®fully ²/-fElI/ ³adv¼ ¨boat© ²/bE8t/ ³n ¸1 ´small open vessel for travelling in on water, esp the kind moved with oars (·Ú³rowing @´), sails (·Ú³sailing @´), or petrol or oil engines (·Ú³motor-@´); also used of fishing-vessels and small steamers: ³We crossed the river by @/in a @. B@s for hireÅ$2 an hour. ·be (all) in the same @, ´have the same dangers to face. ·burn one's @s, ´do sth that makes it impossible to retreat, to change one's plans, etc. ·take to the @s, ´(of the crew and passengers of a ship) use the ship's @s to escape, eÔg when the ship is sinking. ¸Ú@-hook ³n ´long pole for fending off or holding a @, eÔg at a landing-stage. ¸Ú@-house ³n ´shed in which @s are stored. ¸Ú@®man ²/-mEn/ ³n (pl µ@men³) ´man who rows or sails a small @ for pay; man from whom rowing-@s may be hired. ¸Ú@-race ³n ´race between rowing-@s. ¸Ú@-train ³n ´train that takes people to or from a passenger ship, eÔg between London and Dover. µ¥ ferry, house±1µ(7), life(14), mail±2µ(1). ¸2 ´@-shaped dish used at table for gravy or sauce. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ´travel in a @, esp for pleasure: ³We @ed down the river. ·go @ing, ´go out (esp in a rowing-@) for pleasure.¼ ¨boater© ²/ÚbE8tE(r)/ ³n ´hard straw hat (formerly worn in summer for boating).¼ ¨boat®swain© ²/ÚbE8sn/ ³n ´senior seaman who controls the work of other seamen and is in charge of a ship's rigging, boats, anchors, etc.¼ ¨bob©1 ²/bob/ ³vi µ(-bb-) ¶[VP2C] ¸1 ´move up and down: ³The cork on his fishing-line was bobbing on the water. ·bob up, ´(fig) carry on again; reappear: ³That fellow bobs up like a cork´, cannot be "kept down', always becomes active again after being in trouble, etc. ³That question often bobs up (crops up ´is more usu³)´, is often asked. ¸2 ·bob to sb, ´also ¶[VP6A] ·bob a curtsy, ´curtsy. ¹ ³n ´quick up and down movement; curtsy.¼ ¨bob©2 ²/bob/ ³vt µ(-bb-) ´(dated) cut (a woman's or girl's hair) so that it hangs loosely and short of the shoulders: ³She wears her hair bobbed. I shall have my hair bobbed. ¹ ³n ´bobbed hair.¼ ¨bob©3 ²/bob/ ³n (pl ´unchanged; sl³) ´former British coin, called "shilling' (replaced by the 5p coin).¼ ¨bob®bin© ²/ÚbobIn/ ³n ´small roller or spool for holding thread, yarn, wire, etc in a machine.¼ ¨bobby© ²/ÚbobI/ ³n ´(GB colloq) policeman.¼ ¨bobby pin© ²/ÚbobI pIn/ ³n ´(US) tight metal hair clip.¼ ¨bobby-socks©, -sox ²/ÚbobI soks/ ³n pl ´(US, comm) girls' ankle socks.¼ ¨bobby-soxer© ²/ÚbobI soksE(r)/ ³n ´(US sl during the 1940's) teenage or adolescent girl.¼ ¨bobo®link© ²/ÚbobElIGk/ ³n ´N American songbird.¼ ¨bob®sled© ²/Úbobsled/, ±bob®sleigh ²/ÚbobsleI/ ³n ¸1 ´sleigh made by joining two short sleighs, used in tobogganing. ¸2 ´large, long sleigh with brake and steering wheel, used for racing.¼ ¨bob®tail© ²/ÚbobteIl/ ³n ´(horse or dog with a) docked tail. ·the rag-tag and @, ´the rabble.¼ ¨Boche© ²/bo2/ ³n, adj ´(1st world war derog sl) German.¼ ¨bode© ²/bE8d/ ³vt,vi ´(old use or poet) ¸1 ¶[VP12B,13B] ´be a sign of; foretell: ³This @s us no good. ¸2 ·@ well/ill for, ´be of good/bad promise for: ³His idle habits @ ill for his future´, suggest that his future career will be a failure. ¸bod®ing ³n ´feeling of coming evil.¼ ¨bod®ice© ²/ÚbodIs/ ³n ´close-fitting part of a woman's dress or of an under-garment from the shoulders to the waist.¼ ¨-bodied© ²/-bodId/ ³adj ´(with ³adjj´): ²Ú³big-@, ²Ú³strong-@´, having a big/strong body: ³able-@, µ¥ able.¼ ¨bod®ily© ²/ÚbodElI/ ³adj ´of or in the human body or physical nature: ³supply a person's @ wants ´(eÔg food); ³@ ´(= physical) ³assault. ¹ ³adv ¸1 ´as a whole or mass; completely: ³The audience rose @ ´(= everyone rose at the same moment) ³to cheer the speaker. The building was transported @ ´(= as a whole, without being pulled down) ³one hundred yards down the street. ¸2 ´in person; in the body.¼ ¨bod®kin© ²/ÚbodkIn/ ³n ´blunt, thick needle with a large eye (used for drawing tape, etc through a hem).¼ ¨body© ²/ÚbodI/ ³n (pl µ-dies³) ¸1 ´The whole physical structure of a man or animal: ³We wear clothes to keep our bodies warm. µ¥ ´the illus at µarm, head, leg, skeleton, trunk. µ¥ mind, soul, spirit. ·keep @ and soul together, ´remain alive: ³He earns scarcely enough to keep @ and soul together. ¸2 ´dead @; corpse: ³His @ was brought back to England for burial. ¸3 ´main portion of a man or animal without the head, arms and legs: ³He received one wound in the left leg and another in the @. ¸4 ´main part of a structure: ³the @ of a motor-car; the @ of a concert hall´, the central part where the seats are. ¸5 ´group of persons who do sth together or who are united in some way: ³Large bodies of unemployed men marched through the streets demanding work. The affairs of the school are managed by the Governing B@. A legislative @ is a group of persons who make laws. ¸the *@ Úpolitic, µ¥ politic(3). ·in a @, ´all together; as a whole: ³The staff resigned in a @. ¸6 ´(colloq) person; human being: ³She's a nice old @. ´(in compounds): ³every@, any@, some@, no@. ¸7 ´mass, quantity, collection: ³A lake is a @ of water. He has a large @ of facts to prove his statements. ¸8 ´distinct piece of matter: ³the heavenly bodies´, the sun, moon and stars; ³a foreign @ ´(= a speck of dirt) ³in the eye. ¸9 ¶[U] ´(of wine, etc) full, strong quality: ³wine of good @. ¸10 ´(compounds) ¸Ú@®guard ³n ´group of men (sometimes a single man) guarding an important person. ¸Ú@-servant ³n ´valet. ¸Ú@-snatcher ³n ´(formerly) person who exhumed corpses for dissection. ¸Ú@®work ³n ´main part, material, of (esp) a motor vehicle.¼ ¨Boer© ²/bc(r)/ ³n ´(old use) South African of Dutch descent; Afrikaner. ¹ ³adj ´(old use) of Dutch South Africa; Afrikaans. ¸@ war, ´between the @s and the British (1899Å1902).¼ ¨bof®fin© ²/ÚbofIn/ ³n ´(sl) technician or scientist (esp one engaged in research).¼ ¨bog© ²/bog/ ³n ¸1 ´(area of) soft, wet, spongy ground (chiefly decayed or decaying vegetable matter). ¸2 ´(vulg sl) latrine. ¹ ³vt,vi µ(-gg-) ¶[VP15,2E] ·@ down, ´(cause to) be stuck fast, unable to make progress: ³The tanks (got) @ged down in the mud. Our discussions have @ged down. ¸boggy ²/ÚbogI/ ³adj ´(of land) soft and wet.¼ ¨bo®gey©1 µ¥ bogy.¼ ¨bo®gey©2 ²/ÚbE8gI/ ³n ´(golf) score that a good player makes for a hole (or the whole course) and that other players try to equal. µ¥ par±1µ(2).¼ ¨boggle© ²/Úbogl/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (at sth), ´be unwilling, hesitate; be alarmed, amazed: ³The mind/imagination @s (at the idea).¼ ¨bo®gie© ²/ÚbE8gI/ ´(also ¸bogey, bogy´) ³n ¸1 ´trolley. ¸2 ´four-wheeled undercarriage fitted under (the end of) a railway engine or wagon to enable it to go round curves.¼ ¨bo®gus© ²/ÚbE8gEs/ ³adj ´sham; counterfeit.¼ ¨bogy©, bo®gey ²/ÚbE8gI/ ³n (pl µ-gies, -geys³) ´evil spirit; sb or sth that causes fear.¼ ¨bo®he®mi®an© ²/bE8ÚhimIEn/ ³n, adj ´(person) not living in ways considered socially normal or conventional.¼ ¨boil©1 ²/bãIl/ ³n ´hard (usu red, often painful) poisoned swelling under the skin, which bursts when ripe.¼ ¨boil©2 ²/bãIl/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,B,C,D] ´(of water or other liquid, also of the vessel that contains it and of what is in the water) reach the temperature at which change to gas occurs; bubble up: ³When water @s it changes into steam. The kettle is @ing. The potatoes are @ing. Don't let the kettle @ dry. Let the vegetables @ gently. ·keep the pot @ing, ´(fig) earn or otherwise find enough money for food, etc. ¸Ú@ing-point ³n ´temperature at which a liquid @s. ¸@ing hot, ´(colloq) very hot: ³a @ing hot day. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C] ´(of the sea, of a person's feelings, etc) be agitated like @ing water: ³The boat was swallowed up by the @ing waves. He was @ing (over) with indignation. Cruelty to animals makes her blood @. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,22] ´cause water or other liquid to @; cook in @ing water: ³We @ eggs, fish and vegetables. Please @ my egg for three minutes. I like my eggs @ed hard. My brother prefers soft-@ed eggs. ¸4 ¶[VP2C,15B] ·@ away, ¸(a) ´continue to @: ³The kettle was @ing away merrily on the fire. ¸(b) ´@ until nothing remains: ³The water had all @ed away and the kettle was empty. ·@ down, ´be reduced in quantity: ³It all @s down to this«, ´(colloq) The essence (of the statement, proposal, etc) is«. ·@ sth down, ´make less by @ing; (fig) condense: ³@ down a long article to two hundred words, ´make a pr_ecis of it. ·@ over, ´boil and flow over the side of a vessel: ³The milk had @ed over. ¹ ³n ·the @, ´@ing point: ·be on the @, ´be @ing. ·bring sth to the @, ´heat it until it @s. ·come to the @, ´begin to @.¼ ¨boiler© ²/ÚbãIlE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´metal container in which water, etc is heated, eÔg for producing steam in an engine; tank forming part of a kitchen range for supplying hot water; tank for heating water for a laundry. ¸Ú@®suit ³n ´one-piece garment, overalls, for rough or dirty work. ¸2 ´person whose trade is boiling sth: ³a ·Ú³soap-@.¼ ¨bois®ter®ous© ²/ÚbãIstErEs/ ³adj ´rough, violent: ³@ weather; a @ wind/sea´; (of a person, his behaviour) noisy and cheerful. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨bold© ²/bE8ld/ ³adj µ(-er, -est) ¸1 ´without, showing no, fear; enterprising. ·be/make so @ as to do sth, ´allow oneself to do it: ³if I may be so @ as to«, ´If I may venture or presume to«. ·make @ with sth, ´(more usu ³make free with´) ´take the liberty of using it. ¸a @ front, µ¥ front(4). ¸2 ´without feelings of shame; immodest. ·as @ as brass, ´impudent. ¸3 ´well marked; clear: ³the @ outline of a mountain; a @ headland; a painting made with a few @ ´(= free and vigorous) ³strokes of the brush. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨bole© ²/bE8l/ ³n ´trunk of a tree.¼ ¨bol®ero© ²/bEÚleErE8/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ@s³) ¸1 ´(music for a) Spanish dance. ¸2 ²/ÚbolErE8/ ´short jacket with no front fastening.¼ ¨boll© ²/bE8l/ ³n ´round seed-vessel (of cotton and flax). µ¥ ´illus at µcotton. ¸*@ Úweevil ²/Úwivl/ ³n ´small destructive insect that infests cotton-plants.¼ ¨bol®lard© ²/ÚbolEd/ ³n ¸1 ´upright post (usu of iron) on a quay or a ship's deck for making ropes secure. ¸2 ´protective post on a traffic island, or a roadway, sometimes with an arrow to direct traffic.¼ ¨bol®locks© ²/ÚbolEks/ ³n pl ´Ï = µballocks.¼ ¨bo®loney© ²/bEÚlE8nI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(US sl) nonsense; humbug.¼ ¨Bol®she®vik© ²/Úbol2EvIk/ ³n ´(hist) follower of the revolutionary Marxist party that came to power in Russia in 1917; (colloq) supporter of the system of government by soviets; (colloq) person favouring Marxism or Communism.¼ ¨bol®shy© ²/Úbol2I/ ³adj ´(sl) rebellious; stubborn.¼ ¨bol®ster©1 ²/ÚbE8lstE(r)/ ³n ´long under-pillow for the head of a bed.¼ ¨bol®ster©2 ²/ÚbE8lstE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (up), ´support; give (greatly needed, often undeserved) support to, eÔg a cause, theory, etc, that would otherwise fail.¼ ¨bolt©1 ²/bE8lt/ ³n ¸1 ´metal fastening for a door or window, consisting of a sliding pin or rod and a staple into which it fits. ¸2 ´metal pin with a head at one end and a thread (as on a screw) at the other, used with a nut for holding things together. ¸3 ´(old use) short heavy arrow shot from a cross-bow. ·shoot one's (last) @, ´make one's last effort. ¸4 ´discharge of lightning. µ¥ blue±2µ(2)´; µ¥ ³thunder@ ´at µthunder(1). ¸5 ´(as a measure of cloth, canvas, etc) roll (as it comes from the loom). ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15B,2A] ´fasten with a @ @(µ1´): ³@ the doors and windows; @ sb in´, shut him in by @ing the door(s); ³@ sb out´, keep him out by @ing the door(s). ³The door @s on the inside.¼ ¨bolt©2 ²/bE8lt/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,2C] ´run away quickly; (esp of a horse) run off out of control: ³As soon as I came downstairs the burglar @ed through the back door. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´swallow (food) quickly: ³We @ed a few mouthfuls of food and hurried on. ¸3 ¶[VP2A] ´(of plants) grow quickly upwards and go to seed. ¹ ³n ´act of running away. ·make a @ for it, ´run off quickly (usu to escape from sth). ¸Ú@-hole ³n ´hole or burrow into which to @ for safety.¼ ¨bolt©3 ²/bE8lt/ ³vt ¶[VP2A] ´sift (flour).¼ ¨bolt©4 ²/bE8lt/ ³adv ·@ upright, ´(of sb's posture) quite upright.¼ ¨bomb© ²/bom/ ³n ´hollow metal ball or shell filled either with explosive for causing destruction or with smoke, gas, or incendiary material, eÔg dropped from aircraft; (old use) hand-grenade. ·go like a @, ´(sl) be very efficient, successful, etc: ³My new car goes like a @. ¸Ú@ bay ³n ´compartment (in an aircraft) for holding @s. ¸Ú@-disposal squad, ´squad for removing unexploded @s and making them harmless. ¸Ú@-proof ³adj ´giving protection against exploding @s: ³a @-proof shelter. ¸Ú@®shell ³n ´(fig) sth that comes as a great surprise and shock. ¸Ú@-sight ³n ´device (in an aircraft) for aiming @s. ¸Ú@-site ³n ´area (in a town) devastated by @s: ³a car park on a @-site. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B] ´attack with @s; drop @s on. ·@ out, ´drive out (of buildings, etc) with @s: ³@ed out families/factories. ¸2 ¶[VP15B,2C] ·@ up, ´load (an aircraft) with @s. ¸@er ²/ÚbomE(r)/ ³n ´aircraft used for @ing, µ¥ ´illus at µaircraft´; soldier trained in @ing.¼ ¨bom®bard© ²/bomÚbqd/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ with, ´attack with shells from big guns; (fig) worry with questions, requests, complaints, etc; (nuclear physics) send a stream of high-speed particles against (an atom, etc). ¸@®ment ³n ´@ing or being @ed: ³after a long @ment.¼ ¨bom®bar®dier© ²/*bombEÚdIE(r)/ ³n ´(in an artillery regiment) non-commissioned officer below a sergeant.¼ ¨bom®bast© ²/Úbombast/ ³n ¶[U] ´insincere, high-sounding talk. ¸bom®bas®tic ²/bomÚbastIk/ ³adj ´(of a person, his talk, behaviour) promising much but not likely to do much; using fine high-sounding words. ¸bom®bas®ti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨bona fide© ²/*bE8nE ÚfñIdI/ ³adj, adv ´(Lat) genuine(ly); sincere(ly); in good faith; (comm): ³a @ buyer. ¸bona fides ²/*bE8nE ÚfñIdIz/ ³n pl ´(legal) honest intention; sincerity.¼ ¨bon®anza© ²/bEÚnanzE/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ@s³) ´(US) sth, eÔg a gold-mine, an oil-well, that is prospering greatly; (attrib) bringing good luck and prosperity: ³a @ year.¼ ¨bon®bon© ²/Úbonbon/ ³n ´sweet; sth made of sugar in a fancy shape, etc.¼ ¨bond© ²/bond/ ³n ¸1 ´agreement or engagement that a person is bound to observe, esp one that has force in law; document, signed and sealed, containing such an agreement. ·enter into a @ with sb, ´agree to make a @ with sb. ·His word is as good as his @, ´He is so honest that his spoken promise is as reliable as a written agreement. ¸2 ´printed paper issued by a government or a corporation acknowledging that money has been lent to it and will be paid back with interest. ¸Ú@-holder ³n ´person holding @s. ¸3 ´sth that joins or unites (usu fig): ³the @(s) of affection. Common tastes form a @ between the two men´, They are friends because they are interested in the same things. ¸4 ´the state of being joined: ³Press the surfaces together to ensure a good, firm @. ¸5 ³(pl) ´prisoner's chains: ³in @s´, held as a prisoner or as a slave; ³burst one's @s´, win freedom. ¸6 ´(comm) ·in @, ´(of goods) in a Customs warehouse (until duties are paid). ³place goods in/take goods out of @. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´put (goods) into a Customs warehouse. ·@ed goods, ´imported and placed in @ until duty is paid. ·a @ed warehouse, ´one in which goods are stored until duties are paid. ¸2 ´join securely (with glue, etc).¼ ¨bond-© ²/bond-/ ³pref ´in slavery, not free: ·Ú³@man, ·Ú³bonds-man ²/-mEn/³; ·Ú³@maid; ·Ú³@servant; ·Ú³@-slave.¼ ¨bond®age© ²/ÚbondIdZ/ ³n ¶[U] ´slavery, servitude: ³in hopeless @ to his master.¼ ¨bone© ²/bE8n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´one of the parts that make up the framework (iÔe skeleton) of an animal's body. µ¥ ´the illus at µskeleton. ³This fish has a lot of @s in it. No @s broken, I hope´, I hope you have not hurt yourself. ·@ of contention, ´subject of dispute. ·feel in one's @s that, ´feel certain that. ·have a Ú@ to pick with sb, ´have sth to argue or complain about. ·make no @s about (doing) sth, ´not hesitate about it, do it without scruple: ³They dismissed him and made no @s about it. ·(frozen) to the @, ´completely, in a penetrating way. ·will not make old @s, ´will not live long. ¸2 ¶[U] ´hard substance of which @s are made: ³Buttons are sometimes made of @. He's all skin and @´, is very thin. ¸3 ³(pl, ´old use³) ´castanets; dice. ¸4 ´(compounds). ¸*@ Údry ³adj ´quite dry. ¸Ú@-head ³n ´(sl) stupid person. ¸*@-Úidle/-Úlazy ³adj ´completely idle. ¸Ú@®meal ³n ´fertilizer of crushed and powdered @s. ¸Ú@-setter ³n ´person who sets broken @s. ¸Ú@®shaker ³n ´(colloq) old bicycle without rubber tyres; old, shaky bus, car or cart. ¸*big-/*strong-Ú@d ³adj ´having big/strong @s. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´take @s out of (a chicken, a piece of meat, etc). ¸2 ´(old use) put @s into (eÔg a corset). ¸3 ´(sl) steal. ¸4 ·@ up on ´(a subject), (sl) study hard.¼ ¨boner© ²/ÚbE8nE(r)/ ³n ´(US sl) blunder.¼ ¨bon®fire© ²/ÚbonfñIE(r)/ ³n ´large fire made outdoors either to celebrate some event or to burn up dead leaves, rubbish, etc: ³make a @ of, ´get rid of.¼ ¨bongo© ²/ÚboGgE8/ ³n (pl µ@s³) ¸Ú@ (drum), ´small drum played with the hands, usu one of a pair. µ¥ illus at µpercussion.¼ ¨bon®homie© ²/ÚbonEmI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(F) bluff, hearty pleasantness of manner.¼ ¨bo®nito© ²/bEÚnitE8/ ³n ´large kinds of tunny of the Atlantic Ocean, esp the striped tunny.¼ ¨bon®kers© ²/ÚboGkEz/ ³pred adj ·(stark, raving) @, ´(sl) raving mad; completely insane.¼ ¨bon mot© ²/*bon ÚmE8/ ³n (pl µbons mots ²/ÚmE8z/³) ´witty saying or remark.¼ ¨bon®net© ²/ÚbonIt/ ³n ¸1 ´small, round head-dress without a hard brim, usu tied under the chin. ¸2 ´soft, flat cap worn by men in Scotland and by soldiers in some regiments. ¸3 ´protective cover of various sorts, eÔg over a chimney, or (US = ³hood´) over the engine of a motor-car. µ¥ ´the illus at µmotor.¼ ¨bonny© ²/ÚbonI/ ³adj ´(Scot) ¸1 ´attractive, fine. ¸2 ´healthy looking; with a glow of health: ³a @ baby; her @ face. ¸bon®nily ³adj¼ ¨bo®nus© ²/ÚbE8nEs/ ³n (pl µ@es³) ´payment in addition to what is usual, necessary or expected, eÔg an extra dividend to stockholders of a business company; (insurance) a share of profits to policy-holders, or an extra payment to workers: ³cost-of-living @´, addition to wages or salaries because of rising prices. ¸no claims @, ´percentage reduction in an insurance premium (for a motor vehicle) if claims are not made.¼ ¨bony© ²/ÚbE8nI/ ³adj µ(-ier, -iest) ¸1 ´full of bones: ³a @ fish´, eÔg a herring. ¸2 ´having big or prominent bones: ³a tall, @ man. ¸3 ´with little flesh: ³@ fingers.¼ ¨boo© ²/bu/, ±bo, boh ²/bE8/ ³int ´sound made to show disapproval or contempt; exclamation used to surprise or startle: ³He can't say boo to a goose´, is timid. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15B,2A] ´make such sounds: ³The speaker was booed off the platform. The crowd booed and hooted.¼ ¨boob©1 ²/bub/ ³n ¸1 ´= µbooby. ¸2 ´(colloq) silly mistake. ¹ ³vi ´(colloq) make a silly mistake.¼ ¨boob©2 ²/bub/ ³n ´(sl) woman's breast.¼ ¨booby© ²/ÚbubI/ ³n ´silly or stupid person. ¸Ú@ prize ³n ´prize given as a joke to the person who is last in a race or competition. ¸Ú@-trap ³n ´sth balanced on the top of a door so that it will fall on the first person to pass through; (mil) apparently harmless object that will kill or injure sb when picked up or interfered with.¼ ¨boogie© ²/ÚbugI ³US: ²Úb8gI/, ±boogie-woogie ²/*bugI ÚwugI ³US: ²-w8gI/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(instance of) highly rhythmic variety of blues±2µ(6).¼ ¨book©1 ²/b8k/ ³n ¸1 ´number of sheets of paper, either printed or blank, fastened together in a cover; literary composition that would fill such a set of sheets: ³write a @. ¸2 the B@, ´the Bible: ³swear on the B@´, take an oath. ¸3 ´main division of a large treatise or poem or the Bible: ³the B@ of Genesis. ¸4 ´packet of similar items fastened together, eÔg postage stamps, bus tickets, matches. ¸5 ´record of bets. µ¥ @maker ´in µ8 ´below. ·make/keep a @ (on), ´take bets, etc. ·not suit one's @, ´not be convenient. ¸6 ³(pl) ´business accounts, records, etc: ³The firm has full order @s, ´orders for goods. ·be in sb's good/bad/black @s, ´have/not have his favour or approval. ·bring sb to @ (for sth), ´require him to explain his conduct. ¸7 ´libretto (of an opera). ¸8 ´(compounds): ¸Ú@®case ³n ´piece of furniture with shelves for @s. ¸Ú@®club ³n ´organization that sells @s at a discount to members who agree to buy a minimum number. ¸Ú@-ends ³n pl ´pair of props used to keep @s upright, eÔg on a table. ¸Ú@®keeper ³n ´person who keeps accounts, eÔg of a business, public office. ¸Ú@®keep®ing ³n ´(art of) keeping (business) accounts. ¸Ú@®maker ³n ´person whose business is taking bets on horse-races. ¸Ú@®mark(er) ³n ´sth placed between the pages of a @ to mark the place. ¸Ú@®mobile ²/-mE8bil/ ³n ´(US) truck equipped as a mobile @ store or lending library. ¸Ú@®seller ³n ´person who sells @s retail. ¸Ú@®stall ³n ´stall, kiosk, etc at which @s, newspapers, etc are shown for sale outdoors, in a railway station, a hotel lobby, etc (US = ³newsstand´). ¸Ú@ token ³n µ¥ token. ¸Ú@®worm ³n ´small maggot that eats holes in @s; (fig) person who is very fond of reading @s.¼ ¨book©2 ²/b8k/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´write down (orders, etc) in a notebook; (of the police) record a charge against (sb): ³be @ed for exceeding the speed limit. ¸2 ´give or receive an order for, eÔg seats at a theatre, tickets for a journey; engage (sb) as a speaker, entertainer, etc: ³Seats (for the theatre) can be @ed from 10aÔm to 6pÔm. Have you @ed your passage to New York, ´arranged for a cabin? ³Can I @ (a ticket) through to Naples? ·(fully) @ed up, ´(of a restaurant, theatre, etc) no more tables, seats, available; (of a lecturer, singer, etc) unable to accept further engagements. ¸Ú@®ing clerk ³n ´person who sells tickets, eÔg at a railway station. ¸Ú@®ing office ³n ´office for the sale of tickets (for travel). ¸Ú@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´(of seats, etc) that can be reserved: ³all seats @able in advance.¼ ¨bookie© ²/Úb8kI/ ³n ´(colloq) bookmaker. µ¥ book±1µ(8).¼ ¨book®ish© ²/Úb8kI2/ ³adj ´of books and studies: ³a @ person, ´one who gives much time to reading; ³@ expressions´, found in books but not colloquial; ³a @ style´, literary, not colloquial. ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨book®let© ²/Úb8klIt/ ³n ´thin book, usu in paper covers.¼ ¨boom©1 ²/bum/ ³n ¸1 ´long spar used to keep the bottom of a sail stretched out. µ¥ ´the illus at µbarque. ¸2 ¸derrick @, ´pole fastened to a derrick, used for (un)loading cargo. ¸3 ´heavy chain, mass of floating logs, etc held in position across a river or harbour entrance, eÔg as a defence in time of war, or to prevent logs from floating away. ¸4 ´long, movable arm for a microphone.¼ ¨boom©2 ²/bum/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C] ´(of big guns, the wind, an organ) make deep, hollow, or resonant sounds. ¸2 ·@ out, ¶[VP15B] ´utter in a deep voice: ³@ing out Shakespearian verses. ¹ n ´deep, hollow sound: ³the @ of the guns/surf; a sonic @.¼ ¨boom©3 ²/bum/ ³n ¶[C] ´sudden increase in trade activity, esp a time when money is being made quickly. µ¥ slump. ¸Ú@ town ³n ´town showing sudden growth and prosperity. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ´have a @; become well known and successful: ³Business is @ing. Jones is @ing as a novelist´, becoming famous.¼ ¨boom®er®ang© ²/ÚbumEraG/ ³n ´curved stick of hard wood (used by Australian Aborigines), which can be thrown so that, if it fails to hit anything, it returns to the thrower; (fig) argument or proposal that comes back and harms its author.¼ ¨boon©1 ²/bun/ ³n ¸1 ´(liter) request; favour: ³ask a @ of sb; grant a @. ¸2 ´advantage; blessing, comfort: ³Parks are a great @ to people in big cities. A vacuum cleaner is a tremendous @ to busy housewives.¼ ¨boon©2 ²/bun/ ³adj ´(only in) ¸@ companion, ´jolly, congenial, companion.¼ ¨boor© ²/b8E(r)/ ³n ´rough, ill-mannered person. ¸@®ish ²/-I2/ ³adj ´of or like a @. ¸@®ish®ly ³adv ¸@®ish®ness ³n¼ ¨boost© ²/bust/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´give (sb or sth) a push up; increase the value, reputation, etc of (sb or sth): ³Seeing him there @ed my morale. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´act of @ing; being @ed. ¸@er ³n ¸1 ´thing that @s: ³His work got a welcome @. ¸Ú@er rocket ³n ´rocket used to give initial speed to a missile, after which it drops and leaves the missile to continue under its own power. ¸2 ¸Ú@ (injection) ´supplementary dose of vaccine to strengthen the effect of an earlier dose; extra dose of morphine, etc (by drug addicts).¼ ¨boot©1 ²/but/ ³n ¸1 ´outer covering for the foot and ankle, made of leather or rubber. µ¥ shoe. ¸high @s, ´reaching to the knee. ·die with one's @s on; die in one's @s, ´not in bed; die while still working, etc. ·get the @, ´(sl) be dismissed, be kicked out. ·give sb the @, ´(sl) dismiss him from his job. ·lick sb's @s, ´behave in a servile way. ·put the @ in, ´(sl) kick sb, eÔg in a brawl; (fig) be ruthless. ¸Ú@®lace ³n ´string or leather strip for @s. ¸2 ´(GB) place for luggage in a coach or at the back of a motor-car (US =³trunk´). ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15A,B] ´kick. ·@ sb/sth out (of), ´(sl) get rid of (from); dismiss, expel (from): ³He was @ed out of the house. ¸@ed ³adj ´wearing @s: ³@ed and spurred´, ready for a journey.¼ ¨boot©2 ²/but/ ³n ´(only in) ·to @, ´(facet) as well, in addition.¼ ¨boot©3 ²/but/ ³vt ´(old use, usu with ³it´): ³What @s it to«, that«, ´what use is it to«, that«? ·It little @s to; It @s not to, ´It is of little/no avail to.¼ ¨bootee© ²/buÚti/ ³n ¶[C] ³(pl µ@s³) ´infant's knitted wool boot; kind of warmly lined boot for women.¼ ¨booth© ²/buD ³US: ²buT/ ³n ¸1 ´shelter of boards, canvas or other light materials, esp one where goods are sold at a market or a fair. ¸2 ´enclosure for a public telephone. µ¥ kiosk. ¸3 Úpolling @, ´place for voting at elections. ¸Úlistening @, ´(in a shop) enclosure where customers may listen to records.¼ ¨boot®leg© ²/Úbutleg/ ³vt ´make, transport or sell illicit alcoholic drinks: (attrib) ³@ liquor. ¸@®ger ²/-legE(r)/ ³n ´person who does this (as during the years when there was a prohibition on alcoholic drink in US).¼ ¨boot®less© ²/ÚbutlIs/ ³adj ´(liter) useless; unavailing.¼ ¨booty© ²/ÚbutI/ ³n ¶[U] ´things taken by robbers or captured from the enemy in war (and usu to be divided among those who take them).¼ ¨booze© ²/buz/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ·@ (up), ´(colloq) drink alcoholic liquor, esp in excess. Hence, ¸Ú@-up, ³n ¶[C] ´occasion of heavy drinking: ³go on/have a @-up. ¹ n ¶[U] ´(colloq) alcoholic drink. ·go/be on the @, ´start/be in a period of heavy drinking. ¸@r ³n ´one who @s; (sl) pub. ¸boozy ³adj¼ ¨bo®peep© ²/*bE8Úpip/ ³n ¶[U] ´game of hiding and suddenly showing oneself to a baby.¼ ¨bor®acic© ²/bEÚrasIk/ ³adj ´of borax: ³@ acid, ´boric acid, µ¥ boric.¼ ¨bor®age© ²/ÚborIdZ ³US: ²ÚbcrIdZ/ ³n ¶[U] ´blue-flowered, hairy-leaved plant of which the leaves are used as a seasoning.¼ ¨borax© ²/Úbcraks/ ³n ´white powder used to make porcelain enamels, in glass manufacture and other industries, and for cleaning.¼ ¨Bor®deaux© ²/bcÚdE8/ ³n ¶[U] ´(F) (often attrib) wine from the @ area of France; claret.¼ ¨bor®der© ²/ÚbcdE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´edge; part near the edge of sth: ³We camped on the @ of a lake. A woman's handkerchief may have a lace @. There is a @ of flowers round the lawn. ¸2 ´(land near the) line dividing two states or countries: ³The criminal escaped over the @. ´(attrib): ³a @ town; @ incidents, ´eÔg small fights between armed forces of two neighbouring states. ¸the B@, ´(esp) that between England and Scotland. ¸Ú@®land ²/-land/ ³n ¸(a) ´district on either side of a @ or boundary. ¸(b) ´(³sing ´with ³def art´, and attrib) condition between: ³the @land between sleeping and waking. ¸Ú@®line ³n ´line that marks a @. ¸@line case ³n ´one that is dubious, eÔg sb who may or may not pass an examination. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´put or be a @ to: ³Our garden is @ed by a stream. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ on/upon, ´be next to: ³My land @s (up)on yours. The park @s on the shores of the lake. ¸3 ·@ on/upon, ¶[VP3A] ´resemble; be almost the same as: ³The proposal @s upon the absurd. ¸@er ³n ´person living on or near a frontier, esp that between England and Scotland.¼ ¨bore©1 ²/bc(r)/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,14,15] ´make a narrow, round deep hole in sth with a revolving tool; make (a hole, one's way) by doing this or by digging out soil, etc: ³@ a hole in wood; @ a well; @ a tunnel through a mountain; animals ´(eÔg moles) ³that @ their way under the ground. ¹ ³n ¸1 ´(also ¸Ú@-hole´) hole made by boring, eÔg to find water. ¸2 ´hollow inside of a gun barrel; its diameter. ¸borer ³n ´(kind of) insect that @s.¼ ¨bore©2 ²/bc(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make (sb) feel tired by being dull or tedious: ³I hope you're not getting @d listening to me. I've heard all that man's stories before; they @ me/he @s me. ·@ sb to death/tears, ´@ him intensely. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´person or thing that @s. ¸bor®ing ³adj´: ³a boring evening. ¸@®dom ²/-dEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´state of being @d.¼ ¨bore©3 ²/bc(r)/ ³n ¶[C] ´high tidal wave, often many feet high, that advances up a narrow estuary.¼ ¨bore©4 ²/bc(r)/ ³pt ´of µbear.¼ ¨boric© ²/ÚbcrIk/ ³adj ¸@ acid, ´used as an antiseptic and a preservative.¼ ¨born© ²/bcn/ ³pp, ´one of the ³pp's ´of µbear. ¸1 ·be @, ´come into the world by birth. ·@ with a silver spoon in one's mouth, µ¥ silver(1). ¸2 ´(with a complement) destined to be: ³He was @ a poet. He was @ to be hanged. ¸3 ´(attrib) by natural ability: ³a @ orator.¼ ¨borne© ²/bcn/ ³pp ´of µbear ´(except of birth). µ¥ bear±2µ(10,13).¼ ¨boron© ²/Úbcron/ ³n ¶[U] ´non-metallic element (symbol ¸B´).¼ ¨bor®ough© ²/ÚbArE ³US: ²-rE8/ ³n ¸1 ´(England) town, or part of a town, that sends one or more members to Parliament; town with a municipal corporation and rights of self-government conferred by royal charter. ¸2 ´(US) any one of the five administrative units of New York City.¼ ¨bor®row© ²/ÚborE8/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (from), ¸1 ´get sth, or the use of sth, on the understanding that it is to be returned: ³May I @ your pen? Don't @ books from meÅ@ them from the library! He fell into the river and had to go home in @ed clothes. Some people are good at @ing but bad at giving back. µ¥ lend. ¸2 ´take and use as one's own: ³@ sb's ideas/methods. ¸@er ³n ´person who @s.¼ ¨borsch© ²/bc2/ ´(US = ¸borscht ²/bc2t/´) ³n ¶[U] ´(kinds of) Eastern European soup, esp of beetroot.¼ ¨bor®stal© ²/Úbcstl/ ³n ¸@ (institution), ´place where young offenders live and receive training designed to reform them.¼ ¨bortsch© ²/bct2/ ³n ´= µborsch.¼ ¨bor®zoi© ²/ÚbczãI/ ³n ´Russian wolf-hound.¼ ¨bosh© ²/bo2/ ³n, int ´nonsense.¼ ¨bosky© ²/ÚboskI/ ³adj ´(liter) (of land) covered with trees and bushes.¼ ¨bo'sn© ²/ÚbE8sn/ ³n µ¥ boatswain.¼ ¨bosom© ²/Úb8zEm/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´(old use) person's chest; woman's breasts; part of dress covering these. ¸2 ´centre or inmost part, where one feels joy or sorrow; (attrib) ·a @ friend, ´one who is dear and close. ¸3 ´midst: ³in the @ of one's family.¼ ¨boss©1 ²/bos/ ³n ¶[C] ´(colloq) superior; person who controls or gives orders to workers: ³Who's the @ in this house, ´Is the husband or the wife in control? ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ´be the @ of; give orders to: ³He wants to @ the show, ´to make all the arrangements. ·@ sb about/around, ´order sb here and there. ¸@y ³adj µ(-ier, -iest) ´fond of @ing, fond of giving orders.¼ ¨boss©2 ²/bos/ ³n ´round metal knob or stud on a shield or as an ornament.¼ ¨boss©3 ²/bos/ ³n ´(sl) (also ¸Ú@ shot´) bad shot or guess; bungle; ³make a @ shot at sth; make a @ of sth. ¸Ú@-eyed ³adj ´(sl) blind in one eye; cross-eyed.¼ ¨bo'sun© ²/ÚbE8sn/ ³n µ¥ boatswain.¼ ¨bot®any© ²/ÚbotEnI/ ³n ¶[U] ´science of the structure of plants. ¸bot®an®ical ²/bEÚtanIkl/ ³adj ´of @. ¸botanical gardens, ´park where plants and trees are grown for scientific study. ¸bot®an®ist ²/ÚbotEnIst/ ³n ´student of or expert in @. ¸bot®an®ize ²/ÚbotEnñIz/ ³vi ´go out studying and collecting wild plants.¼ ¨botch© ²/bot2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ sth (up), ´repair badly; spoil by poor, clumsy work: ³a @ed piece of work. ¹ n ´piece of clumsy, badly done work; ³make a @ of sth; ´clumsy patch ±1µ(1) ¸@er ³n ´person who @es work.¼ ¨both©1 ²/bE8T/ ³adj ´(of two things, persons, etc) the two; the one and also the other; ³(both ´precedes the ³def art, ´demonstrative ³adjj, ´possessives, and other ³adjj)´: ³I want @ books/the books/these books. I saw him on @ occasions. Hold it in @ (your) hands. B@ his younger brothers are in the army. You can't have it @ ways, ´must decide on one or the other. ´Cf ³both ´and ³neither´: ³B@ these books are useful. Neither of these books is useful. ´Cf ³both ´and ³each´: ³There are shops on @ sides of the street. There is a butcher's shop on each side of the street.¼ ¨both©2 ²/bE8T/ ³adv ·@« and, ´not only« but also: ³Queen Anne is @ dead and buried. He is remarkable for @ his intelligence and his skill. He is @ a soldier and a poet.¼ ¨both©3 ²/bE8T/ ³pron ¸1 ´the two; not only the one but also the other: ³B@ are good. B@ of them are good. ´Cf ³both ´and ³neither´: ³B@ of us want to go. Neither of us wants to go. ¸2 ´(used in apposition, in the same way as ³each ´and ³all´): ³We @ want to go. They are @ useful. Take them @. You must @ work harder.¼ ¨bother© ²/ÚboDE(r)/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14,16A,3A] ´be or cause trouble to; worry: ³Tell the children to stop @ing their father. Don't @ me with foolish questions. That man is always @ing me to lend him money. ·@ (oneself/one's head) (about), ´be/feel anxious about: ³It's not important; don't @ your head about it. We needn't @ (about) when it happened. ¸2 ¶[VP3A,4C,2A] ·@ (about), ´take trouble: ³Don't @ about getting/@ to get dinner for me today; I'll eat out. ¸3 ´(used as an exclamation of impatience or annoyance): ³Oh, @ (it)! B@ the flies! Oh, @ you! ¹ n ¸1 ¶[U] ´worry, trouble: ³Did you have much @ (in) finding the house? It will be no @ (to me), ´won't involve much work or inconvenience. ³We had quite a lot of @ (in) getting here because of the fog. Don't put yourself to any @, ´inconvenience yourself. ¸2 ´(with ³indef art´) sb or sth that gives trouble: ³His lazy son is quite a @ to him. This drawer won't shut; isn't it a @! ¸@®ation ²/*boDEÚreI2n/ ³int ´What a nuisance! ¸Ú@®some ²/-sEm/ ³adj ´causing @; troublesome or annoying.¼ ¨bottle© ²/Úbotl/ ³n ´container, usu made of glass and with a narrow neck, for milk, beer, wine, medicine, ink, etc; the contents of a @: ³Mary drinks two @s of milk a day. ¸Ú@-fed; ·brought up on the @, ´(of a child) given milk from a feeding @, not fed from its mother's breast. ·too fond of the @, ´of alcoholic drinks. ¸*@-Úgreen ³adj ´dark green. ¸Ú@-neck ³n ¸(a) ´narrow strip of road, between two wide parts, where traffic is slowed down or held up. ¸(b) ´that part of a manufacturing process, etc, where production is slowed down (eÔg by shortage of materials) ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´put into, store in, @s: ³@ fruit. ·@ up, ¶[VP15B] ´(fig) hold in, keep under control, eÔg anger.¼ ¨bot®tom© ²/ÚbotEm/ ³n ¸1 ´lowest part of anything, inside or outside: ³There are some tea-leaves in the @ of the cup. He fell to the @ of the well. We were glad to reach the @ ´(= foot) ³of the mountain. Notes are sometimes printed at the @ ´(= foot) ³of the page. ¸2 ´part farthest from the front or more important part: ³at the @ of the garden; ´less honourable end of a table, class, etc: ³The poor relations were seated at the @ of the long table. ¸3 ´bed of the sea, a lake, river, etc: ³The ship went to the @, ´sank. ³The lake is deep and a swimmer cannot touch @, ´touch the bed of the lake with his toes. ¸4 ´seat (of a chair); part of the body on which a person sits; buttocks: ³This chair needs a new @. She smacked the child's @. ¸5 ´horizontal part of a ship near the keel: ³The ship was found floating @ upwards. ¸6 ´foundation: ³We must get to the @ of this mystery´, find out how it began. ³Who's at the @ of this business´, Who's responsible? ¸7 ´(fig uses): ³The @ has fallen out of the market´, Trade has fallen to a very low level. ·at @, ´in essential character: ³He's a good fellow at @. ·from the @ of my heart, ´genuinely, deeply. ·knock the @ out of (an argument, etc,) ´prove that it is worthless. ¸8 ´(attrib) lowest, last: ³Put the book on the @ shelf. What's your @ price? Who's the @ boy of the class? µ¥ ´also µgear(1), rock±1µ(6). ³¹ vi ·@ out, ´(economics) reach a low level and remain there: ³The value of our oil shares on the Stock Market has now @ed out, ´iÔe from now on can only rise, not fall further. ¸@®less ³adj ´very deep: ³a @less pit.¼ ¨botu®lism© ²/Úbotj8lIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´type of food poisoning.¼ ¨bou®doir© ²/Úbudwq(r)/ ³n ´woman's private sitting-room or dressing-room.¼ ¨bou®gain®vil®lea© ²/*bugEnÚvIlIE/ ³n ´tropical climbing shrub with tiny flowers surrounded by red, purple, etc bracts.¼ ¨bough© ²/bñ8/ ³n ´large branch coming from the trunk of a tree. µ¥ ´the illus at µtree.¼ ¨bought© ²/bct/ ³pt,pp ´of µbuy.¼ ¨bouil®lon© ²/Úbujon/ ³n ¶[U] ´(F) clear thin soup or broth. µ¥ stock±1µ(9)´.¼ ¨boul®der© ²/ÚbE8ldE(r)/ ³n ´large piece of rock, large stone, esp one that has been rounded by water or weather.¼ ¨boul®evard© ²/ÚbulEvqd ³US: ²Úb8l-/ ³n ´(F) ´wide city street, often with trees on each side.¼ ¨bounce© ²/Úbñ8ns/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,6A] ´(of a ball, etc) (cause to) spring or jump back when sent against sth hard: ³A rubber ball @s well. The ball @ed over the wall. She was bouncing a ball. ·@ back, ¶[VP2C] ´(fig) recover jauntily from a setback. ¸2 ¶[VP2C,6A] ´(cause to) move up and down violently or noisily; rush noisily or speedily: ³The boy was bouncing (up and down) on the bed. He @d into/out of the room. She @d out of her chair. The old car @d along the bad roads. ¸3 ¶[VP2A] ´(colloq) (of a cheque) be returned by a bank as worthless: ³Don't worryÅmy cheque won't @. ¹ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´(of a ball) bouncing: ³catch the ball on the @. ¸2 ¶[U] ´(of a person) liveliness. ¸bounc®ing ³adj ´(colloq) (of a person) strong and healthy.¼ ¨bound©1 ²/bñ8nd/ ³n ´(usu ³pl´) limit: ³It is beyond the @s of human knowledge´, Man can know nothing about it. ³There are no @s to his ambition. Please keep within the @s of reason´, do not say foolish things, attempt impracticable things. ³He sets no @s to his desires. Is it within the @s of probability? ·out of @s, ´outside the limits of areas that one is allowed to enter: ³Most of the bars had been placed out of @s to troops. ´(US = ³off limits´).¼ ¨bound©2 ²/bñ8nd/ ³vt ¶[VP6A´, usu passive¶] ´limit (lit, fig); set bounds to; be the boundary of: ³England is @ed on the north by Scotland.¼ ¨bound©3 ²/bñ8nd/ ³vt ¶[VP2A,C,4A] ´jump, spring, bounce; move or run in jumping movements: ³The ball struck the wall and @ed back to me. His heart @ed with joy. His dog came @ing to meet him. Big rocks were @ing down the hillside. ¹ ³n ´jumping movement upward or forward: ³at one @; hit a ball on the @ (´or ³rebound ²/Úribñ8nd/´), after it has hit the ground and is in the air again. ·by leaps and @s, ´(fig) very rapidly.¼ ¨bound©4 ²/bñ8nd/ ³part adj ·@ (for), ´ready to start, having started, in the direction of: ³Where are you @ (for)´, Where are you going to? ³The ship is @ for Finland. If a British ship is going away from Britain, she is outward @; if she is returning to Britain, she is homeward @.¼ ¨bound©5 ²/bñ8nd/ ³pp ´of µbind. ·@ to do sth, ¸(a) ´certain to: ³He hasn't got any moneyÅso he's @ to turn up sooner or later. ¸(b) ´obliged to: ³I'm @ to visit my grandmother every week. ·@ up in, ´much interested in, very busy with: ³He is @ up in his work. ·@ Úup with, ´closely connected with: ³The welfare of the individual is @ up with the welfare of the community.¼ ¨bound®ary© ²/Úbñ8ndrI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ¸1 ´line that marks a limit; dividing line: ³This stream forms a @ between my land and his. A @ dispute is a quarrel about where a @ is or ought to be. If something is beyond the @ of human knowledge, man can know nothing about it. ¸2 ´(cricket) hit to or over the @, scoring 4 or 6 runs.¼ ¨boun®den© ²/Úbñ8ndEn/ ³adj ´(only in) ·my @ duty, ´(archaic) what my conscience tells me I must do.¼ ¨bounder© ²/Úbñ8ndE(r)/ ³n ´(GB dated colloq) untrustworthy, ill-bred person.¼ ¨bound®less© ²/Úbñ8ndlIs/ ³adj ´without limits: ³his @ generosity. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨boun®te®ous© ²/Úbñ8ntIEs/ ³adj ´(liter) generous; giving or given freely; abundant: ³a @ harvest. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨boun®ti®ful© ²/Úbñ8ntIfl/ ³adj ´(liter) bounteous. ¸Ú@®ly ²/-fElI/ ³adv¼ ¨bounty© ²/Úbñ8ntI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ¸1 ¶[U] ´(formal) freedom in giving; generosity. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(formal) sth given out of kindness (esp to the poor). ¸3 ¶[C] ´reward or payment offered (usu by a government) to encourage sb to do sth (eÔg increase production of goods, kill dangerous wild animals).¼ ¨bou®quet© ²/b8ÚkeI/ ³n ¸1 ´bunch of flowers (to be) carried in the hand. ¸2 ´perfume of wine.¼ ¨bour®bon© ²/Úb3bEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´kinds of whisky distilled (in the US) from maize and rye.¼ ¨bour®geois© ²/Úb8EZwq ³US: ²*b8ErÚZwq/ ³n, adj ´(person) of the class that owns property or engages in trade; (pej) (person) concerned chiefly with material prosperity and social status. ¸the @ie ²/*b8EZwqÚzi/ ³n ´persons of this class, collectively.¼ ¨bourn© ²/b8En/ ³n ´(old use) stream.¼ ¨bourn(e)© ²/b8En/ ³n ´(old use) boundary; limit; goal.¼ ¨bourse© ²/b8Es/ ³n ´foreign stock exchange (esp that of Paris). µ¥ stock ±1µ(5).¼ ¨bout© ²/bñ8t/ ³n ¸1 ´period of exercise, work or other activity: ³a ·Ú³wrestling @; a @ of fighting; a ·Ú³drinking @. ¸2 ´fit (of illness): ³a @ of influenza; bad coughing @s.¼ ¨bou®tique© ²/buÚtik/ ³n ´small shop selling articles (clothes, cosmetics, hats, etc) of the latest fashion.¼ ¨bov®ine© ²/ÚbE8vñIn/ ³adj ´of, like, an ox: ³@ stupidity.¼ ¨bov®ril© ²/ÚbovrIl/ ³n ¶[U] ´(P) meat extract used like beef tea.¼ ¨bow©1 ²/bE8/ ³n ¸1 ´piece of wood curved by a tight string, used for shooting arrows. µ¥ ´the illus at µarcher. ·have two strings to one's bow, ´have more than one plan, more resources than one. ¸2 ´rod of wood with horse-hair stretched from end to end, used for playing the violin, etc. µ¥ ´the illus at µstring. ¸3 ´curve; rainbow. ¸4 ´knot made with a loop or loops; ribbon, etc, tied in this way: ³Tie your shoelaces in a bow. She had a bow of pink ribbon in her hair. ¸*bow Úlegged ³adj ´with the legs curved outwards at the knees; bandy. ¸*bow Úlegs ³n pl ´such legs. ¸*bow Útie ³n ´necktie made into a bow. ¸Úbow®man ²/-mEn/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´archer. ¹ ³vt ´use a bow on (a violin, etc). ¸bow®ing ³n´: ³The violinist's bowing is excellent.¼ ¨bow©2 ²/bñ8/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C,6A,3A] ´bend the head or body (as a sign of respect or as a greeting, or in submission, or to indicate assent); bend (the head or body): ³I raised my hat to her and she bowed in return. They bowed down to the idol. They bowed their heads in prayer. He bowed before the shrine. He bowed his thanks´, expressed his thanks by bowing. ¶[VP15B] ·bow sb in, ´receive a visitor with low bows. ¶[VP15B] ·bow sb out, ´bow low to sb as he leaves. ·bow oneself out, ´bow as one goes out. ¶[VP2C,15A,B] ·bow (oneself) out (of), ´dissociate, disengage: ³I'm bowing out of this schemeÅI think it's a big mistake. ·bow to sb's opinion, etc, ´submit to it. ·have a bowing acquaintance with, µ¥ acquaintance. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15B, ´usu passive¶] ´bend: ³His father is bowed with age. The branches were bowed down with the weight of the snow. ¹ ³n ´bending of the head or body (in greeting, etc): ³He answered with a low bow. He made his bow to the company and left the room.¼ ¨bow©3 ²/bñ8/ ³n ¸1 ´(often ³pl´) front or forward end of a boat or ship from where it begins to curve. ·on/off the (port, starboard) bow, ´said of objects within 45Ä of the point right ahead. µ¥ ´the illus at µship. ¸2 ´(in a rowing-boat) oarsman nearest the bow. µ¥ stroke.¼ ¨Bow Bells© ²/*bE8 Úbelz/ ³n pl ´the bells of Bow Church, London. ·born within the sound of @, ´(said of a true Cockney) born in the City of London.¼ ¨bowd®ler®ize© ²/Úbñ8dlErñIz/ ³vt ´take out of (a book, etc) words, scenes, etc that might be considered improper, unsuitable for young readers, etc.¼ ¨bowel© ²/Úbñ8El/ ³n ¸1 ´(usu ³pl ´except in medical use and when attrib) division of the food canal below the stomach; intestine: ³a @ complaint. Keep your @s open´, don't become constipated. µ¥ ´the illus at µalimentary. ¸2 ´(always ³pl´) innermost part: ³in the @s of the earth´, deep underground.¼ ¨bower© ²/Úbñ8E(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´summer-house in a garden; shady place under trees or climbing plants. ¸2 ´(liter) boudoir.¼ ¨bowie knife© ²/ÚbE8I nñIf/ ³n ´long knife with a blade that is double-edged at the point, used as a weapon.¼ ¨bowl©1 ²/bE8l/ ³n ¸1 ´deep, round, hollow dish; contents of such a dish: ³She ate three @s of rice´; (compounds): ·Ú³finger-@, ·Ú³salad-@, ·Ú³sugar-@. ¸2 ´sth shaped like a @: ³the @ of a spoon. He filled the @ of his pipe´, put tobacco into it. ³The electric light bulb is in an alabaster @. ¸3 ´(esp US) amphitheatre (for open-air concerts, etc): ³The Hollywood B@.¼ ¨bowl©2 ²/bE8l/ ³n ¸1 ´heavy, wooden or composition ball made so that it rolls with a bias. ¸2 ³(pl) ´game played with these balls: ³have a game of @s; play (at) @s.¼ ¨bowl©3 ²/bE8l/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´play bowls. µ¥ bowl±2µ(2). ¸Ú@®ing-green ³n ´area of fine, smooth grass for playing bowls. ¸Ú@®ing alley ³n ´level area of wood, used for skittles, ninepins and tenpins. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,6A] ´(cricket) send a ball to the batsman: ³Smith @ed ten overs. µ¥ over±3µ. ·@ (out), ¶[VP6A,15B] ´dismiss (a batsman) by hitting the wicket or knocking the bails off: ³The first two batsmen were @ed (out). ¸3 ·@ along, ¶[VP2C] ´go quickly and smoothly on wheels: ³Our car @ed along over the smooth roads. ¸4 ·@ sb over, ¶[VP15B] ¸(a) ´knock down. ¸(b) ´make helpless, overcome: ³He was @ed over by the news. Her impudence @ed me over´, left me speechless with surprise.¼ ¨bowler©1 ²/ÚbE8lE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´person who plays bowls±2µ(2)´. ¸2 ´person who bowls in cricket.¼ ¨bowler©2 ²/ÚbE8lE(r)/ ³n ´(also ¸*@ Úhat´) hard, rounded, usu black hat.¼ ¨bow®line© ²/ÚbE8lIn/ ³n ´(also ¸Ú@ knot´) simple but secure knot used by sailors, climbers, etc. µ¥ ´the illus at µknot.¼ ¨bowls© ²/bE8lz/ ³n µ¥ bowl±2µ(2).¼ ¨bow®man© ²/ÚbE8mEn/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´archer. µ¥ bow±1µ(1).¼ ¨bow®sprit© ²/ÚbE8sprIt/ ³n ´spar that extends from a ship's stem, to which ropes that support sails, etc are fastened. µ¥ ´the illus at µbarque.¼ ¨bow win®dow© ²/*bE8 ÚwIndE8/ ³n ´curved bay window. µ¥ ´the illus at µwindow.¼ ¨bow-wow© ²/*bñ8 Úwñ8/ ³int ´imitation of a dog's bark. ¹ ³n ²/Úbñ8 wñ8/ ´(young child's word for a) dog.¼ ¨box©1 ²/boks/ ³n ¸1 ´container, usu with a lid, made of wood, cardboard, plastic, metal, etc used for holding solids: ³a box of matches; a ·Ú³tool-box. Pack the books in a wooden box. ¸Úbox-kite ³n ´kite made in the form of a box (or two boxes) of light material. ¸Úbox-number ³n ´number used in a newspaper advertisement as an address to which answers may be sent (and forwarded from the newspaper office). ¸PÔÚO Box No ³n ´number used as part of an address to which letters, etc may be directed. µ¥ ´also µcall-box, Christmas-box, letter-box, money-box, pillar-box. ¸2 ´separate compartment, with seats for several persons, in a theatre, concert hall, etc. ¸Úbox-office ³n ´office for booking seats in a theatre, concert hall, etc: ³The play was a box-office success, a financial success. ¸3 ´compartment in a law court for a special purpose: ·Ú³jury-box, ·Ú³witness-box. ¸4 ´small hut or shelter, eÔg for a sentry or railway signalman. ¸5 ´separate compartment in a stable or railway truck for a horse. ¸6 ´raised seat for the driver of a carriageµ(1) ´or coachµ(1)´. ¸box®ful ²/-f8l/ ³n ´full box±1µ(1) ´(³of ´sth). ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´put into a box. ·box sb/sth up, ¶[VP15B] ´shut up in a small space.¼ ¨box©2 ²/boks/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A,3A] ·box (with), ´fight (sb) with the fists, usu with thick gloves, for sport: ³Do you box, ´Do you fight in this way? ·box sb's ears, ´give him a blow with the open hand on the ear. ¸Úbox®ing-glove ³n ´padded glove (one of a pair) for use in boxing. ¸Úbox®ing-match ³n ´fight between two boxers. ¹ ³n ´slap or blow with the open hand on the ear. ¸boxer ²/ÚboksE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´person who boxes. ¸2 ´breed of dog (like a bulldog). ¸box®ing ³n ¶[U] ´organised sport of fist fighting.¼ ¨box©3 ²/boks/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´(kinds of) small, evergreen shrub, used in garden borders. ¸2 ´(also ¸Úbox®wood´) wood of this shrub.¼ ¨Box®ing Day© ²/ÚboksIG deI/ ³n ´first weekday after Christmas Day.¼ ¨boy© ²/bãI/ ³n ¸1 ´male child up to the age of 17 or 18. ¸Úboy®friend, ´favoured male companion of a girl or young woman. ¸2 ´son (colloq, of any age): ³He has two boys and one girl. ¸3 ³int ´(US sl) expressing enthusiasm, relief, surprise, etc. ¸Úboy®hood ²/-h8d/ ³n ¶[U] ´time when one is/was a boy. ¸boy®ish ³adj ´of, for, like, a boy.¼ ¨boy®cott© ²/ÚbãIkot/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(join with others and) refuse to have anything to do with, to trade with (a person, business firm, country, etc); refuse to handle (goods, etc). ¹ ³n ´@ing; treatment of this kind: ³put sb/his shop/goods under a @; put a @ on sb, etc.¼ ¨bra© ²/brq/ ³n ´(colloq abbr of) brassi`ere.¼ ¨brace©1 ²/breIs/ ³n ¸1 ´sth used to clasp, tighten or support, eÔg the roof or walls of a building. ¸2 ´revolving tool for holding another tool, eÔg a ³bit ´for boring holes, driving in screws, etc. ¸3 ³(pl ´unchanged³) ´pair or couple (of dogs, game-birds): ³five @ of partridge. ¸4 ³(pl) ´(US = ³suspenders´) straps passing over the shoulders, fastened to the front and back of trousers to keep them up. ¸5 ´(often ³pl´) appliance of bands and wires fastened to the teeth to correct their alignment. ¸6 ´(printing) µ¥ bracket(2).¼ ¨brace©2 ²/breIs/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´support; give firmness to: ³The struts are firmly @d. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15B,16A] ·@ (up), ´steady oneself; stand firm: ³B@ up! He @d himself to meet the blow. ¸3 ´(usu as ³part adj ´in ³-ing´) enliven; stimulate: ³bracing air; a bracing climate.¼ ¨brace®let© ²/ÚbreIslIt/ ³n ´ornamental band or chain for the wrist or arm.¼ ¨bracken© ²/ÚbrakEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´large fern that grows on hillsides, waste land, etc; mass of such fern.¼ ¨bracket© ²/ÚbrakIt/ ³n ¸1 ´wood or metal support for a shelf; support on a wall for a gas or electric lamp. ¸2 ´(printing, writing) any one of the paired marks (Ô) (³round @s or ³parentheses´), ¶[ ] ³(square @s), ²[Ô] ³(braces), ´used for enclosing words, figures etc to indicate separation from what precedes and follows. µ¥ App 9. ¸3 ´grouping; classification: ³income @´, eÔg of incomes from $3Ô000 to $4Ô500; ³age @´, eÔg 20 to 30 years of age. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ´put inside, join with, @s; put together to imply connection or equality: ³Jones and Smith were @ed together at the top of the list.¼ ¨brack®ish© ²/ÚbrakI2/ ³adj ´(of water) slightly salt; between salt and fresh water.¼ ¨bract© ²/brakt/ ³n ¶[C] ´(bot) leaf-like part of a plant, often highly coloured, situated below a flower or cluster of flowers (as in bougainvillea, poinsettia).¼ ¨brad© ²/brad/ ³n ´thin, flat nail with no head or a very small head.¼ ¨brad®awl© ²/Úbradcl/ ³n ´small tool for piercing holes for brads or screws. µ¥ ´illus at µtool.¼ ¨brae© ²/breI/ ³n ´(Scot) slope; hillside.¼ ¨brag© ²/brag/ ³vi µ(-gg-) ·@ (of/about), ¶[VP2A,3A] ´boast: ³@ of what one has done. ¸brag®ging ³n ¶[U] ¸brag®gart ²/ÚbragEt/ ³n ´person who @s.¼ ¨Brah®min© ²/ÚbrqmIn/ ³n ´member of the highest Hindu priestly caste.¼ ¨braid© ²/breId/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´number of strands of hair woven together: ³She wears her hair in @s. ¸2 ¶[U] ´silk, linen, etc woven into a band, used for edging cloth or garments or (esp gold and silver @) for decoration: ³The uniforms of the generals were covered with gold @. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make into @(s); trim with @; put (hair) into @s.¼ ¨braille© ²/breIl/ ³n ¶[U] ´system of writing and reading (using raised dots) for blind people, to enable them to read by touch.¼ ¨brain© ²/breIn/ ³n ¸1 ³(sing) ´(in man and animals) the mass of soft grey matter in the head, centre of the nervous system: ³The human @ is a complex organ. The creature's @ weighs a quarter of a kilo. µ¥ ´the illus at µhead. ¸2 ´(colloq, usu ³pl´) skull and brainµ(1) ´thought of together: ³He fell and dashed his @s out on the rocks. ·blow out one's @s, µ¥ blow±1µ(13). ¸3 ³(pl) ´animal's @s, eaten as food: ³calf's/sheep's @s. ¸4 ´(colloq, usu ³sing´) mind; intellect: ³have a good @; use one's @(s). ·beat/rack one's @(s) (about sth), ´think very hard. ·have sth ´(eÔg money, sex) ·on the @, ´think constantly about it. ·tax one's @, ´set oneself/be set a difficult mental task. ·pick sb's @(s), ´learn and use his ideas. ¸5 ¶[C] ´clever, brilliant person: ³He's the @ of the school staff. ¸6 ´(compounds) ¸Ú@-child ³n ´original idea, etc attributed to a person or group. ¸Ú@ drain ³n µ¥ drain±1µ(2). ¸Ú@-fag ³n ´(colloq) mental exhaustion: ³suffering from @-fag. ¸Ú@ fever ³n ´inflammation of the @. ¸Ú@-storm ³n ´mental upset with uncontrolled emotion, eÔg weeping, and violence. ¸Ú@-teaser ³n ´difficult problem; puzzle. ¸ÚB@s Trust ³n ´group of reputed experts giving advice, or answering questions put to them by members of an audience. ¸Ú@-washing ³n ´process of forcing a person to reject old beliefs and accept new beliefs by use of extreme mental pressure, eÔg persistent questioning. ¸Ú@-wave ³n ´(colloq) sudden inspiration or bright idea. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´kill by a heavy blow on the head: ³@ an ox. ¸@®less ³adj ´stupid. ¸@y ³adj µ(-ier, -iest) ´clever.¼ ¨braise© ²/breIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´cook (meat, vegetables) slowly in a covered pan or pot: ³@d beef/onions.¼ ¨brake©1 ²/breIk/ ³n ´device for reducing speed or stopping motion, eÔg of a bicycle, motor-car, train, etc: ³put on/apply/Ô´(colloq)Ô³slam on the @s; act as a @ upon (progress, initiative, etc)´, hamper it; control it. µ¥ ´the illus at µmotor. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´put on the @s: ³The driver @d (his car) suddenly. ¸Ú@®man ²/-mEn/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´(US) µguard±1µ(5).¼ ¨brake©2 ²/breIk/ ³n ´area or band of brushwood, thick undergrowth or bracken.¼ ¨brake©3 ²/breIk/ ³n ´large wagon or open carriage pulled by one or more horses, and with facing side seats, formerly used for pleasure outings. µ¥ shooting-brake.¼ ¨bramble© ²/Úbrambl/ ³n ´rough shrub with long prickly shoots; blackberry bush.¼ ¨bran© ²/bran/ ³n ¶[U] ´outer covering (husks) of grain (wheat, rye, etc) separated from flour by sifting.¼ ¨branch© ²/brqnt2 ³US: ²brant2/ ³n ¸1 ´arm-like division of a tree, growing out from the trunk, or a bough, or another @, µ¥ ´the illus at µtree: ³He climbed up the tree and hid among the @es. ¸2 ´(often attrib) division or subdivision of a river, road, railway, mountain range, etc; division or subdivision of a family, subject of knowledge, organization, etc: ³There is a @ post office quite near. The bank has @es in all parts of the country. English is a @ of the Germanic family of languages. ·root and @, µ¥ root±1µ(1). ´¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ´send out, divide into, @es: ³The trees @ (out) over the river. The road @es here. ·@ off, ´(of a car, road, train, etc) leave a main route and take a minor one. ·@ out, ´(of a person, business firm, etc) expand in a new direction, open new departments or lines of activities. ¸@y ³adj ´with many @es.¼ ¨brand© ²/brand/ ³n ¸1 ´trademark (painted or printed on boxes, tins, packets, etc); particular kind of goods with such a mark: ³the best @s of cigars; an excellent @ of coffee. ¸*@-Únew ³adj ´quite new (as if freshly stamped with a @). ¸2 ´piece of burning wood. ·a @ from the burning´, person rescued from the consequences of sin; converted sinner. ¸3 ´(also ¸Ú@®ing-iron´), iron used red-hot, for burning a mark into a surface; mark made in this way; (in olden times) mark burned on criminals, hence, (fig) mark of guilt or disgrace: ³the @ of Cain´, of a murderer. ¸4 ´(poet) torch. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,16B] ¸1 ´mark (cattle, goods, etc) with a @: ³On big farms cattle are usually @ed. Criminals used to be @ed. ´(fig) ³These frightful experiences are @ed on his memory. ¸2 ´give (sb) a bad name: ³@ sb with infamy; @ sb (as) a heretic.¼ ¨bran®dish© ²/ÚbrandI2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´wave about (to display, or before using): ³@ing a sword.¼ ¨brandy© ²/ÚbrandI/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´strong alcoholic drink distilled from wine of grapes: ³two brandies and sodas´, two glasses of @ mixed with soda water. ¸Ú@-ball ³n ´kind of sweet. ¸Ú@-snap ³n ´kind of gingerbread wafer.¼ ¨bran-new© ²/*bran Únju/ ³adj ´= µbrand-new.¼ ¨brash© ²/bra2/ ³adj ´(colloq) ¸1 ´saucy; cheeky. ¸2 ´hasty; rash.¼ ¨brass© ²/brqs ³US: ²bras/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´bright yellow metal made by mixing copper and zinc: ³@ rods/buttons; a @ foundry. ·get down to @ tacks, ´begin to talk, discuss, etc in plain, straightforward terms. ¸*@ Úhat, ´(army sl) high-ranking officer. ¸*@ Úplate, ´oblong plate of @, on a door or gate, with the name, trade, occupation, etc, eÔg as used by doctors, lawyers, business firms. ¸*top Ú@, ´(colloq, collective) high-ranking officers, managers, etc. ¸2 ¶[U] ´(and ³pl´) things made of @, eÔg candlesticks, bowls, ornaments: ³clean/do the @/the @es. ¸3 the @, ´(collective (mus) musical instruments made of @. ¸*@ Úband, ´band of musicians with @ instruments. ¸4 ¶[U] ´(GB sl) money. ¸5 ¶[U] ´(sl) impudence. µ¥ brazen. ¸@y ³adj µ(-ier, -iest) ¸1 ´like @ in colour or sound. µ¥ 3 ´above. ¸2 ´impudent.¼ ¨bras®sard© ²/Úbrasqd/ ³n ´(arm-band bearing a) badge worn on the sleeve.¼ ¨brass®erie© ²/ÚbrasErI/ ³n ´beer-saloon or beer-garden (usu supplying food as well as drink).¼ ¨brass®iere©, ®i`ere ²/ÚbrasIE(r) ³US: ²brEÚzIEr/ ³n ´(usu shortened to ³bra´) woman's close-fitting support for the breasts.¼ ¨brat© ²/brat/ ³n ´(derog) child.¼ ¨bra®vado© ²/brEÚvqdE8/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´display of boldness or daring: ³do sth out of @´, in order to display one's courage. ¸2 ¶[C] ³(pl µ@es, @s³) ´instance of this.¼ ¨brave© ²/breIv/ ³adj µ(-r, -st) ¸1 ´ready to face danger, pain or suffering; having no fear: ³as @ as a lion. Be @! It was @ of him to enter the burning building. ¸2 ´needing courage: ³a @ act. ¸3 ´(old use) fine and splendid: ³this @ new world. ¹ ³n ´(poet) American Indian warrior. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´face, go into, meet, without showing fear: ³He had @d death a hundred times. We decided to @ the storm´, to go out in spite of the storm. ·@ it out, ¶[VP15B] ´disregard, defy, suspicion or blame. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸brav®ery ²/ÚbreIvErI/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´courage; being @. ¸2 ´(old use) splendour (of dress, etc): ³decked out in all their @ry.¼ ¨bravo© ²/*brqÚvE8/ ³n, int (pl µ@es, @s³) ´(cry of approval) Well done! Excellent!¼ ¨brawl© ²/brcl/ ³n ´noisy quarrel or fight. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A] ´quarrel noisily; take part in a @; (of streams) flow noisily (over stones and rocks). ¸@er ³n ´person who takes part in a @.¼ ¨brawn© ²/brcn/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´muscle; strength. ¸2 ´(not US) meat (esp pork) cut up, spiced and pickled, and compressed. ¸@y ³adj µ(-ier, -iest) ´muscular: ³The miner has @y arms.¼ ¨bray© ²/breI/ ³n ´cry of an ass; sound of a trumpet. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP2A] ´make a cry or sound of this kind.¼ ¨braze© ²/breIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´solder with an alloy of brass and zinc.¼ ¨brazen© ²/ÚbreIzn/ ³adj ¸1 ´made of brass; like brass: ³a @ ´(= hard-sounding) ³voice; the @ notes of a trumpet. ¸2 ´(often ¸Ú@-faced´) shameless. ¹ ³vt ´(only in) ·@ it out, ´behave, in spite of having done wrong, as if one has nothing to be ashamed of.¼ ¨braz®ier© ²/ÚbreIzIE(r)/ ³n ´portable open metal framework (like a basket), usu on legs, for holding a charcoal or coal fire.¼ ¨breach© ²/brit2/ ³n ¸1 ´breaking or neglect (³of ´a rule, duty, agreement, etc): ³a @ of the peace´, unlawful fighting in a public place, eÔg the streets; ³a @ of contract ´(in comm, etc); ³a @ of promise ´(esp of a promise to marry); ³a @ of faith´, act of disloyalty; ³a @ of confidence; a @ of security. ¸2 ´opening, esp one made in a defensive wall, etc by artillery, attacking forces, etc: ³step into/fill the @, ´come forward to help; ³throw/fling oneself into the @´, help those who are in trouble or danger; ³stand in the @´, bear the heaviest part of the attack; do most of the hard work. ¸3 ´broken place; gap: ³The sheep got out of the field after one of them had made a @ in the hedge. The waves made a @ in the sea wall. ¹ vt ¶[VP6A] ´make a gap in, break through (a defensive wall, etc).¼ ¨bread© ²/bred/ ³n ¶[U] ´food made by mixing flour with water and yeast, kneading, and baking in an oven: ³a loaf/slice/piece of @; ´(sl) money: ³I'm only doing it for the @. ¸@ and butter ²/*bred n ÚbAtE(r)/, ¸(a) ´slice(s) of @ spread with butter. ·@ and butter letter, ´one of thanks for hospitality. ¸(b) ´(colloq) means of living: ³earn one's @ and butter ³by writing. ·one's daily @, ´one's means of living. ·earn one's @, ´make enough money to live on. ·know which side one's @ is buttered, ´know where one may have advantages, where one's interest lies. ·take the Ú@ out of sb's mouth, ´take away his means of living, eÔg by business competition. ¸Ú@®crumb ³n ¶[C] ´tiny bit of the inner part of a loaf, esp crumbled for use in cooking. ¸Ú@®fruit ³n ´tree with starchy fruit, grown in the South Sea Islands and W Africa. ¸Ú@®line ³n ´line of people waiting for food given as charity or relief; (fig): ³on the @line´, very poor. ¸Ú@®stuffs ³n pl ´grain, flour. ¸Ú@®win®ner ³n ´person who works to support a family.¼ ¨breadth© ²/ÚbretT/ ³n ¶[U] µ¥ broad±1µ(2). ¸1 ´distance or measure from side to side: ³ten feet in @. µ¥ hair(2). ¸2 ´largeness (of mind or view); boldness of effect (in music or art). ¸Ú@®ways, Ú@®wise ³adv ´so that the broad side is in front.¼ ¨break©1 ²/breIk/ ³vt,vi (pt µbroke ²/brE8k/ ´or (old Eng) µbrake ²/breIk/´, ³pp µbroken ²/ÚbrE8kEn/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B,2A,C] ´(of a whole thing) (cause to) go or come into two or more separate parts as the result of force, a blow or strain (but not by cutting): ³When she dropped the teapot it broke. The boy fell from the tree and broke his leg. Glass @s easily. If you pull too hard you will @ the rope. The string broke. ·@ into/to pieces; @ in two, ³etc´, (cause to) come or go into pieces, in two, etc parts: ³He broke the box into pieces. When I hit the ball, my bat broke in two. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15B,2A,C] ´(of a part or parts) (cause to) be separate or discontinuous because of force or strain: ³He broke a branch from the tree. The door-handle has broken off. A large part of it broke away´, came off. ·@ sb/oneself of a habit, ´succeed in getting him/oneself to give it up. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´make (sth) useless by injuring an essential part (of a machine, apparatus, etc): ³@ a clock/a sewing-machine. ¸4 ¶[VP2D,22] ´(with ³adjj´): ·@ Úeven, ´make neither a profit nor a loss. ·@ Úloose (from), ´get or become separate: ³The dog has broken loose´, got free from its chain. ³All hell has broken loose´, all the devils in hell have escaped; (fig) (used to describe a scene of confusion, eÔg a bombardment). ·@ sth open, ´get it open by using force: ³@ open a safe/door/the lid of a desk. ¸5 ¶[VP2A,C] ´(with various subjects): ³The abscess/blister/bubble broke´, burst. ³Day was beginning to @´, daylight was beginning. µ¥ daybreak. ³His voice is beginning to @´, change in quality as he reaches manhood. ³She was filled with emotion and her voice broke´, She faltered, was unable to speak clearly because of emotion. ³The storm broke´, began, burst into activity. ³The fine weather/The heat-wave/The frost broke´, The period of fine weather, etc ended after being settled. Cf How long will the fine weather ³hold´? ³The clouds broke ´(= parted, showed an opening) ³and the sun came through. The waves were @ing ´(= curling and falling) ³over/on/against the rocks. The sea was @ing ´(= sending waves that were @ing) ³on the beach/over the wrecked ship. The enemy broke ´(= developed gaps in their lines, fell into confusion) ³and fled. When the bank broke ´(= was unable to carry on business because of lack of funds), ³many people were ruined. A good bowler can make the ball @, ´(in cricket) change from its course when it strikes the ground. ¸6 ¶[VP6A] ´(with various objects): ·@ sb's back/neck/nose, etc, ´cause the bone(s) of the back, etc to be out of the right position. µ¥ back±1µ(1). ·@ the bank, ´exhaust its funds; win all the money that the person managing a gambling game has. ·@ bounds, ´(mil) go out of bounds without permission or authority. ·@ one's fall, ´weaken its effect, make it less violent. ·@ the force of sth, ´reduce its force by bearing part of it: ³The tall hedge @s the force of the wind. µ¥ windbreak. ·@ fresh/new ground, ´(fig) start work at sth new; ³@ sb's heart, ´reduce him to despair. ·@ a man, ´ruin him; compel him to reveal a secret, etc. ·@ the news, ´make it known. ·@ the (bad) news (to sb), ´reveal the news in such a way that its effect is less of a shock. ·@ an officer, ´dismiss him, take his commission from him. ·@ a path/way, ´make one by pushing or beating aside obstacles. ·@ prison/gaol, ´escape from, make one's way out of, prison. ·@ ranks, ´(of soldiers) leave the ranks without permission. ·@ a (Commonwealth/Olympic/World, etc) record, ´do better than it, make a new record. ·@ a set of books/china, etc, ´cause it to be incomplete by giving away or selling a part or parts of it. ·@ the skin on one's elbow/knees/knuckles, etc, ´graze it, so as to cause bleeding. ·@ step, ´(of soldiers) stop marching rhythmically in step, eÔg to avoid excessive vibration on a weak bridge. ·@ a strike, ´end it by compelling the workers to submit. µ¥ strike breaker. ·@ wind, ´expel wind from the bowels or stomach. µ¥ ´also µcode(3), cover±2µ(5), ice±1µ(1). ¸7 ¶[VP6A,15A,B] ´train or discipline: ³@ a horse (in)´, bring it to a disciplined state: ³a well-broken horse; @ a horse to harness/to the rein´, accustom it to wearing harness, etc. ¸8 ¶[VP6A,15B] ´subdue, keep under, end by force: ³@ sb's spirit/will; @ (down) the enemy's resistance; @ the power of the rebel leader. ¸9 ¶[VP6A] ´act in opposition to; infringe: ³@ the law/the rules/a regulation; @ a contract/an agreement; @ the Sabbath´, do things on a Sunday that should not be done; ³@ one's word/a promise´, fail to keep a promise; ³@ an appointment´, fail to keep it; ³@ faith with sb´, betray or deceive him. ¸10 ¶[VP6A] ´interrupt or destroy the continuity of; end the operation or duration of: ³@ (the) silence´, end it, eÔg by speaking; ³@ one's journey (at ´a place; ³@ the peace´, cause a disturbance; ³@ one's fast´, (old use) take food after going without. µ¥ breakfast; ³@ short (a conversation, etc), ´end it; ³a broken night's sleep´, one that is disturbed or interrupted. ¸11 ¶[VP15B,2C,3A] ´(special uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps´):¼ ·break away (from), ´go away suddenly or abruptly; give up (habits, modes of thought or belief): ³The prisoner broke away ´(= escaped after a struggle) ³from his guards. Can't you @ away from old habits? About twenty members of the Conservative Party have broken away ´(= seceded). ³There has been a @-away from the Party. One of the provinces has broken away to form a new State.¼ ·break Údown, ¸(a) ´collapse: ³His resistance will @ down in time. Our plans have broken down. Negotiations have broken down. ¸(b) ´become disabled or useless: ³The car/engine/machinery broke down´, iÔe because of a mechanical fault. ³That old broken-down bus is not worth $5. ¸(c) ´suffer a physical or mental weakening: ³His health broke down. ¸(d) ´be overcome by emotion, eÔg by bursting into tears: ³She broke down when she heard the news, but quickly recovered. ·@ sth down, ¸(a) ´get (a door, wall, etc) down by battering it. ¸(b) ´overthrow by force; suppress: ³@ down all resistance/opposition. ¸(c) ´divide, analyse, classify (statistical material): ³@ down expenditure´, give details of how money is spent. ¸(d) ´change the chemical composition of: ³Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. ¸Ú@®down ³n ¸(a) ´failure in machinery, etc: ³There was a @down on the railway and trains were delayed. The earthquake has caused a @down of communications. ´Hence: ·Ú¸@®down gang, ´men called to repair or remove a train, etc that has been derailed, smashed, etc. ¸(b) ´collapse; weakening: ³He's suffering from a nervous @down. ¸(c) ´statistical analysis: ³a @down of expenditure.¼ ·break forth, ´(esp fig, of anger, indignation) burst out.¼ ·break Úin, ´enter a building by force: ³Burglars had broken in while we were away on holiday. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-in ³n´: ³The police are investigating a @-in at the local bank. ·@ sb ´(esp a horse) ·in, µ¥ 7 ´above; train and discipline; accustom sb to a new routine. ·@ in (up)on, ´disturb; interrupt: ³Please don't @ in on our conversation.¼ ·break into, ¸(a) ´force one's way into (a building, etc): ³His house was broken into ´(iÔe by burglars or thieves) ³last week. ¸(b) ´burst suddenly into: ³@ (out) into a loud laugh/into loud curses/into song/into praises of sb. ¸(c) ´change one's method of movement suddenly: ³@ into a run/trot/gallop. ¸(d) ´occupy, take up, undesirably: ³Social duties @ into my time/leisure. ¸(e) ´(of coins and notes): ³@ into a pound note´, use one to pay for sth costing less than this sum: ³I can't pay you the 50p I owe you without @ing into a $5 note. ¸(f) ´open and draw upon emergency supplies: ³The garrison broke into their reserves of ammunition.¼ ·break off, ¸(a) ´stop speaking: ³He broke off in the middle of a sentence. ¸(b) ´pause; stop temporarily: ³Let's @ off for half an hour and have some tea. ·@ (sth) off, ¸(a) ´(cause to) separate (a part of sth): ³The mast broke off/was broken off. ¸(b) ´end abruptly: ³@ off relations (with sb); @ off an engagement/conversation.¼ ·break out, µ¥ outbreak. ´(of fire, disease, war, rioting, violence) appear, start, suddenly: ³A fire broke out during the night. The quarrel broke out afresh. Riots and disorders have broken out. ·@ out (of), ´escape: ³Several prisoners broke out of the jail. ·@ out in, ¸(a) ´suddenly become covered with: ³His face broke out in pimples/a rash. He broke out in a cold sweat´, was struck with fear. ¸(b) ´show sudden violence in speech or behaviour: ³He broke out in a rage/in curses.¼ ·break through, ´make a way through (an enclosure, obstacles, etc): ³The enemy's defences were strong but our soldiers broke through. The sun broke through (the clouds). ·@ through sth, ´overcome: ³@ through a man's reserve. ´Hence, ¸Ú@®through ³n ¸(a) ´(mil) piercing (of the enemy's defences). ¸(b) ´major achievement, eÔg in technology: ³a @through in cancer research.¼ ·break up, ¸(a) ´come to pieces; disintegrate: ³The ship was @ing up on the rocks. The gathering broke up in disorder. ¸(b) ´(fig, of persons) go to pieces; become weak: ³He broke up under the strain. ¸(c) ´(of a school, etc) separate at the end of term for holidays: ³When do you @ Úup? ¸(d) ´(of a couple, a relationship) come to an end: ³The marriage is @ing up. ¸(e) ´divide: ³Sentences @ up into clauses. ·@ sth up, ¸(a) ´smash; demolish: ³@ up a box for firewood; @ up an old ship for scrap metal. ¸(b) ´(cause to) split, or divide: ³@ up a piece of work (among several persons). ¸(c) ´(cause to) disperse: ³The police broke up the crowd/meeting. ¸(d) ´bring to an end: ³They broke up the alliance. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-up ³n ´(end of a marriage, coalition, etc). ¸(e) ´(esp of a period of fine weather) change for the worse; end: ³The weather is @ing up.¼ ·break with, ¸(a) ´end a friendship with: ³@ with an old friend. ¸(b) ´give up; make an end of: ³@ with old habits; @ with old ties´, eÔg when one leaves a district.¼ ¨break©2 ²/breIk/ ³n ¸1 ´breaking; broken place: ³a @ in the water mains. ¸2 ¶[U] ³@ of day ´(= ³day@´), dawn. ¸3 ´interval (in space of time): ³a @ in the conversation; an hour's @ for lunch; the ·Ú³tea-@, ´eÔg in an office or factory; ³during a @ at school´, during an interval between lessons. ·without a @, ´continuously: ³He has been writing since 2 o'clock without a @. ¸4 ´change, disturbance: ³a @ in one's way of living; a @ in the weather. ¸5 ´change of course of a cricket or tennis ball on first striking the ground: ³a leg @´, (cricket) one that breaks to the left. ¸6 ´(billiards) continuous score: ³make a @ of 450. ¸7 ·give sb a @, ´(colloq) an opportunity (to make a new start or remedy an error). ¸8 ´(colloq) ·a bad @, ´an unfortunate remark or ill-judged action; a piece of bad luck. ·a lucky @, ´a piece of good fortune. ¸9 ´(= ³break-out´) (attempt to) escape (esp from prison). ·(make a) break for it, ´escape.¼ ¨break©3 ²/breIk/ ³n ´= µbrake(3).¼ ¨break®able© ²/ÚbreIkEbl/ ³adj ´easily broken. ¸break®ables ³n pl ´@ objects, eÔg glasses, cups and saucers.¼ ¨break®age© ²/ÚbreIkIdZ/ ³n ¸1 ´act of breaking. ¸2 ´place in, part of, sth that has been broken. ¸3 ´(usu ³pl´) broken articles; loss by breaking: ³The hotel allows $150 a year for @s´, for the cost of broken dishes, glasses, etc.¼ ¨breaker© ²/ÚbreIkE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´large wave breaking into foam as it advances towards the shore; wave breaking against a rock, etc. ¸2 ´person or thing that breaks. ¸Úice-@ ³n ´strongly built ship used to break up ice in harbours, etc. µ¥ house@ ´and other similar compounds.¼ ¨break®fast© ²/ÚbrekfEst/ ³n ´first meal of the day: ³Have a good @. He hasn't eaten much @. They were having @ when I arrived. ¹ ³vi ´have @.¼ ¨break®neck© ²/ÚbreIknek/ ³adj ´(usu) ·at (a) @ speed, ´at a dangerous speed.¼ ¨break®water© ²/ÚbreIkwctE(r)/ ³n ´sth that breaks the force of waves, esp a structure built out into the sea to shelter (part of) a harbour.¼ ¨bream© ²/brim/ ³n (pl ´unchanged) ¸1 ´freshwater fish of the carp family. ¸2 ´(also ¸Úsea-@´) salt-water variety of this.¼ ¨breast© ²/brest/ ³n ¸1 ´either of the milk-producing parts of a woman: ³a child at the @; give a child the @. µ¥ suckle. ¸@®feed ³vi,vt ´feed a baby from the breast; suckle. ¸Ú@-fed ³adj ´(of a baby) fed with milk from the @. Cf ³bottle-fed. ¸2 ´chest; upper front part of the human body, or of a garment covering this. ¸Ú@ pocket ³n ´one in the @ of a jacket, etc. ¸Ú@®stroke, ´stroke (in swimming) in which both the arms are brought at the same time from in front of the head to the sides of the body. ¸*@-Úhigh ³adv ´high as the @: ³The wheat was @-high. ¸*@-Údeep ³adv ´deep enough to reach the @: ³In the middle of the stream the water was @-deep. ¸Ú@-plate ³n ´piece of armour covering the @. µ¥ ´the illus at µarmour. ¸Ú@®work ³n ´low wall, eÔg of earth, sandbags, stones, put up as a temporary defence. ¸3 ´(fig) feelings; thoughts: ³a troubled @. ·make a clean @ of, ´confess (wrong-doing, etc). ¸4 ´part of an animal corresponding to the human @. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´present the @µ(2) ´to, hence (fig), face, struggle with: ³@ the waves.¼ ¨breath© ²/breT/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´air taken into and sent out of the lungs; ¶[C] ´single act of taking in and sending air out: ³take a deep @´, fill the lungs with air. ·bad @, ´with an unpleasent smell. ·catch/hold one's @, ´stop breathing for a moment (from fear, excitement, etc). ·get one's @ (again/back), ´get back to the normal state. ·in the same @, ´at the same moment: ³They are not to be mentioned in the same @´, cannot be compared. ·lose one's @, ´have difficulty in taking in @, eÔg while running or working hard. ·out of @, ´unable to take in @ quickly enough. ·speak/say sth below/under one's @, ´in a whisper. ·take @, ´get enough @ (after exertion): ³Half-way up the mountain we stopped to take @. ·take sb's Ú@ away, ´startle or surprise him. Hence, ¸Ú@®taking, ³adj ´exciting; causing awe. ·waste one's @, ´talk in vain. ¸Ú@ test ³n ´test of the alcoholic contents of a person's @. ¸breath®alys®er ²/ÚbreTElñIzE(r)/ ³n ´device (into which a person breathes) for such a test. ¸2 ´air in movement; light breeze: ³There wasn't a @ of air/wind´, the air was quite still. ¸3 ´(fig) suggestion (³of´): ³not a @ of suspicion/scandal. ¸@®less ³adj ¸1 ´out of @; panting; likely to cause shortness of @: ³in a @less hurry; listening with @less attention/in @less expectation´, with the @ held back (in concentration or excitement). ¸2 ´unstirred by wind: ³a @less ´(= calm) ³evening. ¸@®less®ly ³adv¼ ¨breathe© ²/briD/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C,6A,15B] ´take air into the lungs and send it out again: ³@ in/out. He was breathing hard when he finished the race. We @ air. He @d a sigh of relief. He's still breathing´, is still alive. ·@ again; @ freely (again), ´be at ease, be relieved (after exertion, excitement, fear, etc). ·@ down sb's neck, µ¥ neck. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´utter; send out, eÔg a scent, feeling: ³Don't @ a word of this´, keep it secret. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´allow (a horse) to @ gently and rest. ¸breather ³n ¸1 ´short pause for rest: ³take/have a @r. ¸2 ´short period of exercise: ³go for a @r. ¸breath®ing ³n ¶[U] ¸breath®ing-space ³n ´time to @; pause; rest.¼ ¨bred© ³pt,pp ´of µbreed.¼ ¨breech© ²/brit2/ ³n ´back part of a rifle or gun barrel, where the cartridge or shell is placed: ³a ·*³@-·*³loading ·Ú³gun´, loaded at the @, not through the muzzle. ¸Ú@-block ³n ´block of steel that closes the @ of a gun.¼ ¨breeches© ²/ÚbrIt2Iz/ ³n pl ¸1 Úknee-@, ´garment fitting round the waist and below the knees. ¸Úriding-@, ´garment covering the hips and thighs, buttoned below the knee, worn by men and women for riding on horseback. ¸2 ´(colloq) trousers; knicker-bockers. ·wear the @, ´(said of a woman) rule her husband. ¸Ú@-*buoy ²/Úbrit2Iz-/ ³n ´pair of canvas @ fastened to a lifebuoy, pulled along a rope, used for saving life at sea.¼ ¨breed© ²/brid/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µbred ²/bred/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´keep (animals, etc) for the purpose of producing young, esp by selection of parents: ³@ horses/cattle. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´give birth to young; reproduce: ³Rabbits @ quickly. Birds @ in the spring. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´train, educate, bring up: ³an Englishman born and bred; a well-bred boy´, one who has been trained to behave well. ·What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh, ´(prov) Hereditary characteristics always show themselves. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´be the cause of: ³Dirt @s disease. War @s misery and ruin. ¸@er ³n ¸1 ´person who @s animals. ¸2 ´apparatus (reactor) that produces more radio-active material than is put into it. ¸@®ing ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´(in verbal senses): ³the @ing of horses; the @ing season for birds. ¸2 ´knowledge of how to behave resulting from training: ³a man of good @ing. ¹ ³n ¶[C] ´kind or variety (of animals, etc) with hereditary qualities: ³a good @ of cattle. µ¥ cross@, half-@.¼ ¨breeze©1 ²/briz/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´wind, esp a soft, gentle wind: ³a land/sea @´, one blowing from the land/sea at certain hours; ³not much @; not much of a @; spring @s. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2C] ´(colloq) ·@ in/out, ´come in/go out in high spirits, or without warning, unexpectedly. ¸breezy ³adj ¸1 ´pleasantly windy: ³breezy weather. ¸2 ´swept by @s: ³a breezy corner. ¸3 ´(of persons) jovial; lively; good-humoured. ¸breez®ily ²/ÚbrizElI/ ³adv ¸breezi®ness ²/ÚbrizInIs/ ³n¼ ¨breeze©2 ²/briz/ ³n ¶[U] ´(not US) small coal cinders. ¸Ú@ blocks, ´light-weight concrete building blocks made of @ and cement.¼ ¨Bren© ²/bren/ ³n ´(also ¸Ú@-gun´) light-weight, semi-automatic, light machine gun. ¸Ú@ carrier ³n ´small armoured vehicle that moves on tracksµ(3)´.¼ ¨breth®ren© ²/ÚbreDrEn/ ³n pl ´(old use) brothers.¼ ¨breve© ²/briv/ ³n ´(mus) note equal to two semibreves, now rarely used. µ¥ ´the illus at µnotation.¼ ¨bre®vet© ²/ÚbrevIt ³US: ²brIÚvet/ ³n ´document that gives sb higher rank without corresponding increase in pay or authority: ³@ rank´, given by @; ³@ major.¼ ¨brevi®ary© ²/ÚbrivIErI ³US: ²-IerI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´book with prayers to be said daily by priests etc of the RÔC Church.¼ ¨brev®ity© ²/ÚbrevEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(formal) shortness (of statements, human life and other non-material things).¼ ¨brew© ²/bru/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´prepare (beer, tea, etc) by soaking or boiling grain, leaves, etc; ¶[VP2A] ´make beer, etc. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´(fig) bring about; ¶[VP2A,C] ´gather, be forming: ³Those boys are @ing mischief. A storm is @ing´, gathering force. ³There's trouble @ing between them´, They are likely to quarrel. ¹ ³n ´result of @ing; liquid made by @ing: ³the best @s of beer; a good, strong @ of tea. ¸@er ³n ´person who @s beer. ¸@®ery ²/Úbr8ErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´building in which @ing of beer is carried on.¼ ¨briar© ²/ÚbrñIE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´hard wood (root of a bush) used esp for making tobacco pipes. ¸2 ¶[C] ´pipe made of this wood. ¸3 ´= µbrier.¼ ¨bribe© ²/brñIb/ ³n ¶[C] ´sth given, offered or promised to sb in order to influence or persuade him (often to do sth wrong) in favour of the giver: ³offer/give/hand out/take @s. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,17,15A] ´offer, give, a @ to: ³@ a judge/witness. The child was @d to take the nasty medicine. He had been @d into silence/@d to say nothing. ¸bri®bable ²/ÚbrñIbEbl/ ³adj ¸bri®bery ²/ÚbrñIbErI/ ³n ¶[U] ´giving or taking of @s.¼ ¨bric-a-brac© ²/ÚbrIk E brak/ ³n ¶[U] ´bits of old furniture, china, ornaments, etc, esp old and curious, of no great value.¼ ¨brick© ²/brIk/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C,U] ´(usu rectangular block of) clay moulded and baked by fire or sun, used for building purposes: ³a house made of red @(s); a @ wall. ·drop a @, ´(colloq) do or say sth indiscreet. ·make @s without straw, ´attempt a difficult and fruitless task. ¸Ú@®bat ³n ´piece of @, esp as a missile: ³The Minister collected a lot of @bats´, (fig) much abuse. ¸Ú@-field, Ú@®kiln ³n ´field, kiln, in which @s are made. ¸Ú@®layer ³n ´workman who builds with @s. ¸Ú@®work ³n ´(part of a) structure made of @. ¸2 ´child's rectangular block (usu of wood) used for building toy houses, etc. ¸3 ´@-shaped block of sth, eÔg ice-cream. ¸4 ´(colloq) generous or kind-hearted person: ³You've behaved like a @. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP15B] ·@ up/in, ´block (an opening) with @s: ³@ up a window.¼ ¨bri®dal© ²/ÚbrñIdl/ ³n ´wedding-feast; wedding; (attrib) of a bride or wedding: ³the ²Ú³@ party´, the bride and her attendants and friends.¼ ¨bride© ²/ÚbrñId/ ³n ´woman on her wedding-day; newly married woman. ¸Ú@®cake ³n ´(old name for) wedding-cake.¼ ¨bride®groom© ²/ÚbrñIdgr8m/ ³n ´man on his wedding-day; newly married man.¼ ¨brides®maid© ²/ÚbrñIdzmeId/ ³n ´girl or young unmarried woman (usu one of several) attending a bride at her wedding. Cf ³best man ´for the bridegroom.¼ ¨bridge©1 ²/brIdZ/ ³n ¸1 ´structure of wood, stone, brickwork, steel, concrete, etc, providing a way across a river, canal, railway, etc. ¸Ú@®head ³n ´defensive post or area established on the enemy's side of a river, etc; (loosely) any military position occupied in the face of the enemy. µ¥ beachhead. ¸2 ´platform over and across the deck of a ship for the use of the captain and officers. ¸3 ´upper, bony part of the nose. ¸4 ´movable part over which the strings of a violin, etc are stretched. ¸5 ´device for keeping false teeth in place, fastened to natural teeth. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´join by means of a @; build a @ over: ³a ²Ú³bridging loan´, loan (esp from a bank) to cover a period of time, eÔg between the purchase of one house and the sale of another; ¶[VP15B] ·@ over, ´(fig) overcome (obstacles, etc): ³@ over difficulties.¼ ¨bridge©2 ²/brIdZ/ ³n ¶[U] ´card game for four players in which one player looks on while his cards, placed face up on the table, are played by his partner. ¸Úauction @, ´in which the right to name the trumps goes to the player who undertakes to make the highest score. ¸Úcontract @, ´variety of auction @ with penalties for failure to make the score.¼ ¨bridle© ²/ÚbrñIdl/ ³n ´that part of a horse's harness that goes on its head, including the metal bit for the mouth, the straps and the reins. µ¥ ´the illus at µharness. ¸Ú@-path, Ú@-road ³n ´one fit for riders on horseback but not for cars, etc. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´put a @ on (a horse). ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´(fig) control, check: ³Try to @ your passions. ¸3 ¶[VP2A,C] ´throw back the head and draw in the chin (showing pride, contempt, vanity, etc): ³@ with anger; @ up; @ at sb's remarks.¼ ¨brief©1 ²/brif/ ³adj µ(-er, -est) ´(of time, events, writing, speaking) lasting only for a short time: ³to be @´, to speak shortly. µ¥ brevity. ·in @, ´in a few words. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨brief©2 ²/brif/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´summary of the facts of a case, drawn up for a barrister: ³have plenty of @s, ´(of a barrister) be busy with professional work. ·hold a @ for (sb), ´(fig) argue in support or favour of. ·hold no @ for, ´(fig) not be prepared to support. ¸Ú@®case ³n ´flat leather or plastic case, for documents, etc. ¸2 ´(also ¸Ú@®ing´) information, instructions, advice, etc given in advance, eÔg to an aircraft crew before a combat mission. ¸3 ´(comm) instructions: ³My @ did not include the buying of new materials. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´instruct or employ (a barrister). ¸2 ´give a @µ(2) ´to. µ¥ debrief. ¸3 ´(comm) summarize the facts, eÔg of a business programme: ³The Chairman will @ the Board on the most recent developments.¼ ¨briefs© ²/brifs/ ³n pl ´close-fitting pants without legs, held in position by an elastic waistband.¼ ¨brier©, briar ²/ÚbrñIE(r)/ ³n ´thorn-covered bush, esp the wild rose.¼ ¨brig© ²/brIg/ ³n ´two-masted ship with square sails and an extra fore-and-aft sail on the main-mast. µ¥ ´the illus at µbarque.¼ ¨brig®ade© ²/brIÚgeId/ ³n ¸1 ´army unit, usu of three battalions, forming part of an army division; corresponding armoured unit. ¸2 ´organized body of persons in uniform with special duties (eÔg ¸Úfire-@´). ¸Briga®dier ²/*brIgEÚdIE(r)/ ³n ´(formerly ·*³Brigadier-·Ú³General) ´officer commanding a @; army officer of rank between General and Colonel.¼ ¨brig®and© ²/ÚbrIgEnd/ ³n ´member of a band of robbers, esp a band that attacks travellers in forests or mountains.¼ ¨brig®an®tine© ²/ÚbrIgEntin/ ³n ´= brig.¼ ¨bright© ²/brñIt/ ³adj µ(-er, -est) ¸1 ´giving out or reflecting much light; shining: ³Sunshine is @. Polished steel is @. The leaves on the trees are @ green in spring. ¸2 ´cheerful and happy; lit up with joy or hope: ³@ faces; a @ smile; see the @ side of things. ¸3 ´quick-witted, clever: ³A @ boy learns quickly. ¹ adv ´(chiefly with ³shine) ´= @ly. ¸@en ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15B,2A,C] ·@en up, ´make or become @er or lighter, more cheerful, etc: ³These flowers @en the classroom. The sky is @ening. His face @ened up. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨brill© ²/brIl/ ³n ´flat fish like a turbot.¼ ¨bril®liant© ²/ÚbrIlIEnt/ ³adj ´very bright; sparkling; splendid, causing admiration: ³a week of @ sunshine; a @ scientist; @ jewels. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸bril®liance ²/ÚbrIlIEns/´, ¸bril®liancy ²/ÚbrIlIEnsI/ ³nn ¶[U] ´radiance, splendour, intelligence.¼ ¨bril®lian®tine© ²/ÚbrIlIEntin/ ³n ¶[U] ´cosmetic used to make the hair lie flat.¼ ¨brim© ²/brIm/ ³n ¸1 ´edge of a cup, bowl, glass, etc: ³full to the @´, quite full. ¸2 ´out-turned part (rim) of a hat, that gives shade. ¹ ³vi µ(-mm-) ¶[VP2A,C] ´be full to the @. ·@ over, ´be so full that some spills over the @; (fig) ³@ming over with high spirits. ¸@®ful(l) ²/*brImÚf8l/ ³adj ´full to the @: ³He is @ful of new ideas.¼ ¨brim®stone© ²/ÚbrImstE8n/ ³n ¶[U] ´(old name for) sulphur.¼ ¨brindled© ²/ÚbrIndld/ ³adj ´(esp of cows and cats) brown with streaks of another colour.¼ ¨brine© ²/brñIn/ ³n ¶[U] ´salt water, esp for pickling. ¸briny ²/ÚbrñInI/ ³adj ´salty. ¹ ³n ¸the briny, ´(colloq) the sea.¼ ¨bring© ²/brIG/ ³vt (pt,pp µbrought ²/brct/³) ´(For uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps, µ¥ 6 ´below.) ¸1 µ¥ take ¶[VP6A,15B,13,12,14] ·@ (with), ´come carrying sth or accompanying sb: ³Take this empty box away and @ me a full one. The soldiers came back @ing ten prisoners (with them). B@ Mary to the party with you. B@ one for me. B@ me one. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,19B,12C,14] ´cause to come; produce: ³Spring @s warm weather and flowers. The sad news brought tears to her eyes. His writings @ him $5000 a year. A phone call brought him hurrying to Leeds. ¸3 ¶[VP17A] ·@ sb/oneself to do sth, ´persuade, induce, lead: ³They could not @ themselves to believe the news. She couldn't @ herself to speak about the matter. I wish I could @ you to see the situation from my point of view. ¸4 ¶[VP14] ·@ against, ´(legal) start, put forward: ³@ an action/charge/an accusation against sb. ¸5 ´(phrases) ·@ sb to book, µ¥ book±1µ(6); ·@ sth to an end´, cause it to end; ·@ sth home to sb, µ¥ home±2µ(2); ·@ low´, reduce to a low condition; ·@ sth to light´, cause it to be visible or known; ·@ sth to mind; @ sth to pass, µ¥ pass±2µ(3); ·@ sth into line/play, µ¥ line±1µ(11), play±2µ(11); ·@ sb to his senses, µ¥ sense(2). ¸6 ¶[VP15B] ´special uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps´):¼ ·bring about, ¸(a) ´cause to happen: ³@ about a war/reforms/sb's ruin. ¸(b) ´(naut) cause (a sailing-ship) to change direction: ³The helmsman brought us about.¼ ·bring back, ¸(a) ´return: ³Please @ back the book tomorrow; ´(with ³indirect object´): ³If you're going to the market, please @ me back ten eggs. ¸(b) ´call to mind; cause to remember: ³Your newsy letter brought back many memories. ¸(c) ´restore; reintroduce: ³How many MÔP's favour @ing back capital punishment? ·@ sb back to, ´restore to: ³Her stay among the mountains brought her back to health.¼ ·bring sb/sth down, ¸(a) ´cause to fall; cause to be down: ³@ down a hostile aircraft´, shoot it down; ³@ down prices´, lower them; ³@ down ´(= overthrow) ³a tyrant. ¸(b) ´continue (records, etc) up to: ³a new history of Europe, brought down to modern times, ´iÔe made up to date. ¸(c) ´kill or wound: ³He aimed, fired and brought down the antelope. ¸(d) ´(football) cause (an opponent) to fall by fouling; (Rugby) tackle. ¸(e) ´(arith) transfer a digit from one part of a sum (from one column) to another: ³@ down the next two figures. ·@ the Úhouse down/@ down the house, µ¥ house(6). ·@ down sb's wrath/fury on one's head, ´cause it to be aimed at oneself.¼ ·bring sth forth, ´produce (fruit); give birth to (young ones): ³What will the future @ forth?¼ ·bring sth forward, ¸(a) ´cause to be seen, discussed, etc: ³Can you @ forward ´(= produce) ³any proof of what you say? Please @ the matter forward at the next meeting. ¸(b) ´advance: ³The meeting has been brought forward from May 10 to May 3´, is to be a week earlier. µ¥ postpone. ¸(c) ´(abbr ¸b/f´) (bookkeeping) carry the total of a column of figures at the foot of one page to the top of the next page.¼ ·bring sth/sb in, ¸(a) ´yield; (of capital, investments, etc) produce as profit: ³His orchards @ (him) in $200 a year. He does odd jobs that @ him in ten to twelve pounds a week. This investment @s (me) in 7§ per cent. ¸(b) ´introduce: ³@ in a new fashion/a new topic. ¸(c) ´introduce (legislation): ³@ in a Bill on road safety. ¸(d) ´admit (as a partner, adviser, etc): ³They've brought in experts to advise on the scheme. ¸(e) ´(of the police) arrest; @ to a police station for questioning, etc: ³Two suspicious characters were brought in. ¸(f) ´(of a jury) pronounce (a verdict): ³@ in a verdict of guilty.¼ ·bring sth/sb off, ¸(a) ´rescue (esp from a wrecked ship): ³The passengers and crew were brought off by the Deal lifeboat. ¸(b) ´carry (an enterprise) to success; manage to do sth successfully: ³It was a difficult task but we brought it off´, we succeeded.¼ ·bring sth/sb on, ¸(a) ´lead to, (help to) produce: ³He was out all day in the rain and this brought on a bad cold. ¸(b) ´cause to develop or advance: ³The fine weather is @ing the crops on nicely. ¸(c) ´help (a pupil, learner, etc) to develop: ³The coach is @ing on some youngsters in the reserve team.¼ ·bring sth/sb out, ¸(a) ´cause to appear, show clearly: ³@ out the meaning of a poem. The sunshine will @ out the apple blossom´, cause it to open. ¸(b) ´publish (a book, etc): ³When are the publishers @ing out his new book? ¸(c) ´help to lose shyness or reserve: ³She's a nice girl, but needs a lot of @ing out. ¸(d) ´call forth (a quality): ³Danger @s out the best in him. ¸(e) ´cause to strike: ³The shop-stewards brought out the foundrymen.¼ ·bring sb over (to), ´(esp) convert (sb) (to a different way of thinking, to a cause, etc).¼ ·bring sb/sth round, ¸(a) ´cause (sb) to regain consciousness after fainting: ³Several girls fainted in the heat but they were soon brought round. ¸(b) ´convert to one's views, etc: ³He wasn't keen on the plan, but we managed to @ him round. ¸(c) ´(naut) make a boat face the opposite way: ³B@ her ´(iÔe the boat) ³round into the wind. ·@ sb/sth round to, ´direct (discussion, etc) to sth new: ³He brought the conversation round to his favourite subject.¼ ·bring sb through, ´save (sb who is ill): ³He was very ill but good doctors and careful nursing brought him through´, restored him to health.¼ ·bring sb/sth to, ¸(a) ´= @ roundµ(a)´: ³They brought the girl to with smelling salts. They brought her to. ¸(b) ´(naut) (cause to) stop: ³The ship was brought to´, eÔg by the firing of a gun across her bows. ³The ship brought to´, came to a stop.¼ ·bring sb/sth under, ¸(a) ´subdue; discipline: ³The rebels were quickly brought under. ¸(b) ´include (within a category): ³The various points to be dealt with can be brought under three main heads.¼ ·bring sb/sth up, ¸(a) ´educate; rear: ³She has brought up five children. If children are badly brought up they behave badly. ¸(b) ´vomit: ³@ up one's dinner. ¸(c) ´call attention to: ³These are facts that can always be brought up against you´, used as evidence against you. ³These are matters that you can @ up in committee. ¸(d) ´(mil) summon to the front line: ³We need to @ up more tanks. ¸(e) ´@ for trial: ³He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving. ¸(f) ´cause to stop suddenly: ³His remarks brought me up short/sharp/with a jerk. ·@ up the rear, ´come last (in a line): ³The cavalry brought up the rear of the column. ·@ up at, ´(old use, esp of a ship) end a journey: ³The ship brought up at a port in Greece.¼ ¨brink© ²/ÚbrIGk/ ³n ¸1 ´upper edge of a steep place, a sharp slope, etc; border (of water, esp when deep): ³He stood shivering on the @´, hesitating to plunge into the water. ¸2 ´(fig) edge of sth unknown, dangerous or exciting: ³on the @ of war/ruin/an exciting discovery. ³He's on the @ of the grave´, will die soon. ¸@®man®ship ²/ÚbrIGkmEn2Ip/ ³n ´pursuit of a dangerous policy to the limits of safety.¼ ¨briny© µ¥ brine.¼ ¨bri®oche© ²/briÚo2 ³US: ²ÚbriE82/ ³n ´(F) piece of pastry baked in a circular shape.¼ ¨bri®quette©, bri®quet ²/brIÚket/ ³n ´block (brick- or egg-shaped) of compressed coal-dust.¼ ¨brisk© ²/brIsk/ ³adj µ(-er, -est) ´(of persons and movement) active; lively; quick-moving: ³a @ walk; a @ walker; at a @ pace; a @ demand for cotton goods. Trade is @. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨bris®ket© ²/ÚbrIskIt/ ³n ¶[U] ´breast of an animal, (sometimes eaten as a joint of meat). µ¥ ´the illus at µdog.¼ ¨bristle© ²/ÚbrIsl/ ³n ´one of the short stiff hairs on an animal; one of the short stiff hairs in a brush: ³a toothbrush with stiff @s. ¹ vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C] ·@ (up), ´(of hair) stand up, rise on end: ³The dog was angry and @d up/its hair @d. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C] ´(fig) show rage, indignation, etc: ³@ with anger. ¸3 ·@ with, ´have in large numbers (sth difficult, sth suggesting @s): ³The battle-front @d with bayonets. The problem @s with difficulties. ¸brist®ly ²/ÚbrIslI/ ³adj ´like @s; full of @s; (of hair, etc) rough and coarse: ³She doesn't like his bristly moustache. What a bristly, unshaven chin!¼ ¨Brit®ain© ²/ÚbrItn/ ³n ´(also ¸*Great ÚB@´) England, Wales and Scotland; ³North B@´, Scotland. ¸Bri®tan®nic ²/brIÚtanIk/ ³adj ´of B@ (chiefly in ³Her/His Britannic Majesty).¼ ¨Brit®ish© ²/ÚbrItI2/ ³adj ¸1 ´of the ancient Britons. ¸2 ´of Great Britain, the British Commonwealth or its inhabitants: ³the B@, ´B@ people; ³B@ citizenship; a Jamaican with a B@ passport. ¸@er ³n¼ ¨Briton© ²/ÚbrItn/ ³n ¸1 ´one of the native inhabitants of S Britain at the time of the Roman invasion about 2Ô000 years ago. ¸2 ´(liter) native of Britain.¼ ¨brittle© ²/ÚbrItl/ ³adj ´hard but easily broken (eÔg coal, ice, glass): (fig) ³He has a @ temper´, quickly loses his temper.¼ ¨broach©1 ²/brE8t2/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make a hole in (a cask of liquor) and put in a tap in order to draw the wine, etc; (fig) begin discussion of (a topic).¼ ¨broach©2 ²/brE8t2/ ³vi,vt ¶[VP2C,15B] ·@ to, ´(naut) veer or cause (a ship) to veer so that its side is presented to the wind and waves.¼ ¨broad©1 ²/brcd/ ³adj µ(-er, -est) ¸1 ´wide, large across: ³The river grows @er as it nears the sea. ·@ in the beam, µ¥ beam(2). ¸2 ´(after a phrase indicating width) in breadth, from side to side: ³a river fifty feet @. ¸3 ´extending in various or all directions: ³the @ ocean; @ lands. ¸4 ´full and complete. ·in @ daylight, ´when it is unmistakably light: ³a bank raid in @ daylight. ·give sb a @ hint, ´a strong, unmistakable one. ¸5 ´general, not minute or detailed: ³a @ distinction. ·in @ outline, ´without details. ¸6 ´(of the mind and ideas) liberal; not kept within narrow limits: ³a man of @ views´, a tolerant man. ¸*@-Úminded ²/-ÚmñIndId/ ³adj ´willing to listen sympathetically to the views of others even though one cannot agree with them; having a liberal and tolerant mind. ¸7 ´(of speech) strongly marked, showing that the speaker is from a definite part of the country: ³@ Scots; a @ accent. ¸8 ´improper; coarse: ³the @ humour of Rabelais. ¸9 ´(phrase) ·It's as @ as it is long, ´It's all the same, however you view the problem. ¸10 ´(compounds, etc) ¸@ bean ³n ´the common flattened variety, growing in large pods. ¸B@ Church ³n ´used of churchmen who do not insist upon dogma and doctrine. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸(a) ´in a wide way. ¸(b) ´in a general way: ³@ly speaking´, speaking in a general way, without going into detail. ¸@®ness ³n ´= µbreadth ´(the usu word). ¸@en ²/Úbrcdn/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15B,2A,C] ·@en (out), ´make or become @(er): ³His face @ened (out) into a grin.¼ ¨broad©2 ²/brcd/ ³n ´the @ part (³of ´sth): ³the @ of the back. ¸the B@s ³n pl ´name used of wide stretches of water in Norfolk, used for boating holidays and barge traffic.¼ ¨broad®cast© ²/Úbrcdkqst ³US: ²-kast/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µbroadcast ´or µ@ed³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´send out in all directions, esp by radio or TÔV: ³@ the news/a speech/a concert. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´speak, sing, perform music, etc for @ing: ³The Prime Minister will @ this evening. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´sow (seed) by scattering it, not by sowing it in drills, etc. ¹ ³n ´(often attrib) @ing; sth @: ³today's @; a @ of a football match. µ¥ telecast. ³¹ adv ´by @ing: ³sow seed @. ¸@®ing ³n, adj´: ³the British B@ing Corporation, ´the BÔBÔC; ³a ²Ú³@ing station.¼ ¨broad®cloth© ²/ÚbrcdkloT ³US: ²-klcT/ ³n ¶[U] ´fine, smooth, double-width black cloth, formerly used for men's clothes.¼ ¨broad®sheet© ²/Úbrcd2it/ ³n ´popular ballad or tract printed on one side only of a large sheet of paper (as formerly sold in the streets).¼ ¨broad®side© ²/ÚbrcdsñId/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´the whole of a ship's side above the water; (the firing on the same target of) all the guns on one side of a ship; (fig) strong attack of any kind made at one time against one person or group. ¸2 ·@ on (to), ´(of a ship) with one side presented to or facing: ³a collision @ on´, so that the ship's side collides with sth.¼ ¨broad®ways© ²/ÚbrcdweIz/, ±broad®wise ²/ÚbrcdwñIz/ ³adv ´in the direction of the breadth.¼ ¨bro®cade© ²/brEÚkeId/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´woven material richly ornamented with designs (eÔg in raised gold or silver thread). ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´decorate (cloth) with raised patterns.¼ ¨broc®coli© ²/ÚbrokElI/ ³n ¶[U] ´hardy kind of cauliflower with numerous white or purple sprouts (flower-heads), each like a small cauliflower.¼ ¨bro®chure© ²/ÚbrE82E(r) ³US: ²brE8Ú28Er/ ³n ´short, usu descriptive, printed article in a paper cover; pamphlet: ³travel/holiday @s.¼ ¨brogue©1 ²/brE8g/ ³n ´strong, thick-soled, usu ornamented shoe for country wear.¼ ¨brogue©2 ²/brE8g/ ³n ´regional way of speaking, esp the Irish way of speaking English.¼ ¨broil© ²/brãIl/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´cook, be cooked, by direct contact with fire or on a gridiron; grill; (fig) be very hot: ³a @ing day; sit @ing in the sun. ¸@er ³n ´bird, eÔg a chicken, killed at the age of 10 to 12 weeks and suitable for being @ed or roasted, esp one reared in a shed or concrete building (and contrasted with a ³free-range ´bird), µ¥ battery(6).¼ ¨broke© ²/brE8k/ ³attrib adj ·(stony/flat) @, ´(sl) penniless.¼ ¨bro®ken© ²/ÚbrE8kEn/ ³pp ´of µbreak´: ³a @ marriage´, one that has failed; ³a @ home´, one in which the parents have separated or are divorced, so that the children lack proper care, security, etc; ³@ ´(= imperfect) ³English; a @ man´, a man reduced to despair; ³@ ´(= uneven) ³ground; @ ´(= disturbed, intermittent) ³sleep; ·*³@-·Ú³hearted´, crushed by grief.¼ ¨bro®ker© ²/ÚbrE8kE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´person (eÔg ³Ústock@´) who buys and sells (esp stocks and shares, bonds, etc) for others. ¸2 ´official licensed to sell the goods of sb unable to pay debts. ¸@®age ²/ÚbrE8kErIdZ/ ³n ¶[U] ´@'s commission for services.¼ ¨brolly© ²/ÚbrolI/ ³n ´(colloq) umbrella.¼ ¨bro®mide© ²/ÚbrE8mñId/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´chemical compound of bromine, eÔg potassium @, esp as used in medicine to calm the nerves. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(colloq) trite remark; dull, tiresome or boring person.¼ ¨bro®mine© ²/ÚbrE8min/ ³n ¶[U] ´non-metallic element (symbol ¸Br´), compounds of which are used in photographic and other chemicals.¼ ¨bron®chi© ²/ÚbroGkñI/ ³n pl (sing µbron®chus ²/-kEs/´) two main branches into which the windpipe divides before entering the lungs, also called ³bronchial tubes. µ¥ ´the illus at µrespiratory. ¸@al ²/ÚbroGkIEl/ ³adj ´of or affecting the @: ³bronchial asthma. ¸bron®chi®tic ²/broGÚkItIk/ ³adj ´suffering from, prone to, bronchitis. ¸bron®chi®tis ²/broGÚkñItIs/ ³n ´inflammation of the mucous membrane of the @.¼ ¨bronco© ²/ÚbroGkE8/ ³n (pl µ-cos´) wild or half-tamed horse of Western N America.¼ ¨bronze© ²/bronz/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´alloy of copper and tin: ³a @ statue; a statue in @. ¸the ÚB@ Age, ´period when men used tools and weapons made of @ (between the Stone Age and the Iron Age). ¸2 ¶[U] ´colour of @, reddish brown. ¸3 ¶[C] ´work of art, eÔg a vase, made of @: ³a fine collection of @s and ivories. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make or become @ colour: ³faces @d by the sun and wind.¼ ¨brooch© ²/brE8t2/ ³n ´ornamental pin for fastening or wearing on part of a woman's dress.¼ ¨brood© ²/brud/ ³n ´all the young birds hatched at one time in a nest; family of other egg-produced animals; (hum) young family of human beings. ¸Ú@-hen ³n ´hen for breeding. ¸Ú@-mare ³n ´mare for breeding. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ¸1 ´(of a bird) sit on eggs to hatch them. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ (on/over), ´(fig) think about (troubles, etc) for a long time: ³She sat there @ing on whether life was worth living. ¸@y ³adj ´(of hens) wanting to @; (colloq, of women) feeling the desire to have children; (fig, of persons) moody; depressed.¼ ¨brook©1 ²/br8k/ ³n ´small stream.¼ ¨brook©2 ²/br8k/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,B] ´(formal) (usu in neg and interr) put up with; tolerate: ³He cannot @ interference/being interfered with.¼ ¨broom©1 ²/brum/ ³n ¶[U] ´shrub with yellow or white flowers growing on sandy banks, etc.¼ ¨broom©2 ²/brum/ ³n ´long-handled implement for sweeping floors, etc. ·a new @, ´(esp) a newly appointed official (who gets rid of old methods, traditions, etc): (prov) ³a new @ sweeps clean. ¸Ú@®stick ³n ´handle of a broom (on which witches were said to ride through the air).¼ ¨Bros© ²/bros/ ³n pl ´(abbr) µ¥ App 2.¼ ¨broth© ²/broT/ ³n ¶[U] ´water in which meat has been boiled; this, flavoured and thickened with vegetables, etc, served as soup.¼ ¨brothel© ²/ÚbroTl/ ³n ´house at which prostitutes may be visited.¼ ¨brother© ²/ÚbrADE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´son of the same parents as another person: ³my elder/younger @; the @s Smith, the Smith @s; Smith Brothers ´or (comm style) ³Smith Bros. ¸Ú@-in-law ²/ÚbrADEr In lc/ ³n (pl µ@s-in-law³) ´@ of one's husband or wife; husband of one's sister. ¸2 ´person united to others by membership of the same group, society, profession, etc; fellow member of a socialist organization, trade union, etc: (esp attrib) ³a @ doctor; @s in arms´, soldiers who are serving or have served together; ³@ officers´, in the same regiment. ¸3 ³(pl µbrethren ²/ÚbreDrEn/³) ´fellow member of a religious society. ¸B@, ´form of address: ³B@ Luke. ¸Ú@®hood ²/-h8d/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´feeling of @ for @. ¸2 ¶[C] ´(members of an) association of men with common interests and aims, esp a religious society or socialist organization. ¸@®ly ³adj ´of or like a ³@('s)´: ³@ly affection.¼ ¨brougham© ²/ÚbruEm/ ³n ´(19th c) four-wheeled closed carriage drawn by one horse.¼ ¨brought© ³pt,pp ´of µbring.¼ ¨brou®haha© ²/Úbruhqhq/ ³n ´(dated colloq) fuss; excitement.¼ ¨brow© ²/brñ8/ ³n ¸1 ´(usu ³pl´; also ¸Úeye®@´) arch of hair above the eye: ³knit one's @s´, frown. ¸2 ´forehead. µ¥ ³highbrow ´at µhigh±1µ(12); ³lowbrow ´at µlow±1µ(13). ¸3 ´top of a slope; steep slope; overhanging edge.¼ ¨brow®beat© ²/Úbrñ8bit/ ³vt (pt µbrowbeat³, pp µbrowbeaten³) ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (into doing sth), ´intimidate by shouting or looking stern at; bully: ³@ sb into doing sth; a poor, @en little woman.¼ ¨brown© ²/brñ8n/ ³adj µ(-er, -est)³, n ´colour of toasted bread, or coffee mixed with milk: ³@ bread´, made with wholemeal flour; ³@ paper´, coarse kind used for parcels, etc; ³@ sugar´, half refined. ·in a @ study, ´deep in thought; in a reverie. ¸Ú@®stone ³n ¶[U] ´kinds of reddish-brown sandstone used for building. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make or become @. ·*@ed Úoff, ´(sl) bored; fed up.¼ ¨brownie© ²/Úbrñ8nI/ ³n ¸1 ´small, good-natured fairy or elf. ¸2 B@ (Guide), ´(GB) junior member (age 8 to 11) of the Girl Guides.¼ ¨browse© ²/brñ8z/ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ¸1 ´feed, as animals do (on grass, etc): ³cattle browsing in the fields. ¸2 ´read (parts of a book or books) without any definite plan, for interest or enjoyment: ³browsing among books in the public library. ¹ ³n ´(act, period, of) browsing: ³have a good @.¼ ¨bruin© ²/ÚbruIn/ ³n ´(pop name, eÔg in fairy tales, for) bear.¼ ¨bruise© ²/bruz/ ³n ´injury by a blow or knock to the body, or to a fruit, so that the skin is discoloured but not broken: ³covered with @s after falling off his bicycle. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´cause a @ or @s to; batter, make dents in (wood or metal): ³He fell and @d his leg. Pack the peaches carefully so that they won't get @d. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´show the effects of a blow or knock: ³A child's flesh @s easily. ¸bruiser ³n ´tough, brutal boxer.¼ ¨bruit© ²/brut/ ³vt ¶[VP15B] ·@ abroad,´(old use) spread (a rumour or report): ³@ it abroad´, spread the news everywhere.¼ ¨brunch© ²/brAnt2/ ³n ´(colloq) late morning meal instead of breakfast and lunch.¼ ¨bru®nette© ²/bruÚnet/ ³n ´European with dark skin and dark-brown or black hair. µ¥ blond(e).¼ ¨brunt© ²/brAnt/ ³n ´chief stress or strain: ³bear the @ of an attack. The main @ of their criticism fell on us.¼ ¨brush©1 ²/brA2/ ³n ¸1 ´implement of bristles, hair, wire, etc fastened in wood, bone, or other material, used for scrubbing, sweeping, cleaning (eÔg ·Ú³tooth@, ·Ú³nail@´), or tidying the hair (·Ú³hair@´); tuft of hair, etc set in a handle, used by painters and artists: ³a ²Ú³paint-brush. ¸2 ´(act of) using a @: ³He gave his clothes a good @´, used a @ on them. µ¥ ´also ·Ú³@-up ´at µbrush±2µ(1). ¸3 ´fox's tail. ¸4 ¶[U] ´rough low-growing bushes; undergrowth: ³a @ fire. µ¥ bush(2). ¸5 ´short, sharp fight or encounter: ³a @ with the enemy. ¸Ú@®wood ³n ¶[U] ´= brushµ(4)´. ¸Ú@®work ³n ´artist's style or way of using a paint-@.¼ ¨brush©2 ²/brA2/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B,22] ´use a brush on; clean, polish, make tidy or smooth: ³@ your hat/clothes/shoes/hair/teeth; @ sth clean. ·@ sth away/off, ´remove with a @: ³He @ed away a fly from his nose´, used his hand to make the fly go away. ³She @ed the crumbs off the tablecloth. ·@ sth aside/away, ´(fig) pay no or little attention to (difficulties, objections, etc). ·@ sb/sth off, ´(colloq) reject, jilt; dismiss curtly: ³He tries to get the girl to go out with him, but she always @es him off. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-off ³n ´(colloq) rejection or dismissal: ³She gave him the @-off. ·@ sth up, ´use a @ on: ³@ up the dust; ´(fig) ´study or practise (sth) in order to get back skill that has been lost: ³If you're going to France you'd better @ up your French. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-up ³n´: ³Give your French a @-up. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C,6A] ´touch when passing: ³He @ed past/by/(up) against me in a rude way. The leaves of the trees @ed my face as I ran through the forest. ¸3 ¶[VP2C] ·@ off, ´come off as the result of being @ed: ³The mud will @ off when it dries.¼ ¨brusque© ²/brusk/ ³adj ´(of speech or behaviour) rough and abrupt. ¸@®ly ³adj ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨Brus®sels© ²/ÚbrAslz/ ³n ´(attrib) of or from @ in Belgium: ³@ lace/carpets. ¸*@ Úsprouts, ´(plants with) buds growing thickly on the stem of a cabbage-like plant. µ¥ ´the illus at µvegetable.¼ ¨brutal© ²/Úbrutl/ ³adj ´savage; cruel. ¸@®ly ²/-tElI/ ³adv ¸bru®tal®ity ²/bruÚtalEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´cruelty; savagery; ¶[C] ´cruel or savage act. ¸Ú@®ize ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make @: ³Years of warfare had @ized the troops.¼ ¨brute© ²/brut/ ³n ¸1 ´animal (except man). ¸2 ´stupid, animal-like or cruel person. ¸3 ´(attrib) animal-like; cruel and unthinking; unconscious or unreasoning; merely material: ³@ force/strength; @ matter. ¸brut®ish ²/ÚbrutI2/ ³adj ´of or like a @: ³brutish appetites. ¸brut®ish®ly ³adv¼ ¨bubble© ²/ÚbAbl/ ³n ¸1 ´(in air) floating ball formed of liquid and containing air or gas: ³soap @s; blowing @s. ¸2 ´(in liquid) ball of air or gas that rises to the surface, eÔg in boiling water, in sparkling wines. ¸3 ´air-filled cavity in a solidified liquid, eÔg glass. ¸4 ´(fig) visionary plan; idea, hope, etc that is not realized: ³His @ has burst. ¸5 Ú@ car ³n ´small car with a transparent dome as roof. ¸Ú@ gum ³n ´chewing gum which can be blown into bubbles on the lips. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ´send up @s; rise in @s; make the sound of @s: ³The water @d up through the sand. She was bubbling over with joy/high spirits/laughter. ¸bub®bly ²/ÚbAblI/ ³adj ´full of @s. µ¹ ³n ´(hum) champagne.¼ ¨bu®bonic© ²/bjuÚbonIk/ ³adj ¸@ Úplague, ´contagious disease that spreads quickly (spread by rats, and marked by chills, fevers and swelling in the armpits and groin).¼ ¨buc®ca®neer© ²/*bAkEÚnIE(r)/ ³n ´pirate; unscrupulous adventurer.¼ ¨buck©1 ²/bAk/ ³n ¸1 ´male of a deer, hare or rabbit. µ¥ doe. ¸Ú@®skin ³n ¶[U] ´soft leather made from deerskin or goatskin, used for gloves, bags, etc. ¸Ú@®shot ³n ¶[U] ´large-size lead shotµ(4). ¸Ú@®tooth ³n (pl µ@teeth³) ´(usu upper) tooth that projects. ¸2 ´(attrib) male.¼ ¨buck©2 ²/bAk/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´(of a horse) jump up with the four feet together and the back arched; ¶[VP6A] ´throw (the rider) to the ground by doing this. ¸2 ·@ up, ¶[VP2C´, esp in the ³imperative¶] ´(colloq) hurry. ·@ (sb) up, ¶[VP15B,2C] ´make or become more vigorous or cheerful, ready for greater effort: ³The good news @ed us all up. We were greatly @ed up by the news.¼ ¨buck©3 ²/bAk/ ³n ´(US sl) US dollar.¼ ¨buck©4 ²/bAk/ ³n ·pass the @ (to sb), ´(sl) shift the responsibility (to). ·The @ stops here, ´The responsibility cannot be shifted further.¼ ¨bucket©1 ²/ÚbAkIt/ ³n ¸1 ´vessel of wood, metal, canvas, plastic, etc for holding or carrying water, milk, etc; (also ¸Ú@®ful ²/-f8l/´) the amount a @ holds: ³The rain was coming down in @s´, was very heavy. ¸2 ´scoop of a dredging machine, grain-elevator, etc. ¸Ú@ seat ³n ´(in a car or aircraft) seat with a rounded back for one person (contrasted with a ³bench ´seat).¼ ¨bucket©2 ²/ÚbAkIt/ ³vi ´ride a horse hard.¼ ¨buckle© ²/ÚbAkl/ ³n ¸1 ´metal, plastic or bone fastener, with one or more spikes made to go through a hole in a strap, etc, to keep sth in place. ¸2 ´ornamental clasp on a shoe. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15] ·@ (on), ´fasten with a @: ³@ a belt; @ on a sword/one's armour. ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ´(of a shoe, belt, etc) fasten (in a certain way). ¸3 ¶[VP2C] ·@ to/down to ³(work, etc)´, begin (work) in earnest: ³@ to a task. The sooner he @s down to it, the better. ¸4 ¶[VP2A] ´(of metal work, etc) bend, become twisted, crumple up from strain or heat.¼ ¨buck®ler© ²/ÚbAklE(r)/ ³n ´small round shield, usu held by a handle or worn on the arm.¼ ¨buck®ram© ²/ÚbAkrEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´stiff, rough cloth (esp as used for binding books).¼ ¨buck®shot© ²/ÚbAk2ot/ ³n ¶[U] µ¥ buck±1µ(1).¼ ¨buck®wheat© ²/ÚbAkwit ³US: ²-hwit/ ³n ¶[U] ´(plant with) small triangular seed used for feeding horses and poultry. ¸Ú@ flour, ´flour made from this grain, used in US for breakfast cakes.¼ ¨bu®colic© ²/bjuÚkolIk/ ³adj ´of country life and farming, esp of shepherds: ³@ verse. ¸bu®col®ics ³n pl ´pastoral poems.¼ ¨bud© ²/bAd/ ³n ¸1 ´leaf, flower or branch, at the beginning of its growth. ·in bud, ´having buds or sending out buds: ³The trees are in bud. ·nip sth in the bud, ´put an end to sth, eÔg a plot, while it is in the beginning stage. ¸2 ´partly opened flower. µ¥ ´the illus at µflower. ³¹ ³vi µ(-dd-) ´put out buds. ¸bud®ding ³adj ´beginning to develop: ³a budding lawyer/poet.¼ ¨Bud®dhism© ²/Úb8dIzEm/ ³n ´the religion founded by Gautama ²/Úgñ8tEmE/ or ´Siddartha ²/sIÚdqtE/ ´Buddha ²/Úb8dE/ ´(= teacher) in N India, in about the 6th c. ¸Bud®dhist ²/Úb8dIst/ ³n ´follower of Buddha.¼ ¨buddy© ²/ÚbAdI/ ³n (pl µ@dies³) ´(sl, as a familiar form of address) chum; mate.¼ ¨budge© ²/bAdZ/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A, ´usu in ³neg ´and with ³can, could´; ¶2A,C, ´usu in ³neg ´with ³won't, wouldn'tÔ¶] ´(cause to) move very little, make the slightest movement; (fig) (cause to) change a position or attitude: ³I can't @ it. It won't @ an inch.¼ ¨bud®geri®gar© ²/ÚbAdZErIgq(r)/ ³n ´Australian love-bird; kind of parakeet. µ¥ ´the illus at µrare.¼ ¨budget© ²/ÚbAdZIt/ ³n ¶[C] ´estimate of probable future income and expenditure, esp that made by a Government; similar estimate made by a business company, society, private person, etc. ¸Ú@ account, ´account with a bank maintained by monthly transfers from a current account, so that the Bank may pay regularly recurring expenses, eÔg gas, electricity, rates. ¸Ú@ plan, ´system of buying goods in (large) shops by making regular monthly payments to them. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ´allow or arrange for (in a @): ³@ for the coming year. ¸@®ary ²/ÚbAdZItErI ³US: ²-terI/ ³adj ´of a @.¼ ¨budgie© ²/bAdZI/ ³n ´(colloq abbr for a) budgerigar.¼ ¨buff© ²/bAf/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´thick, strong, soft leather. ¸2 ´dull yellow colour. ¸3 ´the bare skin, esp in: ³stripped to the @´, without clothing. ¸4 ´(US colloq) fan±3´, enthusiast. ¹ ³vt ´polish (metal) with @µ(1).¼ ¨buf®falo© ²/ÚbAfElE8/ ³n (pl µ@s, ´US also µ@es³) ´kinds of large, usu wild ox in India, Asia, Europe and Africa; N American bison: ³a herd of sixty @/@es.¼ ¨buf®fer©1 ²/ÚbAfE(r)/ ³n ´apparatus (either spring-loaded or hydraulic) for lessening the effect of a blow or collision, eÔg on a railway engine or van. ¸@ state, ´state situated between two or more powerful states, lessening the risk of war between them.¼ ¨buf®fer©2 ²/ÚbAfE(r)/ ³n ´(sl, usu ¸old @´) old-fashioned or foolish man.¼ ¨buf®fet©1 ²/Úb8feI ³US: ²bEÚfeI/ ³n ´counter where food and drink may be bought and consumed, eÔg in a railway station or (GB, in the ·Ú³@ car´) on a train; sideboard or table from which food and drink are served, eÔg in a hotel; ³cold @´, (on a menu) cold cooked meat, etc; ³@ supper´, meal served to guests who do not sit at a table.¼ ¨buf®fet©2 ²/ÚbAfIt/ ³n ´blow, generally one given with the hand; (fig) misfortune; blow delivered by fate. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´give a @ or @s to: ³flowers @ed by rain and wind; @ed by the waves/misfortunes. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,3C] ´(rare) contend (³with´): ³@ (with) the waves.¼ ¨buf®foon© ²/bEÚfun/ ³n ´clown; jester. ·play the @, ´do and say foolish things to amuse others. ¸@®ery ²/-ErI/ ³n ¶[U] ´clowning; clown-like behaviour; (in ³pl´) rough jokes and actions.¼ ¨bug© ²/bAg/ ³n ¸1 ´small, flat, ill-smelling, blood-sucking insect that infests dirty houses and beds. µ¥ ´the illus at µinsect. ¸2 ´(esp US) any small insect (·Ú³harvest bug, ·Ú³mealy-bug´, etc). ¸Úbug-hunter ³n ´(colloq) entomologist. ¸3 ´(colloq) germ; virus infection: ³You've got the Asian 'flu bug. ¸4 ´(sl) ·big bug, ´important person. ¸5 ´(sl) defect; snag; (source of) malfunctioning, eÔg in a computer. ¸6 ´small hidden microphone (for listening to conversations, etc). ¹ ³vt µ(-gg-) ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´(colloq) use electronic devices (in a room, etc) in order to listen secretly to conversations: ·Ú³bugging devices. ¸2 ´(US colloq) cause to make mistakes. ¸3 ´(US sl) annoy: ³That man really bugs me.¼ ¨buga®boo© ²/ÚbAgEbu/ ³n ´source of annoyance or fear.¼ ¨bug®bear© ²/ÚbAgbeE(r)/ ³n ´sth feared or disliked, with or without good reason: ³the @ of rising prices.¼ ¨bug®ger© ²/ÚbAgE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´(legal) sodomite. ¸2 ´Ï used as a vulgar term of abuse: ³You silly @! ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A] ´commit @y with. ·@ (it)! ´(int, used to express irritation, anger, etc.) ·@ off, ´(esp imper) go away. ·@ sth up, ´spoil, ruin it. Hence, ·@ed (up), ´spoilt, ruined. ¸Ú@-all ³n ´nothing. ¸@y ³n ´sodomy.¼ ¨buggy© ²/ÚbAgI/ ³n (pl µ-gies³) ¸1 ´light carriage, pulled by one horse, for one or two persons: ³the horse and @ age´, period before motor vehicles came into use. ¸2 Úbeach @, µ¥ beach. ¸3 (baby) @, ´(US) pram.¼ ¨bugle© ²/Úbjugl/ ³n ´musical wind instrument of copper or brass (like a small trumpet but without keys or valves), used for military signals. µ¥ ´the illus at µbrass. ¸bugler ³n ´@ blower.¼ ¨buhl© ²/bul/ ³n ¶[U] ´furniture decoration of inlaid brass, tortoise-shell and ivory: ³a @ cabinet.¼ ¨build©1 ²/bIld/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µbuilt ²/bIlt/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,12B,13B,14] ·@ sth (of/out of), ´make by putting parts, materials, etc together (with what is made as the direct object): ³@ a house/railway. Some birds @ nests out of twigs. The school is built of wood. Mr Green is @ing a garage for me/is @ing me a garage. ¸2 ¶[VP14] ·@ sth into, ´put parts together to form a whole (with the material as the direct object): ³He has built these scraps of metal into a very strange-looking sculpture. ¸3 ¶[VP15B,14] ·@ in/into, ´make (sth) form a firm and permanent part of sth larger; make (sth) a fixture: ³Ask the carpenter to @ in some cupboards/to @ some cupboards into the walls. ´Hence, ¸built-in´: ³a bedroom with built-in wardrobes; a radio with a built-in aerial. ¸4 ¶[VP15B,2C] ·@ up, ¸(a) ´accumulate; form a block: ³Traffic is @ing up ´(= The number of vehicles is increasing steadily) ³along the roads to the coast. ¸(b) ´come together (so as to increase or intensify): ³One day your books will @ up into a library. Their pressure on the enemy is @ing up. ·@ sb/sth up, ¸(a) ´try to increase sb's reputation (through publicity, praise): ³Don't @ me up too muchÅI may disappoint you. ¸(b) ´make, acquire, steadily and gradually: ³He has built up a good business/a good reputation for his goods. He went on holiday and soon built up ´(= strengthened) ³his health. ¸(c) ´(passive and as ³adj´) become covered with buildings: ³The district has been built up since I was last there. ´Hence, ¸Úbuilt-up areas. ¸(d) ´bring together (so as to increase or intensify): ³They are @ing up their military forces. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-up ³n ¸(a) ´increase: ³a @-up of forces/pressure. ¸(b) ´accumulation: ³a @-up of traffic. ¸(c) ´flattering publicity, etc: ³the @-up of a politician's image. The press gave him a tremendous @-up. ¸5 ¶[VP15B,3A] ·@ on/upon, ´base (hopes, etc) on; rely on: ³Don't @ too many hopes upon his helping you. Don't @ on his promises. ¸6 ³(pp ´with ³advv)´: ³a well-built man´, a man whose body has good proportions; ³solidly built´, having a solid frame(work). ¸@er ³n ´person who @s, esp a contractor for @ing houses; (fig) person who creates: ³a great empire @er.¼ ¨build©2 ²/bIld/ ³n ¶[U] ´general shape or structure: (of the human body) general characteristics of shape and proportion: ³a man of powerful @. We are of the same @.¼ ¨build®ing© ²/ÚbIldIG/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´(art of) constructing houses, etc: ·Ú³@ operations; ·Ú@ materials; Ú@ land´, (to be) used for houses, etc. ¸Ú@ site, ´an area of land on which an office-block, a house, etc is being built. ¸Ú@-society, ´organization for making loans to members who wish to build or buy a house, using funds supplied by its members. ¸2 ¶[C] ´house or other structure: ³Houses, schools, churches, hotels, factories and sheds are all @s.¼ ¨bulb© ²/bAlb/ ³n ¸1 ´almost round, thick, underground stem, sending roots downwards and leaves upwards, of such plants as the lily, onion, tulip. ¸2 ´sth like a @ in shape, esp an electric lamp or the swollen end of a glass tube, eÔg in a thermometer. ¸bul®bous ²/ÚbAlbEs/ ³adj ´of or having or like a @; growing from a @.¼ ¨bul®bul© ²/Úb8lb8l/ ³n ´songbird of Asia and Africa.¼ ¨bulge© ²/ÚbAldZ/ ³n ¶[C] ´irregular swelling; place where a swelling or curve shows; temporary increase in volume or numbers; (mil) salient. ¹ ³vi,vt ¶[VP2A,C,6A] ´(cause to) swell beyond the usual size; curve outwards: ³He @d his pockets with apples. His pockets were bulging with apples. He @d his cheeks.¼ ¨bulk© ²/bAlk/ ³n ¶[U] ´quantity, volume, esp when large. ·in @, ¸(a) ´in large amounts: ³buy in @; tankers carry petroleum in @. ¸(b) ´loose, not packed in boxes, tins, etc. ·@ buying, ´purchase at one time of a very large quantity of goods, eÔg by the state during a war. ·the @ of, ´the greater part or number of: ³He left the @ of his property to his brother. ¹ ³vi ·@ large, ´appear large or important. ¸@y ³adj ´taking up much space; clumsy to move or carry.¼ ¨bulk®head© ²/ÚbAlkhed/ ³n ¶[C] ´water-tight division or dividing wall in a ship; similar division in a tunnel, etc.¼ ¨bull©1 ²/b8l/ ³n ¸1 ´Uncastrated male of any animal of the ox family (µ¥ cow´): ³a man with a neck like a @ ´(a ¸Ú@-neck´), with a thick neck. ·a *@ in a Úchina shop, ´person who is rough and clumsy where skill and care are needed. ·take the @ by the horns, ´meet a difficulty boldly instead of trying to escape from it. ¸Ú@®fight ³n ´fight between men and a @ for public entertainment, as in Spain. ¸Ú@®fighter ³n ¸Ú@®ring ³n ´arena for @fights. ¸Ú@®shit ³n ´Ï (vulg sl) nonsense; foolish and exaggerated talk. ¸2 ´male of the whale, elephant and other large animals. ¸3 ´(Stock Exchange; µ¥ bear±1µ(4)´) person who tries to raise prices with a view to selling at a profit: ·Ú³@ market, ´with rising prices. ¸4 ´(compounds) ¸Ú@®dog ³n ´large, powerful breed of dog, with a short, thick neck, noted for its strong grip and its courage. µ¥ ´the illus at µdog. ¸Ú@®doze ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ¸(a) ´remove earth, flatten obstacles with a @-dozer. ¸(b) ·@doze sb into doing sth, ´force sb to do sth by using one's strength or by intimidating him. ¸@®dozer ²/Úb8ldE8zE(r)/ ³n ´powerful tractor that pushes a broad steel blade or sheet in front, used for levelling land, shifting large quantities of earth, etc. ¸Ú@®finch ³n ´small songbird with rounded beak and brightly coloured feathers. ¸Ú@®frog ³n ´large American species of frog. ¸*@-Úheaded ³adj ´clumsy, impetuous, obstinate. ¸Ú@'s-eye ³n ´centre of target (for archers, etc). µ¥ ´the illus at µarchery. ¸*@-Úterrier ³n ´cross between a @dog and a terrier.¼ ¨bull©2 ²/b8l/ ³n ´official order or announcement from the Pope.¼ ¨bull©3 ²/b8l/ ³n ´(also ¸Irish @´) foolish or amusing mistake in language, usu because there is a contradiction in terms (eÔg "If you do not get this letter, please write and tell me'): ³It's a lot of @´, nonsense.¼ ¨bul®let© ²/Úb8lIt/ ³n ´shaped piece of lead, usu coated with another metal, (to be) fired from a rifle or revolver. Cf ³shells ´fired from guns. µ¥ ´the illus at µcartridge. ¸Ú@-headed ²/-hedId/ ³adj ´having a small, round head. ¸Ú@-proof ³adj ´able to stop @s: ³a @-proof jacket.¼ ¨bull®etin© ²/Úb8lEtIn/ ³n ¸1 ´official statement of news: ³a @ of news; a ·Ú³news @. ¸2 ´printed sheet with official news or announcements.¼ ¨bul®lion© ²/Úb8lIEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´gold or silver in bulk or bars, before manufacture.¼ ¨bul®lock© ²/Úb8lEk/ ³n ¸1 ´young bull. ¸2 ´castrated bull.¼ ¨bully©1 ²/Úb8lI/ ³n (pl µ-lies³) ´person who uses his strength or power to frighten or hurt those who are weaker. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (into doing sth), ´use strength, etc in this way to persuade sb to do sth.¼ ¨bully©2 ²/Úb8lI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(also ¸Ú@ beef´) ´tinned beef.¼ ¨bully©3 ²/Úb8lI/ ³adj ´(sl) fine; excellent: ³B@ for you! ´Well done!¼ ¨bully©4 ²/Úb8lI/ ³n ´(hockey) way of putting the ball into play (beginning with two opposing players striking each others' sticks three times). ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2C] ·@ off, ´start to play in this way.¼ ¨bul®rush© ²/Úb8lrA2/ ³n ¶[C] ´(kinds of) tall rush or reed with a thick velvety head.¼ ¨bul®wark© ²/Úb8lwEk/ ³n ¸1 ´wall, esp one built of earth, against attack; earthwork; (fig) sth that defends or protects: ³Law is the @ of society´, gives us security. ¸2 ´(usu ³pl´) wall round (esp a sailing) ship's deck.¼ ¨bum©1 ²/bAm/ ³n ´(colloq) part of the body on which one sits; buttocks.¼ ¨bum©2 ²/bAm/ ³n ´(sl) ´habitual beggar or loafer. ¹ ³adj ´of poor quality; worthless. ¹ ³vi,vt µ(-mm-) ¸1 ¶[VP2C] ·@ around, ´loaf, wander about doing nothing. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sth (off/from sb), ´succeed in getting sb to give (usu reluctantly) sth to one: ³He bummed a cigarette off me.¼ ¨bumble-bee© ²/ÚbAmbl bi/ ³n ´large kind of hairy bee with a loud hum.¼ ¨bum®boat© ²/ÚbAmbE8t/ ³n ´(naut) small boat carrying fresh provisions to ships lying offshore.¼ ¨bump© ²/bAmp/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14,3A] ·@ (against/into), ´come against with a blow or knock: ³The room was dark and I @ed (my head) against the door. The blind man @ed into me. The car @ed against the kerb/@ed into the car in front. ·@ against/on, ´hurt (one's head, etc) by striking it on sth. ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ´move with a jerky, jolting motion (like a cart on a bad road): ³The heavy bus @ed along the rough mountain road. ¸3 ¶[VP15B] ·@ sb off, ´(sl) murder him. ¹ ³adv ´suddenly; violently: ³Our bus ran @ into the wall. ¹ ³n ¸1 ´blow or knock; dull sound made by a blow (as when two things come together with force). ¸2 ´swelling on the body caused by such a blow; natural bulge on the skull. µ¥ phrenology. ¸3 ´swelling on any surface. ¸4 ´(jolt felt in an aircraft, caused by a) sudden change in air-pressure. ¸@y ³adj µ(-ier, -iest) ´with many @s: ³a @y road/ride.¼ ¨bum®per©1 ²/ÚbAmpE(r)/ ³n ´fender (usu a horizontal bar) on a bus, motor-car, etc (front and rear), to lessen the effect of a collision; fender (on the side of a boat or ship). µ¥ ´the illus at µmotor.¼ ¨bum®per©2 ²/ÚbAmpE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´glass of wine, full to the brim. ¸2 ´(attrib) sth unusually large or abundant: ³@ crops; a @ harvest; a @ edition ´(of a periodical).¼ ¨bump®kin© ²/ÚbAmpkIn/ ³n ´awkward person with unpolished manners, esp from the country: ³a country @.¼ ¨bump®tious© ²/ÚbAmp2Es/ ³adj ´conceited; self-important: ³@ officials. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨bun© ²/bAn/ ³n ¸1 ´small, round, sweet cake, usu containing currants. ¸2 ·in a bun, ´(of a woman's hair) twisted into a knot above the back of the neck. µ¥ chignon.¼ ¨buna© ²/ÚbunE/ ³n ¶[U] ´(P) synthetic rubber.¼ ¨bunch© ²/bAnt2/ ³n ¸1 ´number of small, similar things naturally growing together: ³a @ of grapes/bananas. ¸2 ´collection of things of the same sort placed or fastened together: ³a @ of flowers/keys. ¸3 ´(sl) mob; gang. ¸4 ·the best of the @, ´(colloq) the best or pick of the lot. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP15B,2A,C] ·@ (up/together), ´form into a @; come or bring together into a @ or @es, or in folds: ³Don't @ up´, iÔe cluster together.¼ ¨bundle© ²/ÚbAndl/ ³n ´number of articles fastened, tied, or wrapped together: ³a @ of sticks/firewood; a @ of old rags. The books were tied up in @s of twenty. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP15B] ·@ up/together, ´make into a @ or @s: ³We @d everything up. ¸2 ¶[VP15A] ´put together in a confused heap; put away without order: ³We @d everything into a drawer. ¸3 ¶[VP15A,B,2C] ´send or go in a hurry or without ceremony: ³They @d him into a taxi. His mother @d him off to school. They @d off/out/away.¼ ¨bung© ²/bAG/ ³n ´large (usu wooden, rubber, cork or plastic) stopper for closing a hole in a cask or barrel. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (up), ´put a @ into (the hole in a cask). ¸Ú@-hole ³n ´hole for filling a cask. ·@ed up, ´(of the nose) stopped up with mucus; (of drains) clogged with dirt.¼ ¨bun®ga®low© ²/ÚbAGgElE8/ ³n ´small house of only one storey; (in India) such a house surrounded by a large verandah. ¸Úbun®ga®loid ²/ÚbAGgElãId/ ³adj ´of or like @s: ³bungaloid growth´, area of unsightly building development with many @s.¼ ¨bungle© ²/ÚbAGgl/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´do (a piece of work) badly and clumsily; spoil (a task, etc) by lack of skill. ¹ ³n ´@d piece of work. ¸bung®ler ²/ÚbAGglE(r)/ ³n ´person who @s.¼ ¨bun®ion© ²/ÚbAnIEn/ ³n ´inflamed swelling, esp on the large joint of the big toe.¼ ¨bunk©1 ²/bAGk/ ³n ´narrow bed fixed on the wall, eÔg of a cabin in a ship or in a train; sleeping-berth. ¸@ beds, ´pair of single beds, one fixed above the other, usu for children.¼ ¨bunk©2 ²/bAGk/ ³vi ´(GB sl) run away; play truant. ¹ ³n ·do a @, ´run away.¼ ¨bunk©3 ²/bAGk/ ³n ¶[U] ´abbr for µbunkum.¼ ¨bunker© ²/ÚbAGkE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´that part of a ship where coal or fuel oil is stored. ¸2 ´sandy hollow, made as an obstacle, on a golf-course. ¸3 ´(mil) underground shelter, fortified point, of steel and concrete. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´fill a ship's @s with fuel; (of a ship) obtain supplies of fuel. ¸2 ´(usu passive) ·be @ed, ´get one's ball into a @ at golf; (fig) be in difficulties.¼ ¨bun®kum© ²/ÚbAGkEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´senseless or purposeless talk: ³That's all @!¼ ¨bunny© ²/ÚbAnI/ ³n (pl µ-nies³) ´(child's word for) rabbit.¼ ¨Bun®sen© ²/ÚbAnsn/ ³n ¸*@ Úburner, ´burner for gas, with an air-valve for regulating the mixture of gas and air.¼ ¨bunt®ing© ²/ÚbAntIG/ ³n ¶[U] ´(bright-coloured cloth used for making) flags and decorations (for use in streets and on buildings on festive occasions).¼ ¨buoy© ²/bãI/ ³n ¸1 ´floating object, anchored to the bottom, used to show a navigable channel or to indicate reefs, submerged wrecks, etc. ¸2 ´(also ¸Úlife-@´) sth designed to keep a person afloat in the water, eÔg sth made of cork or sth that can be inflated with air. µ¥ ´the illus at µlife. ´¹ ³vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´mark the position of with a @: ³@ a wreck/channel. ¸2 ¶[VP15B] ·@ up, ´keep afloat; (fig) keep up hopes, etc: ³@ed up with new hope.¼ ¨buoy®ancy© ²/ÚbãIEnsI/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´power to float or keep things floating: ³Salt water has more @ than fresh water. ¸2 ´(fig) lightness of spirits; power to recuperate; (of the stock market) tendency of prices to rise.¼ ¨buoy®ant© ²/ÚbãIEnt/ ³adj ´able to float or to keep things floating; (fig) light-hearted: ³a @ disposition; ´springy: ³with a @ step; ´(of the stock market, etc) maintaining high prices. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨bur©, burr ²/b3(r)/ ³n ´(plant with a) seed-case or flower-head that clings to the hair or fur of animals; (fig) sth or sb that sticks like a @, esp a person who forces his company on others and is hard to shake off.¼ ¨Bur®berry© ²/Úb3bErI/ ³n ´(P) (name of manufacturers of a) coat of waterproof cloth.¼ ¨burble© ²/Úb3bl/ ³vi ´make a gentle murmuring or bubbling sound: ³burbling with mirth.¼ ¨bur®den© ²/Úb3dn/ ³n ¸1 ´sth (to be) carried; load (esp one that is heavy); (liter and fig) sth difficult to bear: ³the @ of taxation (up)on industry; a @ of sorrow/grief. ·be a @ to sb, ´cause him expense and trouble: ³He was always a @ to his parents. ¸beast of @, ´animal that carries packs on its back. ¸2 ¶[U] ´ship's carrying capacity, tonnage; ³a ship of 3Ô000 tons @. ¸3 ·the @ of proof, ´obligation to prove: ³The @ of proof rests with him´, He must prove the truth of his statement. ¸4 ´refrain or chorus (of a song); (with ³def art´) chief theme of a statement, speech, etc: ³The @ of his remarks was that«. ¹ ³vt ·@ sb/oneself (with), ¶[VP6A,14] ´load; put a @ on: ³@ oneself with a heavy overcoat; @ one's memory with useless facts; @ed with taxation. ¸@®some ²/-sEm/ ³adj ´hard to bear; making (sb) tired; troublesome (³to ´sb).¼ ¨bur®dock© ²/Úb3dok/ ³n ´wild plant with leaves like those of a dock and prickly flower-heads (³burrs).¼ ¨bureau© ²/Úbj8ErE8/ ³n (pl µ-reaux, ²/-rE8z/³) ¸1 ´(GB) writing desk with drawers. ¸2 ´government or municipal department or office: ·*³Infor·Ú³mation B@; ·Ú³Tourist B@. ¸3 ´(US) chest of drawers for clothes, etc, usu with a mirror.¼ ¨bureau®cracy© ²/bj8EÚrokrEsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´government by paid officials not elected by the people, officials who keep their positions whatever political party is in power; (over-)complicated system of administration; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-cies³) ´instance of ´this system of government; the officials as a body.¼ ¨bureau®crat© ²/Úbj8ErEkrat/ ³n ´(often pej) official who works in a bureau or government department, esp one who obeys the rules of his department without exercising much judgement. ¸@ic ²/*bj8ErEÚkratIk/ ³adj ´of or like a @; too much attached to rules; carried on according to official rules and habits. ¸@i®cally ²/-IklI/ ³adv¼ ¨burette© ²/bj8EÚret/ ³n ´graduated glass tube with a tap for measuring small quantities of liquid that are let out of it.¼ ¨burg© ²/b3g/ ³n ´(US colloq) town; city.¼ ¨bur®geon© ²/Úb3dZEn/ ³vi ´(poet) put out leaves; begin to grow.¼ ¨bur®gess© ²/Úb3dZIs/ ³n ´(old use) person having the full rights of an English borough.¼ ¨burgh© ²/ÚbArE ³US: ²b3-/ ³n ´borough in Scotland.¼ ¨bur®gher© ²/Úb3gE(r)/ ³n ´(old use) citizen (esp of a Dutch, Flemish or German town).¼ ¨bur®glar© ²/Úb3glE(r)/ ³n ´person who breaks into a house in order to steal. ¸bur®glary ²/Úb3glErI/ ³n ¶[U] ´crime of breaking into a house to steal: ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ries³) ´instance of this: ³There have been numerous @ies in this district recently. ¸Ú@-alarm ³n ´device to give warning of @s. ¸Ú@-proof ³adj ´made so that @s cannot break in or into. ¸burgle ²/Úb3gl/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A] ´break into (a building) to commit @y; ¶[VP2A] ´commit @y. ¸@i®ous ²/b3ÚgleErIEs/ ³adj ´(legal) of @y: ³guilty of a @ious attempt.¼ ¨burgo®mas®ter© ²/Úb3gEmqstE(r) ³US: ²-mas-/ ³n ´mayor of a Dutch, Flemish or German town.¼ ¨Bur®gundy© ²/Úb3gEndI/ ³n ¶[U] ´kinds of (usu red) wine of Burgundy (in Central France).¼ ¨burial© ²/ÚberIEl/ ³n ¶[U] ´burying, ¶[C] ´instance of this. ¸Ú@-ground ³n ´cemetery. ¸ÚB@ Service, ´the religious ceremony at a funeral.¼ ¨burke© ²/b3k/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´avoid: ³@ publicity/an issue; ´suppress: ³@ an inquiry.¼ ¨bur®lap© ²/Úb3lap/ ³n ¶[U] ´coarse canvas (used for bags, wrappings, etc).¼ ¨bur®lesque© ²/b3Úlesk/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´imitation, eÔg of a book, speech, person's behaviour, for the purpose of making fun of it or of amusing people. ¸2 ¶[U] ´amusing imitation or parody. ¸3 ´(US) variety entertainment. µ¥ variety(5). ¸4 ´(as ³adj ´or attrib) intended as a @: ³@ acting. ¹ vt ¶[VP6A] ´make a @ of; parody; travesty.¼ ¨burly© ²/Úb3lI/ ³adj ´(of a person) big and strong; solidly built.¼ ¨burn©1 ²/b3n/ ³n ´(Scot) small stream.¼ ¨burn©2 ²/b3n/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µburnt ²/b3nt/ ´or µburned ²/b3nd/³) ´(For uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps, µ¥ 6 ´below.) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´use for the purpose of lighting or heating: ³Most large steamships now @ oil instead of coal. This lamp @s oil. We have @t all our logs. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (to), ´damage, hurt, destroy by fire, heat or the action of acid: ³Be careful not to @ the meat. The coffee is very hot, don't @ your mouth. You've @t my toast to a cinder! ´so that it is hard and black. ³The child @t itself/its fingers while playing with matches. Some acids are strong enough to @ wood. ·@ one's fingers, µ¥ finger. ¸Ú@ing glass ³n ´lens used to concentrate the sun's rays (to set fire to sth). ¸3 ¶[VP2A,B,C] ´be on fire or alight; be capable of giving out light and heat: ³Wood @s easily. Stone won't @. All the lights were @ing. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´make by heat; heat (a material) to make (sth): ³@ bricks/lime/charcoal; @ clay to make bricks; @ a hole in a carpet´, eÔg by dropping a cigarette end. ¸5 ¶[VP2A,C,4A] ´be hurt or spoilt by fire or heat; scorch; be or feel warm or hot; (fig) be filled with strong feeling: ³The milk/sauce has @t. She has a skin that @s easily´, is quickly hurt by the sun. ³Her cheeks were @ing with shame. They were @ing to avenge the death of their leader. ¸6 ¶[VP15B,2C] ´(special uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps´):¼ ·burn (sth) away, ¸(a) ´continue to @: ³The fire was @ing away cheerfully. ¸(b) ´make, become less, by @ing: destroy, be destroyed, by @ing: ³Half the candle had @t away. An area of skin on his hand was @t away.¼ ·burn sth down, ´be destroyed, destroy to the foundations, by fire: ³The house (was) @t down. ·@ (down) (low), ´@ less brightly as the material @s or the fuel is used.¼ ·burn sth out, ¸(a) ´become extinguished: ³The fire @t (itself) out. ¸(b) ´(of a rocket) use up its fuel. ¸(c) ´(of an electric motor, coil) stop working because high current has caused electrical @ing. ¸(d) ´(usu passive) be destroyed, be reduced to a shell, by fire; be gutted: ³@t-out factories/tanks. ·@ oneself out, ´ruin one's health by overwork, dissipation, etc.¼ ·burn sth up, ¸(a) ´burst into flames, flare up: ³Put some wood on the fire and make it @ up. ¸(b) ´consume, get rid of, by @ing: ³We @t up all the garden rubbish. ¸(c) ´(of a rocket, etc, re-entering the atmosphere from space) catch fire and be destroyed. ¸Ú@-up ³n ´(GB sl) high-speed race on a public road between young people on motor-cycles.¼ ¨burn©3 ²/b3n/ ³n ¸1 ´injury, mark, made by fire, heat or acid: ³He died of the @s he received in the fire. ¸2 ´(aerospace) one firing of a rocket: ³a two-minute @ to correct course to the moon.¼ ¨burner© ²/Úb3nE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´person who burns sth or makes sth by burning: ³a ·Ú³charcoal-burner. ¸2 ´that part of a lamp, stove, etc from which the light or flame comes: ³a four-@ oil-stove.¼ ¨burn®ing© ²/Úb3nIG/ ³adj ¸1 ´intense: ³a @ thirst/desire. ¸2 ´exciting; hotly debated: ³a @ question. ¸3 ´notorious, scandalous: ³a @ disgrace/shame.¼ ¨bur®nish© ²/Úb3nI2/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A] ´polish (metal) by, or as if by, rubbing; ¶[VP2A] ´take a polish: ³material that @es well.¼ ¨bur®nouse© ²/b3Únus/ ³n ´kind of cloak with a hood, worn by Arabs and Moors.¼ ¨burp© ²/b3p/ ³n ¶[C] ´(colloq) belch. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´(cause to) give a @: ³@ a baby.¼ ¨burr©1 ³n µ¥ bur.¼ ¨burr©2 ²/b3(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´whirring sound made by parts of machines that turn quickly. ¸Ú@-drill ³n ´one used by dentists. ¸2 ´marked pronunciation of "r'; marked (rural) accent: ³speak with a soft West-country @.¼ ¨bur®row© ²/ÚbArE8/ ³n ´hole made in the ground (by foxes, rabbits, etc). ¹ ³vi,vt ¶[VP6A,2A,2C] ´make a @: ³@ a hole; ´(fig) investigate (sth hidden): ³@ into a mystery.¼ ¨bur®sar© ²/Úb3sE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´treasurer (esp of a college). ¸2 ´(person holding a) scholarship at a university of Scotland, or a grant for continuation of studies: ³British Council @s in Great Britain. ¸@y ³n ¸1 ´college @'s office. ¸2 ´scholarship; grant for continuation of studies.¼ ¨burst©1 ²/b3st/ ³vi,vt ³(pt,pp µburst³) ´(For uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps, µ¥ 5 ´below.) ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´(of a bomb, shell, boiler, etc) fly or break violently apart from internal pressure; explode; (of river banks, a dam, an abscess, a boil) break outwards; (of a bubble) break; (of leaf and flower buds) open out. ·be @ing to, ´be eager to: ³He was @ing to tell us the news. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,22] ´cause to fly apart, explode, open suddenly, give way under pressure: ³@ a tyre/balloon; We had to @ the door open. If you get much fatter you'll @ your clothes. He @ a blood-vessel´, suffered the @ing of one; (fig) ³@ one's sides with laughing. ¸3 ·@ (with), ¶[VP2A,3A] ´be full to over-flowing; be able to contain with difficulty: ³storehouses @ing with grain; sacks @ing with corn. They were @ing with happiness/pride/excitement/impatience/health. ¸4 ¶[VP2C] ´make a way or entry suddenly or by force: ³He @ into the room. The oil @ ´(= gushed) ³out of the ground. The sun @ through the clouds´, appeared through an opening in the clouds. ¸5 ¶[VP2C,3A] ´(with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps´):¼ ·burst forth, µ¥ @ out.¼ ·burst in (on/upon), ¸(a) ´interrupt: ³Stop him @ing in. He @ in upon our conversation. ¸(b) ´appear or arrive suddenly: ³He'll be @ing in on us at any moment.¼ ·burst into, ¸(a) ´send out suddenly; break out into: ³The oil-stove upset and @ into flames. ¸(b) ³@ into tears/laughter, etc´, suddenly begin to cry (laugh, etc); ³@ into song, ´begin to sing; ³@ into angry speech´, begin to speak angrily. ¸(c) ³@ into bloom/blossom´, (of shrubs, trees) open out with blossom. ¸(d) ³@ into view/sight´, (of a scene, spectacle) suddenly become visible.¼ ·burst out (into), ´exclaim; begin to speak: ³"Why don't you behave?' he @ out ´(= @ forth). ³He @ out into threats. ·@ out laughing/crying, ´suddenly begin to laugh/cry.¼ ·burst on/upon, ´come suddenly or unexpectedly to: ³The view @ upon our sight. The truth @ upon him´, he suddenly realized it. ³The cries of the mob @ upon our ears.¼ ¨burst©2 ²/b3st/ ³n ¸1 ´bursting explosion: ³the @ of a shell/bomb; a @ in the water main. ¸2 ´brief, violent effort: ³a @ of energy/speed; work in sudden @s. ¸3 ´outbreak: ³a @ of applause/anger/tears; a @ of flame. ¸4 ´short spurt: ³a @ of gunfire´, eÔg from a machine-gun. ¸5 µ¥ bust±2µ.¼ ¨bur®then© ²/Úb3DEn/ ³n, v ´(liter) burden.¼ ¨bur®ton© ²/Úb3tn/ ³n ´beer brewed at Burton-on-Trent, Derbyshire. ·gone for a @, ´(GB sl) dead; missing.¼ ¨bury© ²/ÚberI/ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´place (a dead body) in the ground, in a grave or in the sea; (of a clergyman) perform the Burial Service over; (of relatives) lose by death: ³William Shakespeare is buried in the church at Stratford on Avon. He was buried at sea. Poor old JoeÅhe's dead and buried. She has buried five husbands. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,22,15A] ´put underground; cover with earth, leaves, etc; cover up and forget; hide from view: ³buried treasure. You wouldn't like to be buried alive. The dog buried the bone. The end of the post was buried in the ground. The house was half buried under snow. She buried ´(= hid) ³her face in her hands. ·@ oneself in the country, ´go to a place in the country where one will meet few people. ·@ oneself in one's books/studies, ´give all one's time and attention to them. ·be buried in thoughts/memories of the past, ´etc, be deep in thought, etc, paying no attention to other things. ¸Ú@ing-ground ³n ´cemetery.¼ ¨bus© ²/bAs/ ³n ¸1 ´(= ³omnibus ´which is now dated) public conveyance that travels along a fixed route and takes up and sets down passengers at fixed points: ³Shall we walk or go by bus? ·miss the bus, ´(colloq) be too late to use an opportunity. ¸Úbus®man ²/-mEn/ ³n ´bus-driver. ·*busman's Úholiday, ´leisure time spent in the same kind of occupation as one's ordinary work. ¸Ú@ stop ³n ´fixed stopping place for buses. ¸2 ´(sl) aeroplane; motor-car. ¹ ³vi,vt µ(-ss-) ¶[VP2A,6A] ´go, take, by bus; (esp US) transport children to their schools: ³the bussing of children to achieve racial integration´, eÔg by taking children from white areas to schools in black areas and vice versa.¼ ¨busby© ²/ÚbAzbI/ ³n (pl µ-bies³) ´fur cap worn for ceremonial parades by soldiers of some British regiments.¼ ¨bush© ²/b82/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´low-growing plant with several or many woody stems coming up from the root. Cf ³tree´, with a single trunk: ·Ú³rose-@; ·Ú³fruit @es´, eÔg currants, gooseberries. ¸2 ¶[U] ´(often ¸the @´) wild, uncultivated land, with or without trees or bushes, esp in Africa and Australia. µ¥ ´also µtelegraph. ¸ÚB@®man ²/-mEn/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´member of certain anciently settled tribes of West Southern Africa. ¸@y ³adj ¸1 ´covered with @es. ¸2 ´growing thickly; thick and rough: ³@y eyebrows; a fox's @y tail.¼ ¨bushel© ²/Úb82l/ ³n ´(before metrication) measure for grain and fruit (8 gallons). µ¥ App 5. ·hide one's light under a @, ´be modest about one's abilities, good qualities, etc.¼ ¨busier©, busiest, busily µ¥ busy.¼ ¨busi®ness© ²/ÚbIznIs/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´buying and selling; commerce; trade: ³We do not do much @ with them. He's in the wool @´, buys and sells wool. ³He has set up in @ as a bookseller. He is in @ for himself´, works on his own account, is not employed by others. ³Which do you want to do, go into @ or become a lawyer? ·on @, ´for the purpose of doing @: ³Are you here on @ or for pleasure? ¸Ú@ address, ´address of one's shop, office, etc. Cf ³home address. ¸Ú@ hours, ´hours during which @ is done, eÔg 9aÔm to 5pÔm. ¸Ú@-like ³adj ´using, showing system, promptness, care, etc. ¸@®man ²/-man/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´man who is engaged in buying and selling, etc. ¸2 ¶[C] ´shop; commercial enterprise, etc: ³He has a good @ as a greengrocer. He is the manager of three different @es. The newspapers advertise many small @es for sale. ¸3 ¶[U] ´task, duty, concern; what has to be done: ³It is a teacher's @ to help his pupils. I will make it my @ ´(= will undertake) ³to see that the money is paid promptly. That's no @ of yours´, is something about which you need not or should not trouble. ·get down to @, ´start the work that must be done. ·mind one's own @, ´attend to one's own duties and not interfere with those of others. ·mean @, ´be in earnest. ·send sb about his @, ´send him away and tell him not to interfere. ¸4 ¶[U] ´right: ³You have no @ to do that. ¸5 ´(with ³indef art´) difficult matter: ³What a @ it is getting the children off to school! ¸6 ´(often contemptuous) affair; subject; device: ³I'm sick of the whole @´, tired of the affair. ¸7 ´(colloq): ³the @ end of a pin/a chisel, etc, ´the sharp end, the end to be used. ¸8 ¶[U] ´(theatre) action, facial expression, etc of the actors in interpreting their parts (as distinct from the words they speak).¼ ¨busker© ²/ÚbAskE(r)/ ³n ´person who entertains people informally for money in public places, eÔg by singing or dancing to queues outside cinemas.¼ ¨bust©1 ²/bAst/ ³n ¸1 ´head and shoulders of a person cut in stone, or cast in bronze, gypsum, etc. ¸2 ´woman's bosom; measurement round the bosom and back.¼ ¨bust©2 ²/bAst/ ³vt,vi ´(sl for µburst³) @ sth´, smash it. ·go @, ´fail; run out of money: ³The business went @. ¹ ³n ·have a @; go on the @, ´a period of wild revelry. ¸Ú@-up ³n ´(sl) quarrel.¼ ¨bus®tard© ²/ÚbAstEd/ ³n ´large, swift-running bird.¼ ¨bus®ter©1 ²/ÚbAstE(r)/ ³n ´(in compounds) bomb or shell that wrecks completely: ·Ú³dam-@; ·Ú³tank-@; ·Ú³block-@´, iÔe a bomb that may destroy a block of buildings.¼ ¨bus®ter©2 ²/ÚbAstE(r)/ ³n ´(US sl, as a form of address) fellow (= GB ³mate±1µ1).¼ ¨bustle©1 ²/ÚbAsl/ ³vi,vt ¶[VP2A,C,15B] ´(cause to) move quickly and excitedly: ³Tell him to @´, hurry. ³Everyone was bustling about/in and out´, appearing to be very busy. ³She @d the children off to school. ¹ ³n ¶[U] ´excited activity: ³Everybody was in a @. Why is there so much @?¼ ¨bustle©2 ²/ÚbAsl/ ³n ´frame formerly used to puff out a woman's skirt at the back.¼ ¨busy© ²/ÚbIzI/ ³adj µ(busier, busiest) ¸1 ´working; occupied; having much to do: ³The doctor is a @ man. He was @ with/at/over his work. ·be @ doing sth, be in the process of doing it: ³He was @ getting ready for his journey. ·get @, ´start: ³You'd better get @ eating. ¸Ú@®body ³n (pl µ@bodies³) ´person who interferes in the affairs of other people, esp when his help is not wanted. ¸2 ´full of activity: ³a @ day; ´(of places) filled with active people, traffic, etc: ³The shops are @ before Christmas. This is one of the busiest underground stations in London. ¸3 ´(of a telephone line) in use. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP14,6A] ·@ oneself (with); @ oneself (by/in) doing sth, ´keep @, occupy oneself with: ³He busied himself with all sorts of little tasks. She busied herself by tidying up her desk. ¸busi®ly ²/ÚbIzIlI/ ³adv ´in a @ way: ³busily engaged in doing sth.¼ ¨but©1 ²/bAt/ ³adv ´only (now the usu word): ³We can but try. He left but an hour ago. He's but a boy. ·can not but ³+ inf·, ´(formal) = can only + ³infÔ´: ³I cannot but think that«, ´am compelled to«; ³I could not but choose to go/I could not choose but go ´(= had no alternative than to go). ³I cannot but admire ´(= must admire, cannot help admiring) ³your decision.¼ ¨but©2 ²/bEt ³strong form: ²bAt/ ³conj ¸1 ´(coordinating): ³Tom was not there but his brother was. We tried to do it but couldn't. He's a hardworking but not very intelligent boy. ¸2 ´(subordinating, with a neg implication): ³I never go past my old school but I think ´(= without thinking) ³of Mr Wilkins, the headmaster. No man is so old but he may learn´, No man is too old to learn. ³Never a month passes but she writes ´(= in which she does not write) ³to her old parents.¼ ¨but©3 ²/bEt ³strong form: ²bAt/ ³prep ´(The uses of ³but ´as a ³prep ´and as a ³conj ´are not always clearly to be distinguished. The subject forms of the ³pers pronouns ´are often used after ³but ´meaning "except', as if it were a ³conj. ´The object forms are also used, as if ³but ´were a ³prep´). ´(With negatives, eÔg ³no one, none, nothing´, and interrogatives, eÔg ³who´, and such words as ³all, every one´) except, excluding: ³Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan. They're all wrong but me. None but the brave deserve the fair (´prov)³). Who but Gloria would do such a thing? ·first/next/last but one/two/three·: ³Take the next turning but one ´(= the second turning) ³on your left. I live in the last house but two ´(= the third house from the end) ³in this street. Smith was the last but one ´(= second to last) ³to arrive. ·Úbut for, ´except for, without: ³But for your help we should not have finished in time. But for the rain ´(= If it had not rained) ³we should have had a pleasant journey. ·Úbut that, ´except that: ³He would have helped us but that ´(= if it had not been for the fact that) ³he was short of money at the time. ·but then, ´on the other hand: ³London is a noisy place, but then it's also the place where you get the best entertainment.¼ ¨but©4 ²/bAt/ ³rel pron ´(rare; formal) who/that do/does not: ³There is not one of us but wishes ´(= not one of us who does not wish) ³to help you. There are few of us but ´(= few of us who do not) ³admire your determination.¼ ¨bu®tane© ²/ÚbjuteIn/ ³n ¶[U] ´gas produced from petroleum supplied in metal containers for use in houses, etc, where there is no piped supply of gas (for cooking, heating, lighting, etc).¼ ¨butch© ²/b8t2/ ³adj ´(colloq) (of a woman) having tendencies towards masculine behaviour and clothes; (of a man) exaggeratedly masculine. ¹ ³n ´such a person.¼ ¨butcher© ²/Úb8t2E(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´person who kills, cuts up and sells animals for food. ·@'s meat´, meat excluding poultry, game and bacon; ·the @'s´, the @'s shop. ¸2 ´person who has caused unnecessary death, eÔg a general who wastes the lives of soldiers; person who kills savagely and needlessly. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´kill violently, esp with a knife. ¸@y ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´(attrib) @'s trade: ³He's in the @y business. ¸2 ´needless and cruel killing of people.¼ ¨but®ler© ²/ÚbAtlE(r)/ ³n ´head manservant (in charge of the wine-cellar, pantry, valuables, etc).¼ ¨butt©1 ²/bAt/ ³n ¸1 ´large cask for wine or ale. ¸2 ´large barrel for storing rainwater, eÔg from roofs.¼ ¨butt©2 ²/bAt/ ³n ¸1 ´thicker (usu wooden) end (esp of a fishing-rod or rifle). ¸2 ´unburned end of a smoked cigar or cigarette, or of a used candle.¼ ¨butt©3 ²/bAt/ ³n ¸1 ´(usu ³pl ´with ³def art´) shooting-range; the targets and the mound of earth behind them (used for practice in firing rifles). ¸2 ´person who is a target for ridicule, jokes, etc: ³He is the @ of the whole school.¼ ¨butt©4 ²/bAt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15A] ´push with the head (as a goat does): ³@ someone in the stomach. ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ·@ in, ´(colloq) force oneself into the conversation or company of others; interrupt sb: ³May I @ in? ¶[VP3A] ·@ into, ´run into, head or front first.¼ ¨but®ter© ²/ÚbAtE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´fatty food substance made from cream by churning, used on bread, in cooking, etc. ·@ will/would not melt in sb's mouth, ´he has a demure and innocent appearance. ¸Ú@®bean, ´large, dried haricot @. ¸Ú@®cup ³n ´wild plant with yellow flowers. ¸Ú@®fin®gers ³n ´person unable to hold things well, esp one unable to catch a ball. ¸Ú@®milk ³n ´liquid that remains after @ has been separated from milk. ¸Ú@®scotch ³n ¶[U] ´sweet substance made by boiling sugar and @ together. ¸2 ´substance similar to @, made from other materials: ³cocoa @, peanut @. ¹ ³vt ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´spread @ on (esp bread); cook with @. µ¥ ´also µbread(2). ¸2 ¶[VP15B] ·@ sb up, ´flatter.¼ ¨but®ter®fly© ²/ÚbAtEflñI/ ³n (pl µ-flies³) ´insect with four wings, often brightly coloured, and feelers. ¸Ú@ (stroke) ³n ´stroke used in swimming, both arms moving upward and outward at the same time as an up and down kick of the feet.¼ ¨but®tery© ²/ÚbAtErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´(in some GB universities) place where provisions (bread, butter, ale) are kept and from which they are served.¼ ¨but®tock© ²/ÚbAtEk/ ³n ¸1 ´either side of that part of the body on which a person sits: ³an injection of penicillin in the left @. ¸2 ³(pl) ¸the @s, ´the rump, the bottom: ³a smack on the @s. µ¥ ´the illus at µleg.¼ ¨but®ton© ²/ÚbAtn/ ³n ¸1 ´small, usu round, bit of bone, metal, etc for fastening, on an article of clothing, or sewn on as an ornament. ¸Ú@®hole ³n ´hole through which a @ is passed; flower worn in a @hole (eÔg in the lapel of a jacket or coat). µ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´hold sb by the @hole (to get his attention). ¸Ú@®hook ³n ´hook for pulling a @ into place through a @hole. ¸Ú@®wood ³n ´tall tree with a @-shaped fruit, related to the sycamore; its wood. ¸2 ´small, round @-like object, esp one that, when pushed, makes an electrical contact, eÔg for a bell: ³press/push/touch the @. ¸3 ´small, unopened mushroom. ¸4 ³(pl) ´(colloq) boy wearing uniform, employed as a page in a club, hotel, etc. µ¥ bell-hop. ³¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15B,2A] ·@ (up/down) ´fasten with a @ or @s: ³@ (up) one's coat; a dress that @s down the back. My collar won't @ down´, I can't @ it. ·@ up, ´(colloq) complete safely, at last: ³That's that job @ed up! ¸*@ed-Úup, ³adj ´(colloq) (of a person) silent and reserved.¼ ¨but®tress© ²/ÚbAtrIs/ ³n ´support built against a wall. µ¥ ´the illus at µchurch´. (fig) prop; sth that supports: ³the @es of society/the constitution. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ (up), ´strengthen, hold up (by building a @); (fig) support, strengthen: ³@ up an argument.¼ ¨buxom© ²/ÚbAksEm/ ³adj ´(of women) good-looking, healthy-looking and well covered with flesh.¼ ¨buy© ²/bñI/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µbought ²/bct/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15B,12B,13B,2A,C] ´get in return for money, get by paying a price: ³Can money buy happiness? I bought this car from Chris. Buy one for me. Buy me one. I must buy myself a new shirt. He bought it for $2. He bought them for/at 10p each. Prices are lowÅbuy now! ·buy sth back: ³He sold his house and then bought it back again. ·buy sth in, ¸(a) ´buy a stock of: ³buy in coal for the winter. ¸(b) ´(at an auction sale) bid for and obtain (one's own goods) by offering a higher price than the highest offered by others (when other bids are considered too low). ·buy sth off, ´get rid of (an unjust claim, a blackmailer) by making a payment. ·buy sb out, ´pay (sb) to give up a post, property, etc or a share in one's own business. ·buy sb over, ´bribe or corrupt (sb). ·buy sth up, ´buy all or as much as possible of (sth). ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´obtain at a sacrifice: ³He bought fame at the expense of his health and happiness. Victory was dearly bought. ¹ ³n ´(colloq) purchase: ³a good buy´, a bargain. ¸buyer ³n ´person who buys. ¸buyers' market, ´state of affairs when goods are plentiful and money scarce, so that low prices favour buyers.¼ ¨buzz© ²/bAz/ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A,C] ´make a humming sound (as of bees or machinery in rapid motion). ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ´move rapidly or excitedly: ³@ about/around; @ing along the road. ·@ off, ´(sl) go away. ¸3 ¶[VP2A] ´(of the ears) be filled with a @ing noise: ³My ears began @ing. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´(of an aircraft) fly near to or low over (another plane) in a threatening manner: ³Two fighters @ed the airliner. ¹ n ´humming (of bees or other insects); sound of people talking, of whirling machinery, etc. ·give sb a @, ´(sl) make a telephone call to him. ¸@er ³n ´electrical device that produces a @ (eÔg to signal time, a telephone call) when the current flows.¼ ¨buz®zard© ²/ÚbAzEd/ ³n ´kind of hawk.¼ ¨by©1 ²/bñI/ ³adv part ¸1 ´near: ³He hid the money when nobody was by. ¸standby, µ¥ stand±1µ(13). ¸2 ´past: ³He hurried by without a word. Fame passed him by. I can't get by´, can't pass. ³The time has/is gone by ´(= is past) ³when«. ¸3 ³lay/put/set sth by, ´keep it, save it, for future use. ¸4 ´(in phrases) ·by and by, ´later on. ·by the by(e), by the way, ´(used to introduce a new topic, or sth that has been forgotten). ·by and large, ´on the whole; taking everything into consideration.¼ ¨by©2 ²/bñI/ ³prep ¸1 ´near; at or to the side of; beside: ³Come and sit by me/by my side. My house is by the river. We had a day by the sea. ·by oneself, ´alone: ³He went for a holiday (all) by himself. µ¥ 12 ´below. ·have sth by one, ´have it handy, within easy reach: ³It's useful to have a good dictionary by you when you're reading. ·stand by sb, ´support him. ¸2 ´(in reading the cardinal points) towards: ³North by East´, one point towards the East from the North, iÔe between N and NÔNÔE; ³East by North´, one point North of East, iÔe between E and EÔNÔE. µ¥ ´the illus at µcompass. ¸3 ´(showing direction of movement) (= ³by way of´) through, along, across, over: ³We came by the fields, not by the roads. Did you come by the nearest road? We travelled to Paris by Dover and Calais. ¸4 ´past: ³I go by ´(= I pass) ³the post office every morning on my way to work. He walked by me without speaking. ¸5 ´(of time, esp to indicate conditions and circumstances) during: ³The enemy attacked by night ´(emphasizing the circumstancesÅunder cover of darkness, etc. Cf Everything was quiet ³during ´the night). ³Do you prefer travelling by night or by day? We went for a sail on the lake by moonlight. It's no use trying to escape by daylight. ¸6 ´(of time) as soon as; not later than; when (the time indicated) comes: ³Can you finish the work by tomorrow? He ought to be here by this time/by now. They were tired out by evening. By the time (that) you get there (that ´is almost always omitted) ³it will be dark. ¸7 ´(to form adverbial phrases of time, length, weight, number): ³rent a house by the year; hire a bicycle by the day´, eÔg $5 for one day's use; ³engage a clerk by the month; pay a labourer by the day/the hour; sell cloth by the yard/coal by the ton/eggs by the dozen, etc; freight charged by weight/volume; a room 20 ft by 30 ft. ¸8 ´through the agency, means, or instrumentality of: ³The streets are lighted by electricity. This church was designed by Wren. He makes a living by teaching. He was shot by a sniper. The man was killed by a falling tree/by lightning. (´Note that ³by lightning ´is instrumentality, not instrument. Cf The rat was killed ³by ´Tom ³with ´a stick. µ¥ with(3).³) ¸9 ´(indicating path or means of travel, transport, conveyance): ³travel by land/sea/air; by bus/car/boat, etc; send sth by post/hand. ¸10 ´(indicating a part of the body that is touched, etc): ³take sb by the hand´, iÔe take his hand; ³seize sb by the hair; grab sb by the scruff of his neck. ¸11 ·know/learn sth by heart, ´so that one can repeat it from memory. ·know sb by name/reputation/sight, ´know only his name, etc but not know him personally. ¸12 ´(in adverbial phrases of manner) ·by accident/mistake, ´accidentally, not on purpose or intentionally. ·by chance/good fortune, ´as the result of chance or good fortune. ·by oneself, ´without help. µ¥ 1 ´above. ¸13 ´in accordance with; in agreement with: ³by request of my employer; by your leave´, with your permission; ³by (the terms of) Article 3 of the Treaty. ¸14 ´according to: ³judging by appearances; by rights´, rightly. ³By my watch it is 2 o'clock. That's nothing to go by´, One should not form judgements by that. ¸15 ´to the extent of: ³The bullet missed me by two inches. It needs to be longer by two feet. He's too clever by half´, much too smart. µ¥ far±2µ(2). ¸16 ´(in oaths) as surely as I believe in: ³I swear by Almighty God that«; He swore by all that he held sacred that«. ¸17 ´(to express square or cubic measurement): ³a carpet 30 metres by 20 metres. ¸18 ´(arith) (to express division, =³divided by ´): ³15 by 3 is/equals 5.¼ ¨bye© ²/bñI/ ³n ¸1 ´sth subordinate or incidental: ³by the bye. µ¥ by±1µ(4). ¸2 ´(cricket) run scored on a ball that passes the batsman and the wicket-keeper.¼ ¨bye-bye© ²/ÚbñI-bñI/ ³n ´(child's word for) sleep, bed: ³go to @s ²/ÚbñI bñIz/³. ¹ int ²/*bñI ÚbñI/ ´(colloq) goodbye.¼ ¨by-elec®tion© ²/ÚbñI Ilek2n/ ³n ´election made necessary by the death or resignation of a member during the life of Parliament. µ¥ general election.¼ ¨by®gone© ²/ÚbñIgon ³US: ²-gcn/ ³adj ´past: ³in @ days´, in the time now past. ¸@s ³n pl ´the past; past offences. ·Let @s be @s, ´Forgive and forget the past.¼ ¨by-law©, bye-law ²/ÚbñIlc/ ³n ´law or regulation made by a local, rather than a central, authority.¼ ¨by-pass© ²/ÚbñIpqs ³US: ²-pas/ ³n ´new, wide road passing round a heavily populated urban area or village, to take through traffic. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´provide with a @: ³@ a village/falls on a river. ¸2 ´make a detour round (a town, etc); (fig) ³Let's @ that proposal´, ignore it.¼ ¨by®path© ²/ÚbñIpqT ³US: ²-paT/ ³n ´less important or less direct path.¼ ¨by®play© ²/ÚbñIpleI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(theatre) action apart from that of the main story; dumb-show of minor characters.¼ ¨by-prod®uct© ²/ÚbñIprodAkt/ ³n ¶[C] ´substance obtained during the manufacture of some other substance: ³Ammonia, coal-tar and coke are valuable @s obtained in the manufacture of coal-gas.¼ ¨by-road© ²/ÚbñIrE8d/ ³n ´side road; road that is not much used.¼ ¨by®stander© ²/ÚbqIstandE(r)/ ³n ´person standing near but not taking part in an event or activity: ³She was only an innocent @.¼ ¨by-way© ²/ÚbñIweI/ ³n ´secondary or side road: (fig) ³@s of history/literature, etc´, less known departments of history, etc.¼ ¨by®word© ²/ÚbñIw3d/ ³n ´person, place, etc regarded and spoken of as a notable example (usu bad): ³She became the @ of the village. The place was a @ for iniquity.¼ ¨C©, c ²/si/ ³n (pl µC's, c's ²/siz/³) ´the third letter of the English alphabet; symbol for the Roman numeral 100, µ¥ App 4.¼ ¨cab© ²/kab/ ³n ¸1 ´vehicle (now usu motorised, = ³taxicab´) ´that may be hired for short journeys: ³Shall we go by bus or take a cab? ¸Úcab®man ²/-mEn/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´driver of a cab. ¸Úcab-rank ³n ´row of cabs waiting to be hired. ¸Úcab®stand ³n ´place where cabs are authorized to wait for customers. µ¥ hansom; taxi. ¸2 ´part of a railway engine for the driver and fireman; part of a bus, lorry, etc for the driver.¼ ¨ca®bal© ²/kEÚbal/ ³n ´(group of persons who carry on) secret intrigue (esp in politics).¼ ¨cab®aret© ²/ÚkabEreI ³US: ²*kabEÚreI/ ³n ´(also ¸Ú@ show´) entertainment (songs, dancing, etc) provided in a restaurant etc, while guests are at table.¼ ¨cab®bage© ²/ÚkabIdz/ ³n ¶[C] ´(kinds of) cultivated plant with a round head (often called the ³heart) ´of thick greenish-white or reddish-purple leaves, µ¥ ´the illus at µvegetable´; ¶[U] ´these leaves cooked as a vegetable or eaten as salad, µ¥ coleslaw.¼ ¨cabby© ²/ÚkabI/ ³n ´(colloq) driver of a cab.¼ ¨ca®ber© ²/ÚkeIbE(r)/ ³n ´trunk of a roughly trimmed young fir-tree tossed in games (in the Highlands of Scotland) as a trial of strength and skill: ³toss the @.¼ ¨cabin© ²/ÚkabIn/ ³n ¸1 ´room in a ship or aircraft, esp (in a ship) one for sleeping in. ¸Ú@ cruiser ³n ´large motor- boat with a @ or @s. ¸2 ´small, usu roughly made house (eÔg of logs); railway signal-box.¼ ¨cabi®net© ²/ÚkabInIt/ ³n ¸1 ´piece of furniture with drawers or shelves for storing or displaying things: ³a ·Ú³medicine @; a ·Ú³filing @, ´for storing letters, documents; ³a ·Ú³china @, ´often with a glass front, for displaying ornamental china. ¸Ú@-maker ³n ´skilled workman who makes fine furniture. ¸2 ´plastic, wooden or metal container for radio or record-playing equipment. ¸3 ´group of men (chief ministers of state) chosen by the head of the government (the prime minister in GB) to be responsible for government administration and policy. ¸ÚC@ Minister, ´one of these men. ¸4 ´(old use) private room.¼ ¨cable© ²/ÚkeIbl/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C,U] ´(length of) thick, strong rope (of fibre or wire strands), used for making ships fast; rope or chain of an anchor. ¸2 Ú@('s)-length ³n ´100 fathoms, one-tenth of a nautical mile. µ¥ App 5. ¸3 ´thick rope of wire strands for supporting a bridge, etc. ¸Ú@-car, Ú@-railway, ´one up a steep hillside, worked by a @ and a stationary engine; funicular railway. ¸4 ´protected bundle of insulated wires (laid underground or on the ocean bottom) for carrying messages by electric telegraph; message so carried (= µ@gram´). ¸5 ´insulated wires for conveying electric power overhead (µ¥ ´the illus at µpylon´) or underground. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´send (a message), communicate, inform (sb) by @µ(4). ¸Ú@®gram ²/ÚkeIblgram/ ³n ´@d telegram.¼ ¨ca®boodle© ²/kEÚbudl/ ³n ´(sl) ·the whole @, ´(of persons or things) all; the lot.¼ ¨ca®boose© ²/kEÚbus/ ³n ¸1 ´room on a ship's deck in which cooking is done. ¸2 ´(US) small van at the end of a freight train for the use of the train men.¼ ¨ca' canny© ²/*kq ÚkanI/ ³n ´workers' policy of restricting output (by working slowly).¼ ¨ca®cao© ²/kEÚkqE8/ ³n ¸1 ´(also ¸Ú@-bean´) seed of a tropical tree from which cocoa and chocolate are made. ¸2 ´(also ¸Ú@-tree´) the tree.¼ ¨cache© ²/ka2/ ³n ´(hiding-place for) food and stores left (eÔg by explorers) for later use. ¹ ³vt ´place in a @.¼ ¨ca®chet© ²/Úka2eI ³US: ²kaÚ2eI/ ³n ´distinguishing mark (to prove excellence, authenticity).¼ ¨ca®chou© ²/Úka2u ³US: ²kEÚ2u/ ³n ´scented sweet formerly used by smokers to disguise the odour of tobacco in the breath.¼ ¨cackle© ²/Úkakl/ ³n ¶[U] ´noise made by a hen after laying an egg; ¶[C] ´loud laugh; ¶[U] ´foolish talk. ¹ ³vi ´(of a hen) make this noise; (of a person) talk or laugh noisily. ¸cack®ler ³n¼ ¨ca®coph®ony© ²/kaÚkofEnI/ ³n ´loud, unpleasant mixture of sounds; discordµ(3). ¸ca®coph®onous ²/-nEs/ ³adj¼ ¨cac®tus© ²/ÚkaktEs/ ³n (pl µ@es ´or µcacti ²/ÚkaktñI/³) ´(sorts of) plant from hot, dry climates with a thick, fleshy stem, usu with no leaves and covered with clusters of spines or prickles.¼ ¨cad© ²/kad/ ³n ´person guilty of or capable of dishonourable behaviour. ¸cad®dish ²/ÚkadI2/ ³adj ´of or like a cad: ³a caddish trick.¼ ¨ca®daver© ²/kEÚdeIvE(r) ³US: ²kEÚdavEr/ ³n ´corpse. ¸@®ous ²/kEÚdavErEs/ ³adj ´looking like a corpse; deadly pale.¼ ¨caddy©1, caddie ²/ÚkadI/ ³n (pl µ-dies³) ´person who is paid to carry a golfer's clubs for him round the course.¼ ¨caddy©2 ²/ÚkadI/ ³n ´small box for holding the dried leaves used for making tea.¼ ¨ca®dence© ²/ÚkeIdEns/ ³n ´rhythm in sound; the rise and fall of the voice in speaking; (music) sequence of sounds moving towards a pause or an end.¼ ¨ca®denza© ²/kEÚdenzE/ ³n ´ornamental passage to be played by the soloist, usu near the end of a movement, in an instrumental concerto.¼ ¨ca®det© ²/kEÚdet/ ³n ¸1 ´student at a naval, military or air force college. ¸Ú@ corps ³n ´(at some GB schools) organization that gives military training to older boys. ¸2 ´young person under training for a profession: ·Ú³police @s; British Council @s.¼ ¨cadge© ²/kadZ/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,14,2A] ·@ (from), ´beg; (try to) get by begging: ³@ a meal from Auntie Ruby; be always cadging. ¸cad®ger ³n ´person who @s; beggar.¼ ¨cad®mium© ²/ÚkadmIEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´soft, silvery-white tin-like metal (symbol ¸Cd´).¼ ¨cadre© ²/ÚkqdE(r) ³US: ²kadrI/ ³n ¸1 ´framework. ¸2 ´(mil) permanent establishment of a regiment, that can be expanded when necessary; hence, small group of important persons.¼ ¨Caesar© ²/ÚsizE(r)/ ³n ´title of the Roman emperors from Augustus to Hadrian; any Roman emperor.¼ ¨Caesar®ian©, Cesar®ean ²/sIÚzeErIEn/ ³adj ¸@ Úsection/birth ´delivery of a child by cutting the walls of the abdomen and uterus.¼ ¨caesura© ²/sIÚzj8ErE ³US: ²-ÚZ8ErE/ ³n ´point at which a pause naturally occurs in a line of verse.¼ ¨caf_e© ²/ÚkafeI ³US: ²kaÚfeI/ ³n ´(in Europe) place where the public may buy and drink coffee, beer, wine, spirits, etc; (in GB) tea-shop, small restaurant at which meals (but not alcoholic drinks) may be bought. ¸@-au-lait ²/*kafeI E8 ÚleI/ ³n ´(F) coffee with milk.¼ ¨cafe®teria© ²/*kafIÚtIErIE/ ³n ´restaurant at which customers collect their meals on trays at counters and carry them to tables.¼ ¨caff© ²/kaf/ ³n ´(GB sl) caf_e.¼ ¨caf®feine© ²/Úkafin/ ³n ¶[U] ´organic compound in tea leaves and coffee beans, used in medicine.¼ ¨caf®tan© ²/Úkaftan/ ³n ´long tunic with a girdle at the waist, worn by men in the Near East; woman's loosely hanging long dress.¼ ¨cage© ²/keIdZ/ ³n ¸1 ´framework, fixed or portable, with wires or bars, in which birds or animals may be kept. ¸2 ´camp for prisoners of war. ¸3 ´framework in which containers are lowered or raised in the shaft of a mine. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´put, keep, in a @: ³a @d bird.¼ ¨cagey© ²/ÚkeIdZI/ ³adj ´(colloq) cautious about sharing confidences; uncommunicative; secretive. ¸cag®ily ³adv¼ ¨ca®goule© ²/kEÚgul/ ³n ´light, waterproof garment with a hood and long sleeves, worn over clothes for protection against rain.¼ ¨ca®hoots© ²/kEÚhuts/ ³n pl ·be in @ (with), ´(US sl) be planning sth (esp sth disreputable), be in league.¼ ¨cai®man©, cay®man ²/ÚkeImEn/ ³n ´S American reptile resembling an alligator.¼ ¨cairn© ²/keEn/ ³n ´pyramid-shaped heap of rough stones set up as a landmark or a memorial.¼ ¨cais®son© ²/ÚkeIsn/ ³n ¸1 ´chest or wagon for ammunition, usu attached to a big gun on wheels. ¸2 ´large water-tight box or chamber in which men work under water (eÔg when building foundations): ³@ disease, µ¥ bend±2µ(3).¼ ¨cai®tiff© ²/ÚkeItIf/ ³n ´(old use) despicable or cowardly person.¼ ¨ca®jole© ²/kEÚdZE8l/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ sb (into/out of doing sth), ´use flattery or deceit to persuade or soothe, or to get information, etc from sb. ¸ca®jol®ery ³n¼ ¨cake© ²/keIk/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C,U] ´sweet mixture of flour, eggs, butter, etc baked in an oven: ³an assortment of fancy @s; a slice of @, ´iÔe of a large one that is cut into pieces. ·a piece of @, ´(sl) sth very easy and pleasant. ·(both) have one's cake and eat it, ´both preserve sth unchanged and allow it to change (iÔe an impossibility). ·@s and ale, ´merry-making. ·(selling) like hot @s, ´very fast. ·take the @, ´(colloq) be the extreme example of sth, µ¥ biscuit(1). ¸2 ¶[C] ´mixture of other kinds of food, usu compressed and cooked in a round or ornamental shape: ·Ú³fish-@s; ·Ú³oat-@s. ¸3 ¶[C] ´shaped piece of other materials or substances: ³a @ of soap/tobacco. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´coat thickly, become coated (³with ´sth that becomes hard when dry); form into a thick hard mass: ³His shoes were @d with mud.¼ ¨cala®bash© ²/ÚkalEba2/ ³n ´(tree with) fruit or gourd of which the hard outer skin (or shell) is used as a container for liquids, grain, etc. µ¥ ´illus at µgourd.¼ ¨ca®lam®ity© ²/kEÚlamEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ´great and serious misfortune or disaster (eÔg a big earthquake or flood, becoming blind, the loss of all one's money). ¸ca®lami®tous ²/kEÚlamItEs/ ³adj ´marked by, causing, ³@ (to).¼ ¨cal®cify© ²/ÚkalsIfñI/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´change, be changed, into lime; harden by deposit of lime.¼ ¨cal®cine© ²/ÚkalsñIn/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´make, be made, into quicklime or powder by roasting or burning; burn to ashes. ¸cal®ci®na®tion ²/*kalsIÚneI2n/ ³n ´conversion of metals into their oxides by burning.¼ ¨cal®cium© ²/ÚkalsIEm/ ³n ´soft white metal (symbol ¸Ca´), the chemical basis of many compounds essential to life (occurs in bones and teeth, and forms part of limestone, marble and chalk). ¸*@ Úcarbide ³n ´compound of @ and carbon ¸(CaC¶c¸)´, used with water to make acetylene gas ¸(C¶c¸H¶c¸)´. ¸@ hydroxide ²/hñIÚdroksñId/ ³n ´slaked lime.¼ ¨cal®cu®lable© ²/Úkalkj8lEbl/ ³adj ´that may be measured, reckoned or relied upon.¼ ¨cal®cu®late© ²/Úkalkj8leIt/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,9,8,10,2A] ´find out by working with numbers: ³@ the cost of a journey. Astronomers can @ when there will be eclipses of the sun and moon. ¸Úcalculating machine ³n ´one that works with numbers automatically. ¸2 ·be @d to, ´be planned or designed to: ³This advertisement is @d to attract the attention of housewives. ·a @d insult, ´said or done on purpose. ¸3 ¶[VP3A] ·@ on, ´(US) depend, bank (the usu words in GB) on: ³We can't @ on having fine weather for the sports meeting. ¸4 ¶[VP9] ´(US) suppose, believe. ¸5 ¶[VP9] ´weigh reasons, etc and be confident ³(that ´sth will happen, etc); estimate. ¸cal®cu®lat®ing ³adj ´scheming; shrewd; crafty. ¸cal®cu®la®tion ²/*kalkj8ÚleI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´act of calculating; careful thought; ¶[C] ´result of this: ³After much @, they decided to give Phil the position of manager. I'm out in my @s´, have made a mistake in them. ¸calcu®la®tor ²/-tE(r)/ ³n ´person who @s; calculating machine.¼ ¨cal®cu®lus© ²/Úkalkj8lEs/ ³n (pl µ-li ²/-lñI/ ´or µ-luses ²/-lEsIz/³) ¸1 ´branch of mathematics divided into two parts, (¸differential @ ´and ¸integral @´), ´that deals with variable quantities, used to solve many mathematical problems. ¸2 ´(med) stone in some part of the human body.¼ ¨cal®dron© ²/ÚkcldrEn/ ³n ´= µcauldron.¼ ¨cal®en®dar© ²/ÚkalIndE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´list of the days, weeks, months, of a particular year; list with dates that are important to certain groups of people. ¸2 ´system by which time is divided into fixed periods, and marking the beginning and end of a year: ³the ·Ú³Muslim @; the Gre·Ú³gorian @ ´(with every fourth year a leap year of 366 days). ¸Ú@ month ³n ´month as marked on the @ (contrasted with a lunar month of 28 days).¼ ¨cal®en®der© ²/ÚkalIndE(r)/ ³n ´roller-machine for pressing and smoothing cloth or paper. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´put through a @.¼ ¨cal®ends©, kal®ends ²/ÚkalEndz/ ³n pl ´first of the month in the ancient Roman calendar. ·on the Greek @´, never.¼ ¨calf©1 ²/kqf ³US: ²kaf/ ³n (pl µcalves ²/kqvz ³US: ²kavz/³) ¸1 ´young of the domestic cow, µ¥ ´the illus at µdomestic´; young of the seal, whale and some other animals for the first year. Cf ³bull, cow, heifer, ox, steer. ·cow in/with @, ´pregnant cow. ¸Ú@-love ³n ´childish love affair; love of a young or inexperienced person. ¸2 ¶[U] ´(also ¸Ú@ skin´) leather from the skin of a @, esp as used in bookbinding and shoemaking.¼ ¨calf©2 ²/kqf ³US: ²kaf/ ³n (pl µcalves ²/kqvz ³US: ²kavz/³) ´fleshy part of the back of the human leg, between the knee and the ankle. µ¥ ´the illus at µleg.¼ ¨cali®brate© ²/ÚkalIbreIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´determine or correct the calibre or scale of a thermometer, gauge or other graduated instrument. ¸*cali®bra®tion ²/*kalIÚbreI2n/ ³n ´degree marks, etc on a measuring instrument.¼ ¨cal®ibre© ´(US = ¸cali®ber´) ²/ÚkalIbE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´inside diameter of a tube/gun/barrel, etc. ¸2 ¶[U] ´quality of mind or character; (person's) standing or importance: ³a woman of high @.¼ ¨cal®ico© ²/ÚkalIkE8/ ³n ¶[U] ´cotton cloth, esp plain white cloth used for bed sheets, or with coloured designs printed on it, used for shirts, dresses, etc.¼ ¨cali®pers© ²/ÚkalIpEz/ ³n pl ´(US) = µcallipers.¼ ¨ca®liph©, ca®lif ²/ÚkeIlIf/ ³n ´title once used by rulers who were descendants and successors of Muhammad; chief civil and religious Muslim ruler: ³the C@ of Baghdad. ¸Ú@®ate ²/ÚkalIfeIt/ ³n ´@'s position and territory.¼ ¨cal®is®then®ics© ²/*kalIsÚTenIks/ ³n pl ´(US) = µcallisthenics.¼ ¨calk©1 ²/kck/ ³vt, n ¶[VP6A] ´(provide with a) sharp iron plate in a horse-shoe or boot to prevent slipping.¼ ¨calk©2 ²/kck/ ³vt ´= µcaulk.¼ ¨call©1 ²/kcl/ ³n ¸1 ´shout; cry: ³a @ for help. They came at my @´, when I shouted to them. ·within @, ´within @ing distance: ³Please remain within @´, close at hand. ¸2 ´characteristic cry of a bird; military signal (on a bugle, etc). ¸3 ´short visit (to sb's house, etc); short stop (at a place): ³pay a @ on a friend. I have several @s to make. I must return their @´, visit them because they visited me. ¸port of @, ´one at which a ship stops for a short time. ¸4 ´message; summons; invitation: ³telephone @s. I'll give you a @. He felt the @ of the sea, ´iÅe to be a sailor. ¸Ú@-box ³n ´small cabin (in GB more usu called a ³telephone kiosk) ´with a public telephone. ¸Ú@-girl ³n ´prostitute hired by a telephone @. ¸5 ´demand for money (esp unpaid capital from company shareholders); claim of any kind: ³I have many @s on my time. ¸Ú@-loan; Ú@-money; money on @; money payable at/on @, ´money lent on condition that its return can be demanded without notice. ¸6 ¶[U] ´(chiefly interr and neg) need; occasion: ³There's no @ for you to worry. ¸7 ´player's right or turn to make a bid at bridge±2´; bid thus made: ³Whose @ is it? Was the last @ two spades?¼ ¨call©2 ²/kcl/ ³vt,vi ´(For special uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps, µ¥ 9 ´below.) ¸1 ¶[VP2A,B,3A] ´say sth in a loud voice; cry; speak or shout to attract attention: ³Why doesn't my son come when I @? I thought I heard somebody @ing. She @ed to her father for help. I've been @ing (for) ten minutes. ·@ out, ´cry or shout when needing help, or from surprise, pain, etc. µ¥ 9 ´below. ¸2 ¶[VP2A,C,3A,4A] ·@ (on sb/at a place), ´pay a short visit; go to sb's house/office etc; stop at: ³I @ed on Mr Green. I @ed at Mr Green's house. I @ed to see Mr Green. Mr Green was out when I @ed. A man has @ed to read the gas meter. ·@ for, ´visit (a house, etc) to get sth, or to go somewhere with sb: ³A man @s every Monday for old newspapers. I'll @ for you at 6 o'clock. ¸@er ³n ´person who @s on sb; visitor. ¸3 ¶[VP23] ´name; describe as: ³His name is Richard but we all @ him Dick. What are you going to @ the baby? He @s himself a colonel´, claims that he has the right to this title. ³You may @ it what you like. µ¥ ´also µspade(1). ·@ sb names, ´abuse or insult him. ·@ sth one's own, ´claim as one's own property: ³We have nothing that we can @ our own. ·@ into being, ´create. ·@ it a day, µ¥ day(3). ·@ into play, µ¥ play±2µ(8). ¸4 ¶[VP22,23] ´consider; regard as: ³Do you @ English an easy language? I @ that a shame. I @ that dishonest. Shall we @ it five quid, ´(colloq) settle the price, sum, etc at five pounds? ¸5 ¶[VP6A,15B] ´summon; wake; send a message to: ³Please @ a doctor. Please @ me (´= wake me up) ³at 6 tomorrow morning. The aircraft was @ing ´(iÔe sending radio signals to) ³the control station at the airport. This is London @ing, ´is the BÔBÔC, London. ³The doctor was @ed away to an accident. My brother @ed me (up) ´(= telephoned to me) ³from Leeds last night. ¶[VP12B,13B] ´(colloq): ³Please @ me a taxi/@ a taxi for me. ·be/feel @ed to do sth, ´be/feel it to be one's duty to do it: ³@ed to be a doctor/to practise medicine. ¸@®ing ³n ´special duty; profession; occupation. ¸6 ´(special uses, with ³nouns) ·@ sb's bluff, µ¥ bluff±2µ. ·@ a halt (to), ´say that it is time to halt: ³@ a halt to gambling´, forbid it. ·@ a meeting, ´announce that one will be held and summon people to attend. ·@ the roll, µ¥ roll±2µ(4). ·@ a strike, ´order workers to come out on strike. ¸7 ´(card-games) bid or make a demand. µ¥ call±1µ(7). ¸8 ´(phrases) ·@ (sb) to account, µ¥ account±1µ(4). ·@ attention to, ´require (sb) to give his attention to. ·@ the banns, µ¥ banns. ·be @ed to the bar, µ¥ bar±1µ(12). ·@ sth in/into question, ´declare that one has doubts about it. ·@ sb/a meeting to order, ´ask for orderly behaviour, ask that attention should be paid to the rules. ¸9 ¶[VP15B,3A] ´(special uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps´):¼ ·call by, ´(colloq) visit briefly (usu when passing the house, etc).¼ ·call sb down, ´(US sl) reprimand him severely. ·@ sth down, ´invoke, ask for it: ³@ down curses on his head.¼ ·call for, ´demand, require: ³You must take such steps as seem (to be) @ed for, ´do what seems necessary. ³The occasion @s for prompt action.¼ ·call sth forth, ¸(a) ´be the cause of: ³His behaviour @ed forth numerous protests. ¸(b) ´produce and use: ³You will have to @ forth all your energy.¼ ·call sth in, ´order or request the return of: ³The librarian has @ed in all books. Gold coins were @ed in by the Government. He was so short of money that he had to @ in the loans he had made.¼ ·call sth off, ¸(a) ´@ away: ³Please @ your dog off´, @ to your dog so that it stops worrying me. ¸(b) ´decide, give orders, to stop sth: ³The strike/attack was @ed off´, was either not started or was stopped. ³You had better @ the deal off´, not carry out what was agreed upon.¼ ·call on/upon sb, ¸(a) ´make a short visit to. µ¥ 2 ´above. ¸(b) ·@ on/upon sb (to do sth), ´appeal to, invite, require him: ³I @ed on ´(= appealed to) ³him to keep his promise. I now @ upon ´(= invite) ³Mr Grey to address the meeting. I feel @ed upon ´(= feel that I ought) ³to warn you that«¼ ·call sb out, ¸(a) ´summon, esp to an emergency: ³The fire brigade was @ed out twice yesterday. Troops had to be @ed out. ¸(b) ´instruct (workers) to come out on strike: ³The coal-miners were @ed out by the Union officials.¼ ·call sth over, ´read (a list of names) to learn who is present. ¸Ú@-over ³n ´(also ¸Úroll-@´) reading of a list of names (eÔg in school, the army).¼ ·call sb/sth up, ¸(a) ´telephone to: ³I'll @ you up this evening. ¸(b) ´bring back to the mind: ³@ up scenes of childhood. ¸(c) ´summon for (military, etc) service: ³If war breaks out, we shall be @ed up at once. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-up ³n¼ ¨cal®ligra®phy© ²/kEÚlIgrEfI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(art of) beautiful handwriting.¼ ¨cal®li®ope© ²/kEÚlñIEpI/ ³n ´steam-organ; musical instrument with steam whistles played by pressing keys.¼ ¨cal®li®pers© ²/ÚkalIpEz/ ³n pl ¸(pair of) @, ¸1 ´instrument for measuring the diameter of round objects or the calibre of tubes, etc. ¸2 ´metal supports attached to the legs of a disabled person to enable him to walk.¼ ¨cal®lis®then®ics© ²/*kalIsÚTenIks/ ³n pl sing-v ´exercises designed to develop strong and graceful bodies.¼ ¨cal®los®ity© ²/kaÚlosEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ´area of hardened thick skin; callus.¼ ¨cal®lous© ²/ÚkalEs/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of the skin) made hard (by rough work, etc). ¸2 ·@ (to), ´(fig) unfeeling; indifferent: ³@ to insults/his employees/the suffering of others. ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨cal®low© ²/ÚkalE8/ ³adj ´young; unfledged; inexperienced: ³a @ youth. ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨cal®lus© ²/ÚkalEs/ ³n ´area of thick, hardened skin.¼ ¨calm© ²/kqm/ ³adj µ(-er, -est) ¸1 ´(of the weather) quiet; not windy; (of the sea) still; without large waves. ¸2 ´not excited; untroubled; quiet: ³keep @. ¹ n ¸a @, ´a time when everything is quiet and peaceful. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15B,2C] ·@ (down), ´make or become @: ³C@ yourself! The sea @ed down. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n ´@ condition.¼ ¨calo®mel© ²/ÚkalEmel/ ³n ¶[U] ´white, tasteless, insoluble substance used as a purgative.¼ ¨Calor gas© ²/ÚkalE gas/ ³n ¶[U] ´(P) butane.¼ ¨cal®orie© ²/ÚkalErI/ ³n ´unit of heat; unit of energy supplied by food: ³An ounce of sugar supplies about 100 @s. ¸cal®or®ific ²/*kalEÚrIfIk/ ³adj ´producing heat/energy: ³calorific value´, (of food or fuel) quantity of heat/energy produced by a given quantity.¼ ¨cal®umny© ²/ÚkalEmnI/ ³n (pl µ-nies³) ´(formal) ¶[C] ´false statement about a person, made to damage his character; ¶[U] ´slander. ¸ca®lum®ni®ate ²/kEÚlAmnIeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´slander.¼ ¨Cal®vary© ²/ÚkalvErI/ ³n ´hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; carved representation of the Crucifixion.¼ ¨calve© ²/kqv ³US: ²kav/ ³vi ´give birth to a calf.¼ ¨Cal®vin®ism© ²/ÚkalvInIzEm/ ³n ´religious teaching of the French Protestant, John Calvin (1509-64). ¸Cal®vin®ist ³n ´follower of Calvin's teachings.¼ ¨ca®lyp®so© ²/kEÚlIpsE8/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-sE8z/³) ´improvised song, as composed by West Indians, on a subject of current interest.¼ ¨ca®lyx© ²/ÚkeIlIks/ ³n (pl µ@es ´or µcalyces ²/ÚkeIlIsiz/³) ´ring of leaves (called ³sepals´) forming the outer support of the petals of an unopened flower-bud. µ¥ ´the illus at µflower.¼ ¨cam© ²/kam/ ³n ´projection on a wheel or shaft, designed to change circular motion into up-and-down or back-and-forth motion. ¸cam®shaft ²/Úkam2qft ³US: ²-2aft/ ³n ´(eÔg in a car) shaft to which cams are attached.¼ ¨cama®rad®erie© ²/*kamEÚrqdErI ³US: ²-Úrad-/ ³n ´(F) ¶[U] ´friendliness and mutual trust of comrades.¼ ¨cam®ber© ²/ÚkambE(r)/ ³n ´upwards slope (eÔg of a road surface) of a curve. ¹ ³vt,vi ´(of a surface) have a @; give a @ to.¼ ¨cam®bric© ²/ÚkeImbrIk/ ³n ¶[U] ´fine, thin cloth of cotton or linen.¼ ¨came© ³pt ´of µcome.¼ ¨camel© ²/Úkaml/ ³n ´long-necked animal, with either one (³dromedary´) or two humps on its back, used in desert countries for riding and for carrying goods. µ¥ ´the illus at µlarge. ¸Ú@-hair ³n ´fine hair for making the brushes used by artists; soft, heavy cloth of this hair: ³a @-hair coat.¼ ¨ca®mel®lia© ²/kEÚmilIE/ ³n ´evergreen shrub from China and Japan with shiny leaves and white, red or pink rose-like flowers; the flower.¼ ¨Cam®em®bert© ²/ÚkamEmbeE(r)/ ³n ´(F) rich, soft cheese (of Normandy, France).¼ ¨cameo© ²/ÚkamIE8/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-E8z/³) ¸1 ´piece of hard stone with a raised design, often used as a jewel or ornament. ¸2 ´short piece of writing or acting conveying the essential qualities of a person, place, event etc.¼ ¨cam®era© ²/ÚkamErE/ ³n ¸1 ´apparatus for taking still photographs or (¸Úfilm/Úmovie @´) ´moving pictures, or (¸TÔÚV @´) for receiving light images and transforming them for broadcasting live or for receiving on video tape. ¸Ú@-man ²/-man/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´person who operates a @ for films or TÔV. ¸2 ·in @, ´(Lat) in the judge's private room, not in court; privately.¼ ¨cam®ion© ²/ÚkamIEn/ ³n ´(F) low, four-wheeled truck; lorry.¼ ¨camo®mile©, chamo®mile ²/ÚkamEmñIl/ ³n ¶[U] ´sweet-smelling plant with daisy-like flowers; ´the dried flowers and leaves used in medicine as a tonic.¼ ¨cam®ou®flage© ²/ÚkamEflqZ/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´that which makes it difficult to recognize the presence or real nature of sth: ³The white fur of the polar bear is a natural @, ´because the bear is not easily seen in the snow. ¸2 ´(in war) the use of paint, netting, boughs of trees, smoke-screens, etc to deceive the enemy by giving a false appearance to things. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´try to conceal by means of @.¼ ¨camp©1 ²/kamp/ ³n ¸1 ´place where people (eÔg people on holiday, soldiers, boy scouts, explorers) live in tents or huts for a time: ³be in @; pitch a @; strike/break up @´, pack up (the tents, etc). ¸*@-Úbed/-Úchair/-Ústool ³n ´one that can be folded and carried easily. ¸Ú@-fire ³n ´one of logs, etc, made in the open air. ¸Ú@-follower ³n ´person (not a soldier) who follows an army to sell goods or services. µ¥ ´also µconcentration @. ¸2 ´number of people with the same ideas (esp on politics or religion): ³You and I belong to different political @s. We're in the same @´, are in agreement, are working together. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,C] ·@ (out), ´make, live in, a @: ³Where shall we @ tonight? They @ed out in the woods. ·go @ing, ´spend a holiday in tents, etc: ³The boys have decided to go @ing next summer. ¸@er ³n ¸@®ing ³n ´(gerund) ¶[U] ³a @ing holiday; Do you like @ing?¼ ¨camp©2 ²/kamp/ ³adj ´(colloq) exaggeratedly stylish: ³@ acting; ´deliberately and amusingly old-fashioned: ³those @ old silent movies; ´affectedly effeminate: ³a @ walk. ¹ n ´exaggeration and affectation of this sort. ¹ ³vi,vt ·@ (it up), ´behave in this way.¼ ¨cam®paign© ²/kamÚpeIn/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´group of military operations with a set purpose, usu in one area. ¸2 ´series of planned activities to gain a special object: ³a political @; an advertising @; a @ to raise funds. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2A,3A] ´take part in, go on, a @. ¸@er ³n ´person who @s or who @ed: ³He's an old @er´, has much experience of adapting himself to circumstances.¼ ¨cam®pa®nile© ²/*kampEÚnilI/ ³n ´bell tower, usu a separate building.¼ ¨cam®pan®ula© ²/kEmÚpanj8lE/ ³n ´(kinds of) plant with bell-shaped flowers, usu blue or white.¼ ¨cam®phor© ²/ÚkamfE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´strong-smelling white substance used medically and in the manufacture of celluloid. ¸Ú@ ball ³n ´small ball of @, used to keep moths, etc out of clothes. ¸@®ated ²/ÚkamfEreItId/ ³adj ´containing @: ³@ated oil.¼ ¨cam®pion© ²/ÚkampIEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´(kinds of) common flowering plant that grows wild on roadsides and in fields.¼ ¨cam®pus© ²/ÚkampEs/ ³n (pl µ@es ²/-pEsIz/³) ´grounds of a school, college or university.¼ ¨can©1 ²/kan/ ³n ¸1 ´metal container, usu with a lid, for liquids, etc: ·Ú³oil-can, ·Ú³milk-can. ·carry the can (for sb), ´(sl) take the blame. ·(be) in the can, ´(of film, video-tape) exposed or recorded and stored ready for use. ¸2 ´(formerly US but now also GB) ´tin-plated airtight container for food, drink etc; contents of such a container: ³a can of beer/peaches. µ¥ tin. ¸3 ´(US sl) prison. ¹ ³vt µ(-nn-) ¶[VP6A] ´preserve (food, etc) by putting in a canµ(2) ´which is then hermetically sealed: ³canned fish; canned music, ´(sl) music recorded on discs, etc. ¸canned ²/kand/ ³adj ´(US sl) drunk. ¸can®nery ²/ÚkanErI/ ³n ´place where food etc is canned.¼ ¨can©2 ²/kEn ³strong form: ²kan/ ³anom fin (neg µcannot ²/ÚkanEt/ ´or µcan't ²/kqnt ³US: ²kant/, ³pt µcould ²/kEd ³strong form: ²k8d/, ³neg µcouldn't ²/Úk8dnt/³) ¶[VP5] ¸1 ´(indicating ability or capacity to do sth) be able to; know how to: ³Can you lift this box? I can't get the lid off. She can speak French. (Could ´refers to ability or capacity in past time): ³She could read Latin and Greek when she was ten. (Could ´is used in ³if-´clauses to indicate a condition, expressed or implied): ³Could you lift that box ´(iÔe now, if you tried)? ³Could you have lifted that box ´(iÔe if you had tried, eÔg yesterday)? (Note that ³could ´is not used, except in conditions, for an isolated achievement in past time. Instead, ³be able to, manage to ´or ³succeed in (doing sth) ´are preferred): ³When the boat upset, they were able/managed to swim/succeeded in swimming to the bank ´(not ³they could swim to the bank ´which is incorrect). ¸2 ´(³Can ´is used with ³vv ´of perception in place of the simple tenses, which are less usual. Nothing is added to the meaning.): ³I can see a sail on the horizon. I can hear people talking in the next room. ´(³Could ´is used for past time): ³We could hear someone singing in the bathroom. She said she could smell something burning. ¸3 ´(³an ´is used, colloquial style, to indicate permission. The use of ³may ´is more formal. In reported speech, ³could ´is used after a ³v ´in the ³pt. ³Could ´may also replace ³can ´in a tentative request in question form): ³You can ´(= may) ³go home now. The children asked whether they could ´(= might) ³go for a swim. ³You can't travel first-class with a second-class ticket. Put that cigarette outÅyou can't smoke near a petrol pump! ¸4 ´(³Can/could ´are used to indicate what is possible or likely): ³One of the prisoners escaped yesterdayÅhe can/could ´(= may) ³be anywhere by now. ´(³Can have ´is used for past time): ³He's an hour lateÅhe can have been delayed by fog, of course, ´that's a possibility. ¸5 ³(Can/could ´in questions (and esp with ³what(ever), where, how) ´indicate surprise, bewilderment, impatience, etc, according to context. The strong forms are used): ³What ·*³can he ·Ú³mean? What ·*³can we ·Ú³do about it? Where ·*³can they have ·Ú³got to? How ·*³can/·*³could you be so un·Ú³kind? ¸6 ´(³Can/could ´indicate what is considered characteristic, what sb or sth is considered capable of being or doing. Adverbials of frequency (eÔg ³at times, sometimes´) often occur): ³Children can sometimes be very trying. It can be very cold here, even in May. The Bay of Biscay can be very rough at times. When I first knew her she could be very sarcastic, but she's more tolerant now. ¸7 ´(³Could ´is used to mean "feel inclined to'): ³I could smack your face! ¸8 ´(³can ´is used, colloquial style with imperative force, meaning "must'): ³Tell Mr Evans that he can come in now, ´Tell him to come in. ¸9 ´(³can/could ´are used in polite requests; µ¥ will±1µ(3)´): ³Do you think I could leave now/Could I leave now, do you think? ´Please may I leave now? ³Could you put out your cigarette, please? ´Please put it out.¼ ¨Ca®na®dian© ²/kEÚneIdIEn/ ³n, adj ´(native) of Canada.¼ ¨ca®nal© ²/kEÚnal/ ³n ¸1 ´channel cut through land for use of boats or ships (eÔg ¸the Suez ²/suIz/ ¸C@´) or to carry water to fields for irrigation. µ¥ ´the illus at µlock. ¸Ú@ boat ³n ´long, narrow boat, some of which are pulled by horses, used on @s. ¸2 ´tube or pipe (or system of these) in a plant or animal body for food, air, etc: ³the alimentary @. µ¥ ´the illus at µalimentary, ear. ¸@®ize ²/ÚkanElñIz/ ¶[VP6A,14] ´make (a river) into a @ (by straightening, building locks, etc); (fig) direct; channel: ³@ize one's energies/efforts into charity work. ¸@®iz®ation ²/*kanElñIÚzeI2n ³US: ²-nElIÚz-/ ³n¼ ¨can®ap_e© ²/ÚkanEpeI ³US: ²*kanEÚpeI/ ³n ´(F) thin piece of bread or toast spread with seasoned fish, cheese, etc.¼ ¨ca®nard© ²/kaÚnqd/ ³n ´(F) false report.¼ ¨ca®nary© ²/kEÚneErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ¸1 ´(also ¸Ú@-bird´) small, yellow-feathered song-bird, usu kept in a cage; ¶[U] ´its colour, light yellow. ¸2 ´(also ¸Ú@-wine´) sweet white wine from the C@ Islands.¼ ¨ca®nasta© ²/kEÚnastE/ ³n ´card game for two to six players using two packs of cards.¼ ¨can®can© ²/Úkankan/ ³n ´lively high-kicking dance performed by a group of women in long skirts.¼ ¨can®cel© ²/Úkansl/ ³vt,vi ´(µ-ll-, ´US µ-l-´) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´cross out, draw a line through (words or figures); make a mark on (sth, eÔg postage stamps, to prevent re-use): ³@led stamps. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´say that sth already arranged or decided upon will not be done, will not take place, etc: ³He @led his order for the goods´, said that he no longer wanted to receive them. ³The sports meeting was @led. ¸3 ¶[VP2C,15B] ·@ out, ´(arith) (of items from the numerator and denominator) equalize each other; (fig) neutralize, make up for, each other: ³The arguments @ (each other) out. ¸@®la®tion ²/*kansEÚleI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ling or being @led; ¶[C] ´instance of this; mark(s) used in, made by, @ling (eÔg on postage stamps).¼ ¨can®cer© ²/ÚkansE(r)/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´diseased growth in the body, often causing death: ³@ of the throat; ·Ú³lung @´; (fig) pernicious evil (eÔg in Society). ¸@®ous ²/ÚkansErEs/ ³adj ´of or like @; having @.¼ ¨Can®cer© ²/ÚkansE(r)/ ³n ¸Tropic of @, ´the parallel of latitude 23§ÄN; fourth sign of the zodiac, µ¥ ´the illus at µzodiac.¼ ¨can®de®la®brum© ²/*kandIÚlqbrEm/ ³n (pl µ-bra ²/-brE/³) ´ornamental holder, with branches, for candles.¼ ¨can®did© ²/ÚkandId/ ³adj ¸1 ´frank, straightforward: ³I will be quite @ with you: I think you acted foolishly. ¸2 ¸@ camera´, small camera for taking informal or unposed photographs of people. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨can®di®date© ²/ÚkandIdEt ³US: ²-deIt/ ³n ¸1 ´person who wishes, or who is put forward by others, to take an office or position (eÔg for election to Parliament): ³The Labour @ was elected. He offered himself as a @ for the post/job/position. ¸2 ´person taking an examination. ¸can®di®da®ture ²/ÚkandIdEt2E(r)/ ³n ´being a @µ(1)´.¼ ¨can®died© ²/ÚkandId/ ³adj µ¥ candy.¼ ¨candle© ²/Úkandl/ ³n ´round stick of wax, etc with a wick through it, which is lit to burn with a light-giving flame. ·burn the @ at both ends, ´use up too much energy; work very early and very late. ·can't/is not fit to hold a @ to, ´is not to be compared to, is not nearly so good as. ·The game is not worth the @, ´is more trouble and expense than it is worth. ¸Ú@®light ³n ´light of @s: ³reading by @light. ¸Ú@-power ³n ´unit of light measurement: ³a ten @-power lamp. ¸Ú@®stick ³n ´holder for (usu) a single @.¼ ¨can®dour© ´(US = ¸-dor´) ²/ÚkandE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´quality of being candid; saying freely what one thinks.¼ ¨candy© ²/ÚkandI/ ³n ¸1 ´(also ¸*sugar-Ú@´) ¶[U] ´sugar made hard by repeated boilings; ¶[C] ³(pl µ-dies³) ´piece of this. ¸2 ¶[C,U] ´(US only; GB = ³sweet(s)´) ´shaped piece(s) of cooked and flavoured sugar, syrup, etc usu with fruit juices, milk, nuts, etc added. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´preserve (eÔg fruit) by boiling or cooking in sugar: ³candied plums/lemon peel. ¸2 ¶[VP2A] ´form into sugar crystals.¼ ¨candy®tuft© ²/ÚkandItAft/ ³n ´garden plant with flat tufts of white, pink or purple flowers.¼ ¨cane© ²/keIn/ ³n ¸1 ´long, hollow, jointed stem of tall reeds and grass-like plants (eÔg bamboo, sugar-@), either ¶[U] ´collectively and as material for making furniture, etc or ¶[C] ´of one stem or a length of it (eÔg used for supporting plants, as a walking-stick): ³a chair with a @ seat; raspberry @s. ¸Ú@ sugar ³n ´sugar made from sugar-@, chemically the same as beet sugar. ¸2 ´length of @ used as an instrument for punishing children by beating. ·get the @, ´be punished with a @. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´punish with a @µ(2)´.¼ ¨ca®nine© ²/ÚkeInñIn/ ³adj ´of, as of, a dog or dogs. ¸Ú@ tooth ³n ´(in a human being) one of the four pointed teeth, one on each side of the four incisors, upper and lower. µ¥ ´the illus at µmouth.¼ ¨can®is®ter© ²/ÚkanIstE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´small box (usu metal) with a lid, used for holding tea, etc. ¸2 ´cylinder which, when thrown, or fired from a gun, bursts and scatters its contents: ³a ·Ú³tear-gas @.¼ ¨can®ker© ²/ÚkaGkE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´disease that destroys the wood of trees; disease that causes the formation of ulcers in the human mouth, in the ears of dogs and cats, etc. ¸2 ´(fig) evil influence or tendency that causes decay. ¹ ³vt ´destroy by @; be a @ to. ¸@®ous ²/ÚkaGkErEs/ ³adj ´of or like @; causing @.¼ ¨canna© ²/ÚkanE/ ³n ´plant with large, dark leaves and bright yellow, red or orange flowers; the flower.¼ ¨can®na®bis© ²/ÚkanEbIs/ ³n ¶[U] ´Indian hemp, a drug also known as ³hashish ´and ³marijuana´, smoked or chewed as an intoxicant. µ¥ hemp.¼ ¨can®ned©, can®nery µ¥ can±1µ.¼ ¨can®ni®bal© ²/ÚkanIbl/ ³n ´person who eats human flesh; animal that eats its own kind; (attrib) of or like @s: ³a @ feast. ¸@®ism ²/ÚkanIbElIzEm/ ³n ´practice of eating the flesh of one's own kind. ¸@®is®tic ²/*kanIbElÚlIstIk/ ³adj ´of or like @s. ¸@®ize ²/ÚkanIbElñIz/ ³vt ´use (one of a number of similar machines, engines, etc) to provide spare parts for others.¼ ¨can®non© ²/ÚkanEn/ ³n ¸1 ´(collective; ³sing ´often used instead of ³pl) ´large, heavy gun, fixed to the ground or to a guncarriage, esp the old kind that fired a solid ball of metal (called a ·Ú³@-ball´). (³Gun ´and ³shell ´are the words used for the modern weapons). ¸2 ´heavy, automatic gun, firing explosive shells, used in modern aircraft in war. ¸Ú@-fodder ³n ´men regarded as expendable material in war. ¸@®ade ²/*kanEÚneId/ ³n ´continued firing of big guns.¼ ¨can®not© ²/ÚkanEt/ ³pres t µ¥ can±2µ.¼ ¨canny© ²/ÚkanI/ ³adj µ(-ier, -iest) ´not prepared to take unknown risks; shrewd, esp about money matters. ¸can®nily ³adv¼ ¨ca®noe© ²/kEÚnu/ ³n ´light boat moved by one or more paddles. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP2A,C] ´travel by @. ¸@®ist ³n ´person who paddles a @.¼ ¨canon© ²/ÚkanEn/ ³n ¸1 ´ecclesiastical decree: ³@ law´, church law. ¸2 ´general standard or principle by which sth is judged: ³the @s of conduct/good taste. ¸3 ´body of writings accepted as genuine; those books of the Bible accepted as genuine by the Christian Church: ³the @ of Scripture; ³the Chaucer @. ¸4 ´official list. ¸5 ´priest (with the title ³the Rev ´@) ´who is one of a group with duties in a cathedral. µ¥ chapter(3). ¸ca®noni®cal ²/kEÚnonIkl/ ³adj ´according to @ law; authorized; regular: ³@ical books; @ical dress, ´iÔe of priests.¼ ¨ca~non© ²/ÚkanjEn/ µ¥ canyon.¼ ¨canon®ize© ²/ÚkanEnñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´(R C Church) officially proclaim to be a saintµ(3)´; (colloq) authorize permanently. ¸canon®iz®ation ²/*kanEnñIÚzeI2n ³US: ²-nIÚz-/ ³n ´canonizing or being @d.¼ ¨can®opy© ²/ÚkanEpI/ ³n (pl µ-pies³) ´(usu cloth) covering above a bed, throne, etc or held (on poles) over a person; cover for the cockpit of an aircraft, µ¥ ´the illus at µair±1´; (fig) any overhanging covering: ³the @ of the heavens´, the sky; ³a @ of leaves, ´eÔg in a forest.¼ ¨cant©1 ²/kant/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´insincere talk (esp implying false piety); hypocrisy. ¸2 ´special talk, words, used by a class of people, a sect, etc; jargon: ³thieves' @´; (attrib) ³a @ phrase.¼ ¨cant©2 ²/kant/ ³n ´sloping or sideways surface or position. ¹ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,15B,2A,C] ´give, have, a @: ³@ a boat for repairs.¼ ¨can't© ²/kqnt ³US: ²kant/ ³c ´= µcannot, µ¥ can±2µ.¼ ¨Can®tab© ²/Úkantab/ ³adj ´of Cambridge University.¼ ¨can®ta®loup©, -loupe ²/ÚkantElup/ ³n ´kind of melon.¼ ¨can®tank®er®ous© ²/kanÚtaGkErEs/ ³adj ´bad-tempered; quarrelsome. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨can®tata© ²/kanÚtqtE/ ³n ´short musical work to be sung by soloists and a choir, usu a dramatic story, but not acted. µ¥ oratorio, opera.¼ ¨can®teen© ²/kanÚtin/ ³n ¸1 ´place (esp in factories, offices, barracks) where food and drink are sold and meals bought and eaten. ¸2 ´box or chest of table silver and cutlery (knives, forks, spoons): ³a @ of cutlery. ¸3 ´soldier's eating and drinking utensils.¼ ¨can®ter© ²/ÚkantE(r)/ ³n ´(of a horse) easy gallop: ³The horse won the race at a @´, won easily. ¹ ³vt,vi ´(cause to) gallop gently.¼ ¨can®ticle© ²/ÚkantIkl/ ³n ´short hymn, esp one taken from the Bible.¼ ¨can®ti®lever© ²/ÚkantIlivE(r)/ ³n ´long, large, armlike bracket extending from a wall or base (eÔg to support a balcony). ¸Ú@ bridge ³n ´one built on supports from which @s extend and join. µ¥ ´the illus at µbridge.¼ ¨canto© ²/ÚkantE8/ ³n (pl µ@s ²/-tE8z/³) ´chief division of a long poem.¼ ¨can®ton© ²/Úkanton/ ³n ´subdivision of a country (esp of Switzerland).¼ ¨can®ton®ment© ²/kanÚtunmEnt ³US: ²-ÚtE8n-/ ³n ´permanent military station; place where soldiers live.¼ ¨can®tor© ²/Úkantc(r)/ ³n ´leader of the singing in a church or synagogue.¼ ¨Ca®nuck© ²/kEÚn8k/ ³n ´(US sl) (French) Canadian.¼ ¨can®vas© ²/ÚkanvEs/ ³n ¶[U] ´strong, coarse cloth used for tents, sails, bags, etc and by artists for oil-paintings; ¶[C] ´(piece of this for an) oil-painting. ·under @, ¸(a) ´(of soldiers, scouts, etc) living in tents. ¸(b) ´(of a ship) with sails spread.¼ ¨can®vass© ²/ÚkanvEs/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (for), ´go from person to person and ask for votes, orders for goods, subscriptions, etc or to learn about people's views on a question: ³He is @ing for the Conservative candidate. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´discuss thoroughly; examine by discussion: ³@ views/opinions. ¹ ³n ´@ing.¼ ¨can®yon©, ca~non ²/ÚkanjEn/ ³n ´deep gorge (usu with a river flowing through it).¼ ¨cap© ²/kap/ ³n ¸1 ´soft head-covering worn by boys and men, by some sailors and soldiers, without a brim, but often with a peak; special cap awarded to members of football teams, etc or worn to show rank: ³a cardinal's cap; ´academic head-dress with a flat top and a tassel: ³wearing his cap and gown. µ¥ mortar-board. ¸2 ´indoor head-dress worn by nurses, and formerly by old women. ¸3 ´cap-like cover (eÔg on a milk bottle). ¸4 ¸perÚcussion cap´, small quantity of gunpowder in a wrapper of paper, etc, used as a detonator. ¸5 ´(phrases) ·cap and bells, ´cap trimmed with bells, as formerly worn by jesters. ·if the cap fits, ´if a person feels that the remark applies to him. ·cap in hand, ´humbly. ·set one's cap at sb, ´(of a girl or woman) try to attract as a suitor. ¹ ³vt µ(-pp-) ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´put a cap on; cover the top of. ¸2 ´do or say sth better than (what sb else has done or said). ·cap a story/joke, ´tell a more amusing one. ¸3 ´award (a player) a cap (as a member of a football team, etc): ³He's been capped 36 times for England. (´Scottish universities) confer a degree on.¼ ¨ca®pa®bil®ity© ²/*keIpEÚbIlEtI/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´power (³of ´doing things, ³to do ´things); fitness or capacity (³for ´being improved, etc): ³nuclear @, ´power, capacity, to wage nuclear war. ¸2 ³(pl) (µ-ties³) ´undeveloped faculties; qualities, etc, that can be developed: ³The boy has great capabilities.¼ ¨ca®pable© ²/ÚkeIpEbl/ ³adj ¸1 ´gifted; able: ³a very @ doctor/nurse/teacher. ¸2 ·@ of, ¸(a) ´(of persons) having the power, ability or inclination: ³Show your teacher what you are @ of´, Show him how well you can work. ³He's quite @ of neglecting his duty´, is the sort of man who might do so. ³He's @ of any crime. ¸(b) ´(of things, situations, etc) ready for; admitting of; open to: ³The situation is @ of improvement. ¸ca®pably ³adv¼ ¨ca®pa®cious© ²/kEÚpeIcEs/ ³adj ´able to hold much: ³a @ memory; @ pockets. ·@ness ³n¼ ¨ca®pac®ity© ²/kEÚpesEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´(and with ³indef art) ´ability to hold, contain, get hold of, learn things/qualities/ideas etc: ³The hall has a seating @ of 500´, has seats for 500 people. ³The theatre was filled to @´, was quite full. ³He has a mind of great @´, a mind well able to grasp ideas. ³This book is within the @ of ´(= can be understood by) ³young readers. Some persons have more @ for happiness ´(= a greater power of experiencing happiness) ³than others. ¸2 ¶[C] ³(pl µ-ties³) ´position; character. ·in one's @ as, ´in one's position as being: ³I am your friend, but in my @ as an officer of the law I must take you into custody.¼ ¨cap-`a-pie© ²/*kapEÚpi/ ³adv ·armed @, ´armed from head to foot, completely.¼ ¨ca®pari®son© ²/kEÚparIsn/ ³n ´(often ³pl´; old use) ornamental covering for a horse, or for a horse and the knight who rode it. ¹ ³vt ´put a @ on (a horse).¼ ¨cape©1 ²/keIp/ ³n ´loose sleeveless garment, hanging from the shoulders.¼ ¨cape©2 ²/keIp/ ³n ´high point of land going out into the sea; headland. ¸the C@, ´(S Africa) the C@ of Good Hope; C@ Province.¼ ¨ca®per©1 ²/ÚkeIpE(r)/ ³vi ´jump about playfully. ¹ ³n ·cut a @/@s, ´jump about merrily; act foolishly or fantastically.¼ ¨ca®per©2 ²/ÚkeIpE(r)/ ³n ´prickly shrub; ³(pl) ´pickled flower-buds of this shrub, used to make @ sauce.¼ ¨cap®il®lary© ²/kEÚpIlErI ³US: ²ÚkapElerI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´tube with a hair-like diameter (eÔg joining the arteries and veins), µ¥ ´the illus at µrespiratory´: (attrib) ³@ attraction´, attraction of the kind that causes blotting-paper to absorb ink, or oil to rise through the wick of an oil lamp.¼ ¨capi®tal©1 ²/ÚkapItl/ ³n ´(often attrib) ¸1 ´town or city where the government of a country, state or province is carried on: ³Toronto is the @ of Ontario. London, Paris and Rome are @ cities. ¸2 ´(of letters of the alphabet) not small: ³The pronoun "I' is written and printed with a @ letter. Write your name in @ letters/in @s. ¸3 ´head, top part, of a column. µ¥ ´the illus at µcolumn. ³¹ ³adj ¸1 ´punishable by death: ³@ offences. ¸2 ´(dated colloq) excellent, first-rate: ³He made a @ speech. What a @ idea!¼ ¨capi®tal©2 ²/ÚkapItl/ ³n ¶[U] ´wealth/money/property that may be used for the production of more wealth; money with which a business, etc is started (eÔg for building or buying factories, buying machinery). ¸@ expenditure, ´money spent on equipment, building, etc. ¸@ gain, ´profit made from the sale of investments or property. ¸@ goods, ´goods used to produce other goods. ¸@ levy, ´taking by the State of a part of all the private wealth in the country. ¸Úfixed @, ´machinery, buildings, etc. ¸Úfloating @, ´@ goods. ·a @ of, ´@ valued at: ·make @ of sth, ´use it to one's own advantage.¼ ¨capi®tal®ism© ²/ÚkapItElIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´economic system in which a country's trade and industry are organized and controlled by the owners of capital±2´, the chief elements being competition, profit, supply and demand. µ¥ socialism. ¸capi®tal®ist ³n ¸1 ´person who controls much capital±2´. ¸2 ´person who supports @. ¹ ³adj ´of, supporting @: ³a capitalist economy. ¸capi®tal®is®tic ²/*kapItEÚlIstIk/ ³adj¼ ¨capi®tal®ize© ²/ÚkapItElñIz/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´write or print with a capital letter. ¸2 ´convert into, use as, capital±2´; (fig) take advantage of; use to one's advantage or profit. ¸3 ¶[VP3A] ·@ on, ´profit by; exploit: ³@ on the errors of a rival firm. ¸capi®tal®iz®ation ²/*kapItElñIÚzeI2n ³US: ²-IÚzeI2n/ ³n¼ ¨capi®ta®tion© ²/*kapIÚteI2n/ ³n ´(reckoning of) tax, fee, charge or grant of an equal sum per person.¼ ¨Capi®tol© ²/ÚkapItl/ ³n ´building in which the United States Congress meets.¼ ¨ca®pitu®late© ²/kEÚpIt28leIt/ ³vt ¶[VP2A] ´surrender (on stated conditions). ¸ca®pitu®la®tion ²/kE*pIt28ÚleI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´surrendering (on stated conditions).¼ ¨ca®pon© ²/ÚkeIpEn ³US: ²-pon/ ³n ´cock (male domestic fowl) castrated and fattened for eating.¼ ¨ca®price© ²/kEÚpris/ ³n ¸1 ´(often sudden) change of mind or behaviour that has no obvious cause; tendency to change suddenly without apparent cause. ¸2 ´piece of music in a lively, irregular style.¼ ¨ca®pri®cious© ²/kEÚprI2Es/ ³adj ´often changing; irregular; unreliable; guided by caprice: ³a @ breeze, ´often or suddenly changing in direction. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨Cap®ri®corn© ²/ÚkaprIkcn/ ³n ¸Tropic of @, ´the parallel of latitude 23§ÄS; tenth sign of the zodiac, µ¥ ´the illus at µzodiac.¼ ¨cap®si®cum© ²/ÚkapsIkEm/ ³n ´kinds of plant with seed-pods containing hot-tasting seeds; such pods prepared for use in cooking, etc. µ¥ cayenne, pepper(2).¼ ¨cap®size© ²/kapÚsñIz/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,2A] ´(esp of a boat in the water) (cause to) overturn, upset.¼ ¨cap®stan© ²/ÚkapstEn/ ³n ´upright barrel-like object turned (formerly) by men who walk round it pushing horizontal levers, or (more usu today) by steam, etc, power, used for raising anchors, sails, etc and for pulling a ship to a wharf, etc.¼ ¨cap®sule© ²/Úkapsjul ³US: ²Úkapsl/ ³n ¸1 ´seed-case that opens when the seeds are ripe. ¸2 ´tiny container (eÔg for a dose of medicine, often soluble). ¸3 ´(recoverable or non-recoverable) receptacle (for scientific instruments, or an astronaut) which can be ejected from a spacecraft.¼ ¨cap®tain© ²/ÚkaptIn/ ³n ¸1 ´leader or chief commander: ³the @ of a ship/fire-brigade/football or cricket team. ¸2 ´(in the army) officer (below a major and above a lieutenant) who commands a company; (in the navy) officer below an admiral and above a commander. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´act as @ of (a football team, etc).¼ ¨cap®tion© ²/Úkap2n/ ³n ´short title or heading of an article in a periodical, etc; words printed with a photograph or illustration, etc; word(s) on a movie film to establish the scene of the story, etc (eÔg Dover 1940). Cf ³sub-titles.¼ ¨cap®tious© ²/Úkap2Es/ ³adj ´(formal) (fond of) finding fault, making protests, etc esp about unimportant points. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨cap®ti®vate© ²/ÚkaptIveIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´capture the fancy of; fascinate: ³He was @d by Helen/@d with her charm.¼ ¨cap®tive© ²/kaptIv/ ³n, adj ¸1 ´(person, animal) taken prisoner, kept as a prisoner. ·be taken/hold sb @, ´take or keep him prisoner. ¸*@ balÚloon, ´one that is held to the ground by a cable. ¸2 *@ Úaudience, ´one that cannot get away easily and is, therefore, open to persuasion (eÔg schoolchildren watching TÔV). ¸cap®tiv®ity ²/kapÚtIvEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´state of being held @: ³Some birds will not sing in captivity.¼ ¨cap®tor© ²/ÚkaptE(r)/ ³n ´person who takes sb captive.¼ ¨cap®ture© ²/Úkapt2E(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make a prisoner of; take or obtain as a prize by force, trickery, skill, etc: ³Our army @d 500 of the enemy. The police have not @d the thief yet. This advertisement will @ the attention of readers everywhere. ¹ n ¶[U] ´act of capturing: ³the @ of a thief; ¶[C] ´thing that is @d.¼ ¨car© ²/kq(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´motor-car. µ¥ ´the illus at µmotor. ¸Úcar-ferry ³n ´ferry (sea or air) for taking cars (eÔg across the English Channel). ¸Úcar-port ³n ´open-sided shelter for a motor-vehicle. ¸2 ´(on a railway train) (in GB) coach: ·Ú³dining-car; ·Ú³sleeping-car´; (in US also) wagon for goods: ·Ú³freight-car ´(GB = ·Ú³goods-wagon). ¸3 ´that part of a balloon, airship or lift (US = ³elevator´) ´used by passengers. ¸4 ´(poet) wheeled vehicle; chariot: ³the car of the sun-god.¼ ¨ca®rafe© ²/kEÚraf/ ³n ´water-bottle, or decanter for wine, for use at table.¼ ¨cara®mel© ²/ÚkarEmel/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´burnt sugar used for colouring and flavouring. ¸2 ¶[C] ´small, shaped piece of sticky boiled sugar; sweetmeat.¼ ¨cara®pace© ²/ÚkarEpeIs/ ³n ´shell on the back of a tortoise and crustaceans. µ¥ ´the illus at µcrustacean, reptile.¼ ¨carat© ²/ÚkarEt/ ³n ¸1 ´unit of weight (= 200 milligrams or about three and one-fifth grains) for precious stones. µ¥ App 5. ¸2 ´(US = ³karat´) measure of the purity of gold, pure gold being 24 @s: ³a gold ring of 20 @s, ´iÔe 20 parts gold, 4 parts alloy.¼ ¨cara®van© ²/ÚkarEvan/ ³n ¸1 ´company of persons (eÔg pilgrims, merchants) making a journey together for safety, usu across desert country. ¸2 ´covered cart or wagon used for living in, eÔg by Gypsies or people on holiday, esp (today) the kind pulled behind a motor vehicle. µ¥ ´also µtrailer ´at µtrail(1). ¸@®ning ³n ´(the practice of) taking holidays in a @. ¸@®sary, @®serai ²/*karEÚvansErI, -sErñI/ ³n ´inn with a large inner courtyard where @s put up in Eastern countries.¼ ¨cara®way© ²/ÚkarEweI/ ³n ´plant with spicy seeds used to flavour bread, cakes, etc.¼ ¨car®bide© ²/ÚkqbñId/ ³n ´compound of carbon. µ¥ calcium.¼ ¨car®bine© ²/ÚkqbñIn/ ³n ´short rifle (originally for soldiers on horseback).¼ ¨carbo®hy®drate© ²/*kqbE8ÚhñIdreIt/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(kinds of) organic compound including sugars and starches; ³(pl) ´starchy foods, considered to be fattening.¼ ¨car®bolic acid© ²/kq*bolIk ÚasId/ ³n ¶[U] ´strong-smelling, powerful liquid used as an antiseptic and disinfectant.¼ ¨car®bon© ²/ÚkqbEn/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´non-metallic element (symbol ¸C´) that occurs in all living matter, in its pure form as diamonds and graphite and in an impure form in coal and charcoal. ¸Ú@ black ³n ´black powder obtained by partly burning oil, wood, etc. ¸Ú@ dating, ´method of dating prehistoric objects by measuring the decay of a radioactive isotope of @. ¸2 ¶[C] ´stick or pencil of @ used in an electric arc-lamp. ¸3 ¶[C] ´(also ¸Ú@-paper´) (sheet of) thin paper coated with coloured matter, used between sheets of writing paper for taking copies. ¸4 ¶[C] ´(also ¸@ copy´) copy made by the use of @-paper. ¸5 *@ diÚoxide ³n ´gas (¸CO¶c´) produced by animal bodies and breathed out from the lungs; synthetic version of this used in eÔg canned beers and soft drinks, to give fizz. ¸*@ monÚoxide ³n ´poisonous gas (¸CO´) produced when @ burns, present in the exhaust gas of petrol engines and after explosions in coal mines. ¸@®ated ²/ÚkqbEneItId/ ³adj ´containing @ dioxide: ³@ed beverages. ¸@®if®er®ous ²/*kqbEÚnIfErEs/ ³adj ´(geol) producing coal: ³@iferous strata. ¸@®ize ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´convert into @ by burning. ¸@®iz®ation ²/*kqbEnñIÚzeI2n ³US: ²-nIÚz-/ ³n¼ ¨car®bonic acid© ²/kq*bonIk ÚasId/ ³n ¶[U] ´carbon dioxide dissolved in water (eÔg giving the sharp taste to soda water).¼ ¨car®bor®un®dum© ²/*kqbEÚrAndEm/ ³n ´(P) hard compound of carbon and silicon, used for polishing and grinding.¼ ¨car®boy© ²/ÚkqbãI/ ³n ´large, round glass or plastic bottle, usu enclosed in basketwork or a crate to protect it from being broken.¼ ¨car®buncle© ²/ÚkqbAGkl/ ³n ¸1 ´bright-red jewel. ¸2 ´red (usu painful) inflamed swelling under the skin.¼ ¨car®bu®ret®tor© ´(US = ¸-retor´) ²/*kqbj8ÚretE(r) ³US: ²ÚkqrbEreItEr/ ³n ´that part of an internal combustion engine in which petrol and air are mixed to make an explosive mixture.¼ ¨car®cass©, car®case ²/ÚkqkEs/ ³n ¸1 ´dead body of an animal (esp one prepared for cutting up as meat): ³@ meat´, meat from a @ (contrasted with tinned or corned meat). ¸2 ´(contemptuous) human body. ¸3 ´shellµ(2)´.¼ ¨card©1 ²/kqd/ ³n ¸1 ´(usu small, oblong-shaped) piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard, as used for various purposes, eÔg ³a ·Ú³visiting-@ ´(US ·Ú³calling @´), with a person's name, etc on it; ·Ú³Christmas/New ·Ú³Year/·Ú³Birthday @s´, sent with greetings at Christmas, etc; ·Ú³record @´, one for keeping records, notes, etc, and stored in a box or drawer; ³@ index´, index on @s. ¸@-carrying member ³n ´registered member of a group, political party, trade union, etc. ¸Ú@ vote ³n ´vote taken at a trade union meeting at which each delegate has a @ representing a certain number of workers. ¸2 ´programme for a race meeting or game, with details, and space for marking results: ³a ·Ú³score @, ´eÔg for cricket. ¸3 ´(esp) one of the 52 cards (often ·Ú³playing-@´) used for various games (canasta, bridge, poker, etc) and for telling fortunes. ·have a @ up one's sleeve, ´have a secret plan in reserve. ·hold/keep one's @s close to one's chest, µ¥ chest(2). ·make a @, ´take a trick (µ¥ trick(5)´) with it. ·on the @s, ´(from fortune-telling by @s) likely or possible. ·one's best/strongest @, ´one's strongest argument, best way of getting what one wants. ·play one's @s well, ´do one's business cleverly, with good judgement. ·play a sure/safe/doubtful @, ´use a plan or expedient that is sure, etc. ·put one's @s on the table, ´make one's plans, intentions, etc, known. ¸Ú@-sharper ³n ´person who makes a living by swindling at @ games. ¸4 ´(hum) person who is queer or amusing.¼ ¨card©2 ²/kqd/ ³n ´toothed instrument, wire brush, for combing or cleaning wool, hemp etc. ¹ ³vt ´clean or comb with such an instrument.¼ ¨car®da®mom© ²/ÚkqdEmEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´aromatic spice from seed-capsules of various East Indian plants.¼ ¨card®board© ²/Úkqdbcd/ ³n ¶[U] ´thick, stiff kind of paper or pasteboard, used for making boxes, binding books, etc.¼ ¨car®diac© ²/ÚkqdIak/ ³adj ´of the heart: ³@ muscle; @ symptoms, ´iÔe of heart disease.¼ ¨car®di®gan© ²/ÚkqdIgEn/ ³n ´knitted collarless woollen jacket that buttons up the front, made with sleeves.¼ ¨car®di®nal© ²/ÚkqdInl/ ³adj ´chief; most important; on which sth depends: ³the @ virtues. ¸@ numbers, ´eÔg 5, 6, 7 (contrasted with ³ordinal numbers, ´eÔg 5th, 6th, 7th´); ³the @ points, ´of the compass (N, S, E and W). µ¥ ´the illus at µcompass. ´¹ ³n ´bishop in the RÔC Church who is able to participate in the election of a Pope.¼ ¨care©1 ²/keE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´serious attention or thought; watchfulness; pains: ³You should take more @ over your work. This is made of glass, so take @ not to break it. Glass, with @! ´eÔg as a warning when goods are sent by rail. ³Take @ (that) you don't get run over when you cross the street. Do your work with more @. ´(Used with the ³indef art´): ³Have a @ ´(= Take @), be cautious. ¸2 ¶[U] ´protection; charge; responsibility: ³The child was left in its sister's @. The library is under the @ of Mr Grey. I will leave this in your @´, leave you responsible for it. ·@ of, ´(often written ¸c/o´) used in addresses before the name of the person(s) to whose house, office, etc a letter is sent. ¸Child C@ officer ³n ´(in GB but no longer current, now ³social worker´) person appointed to look after children who are homeless or whose parents are neglectful, etc. ·take into @, ´(of such an officer) take (a child lacking proper @) to an institution. ·take @ of, ´(colloq) deal with, be responsible for. ¸Ú@®taker ³n ´person paid to take @ of a building during the owner's absence; (US = ³janitor´) person in charge of the upkeep of a public building such as a school or of a private building such as a block of flats. ¸@®taker Government´, administration that continues in office until a new one is formed to take over its work. ¸3 ¶[U] ´worry; anxiety; troubled state of mind caused by doubt or fear: ³free from @. C@ had made him look ten years older. ¸Ú@®free ³adj ´showing no worry; cheerful. ¸Ú@®laden, ¸Ú@®worn ³adjj ´showing worry; troubled. ¸4 ¶[C] ´(usu ³pl´) cause of sorrow and anxiety: ³He was rich and free from @s of every kind. He was poor and troubled by the @s of a large family.¼ ¨care©2 ²/keE(r)/ ³vi ¸1 ¶[VP2A,3A,B] ´(with ³prep ´usu omitted before a clause) ·@ (about), ´feel interest, anxiety or sorrow: ³He failed in the examination but I don't think he @s very much/he doesn't seem to @. He doesn't @ much (about) what happens to me. He doesn't @ what they say. I don't @ who you are/how soon you leave. He doesn't @ a damn´, is not in the least interested, worried, etc. ³Who @s? ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ´like (to have): ³Would you @ for a drink? I shouldn't @ for that man to be my doctor. He doesn't much @ for television. ¸3 ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ´have a taste for; like: ³Do you @ for modern music? ¸4 ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ´look after; provide food, money, shelter etc: ³Who will @ for the children if their mother dies? The State must @ for the families of soldiers killed in the war. ¸5 ¶[VP4C] ´like; be willing or desirous (inter and neg only): ³Would you @ to go for a walk? I don't @ to be seen in his company.¼ ¨ca®reen© ²/kEÚrin/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´turn (a ship) on one side for cleaning, repairing, etc. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,2A] ´(cause to) tilt, lean over to one side.¼ ¨ca®reer© ²/kEÚrIE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´progress through life; development and progress of a party/principle etc: ³We can learn much by reading about the @s of great men. ¸2 ¶[C] ´way of making a living; profession: ³Should all @s be open to women´, Should women be allowed to enter all occupations? (attrib) professional: ³a @ diplomat; a ·Ú³@ girl´, (esp) one who prefers a @ to marriage. ¸3 ¶[U] ´quick or violent forward movement: ³in full @´, at full speed; ³stop (sb) in mid @. ¹ ³vi ¶[VP2C,3A] ·@ about/along/past/through, etc, ´rush wildly. ¸@®ist ³n ´person whose chief interest is personal advancement in his profession.¼ ¨care®ful© ²/ÚkeEfl/ ³adj ¸1 ´(pred) ·be @ (about/of), ´(of a person) taking care; cautious; thinking of, paying attention to, what one does, says, etc: ³Be @ not to break the eggs. Be @ (about/of) what you do/what you say/where you go/how you carry it etc. Be more @ with your work. Be @ of your health. ¸2 ´done with, showing, care: ³@ guidance/a @ guide; ³a @ piece of work; a @ examination of the facts. ¸@®ly ²/-fElI/ ³adv ¸@®ness ³n¼ ¨care®less© ²/ÚkeElIs/ ³adj ¸1 ´(of a person) not taking care; thoughtless: ³He is @ about leaving the door unlocked when he goes to bed. A @ driver is a danger to the public. ¸2 ´done or made without care: ³a @ mistake. ¸3 ´(liter) light-hearted; gay: ³@ little songbirds. ¸4 ·@ of, ´(liter) ´unconcerned about; uncomplainingly accepting: ³He is @ of his reputation. The soldiers were @ of hardship. ¸@®ly ³adv ¸@®ness ³n´: ³a piece of @ness´, a @ act.¼ ¨ca®ress© ²/kEÚres/ ³n ¶[C] ´loving or affectionate touch or light stroke. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´give a @ or @es to. ¸@®ing ³adj ´showing love. ¸@®ing®ly ³adv¼ ¨caret© ²/Úkaret/ ³n ´mark (²®´) used (eÔg in correcting proofs) to show, in writing or print, where sth is to be inserted.¼ ¨cargo© ²/ÚkqgE8/ ³n (pl µ@es, ´US also µ@s ²/-gE8z/³) ¶[C,U] ´goods carried in a ship, aircraft or other vehicle: ³a ·Ú³@ ship/plane. ´Cf ³goods/freight train.¼ ¨cari®bou© ²/ÚkarIbu/ ³n (pl µ@s ´or, collective µ@´) N American reindeer.¼ ¨cari®ca®ture© ²/ÚkarIkEtj8E(r)/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´picture of sb or sth, imitation of a person's voice, behaviour, etc, stressing certain features, to amuse or ridicule. ¸2 ¶[U] ´art of doing this. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make, give, a @ of. ¸cari®ca®tur®ist ³n ´expert in @.¼ ¨car®ies© ²/ÚkeEriz/ ³n ¶[U] ´(med) decay (of bones or teeth): ³dental @. ¸cari®ous ²/ÚkeErIEs/ ³adj ´(of bone) affected with @.¼ ¨car®il®lon© ²/kEÚrIljEn ³US: ²ÚkarElon/ ³n ´set of bells in a tower on which tunes may be played by some kind of mechanism (eÔg a keyboard).¼ ¨Car®mel®ite© ²/ÚkqmElñIt/ ³n, adj ´(friar or nun) of the religious order founded in 1155.¼ ¨car®mine© ²/ÚkqmñIn/ ³n, adj ´deep red colour or colouring matter.¼ ¨car®nage© ²/ÚkqnIdZ/ ³n ¶[U] ´(liter) killing of many people: ³a scene of @, ´eÔg a battlefield.¼ ¨car®nal© ²/Úkqnl/ ³adj ´(formal) of the body or flesh; sensual (opposite to ³spiritual): ³@ desires. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨car®na®tion© ²/kqÚneI2n/ ³n ´garden plant with sweet-smelling white, pink or red flowers; the flower.¼ ¨car®ni®val© ²/ÚkqnIvl/ ³n ¶[U] ´public merrymaking and feasting, usu with processions of persons in fancy dress, esp in RÔC countries during the week before Lent; ¶[C] ´festival of this kind.¼ ¨car®ni®vore© ²/ÚkqnIvc(r)/ ³n ´flesh-eating animal. ¸car®ni®vor®ous ²/kqÚnIvErEs/ ³adj ´flesh-eating.¼ ¨carol© ²/ÚkarEl/ ³n ´song of joy or praise, esp a Christmas hymn: ·Ú³@ singers´, singers who visit people's houses at Christmas to sing @s (and usu to collect money for charity). ¹ ³vt µ(-ll-, ´US also µ-l-) ´sing joyfully: celebrate with @s. ¸@®ler ³n¼ ¨ca®rouse© ²/kEÚrñ8z/ ³vt ¶[VP2A] ´drink heavily and be merry (at a noisy meal, party etc). ¸ca®rousal ²/kEÚrñ8zl/ ³n ´noisy drinking-party or revelry.¼ ¨carp©1 ²/kqp/ ³n (pl ´unchanged) large freshwater fish that lives in lakes and ponds.¼ ¨carp©2 ²/kqp/ ³vt ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (at), ´make unnecessary complaints about small matters: ³a @ing tongue; @ing criticism. She's always @ing at her husband.¼ ¨car®pal© ²/Úkqpl/ ³adj ´(anat) of the wrist. ¹ ³n ´(anat) bone in the wrist, µ¥ ´the illus at µskeleton.¼ ¨car®pen®ter© ²/ÚkqpEntE(r)/ ³n ´workman who makes and repairs (esp) the wooden parts of buildings and other structures of wood. µ¥ joiner. ¸car®pen®try ²/-trI/ ³n ¶[U] ´work of a @.¼ ¨car®pet© ²/ÚkqpIt/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´thick covering for floors or stairs, usu of wool, hair or synthetic fibres, often with a pattern or designs woven into it. ·on the @, ´(colloq) being reprimanded. ·sweep sth under the @, ´hide, ignore, sth, in order to delay action, escape blame, etc. ¸Ú@-bag ³n ´(old fashioned) travelling bag made of @. ¸Ú@®bag®ger ³n ´(US) person, during the American Civil War (1861-5), from northern UÔSÔA who went to the South to seek financial or political advantage. ¸Ú@-knight ³n ´soldier who has not seen active service, stay-at-home soldier; ladies' man. ¸Ú@-slippers ³n pl ´(old-fashioned) kind of soft slippers with uppers of woollen cloth. ¸Ú@-sweeper ³n ´device with revolving brush(es) for sweeping @s and rugs. ¸2 ´sth suggesting a @: ³a @ of moss, ´eÔg in a garden. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ¸1 ´cover (as) with a @: ³to @ the stairs; a lawn @ed with fallen leaves. ¸2 ´(sl) reprimand: ³He's been @ed.¼ ¨car®riage© ²/ÚkarIdZ/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C] ´vehicle, esp one with four wheels, pulled by a horse or horses, for carrying people: ³a @ and pair´, one pulled by two horses. µ¥ coach±1µ. ¸Ú@®way ³n ´(part of a) road used by vehicles: ³Cars must not park on the @way. ¸*dual Ú@®way, ´road divided down the centre (by a barrier, a strip of pavement or grass) for traffic in each direction (US = ³divided highway). ¸2 ¶[C] ´wheeled vehicle for passengers on a railway train (US = ³car´); coach: ³The first class @s are in front. ¸3 ¶[U] ´(cost of) carrying of goods from place to place. ·@ forward, ´cost of @ to be paid by the receiver. ·@ free/paid, ´@ free to the receiver/paid by the sender. ¸4 ¶[C] ´wheeled support on which a heavy object may move or be moved (eÔg a ³gun @´); moving part of a machine, changing the position of other parts (eÔg the roller of a typewriter). ¸5 ³(sing ´only) manner of holding the head or the body (when walking, etc): ³She has a graceful @´, She stands and walks gracefully. µ¥ carry(8).¼ ¨car®rier© ²/ÚkarIE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´person or company that carries goods or people for payment (eÔg a railway, shipping or aircraft company). ¸2 ´support for luggage, etc fixed to a bicycle, motor-car, etc. ¸3 ´person, animal, etc that carries or transmits a disease without himself or itself suffering from it. ¸4 ´vehicle, ship, etc used for the transport of troops, aircraft, tanks, etc. µ¥ aircraft-@, Bren-@, troop-@. ¸5 ¸Ú@-bag ³n ´strong paper or plastic bag with hand grips for eÔg carrying away purchases from shops. ¸Ú@-pigeon ³n ´pigeon used to carry messages because it can find its way home from a distant place.¼ ¨car®rion© ²/ÚkarIEn/ ³n ¶[U] ´dead and decaying flesh. ¸Ú@-crow, ´crow that lives on @ and small animals.¼ ¨car®rot© ²/ÚkarEt/ ³n ´(plant with) yellow or orange-red root used as a vegetable, µ¥ ´the illus at µvegetable´. ¸the stick and the @´, threats and bribes. ¸hold out/offer a @ to sb´, entice by offering a reward or advantage. ¸@y ³adj ´(esp of hair) orange-red.¼ ¨carry©1 ²/ÚkarI/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µcarried³) ´(For uses with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps, µ¥ 11 ´below.) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15A,B] ´support the weight of and move from place to place; take a person, a message, etc from one place to another: ³He was @ing a box on his shoulder. She was @ing the baby in her arms. Railways and ships @ goods. He carried ´(= went round and told) ³the news to everyone in the village. He ran off as fast as his legs could @ him´, as fast as he could run. ³This bicycle has carried me 500 miles. How far will five gallons of petrol @ you? ³Some kinds of seeds are carried by the wind for great distances. The raft was carried by ocean currents to a small island. A spy carries his life in his hands´, takes the risk of death. ¸Ú@-cot ³n ´light cot with handles (but no wheels) for @ing a baby. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15A] ´have with one; wear; possess: ³Do you always @ an umbrella? Ought the police to be allowed to @ fire-arms? I never @ much money with me. Can you @ all these figures in your head´, remember them without writing them down? ³The wound left a scar that he will @ with him to the grave´, that will remain for life. ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´support: ³These pillars @ the weight of the roof. The girders are carried on trestles. ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´involve; entail; have as a result: ³The loan carries 3§% interest. That argument does not @ conviction´, is not convincing. ³Power carries responsibility with it. His word/promise carries weight´, is influential. ¸5 ¶[VP6A,15A] ´(of pipes, wires, etc) conduct; take: ³The oil is carried across the desert in pipe-lines. Copper carries electricity. ¸6 ¶[VP15A] ´make longer; extend; take (to a specified point, in a specified direction, etc): ³@ a fence round a field; @ pipes under a street; @ a joke too far´, be no longer amusing. Don't @ modesty too far. ¸7 ¶[VP6A,15A] ´win; capture; persuade; overcome: ³The soldiers rushed forward and carried the enemy's position. He carried his audience with him´, won their sympathy and agreement. ³The bill/motion/resolution was carried´, there were more votes for it than against it. ·@ the day, ´be victorious. ·@ everything before one, ´be completely successful. ·@ one's point, ´win approval for it. ¸8 ¶[VP6A,15A,16B] ´hold oneself/one's head/one's body in a specified way: ³He carries himself like a soldier´, stands and walks like one. ³She carries herself badly, ´eÔg by slouching or stooping. ¸9 ¶[VP2B,C] ´(of guns) send (a shell, etc) a certain distance; (of missiles, sounds, voices, etc) have the power to go to: ³Our guns do not @ far enough. The sound of the guns carried many miles. The shot carried 200 metres. A public speaker must have a voice that carries well. ¸10 ¶[VP6A] ´(of a newspaper, etc) print in its pages: ³a newspaper that carries several pages of advertisements. ¸11 ¶[VP15B,2C] ´(with ³adverbial particles ´and ³preps)´:¼ ·carry sb/sth away, ¸(a) ´(usu passive) cause to lose self-control: ³He was carried away by his enthusiasm´, was so enthusiastic that he was unable to judge calmly, etc. ¸(b) ´(naut) lose (masts, etc) by breaking: ³The ship's masts were carried away during the storm.¼ ·carry sb back, ´take back in the memory: ³an incident that carried me back to my schooldays´, caused me to recall them.¼ ·carry sth forward, ´(comm, book-keeping) transfer (a total of figures on a page) to the head of a new column or page.¼ ·carry sth off, ´win: ³Tom carried off all the school prizes. ·@ it/sth off (well), ´succeed in a difficult situation; cover a mistake, etc.¼ ·carry (sth) on, ¸(a) ´conduct; manage: ³Rising costs made it hard to @ on the business. It's difficult to @ on a conversation at a noisy party. ¸(b) ´talk volubly and complainingly; behave strangely or suspiciously: ³How she does @ on! Did you notice how they were @ing on? ´Hence, ¸@®ings-on ³n pl´: ³Such queer carryings-on next door, ´such queer happenings! ·@ on (with), ´continue (doing sth): ³C@ on (with your work). They decided to @ on in spite of the weather. ·@ on (an affair) (with), ´(often suggesting disapproval) flirt with; have a love affair with: ³His wife is @ing on with the postman. ·(sth) to @ on with, ´(sth) (to do or use) for the time being: ³I can't give you all you need, but here's $5 to @ on/be @ing on with.¼ ·carry sth out, ¸(a) ´do as required or specified; fulfil; complete: ³@ out a promise/threat/plan/instruction. ¸(b) ´perform; conduct: ³@ out experiments/tests.¼ ·carry sb/sth through, ¸(a) ´help (through difficulties, etc): ³Their courage will @ them through. ¸(b) ´complete; fulfil: ³Having made a promise, you must @ it through.¼ ¨carry©2 ²/ÚkarI/ ³n ¸1 ´range of a gun, etc; distance that a shell, etc, goes. ¸2 ´portage; act of carrying boats, etc, from one river or lake to another; place where this must be done.¼ ¨cart© ²/kqt/ ³n ´two-wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse. µ¥ ´also µhand@. ·be in the @, ´(sl) be in an awkward or losing position. ·put the @ before the horse, ´do or put things in the wrong order, take the effect for the cause (eÔg by saying "I was lazy because I didn't study'). ·turn Ú@-wheels, ´turn somersaults sideways. ¸Ú@-horse ³n ´strong horse for heavy work. ¸Ú@-load ³n ´as much as a @ holds: ³a @-load of manure. ¸Ú@-road/-track, ´rough unmetalled road. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,15B] ¸1 ´carry in a @: ³@ing hay; @ away the rubbish. ¸2 ´(colloq) carry in the hands, etc: ³Have you really got to @ these parcels around for the rest of the day? ¸@®age ²/ÚkqtIdZ/ ³n ¶[U] ´(cost of) carting. ¸@er ³n ´man whose work is driving @s; carrierµ(1)´.¼ ¨carte blanche© ²/*kqt Úblon2/ ³n ´(F) full authority or freedom (to use one's own judgement about how to proceed, etc).¼ ¨car®tel© ²/kqÚtel/ ³n ´(comm) combination of traders, manufacturers, etc to control output, marketing, prices of goods, etc.¼ ¨car®ti®lage© ²/ÚkqtIlIdZ/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(structure, part, of) tough, white tissue attached to the joints, in animal bodies; gristle. ¸car®ti®lagi®nous ²/*kqtIÚladZInEs/ ³adj ´of or like @.¼ ¨car®togra®pher© ²/kqÚtogrEfE(r)/ ³n ´person who makes maps and charts. ¸car®togra®phy ²/kqÚtogrEfI/ ³n ¶[U] ´the drawing of maps and charts.¼ ¨car®ton© ²/Úkqtn/ ³n ´cardboard box for holding goods: ³a @ of 200 cigarettes, ´with 10 packets of 20.¼ ¨car®toon© ²/kqÚtun/ ³n ¸1 ´drawing dealing with current (esp political) events in an amusing or satirical way. ¸2 ´full-size preliminary drawing on paper, used as a model for a painting, a tapestry, a fresco, a mosaic, etc. ¸3 ³(= animated @) ´cinema film made by photographing a series of drawings: ³a Walt Disney @. ¹ vt ´represent (a person, etc) in a @. ¸@®ist ³n ´person who draws @sµ(1)´.¼ ¨car®tridge© ²/ÚkqtrIdZ/ ³n ¸1 ´case (of metal, cardboard, etc) containing explosive (for blasting), or explosive with bullet or shot (for firing from a rifle or shot gun). µ¥ blankÔ³nÔµ(4). ¸Ú@-belt ³n ´one with sockets for holding @s. ¸Ú@-paper, ¸(a) ´paper for making @ cases. ¸(b) ´thick white paper for pencil and ink drawings. ¸2 ´detachable head of a pick-up (on a record-player), holding the stylus. ¸3 ´(US) cassette.¼ ¨carve© ²/kqv/ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,14,15B] ´form (sth) by cutting away material from a piece of wood or stone: ³@ a statue out of wood/a statue in oak; a figure @d from marble; @ out a career for oneself´, (fig) achieve one by great effort. ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15A] ´inscribe by cutting on a surface: ³@ one's initials on a tree trunk; @ an inscription on a bench. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,15B] ´cut up (cooked meat) into pieces or slices at or for the table: ³@ a leg of mutton/a turkey. ¸Úcarving-knife/-fork ³n ´knife, fork, used for carving meat. ¸carver ³n ´carving-knife; person who @s; ³(pl) ´carving-knife and fork. ¸carv®ing ³n ´sth @d in wood, etc. µ¥ sculptor, sculpture.¼ ¨cary®atid© ²/*karIÚatId/ ³n ´(archit) draped statue of a female figure used as a support (eÔg a pillar) in a building.¼ ¨cas®cade© ²/kaÚskeId/ ³n ´waterfall; one section of a large, broken waterfall; wave-like fall of lace, cloth, etc. ¹ ³vi ´fall like a @.¼ ¨case©1 ²/keIs/ ³n ¸1 ´instance or example of the occurrence of sth; actual state of affairs; circumstances or special conditions relating to a person or thing; (med) person suffering from a disease; instance of a diseased condition: ³Is it the @ ´(= Is it true) ³that you have lost all your money? No, that's not the @, ´is not true. ³If that's the @ ´(= If the situation is as stated or suggested), ³you'll have to work much harder. I can't make an exception in your @, ´for you and not for others. ³Such being the @ ´(= In view of, Because of, these facts, etc), ³you can't go away. It's a clear @ of cheating´, is clear that cheating has taken place. ³There were five @s of ´(= five persons suffering from) ³influenza. The worst @s were sent to hospital. ·a @ in point, µ¥ point±1µ(9). ·(just) in @, ´if it should happen that; because of a possibility: ³It may rainÅyou'd better take an umbrella (just) in @. In @ I forget, please remind me of my promise. ·in @ of, ´in the event of: ³In @ of fire, ring the alarm bell. ·in Úany @, ´whatever happens or may have happened. ·in Úno @, ´in no circumstances. ·in Úthis/Úthat @, ´if this/that happens, has happened, should happen. ¸Ú@®book ³n ´record kept by a professional man (eÔg a doctor) of @s dealt with. ¸*@-Úhistory ³n ´record of the past history of sb suffering from a disease, social or mental trouble, etc. ¸Ú@®work ³n ´work involving personal study of individuals or families with social problems. ¸2 ´(legal) question to be decided in a law court; the facts, arguments, etc, used on one side in a law court: ³the @ for the defendant´, the statement of facts, etc in his favour. ³When will the @ come before the Court? State your @´, Give the facts and arguments in your favour. ³He has a strong @. ·make out a @ (for), ´give arguments in favour (of) (sb, doing sth). ·make out one's @, ´prove that one is right. ¸Ú@-law ³n ´law based on decisions made by judges. ¸3 ´(gram) (change in the) form of a noun or pronoun that shows its relation to another word: ³The first person singular personal pronoun in English has two @ forms: ´"I' (³subject @´), ³and ´"me' (³object @´).¼ ¨case©2 ²/keIs/ ³n ¸1 ´box, bag, covering, container: ·Ú³packing-@´, large box in which goods are packed; ³glass @´, for the display of specimens, etc (eÔg in a museum); ³a ·Ú³watch @; a ·Ú³jewel @´, lined with velvet for keeping jewels in; ³a ·Ú³seed @, ´on a plant, in which the seeds ripen; ³a ·Ú³pillow-@´, of cloth for covering a pillow; ³a ·Ú³dressing-@´, a bag for hair-brushes, combs, razors, etc. µ¥ ´also µsuit@, book@. ¸*@-Úhardened ³adj ´(fig) made callous by experience. ¸2 ´(printing): ³upper @´, capital letters; ³lower @´, small letters. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´enclose in a @ or casing; encase.¼ ¨casein© ²/ÚkeIsin/ ³n ¶[U] ´body-building food (protein) present in milk and forming the basis of cheese.¼ ¨case®ment© ²/ÚkeIsmEnt/ ³n ´window that opens outwards or inwards like a door, not up or down or from side to side, µ¥ sash window ´and ´the illus at µwindow´; (poet) window.¼ ¨cash© ²/ka2/ ³n ¶[U] ¸1 ´money in coin or notes: ³I have no @ with meÅmay I pay by cheque? We sell goods for @ onlyÅwe don't give credit. ¸Ú@ crops ³n ´crops (eÔg coffee, sisal) to be sold for @ (contrasted with ³subsistence crops ´such as millet, beans, grown for use by the growers). ¸Ú@ desk, ´desk or counter (in a shop, etc) where payments (by @ or cheque) are made. ¸Ú@ dispenser, ´machine (outside some banks) which, by the use of a personal coded card, dispenses @. ·@ down; @ on delivery, ´payment on delivery of the goods. µ¥ credit±1µ(1). ¸Ú@ price ³n ´price for immediate payment. ¸@ register ³n ´@ box with a device for recording and storing @ received. ¸@ and Úcarry store ³n ´one where goods are sold (usu at lower prices) for @ payment if the buyer takes them away with him. ¸2 ´money in any form: ³be short of @; be rolling in @; out of @´, without money. ¹ ³vt,vi ¸1 ¶[VP6A,12B,13B] ´give or get @ for: ³@ a cheque. Can you @ this cheque for me/@ me a cheque? ¸2 ¶[VP2C] ·@ in (on), ´take advantage (of); benefit (from): ³shopkeepers who @ in on shortages by putting up prices. ¸@®able ²/-Ebl/ ³adj ´that can be @ed.¼ ¨ca®shew© ²/Úka2u/ ³n ´(tropical American tree with) small kidney-shaped nut.¼ ¨cash®ier©1 ²/kaÚ2IE(r)/ ³n ´person who receives and pays out money in a bank, store, hotel, restaurant, etc.¼ ¨cash®ier©2 ²/kEÚ2IE(r)/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´dismiss (eÔg an officer) with dishonour and disgrace.¼ ¨cash®mere© ²/ka2ÚmIE(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´fine soft wool of Kashmir ²/ka2ÚmIE(r)/ ´goats of Asia: ³a @ shawl.¼ ¨cas®ing© ²/ÚkeIsIG/ ³n ´covering; protective wrapping: ³copper wire with a @ of rubber; @s for sausages.¼ ¨ca®sino© ²/kEÚsinE8/ ³n (pl µ@s´) public room or building for gambling and other amusements.¼ ¨cask© ²/kqsk ³US: ²kask/ ³n ´barrel for liquids: ³a @ of cider; ´amount that a @ holds.¼ ¨cas®ket© ²/ÚkqskIt ³US: ²ÚkaskIt/ ³n ¸1 ´small box to hold letters, jewels, cremated ashes, etc. ¸2 ´(US) coffin.¼ ¨cas®sava© ²/kEÚsqvE/ ³n ¶[U] ´tropical plant with starchy roots from which tapioca is extracted. µ¥ ´the illus at µvegetable.¼ ¨cas®ser®ole© ²/ÚkasErE8l/ ³n ´covered heat-proof dish in which food is cooked and then served at table; food so cooked: ³a @ of lamb.¼ ¨cas®sette© ²/kEÚset/ ³n ¶[C] ´(US = ³cartridge´) container for magnetic tape (for use with a @ tape-recorder) or for photographic film (to be fitted into a camera). µ¥ ´the illus at µtape.¼ ¨cas®sock© ²/ÚkasEk/ ³n ´long, close-fitting outer garment, worn by some priests. µ¥ ´the illus at µvestment.¼ ¨cas®so®wary© ²/ÚkasEweErI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´large bird of SÔE Asia, unable to fly, similar to, but smaller than, an emu. µ¥ ´illus at µrare.¼ ¨cast©1 ²/kqst ³US: ²kast/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µcast³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A,15A,B] ´throw; allow to fall or drop: ³The fisherman @ his net into the water. Snakes @ their skins. His horse @ a shoe´, one of its shoes came off. ·@ anchor, ´lower it. ·be @ down, ´be depressed, unhappy. µ¥ downcast. ·@ lots; @ in one's lot with, µ¥ lot±2µ(1,3). ·@ a vote, ´give a vote. ¸@®ing vote ³n ´one given (eÔg by the chairman) to decide a question when votes on each side are equal. ·@ sth in sb's teeth, µ¥ tooth(1). ¸2 ¶[VP6A,15A,2C] ´turn or send in a particular direction: ³@ one's eye over sth´, look at, examine, it; ³@ a gloom/shadow on sth´, make it seem gloomy, depressing; ³@ a new light on a problem, etc´, make it clearer, easier to understand; ³@ a rather wary glance at sb´, look at him warily; ³@ a slur on someone's reputation´, say things to damage it. ·@ about for, ´(anxiously) look for, try to find (eÔg ³allies, excuses). ¸3 ¶[VP6A] ´pour (liquid metal) into a mould; make (eÔg a statue ³in ´bronze, etc) in this way: ³a figure @ in bronze. ¸@ iron ³n ´iron in a hard, brittle form, made by shaping in moulds after melting the ore in a blast furnace, and usually converted into wrought iron or steel before being used. Hence, ¸@-iron ³adj ¸(a) ´made of @ iron. ¸(b) ´(fig) hard; untiring; unyielding: ³a man with a @-iron will/constitution. ¸4 ¶[VP6A,15B] ·@ up, ´add, calculate (more usu ³add up ´or ³tot up´): ³@ up a column of figures. ¸5 ¶[VP15B,2C] ·@ (sb/sth) aside, ´(= ³cast off, (b)´) abandon; throw away as useless or unwanted. ·@ (sth) off, ¸(a) ´unloose (a boat) and let go. ¸(b) ´(fig) abandon; throw away as unwanted. Hence, ¸*@-off Úclothes; Ú@-offs ³n pl ´clothes that the owner will not wear again. ·@ off, ´(knitting) remove the last row of stitches from the needles. ·@ on, ´(knitting) make the first row of stitches. ¸6 ¶[VP6A] ´give (an actor) a part in a play: ³He was @ for the part of Hamlet. ¸@®ing ³n ¶[C] ´sth shaped by being poured in a mould (eÔg a wheel or axle), µ¥ 3 ´above.¼ ¨cast©2 ²/kqst ³US: ²kast/ ³n ¸1 ´act of throwing (eÔg a net or fishing line): ³stake everything on a single @ of the dice. ¸2 ´sth made by castingµ(3) ´or by pressing soft material into a mould: ³His leg was in a plaster @. ¸3 ´mould where metal is poured or where soft material is pressed. ¸4 ´set of actors in a play; the distribution of the parts among these actors: ³a play with an all-star @. ¸5 ´type or quality: ³@ of features; @ of mind. ¸6 ´(of the eyes) slight squint.¼ ¨cas®ta®nets© ²/*kastEÚnets/ ³n pl ´instruments of hardwood or ivory used in pairs on the fingers to make rattling sounds as a rhythm for dancing. µ¥ ´the illus at µcash.¼ ¨cast®away© ²/ÚkqstEweI ³US: ²Úkast-/ ³n ´shipwrecked person, esp one reaching a strange country or lonely island.¼ ¨caste© ²/kqst ³US: ²kast/ ³n ´one of the Hindu hereditary social classes; any exclusive social class; ¶[U] ´this system. ·lose @ with/among, ´lose the right to be respected; come down in social rank.¼ ¨cas®tel®lated© ²/ÚkastEleItId/ ³adj ´having turrets or battlements (like a castle).¼ ¨cas®ti®gate© ²/ÚkastIgeIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´punish severely with blows or by criticizing. ¸cas®ti®ga®tion ²/*kastIÚgeI2n/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(instance of) severe punishment.¼ ¨castle© ²/Úkqsl ³US: ²Úkasl/ ³n ´large building or group of buildings fortified against attack, esp as in olden times; house that was once such a fortified building; piece (also called ³rook´) used in the game of chess, µ¥ ´the illus at µchess. ·@s in the air; @s in Spain, ´day-dreams; plans or hopes that are unlikely to be realized. ·an Englishman's house is his @, ´his place of refuge and safety. ¹ ³vi ´(chess) move the king sideways two squares towards the @ and place the @ on the square the king moved across.¼ ¨cas®tor©, cas®ter ²/ÚkqstE(r) ³US: ²Úkas-/ ³n ¸1 ´wheel (on a swivel) fixed to each leg of a piece of furniture (so that it may be turned and moved easily). ¸2 ´bottle or metal pot, with holes in the top, for sugar, salt, etc. ¸Ú@ sugar ³n ´white, finely powdered sugar.¼ ¨cas®tor oil© ²/*kqstEr ÚãIl ³US: ²ÚkastEr ãIl/ ³n ¶[U] ´thick, yellowish oil, made from beans of the @ plant, used as a purgative.¼ ¨cas®trate© ²/kaÚstreIt ³US: ²ÚkastreIt/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´remove the sex glands of (a male animal); make (a male animal) useless for breeding purposes. ¸cas®tra®tion ²/kaÚstreI2n/ ³n ´castrating.¼ ¨cas®ual© ²/ÚkaZ8El/ ³adj ¸1 ´happening by chance: ³a @ meeting. ¸2 ´careless; undesigned; unmethodical; informal: ³a @ glance; clothes for @ wear´, for informal occasions, holidays, etc. ³She's a very @ person, ´eÔg is careless and thoughtless about the convenience of others. ¸3 ´irregular; not continued: ³earn a living by @ labour; @ labourers´, not permanently engaged by one employer. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨casu®alty© ²/ÚkaZ8EltI/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´accident, esp one involving loss of life. ¸2 ´soldier or sailor who is killed, wounded or missing; person killed or seriously injured in an accident: ³The enemy suffered heavy casualties. C@ lists were published the day after the train accident. ¸ÚC@ Ward/Department ³n ´part of a hospital to which persons injured, eÔg in road accidents, are taken for urgent treatment.¼ ¨casu®ist© ²/Úkazj8Ist/ ³n ´expert in @ry. ¸@ry ²/-rI/ ³n ¶[U] ´judgement of right and wrong by reference to theories, social conventions, etc, (often with false but clever reasoning); ¶[C] ´false but clever argument used in this way. ¸casu®is®tic, -ti®cal ²/*kazj8ÚIstIk, -tIkl/ ³adj ´of or like @ry.¼ ¨casus belli© ²/*keIsEs ÚbelqI/ ³n ´(Lat) act that is held to justify war.¼ ¨cat© ²/kat/ ³n ¸1 ´small, domestic, fur-covered animal often kept as a pet, to catch mice, etc; (= ¸Úwild cat´) any animal of the group that includes tigers, lions, panthers and leopards. ·bell the cat, µ¥ bell(2). ·let the cat out of the bag, µ¥ bag±1µ(1). ·like a cat on hot bricks, ´very nervous or jumpy. ·put/set the cat among the pigeons, ´cause alarm and confusion. ·wait for the cat to jump; see which way the cat jumps, ´refuse to give advice, make plans, etc, until one sees what other people are thinking and doing. ·*cat-and-Údog life, ´one full of quarrels. ¸2 ´(short for) ¸*cat-o'-Únine-tails ³n ´whip with many knotted cords, formerly used for punishing wrong-doers. ·room to swing a cat in, ´just enough space. ¸3 ´(compounds, etc). ¸Úcat burglar ³n ´one who enters a building by climbing up walls, rainpipes, etc. ¸Úcat®call ³n, v ´(make a) loud, shrill whistle expressing disapproval (eÔg at a political meeting). ¸Úcat®fish ³n ´large fish without scales, with feelers around the mouth. ¸Úcat-nap, Úcat-sleep ³n ´short sleep (in a chair, etc, not in bed). ¸*cat's Úcradle ³n ´children's game with a length of string looped over the fingers of both hands and transferred between the fingers of two players. ¸Úcat's eye ³n ´reflector stud placed in roadways to guide traffic in darkness or on the rear of a vehicle (eÔg a bicycle). ¸Úcat's paw ³n ´person who is used as a tool by another. ¸Úcat suit ³n ´woman's or child's close-fitting one-piece garment for the whole body. ¸Úcat-walk ³n ´narrow footway along a bridge, or through a mass of machinery, engines, etc.¼ ¨cata®clysm© ²/ÚkatEklIzEm/ ³n ¶[C] ´sudden and violent change (eÔg a flood, an earthquake, a great war, a political or social revolution). ¸cata®clys®mic ²/*katEÚklIzmIk/ ³adj¼ ¨cata®combs© ²/ÚkatEkumz/ ³n pl ´series of underground galleries with openings along the sides for the burial of the dead (as in ancient Rome).¼ ¨cata®falque© ²/ÚkatEfalk/ ³n ´decorated stand or stage for a coffin at a funeral.¼ ¨cata®lepsy© ²/ÚkatElepsI/ ³n ¶[U] ´disease in which the sufferer has periods when he loses consciousness and sensation and his muscles become rigid. ¸cata®lep®tic ²/*katEÚleptIk/ ³adj ´of, having, @. µ¹ ³n ´person who has @.¼ ¨cata®logue© ´(US also ¸catalog´) ²/ÚkatElog ³US: ²-lcg/ ³n ´list of names/places/goods etc, in a special order: ³a library @. ¹ vt ¶[VP6A] ´make a @ of; put in a @.¼ ¨ca®talpa© ²/kEÚtalpE/ ³n ´(kinds of) tree with heart-shaped leaves and trumpet-shaped flowers.¼ ¨ca®ta®ly®sis© ²/kEÚtalEsIs/ ³n ´the process of aiding or speeding up a chemical process by a substance that does not itself undergo any change. ¸cata®lyst ²/ÚkatElIst/ ³n ¶[C] ´substance that causes @; (fig) sb or sth that helps to bring about a change. ¸cata®lyt®ic ²/*katEÚlItIk/ ³adj ´of @; causing @.¼ ¨cata®maran© ²/*katEmEÚran/ ³n ´boat with twin hulls; two boats or canoes fastened side by side (as used in the South Seas).¼ ¨cat®a®pult© ²/ÚkatEpAlt/ ³n ¸1 µY´-shaped stick with a piece of elastic, for shooting stones, etc from; (in ancient times) machine for throwing heavy stones in war. ¸2 ´apparatus for launching aircraft without a runway (eÔg from the deck of a carrier). ¹ ³vt ´launch (aircraft) with a @; shoot (as) from a @.¼ ¨cata®ract© ²/ÚkatErakt/ ³n ¶[C] ¸1 ´large, steep waterfall. ¸2 ´(path) disease of the eye, in which the lens slowly clouds over, obscuring sight. µ¥ ´the illus at µeye.¼ ¨ca®tarrh© ²/kEÚtq(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´inflamation of the mucous membrane, esp of the nose and throat, causing flow of liquid, as when one has a cold; this liquid.¼ ¨ca®tas®trophe© ²/kEÚtastrEfI/ ³n ¶[C] ´sudden happening that causes great suffering and destruction (eÔg a flood, earthquake, fire). ¸cata®strophic ²/*katEÚstrofIk/ ³adj¼ ¨catch©1 ²/kat2/ ³vt,vi (pt,pp µcaught ²/kct/³) ¸1 ¶[VP6A] ´stop (sth that is in motion) (eÔg by getting hold of it with the hands, by holding out sth into which it may come): ³I threw the ball to him and he caught it. The dog caught the bit of meat in its mouth. ¶[VP15B] ·@ sb out, ´(cricket) dismiss a batsman by @ing the ball he has struck before it touches the ground. µ¥ ´also µ3 ´below. ¸2 ¶[VP6A] ´capture; seize; intercept: ³@ a rat in a trap; @ a thief. How many fish did you @? Cats @ mice. I caught him ´(= met him and stopped him) ³just as he was leaving the house. ¸3 ¶[VP6A,19B,14,15B,22] ´come unexpectedly upon (sb) doing sth (esp sth wrong); surprise or detect: ³I caught the boys stealing apples from my garden. ³You won't @ me ´(= There's no likelihood of my being discovered) ³doing that again! ·@ sb at it; @ sb in the act (of doing sth), ´come upon him while he is actually doing it: ³Just let me @ you at it again ´(Åthen there'll be trouble)! ·@ sb out, ´detect him making a mistake. ·@ sb napping, µ¥ nap(1). ¸4 ¶[VP6A] ´be in time for: ³@ a train/the bus, etc; @ the post´, post letters before the box is emptied by the postman. ¸5 ¶[VP15B,2C] ·@ sb up; @ up (with sb), ¸(a) ´come up to sb who is going in the same direction; overtake: ³Go on in front, I'll soon @ you up/@ up (with you). ¸(b) ´do all the work that has not yet been done: ³Tom was away from school for a month so now he's got to work hard to @ up with the rest of the class. ¸6 ¶[VP6A,2C,3A,14,15A] ·@ (in/on), ´(cause to) become fixed or prevented from moving; (cause to) be entangled: ³The nail caught her dress. Her dress caught on a nail. I caught my fingers in the door´, trapped them between the door and the doorpost. ³This bolt doesn't @´, cannot be fastened. ³The latch has caught´, stuck fast. ³The car was caught between two lorries. He caught his foot on a tree root and stumbled. ¸7 ¶[VP6A] ´get (the meaning of sth); hear (the sound of sth); receive (punishment, etc): ³I don't quite @ your meaning. I didn't @ the end of the sentence. I don't quite @ ´(= fully understand) ³the idea. ¶[VP2C] ·@ on (to sth), ´understand. ·@ it, ´be scolded, punished, hit, etc: ³You'll @ it if you're not careful! He caught it (= ´was hit³) right in the eye. ·@ sb's attention/fancy, ´succeed in getting it. ·@ sb's eye, ´look at him to attract his attention when he looks in your direction. Hence, ¸Úeye-@ing ³adj µ¥ eye±1µ(3). ·@ sight/a glimpse of, ´see for a short time. ¸8 ¶[VP6A] ´become infected with: ³@ a disease/a fever; @ a cold. ¸9 ¶[VP3A] ·@ at, ´try to grasp: ³A drowning man will @ at a straw. He will @ at ´(= take eagerly) ³any opportunity of practising his English. µ¥ clutch±1µ. ¶[VP15B] ·@ up, ´grasp; seize: ³@ up a loose end of rope. They were caught up ´(fig, carried away) ³in the wave of enthusiasm. ¶[VP15A] ·@ hold of, ´seize, grab. ¸10 ·@ (fire), ´begin to burn: ³The wood soon caught (fire). ¸11 ¶[VP6A,12C,15A] ´hit: ³@ sb a blow. She caught him one ´(= gave him a blow) ³on the cheek. ¸12 ·@ one's breath, ´fail to breathe regularly for a moment (from surprise, etc). ¸Ú@-crop ³n ´quick-growing crop (eÔg lettuce) grown between rows of other crops. ¸Ú@®penny ³adj ´designed or intended merely to get sales: ³a book with a @penny title. ¸Ú@®word ³n ¸(a) ´word placed so as to draw attention to an article, eÔg the subject of a paragraph; first or last word of a page in a dictionary, printed above the columns. ¸(b) ´phrase or slogan in frequent current use. ¸@er ³n ´(baseball) player who stands behind the batter to @ the ball thrown by the pitcher. ¸@®ing ³adj ´(esp of diseases) infectious. ¸@y ³adj ¸1 ´(of a tune, etc) easily remembered. ¸2 ´tricky, deceptive.¼ ¨catch©2 ²/kat2/ ³n ¸1 ´act of catching (esp a ball): ³That was a difficult @. ¸2 ´that which is caught or worth @ing: ³a fine @ of fish. He's a good @ for some young woman´, is a good man to get as a husband. ¸3 ´sth intended to trick or deceive; cunning question or device: ³There's a @ in it somewhere. Does the teacher ever include @ questions in examination papers? ¸4 ´device for fastening or securing a lock, door, etc. µ¥ ´the illus at µlatch. ¸5 ´song for a number of voices starting one after another.¼ ¨catch®ment© ²/Úkat2mEnt/ ³n ¸Ú@(-area) ´land from which a river or reservoir draws its rainfall (also ¸Ú@-basin´); (fig) area(s) from which a central body draws its members, eÔg a school its pupils, a hospital its patients; ¶[U] ´amount of rainfall, etc caught.¼ ¨catch®up© ²/Úkat2Ep/ ³n ´= µketchup.¼ ¨cat®echism© ²/ÚkatIkIzEm/ ³n ¶[U] ´instruction (esp about religion) by question and answer; ¶[C] ´number, succession of questions and answers designed for this purpose: ³put a person through his @´, question him closely.¼ ¨cat®echize© ²/ÚkatIkñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´teach or examine by asking many questions.¼ ¨cat®egori®cal© ²/*katIÚgorIkl ³US: ²-gcr-/ ³adj ´(of a statement) unconditional; absolute; detailed; explicit. ¸@ly ²/-IklI/ ³adv¼ ¨cat®egory© ²/ÚkatIgErI ³US: ²-gcrI/ ³n (pl µ-ries³) ´division or class in a complete system or grouping. ¸cat®egor®ize ²/ÚkatIgErñIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´place in a @.¼ ¨cater© ²/ÚkeItE(r)/ ³vi ¸1 ¶[VP3A] ·@ for, ´provide food: ³Weddings and parties @ed for, ´The advertiser will supply food for weddings, etc. ¸2 ¶[VP3A] ·@ for/to, ´make provision ³for´; supply what is desired or required ³to´; pander ³to´: ³TÔV programmes usually @ for all tastes. Some tabloid newspapers @ ³to low tastes. ¸@er ³n ´person who provides meals, etc brought from outside, to clubs, homes, etc; owner or manager of a hotel, restaurant, etc.¼ ¨cat®er®pil®lar© ²/ÚkatEpIlE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´larva of a butterfly or moth, µ¥ ´the illus at µbutterfly. ¸2 ´endless belt passing over toothed wheels, used to give vehicles, tanks, etc, a good grip on soft or uneven surfaces: ³@ tractor´, one fitted with such belts.¼ ¨cat®er®waul© ²/ÚkatEwcl/ ³vi, n ´(make a) cat's howling cry.¼ ¨cat®gut© ²/ÚkatgAt/ ³n ¶[U] ´material used for the strings of violins, tennis rackets, etc (made by twisting the intestines of sheep and other animals).¼ ¨ca®thar®sis© ²/kEÚTqsIs/ ³n (pl µ-arses ²/-ñsiz/³) ¸1 ¶[C,U] ´(med) emptying of the bowels. ¸2 ´outlet for strong emotion (eÔg as given by the drama, or by a willing account of deep feelings given to another person). ¸ca®thar®tic ²/kEÚTqtIk/ ³n ´(med), ³adj ´(substance) giving @.¼ ¨ca®the®dral© ²/kEÚTidrEl/ ³n ´chief church in a diocese, in which is the bishop's throne, under the charge of a dean.¼ ¨cath®ode© ²/ÚkaTE8d/ ³n ¸1 ´negative electrode in the form of a filament which, when hot, releases negative electrons which are attracted towards the (positive) anode. ¸2 ´negative terminal of a battery. ¸*@Úray ³n ´invisible stream of electrons from the @ in a vacuum tube (as used in radar, television, etc), called ³a ·*³@Úray tube.¼ ¨cath®olic© ²/ÚkaTElIk/ ³adj ¸1 ´liberal; general; including many or most things: ³a man with @ tastes and interests; @ in his sympathies. ¸2 the C@ Church, ´the whole body of Christians. ¸Roman C@ ³n, adj ´(member) of the Church that has the Pope as its chief bishop. µ¥Pope, Protestant, Roman(3). ¸Ca®tholicism ²/kEÚTolEsizm/ ³n ´teaching, beliefs, etc, of the Roman Catholic Church. ¸cath®ol®ic®ity ²/*kaTEÚlIsEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´quality of being @µ(1).¼ ¨cat®kin© ²/ÚkatkIn/ ³n ¶[C] ´tuft of soft, downy flowers hanging down from twigs of such trees as willows and birches.¼ ¨cat®sup© ²/ÚkatsEp/ ³n ´= µketchup¼ ¨cat®tish© ²/ÚkatI2/, ±cat®ty ²/ÚkatI/ ³adj ´(esp) sly and spiteful. ¸cat®ti®ness ³n¼ ¨cattle© ²/Úkatl/ ³n pl ´oxen (bulls, bullocks, cows): ³twenty head of @. C@ were allowed to graze on the village common. ¸Ú@-cake ³n ¶[U] ´food fed to @, made from various materials.¼ ¨Cau®casian© ²/kcÚkeIzIEn ³US: ²kcÚkeIZn/ ³n, adj ´(member) of the Indo-European group of people.¼ ¨cau®cus© ²/ÚkckEs/ ³n ´(meeting of the) organization committee of a political party (making plans, decisions, etc).¼ ¨caught© ²/kct/ ³pt,pp ´of µcatch.¼ ¨caul© ²/kcl/ ³n ´(physiol) thin skin enclosing a foetus, part of which, when covering a baby's head, was once thought to be a charm against drowning.¼ ¨caul®dron© ²/ÚkcldrEn/ ³n ´large, deep, open pot in which things are boiled.¼ ¨cauli®flower© ²/ÚkolIflñ8E(r) ³US: ²ÚkclI-/ ³n ¶[C,U] ´(cabbage-like plant with a) large, white flower-head, used as a vegetable. µ¥ ´the illus at µvegetable.¼ ¨caulk© ²/kck/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´make (joins between planks, etc) tight with fibre or a sticky substance.¼ ¨causal© ²/Úkczl/ ³adj ´of cause and effect; of, expressing, cause. ¸@®ity ²/kcÚzalEtI/ ³n ¶[U] ´relation of cause and effect; the principle that nothing can happen without a cause: ³the law of @ity´, eÔg cause always precedes effect. ¸cau®sa®tion ²/kcÚzeI2n/ ³n ¶[U] ´@ity; causing or being caused. ¸cau®sa®tive ²/ÚkczEtIv/ ³adj ´acting as, expressing, cause.¼ ¨cause© ²/kcz/ ³n ¸1 ¶[C,U] ´that which produces an effect; thing, event, person, etc, that makes sth happen: ³The @ of the fire was carelessness. We can't get rid of war until we get rid of the @s of war. ¸2 ¶[U] ´reason: ³There is no @ for anxiety. You have no @ for complaint/no @ to complain. Don't stay away without good @. ¸3 ¶[C] ´purpose for which efforts are being made: ³work in/for a good @; fight in the @ of justice. ·make common @ with sb, ´help and support him (in a political, social, etc movement). ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,17,12A,13A] ´be the @ of; make happen: ³What @s the tides? What @d his death? You've @d trouble to all of us. This has @d us much anxiety. What @d the plants to die? (What made them die? ´is more usual.) ³He @d the prisoners to be put to death. (He had them put to death ´is more usual.) ¸@®less ³adj ´without any natural or known @.¼ ¨caus®erie© ²/ÚkE8zErI/ ³n ´informal discussion.¼ ¨cause®way© ²/ÚkczweI/ ³n ´raised road or footpath, esp across wet land or swamp.¼ ¨caus®tic© ²/ÚkcstIk/ ³adj ¸1 ´able to burn or destroy by chemical action. ¸@ soda ³n ´(Sodium Hydroxide ²/hqIÚdroksqId/ ¸NaOH´) corrosive chemical substance used in the manufacture of soap. ¸2 ´(fig) biting; sarcastic: ³@ remarks; a @ manner. ¸caus®ti®cally ²/-klI/ ³adv¼ ¨cau®ter®ize© ²/ÚkctErqIz/ ³vt ¶[VP6A] ´burn (eÔg a poisoned wound, a snake-bite) with a caustic substance or with a hot iron (to destroy infection).¼ ¨cau®tion© ²/Úkc2n/ ³n ¸1 ¶[U] ´taking care; paying attention (to avoid danger or making mistakes): ³When crossing a busy street we must use @. ¸2 ¶[C] ´warning words: ³A sign with "DANGER!' on it is a @. The judge gave the prisoner a @ and set him free. ¸3 ³(sing ´with ³indef art) ´(sl) person whose appearance, behaviour or conversation causes amusement. ¹ ³vt ¶[VP6A,17,14] ·@ (against), ´give a @ to: ³I @ed him against being late. We were @ed not to drive fast. The judge @ed the prisoner´, warned and reproved him. ¸@®ary ²/Úkc2EnrI ³US: ²Úkc2EnerI/ ³adj ´conveying advice or warning: ³@ary tales.¼ ¨cau®tious© ²/Úkc2Es/ ³adj ´having or showing caution: ³@ about/of giving offence; @ not to give offence. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨cav®al®cade© ²/*kavlÚkeId/ ³n ¶[C] ´company or procession of persons on horseback or in carriages.¼ ¨cava®lier© ²/*kavEÚlIE(r)/ ³n ¸1 ´(old use) horseman or knight. ¸2 ´(in the Civil War, England, 17th c) supporter of Charles ²¥´. ¹ ³adj ´(of a person) without due seriousness; off-hand; discourteous. ¸@®ly ³adv¼ ¨cav®alry© ²/ÚkavlrI/ ³n ´(usu with ³pl v, ´collective) soldiers who fight on horseback: (attrib) ³@ soldier/officer.¼ ¨cave© ²/keIv/ ³n ´hollow place in the side of a cliff or hill; large natural hollow under the ground. ¸Ú@-dweller ³n ´person living in a @, esp in prehistoric times. ¸Ú@®man ²/-man/ ³n (pl µ-men³) ´@ dweller; (colloq) man of primitive instincts and behaviour. ¹ ³vi,vt ¶[VP2C,15B] ·@ in, ´(cause to) fall in, give way to pressure: ³The roof of the tunnel @d in. ´Hence, ¸Ú@-in ³n¼ ¨ca®veat© ²/ÚkeIvIat/ ³n ¸1 ´(legal) process to suspend proceedings. ¸2 ´(formal) qualification; proviso: ³put in/enter a @ (against).¼ ¨cav®ern© ²/ÚkavEn/ ³n ´(liter) cave. ¸@®ous ³adj ´like a @; full of @s; (of a person's eyes) deepset.¼ ¨caviar©, cavi®are ²/ÚkavIq(r)/ ³n ¶[U] ´pickled roe (eggs) of the sturgeon or certain other large fish. ·@ to the general, ´too fine or delicate to be appreciated by ordinary people.¼ ¨cavil© ²/Úkavl/ ³vi ³(µ-ll-, ´US also µ-l-³) ¶[VP2A,3A] ·@ (at), ´(formal) make unnecessary complaints against, find fault with.¼ ¨cav®ity© ²/ÚkavEtI/ ³n (pl µ-ties³) ´empty space; small hole, within a solid body: ³a @ in a tooth; @ walls´, hollow, to provide insulation.¼ ¨ca®vort© ²/kEÚvct/ ³vi ´(colloq) prance or jump about like an excited horse.¼ ¨caw© ²/kc/ ³n ´cry of a raven, rook or crow. ¹ ³vi,vt ¸1 ¶[VP2A] ´make this cry. ¸2 ¶[VP15B] ·caw out, ´utter in a cawing tone.¼ ¨cay®enne© ²/keIÚen/ ´(also ¸@ pepper ²/*keIen ÚpepE(r)/´) ³n ¶[U] ´very hot kind of red pepper.¼ ¨cay®men© µ¥ caiman.¼ ¨cease© ²/sis/ ³vt,vi ¶[VP6A,D,7A,2A,3A] ·@ (from), ´(formal) come or bring to an end; stop (the more usual word): ³C@ fire ´(= stop shooting)³! The old German Empire @d to exist in 1918. The factory has @d making bicycles. Since he @d (from) working,«. ¸*@-Úfire ³n ´signal to stop firing (guns); truce. ¹ ³n ´(only in) ·without @, ´incessantly. ¸@®less ³adj ´never ending. ¸@®less®ly ³adv¼ ¨cedar© ²/ÚsidE(r)/ ³n ¶[C] ´evergreen tree with hard, red, sweet-smelling wood used for making boxes, pencils, fences, etc; ¶[U] ´the wood: ³a @ cigar box.¼ ¨cede© ²/sid/ ³vt ¶[VP6A,14] ·@ (to), ´give up (rights, land, etc to another state, etc).¼ ¨ce®dilla© ²/sIÚdIlE/ ³n ´mark put under the c (