*TDESIRE *Ff50 *L1 Desire alas my master & my foo / so sore alterd thi sellff how mayst y!u se ? some¶tyme J sowght / y!t dryvys me to & fro *L+0 :C/ : :Cme to & fro some¶tyme thow ledst / y!t ledyth-e th-e¡thee¢ & me . *L+0 :Cthow : :C/ : :Cth-e & me . what reson is to rewle thy subiect-e-s so ? *L+0 :Cis to rewle thy subiect-e-s so by forcyd law & mutabilite for where by th-e¡thee¢ J dowtyd to have blame evyn now by hate agayne J dowt th-e same . -f-i-n-i-s *TVEN TH *L1 Venemus thornes that ar so sharp & kene sometyme ber flowers fayre & fresh-e of hue poyson offtyme is put in medecene and cawsith-e helth-e in man for to renue ffyre y!t purgith-e allthing y!t is vnclene may hele / & hurt . and if thes bene true J trust somtyme my harme may be my helth-e syns¡since¢ evry wo is Joynid w!t some welth -f-i-n-i-s *TIN D B *Ff54v *L1 Jn dowtfull brest / whilst moderly pitie / w!t furyous famyn / stondyth at debat-e / *L+0 :Cw!t : sayth-e thebrew¡the¶hebrew¢ moder / o child vnhappye retorne thi blowd / where thow hadst milk of late . yeld me those l'yms / y!t J made vnto th-e¡thee¢ . and entre there where y!u wert generat-e . for of on¡one¢ body agaynst all nature / to a noth-er must J mak-e sepulture . *L+0 :Cto a noth-er : :Cmust mak-e sepulture . -f-i-n-i-s *TCARTAG *L1 Off cartage he that worthie warier could ou-e-rcome / but cowld not vse his chaunce and J like¶wise off all my long indeu-e-r the sherpe co-nquest tho fortune did avaunce cowld not it vse / the hold y!t is gyvin ou-e-r J vnpossest / so hangith-e in balaunce off warr my pees / reward of all my payne At Mountzon thus J restles rest in spayne *L+0 :CAt Mountzon : :CJ restles rest in spayne -f-i-n-i-s *Ff66 *TFR H H *L1 from th-es hye hilles as when a spryng doth-e fall it tryllyth-e downe w!t still¡adj¢ and suttyll corse *L+0 :Cit tryllyth-e downe w!t : :Cand suttyll corse off this & that it gaders ay & shall *L+0 :Coff this & that it gaders : :C& shall *L+0 :Coff this & that : <&> *L4 tyll it have Just¡adv¢ off flowd th-e streme and forse th-en at th-e fote it ragith-e ou-e-r all so faryth-e love when h-e hath-e tan a sorse *L7 his rayne¡reign¢ is rage resistans vaylyth none *L+0 :Chis rayne is rage : the first estew is remedy alone . *L+0 :Cthe first estew is : :Cremedy . -f-i-n-i-s *TPROVE *Ff66 *L1 prove wyth-er¡whether¢ J do chainge my dere or if y!t J do still¡adv¢ remayne lik-e as J went or ferre or nere and if ye fynd *TS FEBL *Ff67 *L1 So feble is the threde y!t doth-e th-e burden stay of my pore lyff Jn hevy plyght y!t fallyth-e in dekay *L+0 :Cof my pore lyff : :C... *L+0 :Cof my pore lyff Jn : :Cplyght y!t fallyth-e : That but it have ell-e-s where some aide or some socours *L+0 :CThat but it have : :Cell-e-s where : :Caide or socours the runyng spyndell off my fate anon shall end his cours . sins¡since¢ thunhappy¡the¶unhappy¢ howre y!t did me to depart *L+0 :Csins thunhappy howre y!t did me to depart from my swete wele one only hope hath-e staide my lyff apart . *L+0 :Cfrom my swete wele one only hope hath-e : :Cmy lyff apart . wych doth p-e-rswade such-e word-e-s vnto my sory mynd . *L+0 :Cdoth p-e-rswade : :Cword-e-s vnto my : :Cmynd. May-ntene thy sellff o wofull spryte some better luke to fynd ffor tho y!u be depryffd from thy desyerd syght Who can the¡thee¢ tell iff thi retorne be for thy most delyght ? *L+0 :CWho can the tell iff thi retorne be for thy : :Cdelyght ? or who can tell / thy losse if y!u ons maist recover ? *L+0 :Cor who can tell / thy losse if y!u : :Cons recover ? some plesant howre thy wo may rape and y!e defend & cover . *L+0 :Csome plesant howre thy wo may : :Cand y!e defend & cover . this is the trust y!t yet hath my lyff sustaynid and now alas J se it faint and J by trust ame trainid . the tyme doth flete and J p-e-rceyve thowrs¡the¶hours¢ how y!ei bend *L+0 :Cthe tyme doth : :Cand J p-e-rceyve thowrs how y!ei : *L+0 :C...and J p-e-rceyve thowrs how y!ei : so fast / y!t J have skant the space to m-a-rke my comy-ng end . *L16 :Cso fast : :C/ J have... Westward the s'onne¡sun¢ from owt thest¡the¶east¢ skant doth shew his lyght when in the west he hyds hym straite w!t¶in the darke of nyght *L+0 :Cwhen in the west he hyds hym : :Cw!t in the darke of nyght *L19 And coms as fast where he / began his path a¶wrye *L+0 :CAnd coms : :Cwhere he / began his path a wrye from est to west from west to thest¡the¶east¢ so doth-e his Jornei ly *L+0 :Cfrom est to west : *L+0 :Cfrom est to west from west to thest so doth-e his : :Cly the lyff so short so fraile y!t mortall men lyve here so gret a whaite so hevy charge th-e body y!t we bere that when J thinke apon the distance and th-e space y!t doth so ferr devid me from my dere desird face J know not how tattayne¡to¶attain¢ the wyng-e-s y!t J require to lyfft my whaite y!t it myght¡verb¢ fle to folow my desyre y!us off y!t hope y!t doth my lyff some¶thing sustayne *L+0 :Coff y!t hope y!t doth my lyff some thing sustayne alas J fere and p-a-rtly fele full litill doth-e remayne *TS FEBL *Ff67v *L29 Eche place doth bryng me grieff / where J do not behold those lyvely Jyes wich-e off my thowght-e-s were wont the kays to hold *L+0 :Cthose lyvely Jyes : :Coff my thowght-e-s were wont the kays to hold those thowght-e-s were plesaunt swete / whilst J enioyd y!t grace my plesure past / my p-r-esent payne / wher J myght¡verb¢ well embrace . *L+0 :Cmy plesure past / my p-r-esent payne / : :CJ myght well embrace . But for¶becawse my want shold more my wo e-ncresse Jn wache in slepe both day and nyght my will¡noun¢ doth neu-e-r cesse that thing to wishe wheroff / sins¡since¢ J did lese th-e syght J neu-e-r saw the thing y!t myght¡verb¢ my faythfull hert delyght thvnesy lyff J lede doth teche me for to mete¡verb¢ *L+0 ¢> the flowd-e-s the sees / the land and hill-e-s y!t doth y!em entremete twene me and those shini-ng lyght-e-s y!t wontyd to clere my darke pang-e-s off clowdy thowght-e-s as bryght as phebus spere Jt techith-e me also / what was my plesant state *L+0 :CJt techith-e me also : :C... the more to fele by such-e record how y!t my welth-e doth bate . if such record alas / provoke thenflamid¡the¶inflamed¢ mynd wich-e sprang y!t day y!t J did leve the best of me byhynd *L+0 :Csprang y!t day y!t... if love forgett hym sellff by lenght of absence let who doth me guyd o wofull wrech-e vnto this baytid net where doth encresse my care ? much-e better were for me as dome¡dumb¢ as stone all¶thing forgott still¡adv¢ absent for to be . *L+0 :Cas dome as stone : :Cabsent for to be . alas the Clere Crystall the bryght transpara-nt glas doth not bewray the colour hyd wich vnder¶neth it has *L+0 :Cdoth not : :Cthe colour hyd wich : :Cit... as doth thaccomberd¡the¶accombered¢ sprite thowghtfull throws discover off fiers delyght / off fervent love / y!t in o-u-r hert-e-s we cover . owt by thes Jyes it shewth y!t eu-e-r more delyght Jn plaint & teres to seke redresse / & that both-e day & nyght . *L+0 :CJn plaint & teres to seke redresse / : :Cboth-e day & nyght . *Ff68 *L55 Thes new kynd-e-s off plesurs / wherein most men reioyse / *L+0 :CThes new kynd-e-s off plesurs / wherein : :Cmen reioyse / to me thei do redowble still¡adv¢ off stormye sygh-e-s th-e voyce ffor J ame one off them / whom plaint doth-e well co-ntent it sitt-e-s me well / myn absent welth / me seems me to lame-nt and w!t my teris for to assay to charge myn Jyes tweyne lyke as myn hert above the brink is frawtid full of pay¡payn?trimmed¢ *L+0 :Cmyn hert : *L+0 :C myn hert : And forby¶cawse therto / off those fayre Jyes to trete do me provoke / J shall retorne / my plaint thus to repete / ffor there is nothing ell-e-s / y!t towch-e-s me so w!t¶in where y!ei rule all / and J alone nowght but th-e cace or skyn . Wherfore J do retorne / to them as well¡noun¢ or spryng from whom decend-e-s my mortall wo / above all other thing . So shall myn Jyes in payne accopagnie¡sc.acco-mpagnie¢ min hert y!t were the guyd-e-s y!t did it lede of love to fele th-e smert . The cryspid gold y!t doth sormount Apollos pryd the lyvely strenes off plesaunt sterres y!t vnder it doth glyd Where¶in the bemes off love doth still¡adv¢ encresse theire het-e wich-e yet so farre towch-e me so nere in cold to make me swet-e¡sweat¢ The wise¡adj¢ and plesaunt talk-e / so rare or ell-e-s alone y!t did me gyve th-e courtese gyfft y!t such-e had neu-e-r none *L+0 :Cy!t did me gyve th-e courtese gyfft y!t : :Chad neu-e-r none be ferre from me alas / and eu-e-ry other thing *L+0 :Cferre from me alas / and eu-e-ry other thing J myght¡verb¢ forbere / w!t better will¡noun¢ / y!en that y!t did me bryng w!t plesant word & chere redresse off lingerd payne *L+0 :Cw!t plesant word & chere redresse off : :Cpayne and wontyd offt in kendlid will¡noun¢ to v-e-rtu me to trayne . *L+0 :Cand wontyd offt : :Ckendlid will : :Cv-e-rtu me to trayne . thus ame J dryven to here¡hear¢ / and herken affter news my confort skant my large desire / in dowtfull trust renews *L81 *Ff68v *TS FEBL And yet w!t more delyght to mone¡moan¢ my wofull cace *L+0 :CAnd yet w!t more delyght to : :Cmy wofull cace J must co-mplaine those hand-e-s those armes y!t fermely do embrace Me from my sellff / and rule / the sterne of my pore lyff the swete disdaynes / the plesant wrath-es / & eke y!e lovely stryff . y!t wontid well to tune / in tempre Just¡adj¢ and met-e¡adj¢ *L+0 :Cy!t wontid : :Cto tune / in tempre Just and met-e the rage y!t offt did make me erre / by furour vndiscret-e all this is hid me fro / w!t sharp and craggyd hill-e-s at other will¡noun¢ / my long abode / my diepe dispaire fullfill-e-s . *L+0 :C/ my : :C/ : :Cdispaire fullfill-e-s . *L+0 :C : :C / my... But if my hope somtyme / ryse vp by some redresse it stumblith-e strait-e / for feble faint / my fere hath-e such excesse such-e is the sort off hope / the lesse for more desyre *L+0 :Csuch-e is the : :Coff hope / the lesse for more desyre wherby J fere and yet J trust to se y!t J requyre The restyng place of love / where v-e-rtu lyves and grose *L+0 :CThe restyng place of love / where v-e-rtu : where J desire my wery lyff may sometyme take repose *L+0 :Cwhere J desire my wery lyff : :Cmay¡?¢ : My song y!u shalt ataine / to fynd y!t plesant place where she doth lyve / by whome J lyve / may chaunce the have this g'rce *L+0 :Cwhere she doth lyve / by whome J lyve / : :Cg'rce when she hath red and seene the dred wherein J sterve *L98 by¶twene her brest-e-s she shall th-e¡thee¢ put y!ere shall she y!e res-e-rve Then tell her y!t J come she shall me shortly se *L+0 :CThen : :CJ come : yff y!t for whayt-e th-e body fayle my¡or=this¢ sowle shall to her fle -f-i-n-i-s *TTAGUS *Ff69 *L1 Tagus fare well y!t westward w!t thy strems torns vp th-e grayns off gold alredy tryd w!t spurr and sayle for J go seke th-e tems gaynward th-e s'onne¡sun¢ y!t shewth-e her welthi pryd and to th-e town wych-e Brutus sowght by drems *L+0 :Cand to th-e town : :CBrutus sowght by drems like bendyd mone¡moon¢ doth lend her lusty syd . My kyng my Contry alone for whome J lyve *L+0 :CMy kyng my Contry for whome : *L+0 :CMy kyng my Contry for whome : :CJ lyve of myghty love th-e wing-e-s for this me gyve -f-i-n-i-s *TJ FLE *Ff69 *L1 J fle *TO P L *L1 Off purpos love / chase¡chose¢ first for to be blynd for he w!t sight of that that J behold *L+0 :Cfor : :Cthat J behold *L+0 :Cfor he : :C that J behold vanquisht had bene against all godly kynd his bow yo-u-r hand and trusse shold have vnfold *L+0 :Chis bow and he w!t me to s-e-rve had bene assind . but for he blind and rekelesse wold him hold *L+0 :Cbut : for¶ :Crekelesse wold him hold and still¡adv¢ by chaunse his dedly strok-e-s bestow w!t such-e as see J s-e-rve and suffer wow . -f-i-n-i-s *TW RAGE *Ff69v *L1 What rage is this ? what furour of what kynd ? *L+0 :CWhat rage is this ? what furour of : :C? what powre / what plage doth-e wery thus my mynd ? *L+0 :Cwhat powre / : :Cdoth-e my mynd : :C? *L+0 :Cwhat powre / : :Cdoth-e thus my mynd ? with¶in my bons to rancle is assind *L+0 :Cwith in : :Cbons to rancle : what poyson plesant swet-e *L+0 : :Cpoyson plesant *L+0 : Lo se my-n iyes swell w!t contynuall terys *L+0 :CLo se : :Cswell w!t contynuall terys the body still¡adv¢ away sleples it weris¡wears¢ *L+0 :Cthe body still : :Caway it weris my fode nothing / my faintyng strenght reperis *L+0 :Cmy fode : nor doth-e my l'yms sustayne . *L+0 :Cnor doth-e my l'yms : *L+0 :Cnor doth-e my l'yms : Jn diepe wid wound th-e dedly strok-e doth torne *L+0 : *L+0 : :Cwid wound th-e dedly strok-e doth torne to curid skarre y!t neu-e-r shall retorne / *L+0 : :Ccurid skarre neu-e-r : :Cretorne : <.> Go to / tryvmph-e / reioyse thy goodly torne¡noun¢ thi frend thow dost opresse . Opresse y!u dost / and hast off hym no cure *L+0 :COpresse y!u dost / and hast off hym no : nor yett my plaint no pitie can procure *L+0 :Cnor yett my : :Cno pitie can procure *L+0 :Cnor yett my : :Cno pitie can procure fiers tygre fell / hard rok-e w!t¶owt recure cruell rebell to love ] *L+0 :Ccruell : :Cto love : <.> ons may y!u love / neu-e-r belovffd agayne *L+0 :C/ neu-e-r belovffd agayne *L+0 :Cmay y!u love / neu-e-r belovffd agayne so love y!u still¡adv¢ & not thy love obttayne . *L+0 :C <&> : *L+0 :C <&> : *L+0 <&> :C. so wrath-efull love w!t spit-e-s of Just¡adj¢ disdayne *L+0 :Cwrath-efull love : :Cdisdayne *L+0 :C wrath-efull love w!t : :Cof Just disdayne may thret thy cruell hert *L+0 :Cthy : :C. *L+0 :Cthy : :C. -f-i-n-i-s *TFR T T *Ff70 *L1 ffrom thowght to thowght / from hill to hill love doth-e me lede clene¡adv.¢ co-ntrary from restfull lyff / thes comon path-e-s J trede . *TPPs 6 *Ff86 *L1 Love to gyve law vnto his subiect-e h-ert-e-s stode in th-e Jyes off barsabe th-e bryght and in a look-e a'none hymsellff convert-e-s cruelly plesant byfore kyng david syght first dasd his Jyes / and forder forth he stert-e-s *L+0 :Cfirst : :Chis Jyes... w!t venemd breth-e as sofftly as he myght¡verb¢ *L+0 :Cw!t : :Cbreth-e as sofftly as he myght towcht his sensis / and ou-e-r¶ronnis his bonis w!t creping fyre sparplid for th-e nonis . *L+0 :Cw!t : :Cfyre And when he saw y!t kendlid was th-e flame the moyst poyson in his hert h-e launcyd *L+0 :Cthe : :Cpoyson in his hert h-e : so y!t th-e sowle did tremble w!t th-e same . And Jn this branle as h-e stode and trauncyd *L+0 :CAnd Jn this branle as : :C... yelding vnto the figure and th-e frame y!t those fayre Jyes had in his p-r-esens glauncid th-e forme that love had p-r-entyd in his brest *L+0 :Cth-e forme : :Clove p-r-entyd in his brest h-e honorth-e it as thing off thing-e-s best . So that forgott th-e wisdome and fore cast *L+0 :CSo that forgott : *L+0 :CSo that forgott th-e wisdome : ( wych-e wo to Remes when y!t th-es kyng-e-s doth-e lakk-e ) *L+0 :C( wych-e wo : :CRemes when y!t : :Cdoth-e lakk-e ) forgettyng eke godd-e-s Maiestie as fast ye¡yea¢ and his own / forthw!t he doth-e to mak-e *L+0 *L+0 :Cye and his own / : :Che doth-e to mak-e vrye to go in to th-e feld / in hast¡haste¢ *L+0 :C/ in hast Vrye J say / y!t was his Jdoll-e-s Mak-e¡mate¢ / *L+0 :CVrye : :C/ y!t was his Jdoll-e-s Mak-e / vnder p-r-etence off certen victorye for emnys¡or=enmys?¢ sword-e-s a redy pray¡prey¢ to dye . *L+0 *Ff86v *L25 Wherby he may enJoy her owt of dowt *L+0 :CWherby he may enJoy her : whom more th-en¡than¢ god or hym sellff h-e myndyth *L+0 :Cwhom : :Chym sellff : *L+0 :Cwhom more th-en god or : :Chym sellff h-e : and after he had browght this thing abowt *L+0 :Cand : :Che... & off that lust posest hym sellff h-e fyndyth-e *L+0 :Coff : :Cposest hym sellff h-e fyndyth-e *L+0 :C& off : :Clust posest hym sellff h-e fyndyth-e y!t hath & doth-e reu-e-rse and clene¡adv.¢ torn owt *L+0 :Cy!t hath & doth-e reu-e-rse and clene : :Cowt kyng-e-s from kyndomes¡sc.kyngdomes¢ & cyt-es vndermyndyth-e *L+0 :Ckyng-e-s : he blyndyd think-e-s this trayne so blynd & closse *L+0 :Che : to blynd all¶thing y!t nowght may it discloss-e But Nathan hath-e spyd owt this trecherye *L+0 :CBut Nathan hath-e spyd owt this : w!t rufull chere & sett-e-s afore his face th-e gret offence outrage & Jniurye y!t h-e hath-e done to god as in this Case by murder for to clok-e Adulterye he shewth-e hym ek-e from hevyn th-e thret-e-s alas *L+0 :Che shewth-e hym ek-e : :Chevyn... *L+0 :Che shewth-e hym ek-e from¡or=how¢ hevyn th-e : so sternly sore this prophet-e this Nathan y!t all amasid this agid woofull Man / lyke hym y!t met-e-s w!t horrour & w!t fere the hete doth-e strayt-e forsake the l'yms¡or=ly-mnis?¢ cold *L+0 :Cthe : the colour eke drowpith-e down from his ch-ere so doth-e h-e fele his fyer maynifold / *L+0 :Cso doth-e h-e fele : :Cmaynifold / his hete his lust / and plesur all in fere¡together¢ consume and wast¡waste¢ / and strayt his crown of gold his purpull pall his sceptre h-e lett-e-s fall *L+0 :Chis : :C... and to th-e ground h-e throwth hym sellff w!t¶all *Ff87 The pompous pryd of stat-e and dygnit-e fortw!t rabat-e-s repentant humblenes thynner vyle cloth-e th-en¡than¢ clothyth pou-e-rt-e *L+0 :Cthynner vyle cloth-e th-en clothyth : *L+0 *L+0 :C : :C doth-e skantly hyde and clad his nak-ednes his fayre hore berd of reverent gravit-e *L+0 :Chis : :Cberd of reverent gravit-e w!t ruffeld here¡hair¢ . knowyng his wyknednes¡sc.wykednes¢ *L+0 :Cw!t ruffeld here . : :Chis : More lyk-e was he th-e sellff same repentance *L+0 :CMore lyk-e : :Cwas th-e sellff same repentance th-en statly prynce off wordly¡sc.worldly¢ governance . His harpe h-e taketh in hand to be his guyde *L+0 :CHis harpe h-e : :Cin : :Chand... wh-erw!t h-e offerth-e his plaint-e-s his sowle to save *L+0 :Cwh-erw!t h-e offerth-e : :Cplaint-e-s : y!t from his h-ert distill-e-s on eu-e-ry syde w!tdrawyng hym in to a dark Cave w!t¶in th-e grownd wherin h-e myght¡verb¢ hym hyde fleing th-e lyght as in pryson or grave *L+0 :Cfleing th-e lyght in pryson or : :Cgrave Jnwych-e as sone as David enterd had th-e dark horrour did mak-e his fawte a drad *L+0 :Cth-e dark horrour : :Chis fawte... But he w!t¶owt prolonging or delay *L+0 :CBut he w!t owt prolonging : :Cdelay of¡or=rof?¢ that that myght¡verb¢ his lord his god apese *L+0 :Cthat myght his lord his god apese fallth-e on his knees . & w!t his harp J say afore his brest / frawtyd w!t disese off stormy sygh-e-s / his chere colourd lyk clay dressyd vpryght / sekyng to co-nterpese *L+0 :Cdressyd vpryght / : his song w!t sygh-e-s and towching of th-e stryng-e-s w!t tendre hert Lo thus to god h-e syng-e-s . *T Ps 6 *L1 *Ff87v O Lord sins¡since¢ in my mowght thy myghty name *L+0 :CO Lord sins : :Cmy mowght thy myghty name sufferth-e it sellff / my lord to name and call here hath-e my hert hope taken by the same *L+0 :Chere hath-e my hert : :Cby the same that th-e repentance wych-e J have and shall may at thi hand sek-e marcy as th-e thing *L+0 :Cmay at thi hand sek-e : :Cthing only confort of wrechid synners all . *L+0 :Conly confort of : :Csynners all . Wherby J dare w!t humble bymony-ng by thy goodnes off th-e¡thee¢ this thing require / *L+0 :Cby thy goodnes off th-e this thing require : <.> chastyse me not for my des-e-rving Acordyng to thy Just¡adj¢ conceyvid Jre . O lord J dred / and y!t J did not dred J me repent / and eu-e-rmore desyre the¡thee¢ the¡thee¢ to dred / J open here & spred *L+0 :Cthe the to dred / J : :Chere & spred my fawte to th-e¡thee¢ / but y!u for thi goodnes mesure it not in largenes nor in bred¡breadth¢ / *L+0 :Cmesure it not in : punish it not as askyth-e th-e grettnes off thi furour provokt by my offence . Tempre o lord the harme of my excess-e W!t mendy-ng will¡noun¢ y!t J for recompense *L+0 :CW!t mendy-ng will y!t J : prepare agayne / & rath-er pite me for J ame wek-e / & clene w!t¶owt def-ence more is th-e nede J have of remede *L+0 :Cmore nede of : :Cremede for off th-e hole th-e lech-e takyth no cure *L+0 the shepe y!t strayth-e th-e sheperd sek-e-s to se *L+0 :Cthe shepe y!t strayth-e th-e shepherd : :Cto se J lord ame strayd / J syk-e w!t¶owt recure *L+0 :CJ lord ame strayd / J : :Cw!t owt recure fele al my l'yms y!t have rebelld / for fere *L+0 :Cal my l'yms y!t have rebelld / for fere shake in dispayre onles y!u me assure *L+0 :Cshake : :Cdispayre : :Cy!u me : :Cassure *L82 *Ff88 And me bysett evin now where J am so *L+0 :CAnd me bysett evin now where J am : w!t secrett trapps to troble my penance *L+0 :Cw!t secrett : sum do p-r-esent to my weping yes lo *L+0 *L+0 :Cp-r-esent : :Cyes lo the ch-ere th-e manere bealte & countna-nce off her whose lok-e alas did mak-e me blynd sum oth-er offer to my reme-mbrans those plesant word-e-s / now bitter to my mynd and sum shew me th-e powre of my armo-u-r tryumph-e / and co-nquest / and to my hed assind dowble diademe / sum shew th-e favo-u-r of peple frayle / palais / pompe / & rych-es / *L+0 :Cof peple frayle / palais / pompe / & : :C/ to th-es Marmayd-e-s and th-eyre bayt-e-s off erro-u-r J stopp myn eris w!t h-elp of thy goodnes and for J fele it comth-e alone of th-e¡thee¢ y!t to my hert th-es foes have non acces J dare th-em bid avoyd wreches and fle the lord hath-e hard¡heard¢ th-e voyce off my complant¡sc.complaint¢ yo-u-r engins take no more effect in me th-e lord hath-e herd J say & sen me faynt *L+0 :Cth-e lord hath-e : :Cme faynt vnder yo-u-r hand and pitith-e my distres he shall do mak-e my sensis by co-nstraint Obbey the rule y!t reson shall expres wher th-e deceyt-e of yo-u-r glosing bait-e *L+0 :Cwher / : :Cdeceyt-e of yo-u-r glosing : *L+0 :Cwher / deceyt-e of yo-u-r : made th-em vsurpt¡sc.vsurp¢ a poure in all exces *L+0 :Cvsurpt a poure in all exces *Ff88v Shamid be thei all y!t so ly in whait-e to compas me / by missing of th-eire pray¡prey¢ shame and rebuk-e redound to such-e decayt-e sodayne co-nfusion as stroke¡verb¢ w!towt delay shall so defface th-eire craffty sugestion *L+0 :Cshall so defface th-eire craffty : y!t th-ey to hurt my h-elth-e no more assay sins¡since¢ J o lord remayne in thi protection -f-i-n-i-s *TPPs 32 *L1 Who so hath-e sene the sikk in his fevour *L+0 :CWho so hath-e sene the sikk in his : affter treux taken w!t th-e het-e or cold *L+0 :Caffter : :Ctreux taken w!t : :Cor cold and that the fitt is past off his faruour draw faynting sygh-e-s / let hym J say behold *L+0 :Cdraw faynting sygh-e-s / : sorowfull david affter his langour *L+0 y!t w!t th-e terys y!t from his iyes down rold pausid his plaint / and layd adown his harp faythfull record of all his sorows sharp . Jt semid now that of his fawt th-e horrour did mak-e a¶ferd no more his hope of grace the thret-e-s whereoff in horrible errour did hold his hert as in dispaire a space till he had willd to sek-e for his socour hym selff accusing / beknowyng his cace *L+0 :Chym selff accusing / : :Chis cace *L+0 :Chym selff accusing / : :C his cace thinking so best his lord for to apese eesd not yet h-eld¡healed¢ he felith his dises-e *L+0 :Cnot yet h-eld he felith his dises-e *L+0 :Cnot yet h-eld he felith his dises-e *Ff89 *L17 semyth-e horrible no more th-e dark-e Cave *L17 :Csemyth-e... y!t erst did make his fault for to tremble *L+0 :Cy!t erst did make his fault to : a place devout or refuge for to save the socourles / it rath-er doth-e resemble . for who had sene so knele w!t¶in th-e grave th-e chieff-e pastor of thebrews¡the¶hebrews¢ assemble wold Juge it made by terys of penitence a sacrid place worthi off reu-e-rence W!t vapord iyes h-e lokyth here & th-ere and when h-e hath-e a while hym sellff bethowght gadryng his sprit-e-s y!t where¡were¢ dismayd for fere his harp agayne Jn to his hand he rowght *L+0 :Chis harp agayne : tuny-ng accord by Jugeme-nt of his ere his hert-e-s botum for a sigh h-e sowght and there¶w!t¶all apon th-e holow tre w!t strainid voyce agayne thus cryth h-e . *L+0 :Cw!t : :Cvoyce : :Cthus : :Ch-e . *L+0 :Cw!t : :Cvoyce agayne thus cryth h-e . -f-i-n-i-s *T Ps 32 *L1 Oh happy ar they y!t have forgiffnes gott *L+0 :COh happy ar they : :Cy!t... off th-eire offence / ( not by theire penitence as by meryt wych-e reco-mpensyth not Altho y!t yet pardone hath-e non offence w!t¶owte th-e same / ) but by th-e goodnes off hym y!t hath-e p-e-rfect intelligens Off hert contrit-e / and coverth-e th-e grettnes *L+0 :COff hert contrit-e / : :Ccoverth-e th-e grettnes off syn w!t¶in a marcifull discharg-e . *L+0 :Coff syn : :C. and happy ar th-ey y!t have th-e willfullnes *L+0 :Chappy ar th-ey y!t have : *T Ps 32 *Ff89v *L10 Off lust restraynd / afore it went at larg-e provokyd by th-e dred of godd-e-s furour wh-erby th-ei have not on th-eyre bak-e-s th-e charg-e of oth-ers fawt-e to suffer th-e dolour *L+0 :Coth-ers fawt-e : *L+0 :Coth-ers fawt-e for y!t th-eire fawt-e was neu-e-r excecut-e *L+0 :Cfor y!t th-eire fawt-e : :Cneu-e-r : in opyn syght / exampl-e of errour And happi is he to whom god doth-e imput-e *L+0 nomore his faut-e by knoleging his syn *L+0 :Cnomore his : :Cby knoleging his : but clensid now th-e lord doth-e hym reput-e As adder fresh-e / new stryppid from his skin *L+0 :CAs adder new / : ¶stryppid :Cfrom his skin nor Jn his sprit-e is owght vndiscoverd *L+0 :Cnor Jn his sprit-e is : :Cvndiscoverd J for¶by¶cawse / J hidd it still¡adv¢ w!t¶in *L+0 :CJ : :Cfor : :C/ J hidd it still w!t in thy-nkng¡sc.thy-nking¢ by stat-e in fawt-e to be p-r-eferd *L+0 :Cfawt-e : *L+0 :Cthy-nkng by stat-e fawt-e to be : do fynd by hyding of my fawt-e my harm-e *L+0 :Cfynd *L+0 as h-e that fells his h-elth-e to be hinderd by secret-e wound concelid from th-e charme of lechis cure / y!t ell-e-s had had redresse and fele / my bonis co-nsume and wex¡or=wax?¢ vnfarme *L+0 :Cfele / my bonis co-nsume and wex vnfarme by dayly rage roryng in excess-e *L+0 :Cby dayly : *L+0 :Cby dayly : :C thy hevy hand on me was so encrest *L+0 :Cthy hevy hand... *L+0 :Cthy hevy hand on me : :Cso... *L+0 :Cthy hevy hand on me : :Cso... both-e day and nyght / and h-eld my hert in press-e w!t prikng¡sc.priking¢ thowght-e-s by¶reving me my rest *L+0 :Cw!t : :Cthowght-e-s... y!t wyth-erd is my lustynes a¶way *L+0 :Cy!t : :Cwyth-erd as somer h-ett-e-s y!t hath-e th-e grene oprest wherfore J did an oth-er way assay and sowght forthw!t to opin in thi syght my fawt / my fere / my filthines J say And not to hide from th-e¡thee¢ my gret vnryght *L+0 :CAnd not to hide : :C... *Ff90 J shall q-u-o-d J agaynst my sellff co-nfess-e *L+0 :CJ shall q-u-o-d J agaynst my sellff : vnto the lord all my synfull plyght And y!u forth-ew!t¡or=forthw!t¢ didst wash-e th-e wikk-ednes off myn offence . of trowght ryght thus it is wherfor they that have tastid thi goodnes At me shall take example as of this and pray and fek-e in tyme for tyme of grace *L+0 :Cand pray and sek-e in tyme : :Cof : *T Ps 32 *Ff90 *L45 then shall th-e stormes and fludd-e-s of harme him mis *L+0 :Cthen shall th-e : :Cand fludd-e-s of harme him mis And hym to rech-e shall neu-e-r have th-e space . *L+0 :CAnd hym to rech-e shall neu-e-r have th-e : :C. Thow art my refuge and only save¶gard from th-e trobles y!t compasse me th-e plac-e *L+0 :Cfrom th-e trobles y!t : Such-e Joy as h-e y!t skapis his emnis¡or=enmis?¢ ward w!t losid bond-e-s hath-e in his libertie such-e Joy / my Joy thow hast to me p-r-epard y!t as th-e seman / in his Jeopertie by soden lyght perceyvid hath-e th-e port so by thy gret Marcifull propertie w!t¶in thi lok-e thus rede J my confort J shall th-e¡thee¢ tech-e and gyve vnderstondyng and poynt to th-e¡thee¢ what way y!u shalt resort for thi adresse to kepe th-e¡thee¢ from wandryng myn yJe shall tak-e th-e¡thee¢ charge to be thy guyde . J aske th-erto / of th-e¡thee¢ alone this thing *L+0 be not lik-e horse or Mule y!t man doth-e ryde y!t not alone doth-e not his master know but for th-e good y!u dost hym must be tyde and brydeld lest his guyd he bit-e or throw . *L+0 :Cand brydeld : *Ff90v Oh dyu-e-rse ar th-e chastysing-e-s off syn *L66 in met-e¡meat¢ / in drynk / in breth-e y!t man doth-e blow Jn slepe / in wach-e / Jn fretyng styll¡adv¢ w!tin y!t neu-e-r soffer rest vnto th-e mynd filld w!t offence / y!t new & new begyn *L+0 :Cfilld w!t offence / : w!t thowsand feris the hert to strayne & bynd *L+0 :Cw!t thowsand feris the : :Cto strayne & bynd but for all this h-e y!t in god doth-e trust w!t m-e-rcy shall hym sellff defendid fynd . Joy & reioyse J say ye y!t be Just¡adj¢ *L+0 :CJoy & reioyse : <&¡or=o¢> :Cye y!t : :C... in hym y!t makth-e & holdyth-e yow so still¡adv¢ *L+0 :Cin hym y!t : :Cyow so still in hym yo-u-r glory alwey set yow must *L+0 :Cin hym : :Cyo-u-r glory : <&> all ye y!t be off vpryght hert & will¡noun¢ . -f-i-n-i-s *TPPs 38 *L1 This song endid / david did stint his voyce *L+0 :CThis endid / : :Cdavid : :Chis : and Jn that while abowt h-e w!t his iye *L+0 :Cand Jn that while : :Cw!t his iye did sek-e y!e Cave / w!t wich-e / w!towten noyce *L+0 :CCave / w!t wich-e / w!t¶owten noyce his sylence semid / to argew & replye . *L+0 *L+0 :Chis sylence semid / : apon this pees this pees y!t did reioyce *L+0 :Capon : :Cdid reioyce th-e sowle w!t m-e-rcy / y!t mercy so did Crye *L+0 :Cth-e : and fownd m-e-rcy at plentifull hand *L+0 :Cand fownd m-e-rcy at : :Chand neu-e-r denid but wh-ere it was w!t¶stand as th-e s-e-rvant y!t in his masters face *L+0 :Cas th-e s-e-rvant in his masters face fyndy-ng pardon of his passid offence *L+0 :Cpardon of his passid offence co-nsydery-g his gret-e goodnes and his grace glad teris distills / as gladsome reco-mpense . ryght so david / y!t semid in that place *L+0 :Cryght so david / : :Csemid in that place a marble ymage off snguler¡sc.singuler¢ reu-e-rence *L+0 *L+0 :Cymage : :Coff snguler reu-e-rence Carffd in th-e rokk-e / w!t Jyes and hand-e-s on hygh *L+0 *L+0 :CCarffd in th-e rokk-e / w!t Jyes and hand-e-s : made as by crafft to plaine to sobbe to sygh . *L+0 :Cby crafft to : :Cto sobbe to : *Ff91 This while a beme that bryght sonne¡sun¢ forth-e send-e-s *L+0 :CThis while a beme : :Cthat sonne : that sonne¡sun¢ th-e wych-e was neu-e-r clowd cowd hide percyth-e the cave / and on the harpe discend-e-s¡or=distend-e-s?¢ whose glauncy-ng light the cord-e-s did ou-e-r¶glyde *L+0 :Cthe cord-e-s : *L+0 :Cwhose : :Cglauncy-g light the cord-e-s did glyde and such-e luyster apon th-e harpe extend-e-s as lyght off lampe apon th-e gold clene tryde the torne¡noun¢ wh-eroff Jn to his Jyes did stert-e surprisd w!t Joye / by penance off the hert-e . He th-en Jnflamd w!t farr more hote affect-e *L+0 :CHe th-en Jnflamd w!t farr more hote : of god / th-en h-e was erst off Bersabe . *L+0 :Cof god / th-en : :CBersabe . *L+0 :Cof god / th-en : :C Bersabe . his lifft¡left¢ fot-e did on th-e yerth-e erect-e and Just¡adv¢ th-erby remaynth-e the toth-er kne to his lifft¡left¢ syde his wayght h-e doth-e direct-e sure hope of helth-e and harpe agayne takth-e he *L+0 :Chope... his hand his tune / his mynd sowght his lay wych-e to th-e lord w!t sobre voyce did say -f-i-n-i-s *T Ps 38 *L1 O lord as J th-e¡thee¢ have both-e prayd & pray ( altho in th-e¡thee¢ be no alteration *L+0 :C( altho : :Cin th-e *L+0 :C( altho in th-e be : <)> but that we men / lik-e as o-u-r sellff-e-s we say *L+0 :Cbut that we men / : :Co-u-r sellff-e-s we say : <)> mesury-ng thy Justice by o-u-r Mutation ) *L+0 :Cthy Justice by : *L+0 :C thy Justice by o-u-r : :C) Chastice me not o lord in thi furour nor me correct in wrathfull castigation *L+0 :Cnor me correct in wrathfull : ffor that thi arrows / off fere / off terrour *L+0 :Cffor that thi arrows / : of sword / of sek-enes / off famine & fyre *L+0 :Cof sword / of sek-enes / off : :C& : stikk-e-s diepe in me / J lo from myn errour *L+0 :Cin me... *L+0 :C : :Cin me... *L+0 :C.../ J : :Cfrom myn errour *L10 Ame plongid vp / as horse owt of th-e myr-e w!t strok-e off spurr / such-e is thi hand on me *T Ps 38 *Ff91v *L12 y!t in my flesh-e for terrour of thy yre *L+0 :Cy!t in my flesh-e for : :Cof thy yre Js not on¡one¢ poynt of ferme stabilit-e *L+0 :CJs not on poynt of : nor in my bonis th-ere is no stedfastnes such-e Js my drede of mutabilit-e *L+0 :Csuch-e Js my : :Cof mutabilit-e ffor that J know my frailefull wykednes . *L+0 :Cffor that J know my : :Cwykednes . for why my sinns above my hed ar bownd *L+0 :Cmy sinns : :Cabove my : *L+0 :C my sinns above my : lik-e hevi wh-eyght y!t doth-e my force oppress-e Vnder th-e wych-e J stopp & bowe to grownd . *L+0 :CVnder th-e wych-e J stopp & bowe : :C. *L20 *L+0 as whilow plant haled by vyolence *L+0 :Cas : :Chaled by vyolence and off my flesh-e ech-e not well curyd wound *L+0 :Coff my flesh-e ech-e : :Ccuryd wound y!t festred is by foly and neclegens *L+0 :Cfestred by foly and neclegens by secret lust hath-e ranklyd vnder skyn . *L+0 :Cby secret lust hath-e ranklyd : *L+0 :Cby secret lust hath-e ranklyd : not duly Curyd by my penitens . Perceyving thus the tyranny off sin y!t w!t his wheit-e hath-e humblid & deprest my pryd / by gruging off th-e worme w!t¶in *L+0 :Cmy pryd / by : :Coff th-e worme w!t in y!t neu-e-r dyth-e / J lyve w!t¶owten rest So ar myn entrayles infect w!t farvent sore fedyng th-e harme y!t hath-e my welth-e oprest *L+0 :Cfedyng th-e harme y!t hath-e my : :Coprest that in my flesh-e is lefft no helth-e th-erfore . *L+0 :Cthat in my flesh-e : so wondrus gret hath-e bene my vexation y!t it hath forst my hart to crye / & rore *L+0 :Cy!t : :Cmy hart : :Crore O lord thow knowst th-e inward co-ntemplation off my desire / y!u knowst my sygh-e-s & plaint-e-s thow knowst th-e teres of my lame-ntation Can not expresse my hert-e-s inward restraint-e-s my hart pantyth-e / my force J fele it quaile / *L+0 :Cmy : *L+0 :Cmy hart pantyth-e / my force J fele it : :C/ my syght / myn Jyes / my lok-e dekays and faynt-e-s . *T Ps 38 *Ff92 *L40 And when myn emnys¡or=enmys?¢ did me most assayle my frend-e-s most sure wherein J sett most trust *L+0 :Cwherein J sett : :Ctrust my-n own v-e-rtus / sonest th-en did ffaile *L+0 :C/ sonest th-en did : & stond apart . reson and witt vniust *L+0 :Cstond apart . reson and witt vniust as kyn vnkynd were fardest gone at nede *L+0 :Cas kyn vnkynd were gone : :Cat nede *L+0 :Cas : :Ckyn vnkynd were gone at nede So had th-ei place th-eire venim owt to thrust that sowght my deth-e by nowghty word and dede their-e tong-e-s reproch-e th-eire witt-e-s did fraude aplye *L+0 :Ctheir-e tong-e-s : :Cth-eire witt-e-s did fraude aplye And J lik-e deffh and d'ome¡dumb¢ forth-e my way yede Lyk-e one that heris not / nor hath-e to replye one word agayne / knowyng y!t from thi hand *L+0 :Cone word agayne / : th-es thng-e-s¡sc.thing-e-s¢ procede / and thow lord shalt supplye . *L+0 :C/ thow : :Csupplye . *L+0 :C / thow : :Clord shalt supplye . *L+0 :Cth-es thing-e-s procede / : :Cthow lord shalt supplye . my trust in th-e¡thee¢ wherein J stikk and stand *L+0 :Ctrust : :Cth-e wherein J stikk and stand yet have J had gret cawse to dred and fere *L+0 :Cyet have J had gret cawse : *L+0 :Cyet have J had gret cawse : :Cdred and fere y!t y!u woldst gyve my foos th-e ou-e-r¶hand *L+0 :Cy!t : :Cth-e ou-e-r hand ffor in my ffall th-ey shewd such-e plesant ch-ere *L+0 :Cffor in my ffall th-ey shewd : :Cch-ere And th-erw!tall J alway in the lash-e abyd th-e strok-e . and w!t me eu-e-ry wh-ere J bere my fawt-e / y!t gretly doth-e abash-e my dowlfull ch-ere / ffor J my fawt co-nfesse *L+0 :Cmy dowlfull ch-ere / ffor J : and my desert doth-e all my co-nffort dash-e . Jn th-e mene while myn Emnys¡or=Enmys?¢ saff-e¡safe¢ / encress-e and my provokars herby do aug-eme-nt *L+0 :Cand my : :Cherby do aug-eme-nt that w!t¶owt cawse to hurt me do not cesse *L+0 :Cthat w!t owt cawse to : :Cme do not cesse Jn Evill for good agaynst me th-ey be bent *L+0 :CJn Evill for good agaynst me th-ey : And hinder shall my good p-u-rsuyt-e off grace Lo now my god y!t seist my hole Jntent *L+0 :CLo now my : *L+0 :CLo now my god y!t : :Cmy hole Jntent My lord / J ame thow knowst well in what case *L+0 :CMy : :C/ J ame thow knowst well in what case fforsak me not / be not farr-e from me gone *L+0 :Cfforsak me not / : :Cbe not from me : hast¡haste¢ to my help hast¡haste¢ lord and hast¡haste¢ a¶pace O lord th-e lord off all my h-elth alone . fi-n-is . *TPPs 51 *Ff92v *L1 Lik-e as the pilgryme that in a long way *L+0 :CLik-e as the pilgryme that : :Ca long way fayntyng for het-e / provokyd by some wind *L+0 :Cfayntyng for het-e / provokyd by some : in some fresh-e shaade lith-e downe at myd-e-s off day *L+0 :Cin some fresh-e : :Cat : :Cday *L+0 :Cin some fresh-e : :Cat : :Cmyd-e-s off day so doth-e off David th-e weryd voyce and mynd tak-e breth-e off sygh-e-s when h-e had song¡sung¢ this lay vnder such-e shaad as sorow hath-e assynd And as th-e tone still¡adv¢ mynd-e-s his viag-e end *L+0 :CAnd as th-e tone : his viag-e end *L+0 so doth-e th-e toth-er to m-e-rcy still¡adv¢ p-r-etend . on sonour cord-e-s his fingers h-e extend-e-s *L+0 w!t¶owt heryng or Jugeme-nt off th-e sownd down from his Jyes a storme off terys discend-e-s w!t¶owt feling that trykill on the grownd as he y!t bled-e-s in baigne / ryght so intend-e-s thaltryd¡the¶altered¢ sensis to y!t y!t th-ei ar bownd *L+0 But syght¡sigh¢ and wepe h-e can non oth-er thing and lok-e vp still¡adv¢ vnto th-e hevins kyng . *L16 :Cand lok-e : But who had bene w!t¶owt th-e Cavis mowth-e *L+0 :CBut who had bene : :Cth-e Cavis mowth-e and herd th-e terys and syght¡sigh¢ y!t h-e did strayne *L+0 :Cand herd th-e : :Cand : :Cy!t h-e : *L+0 :Cand herd th-e : :Cand y!t h-e he wold have sworne / th-ere had owt off th-e sowth-e a lewk-e warme wynd / browght forth a smoky rayne¡rain¢ . but y!t so close th-e Cave was and vnkowth-e y!t none but god was record off his payne . ell-e-s had th-e wynd blowne in all Jsraell-e-s erys . *L+0 :Cell-e-s had th-e wynd blowne in : :Call : the woffull plaint and off th-eire kyng th-e terys . Off wych-e some part / when he vpp suppyd hade *L+0 :COff wych-e some part / when he : :Csuppyd lik-e as he whom his owne thowght affrays he torns his look-e . hym semith-e that th-e shade off his offence / agayne his force assays by violence dispaire on hym to lade stertyng lik-e hym whom sodeyne fer-e dismays *L+0 :Clik-e hym whom sodeyne fer-e dismays his voyce h-e strains and from his h-ert owt bryng-e-s *L+0 *L+0 this song y!t J not¡know¶not¢ wyth-er¡whether¢ h-e crys or sing-e-s . -f-i-n-i-s *T Ps 51 *Ff93 *L1 Rew on me lord for thy goodnes and grace y!t off thy nature art so bountefull ffor that goodnes y!t in the world doth-e brace *L+0 :Cffor that goodnes y!t : :Cthe world doth-e brace repugna-nt natures Jn quiet-e wonderfull. and for thi m-e-rcys nomber w!t¶owt end Jn hevin and yerth-e p-e-rceyvid so plentefull that ou-e-r all th-ey do th-em sellff-e-s extend ffor those marcys much-e more the-n¡than¢ man can sy'n do way my s'ynns y!t so thy grace offend . agayne wash-e me but wash-e me well w!t¶in *L+0 :Cwash-e me but wash-e me well w!t in and from my s'ynn y!t thus makth me affrayd make y!u me clene¡adj.¢ / as ay thy wont hath-e byn ffor vnto th-e¡thee¢ no nombre can be layd for to p-r-escrybe remissions off offence Jn hert-e-s retornd / as thow thy sellff hast sayd . And J / beknow my ffawt my neclegenc-e & in my syght my synn is fixid fast *L+0 :C& in my syght my synn : theroff to have more p-e-rfett penitenc-e To the¡thee¢ alone to th-e¡thee¢ have J trespast ffor none can mesure my fawt-e but y!u alone for in thy syght J have not bene agast for to offend / Juging thi syght as none so y!t my fawt were hid from syght of man / thy maiestye so from my mynd was gone This know J and repent / pardon thow than¡then¢ wherby thow shalt kepe still¡adv¢ thi word stable *L+0 :Cwherby thow : :Cthi word ... *L+0 :Cwherby thow thi word : thy Justice pure and clene¡adj.¢ / by cawse y!t whan *L+0 :Cthy Justice : :Cand clene / by cawse y!t whan J pardond ame / th-en forthw!t Justly able *L+0 :CJ pardond ame / : :Cforthw!t Justly able Just¡adj¢ J ame Jugd / by Justice off thy grace *L+0 :CJust : :CJugd / by Justice off thy grace ffor J my sellff / lo thing most vnstable . fformd in offence / conceyvid in lik-e case ame nowght but s'ynn / from my natyvit-e *L+0 :Came nowght but s'ynn / be not this sayd for my excuse alase¡or=a¶Case?¢ *L+0 *L+0 :C : *Ff93v But off thy help to shew necessit-e ffor lo y!u loves th-e trowgh off inward hert wich-e yet doth-e lyve in my fydelit-e tho J have fallen by fraylt-e ou-e-rthwart ffor willfull malice led me no¡sc.not¢ th-e way . *L+0 :Cffor willfull malice : :Cled me : ¶way :C. so much-e as hath-e th-e flesh-e drawn me apart Wherfore o lord as thow hast done alway tech-e me the hydden wisdome off thy lore sins¡since¢ that my fayth-e doth-e not yet dekay *L+0 :Csins that my : And as th-e Juyz to hele th-e liepre sore w!t hysope clense / clense me / & J ame clene¡adj.¢ *L+0 :Cw!t hysope clense / : thow shalt me wash-e / & more th-en¡than¢ snow th-erfore *L+0 :Cthow : J shall be whight . how fowle my fawt hath-e bene thow off my helth-e shalt gladsome tydy-ng-e-s bryng when from above remission shall be sene descend on yerth-e / th-en shall for Joye vp¶spryng the bonis y!t were afore co-nsumd to dust . Looke not o lord apon myn offendyng *L+0 :CLooke not o lord apon : :Coffendyng But do a¶way my ded-e-s y!t ar VnJust make a clene¡adj.¢ hert in th-e mydd-e-s off my brest *L+0 :Cmake a clene hert in : w!t spryt-e vpryght voydyd from fylthye lust *L+0 :Cw!t vpryght : :Cfrom : :Clust ffrom thyn Jys cure / cast me not in vnrest nor take from me thy spryt-e of holynesse rendre to me / Joye off thy h-elp and rest *L+0 :Cme / Joye off thy h-elp and rest my will¡or=witt?¢ conferme w!t spryt-e off stedfastnesse . *L+0 :Cconferme w!t spryt-e off : And by this shall th-es goodly thing-e-s ensue sinners J shall in to thy ways adresse th-ey shall retorne to the¡thee¢ and thy grace sue My tong shall prayse thy Justification my mowgh shall spred thy gloryus praysis true *T Ps 51 *Ff94 *L64 But off thi sellff o god this operation *L+0 :CBut off thi sellff o god this : it must proced / by purging me from blood among th-e Just y!t J may have relation And off thy lawd-e-s for to let owt th-e flood thow must o lord my lypps furst vnlose ffor if y!u hadst estemid plesant good *L+0 :Cffor if y!u hadst estemid : the ovttward ded-e-s y!t owtward me-n disclose J wold have offerd vnto th-e¡thee¢ sacryfice but y!u delyght-e-s not in no such-e glose off owtward dede / as men dreme & devyse The sacryfice / y!t th-e lord lykyth-e most / *L+0 :CThe sacryfice / y!t : :Cmost / is spryt-e co-ntrit-e / low hert Jn humble wyse thow dost accept o god for plesant host make Syon lord acordyng to thy will¡noun¢ inward syon / the syon of th-e ghost off hert-e-s Hierusalem stre-ngh th-e wall-e-s still¡adv¢ then shalt y!u take for good th-es vttward ded-e-s As sacryfice thy plesure to fullfyll Off th-e¡thee¢ alone thus all o-u-r good proced-e-s . -f-i-n-i-s *TPPs102 *Ff94v *L1 off diepe secret-e-s y!t david here did sing *L+0 :Cdiepe secret-e-s y!t david here did sing off mercy off fayth-e off frailte off grace *L+0 :Coff mercy off fayth-e off frailte : :Cgrace off godd-e-s goodnes and off Justyfying the grettnes dyd so astonne hym selff a space *L+0 :Cthe : :Castonne hym a space as who myght say . who hath-e exprest this thing ? J synner J / what have J sayd alas ? y!t godd-e-s goodnes wold w!t¶in my song entret-e *L+0 :Cy!t godd-e-s goodnes wold w!t in my : let me agayne co-nsidre and repet-e . And so he doth-e / but not exprest by word but in his hert he tornith-e and paysith-e ech-e word y!t erst / his lypps myght¡verb¢ forth-e aford . he poynt-e-s / he pawsith-e / he wonders / he praysyth-e the marcy y!t hyd-e-s off Justice th-e swourd . the Justice y!t so his promesse complysyth-e for his word-e-s sake / to worthilesse desert y!t gratis his graces to men doth-e depert *L+0 :Cgratis : :Chis : :Cto men depert *L+0 :C....gratis : :Chis to men doth-e depert Here hath-e h-e co-nfort when h-e doth-e mesure mesureles marcys to mesureles fawt-e *L+0 :Cmesureles : <&> :Cmesureles fawt-e to prodigall s'iners Jnfinit-e tresure tresure termeles y!t neu-e-r shall defawt-e ye¡yea¢ when that sinn shall fayle & may not dure Mercy shall reygne / gaine whome shall no assaut-e off hell p-r-evaile / by whome lo at this day off hevin gatt-e-s Remission is th-e kay . And when david hath-e ponderd well and tryd *L+0 :CAnd when : :Cdavid hath-e : and seith hym sellff not vtterly deprivid from lyght of grace / y!t dirk of sinn dyd hyde *L+0 :Cfrom lyght of grace / y!t sinn : he fynd-e-s hys hope much-e th-erw!t revivid *L+0 :Che fynd-e-s hys hope : :Cmuch-e th-erw!t revivid he dare Jmportun th-e lord on eu-e-ry syde *L+0 :Cth-e lord on eu-e-ry syde for he knowth-e well to mercy is ascrybid respectles labour Jmportune crye and call and thus begynth-e his song th-erw!t¶all -f-i-n-i-s *T Ps102 *Ff95 *L1 Lord here¡hear¢ my prayre / and let my crye passe vnto the¡thee¢ lord w!towt impediment *L+0 :Cvnto the lord : do not from me torne thy mercyfull fase Vnto my sellff leving my government Jn tyme off troble and adu-e-rsitye *L+0 :CJn tyme off troble and : Jnclyne to me thyn ere and thyn Jntent And when J call help my necessitye *L+0 :CAnd when : :CJ call : :Chelp : redely graunt theffect¡the¶effect¢ off my desyre . thes bold demaund-e-s do plese thy maiestye *L+0 :Cthes bold demaund-e-s do plese thy : And ek my Case such-e hast¡haste¢ doth-e well requir-e . ffor like as smok-e my days bene past awaye my b'onis dryd vp as forneis w!t th-e fyre My hert my mynd is wyth-erd vp like haye by cawse J have forgot to take my brede *L+0 :Cby cawse J have forgot to take my : my brede off lyff / the word off trowth-e J saye . *L+0 :Cmy : :Coff lyff / the word off trowth-e J saye . And ffor my plaintfull sygh-e-s and my drede *L+0 :CAnd ffor my : :Csygh-e-s and my drede my bonis my strenght my very force off my-nde cleved to th-e flesh-e / and from thi spryt-e were flede as dispairat-e thy m-e-rcy for to fynd . *L+0 :Cthy m-e-rcy for to fynd . so made J me the solaine pelycane and lyke th-e owle that fleith-e by propre kynd lyght of th-e day and hath-e h-er sellff betane to ruyne lyff owt off all companye *L+0 :Cto : :Cowt off all companye w!t waker care / y!t w!t this wo bygane lik-e th-e sparow was J solytarye . *L+0 :Clik-e th-e sparow : :Csolytarye . y!t sitt-e-s alone vnd-er the howsis effes *L+0 :Cy!t sitt-e-s alone vnd-er the howsis : this while my foes co-nspird continually And did p-r-ovoke th-e harme off my dises *L+0 :CAnd did : :C... wherfor lik-e ashes my bred did me savour of thi Just¡adj¢ word th-e tast myght¡verb¢ not me ples . *L+0 :Cmyght me ples . Wherfore my drynk J temperd w!t lycour *L+0 *T Ps102 *Ff95v *L32 off weping teris y!t from myn yJes do rayne¡rain/verb¢ *L+0 *L+0 :Coff weping teris y!t : :Cfrom myn yJes . by¶cawse J know th-e wrath-e off thy furour provokt by ryght had off my pride disdayne for y!u didst lyfft me vp to throw me downe to tech-e me how to know my sellff agayne . Wherby J know¡or=knew?¢ y!t helples / J shold drowne my days lik-e shadow declyne / and J do drye And th-e¡thee¢ for eu-e-r eternite doth-e crowne World w!t¶owt end doth-e last thy memorye . *L+0 :CWorld w!t owt end : :Clast thy memorye . ffor this frailte y!t yokyth-e all manekynd *L+0 :Cffor this : :Cy!t yokyth-e : y!u shallt a¶wake / and rue this misery Rue on Syon / Syon y!t as J ffynd *L+0 :CRue on Syon / Syon y!t : is the peple y!t lyve vnder thy law . *L+0 :Cthe peple y!t lyve vnder thy law . for now is tyme the tyme at hand assynd The tyme so long y!t doth-e thy s-e-rvant-e-s draw in gret desyre to se that plesant day day off redemi-ng syon ffrom sins Aw *L+0 :Cday off redemi-ng syon ffrom : :CAw ffor th-ey have ruth-e to se in such-e dekay in dust and stones this wrechid syon lowr *L+0 :Cdust and stones this wrechid syon : th-en th-e gentill-e-s shall dred thy name alway *L+0 :Cth-e gentill-e-s shall dred thy name alway All erthly king-e-s thy glory shall honour *L+0 :CAll erthly king-e-s : :Cthy glory then / when y!i grace thi syon thus redemith-e *L+0 :Cthen / when : :Cthi syon : *L+0 :Cthen / when thi syon thus : when thus y!u hast declard thy myght¡noun/or=sc.myghty?¢ powre *L+0 :Cwhen thus y!u hast : :C... The lord his s-e-rvaunt-e-s wishis so estemith-e *L+0 :CThe : :Chis s-e-rvaunt-e-s : *L+0 :C ... that h-e hym tornth-e vnto th-e poores request to o-u-r discent thys to be wrytten semith-e *L+0 :Cto : :Cthys : :Csemith-e Off all co-nfort-e-s as co-nsolation best *L+0 :COff all co-nfort-e-s as : and th-ei y!t th-en shalbe regenerat-e *L+0 shall praise th-e lord th-erfore both-e most & lest¡least¢ . *Ff96 *L61 ffor he hath-e lokt from th-e h-eyght off his astat-e th-e lord from hevyn in yerth-e hath-e lokt on vs *L+0 :Cth-e lord from hevyn in yerth-e hath-e lokt on : *L+0 :Cth-e lord from hevyn in yerth-e hath-e lokt on : to here¡hear¢ th-e mone¡moan¢ off th-em y!t ar algat-e Jn fowle bondage / to lose and to discus the fonns off deth-e owt from theire dedly bond to gyve therby occasion gracius Jn this syon hys holy name to stond *L+0 :CJn this syon : :Choly : And in Hierusalem hys laud-e-s lastyng ay . *L+0 :CAnd in Hierusalem : :Claud-e-s lastyng ay . When in one chirch-e th-e peple off y!e lond And remes bene gaderd to s-e-rve / to lawd / to pray / *L+0 :CAnd remes : :Cto s-e-rve / to lawd / : <&> :Cpray / *L+0 :CAnd remes bene : :Cto s-e-rve / to lawd / to pray / the Lord alone so Just¡adj¢ and m-e-rcyfull . *L+0 :Cthe lord : :Cso Just and m-e-rcyfull . But to this samble runy-ng in th-e way My strenght faylyth-e to rech-e it at th-e full he hath-e abrigd my days th-ey may not dure to se that terme / that terme so wonderfull *L+0 :Cto se : :Cterme / that terme so wonderfull Altho J have w!t herty will¡noun¢ and Cure prayd to th-e lord / take me not lord away *L+0 :Cprayd to th-e lord / take me not lord away : <.> Jn mydd-e-s off my yeres / tho thyn eu-e-r sure remayne eterne / whom tyme can not dekay . thow wrowghtst th-e yerth-e / thy hand-e-s th-evyns¡the¶heavens¢ did mak-e th-ei shall perysh-e / and y!u shalt last alway and althing-e-s age shall were¡wear¢ and ou-e-r¶tak-e like cloth-e / and y!u shalt chaing-e th-em lik-e aparell tourne / and translat-e / & thei in worth-e it tak-e . *L+0 :C/ and translat-e / & thei in worth-e it tak-e . But y!u thy sellff / the sellff remaynist well y!t y!u wast erst / and shalt thi yeres extend *L+0 :Cy!t y!u wast erst / and shalt : then sins¡since¢ to this th-ere may nothing rebell the gretest co-nfort y!t J can pretend is that th-e childerne off thy s-e-rvant-e-s dere y!t in thy word ar gott / shall w!towt end byfore thy face be stabisht¡sc.stablisht¢ all in fere¡together¢ -f-i-n-i-s *TPPs130 *Ff96v *L1 When david had p-e-rceyvid in his brest the sprit-e off god retournd y!t was exild by¶cause he knew / h-e hath-e alone exprest *L+0 :Che knew / : :Cexprest thes gret-e thing-e-s y!t greter spryt-e compild *L+0 :Cthes gret-e thing-e-s : :Cgreter : :Ccompild as shalme or pype let-e-s owt th-e sownd inprest by musik-e-s art forgid tofore and fyld J say when david had p-e-rceyvid this the sprit-e of confort in hym revivid is . ffor th-erapon he makyth-e argument off reconsiling vnto th-e lord-e-s grace altho sometyme to prophecy have lent both-e brut best-e-s & wikkyd hert-e-s a place but o-u-r david Jugith-e in his intent *L+0 :Cbut : :C... hym sellff by penance clene owt off this cace wherby he hath-e remission off offence And gynnyth-e to Alow his payne and penitenc-e . But when he weyth-e the fawt & reco-mpe-nse *L+0 :CBut when : :Che weyth-e : :C... h-e damth-e his dede / and fyndyth playne a¶twene th-em to¡two¢ no whitt equivalence wherby he tak-e-s all owtward dede in vayne *L+0 :Cwherby he tak-e-s : :Cvayne to bere th-e name off ryghtfull penitence wich-e is alone the h-ert retornd agayne *L+0 :Cis alone the h-ert retornd agayne and sore contryt y!t doth-e his fawt bymone and owtward dede th-e sygne or fruyt alone . *L+0 :Cand owtward dede : :Cfruyt : :Calone . W!t this h-e doth-e deffend th-e slye assault off vayne alowance off his voyde desert and all the glory off his forgyven fault *L+0 :Cand all the : :Coff his forgyven fault to good¡or=god?¢ alone he doth-e it hole convert his owne merytt he fyndyth in deffault and whilst he po-nderd thes thing-e-s in his h-ert *L+0 :Cand whilst he : :Cthes thing-e-s in his h-ert his knee his arme his hand susteind his chyn *L+0 :Chis : :Chis when he his song agayne thus did beg'yn *L+0 :Cwhen he : -f-i-n-i-s *T Ps130 *Ff97 *L1 ffrom depth-e off sin & from a diepe dispaire *L+0 :Cffrom depth-e off sin from : from depth off deth-e / from depth-e off h-ert-e-s sorow from this diepe Cave off darknes diepe repayre *L+0 :Cfrom this diepe Cave : :Cdarknes : :Crepayre the¡thee¢ have J cald o lord to be my borow *L+0 :Cthe : :Chave J cald thow in my voyce o lord peceyve¡sc.perceyve¢ and here¡hear¢ my hert my hope my plaint my ou-e-rthrow . My will¡noun¢ to ryse / and let by graunt apere that to my voyce thin eres do well entend . no place so farr that to th-e¡thee¢ is not nere . *L+0 :Cno place so farr : :Cto th-e : :Cis nere . No depth-e so diepe y!t y!u ne maist extend thin ere th-erto / here¡hear¢ then my wofull plaint . *L+0 :Cth-erto / here then my wofull plaint . ffor lord if y!u do obs-e-rve what men offend & putt Thy natyff m-e-rcy in restraint / *L+0 :Cnatyff m-e-rcy : :Cin restraint / if Just¡adj¢ exaction demaund reco-mpense Who may endure o lord ? who shall not faynt At such-e acompt ? dred / and not reu-e-rence shold so raine¡reign¢ large . But y!u sek-e-s rath-er love . ffor in thi hand / is m-e-rcys resedence *L+0 :Cffor : By hope wheoff¡sc.wheroff¢ y!u dost o-u-r h-ert-e-s move . *L+0 :CBy hope wheoff y!u : :Co-u-r h-ert-e-s move . J in the¡thee¢ lord have set my co-nfydence *L+0 :CJ in the lord have : :Cset my : my sowle such-e trust doth-e eu-e-rmore aprove Thi holly word off eterne excellence *L+0 :CThi holly word off : thi mercys promesse y!t is alway Just¡adj¢ . *L+0 :Cthi : :Cpromesse y!t is : :C. *L+0 :Cthi promesse y!t is : have bene my stay my piller & p-r-etence My sowle in god hath-e more desyrus trust y!en¡than¢ hath-e th-e wach-e¶man lokyng for th-e day *L+0 :Chath-e... *L+0 :Cy!en hath-e th-e : wach-e¡watchman¢ :Cfor th-e day by the releff-e to quench-e of slepe th-e thrust¡thirst¢ . *L+0 :Creleff-e to quench-e of : :C... Let Jsraell trust vnto th-e lord alway *L+0 :CLet : :CJsraell trust : :Cth-e lord : ffor grace and favour arn his propertie plenteus / raunzome shall com w!t hym J say *L+0 :Craunzome : :Cw!t hym J say *L+0 :C/ raunzome : :Cw!t hym J say And shall redeme all o-u-r iniquitie *L+0 :CAnd : :Cshall : :Call o-u-r : -f-i-n-i-s *TPPs143 *Ff97v *L1 This word redeme y!t in his mowght did sownd did put david it semyth vnto me *L+0 :Cput david : *L+0 :Cdid put david : :Cit semyth : :Cme as in a traunce to starre apon th-e grownd and w!t his thowght the h-eyght of h-evin to se where he behold-e-s the word y!t shold confownd *L+0 :Cwhere he behold-e-s the word y!t shold : the sword off deth-e / By humble ere to be *L+0 :Cthe : :Coff... Jn mortall mayd / in mortall habitt made Eternall lyff in mortall vaile to shade He seith-e that word / when full rype tyme shold come *L+0 :CHe seith-e that word / when : :Ctyme : :Ccome do way that vayle / by fervent affectione *L+0 :Cthat vayle / by fervent affectione torne off w!t deth-e / for deth-e shold have her dome . And leppeth lyghter from such-e coruptione th-e glint of lyght y!t in the Ayre doth-e lome m'ann redemid deth-e hath-e h-er distructione *L+0 :Credemid deth-e hath-e h-er distructione that mortall vaile hath-e immortalit-e david assurance off his iniquit-e . Wherby he frames this reson in his hert that goodnes wych-e doth-e not forbere his sonne¡son¢ *L+0 :Cthat goodnes wych-e doth-e not forbere : from deth-e for me and can therby co-nvert *L+0 :Cand can therby co-nvert my deth-e to lyff / my s'ynn to salvation *L+0 :Cdeth-e to lyff / ... both-e can & woll a small-e-r grace depert *L+0 :Cboth-e : :C& woll a : :Cgrace depert to hym y!t suyth-e by humble supplication & sins¡since¢ J have his larger grace assayd *L+0 :Csins J have : :Chis larger : :Cassayd to aske this thing whi ame J th-en affrayd ? He grauntyth-e most to th-em y!t most do crave *L+0 :CHe grauntyth-e most to th-em y!t : :Cmost and he delyght-e-s in suyt-e w!tow¡sc.w!towt¢ respect *L+0 :Cand he delyght-e-s in : alas my s'onne¡son¢ po-u-rsuys me to the grave *L+0 :Calas my s'onne po-u-rsuys me : suff-erd by god my s'inne for to correct but of my sinne sins¡since¢ J my p-a-rdonne have my sonns po-u-rsuyt shall shortly be reiect . then woll J crave w!t suryd co-nfidence and thus begynns th-e suyt off his p-r-etence . -f-i-n-i-s *T Ps143 *Ff98 *L1 Here¡hear¢ my prayer o lord / here¡hear¢ my request complysh-e my bone / answere to my desire *L+0 :Ccomplysh-e my bone / : :Cmy desire not by desert / but for thyn own byhest Jn whose ferme trowgh y!u promest myn empyre *L+0 :CJn : to stond stable / And after thy Justyse *L+0 :Cto stond stable / And : p-e-rforme o lord the thing that J require But not off law after th-e forme & guyse *L+0 :CBut not : :C.... *L+0 :CBut not : :C... *L+0 :CBut not off : :Cafter : :C... to entre Jugement / w!t thy thrall bond slave to plede his ryght / for in such-e maner wyse *L+0 :Cto plede : :Cryght / for in such-e maner wyse *L+0 :Cto plede : :Cryght / for in such-e maner wyse By¶fore thy syght no man his ryght shall save . ffor off my sellff / lo this my ryghtwisenes By skourge & whipp / and prykyng spurrs / J have . *L+0 :Cby skourge & whipp / and : :CJ have . skant rysen vp / such-e is my bestlynes / *L+0 :Cvp / such-e is my bestlynes / ffor that my emny¡or=enmy?¢ hath-e pursuyd my lyff and in th-e dust hath-e foyld my lustynes . *L+0 :Cand in th-e dust hath-e : :Cmy lustynes . ffor that in herns / to fle his rage so ryff *L+0 :Cffor that in herns / : *L+0 :Cffor that in herns / to fle his : he hath-e me forst as ded to hyd my hed *L+0 :Che hath-e : :Cto hyd my hed and for¶by¶cawse w!t¶in my sellff at stryff My hert and spryt-e w!t all my force were fled . J had recourse to tyms that have ben past *L+0 :CJ had recourse : :Ctyms ... and did reme-mbre thy ded-e-s / in all my dred *L+0 :Cand did reme-mbre thy : :C/ in all my dred and did peruse thi work-e-s y!t eu-e-r last wh-erby J knew above those wondres all thy m-e-rcys were . / Then lyfft J vp in hast¡haste¢ *L+0 :Cthy m-e-rcys : :C. / Then lyfft J vp in hast My hand-e-s to th-e¡thee¢ / my sowle to th-e¡thee¢ did call *L+0 :CMy hand-e-s to th-e / my sowle to th-e : :Ccall lik-e bareyne soyle / for moystre off thy grace . Hast¡haste¢ to my help o lord / afore J fall ffor sure J fele my spryt-e doth-e faynt a¶pace torne not thi face from me / that J be layd *L+0 :Ctorne not thi face from me / : in compt off them / y!t hedlyng down do pase *T Ps143 *Ff98v *L31 Jn to the pitt . shew me by¶tyms thyn Ayde ffor on thy grace J holly¡wholly¢ / do depend . *L+0 :Cffor on thy grace holly / do : :Cdepend . and in thi hand sins¡since¢ all my h-elth-e is stayde *L+0 :C... do me to know / what way y!u wolt J bend ffor vnto th-e¡thee¢ J have reysd vp my mynd . Rydd me o lord / from that y!t do entend My foos to me . ffor J have me assind *L+0 :CMy foos : :Cme . ffor J have : :Cassind allway w!t¶in thi secret-e protection *L+0 :Callway : Tech-e me thy will¡noun¢ / y!t J by th-e¡thee¢ may fynd *L+0 :CTech-e : *L40 the way to work-e th-e same in affection . ffor y!u my god / thy blyssyd spryt-e vpryght *L+0 :Cffor y!u my god / thy blyssyd spryt-e : in lond off trowght shalbe my dyrecti'on Thow for thy name lord shalt revive my spryte / *L+0 :CThow for thy name lord shalt revive my spryte : <.> w!t¶in th-e ryght y!t J receyve by th-e¡thee¢ wherby my lyff off danger shalbe quyt-e . Thow hast fordon th-eire gret-e Jniquit-e *L+0 that vext my sowle / y!u shalt also co-nfownd *L+0 <&> my foos o lord for thy benignit-e *L+0 ffor thyn ame J thy s-e-rvant ay most bownd . *L+0 <.> *L+0 :C <.> -f-i-n-i-s *L+0 <-f-i-n-i-s> *TW DIDO *Ff100 *L1 When Dido festid first / the wandry-ng troian knyght whom Junos wrath / w!t stormes did force / in Lybyke sand-e-s to lyght¡alight¢ that myghty Atlas did tech-e / the souper lastyng long w!t cryspid lokk-e-s / on golden harpe / Jopas sang in his song . That same q-u-o-d he y!t we / the world do call & name off hevin and yerth / w!t all co-ntent-e-s / it is the very frame . Or thus off hevinly powrs / by more powre kept in one repugna-nt kynd-e-s / in mydd-e-s of whome / the yerth-e hath-e place alone *L+0 :Ckynd-e-s... firme / round / off liuing thyng-e-s / the moder place & nourse *L+0 :Cfirme / round / off : :Cthyng-e-s / the moder place & nourse w!t¶owt th-e wych-e / in egall whaight / this h-evin doth hold his course and it is calld by name / the first moving hevin the firmame-nt / is next containi-ng other sevyn . *L+0 :Cthe : :C/ : :Cother sevyn . Off hevinly powrs that same / is plantid full & thikk *L+0 :COff hevinly powrs : :C/ is plantid full & thikk as shyni-ng lyght-e-s / wych we call sterres / y!t therin cleve & stikk-e *L+0 :Cas shyni-ng lyght-e-s / wych we call sterres / y!t : :Ccleve & stikk-e w!t gret swifft sway the first / and w!t his restles sours *L+0 :Cw!t gret swifft sway : :C/ and w!t restles : caryth-e it sellff / and all those eight in evin co-ntinuall cours *L+0 :Ccaryth-e it sellff / and all those : And off this world so rownd / w!t¶in that rollyng case there be ij point-e-s / that neu-e-r move / but fermely kepe their-e place *L+0 :Cthere be ij : :C/ that neu-e-r move / but fermely kepe their-e place the tone we se alway / the tother stond-e-s obiect *L+0 :Cthe tone we se alway / the tother stond-e-s : against th-e same / devididng¡sc.deviding¢ Just¡adv¢ / the round by line direct Wich-e by ymagination / draune from ton to tother towchith th-e centre of th-e yerth-e way th-ere is no nother *L+0 :Cth-e centre of th-e yerth-e : :Cway th-ere is no nother And thes bene calld th-e poles / discribd by sterres not bryght *L+0 :CAnd thes bene calld th-e poles / : Artyke th-e tone northward we se / Antartyke tother hight *L+0 :CArtyke th-e tone / : :Cwe : :Cse / Antartyke tother hight The lyne y!t we devise / from ton to tother so as Axell is / apon th-e wich-e thevins¡the¶heavens¢ abowt doth go . *L+0 :Cas Axell is / apon th-e wich-e : :Cabowt doth go . *L+0 :Cas Axell is / apon th-e wich-e : :Cabowt doth go . *Ff100v *L27 Wych-e off water nor yerth / of Ayre nor fyre have kynd *L+0 :CWych-e off water nor yerth / of Ayre nor fyre : :Ckynd therfore the substance of those same / were herd¡hard¢ for man to fynd . *L+0 :Ctherfore the substance of : :Csame / were herd for man to fynd . but thei ben vncorrupt / symple and pure v-nmixt *L+0 :Cvncorrupt / : :Csymple and pure and so we say bene all those sterrys y!t in those same bene fixt *L+0 :Cand so we say bene all those sterrys y!t in : :Csame bene fixt and eke those erryng sevin / in cyrcles as thei stray *L+0 :Cand eke those : :Csevin / in cyrcles as thei stray so calld by¶cawse / against y!t first / thei have repugna-nt way . *L+0 :Cso calld by cawse / against : :C/ thei have repugna-nt way . and smaller by ways to¡too¢ / skant sensible to man to¡too¢ busy work-e for my pore harp / let sing them he y!t can . the widest saff¡save¢ th-e first off all thes nyne above *L+0 :Cthe widest saff th-e first off all thes nyne : on¡one¢ hunderd yere doth-e aske of space for on¡one¢ degre to move Off wich-e degres we make / Jn th-e first moving hevin thre hunderd and three skore in part-e-s Justly devidid evin . *TW DIDO *Ff100v *L39 And yet there is an other by¶twene those hevins tow whose moving is so sli so slake / J name it not for now . *L+0 :Cwhose moving is so : :C/ J : :Cfor now . The sevent hevyn or th-e shell next to the sterry skye *L+0 :CThe sevent hevyn or th-e shell : *L+0 :CThe sevent hevyn or th-e shell : :Cthe : all those degres y!t gaderth-e vp / w!t agid pas so slye and doth p-e-rforme th-e same / as elders compt hath-e bene in nyne and twentye yeres complet-e / and days almost sixtene Doth cary in his bowght the sterr off saturne old a thretner of all lyving thing-e-s / w!t drowfft and w!t his cold *L+0 :Ca thretner of lyving thing-e-s / w!t drowfft and : :Cw!t his cold The sixt whom this containes doth staulk-e w!t yonger pase and in tweff yere doth-e sumwhat more / then¡than¢ tothers viage wase . *L+0 :Cand in tweff yere doth-e sumwhat more / then tothers : :Cwase . And this in it doth-e bere the sterre of Jove benigne twene saturns malice and vs men frendly deffendy-ng signe *L+0 :Ctwene saturns malice and vs men : :Csigne The fift berth-e blody Mars y!t in iij hunderd days *L+0 :CThe fift : :Cblody Mars y!t : and twise elefn / w!t on¡one¢ full yere hath finisht all those ways *Ff101 A yere doth aske th-e fowrt / and howres therto six *L+0 :C... *L+0 :CA yere doth aske th-e fowrt / and therto : :Csix And in th-e same the day his yie the sonne¡sun¢ th-erein he stix The third y!t gover-nd is / by that y!t governth-e me . and love for love / and for no love / provok-e-s as offt we se . Jn lik-e space doth-e p-e-rforme / that course y!t did the tother so doth th-e next to th-e same / y!t second is in order *L+0 :C... But it doth-e bere th-e sterr y!t calld is Mercury y!t mayni a craffty secret stepp doth-e tred as calcars try . that skye is last and first / next vs those ways hath gone *L+0 :Cthat skye is last and first / : :Cnext : Jn sevin and twenty comon days / and eke th-e third of one . And beryth-e w!t his sway the diu-e-rse mone¡moon¢ abowt now bryght now browne / no¡sc.now¢ bent now full / and now her light is ow¡owt?trimmed¢ Thus have thei of thire¡sc.theire¢ owne ij moving-e-s all these sevin *L+0 :CThus have thei of : :Cij moving-e-s all : one wherin th-ey be carid still ech-e in his sevrall hevin . an oth-er of hym sellff-e-s where theire bodis ben layd *L+0 :Can oth-er of hym : :C... *L+0 :Can oth-er of hym : :C... in by¶ways and in lesser rownd-e-s / as J afore have sayd . Saff¡save¢ of th-em all th-e sonne¡sun¢ doth-e stray lest¡least¢ from th-e straight the sterry sky hath but on¡one¢ cowrse / y!t we have calld the eigh¡eight?trimmed¢ And all these moving-e-s eight ar ment from west to thest altho thei seme to clymb alofft J say from est to west *L+0 :Caltho thei seme to clymb : :CJ say from est to west But y!t is but by force of th-e first moving skye Jn twise twellff howres / from est to th-est y!t caryth-e th-em bye & by *L+0 :CJn twise : But m-a-rke we well also thes moving-e-s of th-ese sevin be not bout that axell tre of the first moving hevin *L+0 :Cbe not : for thei have theire ij poles directly tone to tother