Corrigenda for the Oxford Text Archive Q1 *Love's Labour's Lost* Compiled by Kenneth B. Steele It seems a reasonable assumption that users of the OTA quarto and folio texts of Shakespeare want access to the quarto and folio texts, free of both accidental errors and the sophistication of modern editorial emendations. The OTA texts are NOT free of such errors and "corrections," however, as careful comparison of the Q1 LLL text with a facsimile has revealed more than 150 errors. This file attempts to list all corrections required to bring the Oxford Text Archive text of Q1 *Love's Labour's Lost* into conformity with the facsimile of the Bridgewater copy which appears in Michael J.B. Allen & Kenneth Muir, eds. *Shakespeare's Plays in Quarto* (Los Angeles: U of California P, 1981). It also considers readings and stop-press corrections listed in the appendix to that volume, the Oxford Textual Companion, and bibliographical articles by Paul Werstine and George Price. Admittedly any facsimile is not as good a source as an original, particularly in questions of punctuation, but making the following corrections will at least improve the reliability of the OTA text (I have tried to limit myself to certainties where punctuation is concerned, and have remained silent where punctuation appears ambiguous in the facsimile). I am no less fallible than T.H. Howard-Hill, the originator of the OTA F1 text, and I invite corrections or qualifications to this listing at . This file is available as OTALLLQ1 CORRECTN SHAKSPER on the SHAKSPER Fileserver. K.S. November 1991. SUMMARY: The OTA text omits the Q1 title page entirely, the running titles, catchwords, the final "FINIS", and any mention of the 5 ornaments included in the quarto. In its most serious error, it omits an entire line of the play, and replaces it with a garbled version of an adjacent line instead (lines 1921-1922). Almost as damaging, 6 speech prefix tags are erroneous: four prefixes for Clowne are mis-tagged at lines 240-2, "Berowne" at line 520 is not a prefix at all, and neither is "Juno" at line 1356. There are 3 cases of mistaken capitalization, 21 certain misreadings of punctuation, 19 omissions of punctuation at turned-over or -under lines, 6 erroneous insertions of spaces (and four erroneous omissions of spaces -- at lines 1652 and 1684), and one case in which a roman line is erroneously tagged as italic (line 1662). The text also inserts erroneous spaces after every mid-line hyphen. (Evidently hardware limitations also prevented the OTA text from recording the many uses of "vv" in the play, the five uses of the ligature, and the one occurrence of a circumflex o, as well as the long s and other obsolete typographical features.) More serious than these errors and oversights are a great many editorial sophistications, deliberate attempts at "correcting" the quarto text. The OTA text silently "corrects" 15 turned letters (such as u for n, or p for d), and expands 13 abbreviations so that the quarto readings appears in square brackets while the emendation enjoys pride of place in the text itself (eg. "[M.]Maister"). In emending what appear to be "foul case" errors, the OTA text eliminates any trace of the original quarto readings: "Contempls" (193), "Gfficer" (249), "faiendship" (595), "Necligent" (753), "Odo" (1336), "{Poda.}" (1676), "{Rasaline}" (1794), "Siccamone" (1858), "cennot" (2004), "perhapt" (2066), "Flder" (2408), "Eeter" (2434), and "rherefore" (2595) are all replaced by fairly obvious editorial conjectures. Still worse are editorial emendations of other sorts of error: the OTA text silently supplies "three" for "thee" (27, based on F1), "pompe" for "pome" (34, based on F1), "simplicitie" for "sinplicitie" (216, based on F1), "welkins" for "welkis" (217, no macron), "worst" for "wost" (260), "{Clo.}" for "{Col.}" (274), "prosperitie" for "prosperie" (287), "affliccion$" for "affliccio" (287, no macron), "Consider" for "Cosider" (455, no macron), "peerelesse" for "peerelsse" (498), "speciall" for "spciall" (617), "argument" for "argumet" (822, no macron), "ounce" for "ouce" (849, no macron), "remuneration" for "remuration" (852), "Mistres" for "Mistrs" (968), "ouercame" for "couercame" (991), "indiscreet" for "indistreell" (at line 1103, based on the F1 correction), "ydolatarie" for "ydotarie" (1309, based on F1), "womans" for "womas" (1558, no macron), "standards" for "standars" (1613), "forsworne" for "forsorne" (1631), "secrecie" for "secretie" (1725), "they" for "thy" (1865), "strangers" for "stranges" (1947), "measure" for "measue" (1999), "speaches" for "spaches" (2132), "With" for "Wtih" (2167), "intitled" for "intiled" (2616), and "wit" for "wi" (2651). Stranger still are the unmotivated spelling changes which can only be attributed to MODERN typographical error: the OTA text reports "little" for "litle" (434), "plaine" for "pline" (792), "Critick" for "Crietick" (887), "Hermite" for "Hermight" (1486), "reioiceth" for "reioyceth" (1685), "{Page.}" for "{Pag.}" (1935), "Looke" for "Loke" (2037), "hermite" for "herrite" (2620), and "Approach" for "Approch" (2697). "Flash" is almost certainly a modern misreading of Q1's "slash" (2497). In summary, then, the OTA Q1 LLL text is an edited transcript of the quarto, rather than a diplomatic or quasi-facsimile transcript. It makes deliberate sophistications, inadvertent errors, and careless oversights which should be corrected before the text can be relied upon. LINE-BY-LINE CORRIGENDA: No attempt is made in this listing to correct errors of spacing or indentation, except where actual words are affected. Likewise, it has not been thought feasible to note all the cases in which a single italic letter or punctuation mark (particularly "?") has been used in a roman context. I have included notes about stop-press corrections in Q1, in case anyone else wants to tag these somehow in the text. In the following listing, everything within the quotation marks, including capitalization and punctuation, is precisely intended, and the punctuation and capitalization of my own "sentences" has been sacrificed for accuracy. Line 0: The OTA text omits the Q1 title page altogether. I recommend setting up the beginning of the file to read as follows: + {A} PLEASANT Conceited Comedie CALLED, Loues labors lost. As it vvas presented before her Highnes this last Christmas. Newly corrected and augmented {By W. Shakespere.} Imprinted at London by {W.W.} for {Cutbert Burby}. 1598. +

+ Line 1: "[K.] King" is an expansion; Q1 reads merely "K." Although the editorial expansion "K. [King]" might make sense, the reverse is misleading. Q1 prints "Berowne" with two v's. Line 4: Q1 capitalizes all three letters in Let; "LEt" should read "LET". The initial L is a drop-capital, the E and T are capitals, and lines 4-7 are indented to make room for the L. Line 27: "three" is an emendation; Q1 reads "thee" Line 34: "pompe" is an emendation based on F1; Q1 reads "pome" Line 100: As throughout this text, turned-over and turned-under lines are indicated merely by a vertical bar (|). In Q1, line 100 is turned under, and includes a parenthesis: it should end "bree-|(ding." Line 134: "publique" is a silent correction of Q1's "publibue", probably created by a turned q. Line 170: "inchaunting" is a silent correction of Q1's "inchannting", probably but not necessarily the result of a turned u. Line 193: "Contempts" is a silent correction of Q1's "Contempls", possibly a foul-case error. Line 195: An opening parenthesis appears in Q1 before the turned-over line ending, "high| (words." Line 216: "simplicitie" is a misguided correction of Q1's "sinplicitie", which most modern editors consider a deliberate (and comical) error. Line 217: "Great" should read "GReat"; the G is a drop-capital, the R is not. "welkins" is a silent correction of "welkis", the Q1 reading; there is no sign of a macron or a stop-press correction. Line 219: "{Costart}" is the uncorrected Q1 form here; stop-press correction changed it to "{Costard}". Line 240: "" makes the speech prefix AND the dialogue a speech prefix. The line should be repaired as "( Mee?)". Likewise, "" should read "( Mee?)". Line 241: "" repeats the error of Line 240. It should read "( Still mee.)" Line 242: "" repeats the error of lines 240-1. It should read "( O mee)" Line 244: "o with" does not indicate that the o clearly has a circumflex accent (~). Line 247: Price reports that "him, I( asmy" is the original Q1 reading, and that the spacing was corrected to read "him,I( as my" Line 249: "Officer" is a silent correction of Q1's "Gfficer", perhaps a foul-case error. Lines 252-254: In these lines, a shortage of italic w has led the compositor to set two v's together in "vvhich", "vvith", "Svvaine", "Lavves", and "svveete". Line 260: "worst" is an emendation; Q1 reads "wost" Line 274: "Clo." is a silent correction of Q1's speech prefix, "Col." Line 279: Q1 uses two v's in "Berovvne" Line 287: "prosperitie" is a silent and perhaps misguided correction of Q1's "prosperie". "affliccion$" does not contain a macron at all, and should read "affliccio" Line 347: "what" is capitalized in Q1, and should read "What" Line 381: a comma clearly follows "feare" in this line. Line 383: Werstine reports that "For" actually is "Eor" in Q1. Line 402: no space separates "a'must" Line 432: "[M.] Maister" is a misleading editorial expansion. Q1 reads only "M." Line 434: "little" is a silent correction; Q1 reads "litle" Line 455: "Consider" is a silent correction of Q1's "Cosider" (no macron). Line 466: "[L.] Lord" misrepresents the Q1 text, which reads simply "L." Line 495: "[L.] Lord" misrepresents the Q1 text, which reads simply "L." Line 498: "peerelesse" is a silent correction of Q1's "peerelsse", a crux which might be explained as the reversal of two characters, in which case the editor should hypothesize a reading of "peerlesse", but certainly not "peerelesse". Line 520: A serious tagging error which could create havok in searches: "Berowne" is not a speech prefix AT ALL, thus the "" should be removed. Line 525: The final punctuation in Q1 appears to be a period, not a comma. Line 528: The final punctuation in Q1 appears to be a period, not a comma. Line 554: "worlde fair" actually appears as one word in Q1, but could understandably be edited. Line 557: The speech prefix "{Prin}," ends with a comma, not a period. Line 595: "friendship" is an emendation; Q1 reads "faiendship" Line 597: "demaund" is a silent correction of Q1's "pemaund", a turned- letter error. Line 617: "speciall" is a silent correction of Q1's "spciall". Line 657: There is no punctuation to the "{Bo}" speech prefix (remove the period). An opening parenthesis precedes the turned-under "shame" in Q1. Line 661: The hyphen and opening parenthesis have been left out of the turned-over line ending, which should read "{Falcon-|(bridge.}" Line 663: There is no punctuation to the "{Bo}" speech prefix (remove the period). Line 667: A comma, not a period, ends the speech prefix "{Ber}," Line 671: "[L]Lord." should read "L." In Q1 the period ends both an abbreviation and a sentence. Line 688: This line ended with a question mark in the early uncorrected state of Q1, although the "?" was eliminated in stop-press correction. Line 703: The line ends with a comma, not a period. Line 704: The opening parenthesis has been omitted in the turned-over ending, "were |(glast," Line 753: "Negligent" is a silent correction of Q1's unusual spelling, "Necligent" Line 758: "(and this)" is the stop-press-corrected Q1 reading; Werstine reports that the earlier state reads "(and) this" Line 792: "plaine" is a silent correction of Q1's unusual spelling, "pline" Line 822: The original Q1 speech prefix is "{Arm}."; "{Ar}." is introduced in stop-press-correction because of the following alteration. The original Q1 state has no "n" in "argumet"; "argument" is the stop-press-corrected form. There should be a parenthesis in the turned-over line ending, "argumet |(begin?" Line 825: There should be a parenthesis in the turned-over line ending, "argument |(in," Line 830: There should be a parenthesis in the turned-under line ending, "that |({Lenuoy}." Line 849: "ounce" is a silent correction of Q1's "ouce", possibly an error caused by a turned-n. Line 852: "remuneration" is a silent correction of Q1's "remuration" Line 882: The ending punctuation in Q1 is a comma, not a period. Line 887: "Critick" is a silent correction of Q1's unusual spelling, "Crietick" Line 894: There is no space in "Th'annoynted" in Q1. Line 918: I would recommend moving the comma within the final angle bracket. Line 919: There is NO closing punctuation to this line (remove the period). Line 930: In Q1, the speech prefix has a turned u, and reads "{Qnee}." Line 962: Boyet's speech prefix is followed by a comma, not a period. Line 964: A parenthesis belongs before the turned-under line ending, "no |(heads." Line 968: "Mistres" is a silent correction of Q1's "Mistrs" Line 969: "fit" is the corrected Q1 form of the final word; "fir" is the uncorrected form. Line 982: "{Boyet reedes.}" is actually a two-line marginal speech prefix. The B of "BY" is a drop-capital. Line 987: The original Q1 reading is "sets"; this was corrected in stop- press correction to "set". Line 988: The original Q1 reading is "he it is was"; this was corrected in stop-press correction to "he it was". Line 991: "ouercame" is a silent correction of Q1's "couercame" (which is repeated by F1). Line 1004: "picture" is the stop-press-corrected Q1 form; the earlier Q1 state reads "pictture" Line 1045: "Fraunce" is a silent correction of Q1's "Frannce", possibly the result of a turned u. Line 1046: "touching" is a silent correction of Q1's "touchiug", possibly the result of a turned n. Line 1051: "{Exit}" is not followed by a period in Q1. Line 1052: A parenthesis should be inserted before the turned-under line ending, "another |(can," Line 1054: "did hit" is the stop-press-corrected version of Q1's original "hid hit" (metrically, of course, "did hit it" is most appropriate). Lines 1057-1058: The apostrophes after the a's were added in stop-press correction; the original Q1 readings simply left spaces. Line 1081: In Q1, "[M.]Maister" is merely "M."; "Maister" might be added in square brackets as a reasonable editorial expansion of the abbreviation, but should not be confused with the actual text. Line 1082: "varried" is an emendation; Werstine reports that Q1 reads "vatried" Line 1103: "indiscreet" is a silent correction (based on the F1 reading) for Q1's obscure reading, "indistreell". A parenthesis should be inserted before the line's turned-over ending, "or a |(foole," Line 1113: A parenthesis should be inserted before the line's turned-over ending, "no |(more." Line 1116: A hyphen and parenthesis should be inserted before the line's turned-over ending, "Ex-|(change." Line 1121: "twas" is the stop-press-corrected version of Q1's original reading, "was" Line 1125: "[M.]Maister" is an editorial expansion of Q1's "M." Line 1128: In Q1 Holoferne's ditty is preceded by a leaf-like ornament. I suggest inserting "" before "The prayfull Princesse..." Line 1150: "[L.]Lord" is an editorial expansion of Q1's "L." Lines 1159, 1162, and 1166: "[M.]Maister" is an editorial expansion of Q1's "M." in all three lines. Line 1177: "stanze" is a silent editorial correction of Q1's "stauze". Line 1190: "wrong" is the stop-press-corrected Q1 reading; the earlier uncorrected reading was "woug" Line 1194: The final word is not a turn-over or turn-under, but is hyphenated across pages. "gancie" appears as both the catchword on page E1v and the first word on E2r, where it also is followed by a COMMA, omitted in the OTA text. Line 1213: "forgiue" is a silent correction of Q1's "forgine", probably the result of a turned letter. Line 1275: "paper" is the stop-press-corrected Q1 reading; the earlier state reads "pader" Line 1294: Longaville's sonnet begins with an ornament, much like the reverse-p paragraph symbol. I suggest inserting "" before "Did not the heanenly..." "heauenly" is an emendation; Q1 reads "heanenly" Line 1309: "ydolatarie" is a questionable editorial emendation of Q1's "ydotarie" Line 1321: "corporall" is the stop-press-corrected Q1 reading; the earlier state reads "croporall" Line 1336: "Ode" reads "Odo" in Q1. Line 1356: "{Iuno}" is NOT a speech prefix, therefore "" must be removed. "{Aethiop}" begins with the ligature, which might better be represented by"{AEthiop}". Line 1401: "Scaene" in Q1 uses the ligature. Line 1421: "Ione" is the stop-press-corrected Q1 reading; the earlier state reads "Loue" Line 1439: The speech prefix contains a turned letter, and in Q1 appears as "{Iaqn}." Line 1450: A parenthesis should be inserted before the turned-over line ending, "the |(messe." Line 1486: Inexplicably, "Hermite" is an editorial correction of Q1's more interesting "Hermight" There is no space in Q1 between "fiuescore" Line 1512: "{Aethiops}" begins with the ligature, which might better be represented by "{AEthiops}". Line 1558: "womans" is an editorial emendation; Q1 reads "womas" with no sign of a macron. Line 1613: "standards" is an editorial emendation; Q1 reads "standars" Line 1631: "forsworne" is an editorial emendation; Q1 reads "forsorne" Line 1652: the final "debt" in this line appears in Q1 as four spaced letters, "d e b t", because Holofernes is here spelling the word out loud. Line 1662: "Chirra" is NOT in italics in Q1. Line 1669: "[M.]Maister" is an editorial expansion of Q1's "M." Line 1676: The Q1 speech prefix actually appears to be "{Poda}.", not "{Peda}." Line 1677: A parenthesis should be inserted before the turned-over ending, "his |(learning." Line 1683: "waue" is an editorial emendation of Q1's "wane" Line 1684: "venewe" appears in Q1 as "vene we", a spacing difficulty of which bibliographers have made much, because F1 reproduces it also. Line 1685: "reioiceth" is an error; Q1 reads "reioyceth" Line 1725: "secrecie" is an emendation; Q1 reads "secretie" Line 1731: The line ends with a period in Q1, not a comma. Line 1772: There does not seem to be a space in Q1 between "a sheete" Line 1794: "{Rosaline}" is an error; Q1 reads "{Rasaline}" Line 1798: This line ends in a period, not a comma. Line 1811: This line ends in a period, not a comma. Line 1856: "[S.]Saint" is an editorial expansion of Q1's "S." Line 1858: "Siccamore" is an emendation; Q1 reads "Siccamone" Line 1864: In Q1 there is no space in the final "ouerheare" Line 1865: "they" is an emendation; Q1 reads "thy" Lines 1921-1922: The most serious error in this text. The OTA file loses Q1's line 1921 altogether, and in its place prints a correct version of line 1922, followed by an incorrect version of line 1922. The lines should read: "The rest will ere come in, if he be out. Theres no such sport, as sport by sport orethrowne:" Line 1934: The speech prefix is followed by a comma, not a period, in Q1. Line 1935: The speech prefix in Q1 is "{Pag.}", not "{Page}." Line 1947: "strangers" is an editorial emendation; Q1 reads "stranges" Line 1997: The speech prefix is punctuated with a comma, not a period. Line 1999: The second "measure" is an emendation; Q1 reads "More measure of this measue" Line 2004: "cannot" is an emendation; Q1 appears to read "cennot" Line 2037: "Looke" is an emendation; Q1 reads "Loke" Line 2066: "perhaps" is an emendation; Q1 reads "perhapt" Line 2132: "speaches" is an emendation; Q1 reads "spaches" Line 2167: "With" is an emendation; Q1 reads "Wtih" Line 2311: A parenthesis should be inserted before the turned-over line ending, "|(" Line 2352: A parenthesis should be inserted before the turned-over line ending, "with |(thee." Line 2369: A parenthesis should be inserted before the turned-over line ending, "too |(right." Line 2376: "Conquerour" is an emendation; Q1 reads "Conqueronr" Line 2408: "Elder" is an emendation; Q1 seems to read "Flder" Line 2416: "{Caesars}" appears in Q1 with an ligature. Line 2434: "Enter" is an emendation; Q1 reads "Eeter" Line 2471: The speech prefix is followed by no punctuation whatsoever (remove the period). Line 2493: According to Price, "wil" was the original Q1 state, but type movement resulted in the reading "wi"; others have suggested that "wi" was the original reading and "wil" a stop-press correction. Line 2497: "flash" is an error; Q1 clearly reads "slash" (evidently the OTA text misread the long s as f) Line 2507: A hyphen and parenthesis should be inserted in the turned-over line ending, "chal-|(lenge." Line 2510: "haue" is an emendation; Q1 reads "hane" Line 2518: "interrupptest" is an emendation; Q1 reads "interrnpptest" Line 2524: "Scaene" appears in Q1 with an ligature. Line 2576: The line ends in a period, not a comma. Line 2595: "therefore" is an emendation; Q1 reads "rherefore" Line 2616: "intitled" is an editorial emendation; Q1 reads "intiled" Line 2620: "hermite" is an editorial emendation; Q1 reads "herrite" Line 2651: "wit:" is an emendation; Q1 reads "wi:" Line 2697: "Approach." is an error; Q1 reads "Approch." Line 2741: "vvordes" appears in Q1 with two v's Line 2743: The Q1 text ends with the word "FINIS." and a large ornament. I suggest ending the text as follows: "The vvordes of Mercurie, are harsh after the songes of Apollo. " -- End of OTA LLL Q1 Corrigenda File --