(( [@@is is] a Sermou%n% on @e First Sunday of Lentou%n%.)) First among all%e% o@%er% @yngs, @re @yngs ben [ful] nedeful to eche ma%n% @%a%t wole come to heuen; %and% @ese @re @yngs ben ful faire, for it ben fei@, hope, %and% charite. Fei@ is ful nedeful to man @%a%t he bileue in +God+, Fadir Almy$ti, %and% in +Ih%es%u Crist+ his Sone, %and% also in @e +Holi Goost+, @re P%er%sones %and% oon +God+. For as @e apostle sei@ in his Epistle, "&W%i%t%h%out bileue, it& &is imposible [ony man] to plese +God+&." Hope is also nedeful, @%a%t [a] man fullich hope eu%er%lastyng reward. And herfor sei@ @e p%ro%fete, "&Blessid be he @%a%t hopi@ in our%e% Lord&." Charite is also nedeful, @%a%t a man be ful w%i%t%h% loue of +God+ and of his nei$bore. For, as @e apostle sei@, "&He @%a%t loui@ his nei$bore, ha@& &fulfillid @e Lawe&." And no wondur, for, as +Ioon+ sei@ in his Epistle, "&He @%a%t loue@ not his& &bro@%er% @%a%t he see@, hou mai he loue +God+, @%a%t& %he see@ not%?" %And% so whoso loue@ wel his bro@%er%, he loue@ also his +God+. %And% "&In @ese two& &co%m%mau%n%dementis&," as +Crist+ sei@ hymsilf , &hangi@ al @e Lawe and @e p%ro%fetis& wordis." And all%e% we ben halewid in @e baptym of +Goddis+ Sone, @%a%t we shulden be spiritual bre@%er%en in parfit charite aftir +God+. @@erfor we [shuln] dwelle in p%ar%fit loue of +God+ and of our%e% nei$bore @%a%t +God+ hymsilf dwelle alwei in vs. For as +Ioon+ sei@ in his Epistle, "&+God+ is charite&, &and he @%a%t dwelli@ in charite, dwelli@ in +God+& &and +God+ in hym&." But sixe @yngs ben ful p%ro%fitable to Cristen men in @ese daies of her clensyng, @%a%t is to sey, confessiou%n% %and% penau%n%ce, wakyngs and fastyngs, p%re%iers and almisdedis. First, @%a%t men knouleche w%i%t%h% hert and mou@, all%e% her synnes @%a%t comen to her mynde @%a%t @ei han offendid +God+ w%i%t%h% in herte, in mou@ %and% in dede. For @e p%ro%fete sei@, in @e p%er%sone of synful me%n%, "&Lord, I made my synne knowen to @ee&," @%a%t is to sei, bi v%er%i knoulechyng, " &%and% myn vnri$twisnesse& &I hid not&, to shewe @e mekenesse of mysilf, @%a%t knouest all%e% man%er% pryuetees. &I seide, I shal& &knouleche a$ens myself myn vnri$twisnesse to my& &Lord&." %And% se @erfor @e p%ro%fit @%a%t folewi@ aftir. "&And @ou, Lord&," sei@ @e p%ro%fete, "&hast& &for$eue @e wickidnesse of my synne&." %And% for @is gret p%ro%fit sei@ +Iames+ in his Epistle, "&Knouleche $e, ei@%er% to o@%er%, $our%e% synnes, and& &prai@ for eche of $ou togider%e%, @%a%t $e mowe be& &saued&. " But @%er% ben ei$t p%r%incipal vices @%a%t vnne@e is @%er% ony man @%a%t is not smyttid w%i%t%h% hem alle or w%i%t%h% su%m%me. @@e first is glotonye %and% @e second is leccherie; @e @rid is slou@e %and% @e four@e is auarice ; @e fyue@e [is] veyn glorie %and% @e sixte is enuye; @e seuen@e is wra@@e %and% @e ei$t is pride, @%a%t is queen of alle euelis. Bi pride, au%n%gel creature fel ful depe from heuen. Bi pride, +Adam+ our%e% former fadir, bigilid, lost @e gret blisse of +Paradijs+. @@erfor men @%a%t ben of feble wittis, @ei shulden wel be ransakid of spiritual lechis [and] aftir offence of dyu%er%s synnes biforeseid, dyuerse remedies of +Goddis+ word shulden be put to her sores. %And% @us +God+ desiri@ moche our%e% shrifte for to for$eue vs our%e% synne @%a%t we han offendid hym w%i%t%h%. And so soo@ it is, confessiou%n% maki@ a man gostli hool, %and% it be doon w%i%t%h% a trewe soreuful hert. Such co%n%fessioun maki@ a man to plese his +God+ bi v%er%tuouse lyuyng aftirward. Suche confessiou%n% iustifie@ a man @%a%t he shal not be cou%n%tid gilti of trespassis bifore doon. Such confessiou%n% geti@ a man ful for$euenesse. For al hope of for$euenesse stant @orou$ such v%er%i confessiou%n%, and @us such confessiou%n% is a ful gret werk of mercy. Such confessiou%n% is a cheef medicyn to eche synful man in @is world. Such confessiou%n% is, as it were, @e second boord @%a%t kepi@ vs from drenchyng of @e gret depnesse of helle. For but if we v%er%ili for@enke%n%, @%a%t is, as it were, @e first boord, %and% aftir knouleche treuli our%e% synnes, aftir @e abilite @%a%t +God+ grau%n%ti@ vs, we forsaken @e wei toward heuen %and% rennen hedlyng toward helle. And to @is entent sei@ +Salamon+, &"He @%a%t hidi@ his synnes& &shal not be dressid& euenlich to heue%n%ward, &but&% &he @%a%t knoulechi@ his synnes& %and% leue@ hem, &he& &shal haue& fulli &merci&." And @us aftir such trewe confessiou%n% must veri penau%n%ce folewe. Of @is penaunce sei@ +Crist+ in @e Euangelie @us, "&Do $e penau%n%ce&, &for @e kyngdom of heuens come@ ful ny$.& " Also +Ioon Baptist+ bad @e +Pharisees+ %and% @e +Saduceis+, "& To do wor@i fruyt of penau%n%ce&." Wor@i fruyt of penau%n%ce is to inwardli wepe for trespassis doon, %and% not to turne aftir to such%e% synnes, but lyuen in v%er%tues contrarie to such%e% vices. %And% herfor it is writen, "&Sone, leie not synne& &vpon synne&." Also +God+ sei@ bi +Ysaie+ @e p%ro%fete, "&Be $e wasshen %and% be $e clene&." He is wasshen %and% also clene @%a%t wepi@ for synnes @%a%t ben doon %and% kepi@ hym clene aftirward. But he is wasshen %and% is not clene @%a%t wepi@ for his yuel %and% leeuy@ it not, but turne@ a$en to suche synnes @%a%t he made sorowe for arst. And so v%er%i penau%n%ce bifore +God+ is a man to make herti sorowe for his synne w%i%t%h% trew confessiou%n% of his mou@, w%i%t%h% satisfacciou%n% of good contynuyng lijf @%er%wi@, @ou$ man lyue not many $eris aftir. %And% so ech man @%a%t is wou%n%den in greuouse synnes, turne hym to v%er%i penau%n%ce bi tyme, %and% mystrist he not on +Goddis+ merci, for it is vpon all%e% his werkis, %and% in @is world his merci shal not be drawen awei from ony man @%a%t verili repenti@ hym of his synne. But now bo@e wakyng fro bodili sleep %and% wakyng of holi @ou$t %and% holi lyuyng musten folewe trewe penau%n%ce @%a%t we haue spoken of. For such wakyngs shul brynge for@ fruyt of many v%er%tues @%a%t shuln lede a man to heuenli blisse, wherfor it bihoue@ vs for to wake, for +Ysaie+ @e p&ro%fete sei@ "%Lord, my spirit waki@ to @ee bi& &ny$t for @i co%m%mau%n%dementis ben li$t vpon er@e.&" And herfor sei@ +Davi@+ @e p%ro%fete, "&Lord, at& &mydny$t I roos to knouleche to @ee&." Also it is seid in @e p%er%sone of +God+ in an o@%er% place, "&I& &loue hem @%a%t louen me, %and% @ei @%a%t waken eerli& &to me shuln fynde me&." %And% herfor sei@ +Crist+ in @e Euangelie, "&Waki@, for $e weten not whan @e& &Lord shal come, at euen or at mydny$t [or] at& &cockis crowyng or in [@e] morewnyng&." And vnderstonde @%a%t for @re causis oure Lord hidi@ his comyng fro man and also @e hour%e% of his dee@. Oon cause is @%a%t if man knew @e hour%e% or @e dai of his de@, ma%n% wold lede @e most part of his lijf in synne, and ful late turne to +God+. But for man shuld not tarie long from his seruyce, he putti@ hym in vncerteynte bo@e of his comyng to @e doom and of @e our of his de@. @@e second cause is for man shuld not dispeire of his hel@e for long co%n%tynuyng in his synne. For @e fendis temptaciou%n% my$t soone ou%er%come a synful ma%n%, if he knew his endyng dai ri$t ny$ , %and% he so long contynued in wickid lijf. @@e @rid cause @%a%t +God+ hidi@ fro man @e dai of his de@ %and% of his comyng, is for man shuld alwei suppose @%a%t @e dai of his de@ %and% +Cristis+ comyng is ful ny$, %and% so wake in holi @ou$tis %and% make hym redi w%i%t%h% holi werkis to be p%re%sentid vp to +God+, whaneu%er% he wold vouchesaaf to come. @@%er%for, freendis, I preie $ou, bi@enke $ou wel, and enquere at $ousilf w%i%t%h%ynne, "Wher%e% ben @e loueris of @is disseyuable world, where ben @e stoute kyngs %and% wordli p%r%inces, where ben @e my$tti emp%er%ours %and% me%n% @%a%t wern enrichid w%i%t%h% wordli muk, where ben @e stronge ieau%n%tes %and% @e flesshli wise men of @is world?" If $e haue @is wel in mynde, @%er% shal soone be gendrid in $ou a drede. %And% of @is drede shal spryng an hertli sorewe; %and% of @is holi sorewe shal kyndle a deuociou%n%; %and% of @is deuociou%n%, bi @e grace of +God+, shal growe for@ fruyt of many holi werkis. @@ese be%n% @e wakyngs @%a%t our%e% Lord axi@ of vs. And aftir @ese wakyngs musten folewe holi fastyngs. %And% se now what +Ierom+ sei@ of such fastyngs, "Fastyng is an holi @yng; fastyng is an heuenli werk; fastyng is a $ate of heuen; fastyng is a licnes of @e world to comyng. For he @%a%t holilich doi@ @is dede, he is graciousli ioyned to +God+; he is maad ful strau%n%ge to [@e] lusti world, for he is maad a spiritual man. Bi holi fastyng ben foule synnes @rowen dou%n%; bi holi fastyng ma%n%nys flessh is wel ymekid; bi holi fastyng ben @e feendis temptaciou%n%s ou%er%comen." %And% so fastyngs ben stronge dartis a$ens entisyngs of @e deuel. But now vnderstonde, bi many faire ensau%m%plis, hou p%ro%fitable is such fastyng @@e puple of @e gret citee +Nyneue+ ascapiden @e gret venyau%n%ce of +God+, %and% gaten m%er%ci %and% for$euenesse of her synnes, for @ei fastiden @us @re daies togider%e%. Also @e puple of +God+ passid graciousli @e +Reed See+, drie fotid, %and% saien her enemyes dreynt in @e see, aftir @%a%t @ei had fastid bifore @ei eeten @e Pask Lomb. Also +Moises+ fastid in desert, %and% aftir +God+ vouchid saaf @%a%t he herd grete pryuetes of his wisdom. Also +Daui@+ fastid aftir @%a%t he had greuousli synned, %and% so his synne was for$ouen hym. And herfor +Daui@+ sei@ hymsilf, "&I haue& &mekid my soule in fastyng&." Also +Crist+ fastid fourti daies %and% fourti ny$tis, %and% aftir he ou%er%come @e deuel, %and% anoon au%n%gels mynystrid hym. Also +Petir+ fastid, %and% aftirward @e au%n%gel delyuered hym out of p%r%isou%n%. Also +Ioon Euangelist+ fastid, %and% aftir +God+ shewid hym his heuenli p%r%iueties. Also +Poul+ fastid, %and% aftir +God+ dilyuered hym from his blyndnesse, %and% soone aftir he took his Cristendom. What shal I sei more of fastyng? As long as +Adam+ eet not, he forfetid not @e blisse of +Paradijs+, but whan he had eeten of @e appul, anoon he was put out of +Paradijs+. @@%er%for, fastyng is ful good, whan it is wel temp%er%id w%i%t%h% discreciou%n%. For what good dede @%a%t it be, %and% it be do in du man%er%, @a%n%ne it is holsu%m% to @e soule, but what good @%a%t it be %and% it lacke discreciou%n% %and% du man%er% of doyng, it is viciouse %and% p%er%ilouse to @e soule. But fastyng p%ro%fiti@ litel w%i%t%h%outen good werkis %and% almesdedis, and fastyng @%a%t is doon w%i%t%h% almesdede and deuoute preieris is acceptable to +God+; %and% it openy@ heuen to man %and% my$tili ascendi@ bifore +Goddis+ troone. %And% @us holi p%re%ieris musten folewe discrete fastyngs. And se now what +Isidore+ sei@ of p%re%ieris. "We ben clensid," he sei@, "w%i%t%h% holi p%re%iers, %and% we ben [enformyd] w%i%t%h% deuoute redyngis. " And to @is entent, sey@ Seynt +Iames+, "&Moche is wor@ @e bisie p%re%ier of a ri$twis man.&" Also +Moises+ bi his praier turned awei @e wra@@e of +God+ from @e puple @%a%t made her deuociou%n% bifore @e calf. Also +Helie+ made his p%re%ier @%a%t it shuld not reyne vpon er@e, %and% +God+ closid @e firmame%n%t @%a%t @e reyn descendid not @re $eer %and% sixe mone@is; %and% aftirward he made his p%re%ier %and% @e firmame%n%t $af his reyn %and% @e er@e $af his fruyt. Also +Ionas+ p%re%ied in @e whallis wombe, %and% he was graciousli delyuered @%er%of. Also +Danyel+ p%re%ied in @e lake of liou%n%s %and% +God+ herd his p%re%ier %and% delyuerid hy%m%. Also Kyng +E$echie+ in his sekenesse p%re%ied to +God+, %and% God grau%n%tid hym to lyue fiftene $eir aftir. @@%er%for, whoso wole be p%ar%fitli w%i%t%h% +God+, he must bisie hym ofte in deuoute p%re%ieris %and% ofte rede gostilich ensau%m%plis if he haue ku%n%nyng @%er%to. For whan [@at] we p%re%ien, @an in a man%er% we speken with +God+; but whan @%a%t we reden, @an God speki@ w%i%t%h% vs. But now vnderstonde we @%a%t @%er% ben dyuerse maners of p%re%ieris. For Cristen men p%re%ien deuoutli in her wordis bisechyng +God+, @%a%t he vouchesaaf to for$eue hem her synnes. Also such holi folk p%re%ien in dede, in releuyng of @e nedi bi almesdoyng aftir her power. And herfor sei@ +Crist+ hymsilf, "&$$eue@ almesdede, %and% lo all%e%& &@yngs ben clene to $ou&." Also it is writen in an o@%er% place, "&As @e watir quenchi@ fier, so& &almesdede quenchi@ synne&." Also Cristen folk preien in @e @rid man%er%, for$euyng her nei$bores her trespassis @%a%t @ei han offendid hem w%i%t%h%. And herfor sei@ +Crist+ on @is man%er%, "&If $e& &for$euen to o@%er% men her trespassis, myn heuenli& &Fadir also shal for$eue to $ou $oure synnes&." Also @ei preien on @e four@e man%er% bi louelich kepyng of +Cristis+ co%m%mau%n%dementis; %and% such loue is clepid charite @%a%t hidi@ all%e% trespassis bifore doon. [And so] it is a ful holsu%m% p%re%ier to kepe @us +Crist%is+ co%m%mau%n%dementis, for it p%ro%fiti@ not a man to beseche +Goddis+ m%er%cy w%i%t%h% hise wordis %and% to terre hym wickidli w%i%t%h% his werkis. But now last of all, discreet almesdede folewi@ deuoute preier. %And% se now what +Austyn+ sei@ of almesdede. "Almesdede is an holi @yng. It encreessi@ ofte tymes er@eli godis; it geti@ to man for$euenesse of his synnes. It multiplie@ a mannes $eris; it stabli@ wel a ma%n%nys mynde; it delyueri@ hym from de@ %and% from peyne. It felouship[i@] hym w%i%t%h% au%n%gels; it departi@ hym from feendis. " Also of almesdede, +Ierom+ speki@ on @is [maner], "Almesdede persi@ heuen. It maki@ weie bifore hym @%a%t doi@ such almes. It knocki@ for hym at @e $ate of heuen. It biddi@ au%n%gels for to mete such almesdoeris. It [clepi@] +God+ in to help of hem @%a%t doon such almesdedis." And [@us] +Origen+ rehersi@ @re maneris of almesdedis: oon is bodili to @e nedi man, for to $eue hym what hym nedi@ aftir @%a%t @ou maist resonabli; an o@er is spiritual, @%a%t is, for to for$eue hym @%a%t ha@ harmed @ee, oo wise or o@%er%; @e @rid is to teche hym @%a%t trespassi@ %and% to bryng hy%m% into @e wei of treu@e. @@ese ben @e werkis of Lentou%n%, $he, %and% of all%e% o@er tymes whilis we lyuen in @is world. Lo, @is is @e worship of ri$twisnesse, %and% @is is @e techyng of Cristen men. Lo, @is is @e medicyn of synful folk %and% @e remedie @%a%t [@ei] musten nedis haue for synne, for we mai wel make our%e% bodies leene, but it p%ro%fiti@ litil wi@outen @is. @@%er%for, $eue we vs hollich to +God+ to be his seruau%n%tis in all%e% @ese @yngs, @%a%t we be not blamed for defaute of our%e% seruyce. And @anne bi @e grace of +God+, we shuln be clensid, bo@e bodi %and% soule, %and% come to @e feest of @e Pask Lomb, @%a%t is +Ih%es%u Crist+, in @e blisse of heuen. Amen. (( @@e first Sunday of Lentou%n%. )) &+Ih%esu%s+ was ledde into desert of a spirit, @%a%t he& &shuld be temptid of @e deuel. And whan he had% &fastid fourti daies %and% fourti ny$tis, aftirward% &he hungrid. And @e tempter&, @e feend, &come to hym&, &%and% seide, "If @ou be +Goddis+ Sone, co%m%mau%n%de @%a%t& &@ese stoones be maad looues. " And he answerid& &hym %and% seide, "It is wryten: 'Not oonli in& &breed lyue@ man, but also in eu%er%y word @%a%t go@& &for@ of +Goddis+ mou@.' " @@an @e deuel took hym& $into @e holi citee, +I%e%r%usa%l%e%m+, %and% set hym aboue& &@e pynnacle of @e temple. And he seide to hym,& &"If @ou be @e Sone of +God+, late @isilf dounward;& &for whi, it is writen @%a%t: `+God+ @e Fadir ha@& &co%m%mau%n%did to His angels of @ee, %and% @ei shuln& &take @ee in her hondis, lest @ou stomble @i foot& &at a stoon.' And +Ih%esu%s+ seide to hym eftsones&, &"It is writen: "@@ou shalt not tempte @i Lord& &+God+.'" Eftsones @e deuel took hym into a ful hy$& &hul, %and% shewid hym all%e% @e rewmes of @e world&, &%and% @e glorie of hem. %And% he seide to hym, "All%e%& &@ese @yngs I shal $eue to @ee, if @ou, fallyng& &dou%n%, worship me." @@anne +Ih%esu%s+ seide to hym&, &"Go, +Satanas+: For it is writen: ' @@ou shalt& &worshipe @i Lord +God+, %and% Hym aloone @ou shalt& &serue.'" @@anne @e feend leeft hym, %and% lo, au%n%gels& &comen to, %and% mynystreden hym&. Many men deliten moche to heren of o@er mennys famouse dedis, %and% @e more wor@i @%a%t such dedis ben, @e more men p%ro%fiten bi such ensau%m%plis. For whan such v%er%tuouse worchyng is openli shewid, @a%n%ne ma%n%nes likyng is more tend for to folowe such wor@i doyng. And comynli @e more likyng @%a%t man ha@ in heryng of oon [@yng] or o@%er%, @e lengir @%a%t @yng is holden in mynde. Herfor, we @%a%t now bi @is Gospel han herd @e victoriouse batel of +Crist+ our%e% Kyng, shulden cacche gret delite %and% stidfastnesse of v%er%tuouse lijf, bi ensau%m%ple of his ou%er%comyng. For our%e% Lordis werkis %and% his wordis be not onli put for@ to our%e% delectaciou%n% %and% confortyng, but also to moue%n% vs to folowe hym in lyuyng. And @ou$ in all%e% @yngs we han not sufficience to folowe @is gret Lord, ne@eles in su%m%me @yngs, as in @is, we owen to folowen hym bi his grace in wi@standyng of @e feend. And we shuln not leue nor mystriste for @e woodnesse of our%e% enemy, nor for our%e% owen feblenesse, for he @%a%t @us fau$t for vs %and% had @e maistrie, shal $eue to his gostli fi$teris v%er%tu %and% streng@e to her p%ro%fit. But now in Holi Scripture, we mou%n% fynde of four%e% batels of our%e% Lord, %and% of as many victories @%a%t he had at his batels. @@e first batel was in @is temptaciou%n%, @%a%t @is Gospel maki@ mynde of . His victorie at @is batel was bi gret auctorite, wherw%i%t%h% he ou%er%cam @e feend %and% confou%n%did hym wit%h% word of his Godhed. @e second batel was in his passiou%n%, %and% his second victorie in his de@. For whan he was slayn w%i%t%h%oute%n% ri$t, he took awei @e power of de@ @orou$ ri$t. @@e @rid batel was in brekyng of helle, %and% his victorie in spoilyng of hem @%a%t wern @%er%ynne. For aftir his de@, he brak helle %and% took awei @e spoilyngs, @%a%t is to sei mankynde, @%a%t @e deuel p%r%iuylich deseyuede w%i%t%h% @e fou%n%deme%n%t of enuye. %And% so he departed @e spoilyngs of @e hous of fairnesse from @e foule hous of helle. @@e four@e batel shal be in @e gret doom, whan al @e world shal fi$te for hym a$ens hem @%a%t @a%n%ne ben wickid. But his victorie shal be in @e glorifyyng of his seyntes. But now turne we a$en to @e first batel @%a%t @is Gospel maki@ mynde of. &+Ih%esu%s+ was led into& &desert of a spirit @%a%t he shuld be temptid of @e& &feend&. Here now we han herd who it [is] @%a%t was lad into desert, for it was our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+, aftir tyme @%a%t he was baptisid. %And% @us +Luyk+ sei@ openli @%a%t: "+Ih%es%u+, ful of @e +Holi Goost+, went a$en from +Iordan+, %and% was moued in spirit into desert." %And% in @ese wordis is shewid openli of what spirit he was @us lad, for it was of @e +Holi Goost+, wherw%i%t%h% he was alwei ful. Also [@ese] wordis shewen whidir he was lad, for it was into desert. @@ese wordis also shewen wherto he was @us lad @ider, for it was @%a%t he shuld be temptid of @e feend. But on what maner, %and% hou ofte he was @us temptid @ere, @is Euangelie declari@ fulli aftir. Ne@eles, bi concel of @e Holi T%r%inite, +Crist+ was lad @us into desert, %and% also for gret misterie, %and% for ensau%m%ple to vs aftir. Bi concel, @%a%t @e deuel shuld be stirid %and% terrid in temptyng +Crist+, for but Crist had @us fou$ten, he had not @us ou%er%come%n% to our%e% p%ro%fit. For gret misterie, @%a%t he shuld make +Adam+ fre, @%a%t was exilid from +Paradijs+ %and% cast into desert of @is wrecchid world, %and% m%er%cifuly brynge hym a$en fro @is desert, to blisful +Paradiys+ aftirward. For ensau%m%ple to vs, to doon vs to witene @%a%t whan we wolden encreesse in v%er%tues, hou enuyouse @e deuel is @%a%t wole lette vs aftir his power, but @%a%t we shulden not leeue of for @e feblenesse of our%e%silf, we ben tau$t of +Crist+ our%e% Duyk on what man%er% to wi@stonde hym, as is shewid in @is Gospel. But as clerkis seyn aftir sence of @e storie, +Crist+ ou%er%cam @e feend in @e desert @%a%t is bitwixe +I%e%r%usa%l%e%m+ %and% +Iericho+, wher%e% @e feend ou%er%cam +Adam+, in figure of @is gostli batel @%a%t +Crist+ made w%i%t%h% @e feend %and% ou%er%cam hym. And @e int%er%pretaciou%n% of @e name of @is place shewi@ @%a%t @er wern many @euys @ere. For @@is desert was clepid +Domyn+, @%a%t is as moche to sey as blood. %And% ri$tli it was clepid @is name, for @er%e% bi @euys was ofte ma%n%nes blood sheed. But +Crist+, @%a%t is a trewe +Samaritan+, @%a%t is to sey a gostli kepere, cam bi @at same wei %and% fonde +Adams+ kynde, foule wou%n%did w%i%t%h% synne, bi ou%er%comyng of wickid spiritis, %and% heelid hym bi for$euyng of his synne, %and% brou$t hym m%er%cifuli to @e stable of his grace, @%a%t is to sei to @e techyng %and% @e kepyng of @e lawe of @e Euangelie. It folowi@ fer@%er% in @e text: &And whan he had& &fastid fourti daies %and% fourti ny$tis, aftirward& &he hungrid. Lo&, hou fastyng is co%m%mendid in @e Olde Lawe, as we mai se of +Moises+. It is co%m%mendid of p%ro%fetis, as we mai se of +Helie+. It is co%m%mendid in @e Euangelie, as we mai se of +Crist+, @%a%t is cheef of all%e% o@er. @@is nou%m%bre fourti bitokene@ al @e tyme of our%e% lijf her%e% in @is world; %and% in @is tyme al +Goddis+ chosen puple in @e foure parties of @e world shulden arme hem w%i%t%h% @e ten co%m%mau%n%deme%n%tis a$ens temptaciou%n%s of @e feend. For in figure herof, @is nou%m%bre fourti come@ vp bi encrees of foure, %and% also it come@ vp bi encrees of ten. Also @is nou%m%bre of foure bitokene@ all%e% vnleueful flesshli stiryngs of ma%n%nys bodi, %and% @ese come%n% of foure humours @%a%t spryngen of foure elementis wherof ma%n%nes bodi is maad. %And% a$en @ese flesshli stiryngs men shuld put good medicyn of @e ten co%m%mau%n%deme%n%tis @%a%t ben fou%n%den in +Goddis+ Lawe, for [ @e] ten co%m%mau%n%dementis ben dyuyd in @re %and% seuene; %and% of @ese ten, @re p%ar%teynen to +God+ Almy$ti %and% seuen p%ar%teynen to ma%n%nes nei$bore, for man stant of soule @%a%t ha@ @re my$tis %and% of bodi @%a%t is maad of foure elementis. %And% so, for @e Holi T%r%inite shulde fulli be worshipid of man, man is maad parfit, as it were, in @e nou%m%bre of ten. %And% herfor al +Goddis+ co%m%mau%n%dyng of loue, as touchyng bo@e of man to +God+, %and% also of man to man, stant in @is parfit nou%m%bre of ten. But for @ese ten co%m%mau%n%dementis, ofte tymes for our%e% slou@e ben nou$t fulfullid, @is parfit nou%m%bre of ten is multiplied w%i%t%h% @e nou%m%bre of foure, @%a%t acordi@ to our%e% feble bodi bicause @%a%t bi mouyng of @e flessh, @%a%t charite @%a%t we shulden haue to +God+ %and% to our%e% nei$bore is defoulid. %And% herfor, for to whasshe awei our%e% synnes, our%e% tyme of penau%n%ce is ordeyned in @e noumbre of fourti. For as longe as we lyuen here in @is world, it is nedeful @%a%t we biwepen our%e% synnes, for, as it is seid bifore, @is nou%m%bre of fourti bitokene@ @is tyme. But for gret misterie, fourti daies of penau%n%ce ben ordeyned bifore +Cristis+ passioun %and% his resurrecciou%n%. For skilful it is @%a%t we @%a%t ben gretli cou%n%fortid in @e solempnite of +Cristis+ resurrecciou%n%, for we shuln rise bi v%er%tu of hym, blisfuli in bodi %and% soule, @%a%t we be fou%n%de in wilful penau%n%ce %and% sle @e vnleueful flesshli lustis in our%e% bodi bi special mynde of +Cristis+ passion. For @a%n%ne dien we wel togidere if we absteyne vs silf @ese daies as wel from vices and flesshli desiris, lusti metis %and% drynkis. And now take here good heed @%a%t for @is misterie +God+ ceessid not in +Noes+ tyme fourti daies to sende dou%n% reyn, for to punysshe men for synne. Take heed of olde fadris in +Moises+ tyme, hou @ei shulden in fourty daies haue come to @e lond of biheest but @ei grucchiden %and% token not wilfulli her penau%n%ce, %and% so wern @ei taried fourti wyntir in desert; %and% @us a $eer was encressid for a dai. But $it now vnderstonde wel @%a%t +God+ suffrid hem not to entre @e lond of biheest bifore @e tyme of @is nou%m%bre fourti were fulfillid. But now fer@%er%more, take heede @%a%t @e desert %and% +Cristis+ fastyng meueden @e feend to @is forseid batail. @@e hungir @%a%t +Crist+ had deceyued @e deuel, %and% @e pacience of +Crist+ made hym @e more boold, but his owen malice stirid hym gretli to tempte @is Lord. And herfor sei@ @e Euangelist aftir: &And @e tempter cam to hym, %and% seide "If& &@ou be +Goddis+ Sone, sei @%a%t @ese stoones be maad& &looues&." As su%m%me men holden for opynyoun, @e feend cam to +Crist+ oy@%er% in licnes of an au%n%gel, ou@%er% in licnes of a kni$t, or ellis in licnesse of an o@%er% man. But o@%er% men seien @%a%t al @is temptaciou%n% was do bi p%r%iuey meuyng of @e feend w%i%t%h%out sich visible apperyng. But muse we not aboute @ese doutis, but bileue we @%a%t +Crist+ was temptid of @e feend as @e Gospel techi@ vs. %And% so temptaciou%n% of @e feend comynli ha@ @re menbris: suggestiou%n%, delectaciou%n%, %and% consence is @e @rid. %And% @us +Crist+ my$t wel be temptid w%i%t%h% @e first menbre, but delectaciou%n% %and% consence my$t not bite +Crist+, +God+ %and% man. But in @is @%a%t @e fend seide, "&If @ou be& &+Goddis+ Sone&," he aspied @%a%t @yng @%a%t he dradde ful sore. For he knew @%a%t +Goddis+ Sone was comen into @e world, ei@%er% bi p%ro%phetis tellyng, ei@%er% bi au%n%gels shewyng, or ellis bi +Ioon Baptistis+ prechyng. But for he saw +Crist+ so meke %and% feble outwardlich in bodi, he was gretli in doute wher he were +God+, for he supposid @%a%t +Crist+ man bi @e hi$ %and% p%r%iuey grau%n%t of +God+, my$t do such hi$ werkis, %and% so he temptid hym fer@%er% to wite @e so@e. But +Crist+ temperid hy%m%silf so wisli in all%e% @yngs, @%a%t he ou%er%come @e fend, %and% on such man%er% he ou%er%come hym @%a%t @e fend doutid as moche last as first. But now fer@%er%more o@%er% wordis of @e text declaren @e man%er% of @e fendis temptyng, %and% also hou ofte he temptid hym in desert, for @ries, as @e text shewi@, @e feend temptid +Crist+ in desert. But if we take heede to @e man%er% of temptyng, we mai se @%a%t @e feend first temptid +Crist+ in glotonye, whan he moued hym @%a%t was so hungri, to make looues of hard stones. @@e second tyme he temptid hym in veyn glorie, whan he mouyd hym to skippe dou%n% hedlyng, whan he had set hym vpon @e pynnacle of @e temple. @@e @rid tyme he temptid hym in pompous p%r%ide, whan he bihi$t hym p%r%inshed %and% @e glorie of al @is world, if he wolde falle dou%n% %and% worshipe hym. But +Matheu+ rehersi@ not @ese temptaciou%n%s arewe as @ei wern doon, but he telli@ aftir @e man%er% of temptyng @%a%t @e feend temptid +Adam+. But +Luyk+ rehersi@ @ese temptaciou%n%s arewe euenlich as @ei wern doon, not wi@seiyng +Matheus+ sentence. For first +Luyk+ putti@ glotonye %and% aftirward auarice, %and% @e @rid tyme pride, for it is fressh bo@e first and last. But +Crist+ ouercam be feend in al @%a%t he ou%er%cam +Adam+. In glotonye @e fend ou%er%cam Adam, whan he mouyd hym to ete of @e tree @%a%t +God+ forbad hym to ete of. He temptid hym in veyn glorie whan he seide, "$$e shuln be as +Goddis+." He temptid hym in auarice, whan he seide, "$e shuln be knowyng bo@e good %and% yuel." And in all%e% @ese temptaciou%n%s @e fend ouercam +Adam+. But as +Daui@+ ou%er%@rew +Golie+ w%i%t%h% @re stoones @%a%t he took of @e brook-side, so +Crist+ ou%er%cam @e deuel w%i%t%h% @re witnessyngs @%a%t he took of his Fadris Lawe. %And% @us +Crist+ $af vs gret ensau%m%ple to seche our%e% victorie bi mekenesse %and% not bi pride, bi wisdom of +God+ %and% not bi bostful wordli power, bi resou%n% of +Goddis+ lawe %and% not bi @e hi$ v%er%tu of +God+ in sechyng of bodili myraclis. @@e Euangelist sei@ fer@er: &@@anne @e fend& &lefte hym&, as he @%a%t was ou%er%comen %and% schend. But as +Mark+ sei@, "He lefte hym, but for a tyme." For aftirward he assailed hym bi his seruau%n%tis @%a%t wern @e +Iewis+. &And au%n%gels comen to, %and% mynyrstriden hym&. %And% @us temptaciou%n% $ede bifore %and% victorie folewid aftir; %and% herfor au%n%gels mynystriden hym to shewe fulli @e wor@ynesse of his victorie. And so of @is @yng, we mai se @%a%t @e nature of Godhed %and% @e nature of manhed be%n% @e same oon +Cristis+ p%er%sone. For man it was @%a%t @e fend temptid, %and% @e same man was +God+ @%a%t au%n%gels mynystriden to. @@%er%for wor@ili is he clepid %and% bileuyd Lord of au%n%gels, whos bir@e au%n%gels sheweden, %and% wern redi at his s%er%uyce whan he was temptid, at his diyng %and% vprisyng %and% whan he shuld ascende to heuen, and also au%n%gels shewiden his second comyng not oonli to @e apostlis but to all%e% men of ri$t bileue. @@%er%for worshipe we in hym his Godhed, @%a%t he bowid loweli dou%n% for to $yue vs ensau%m%ple of mekenesse. Worshipe we in hym oure kynde, @%a%t bi v%er%tu of his Godhed, he lift ful hi$ aboue au%n%gels. For @%a%t ma%n%nes kynde in +Crist+ shuld @us be worshipid, Seynt +Austyn+ shewi@ openli %and% sei@, "@@%er%for I worshipe our%e% Lord%is% flessh, $he, @e p%ar%fit manhed in +Crist+; for it was vnderfonge of @e Godhed %and% also ooned to @e Godhed. And @ese two kyndis in +Crist+ maken not two p%er%sones in +Crist+, but I knouleche hem to be Crist, oon +God+ %and% man, v%er%i Sone of +God+." Studie we now @%er%for to gete @e dignite of @is manlich kynde, w%i%t%h% vertuouse lyuyng while we ben here. Longe we toward @is dignite w%i%t%h% fastyngs, wakyngs %and% p%re%ieris, w%i%t%h% almesdedis, %and% w%i%t%h% al @e deuociou%n% of our%e% hertis. For $it it is not openli shewid what we shuln be, but we witen wel @%a%t [whan] +Crist+ our%e% lijf shal appere openli to al @e world, @an soone we shuln appere w%i%t%h% hym in blisse, %and% @anne we shuln be liche to hym, for as he is face to face we suln se hym in @e blisse of heuen. Am%en%. (( @@e seconde Sunday of Lentou%n%)) &Ovr%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+, goon out, $ede into @e& &coostis of +Tire+ %and% of +Sydon+. And lo, a wo%m%man& &of +Cananee+ goon out of @o coostis cried, seiyng& &to hym, "Lord, sone of +Daui@+, haue m%er%cy on me&. &My dou$tir is yuel turmentid of a fend." And he& &answerd not to hir a word. And his disciples,& &comyng to hym, preiden hym, seiynge "Delyuere& &hir, for she crie@ aftir vs." And he answerd %and%& &seide, "I am not sent but to @e sheep @%a%t han& &perishid of @e hous of +I%s%r%ae%l+." And she cam %and%& &worshipide hym, seiyng, "Lord, help me. " And& &he answerd, %and% seide, "It is not [good] to& &take @e breed of sones, %and% sende it to hou%n%dis&. " &And& @anne &seide she, "Soo@, Lord, but $it @e& &whelpis eten of @e cru%m%mes @%a%t fallen fro @e boord& &of her lordis." And [@anne] +Ih%esu%s+ answerid, %and%& &seide to hir, "A, wo%m%man, @i bileue is moche. Be& &it doon to @ee as @ou wolt." And hir dou$tir was& &heelid fro @%a%t houre for@.& Our%e% Lord %and% our%e% a$enbier, @%a%t cam into @is world for to seche %and% [to] saue @%a%t @yng @%a%t was p%er%ishid, putti@ aboute here %and% @ere bifore our%e% i$en hooli folk @%a%t we shulden folowe in liuyng. For in many places he setti@ for@ bifore synful me%n% grete ensau%m%plis of his m%er%cy. For take we heede to +Petir+ %and% +Poul+, to @e @eef, to +$$achee+, %and% to +Marie+, %and% also to @e woman of +Cananee+, %and% @anne in all%e% @ese moun we se @%a%t +God+ ha@ put bifore our%e% i$en sadnesse of hope %and% of penau%n%ce. For if ony man in bileue be sliden awei %and% greuousli ha@ pursued +Cristis+ puple @%a%t is clepid Holi Chirche, loke he sadli vpon +Petir+ %and% on +Poul+. For +Petir+ wept bitturli whan he had denyed +Crist+ for feere, %and% +Poul+ $af hi%m%silf to @e de@ for +Crist+, for he had crueli pursued +Cristis+ seyntis. [Also] if ony ma%n% haue be brent in malice %and% cruelnesse a$ens his nei$bore, bi@enke he wel vpon @e @eef @%a%t in p%er%el of de@ @orou$ fruytful for@ynkyng cam to @e mede of heuenli blisse. [Also] if ony man haue bre@id w%i%t%h% gret heete of auarice, %and% so raueshid o@%er% me%n%nys good, take he heede to +$$achee+, @%a%t seide he wolde $yue @e foure double if he had take any ma%n%nes good w%i%t%h% wrong. Also if ony man haue be tend w%i%t%h% @e fier of leccherie, %and% so haue lost @e cle%n%nesse of his bodi, bi@enke he on +Marie Mawdeleyn+ @%a%t dried vp hir yuel flesshli lust w%i%t%h% @e fier of inward sorowe. Also if ony man fele hymsilf ny$ deed bi synne, turne hym fast to @is wo%m%man of +Cananee+, @orou$ whos bileue %and% deuociou%n% hir dou$tir @%a%t was so yuel turmentid was delyuerid from @e deuel %and% restorid to her hel@e. But on what man%er% @is was doon, here we bo@e p%ro%fitabli %and% shortli. &Our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+ goon [out],& @%a%t is, of @e p%r%iuynesse of his Fadir, or ellis litterali of @e +Iewri+, %and% also of @e hous @%a%t +Mark+ sei@ he was ynne whan @e wo%m%man cam to hym, @%a%t, as +Mathew+ sei@, folewid hym anoon whan he was goon fro @ennes, w%i%t%h% deuoute bileue %and% certeyn hope, %and% also w%i%t%h% charite not feyned. &He $ede for@& &into @e coostis of +Tir[e]+ %and% of +Sidon+&. @@%a%t is to sei, he ca%m% into @is world @%a%t is bitokened bi +Tire+ %and% +Sidon+, for +Sidon+ is as moche to sei as vnp%ro%fitable huntyng, %and% +Tire+ is as moche to sei as angwish. Also &he $ede for@& fro @e wickid +Iewis+ bi @e p%re%chyng of @e apostlis %and% turned hym to @e he@en folk @%a%t receyueden hym bi bileue. And herfor seide +Poul+, in repreef [of] @e +Iewis+, "For $e han put fro $ou @e word of +God+ %and% demed $ow silf vnwor@i lijf eu%er%lastyng, lo we ben turned to @e he@en folk." But now gostli [@ese] too citees bitokenen too man%er% of synful folk in @is world, for ech synful man dwelli@ ei@%er% in +Tire+ or in +Sidon+, @%a%t is to sey in angwish of p%r%iue synne or ellis in hu%n%tyng, @%a%t bitokene@ open synne. For he dwelli@ in gret angwish @%a%t beri@ his synnes p%r%iueli %and% wole not shewe hem out for to haue his soule hel@e, for whe@%er% he sitte or ellis go, he is ful strei$tli bownde w%i%t%h% a wou%n%did conscience. %And% @us if he go to batel, "Alas," he sei@, "if I die here, I shal be [put] in @raldu%m%, in sorowe of helle." If he be in perel of watir, "Alas," he sei@, "if I be dreynt, soone wole @e fend put me to @e pyne of helle. " If he here @e grete blastis of @ondir %and% se @e feerdful leytyngs of fier, he waxi@ pale %and% quaki@ fast. %And% for he is sore biten w%i%t%h% @e conscience of greuouse synnes, @%er%for he weny@ to be smyten w%i%t%h% @e grisli leityng fier. @@%er%for, wel is it seid @%a%t @is synful man dwelli@ in +Tire+, [for] ou%er%al where he be, he is sore pressid in angwish of conscience for manyfolde sy%n%nes. But he @%a%t dwelli@ in +Sidon+, @%a%t is to sey, he @%a%t openli w%i%t%h%out shame, $yue@ hym to dyu%er%s horrible synnes, he is turned to an vnp%ro%fitable hu%n%tyng, for he is ful fast shakelid w%i%t%h% @e grenys of @e deuel. %And% @us @e deuel is an hu%n%ter in @is world %and% is bitokened bi +Nemroth+, @%a%t was a ful gret hunter, as is witnessid in Holi Sc%r%ipture. @@e hou[n]dis of @e fend ben wickid spiritis @%a%t ben his sogetis. %And% as @e hu%n%ter abidi@ @e tyme %and% @e place moost li$tli to cacche @e wield beest bi vncouplyng of his hou%n%dis, so @e deuel seche@ bisilich what tyme and whic[h]e seruau%n%tis he shal sende to cacche man %and% wo%m%man in to sy%n%ne%.% %And% as @e hu%n%ter, anoon as he ha@ cau$t @e beest, slei@ it %and% $eti@ out @e blood, so @e feend, anoon as he ha@ cau$t ma%n%nes soule fro +God+, anoon as he mai, he slei@ it, turmentyng it in @e fier of helle. @@erfor he @%a%t dwelli@ in +Sidon+, @%a%t is to sey, is an open synner w%i%t%h%out shame, is wrecchidli maad a @ral to @is feendis hu%n%tyng. And also he @%a%t dwelli@ in +Tire+, @%a%t is to sey, deliti@ hym priueli in dyuerse synnes, he is @rist togidere ful sore in gret spiritual angwish. An[d] so for to delyuere @ese too man%er% synful folk, &our%e%& &Lord $ede for@& bi his m%er%ci whan he com into @is world for to take our%e% feble ky%n%de. %And% @us he was liche o@%er% men in @yngs @%a%t longiden to kynde of man, but he was w%i%t%h%out fil@e of synne @%a%t cam to saue synful men. It folowi@ fer@%er% in @e text: &And lo a wo%m%man& &of +Cananee+&, @%a%t is to sey, @e cu%m%panye of he@en folk, &was qoon out of @o coostis&, @%a%t is to sey fro @e derkenessis of her vnknowyng, %and% from worshipyng of her mawmetis, %and% from her olde cursid lyuyng. And in figure herof, +Abraham+ $ede out of +Hur of Caldeis+, %and% also +Loth+ out of +Sodom+, %and% @e children of +Isr%ae%l+ out of +Egipt+. Also in bitokenyng herof, +@e Queen of @e Sou$t+ cam fro @e vtmost coostis of er@e for to here @e wisdom of +Salamon+. %And% but if @is wo%m%man of +Cananee+ had goon out @us of her coostis, she wold not haue cried w%i%t%h% gret deuociou%n% on @is man%er%, "&Haue& &m%er%ci on me, sone of +Daui@+&." And ful ri$tli clepid she hym Lord %and% sone of +Daui@+, in bitokenyng @%a%t Hooli Chirche shuld fei@fuli knouleche hy%m% bo@e +God+ %and% man. And for @is wo%m%man bi @e grace of @e +Holi Goost+ vnderstod @is wel, @%er%for went she not to +Petir+, to +Ioon+, nor to +Iames+, no[r] to ony of @e apostlis, but tristyng vpon @e gret m%er%ci of +God+, in stide of hem alle, she took w%i%t%h% her for@enkynge, %and% so ran to @e depe welle of m%er%ci. %And% she brou$t not w%i%t%h% hir @e siyk maiden @%a%t she cam to p%re%ie fore, but bi gret bileue she seide @us w%i%t%h%ynne hirsilf, "It is +God+ @%a%t I go to. @@ou$ @yng be absent, he see@ it wel; he biholdi@ hid @yngs; all%e% @yngs he mai wel ; alle @yngs he knowi@ fulli." And @us oonlich she opened @e cause of hir sorowe %and% seide to +Crist+ on @is man%er%, "&My& &dou$tir is ful yuel turmentid of a fend&." @@%a%t is to sei, "Ofte I se hir i$en weiwardli turned. Ofte hir cheer is swart as blood. Ofte hir hondis ben turned wrong. Ofte hir heer is to-drawe. Ofte hir necke is wried mys. Ofte she fro@i@ at @e mou@. Ofte I here hir enemye come yn, but he is not seyn. Ofte I here sown of betyng. Ofte she answeri@ w%i%t%h% gret cri whan I here noon speke to hir. %And%, good Lord, @is it is @%a%t I weile, @is it is @%a%t I sorowe, @is it is @%a%t maki@ me ferd, @is it is @%a%t on al wise I desire, @%a%t for @i pitee @ou woldest put awei from hir." But now gostli as is seid bifore &@is wo%m%man& bitokene@ @e puple turned to bileue @%a%t is clepid Hooli Chirche, @%a%t p%re%ie@ &for hir dou$tir&, @%a%t is to sei, for certeyn p%er%sones @%a%t be not trewe in bileue @%a%t @ei mown be vnbownden fro @e snare of @e deuelis disseit, wherw%i%t%h% @ei han longe be wi@holden %and% trauelid as it were of a fend. Also @is dou$tir bitokene@ @e soule %and% @e conscience of man @%a%t bi synne is maad boond to @e fend. %And% @is dou$tir is turmentid w%i%t%h% as many fendis as it [is] wrecchidli ou%er%@rest w%i%t%h% dyu%er%se greuouse synnes. For whos herte shrewid couetise ou%er%come@ %and% pride blowi@, whos hert wra@@e torendi@ %and% lecherie defouli@, whos hert enuye waasti@ %and% hate bryngi@ yn vnreste %and% also auarise blemesshi@, he w%i%t%h%out doute beri@ a dou$tir ful sore trauelid, for whom Holi Chirche shulde ofte prey. %And% also man @%a%t ha@ be defoulid w%i%t%h% synne, shuld p%re%ie for his conscience so foule blemesshid. It folewi@ fer@%er% in @e text: &And he answerid& &hir not a word&. And @is was not of pride, but for grete p%r%iue skiles: oon to put awei @e myscalenge of @e +Pharisees+, if he had spoken anoon homeli to hir; an o@%er% @%a%t he taried of his speche was to moue more %and% more @e bileue of @e wo%m%man, %and% @e @ridde to stire his disciples to pite. And so here we mou%n% vnderstonde @%a%t if man haue be trauelid w%i%t%h% a feend @%a%t bitokene@ g%r%euouse synne, %and% desire@ of +God+ dyu%er%s remedie, as hym seme@, to soule hel@e, %and% ha@ not anoon al his likyng, he shuld not @%er%for dispeire but cheeflich trist to +Goddis+ grace %and% laste in praieris as dide @is wo%m%man. For @anne +Goddis+ halewen ben stirid bi godenesse @%a%t @ei taken of her +God+ to p%re%ie for p%ro%fit of siche a man @%a%t +God+ wole haue holpen of his grace. And so it is seid fer@%er% in @e text &@%a%t +Cristis+& &disciplis comen to hym&, not oonli w%i%t%h% mouyng neer of her feet, but also w%i%t%h% a pitouse desijr of her hertis, &and p%re%ieden hym, seiyng, "Lord&, &delyuer hir&. " @@%a%t is to sei, "Haue m%er%ci vpon hir, as @ou art woned to do m%er%ci, @orou$ @i gret pitee, whom @ou tariest %and% not herist to hir semyng. &Delyuer hir, for she crie@ aftir vs&. @@is wo%m%man crie@ for to be holpen. @@is wo%m%man crie@, shewyng mornyngli hir gret disese. @@%er%for, &delyuer hir& whom @ou tariest %and% herist not as it seme@." Lo, @is wo%m%man, hou she was praid fore of +Cristis+ disciplis. Oon skil was for @ei knew not $it @e cause whi @%a%t +Crist+ taried @us of his answere. An o@%er% skil, for @ei wern moued to merci, for reu@e @%a%t @ei hadden vpon @is wo%m%man; %and% @e @rid @%a%t hit @ou$te hem greuouse @%a%t she was @us taried %and% cried aftir hem so longe. But +Crist+ seide to hem @us, "&I am not sent but to @e& &sheep @%a%t han p%er%ishid of @e hous of +Isr%ae%l+&." [He seide not to @e womman, "Go hens fro me." Nei@er he seide to his disciplis, "Put hir awei out of my si$t. &I am not sent&," he seide, "&but to @e sheep& &@at han perishid of @e hous of +Israel+&."] As if +Crist+ wold seie, "@@is wo%m%man is comen fro fer. She cam to me %and% axid me a boon. She ha@ clepid me Lord %and% sone of +Daui@+, but I wole @%a%t she knouleche me fulli v%er%i +God+, %and% also laste in fei@ful preier to ensau%m%ple of o@%er% aftir." &And& @us @is &wo%m%man&, ful of mekenesse %and% bileue, &cam %and% worshipid hym, seiyng, "Lord, help me&. " Lo, [hou] @is wo%m%man p%ro%fitede in encrees of bileue, for hym @%a%t she clepid first sone of +Daui@+, now she worshipi@ hym v%er%ili as Lord of heuen %and% of er@e, %and% @us su%m% man%er% answere she deseruyd to haue of +Crist+. "&It is not good&," seide +Crist+, "&to& &take @e breed of sones&, @%a%t is to sey, of +Iewis+ @%a%t ben sones bi biheest @%a%t was maad to +Abraham+, &and sende it to hou%n%dis&, @%a%t is to sei, to $ou @%a%t ben he@en hou%n%dis bi vnclennesse %and% mysbileue. " &And she seide to +Crist+, "Soo@, Lord&." Lo @e stedfastness of @is wo%m%man. Lo @e entent of hir hert. Lo @e p%ar%fitnesse of hir bileue. @@e leche wi@drow hym to ma%n%nes semyng, but she left not to crie aftir heel@e. Ne@eles she was not refusid as an yuel vnshamfast wo%m%man but she deserued to be co%m%mendid, for she abood to haue heel@e @%a%t she axid %and% mekid hirsilf more %and% more seiyng, &"But $it, Lord, $u%n%ge whelpis eten of @e cru%m%mes& &@%a%t fallen from @e boord of her lordis&." As if she seide, "It is soo@, Lord, @%a%t @ou seist. I deserue not @e breed, @%a%t is to sei, @e fillyng of eu%er%lastyng swetnesse, or ellis to sitte at @e boord, @%a%t is to seie Holi Sc%r%ipture, @%a%t specialy was bi-take to @e +Iewis+. But I holde me wel apaied w%i%t%h% @e releuys, @%a%t is to sei, w%i%t%h% esi sacramentis of bileue @%a%t longen to hem @%a%t ben feble in bileue, as to vs he@en puple." And @us @is wo%m%man of +Cananee+ was sette in foure faire v%er%tues @%a%t wern bitokened bi @e foure whelid chare of +Amynadab+. For @is wo%m%man, as is seid bifore, had a cleer bileue @%a%t trowid fulli @%a%t hir dou$tir my$t be helid @ou$ she were bodili absent; %and% @is is @e first wheel. She had also a cheef pacience, for she $ede not for@ awey whan +Crist+ $af hir not an answer, but lete hir aloone, as it were, w%i%t%h%outen cou%n%fort; %and% @is is @e second wheel. She had also a gret stidfastnesse @%a%t wold not leeue of of hir preier whan +Crist+ shewid not vtterli wordis of cou%n%fort to hir-ward for @e preier of his disciplis; %and% @is was @e @rid wheel. She had also a ful gret mekenesse, @%a%t she licned hirsilf to a whelp whan +Crist+ licned hir to an hou%n%d; %and% @is [is] @e four[@]e wheel. And now as we han herd of @ese gostli wheelis arewe, so here we now shortli @e offis of hem. @@e first gostli wheel brou$t @e wo%m%man of +Cananee+ to +Crist+ @%a%t bileuyd treuli in hym, for bileue is bigynnyng of al goodnesse. @@e second gostli wheel made hir [to] come ful ny$ [to] +Crist+, for bi pacience she lernyd to be- welde eseli hir soule. @@e @rid gostli wheel, stedfastnesse, couplid hir trewe in @e bileue to +Crist+; for not oonlich she deserued to haue his speche, but also his graciouse felouship for hir long %and% sad abidyng. But @e four@e wheel, mekenesse, glorified hir ful myche; for he @%a%t first left hir as it were w%i%t%h%outen outward cou%n%fort, %and% @%a%t answerid hir not a word, %and% @%a%t likned hir to an hou%n%d, anoon aftir he brast out %and% seide, "&O, wo%m%man, @i bileue is gret&. " As if +Crist+ had seid, "@@ou hast not seen $it ony deed man be reisid of me, nei@%er% leprouse man clensid of me. @@ou hast not $it hard @e p%ro%fecies of me, nor @ou hast bifore @ou$t in my lawe, nor @ou hast not $it hadde @e p%re%chyng of au%n%gels, %and% $it @ou bileuest @%a%t I am almy$ti. @@%er%for, &as @ou wolt, be it doon to @ee&." Lo, which a mede @is is of bileue. And @us it is seide in @e Euangelie aftir &@%a%t hir dou$tir was heelid fro& &@%a%t hour%e% for@&, not fro @%a%t hour%e% @%a%t @e womman cam hoom a$en into her hous, but fro @%a%t hour%e% @%a%t @e word was passid out of +Cristis+ mou@. And @us here it was fulfillid @%a%t is writen in an o@er place. "He co%m%mau%n%did %and% it was doon." @@%er%for dwelle we stidfast in bileue, %and% cleue we faste to @is foure wheelid chare of vertues, @%a%t @orou$ +Cristis+ help we mou%n% delyuere our%e% soule, @%a%t is bitokened bi @e dou$tir, fro @e fendis [boond] of helle. Am%en%. (( @@e @rid Su%n%day of Lentou%n% +Luc%e%+ .)) &Ovre Lord +Ih%es%u+ was castyng out a fend, %and% it& &was dou%m%be. %And% whan he had cast out @e fend, @e& &dou%m%be man spak; %and% @e cu%m%panyes of puple wern& &a-wondrid. But su%m%me of hem seiden, "He casti@& &out deuelis in +Beel$ebub+, p%r%ince of fendis." And& &o@%er%, temptyng hym, sou$ten a signe from heuen of& &hym. But he, as he saw her @ou$tis, seide to hem&, &"Ech rewme, dyuydid in itsilf, shal be maad& &solitarie, %and% hous shal falle vpon hous. And so& &if +Satanas+ be dyuydid in hymsilf, hou shal his& &rewme stonde? For $e seien @%a%t I cast out& &fendis in& @e name of &+Bel$ebub+&. For &if I cast out& &fendis in& @e name of &+Beel$ebub+, in whos name& &casten $oure sones out fendis? @@%er%for, @ei shuln& &be [$oure] owen iuges. But sikerli, if I cast out& &fendis in @e fyngir of +God+, certeis @an&ne is &@e& &kyngdom of +God+ comen among $ou. Whan @e my$ti&, &wel yarmed, kepi@ his hous, all%e% @yngs @%a%t he& &weldi@ ben in pees. But if a strenger @an he& &come vpon hym %and% ou%er%come@ hym, he shal take& &awei all%e% his armes @%a%t he tristid ynne, %and% he& &shal delen aboute his spoilyngs. He @%a%t is not& &w%i%t%h% me is a$ens me; and he @%a%t gederi@ not w%i%t%h%& &me, scatiri@ abrood. Whan an vnclene spirit goi@& &out from a man, he wandri@ aboute bi drie places& &sechyng rest; and nou$t fyndyng, he sei@, ' I shal& &turne into myn hous @%a%t I went out fro.' And& &whan he come@, he fyndi@ it clensid w%i%t%h% besemes.& &And @anne he go@ %and% taki@ w%i%t%h% hym seuen o@%er%& &spiritis, worse @an hymsilf, %and% @ei goon yn %and%& &dwellen @%er%e. And @e laste of @at man ben maad& &worse @an @e first." And it bifel whan he had& &seid @ese wordis, a wo%m%man of @e puple, liftyng& &vp her vois, seide to hym, "Blessid be @e wombe& &@%a%t bar @ee, %and% @e brestis @%a%t @ou soukidist&." &%And% he seide, "$$he, also blessid be @ei @%a%t heren& &+Goddis+ word %and% kepen it&." +Goddis+ hy$ mysteries ben ful pryue, so @%a%t ma%n%nes hert, @%a%t is so freel, suffici@ not to serche hem out as @ei ben in hemsilf. And herfor @e hi$ p%r%iue seer +Poul+, vndirstandyng @e defaute of our%e% er@eli bodi, cried, seiyng, " @e hi$nesse of richessis of +Goddis+ ku%n%nyng %and% of his wisdom: Hou inco%m%prehensible ben his domes %and% his weies, as it were vnable to be fou%n%den." Ne@eles, @ou$ I be vnwor@i @%a%t haue bigu%n%ne @is werke, bi +Goddis+ g%r%ace I shal not leeue it vnparformed. For I hope @%a%t +God+ wole be myn help, @%a%t I shal not be put of of my purpos, nor stonde voide in +Goddis+ si$t, but offre of @%a%t litel @%a%t I haue to p%ro%fit of o@%er%, %and% +God+ wole. And I take a full%e% gret comfort of @e bygynnyng of @is Euangelie @%a%t shewi@ me hou @e welle of m%er%ci m%er%cifuli leet at large @e tu%n%ge of a dou%m%be man. For as it is seid: &Our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+& &was& castyng out a fend %and% it was domb, @%a%t is to sey, it made dombe @e man @%a%t it had in his power. But now also vouche he saaf of his merci to opene my mou@ to his worship, to shewen out @e manyfold sense of @is Euangelie to @e p%ro%fit of @e herers. As it is seid bifore: &Our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+ was& &castyng out a fend&. @@is Euangelie ha@ fyue partis. @@e first part shewi@ @e myraclis @%a%t our%e% [Lord] +Ih%es%u+ dide @at men @%a%t wolden not trowen [to] his prechyng shulden bileue to his werkis. @@e second part declari@ to vs hou sotilli he answerd his myscalengeris. In @e @rid part we mou%n% se hou wiseli he confirmed his answer w%i%t%h% acordyng symylitude %and% @%a%t he had noon acoord w%i%t%h% @e fend. In @e four@e part is shewid to vs hou openli he confundid @e +Iewis+ p%ro%uyung @%a%t @ei [b]reken @e lawe of her +God+, %and% so herbi losten her former grace. In @e fif@e partie is shewid to vs @e v%er%tu of +Crist+ %and% @%a%t he was v%er%i +God+ %and% v%er%i man bi his owen witnessyng %and% o@%er%. Now lat vs se which ben @ese fyue parties w%i%t%h% her declaraciou%n%s arewe. @@e first part bigynne@ @us: &Our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+& &was castyng out a deuel&. And @is was euen p%ro%pur to hym, for he bigan it not @anne of @e newe, but he had vsid it fulli bifore. For bifore multipliyng of mankynde, he cast out a fend, whan he made +Lucifer+, pryns of fendis, falle out hedlyng fro heuen to helle. And now in @e latt%er% ende of @e world, he was boren of a maiden for to cast out @e deuel fro man %and% so, bi his grace, to delyuer%e% hym fro @e fendis power. %And% in tokene of @ese two out-castyngis, he cast out a fend of @is man. @%a%t @is Gospel maki@ mynde of. &And @is fend was domb&, @%a%t is to sei, it made mankynde domb @%a%t it worshipid not his hi$ Maker. For [as] @e apostle sei@, "Whan men hadden knowe +God+ bi gret resou%n%s, @ei worshipeden hym not as +God+, or diden hym @ankyngs for her ku%n%nyng, so moche wern @ei blyndid bi @e fend; but @ei wauereden veynlich aboute in her @ou$tis." But Mathew telli@ also @%a%t @is forseid man was bo@e dou%m%b %and% blynd. And @us we moun se here @re myraclis in +Cristis+ worchyng: @e blynd man saw; @e dou%m%b man spak, %and% also was delyuered of @e fend. But now take heede @%a%t @is myracle was gostli doon in @e co%n%u%er%siou%n% of he@en folk, %and% in figure herof, it was bodili doon in @is forseid dou%m%b man. For whan @e he@en folk forsoken @e fil@e of her mawmetrie, %and% token @e li$t of bileue, %and% whan her mou@es wern opened @%a%t wern ful stille in p%re%isyng of +God+, %and% after speken her wordis to +Goddis+ worship, @anne wern @ei delyuered fro @e fend. @@anne receyueden @ei gostli si$[t]e %and% wern delyuered from her dou%m%bnesse. Also @is goostli myracle is fulfillid in ech man @%a%t ha@ be synful %and% is li$tned bi @e grace of +God+ to sore for@enkyng hym of his synne, %and% aftir is delyuered bi v%er%i knoulechyng, of his synnes, of greuouse synnes a$ens +God+, as it were, of as many fendis. And for now is tyme of confessiou%n% %and% of penau%n%ce, studie we fast bi @ese two to be delyuerid fro @e fend @%a%t ha@ bou%n%den vs w%i%t%h% manyfold synne. For if we trauele on @is man%er%, we shuln not be likned to @e wickid @%a%t ben maad mynde of now next aftir. &But su%m%me of hem seiden& @%a%t is to seie, @e scribes %and% @e +Pharisees+, %and% not @e symple puple. For ofte tyme, @e symple bileuen %and% @e wise dispisen. "&He casti@ out deuels&," @ei seiden, "&in& &+Bel$ebub+, p%r%ins of fendis&." @@is name +Bel$ebub+ cam vp of a mawmet @%a%t was clepid +Beel+, @%a%t oon +Ninus+ @%a%t was +Beli+ sone, made in mynde of +Beel+ his fadir. And so @e puple of +Chaldee+ worshipfulli vndirfongen @is symylitude %and% clepeden it aftir Beel, but @e +Palestyne+ folk clepiden it +Baal+, %and% @e folk of +Moab+ clepiden it +Belfegor+. But @e +Iewis+ @%a%t worshipeden oon +God+ %and% not such fals mawmetrie, in shorne of @e he@en folk, clepiden it +Bel$ebub+, @%a%t is to sey, a man of flies or hauyng flies. For many flies gaderiden aboute @is ymage for plente of raw flessh @%a%t was offrid @%er%to in sacrifice. And @us as now is maad mynde @ese wickid scribes %and% +Farisees+, in repreef of +Goddis+ Sone, seiden, "&He casti@ out fendis in +Bel$ebub+, p%r%ins& &of fendis&." And @ese men wern ful deuelich, @%a%t @us ou%er%@wartiden +Goddis+ werk. Of @ese [men] playned +God+ bi @e p%ro%fete, seiyng, "@@ei $eldiden me yuel for good %and% also hate for my loue. " For +Crist+ shewid %and% dide [hem] many good werkis, but eu%er%more he fonde hem vnkynde %and% rebel. For as @ei hadden enuye to his v%er%tues, so sclau%n%drid @ei hym for hys myraclis; @ei scorneden hym w%i%t%h% her wordis; @ei blasfemeden hym for his benefetes; @ei grucchiden for p%er%fecciou%n% of his ri$twisnesse, %and% @%a%t more worse was, @ei shewiden hym myche malice for his gode loue. But now take [good] heede @%a%t sixe man%er% condiciou%n%s @%er% ben among dyuers men in @is world. Oon is to $elde good for yuel %and% an o@%er% to not $elde yuel for yuel. @@ese two condiciou%n%s han oonlich good men, but @e first is bettir @an @e second. @@e @rid condiciou%n% is not to $elden good for good, %and% @e four@e is to $elde yuel for good. %And% @ese too condiciou%n%s han yuel men, but @e second is worse @an @e first. @@e fyue@e condiciou%n% is to $elde good for good %and% @e sixte is to $elde yuel for yuel. %And% @ese two condiciou%n%s han men in @e world @%a%t ben menelich gode or menelich yuel. But @e first is [ful] ny$ nei$bore to condiciou%n% of good men @%a%t +Crist+ repreue@ not in @e Euangelie. "But more," he sei@, "it bihouy@ to do, for he@en men doon on @is maner, @%a%t louen men @%a%t louen hem." But @e second is ful ny$ to condiciou%n% of yuel men. Ne@eles, it acordid w%i%t%h% @e gode, for @e Lawe set a mesure of wreche. For it is writen, "Too@ for too@ %and% i$e for i$e." And @us on @re maners co%m%mynli men synnen in condiciou%n%s biforseid. Oon is in not $eldyng good for good. An o@%er% is to $elde yuel for yuel. But @e @rid is to $elde yuel for good. %And% @is condiciou%n% had @e wickid gen%er%aciou%n% of scribes %and% +Farisees+, @%a%t contrarieden @e +Hooli Gost+ %and% maliciousli wi@stoden +Crist+, @%a%t cheeflich sou$te her hel@e, as is maad mynde now in @is Gospel. But a$en @ese @re foule synnes ben @re ful good remedies. @@e first is for to do good for good. @@e second is not to $elde yuel for yuel, but @e most p%ar%fit of all%e% is for to do good for yuel. And @is +Crist+ dide for @e +Iewis+, whan he p%re%ied for hem as he henge on @e croos, %and% specialy whan he $af sufficientli his lijf for hem @%a%t so foule bla[sfe]meden hym, if @ei wolden be conu%er%tid. For @us he delyuerid many of @e +Iewis+ from @e horrible peyne of helle @%a%t aftir wern turned to Cristen bileue. &But o@%er% bygu%n%nen to seche of hym signes from& &heuen&, @%a%t is to seie, @%a%t fijr shuld come dou%n% from heuen as it dide in +Helies+ tyme, or ellis leitnyngs %and% @undris, as diden in +Samuelis+ tyme, or ellis @ei wolden han had manna comyng fro heuen, as @ou$ @e myraclis @%a%t +Crist+ dide hadden be noone g%r%et wondris. &But he, as he saw her& &@ou$tis&, @%a%t is to seie, as v%er%i +God+ knew all%e% @yngs open %and% hid, %and% from whom mai no @yng be p%r%iue, &seide to hem, "Ech rewme, dyuydid in& &itsilf, shal be desolatid&." Lo, @is is @e second part @%a%t shewi@ what +Crist+ answerd, %and% hou wiseli he rebuykid her myscalengyng. Certis, euen aftir @e lettir, @ese wordis of +Crist+ ben open ynow, for as litil @yngs of valew encreessen bi accord, so bi discoord ful soone @ei sliden awei. But what @ese wordis meenen goostli, +Crist+ expowne@ hymsilf in @e next wordis: &"If +Sathanas+,"& he sei@, "&be dyuydid in hymsilf,& hou shal his rewme stonde?" As if +Crist+ seide, "If it were as $e seien, @%a%t I cast out fendis in +Bel$ebubis+ power, p%r%ince of fendis, @an is @e deuelis rewme departid a$ens itself, %and% so @e power of his malice mai not stonde. And if oon fend mai not put out an o@%er%, @anne seien $e faIs @%a%t I cast out fendis in [@e] power of @e p%r%ince of feendis. And if oon feend mai cast out an o@%er%, as $e seien, @anne take good heede to $ou silf , @%a%t $e go out of his rewme @%a%t is dyuyd, lest $e p%er%isshe w%i%t%h% hym foreu%er%." Se now to +Cristis+ hi$ answer, @%a%t is v%er%ili v%er%tu %and% wisdom of +God+. For chese @e +Farisees+ what part @ei wolden, %and% $it wern @ei fulli cau$t bi v%er%tu of word. For contrariouse @ei wern to +Crist+, %and% so to @e rewme @%a%t he was of %and% @anne wern @ei of @e fendis rewme, for ech man must be of @e toon or of be to@%er%. But se now what seide fur@%er%more: "&Cert%is%& &if I cast out feendis in +Goddis+ fyngir&," @%a%t is to seie, in @e power of @e +Hooli Goost+, whom +Pharaos+ dyuynours knoulchiden, %and% clepiden hym @e fyngir of +God+, to whos v%er%tu fendis mou%n% not wi@stonde, "@anne &sikerli is @e kyngdom of +God+ comen among& &$ou&." As if +Crist+ seide, "Deme@ not now wher it be @us bi @e outward si$t @%a%t $e han of my bodi, but deme@ wher it be @us or no, bi @e werkis @%a%t I worche, @ou$ I speke w%i%t%h% condiciou%n%." But now among o@%er%, @is word "kyngdo%m% of +God+" ha@ @re bitokenyngs. But specialy here it bitokene@ +Cristis+ p%er%soon, @%a%t +Ioon Baptist+ spak of to @e +Faresees+ seiyng: "@@%er% stood oon in @e myddil of $ou, whom $e knowe not. " Also @is word bitokene@ endeles blisse, @%a%t ri$twise folk shuln haue for her mede, @%a%t +Crist+ %and% +Ioon Baptist+ prechiden to @e puple, seiyng: "Doi@ penau%n%ce, for @e kyngdom of heuen nei$@ ful faste." Also @is word "ky%n%gdom of +God+" bitokene@ Hooli Scripture, @%a%t +Crist+ seide shuld be taken awei fro @e +Iewis+ %and% $ouen to folk @%a%t wolde do @e fruyt @%er%of, @%a%t is to sey, worche @%er%aftir. But now, as is seid bifore, @e fyngir of +God+ is clepid @e +Hooli Goost+, %and% @%a%t is for delyng aboute of dyuerse graciouse $iftis @%a%t ben partid of @e +Hooli Goost+, whe@%er% it be to men or au%n%gels. For in noon of our%e% o@%er% menbris is yshewid such a man%er% delyng as is p%ar%ceyued in our%e% fyngers. Lat now se what +Crist+ sei@ fer@%er%: "&Whan @e& &my$ti kepi@ his hous&." Lo now, @is is @e @rid part @%a%t conferme@ his former answer bi a co%n%uenient simylitude, shewyng @%a%t @%er% was noon acoord bitwene hym %and% @e feend. "&Whan @e my$ti&, " he sei@, "&kepi@ his hous&, " @%a%t is to sey, whan @e deuel @%a%t is my$ti to noie man, ne@eles, not as moche as he wole, but as myche as +God+ wole suffre hym, whom not his owen v%er%tu, but our%e% synnes maken strong %and% sogeten vs to his seruage, @%a%t not oonli is strong, but also &armed& w%i%t%h% many spiritual wickidnessis. For he ha@ an helm of wickidnesse %and% a spere of synful delite, %and% a sheeld of hardnesse in synne, %and% an haburiou%n% of dispeir, %and% a swerd of slau$tre, %and% pride to his squyer, @%a%t algatis goi@ bifore hym %and% doi@ myche shame to @e fi$tyng men of @e lyuyng +God+. "&Whan @is my$ti armed& enemye &kepi@ his hous&, @e world," @%a%t is to sey, @e fals wordli puple fulli set in wickidnesse, "@anne &all%e% @yngs @%a%t he& &weldi@ ben in pees&." For vndirstonde wel @%a%t noon, vnto @e comyng of +Crist+, my$t taken awey his lordship @%a%t he held cruely vpon mankynde. And @us sei@ +Crist+ fer@%er% &@%a%t, "If a strenger @an he& &come vpon hym, anoon he shal ou%er%come hym&." And @is was fulli verified whan +Goddis+ Sone, Almy$ti Lord, cam %and% fau$te w%i%t%h% hym, strongli %and% wiseli, %and% aftir ou%er%cam hym, %and% boond hy%m%, %and% bynam hym his former power. And @us, as it is seid aftir, "&@%a%t @is& my$tier &shal take awei all%e% his& &armes @%a%t he trist ynne&;" @%a%t is to sey he shal quenche all%e% his disseyuable castis of his spiritual wickidnesse. &And he shal take awei& &his spoiles&, @%a%t is to sey, he shal delyuere from his hold @e soules @%a%t he had in his power. Bi @is p%ro%cess, now mou%n% we se @%a%t @%er% is noon acoord bitwix +Crist+ %and% +Belial+. And herfor sei@ +Crist+ aftir, "&He @%a%t is not w%i%t%h% me is a$ens& &me&." Now vndirstande @%a%t al @is is seid of @e deuel %and% his menbris, @%a%t algatis ben contra[r]ie to +Crist+ %and% his menbris. For @ei gaderen not w%i%t%h% +Crist+ soulis toward heuenli blisse, but @ei rauesshen %and% disparplen @ese soules in dyu%er%se synnes. But now come we to @e four@e part @%a%t shewi@ hou +Crist+ confu%n%did @e +Iewis+, p%ro%uyng @%a%t @ei wern ful of @e deuel. "&Whan an vnclene spirit&," sei@ +Crist+, &"goi@ out from a man, he wandri@& &aboute bi drie places&." Goostli, @e vnclene spirit @%a%t ledi@ a man into many vnclennessis, went out of [@e] puple of @e +Iewis+ aftir @%a%t @ei hadden take @e Lawe of +Moises+, %and% cam to @e he@en folk, @%a%t ben bitokened bi drie places, for @ei hadden not moisture of good werkis. But aftir @%a%t @e he@en folk hadden kau$t @e bileue of +Crist+, @e deuel fonde not in he%m% reste, bicause of moisture of hooli lyuyng. But aftir @%a%t +Crist+ had take flessh %and% blood, @e fend turned a$en to @e puple of [@e] +Iewis+ @%a%t was outwardlich, as it were, clensid w%i%t%h% bodili customs of @e Olde Lawe, but @ei wern voide from good werkis %and% loue of +Crist+ @%a%t cam to saue bo@e +Iewis+ %and% he@en. &And& so, @is foule spirit &took w%i%t%h% hym seuen& &spiritis worse @an hymsilf&, @%a%t is to sey, a multitude of greuouse synnes, mayntened %and% vsid vndir colour of ri$twisnesse, a$ens +Crist+ %and% his menbris. And so @ei $eden yn among @ese +Iewis+ %and% stedfastli &dwelleden @ere&. And &so @e& &laste& of @e +Iewis+, &wern maad worse @an her former& &werkis&. For worse @ei wern in blasfemyng +Cristis+ p%er%soon @an @ei wern su%m%tyme whil @ei dwelleden in +Egipt+. @@erfor, specialy, +Cristis+ entent in @is p%ro%cess, was to speke of @ese +Iewis+. But now, fer@%er%more, @is mai ri$tli be strecchid for@ to eu%er%y such man @%a%t @e deuel encu%m%bri@ in his seruyce aftir @%a%t man ha@ bou%n%den hym to +God+ in takyng of his Cristendom. For whan man is baptisid %and% forsaki@ [alle] @e pompis of @e fend, @anne @e deuel &goi@ out fro hym&. And @anne he wandri@ aboute bi drie places, @%a%t is to sey, he tempti@ @e hertis of hooli folk @%a%t ben dried fro watrynesse of floteryng veyn @ou$tis %and% moisture of flesshli synne. &And& whan &he fyndi@& ¬ rest& @%er%e wheryn he mai abide bi synne, he sei@, "&I shal turne a$en to myn hous @%a%t I went fro."& @@%a%t is to sei, "I shal turne to @%a%t ma%n%nes conscience from whom I was cast out in his baptym. %And% @%er%e wole I haue my form%er% possessiou%n% %and% sogeten hy%m% to my lordship bi manyfold synne." And @us &whan he come@& @%er%to first a$en, &he fyndi@& &it swept w%i%t%h% besyms&, @%a%t is to sei, clensid fro vices bi baptym but voide from good werkis. But now take heede @%a%t +God+ ha@ his besemes %and% @e deuel ha@ his besems. +Goddis+ besems ben @oo @at maken cleene +Goddis+ hous, such a lord to dwelle ynne, as ben for@enkyng of synne, w%i%t%h% hertili teeris, hooli p%re%ieris %and% almesdoyngs, %and% such o@%er% good fruytis. @@e deuelis besems ben @oo @%a%t maken not his hous cleene, but ra@%er% defoulen it out of mesure, as ben flesshli loue of @e world, wantou%n%nesse of @ou$t, %and% despisyng of +Goddis+ commau%n%deme%n%tis, %and% such o@%er% yuel fruytis. But @e seuen spiritis @%a%t @e fend taki@ w%i%t%h% hym, %and% bi hem maki@ his dwellyng in man, ben @e seuen heed synnes, @%a%t also ben clepid worse @an @e fend hymsilf. For to vs, our%e% vices @%a%t regnen in vs obstynatli, ben worse @an ben quyk fendis, for @ei fi$ten a$ens vs w%i%t%h%oute for@, %and% @ese vices bisilich werren vs dou%n% wi@ynne for@. %And% ofte tyme hoomlich enemyes ben more greuouse [ @anne] ben fome%n% @%a%t ben strau%n%ge. And @us sei@ +Crist+ now next aftir @%a%t, &"@@e laste& werkis &of& such &a man ben maad worse @an @e firste&." For lasse peyne shulde be to ma%n% not to knowe @e weie of treu@e @an aftir @e knowyng to falle backward fro Cristen lijf to fendis werkis. O@%er% wordis of @e fyfte part folewyng shewen @e worshipyng of +Crist+ %and% @e blessednesse of hem @%a%t heren +Goddis+ word %and% kepen it. And if we wolen be p%ar%tyners of @is hi$ blisse, we musten hertili heren @e word of +God+ %and% wilfulli kepyn it in our%e% lyuyng. For not oonli @e herers of +Goddis+ Lawe shuln be iustified bifore God but @e trewe folewers @%er%of in worchyng shuln be glorified, w%i%t%h%outen ende in blisse. Amen. (( @@e four@e Sunday of Lentou%n% +Io%hannis+%)) &Whan our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+ had lift vp his i$en %and%& &seen @%a%t a ful gret multitude cam to hym, he& &seide to +Filip+, "Wherof shul we bie looues @%a%t& &@ese mou%n% ete?" @is, forso@e he seide temptyng& &hym, for he wist hymsilf what he was for to do.& &+Filip+ answerd hym, "Two hu%n%drid penywor@ looues& &suffise not to hem @%a%t ech man take a litil what&." &And oon of his disciplis, +Andrew+, +Symou%n%d Petris+& &bro@%er%, seide to hy%m%, "@%er %is a child here, @%a%t& &ha@ fyue barli looues %and% two fisshes. But what& &ben @ese among so many?" @@anne seide +Ih%es%u+&, &"Maki@ @e men to sitte." @@%er% was forso@e moche& &hey in @e place. And so @e men saten dou%n%, in& &nou%m%bre, as it were, fyue @ousande. And so +Ih%es%u+& &took @e looues, %and% whan he had do @ankyngs& to his Fadir, &he dalte to hem @%a%t saten& at @e meete, &and& &also of @e fisshes, as moche as @ei wolden. And& &whan @ei wern fillid, he seide to his disciples,& &Gaderi@ @e releuys @%a%t ben lefte @%a%t @ei& &p%er%isshe not." And so @ei gaderiden %and% filleden& &twelue lepis of relijf of fyue barli looues @%a%t& &wern lefte of hem @%a%t hadden eten. @@%er%for, @oo& &men, whan @ei hadden seien @%a%t +Ih%es%u+ had doon a& &myracle @ei seiden "@@is is v%er%ili a p%ro%fete& &@%a%t is to comen into @e world&." All%e% @yngs @%a%t ben co%n%teyned in @is Euangelie ben ful of gret misteries. For whan +Ih%es%u+ went from @e +Iewri+, he cam into desert %and% @e puple folewid hym. He heelid her sike folk; he had reu@e vpon @e hu%n%gri puple; %and% @ese @yngs he dide not in @e morewnyng, nei@%er% in @e wexyng of @e dai, nei@%er% in @e myddil of @e dai, but at euen. %And% al @is was in token @%a%t aboute @e ende of @e world, @%a%t is bitokened bi @e eueny%n%g, @e su%n%ne of ri$twisnesse wolde shewe his graciouse werkis for sauaciou%n% of mankynde. And here [now] we mou%n% se seuen graciouse @yngis. Oon is @e m%er%ci of our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+ whan he had reu@e vpon @e puple @%a%t folewide hym. An o@%er% is @e gret v%er%tu, wherw%i%t%h% he halp hem @%a%t wern sike. @@e @rid is mekenesse @%a%t for @is mau%n%gerie [he] wolde cou%n%cele w%i%t%h% his disciplis. @@e four@e is good willynesse @%a%t he had to his apostlis, whan he bad hem make @e folk to sitte. @@e fyue@e is goodlynesse in his worchyng whan he fedde @e hu%n%gri puple at @e fulle. @@e sixte is power whan he multiplied @us @e looues. @@e seuen@e is prudence @%a%t @us litle %and% litle he made his chosen puple redi to hi$er p%er%fecciou%n%. For first hem @%a%t wern vndir @e Lawe he fedde w%i%t%h% fyue barli looues, in token of reule vndir @e Lawe co%n%teyned in fyue bokis of +Moises+. @@e second tyme, he%m% @%a%t wern newid in spirit bi bileue to @e Euangelie he fedde w%i%t%h% seuen looues, in token @%a%t trewe bileueris in +Crist+ shulden receyue @e seuen $iftis of @e +Hooli Goost+. But @e @rid tyme he $af to his disciplis as to @e parfite, @e mysterie of his flessh %and% blood, in token @%a%t al @%a%t $ede bifore must [be] knyt vp to ma%n%nes p%ro%fit bi @e v%er%tu of +Crist%is+% passiou%n%. But atte laste aftir al @is, he shal $eue grau%n%t to his trwe seruau%n%tis to ete %and% drynke vpon his boord in @e kyngdom of heuens vpon a graciouse man%er%. But now turne we to @e gostli menyng of @is Euangelie. &Whan our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+ had lifte vp his& &i$en.& Goostli, @e heuyng vp of @e i$en of our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+ bitokene@ his gret m%er%ci wherw%i%t%h% he biheld fro heuen vpon mankynde %and% delyuered [hem] m%er%cifuly fro @e @raldam of @e deuel, @%a%t is bitokened bi +Farao+ but specialy our%e% Lordis yen ben spiritual $iftis @%a%t m%er%cifuly he grau%n%ti@ to his chosen puple %and% whan he deeli@ he%m% such $ersyues, @an he setti@ vpon hem his i$en of pitee. And herfor sei@ @e Euangelist aftir: &And whan he& &had seen a ful gret multitude,& @%a%t is to sey, Hooli Chirche gaderid togeder%e% of foure parties of @e world, &comyng to hym& bi @e p%re%chyng of @e Euangelie. For of @is multitude sei@ +Crist+ hymsilf, in an o@%er% place, "Many shuln come fro @e eest %and% @e weest, %and% @ei shuln sitte w%i%t%h% +Abraham+, +Ysaac+, %and% +Iacob+ in @e kyngdom of heuens." %And% take good heede @%a%t it is seied @%a%t our%e% &Lord +Ih%es%u+ saw a multitude comyng to hym&. For as many as comen to hym bi bileue %and% bi loue, @is benyng Lord m%er%cifulli biholdi@ hem, %and% in biholdyng gladli vnderfongi@ hem, %and% in his vndirfongyng loue@ hem, %and% so filli@ his loued children w%i%t%h% breed of lijf %and% vndirstandynge. %And% in token @%a%t he is eu%er%more redi to goostli refetyng of his chosen puple, @%er%for sei@ @e Euangelist, whan he saw @is puple, &he seide to& &+Filip+&, @%a%t is to sei, to ech goostli shepard of Hooli Chirche. +Filip+ is as moche to sey as @e mou@ of a lau%m%pe, %and% herfor goostli faderis of Hooli Chirche ben bitokened bi +Filip+, for whosoeu%er% take such hooli offis an hand, as @e lau%m%pe $eue@ [his] li$t at @e mou@, so bo@e in word %and% in dede, he must $eue li$t of +Goddis+ word. W%i%t%h% word he muste $eue @e li$t of trewe techyng to norisshe for@ @e puple of +God+ in Cristen law; w%i%t%h% ensau%m%ple of dede he must $eue li$t to p%ro%ue w%i%t%h% dede @%a%t he p%re%chi@ w%i%t%h% word. And herfor seide +Crist+ to +Filip+, "&Wherof& &shul we bie looues @%a%t @is folk mowe ete&?" As if +Crist+ seide, "Wherof shul we bie wordis %and% sacramentis of bileue wherw%i%t%h% my trewe puple mou%n% be fillid, @%a%t @ei faile not in weie of v%er%tues, for goostli shepardis of Hooli Chirche musten puruey all%e% @ese @y%n%gs to her symple sheep vnderne@e. But &@is he seide temptyng hym.& But now take heede @%a%t @%er% is an yuel temptaciou%n% wherw%i%t%h% wickid men ben temptid to her owen da%m%pnaciou%n%. And of @is temptaciou%n% sei@ +Iames+ @%a%t +God+ is an vnte%m%pter of yuel. @@%er% is also a good te%m%ptaciou%n% wherw%i%t%h% +God+ tempti@ his chosen puple for @e hel@e of her soule. %And% @us was it seid to @e children of +Isr%ae%l+, "$$our%e% Lord +God+ te%m%pti@ $ou whe@%er% @%a%t $e louen hym." @@us also it is seid @%a%t +God+ temptid +Abraham+. @@us also our%e% Lord temptid +Filip+ of his ignorau%n%ce to shewe hym @e slownesse of his bileue %and% to bitokene bi his special ignorau%n%ce @e mysvndirstondyng of @e +Iewis+ in @e Lawe @%a%t +God+ bitook hem. &But he& &hymsilf wist what he was for to do&. For in foure maners as we reden in @e Olde Testame%n%t +God+ of his hi$ ku%n%nyng visitid his puple . For he visitid our%e% fadris w%i%t%h% myraclis, whan w%i%t%h% many grete wondris he delyuerid hem fro @e power of Kyng +Pharao+. He visitid hem w%i%t%h% benefetis, whan he reyned to hem manna fro heuen %and% fedde [hem] fourti wyntir in desert. He visitid hem w%i%t%h% his co%m%mau%n%deme%n%tis, whan he $af hem a lawe of ri$t lyuyng bi +Moises+, @e gret p%ro%fete. He visitid hem also w%i%t%h% shourgyngs, whan he bitook hem for her synne into her enemyes hondis, %and% chastisid hem w%i%t%h% dyuers t%r%ibulaciou%n%s. And vndirstonde wel @%a%t in such man%er% he cam for to visite @e puple of @e Newe Testament. First, he visitid hem bi myraclis to brynge hem fulli in bileue @%a%t he was v%er%i +God+ %and% man. Aftir he visitid hem bi benefetis for @ei shulden loue hym @e more. @@e @rid tyme he visitid hem bi his co%m%mau%n%dementis, to shewe hem @%a%t he was a ri$twise Lord. @@e four@e tyme he visitid hem bi dyuerse shourgyngs, fo[r] he wolde be drad of hem. Bi myraclis he visitid hem whan he turned watir into wyn, whan he heelid men in @e palesie, whan he clensid mesels of her lepre, whan he reisid @e dede to lijf, He visitid his puple w%i%t%h% benefetis, whan he fedde fyue @ousynde [of] men w%i%t%h% fyue looues %and% two fisshes, as is maad mynde now in @is Gospel. He visitid his puple w%i%t%h% his co%m%mau%n%dementis whan he $af @ese newe heestis; "Loue $e $our%e% enemyes, do $e wel to hem @%a%t han hatid $ou." He visitid his puple w%i%t%h% shourgyngs as ofte as he chastisid hem bi [ony] pestilence, or o@%er% t%r%ibulaciou%n%. $it also now-a-daies he visiti@ vs bi his myraclis, %and% $it bileue we not as we shulden; w%i%th benefetis, %and% we @anken hym not ri$tli; w%i%t%h% his co%m%mau%n%dementis, %and% we obeien not loueli. Also he visiti@ vs w%i%t%h% dyu%er%se shourgyngs, %and% $it drede we hym not sufficientli. And herfor sei@ [@e] Euangelist aftir: &But he wist what he was for to do&. It folowi@ fer@%er%: &+Filip+ answerd %and% seide to& &hym, "Two hundrid penywor@ of breed suffice not to& &hem @%a%t ech ma%n% take a little what&." Lo, hou +Filip+ haltid $it in bileue. He knew wel +C%r%istis+ goodnesse, but he vndirstood not $it sufficientli his gret power. For $it he had not hard @ese wordis: "+Filip+, he @%a%t see@ me, see@ also my Fadir." For +Crist+ seide hym @ese wordis aftir, a litil bifore he went to his passiou%n%. Ne@eles, to gostli vndirstondyng, +Filippis+ wordis wern ful so@e, for no ku%n%nyng, no worchyng, noon enformyng, seme it neu%er% so parfit, suffici@ to hel@e of ma%n%nes soule w%i%t%h%outen +Crist+, breed of lijf, @%a%t descendid fro heuen for ma%n%nes p%ro%fit. &And oon of his disciples, +Andrew+, +Symou%n%d& &Petris+ bro@%er%, seide to hym&. All%e% @ese wordis ben seide to gret co%m%me%n%daciou%n% of +Andrew+. In @%a%t @%a%t it is seid @%a%t he was +Cristis+ %disciple% is openli exp%re%ssid his mekenesse %and% obedience. In @%a%t @%a%t he was clepid &+Andrew+%, @%a%t is as moche to sey as manli, is bitokened his gret hertli stedfastnesse. And in @%a%t @%a%t he was clepid &+Symou%n%d Petris+ bro@%er%&, is faire shewid his bileue %and% good acoord of trewe loue. But now lat se what he seide. "@@%er% is oon child here @%a%t ha@ fyue barli looues %and% two fisshes." Lo, here he spak but fewe wordis, but he vndirstood ful moche more. Ne@eles he spak manli, for his name is as moche to sey as manli. For but if he had vndirstonde @e gret Godlich v%er%tu in his maistir, he wold not haue maad menciou%n% of fyue looues %and% two fisshes for to fede so many @ousynde. %And% @us he seide fer@%er%more, "&But what& &ben @ese among so many?&" As if he seide, "It is but litle or nou$t @%a%t I haue spoke of, but if @ou blesse %and% breke %and% also multiplie @is mete @%a%t $euest mete to al mankynde." But here now what is bitokened bi al @is. It is licli @%a%t @is oon child was oon of +Cristis+ disciplis or ellis, as su%m%me men seien, oon of @e folk @%a%t was fed, @%a%t bitokened @e puple of @e +Iewis+. @@e fyue looues bitokenen @e fyue bokis of +Moises+ wherbi @e +Iewis+ wern tau$t for to knouleche oon +God+, %and% for to haue knowyng of @e worldis makyng, %and% figurali to haue vndirstondyng of biheest of lijf eu%er%lastyng to mankynde. @@e two fisshes bitoken resou%n% %and% vndirstondyng, %and% also p%ro%fecies %and% @e Salmes wherw%i%t%h% @e puple of +God+ is enformed %and% norisshid for@ in bileue. Also @is child bitokene@ +Crist+ %and% @e fyue looues his fyue wou%n%dis. But @ese looues wern of barli @%a%t is a sharp corn among o@%er%, and +Cristis+ passiou%n% was ful sharp, but $it it confortid at @e fulle, bi m%er%ci @%a%t man gat @%er%e @orou$ as @is barli breed cou%n%fortid @e puple in releuyng of her hu%n%gir. @@e two fisshes bitoken watir %and% blood @%a%t ben an oynement of stoor for +Goddis+ puple, for @ese two walliden out of +Cristis+ side as sowuel to refresshe w%i%t%h% ma%n%nes soule. But as we fynden treulich wryten @%a%t @%er% is @re man%er% of breed @%a%t is sett for@ on +Goddis+ bord for @re man%er% of folk @%a%t shuld be fed: breed baken vndir askis, as we fynden was leid at +Helies+ heed; also breed maad of barli, as we maken now mynde of in @is Gospel @%a%t fyue @ousande men wern fed w%i%t%h%; also breed maad of wheete wherw%i%t%h% foure @ousande me%n% wern fed as it is writen in an o@%er% place. @@e first breed is $ouen to pore men, @e second to seruau%n%tis. @@e @rid breed is $ouen to sones. Pore men at +Goddis+ boord ben @ei @%a%t ben freel of hemsilf, @ou$ @ei haue gode wille to v%er%tu, %and% neden grete ensau%m%plis of mekenesse, to sette litil bi her flessh as litil prijs is sett bi askis. Serua%n%tis at +Goddis+ bord ben @ei @at trauelen sore in exercise of depnesse of Hooli Sc%r%iptures, %and% bisien he%m% fast to wy%n%nen awei foule errours for to haue @e cleene corn of vndirstondyng of Hooli Writ. But sharpe disesis musten @ese s%er%uauntis suffre, for so deden alle @%a%t token fei@fulli @is trauel. Sones at +Goddis+ boord ben @ei @%a%t holili resten in ese of inward swetnesse %and% be%n% not inwardli troblid in regard of @e to@%er%, as we mou%n% se of +Cristis+ modir, %and% parfit comtemplatif folk han such reste @%a%t is swettir to hem @an @e wheete. And so to @e pore men is set for@ breed baken vndir askis to cou%n%forte hem w%i%t%h% manyfold ensau%m%ple of mekenesse, %and% to seruau%n%tis is set for@ breed of barli to moue hem to trauele for mede folowyng, but to children is set for@ breed of whete to refete hem in cou%n%fortyng of her heuenli loue. And @us @ese pore me%n% receyuen her breed [to gret counfortyng, and @e seruauntis her breed] to her streng@yng, but @e sones taken her breed to her manyfold heuenli ioyyng. It folewi@ fer@%er% in @e text: &@@%er%for +Ih%es%u+& &seide to hem&, @%a%t is to sey, to his disciplis, &"Maki@ @e men for to sitte&." Lo, @is was a gret dignite of @e apostlis, @%a%t +Crist+ wold haue hem to be helpers @%a%t @ei deserueden to be stiwardis of @e hi$ seruysis of +God+. Also it was a gret vouchyng saaf of @is maistir, @%a%t in ensau%m%ple of mekenesse, wold ordeyne his disciplis to be togidere worcheris of so gret a myracle, But take heede @%a%t @e gestis saten not on peyntid bankeris but on hei @%a%t was @er%e% redi. And al @is was in tokene @%a%t @ei shulden lerne of +Crist+ to dispise synful lustis of her bodi @%a%t shal fade as gras to hey. And &so +Ih%esu%s+ took& &breed&. For first he bigan to do %and% aftir to teche. &And whan he had do @ankyngs& to his Fadir, in ensau%m%ple @%a%t we shulden take %and% do all%e% @yngs w%i%t%h% [@ankyngs] to +God+, &he delid aboute to& &hem @%a%t saten& at @e mete. %And% @is he dide bo@e bi hymsilf %and% his apostlis whom he ordeyned mynystris of @e Newe Testame%n%t. But first he brak @e breed, for he hymsilf declarid @e Lawe, %and% @a%n%ne aftir wern many fillid bi @e techyng of his apostlis. &And wha%n% @ei wern& @us holsu%m%li fillid w%i%t%h% @e holsu%m% mete of @is Lordis breed %and% fissh, &he seide to his disciplis, "Gaderi@& &@e releuys @%a%t ben left ou%er% to @ese me%n% @%a%t han& &eten&." For parfit men bisilich sechen p%r%iuey mysteries of Hooli Writ @%a%t ruyde folk cacchen not for inward boistesnesse of he%m%silf . But @e twelue lepis @%a%t wern fillid w%i%t%h% manyfold cru%m%mes of releef ben vndersto%n%den @e twelue apostlis %and% her trewe foleweris in her offis. Such lepis comynli wern put to seruyle werkis %and% such werkis bitokenen many synnes. But +Crist+ of his gret grace clensid @ese leepis, @%a%t is to sey, @e apostlis %and% her trewe folewers, %and% fillid hem w%i%t%h% relijf of holsu%m% goostli mete so @%a%t @ei ou%er%comen men of gret noblei, my$ti %and% wise of @e world, %and% aftir $ouen hem mete of many faire doctrynes. &@@%er%for @o me%n%, whan @ei sawen @%a%t he had doon& &a myracle, @ei seiden, "@@is is v%er%ili a p%ro%fete& &@%a%t is [for] to comen into @e world.&" $$it su%m% li$t @%er% was in @ese me%n% @%a%t li$tned her herte whan @ei hadden seen so gret a myracle of +Crist+. But $it wern @ei not parfit in @e bileue, for @ei clepiden hym @%a%t was +God+ %and% Lord of p%ro%fetis, oonlich a p%ro%fete. But soo@ @ei seiden whan @ei clepeden hym a p%ro%fete, for @us he sei@ of hymsilf in an o@%er% place of @e Euangelie, "It falli@ not @e profete to die w%i%t%h%oute @e bou%n%dis of +I%e%r%usa%l%e%m+." And so @ese rude folk %and% symple p%ro%fiteden more bi @e v%er%tu of oon myracle @an @e scribes %and% +Farisees+ @%a%t hadden seie moche more, %and% lerned @e Lawe %and% p%ro%fetis bokis, %and% ofte [hadden] rad %and% herd @%a%t @%a%t was writen of +Crist+. But now what wondir is it to vs @%a%t bileuen treuli @ou$ +Goddis+ Sone fedde so many @ousande w%i%t%h% so fewe looues, @%a%t all%e% @yngs made of nou$t, gou%er%ny@ %and% disposi@, %and% all%e% @yngs beri@ vp bi his gret v%er%tu. For certis, if we take heede to mouyng aboute of @e speris of heuen, to @e cours of sterris, to @e variy%n%g of tymes, to @e settyng of er@e %and% broodnesse of sees, %and% to alle o@%er% @yngs @%a%t bi hym ben made, w%i%t%h%out whom no @yng mai sto%n%de, we shuln bi resou%n% knouleche hym v%er%i +God+ %and% Lord of all%e% creatures. But @%a%t his Godhed was hid in flessh, %and% @%a%t he shewid hy%m% pore %and% abiect to men, it was of his gret vouchyng saaf %and% of his eu%er%lastyng ordynau%n%ce to sauaciou%n% of mankynde. For if he had shewid hymsilf in @e gret clerenesse of his Godhed to @e world men shulden not haue susteyned @e si$t of his gret bri$tnesse, for whan he was t%r%ansfigurid bifore his @re apostlis, lo, @ei fellen dou%n% vpon [her] face %and% sufficiden not to se @%a%t cleer si$t. And for @is skil +Goddis+ Sone araied hi%m% graciousli on such a man%er% in takyng of our%e% feble kynde @%a%t @ou$ he were invisible bi his Godhed to vs here, we myte see%n% hy%m% bi his manhed. And so it was to vs ful p%ro%fitable @%a%t he shewid su%m%me m%er%uels to his disciplis @%a%t sawen hy%m% here bodili, to streng@e vs @%a%t shulden come aftir in bileue of his Godhed. For se now hou moche @ese rude folk p%ro%fiteden in seyng of +Cristis+ myracle @%a%t crieden %and% seiden on @is man%er%, "&@@is is v%er%ili& &a p%ro%fete @%a%t is to come into @is world&." @@%er%for, we to who%m% +God+ ha@ $ouen more largeli %and% more parfitli to knowe @e misteries of @e kyngdom of +God+, seie we w%i%t%h% mou@ %and% bileue we treuli @%a%t he is v%er%i Sauyour of @e world. For he sei@ hy%m%silf in an o@%er% place, "Ma%n%nes Sone is not come to deme @e world, but @%a%t @e world be saued bi hy%m%." %And% @is was soo@ fro @e tyme @%a%t +Crist+ was bore to @%a%t he ascendid into heuen. And +Poul+ sei@ @%a%t +God+ @e Fadir was in +Crist+ @e Sone recou%n%selyng @e world to hym, and so noon o@%er% creatur%e% was sent for to make a ful see@ for ma%n%kynde @%a%t was lore but he @%a%t was a sufficient meene bitwen +God+ %and% synful men, +Ih%es%u Crist+, v%er%i +God+ %and% man. @@%er%for holde we @is reule of bileue, %and% stidfastlich %and% fei@fullich fele we [@is] of +Goddis+ Sone %and% worche we outward in dede acordyng w%i%t%h% our%e% fei@ w%i%t%hy%nne @%a%t bi @is bileue we mowe be fillid here w%i%t%h% @e breed of lijf @%a%t cam dou%n% from heuen, %and% aftir haue hy%m% in ful knowyng in blisse @%a%t neu%er% shal haue ende. Am%en%. ((@@e fif@e Sunday of Lentou%n%)) &"Who of $ou shal vndirnyme me of synne? If& &I sei $ou @e trew@e, whi bileue $e me not? He& &@%a%t is of +God+ heri@ +Goddis+ wordis. @@%er%for $e& &heren not, for $e ben not of +God+." @@%er%for @e& &+Iewis+ answeriden %and% seiden to hym, "Seie we not& &wel @%a%t @ou art a +Samaritan+ %and% hast a deuel&?" &+Ih%es%u+ answerd he%m%, "I haue not a deuel, but I& &honoure my Fadir %and% $e haue inhonourid me. Certis&, &I seche not myn owen glorie&, as in @%a%t @%a%t I am man, &but @%er% is oon @%a%t sechi@ it %and% deme@&. So@eli, so@e&li, I sey to $ou, whoso kepi@ my word, he& &shal not se de@ w%i%t%h%outen ende." @@%er%for @e& &+Iewis+ seiden to hym, "Now haue we knowe @%a%t @ou& &hast a deuel. +Abraham+ our%e% fadir is deed %and% @e& &p%ro%fetis, %and% @ou seist, "Whoso kepi@ my word, he& &shal not taste @e dee@ w%i%t%h%outen ende. " Whe@%er%& &@ou be more @an our%e% fadir +Abraham+ @%a%t is deed and& &@e p%ro%fetes ben dede? Whom makist @ou @isilf&?" &+Ih%es%u+ answerd, "If I glor[if]ie mysilf, my glorie& &is nou$t. It is my Fadir @%a%t glorifie@ me, @%a%t $e& &seien is $our%e% +God+ but $e han not know hym. I& &certis haue know hym and if I seie @%a%t I knowe& &hym not, I shal be liyk to $ou, a lie$er. But I& &knowe hym %and% I kepe his wordis. +Abraham+ $our%e%& &fadir ioied @%a%t he shuld se my day, %and% he saw %and%& &he was& gretli &gladid." @@%er%for @e +Iewis+ seiden& &to hym, "@@ou has not $it fifti $eer in age %and%& &hast @ou seyn +Abraham+?" +Ih%esu%s+ seide to hem&, &"So@eli, so@eli, I seie to $ou, bifore +Abraham+& &was maad I am." @@%er%for @e +Iewis+ token vp stoones& &for to caste vpon hym. +Ih%esu%s+, certis, hid hym& &%and% went out of @e temple&. Whan @%a%t +Cristis+ passioun was ny$, ofte he cam to @e +Iewis+, %and% rep%re%ued hem %and% co%n%uyctid hem of her falshed but he turned hem not from her vntreu@e. And @is was doon @%a%t +Isaies+ p%ro%fecie shuld be fulfillid @%a%t was @is: "Blynde @ou @e hert of @is puple, %and% make her eeris heuy for to here, %and% close her i$en, lest @ei se w%i%t%h% her i$en, %and% here w%i%t%h% her eeris, %and% vndirstonde w%i%t%h% her hert, %and% be turned for to be heelid." And @us as wood me%n% dispisen @e leche @%a%t is sent to hem, so @ei dispisiden +Goddis+ Sone, %and% clepiden hym a synner%e% %and% a deceyuer%e%. But he not maliciousli nor w%i%t%h% viciouse dispisyng, shewid hem %@a%t wern out of resou%n% her vnresonable wordis, answeryng hem on @is man%er%, "&Who of $ou&," @%a%t is to sey sones of @e deuel, bi folewyng of his trace, %and% sones of synne, bi manyfold shrewid worchyng, "&shal vndirnyme me&, as I mai $ou %and% $our%e% fadir of manyfold &sy%n%ne&." So@ it is @at +Crist+ mi$t not skilfuly be vndirnome of orygynal synne, for so +Goddis+ Sone was maad flessh %and% dwellid among vs @%a%t he took v%er%ilich @e kynde of man w%i%t%h%outen receyuynge of fil@e of synne; nor noon my$t bi resou%n% vndirnyme hym of actuel synne. For as +Petir+ sei@, "He dide not synne nor gile was fou%n%den in his mou@." And so bi certeyn p%ro%pirte, he was @e brasen eddre @%a%t had not venym in hymsilf but put out venym fro%m% o@%er%. And herfor +Crist+ seide fer@%er%more ful sharpli to @e +Iewis+, "%If I seie $ou treu@e, as& @e Lawe %and% @e p%ro%fetis beren witnesse of me, &whi& &bileue $e not to me&? Certis, for $e ben sones of dampnaciou%n% %and% of @e deuel." But now take ri$t good heede @%a%t oon it is to bileue +Crist+, an o@%er% for to bileue to Crist, %and% an o@%er% for to bileue in +Crist+. For to bileue +Crist+ is for to bileue @%a%t he is +Goddis+ Sone %and% veri man, %and% @%a%t he come into @is world [for] to a$enbie mankynde, %and% to make vs attoon w%i%t%h% @e Fadir of heuen. For to bileue to +Crist+ is for to gladli here @e wordis of lijf @%a%t he tau$t ope%n%lich to @e world, to obeie w%i%t%h%out a$enseiyng of mou@ to his p%re%ceptis @%a%t ben forme of v%er%i techyng %and% no @yng to doute of his bihestis @%a%t ben ful of treu@e. But for to bileue in +Crist+, is for to bileue @%a%t he, aftir his Godhed, is fullich liyk his Fadir, %and% not aftir his Fadir bi tyme, [not] lower @an his Fadir bi power, not vneuen to his Fadir in blisse, [not] dyuydid from his Fadir in s%u%bstau%n%ce. And so to parceyue @is w%i%t%h%ynfor@ w%i%t%h%oute%n% ony doute, %and% to worche sufficientli w%i%t%h%outfor@ acordyngli to @is stidfast parceit w%i%t%h%ynne, is for to bileue in +Crist+. But @e wickid +Iewis+, ful enemyes of treu@e, wolden not in @is @rid man%er% bileue noon of @ese poyntis in +Cristis+ p%er%soone. And @us in a man%er% @ei wern worse @an fendis @%a%t bileue%n% in @e first wise, %and% @%er%wi@ quaken for fere. For if @ei hadden ben on +Goddis+ haalf, @ei wolden gladli haue herd +Cristis+ wordis or ellis trowid to his werkis. And herfor it is seid aftir, "&He& &@%a%t is of +God+, heri@ +Goddis+ wordis,&" @%a%t is to sey, he loue@ +Goddis+ wordis, %and% kepi@ hem in his lyuyng . But now on @re maners is a @yng seid to be of +God+: bi kynde, as +Crist Ih%es%u+ @%a%t spak @ese wordis; bi grace, as is eu%er%y wel bileuyng man; %and% @e @rid, bi cause as is ech kynde of creatures. And @us @is wickid gen%er%aciou%n% of +Iewis+ bi oonlich cause was of +God+, @%a%t is cheef cause of beyng of all%e% creatures, but bi g%r%ace it was not of +God+. And @is witnessi@ +Crist+ openli, aftir seiyng, "&@%er%for $e heren not for $e ben not of +God+.&" But now vndirstonde @%a%t @%er% ben foure man%er% of folk @%a%t come%n% %and% here%n% +Goddis+ word. For su%m%me heren, but @ei vndirstonden not, nor fulfillen it in dede, as symple folk of litil ku%n%nyng. Su%m%me heren +Goddis+ word, %and% vndirstonden it, but @ei kepen it not as @e dispisers of +Goddis+ word. But su%m%me heren +Goddis+ word %and% vndirstonden it %and% kepen it, as @e heires of @e kyngdom of heuen. But @e four@e man%er% of folk nei@%er% heren nor vndirstonden, nor doon aftir +Goddis+ word as men @%a%t ben out of bileue. And @ese last man%er% of folk ben bitokened bi hem @%a%t seiden on @is man%er%, "&Sey we not wel @%a%t @ou art a +Samaritan+& &%and% hast a deuel&." Lo, for @ese +Iewis+ wern co%n%uyctid @%a%t @ei wern nei@%er% +Abrahams+ sones nor +Goddis+ sones, but @e sones of @e deuel, anoon @ei turneden hem to rep%re%uyng wordis. Ne@eles, so@ @ei seiden, @ou$ it were not w%i%t%h% god entent, @%a%t he was a +Samaritan+. For +Samaritan+ is as moche to sey as a keper%e%, %and% +Crist+ was keper of mankynde. And herfor sei@ +Dauy@+ @us of +Crist+, "Lo, @ou shalt not nappe, nei@%er% slepe @%a%t kepist @e puple of +Isr%ae%l+. " But @ei lieden falsli whan @ei seiden he had a deuel, for as @e apostle sei@, "Al @e fulnesse of @e Godhed dwellid fulli in +Cristis+ p%er%sone." And @us +Crist+ denyed not @%a%t he was a +Samaritan+, but he forsook @%a%t he had a deuel. And so here he $af vs a fair%e% ensau%m%ple of pacience, @%a%t we shuld not maliciousli $yue an yuel word for an o@er. %And% herfor +Crist+ answerid @us w%i%t%h% al myldenesse to [@e] deuelich +Iewis+, "&I haue not a deuel&, for in no @yng consente I to fendis." %And% for to p%ro%ue @is, he sei@ anoon aftir, "&But I worshipe my Fadir&." %And% [@at] is myslikyng to all%e% fendis, for he @%a%t honouri@ +God+, wi@stondi@ @e fend %and% confou%n%di@ hym, %and% terry@ hym. @@%a%t @is Sone [worshipid] his Fadir shewed his dedis, his co%n%u%er%saciou%n%, his v%er%tu %and% his p%re%chyng. For what meruaile @%a%t he seide or dide for @e tyme of his manhed, he dide it fulli to @e glorie of his Fadir. "&But $e&," sei@ +Crist+, "&han inhonourid me& w%i%t%h% foule rep%re%uyngs %and% o@%er% beryngs an hond of synne. %But I&," sei@ +Crist+, "&seche not myn owen glorie&, @%a%t is to sey, ma%n%nes fauour in @is world. &For @%er% is oon @%a%t& &sechi@ it,& @%a%t is to seie, my Fadir, @%a%t shal glorifie me hastili bifore $our%e% si$t. And he shal &deme it&, for he shal kepe $oure myscalengyngs to my doom in @e last dai." It folewi@ fer@%er% in @e text: "&So@eli, so@eli&, &I sey to $ou, whoso kepi@ my word, he shal not se& &de@ w%i%t%h%outen ende&." $e han herd now +Cristis+ pacience %and% myldenesse, se now his grace %and% his bon%er%nesse. He clepid a$en @ese blasphemyes [to] lijf [of] v%er%tu. He rehersid not @e iniurie @%a%t @ei putten [on] hym. He enformed hem @%a%t erriden so foule. He clepid hem w%i%t%h% fairnesse to hel@e @%a%t wolden not @%er%of %And% al @is is to our%e% ensau%m%ple @%a%t we shulden doo on lich man%er%. For as gode men ofte tyme whan @ei suffren disese ben @e better%e%, so yuel men ofte tyme ben @e worse for goodnesse @%a%t is p%ro%frid to hem. And so @ese +Iewis+ wolden not here wordis of treu@e but seide, "&Now haue we knowe @%a%t @ou& &hast a deuel&." Hou my$t @is wickid gen%er%aciou%n% more synfuli haue berkid a$ens +Crist+ @%a%t was so meke? Lo, hou for p%ro%fore of +Cristis+ goodnesse @ese wickid +Iewis+ wern @e worse, %and% seiden @%a%t +Goddis+ Sone had a deuel, @%a%t bi his owen v%er%tu droof out fendis %and% made hem do at his co%m%mau%n%dement. And not oonli @ei $eld[id]en yuel for good, but to @e encrees of her da%m%pnaciou%n%, as @e man%er% of shrewen is, @ei traueleden to maynten for@ her errour, seiyng, "&+Abraham+ is deed %and% @e p%ro%fetis&." Lo, for to shende +Cristis+ sentence, @ei brou$ten for@ +Abraham+ %and% @e p%ro%fetis @%a%t wern [veri] kepers of +Goddis+ word, %and% neu%er%@eles @ei dieden, and @us hem semed @%a%t +Cristis+ wordis wern vntrewe @%a%t seide, "&Whoso kepi@ my word shal not& &die w%i%t%h%oute%n% ende.&" But @%er% ben four%e% man%er% of de@is, but @ei vnderstoden not for her flesshlynesse of wich of hem +Crist+ ment. @@e first de@ is de@ of soule @%a%t forsaki@ her +God+ bi synne, but many bi @e gret m%er%ci of +God+ keueren a$en from @is de@. @@e second de@ is de@ of bodi; %and% @is de@ nei@%er% gode men nor yuel shuln a-sterte. @@e @rid de@ is de@ of soule oonli @%a%t it suffri@ in pyne whan it is departid fro @e bodi. @@e four@e de@ is whan @e soule receyue@ his bodi to be cast in fier w%i%t%h%oute%n% ende; %and% @is is @e de@ @%a%t our%e% Lord spak of, @%a%t @e +Iewis+ vndirstoden not. @@is de@ saw not +Abraham+, nei@%er% @e p%ro%fetis, bi exp%er%ience suffryng it in hemsilf, bicause of ri$twisnesse of her bileue. And +Crist+ speki@ fer@%er% of +Abraham+, %and% sei@ @us to @e +Iewis+, "&+Abraham+& @%a%t was &$our%e% fadir& aftir @e flessh, for he was @e fer stok @%a%t $e comen of, but $e ben not his children bi trewe folewyng of his bileue, %and% @%a%t is moost for to charge, &ioied @%a%t he shuld se my day.& @@%a%t is to sey, he ioied @%a%t it was shewid hy%m% bi @e +Hooli Goost+ to vndirsto%n%de an eu%er%lastyng day of blisse. &He ioied @%a%t he shuld se& in spirit &my day& of takyng mankynde for sauaciou%n% of hym %and% his childryn. And for it is writen: '@@e desijr of @e ri$twis man shal come to hym' @%er%for, &he saw& on @is man%er%, and &was gladid&. He saw in spirit myn endeles day, whan in figure of @e hi$ T%r%inite, he receyued me w%i%t%h% two au%n%gels. He saw in spirit my day of takyng of mankynde wha%n%, in figure of my incarnaciou%n%, he sent his seruaunt w%i%t%h% his sone, for his sone shuld wedde a wijf, %and% made his s%er%uau%n%t to swere vpon his leende." For in @is dede he saw afer @%a%t +Crist+ shuld be bore of his seed, @%a%t shuld a$enbie ma%n%kynde @%a%t was forlore. But now, aftir moral sence, @%er% ben @re spiritual daies @%a%t ma%n% ledi@ his lijf ynne. @@e first day is drede, @e second is treu@e %and% @e @rid is charite. @@e su%n%ne of @e first dai is power; @e su%n%ne of @e second dai is wisdom, %and% @e su%n%ne of @[e] @rid dai is benyngnite. Power parteyne@ to @e Fadir, wisdom to @e Sone, %and% benyngnite to @e +Hooli Goost+. Of @ese daies sei@ +Daui@+ @us, "Shewe $e fro dai [in]to dai his hel@e". What is [his] hel@e? Our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+, @e Fadris Sone of heuen @%a%t ha@ taken kynde of man. %And% @%er%for he is clepid hel@e, for bi hym man is reformed to hel@e, bo@e of bodi %and% of soule. And @us @e dai of wisdom, @%a%t is to sey of our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+ is treu@e, for @%er% was noon wor@i to be sent for to fulfille treu@e but he in whom stood al fulnesse of treu@e. For he it is @%a%t, as he bihi$t, ha@ a$enbou$t mankynde %and% all%e% @yngs fulfillid @%a%t wern biforseid of hy%m% bi p%ro%fetis. And so of @is dai +Abraham+ ioied, for he [knew] in spirit @%a%t +Goddis+ Sone wold a$enbie man %and% @is he couetid w%i%t%h% gret desijr. But day of drede was in tyme of @e olde Lawe @%a%t [bi] gret pyne tau$t synful men to drede %and% to knowe her +God+, %and% @is knowyng was @anne dai, but not cleer, for it was ful dusk bi derknesse of sy%n%ne. %And% in @is dai was +Goddis+ power of punysshyng moche shewid. But @e dai of treu@e is day of hel@e, @%a%t sette a-dou%n% sy%n%ne %and% made @e form%er% dai more cleer, not vttirlich takeng awei @e form%er% drede, but chau%n%gyng it into more better drede; %and% @is was a gret wisdom of +Ih%es%u Crist+ @%a%t is treu@e. But $it was not ful clerenesse of @is dai among men til @%a%t @e dai of @e +Hooli Goost+, @%a%t is to sey charite, were ioyned to men @%a%t wern in tyme of @is form%er% treu@e. For as it is writen, @e +Hooli Goost+ tau$t al treu@e %and% fullid @e world w%i%t%h% grace %and% v%er%tu. And so in @e tyme of @e Olde Testament, @%a%t ri$tli mai be clepid dai of drede, was ma%n%nes synne openli punysshid bi @e dredful power of +God+ @e Fadir. But now in tyme of @e Newe Testament, @%a%t mai wel be clepid dai of treu@e, +God+, @e Second P%er%sone v%er%i treu@e, dide awei synne fro man @%a%t treulich wold receyue his Lawe. %And% of @is day not oonlich +Abraham+ but also all%e% his fei@ful children aboute in @e world maden ioye. But in tyme of li$tnyng of @e +Hooli Goost+, @%a%t is clepid dai of charite, ha@ man mater of gret co%n%fort, for he maki@ ma%n% sad in al goodnesse @%a%t he ha@ bigu%n%ne. And @us drede, treu@e, %and% charite ben @re daies iourney @%a%t we shulden trauele y%n%ne, if we wolen be trewe +Abrahams+ sones @%a%t in figure herof, $ede @re daies to offre +Ysaac+ his sone vp[on] @e mou%n%t @%a%t +God+ bad hym. For drede techi@ vs to bowe from yuel; treu@e lerne@ vs to do good; but p%ar%fit charite enforme@ vs to co%n%tynue in godnesse. %And% @is is su%m%what @e menyng of @ese wordis: "&+Abraham+ $our%e% fadir& &ioied @%a%t he shuld se my dai %and% he saw it %and%& &was gladid&." But @e +Iewis+, al ou%er%comen w%i%t%h% flesshli errour, vnderstoden not a +God+lich kynde but oonlich @e kynde of man in +Cristis+ p%er%sone; %and% @%er%for @ei seide, &"@@ou hast not $it fifty wynter& &%and% hast @ou seyn +Abraham+&?" $he, @ou$ +Crist+ bi his manhed had be an hu%n%drid wynter olde, $it shuld not he in al @is tyme haue seyn +Abraham+ lyuyng in flessh. And so for to distrie @e errour of flesshli vndirstondyng of @e +Iewis+, +Crist+ shewid hem @%a%t he spak to hem of his Godhed %and% seide @us, &"So@eli, so@eli, I seie to $ow, bifore& &@%a%t +Abraham+ shulde be maad, I am&." He seide not, &"Bifore @%a%t +Abraham+ shuld be maad& I was," but &"I& &am&." For to his Godhed al @yng is p%re%sent. But @e +Iewis+, enemyes of treu@e, supposiden @%a%t @is had ben a gret blasfemye &and token vp stones for& &to cast vpon hym.& Lo, as flesshli men rennen to flesshli werkis, so [@e] hard men of hert ru%n%nen to stoones, %and% purposiden for to haue @rowen hy%m% dou%n% %and% slayn hym of whom @ei shulden haue axid lijf %and% for$eu[en]esse of her synnes. &But +Ih%es%u+& for to shewe @%a%t he dide as he tau$te, &hid hym %and%& &went out of @e temple&. And [so] he $ede out %and% hid hym, for $it was not @e hour%e% of his passiou%n% come, %and% also he chees not @is man%er% of de@. And @is goyng out %and% hidyng bitokened @e wi@drawyng of his grace fro @e +Iewis+, %and% @%a%t he wold $eue it to he@en folk, for he sei@ hymsilf in an o@%er% place, "Lo, $our%e% hous shal be left to $ou desolat." And @us +Crist+, w%i%t%h% his ensau%m%ple of pacience, sufficientli enforme@ vs @%a%t whan we mou%n% wi@stonde our%e% enemyes, we shulden mekeli bowe awei from her maliciouse p%r%ide. @@%er%for if we wolen v%er%ili be pacient, @reste we out noon irouse wordis, @ou$ men speken maliciousli to vs. Holde we no wra@@e nor hate in hert, but ou%er%come we yuel men w%i%t%h% our%e% goodnesse %and%, @%a%t more is, loue we hem @%a%t we @us suffren. For he @%a%t loue@ not his pursueris but suffri@ hem, he $eue@ not for@ pacience, but feyne@ hym for to shewe it. And if we mou%n% not resonabli ceessen @e wra@@e of our%e% pursueris, at @e leest fle we from hem %and% $yue we place to her wra@@e. For if we wolen treuli folewe +Crist+, it is more glorious victorie to ou%er%come bi pacient suffryng @a%n% bi bodili maisturful wi@stondyng a$en. And @us pacience, as sei@ @e apostle, is ful necessarie to vs. For whan man ha@ it w%i%t%h%out feynyng, it meue@ man moche to manyfold plesyng of +God+. It maki@ a man plese his nei$bore. It quenchi@ wra@@e %and% breki@ p%r%ide. It maki@ a ma%n%nes hert glad. It kepi@ mekenesse %and% charite. Also it loue@ ri$twisnesse %and% dressi@ a ma%n%nes hope vp to +Godward, %and% hem @%a%t co%n%tynuen treuli @%er%ynne it brynge@ he%m% to blisse @%a%t ha@ noon ende. Am%en%. (( [Here bigynne@ be Gospel on] +Palm Sunday+. Seche)) ((@e text of @is Gospel at @e first Sunday of Aduent.)) &Whan our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+ cam ny$ [to] +Ier%usa%l%e%m+&. Our%e% Lord +Ih%es%u+, whan he shuld go toward his passiou%n%, %and% vpon +Palm Sunday+ shuld come vp to +Ier%usa%l%e%m+, he chees hym a wey @%a%t bitokened v%er%tues of obedience %and% mekenesse. And @is was for ensau%m%ple of Cristen men @%a%t [shulden] be his disciplis to wandre in @e same spiritual wey, %and% w%i%t%h%outen ony turnyng backward, to folewe hym @%a%t is wey, treu@e %and% lijf. For as sei@ +Ioon @e Euangelist+, "&He @%a%t wole dwelle in +Crist+, must& &wandre as he wandrid&." And @%er%for he @%a%t p%re%sume@ to go an o@%er% weie, he shal not be +Cristis+ disciple or his folewer, to @%a%t he turne into +Cristis+ weye a$en. And so @%er% ben @re man%er% of weies wherynne ofte tyme dyu%er%se men walken. @@e first is weie of +God+; @e second is weie of ma%n%; @e @rid is wey of @e fend. @@e wei of +God+ is treu@e; @e wei of man is necessite, @%a%t he drawe on oon [side] or o@%er%; but @e wei of @e deuel is wickidnesse. @@e wei of +God+ %and% @e wei of @e deuel mou%n% not be bowid, @%a%t ne @ei strecchen ech of hem to his ende, for @e wei of +God+ mai not be yuel nor @e wei of @e deuel mai not be good. But @e wei of man is chau%n%geable for it mai be bowid ou@%er% to @e wei of +God+ or ellis to @e wei of @e fend. And so if ma%n%nes necessite be bowid to couetise, %and% so to o@%er% wickidnesse, @anne it is maad wei of @e fend; but if it be bowid to good mesure, %and% so for@ to o@%er% ri$twisnesse, @a%n%ne it is maad @e wei of +God+ @%a%t taki@ his bigynnyng of mekenesse. And herfor our%e% Lord, whan he cam to +Ierusalem+, he sat not vpon a proude hors, but vpon a bon%er% %and% a meke asse. %And% bi @is asse mai ri$tli be vnderstonden Holi Chirche or ech p%er%sone @%er%of bi hymsilf. And @us sei@ +God+ bi +Ysaie+, "&Vpon whom& &shal my spirit reste but vpon @e mylde %and% @e& &meke %and% on hym @%a%t dredi@ my wordis&." And +Crist+ bad his apostlis to vnbynde @is asse, in tokene @%a%t @ei hadden power of byndyng %and% losyng of me%n%nes synnes in Holi Chirche. And vpon @is gostli asse +Crist+ sitte@ %and% resti@ ech dai, %and% maki@ hir esi w%i%t%h% @e $ok of his techyng %and% loue of v%er%tues, %and% so at @e laste bryngi@ hir to his stable of blisse eu%er%lastyng @%a%t is bitokened bi er@eli +Ier%usa%l%e%m+. But if we take ri$t good heede to @e bigynnyng of @is wei, myddil %and% ende, we mou%n% haue @%er%bi gret edificaciou%n%. For lo, our%e% Lord took his wei fro +Bethanye+, @%a%t is to sei, fro @e hous of obedience. For as @e apostel sei@, "He was maad obedient to @e de@ of @e cros." And @us ech man @%a%t wole come to +Ier%usa%l%e%m+, @%a%t is to sei, to @e blisse of heuen, he must bigynne at @is weie of obedience. For whoso wole for@enke hym of his synne %and% aftirward fle yuel dedis %and% so offre hymsilf a quyk oost to +God+, he must haue a louelich drede wi@ynnefor@ %and% fle synful flesshli desires @%a%t fy$ten a$ens @e soule. For whil a man dwelli@ in synne %and% so folewi@ his owen flesshli wille, he is not treulich obedient. But aftirward +Crist+ cam to +Bethfage+, @%a%t is to sei, to @e hous of a cheke, @%a%t bitokene@ knoulechyng. And se now @e gode acoord of @is iourney. First is set obedience, %and% aftirward knoulechyng. For man must first obedie%n%tli forsake his synne, %and% @anne he must knouleche +Crist+ w%i%t%h% his mou@ to his hel@e, as @e apostle sei@. For, as w%i%t%h%oute%n% v%er%i penau%n%ce, litel or nou$t p%ro%fiti@ knoulechyng of mou@, so w%i%t%h%out treue knoulechyng of mou@, man plesi@ not +Crist+ his +God+. And aftir @is +Crist+ asce%n%did to @e +Mou%n%t of Olyuet+, @%a%t is to sey, to @e werkis of m%er%ci, wherynne charite is norisshid %and% wexi@ warm, as olyues wexen %and% ben norisshid in mou%n%tis. And herfor sei@ a gret clerk @%a%t no @yng co%m%mendi@ a man more to +God+ @an doi@ m%er%ci, nor no man shal be more blessid, @an he @%a%t vndirstondi@ vpon @e nedi %and% @e pore. Whi so? For in @e yuel dai, +God+ shal delyuere hym. And not oonli he shal delyuer%e% hym fro%m% yuel of wickid men, but also he shal glorifie hym in @e blisful $eldyng of ri$twis men. [@@is] is @e wey of @re daies iourney @%a%t we musten nedis passe if we woln ascape fro @e fend, @%a%t is bitokened bi +Farao+, %and% make sacrifice to +God+ w%i%t%h% clennesse of herte, w%i%t%h% puttyng awei of foule synful @ou$tis, @%a%t ben bitokened bi @e abhomynaciou%n%s of +Egipt+. Also @ese @re v%er%tues ben bitokened bi @e @re $atis @%a%t @e puple of +Isr%ae%l+ muste passe @orou$ or @ei entriden into @e lond of biheest. @@e first of @ese $atis is narow. @@e second is narower, but @e @rid is narowest, for as +Crist+ sei@, "@@e wei @%a%t ledi@ to lijf is narow %and% hard. " %And% so @e first $ate, @%a%t is to sei of obedience, is ful narowe, for strei$t it is obedientli to forsake our%e% olde synful wone, %and% tempre our%e% wille %and% werkis aftir +Goddis+ biddyng. For such yuel customs ben as bitter wedis @%a%t drawen dou%n% @e swete corn. But we musten ordeyne vs hokis of penau%n%ce %and% of hooli p%re%iers, %and% so bi @e help of +God+, we shuln litil %and% litil kut he%m% vp. @@e second $ate, @%a%t is to sei of treue knoulechyng of +Crist+, is more strei$t, for many for shame %and% for leesyng of wordli frenship %and% o@%er% peyne, dursten not treulich knouleche @is name. But +Crist+ sei@ @%a%t whoso is ashamed of hym %and% of his wordis, Ma%n%nes Sone shal ashame hym, whan he come@ in @e maieste of his Fadir %and% of his holi au%n%gels. And as touchyng wordli frenship +Crist+ sei@ @%a%t whoso loue@ fadir or modir, sustir of bro@%er%, $he, or his owen lijf, more @an hym, he is not wor@i to be his. %And%, as touchyng o@%er% peyne, +Crist+ sei@, "Nyle $e drede hem @%a%t sleen @e bodi, but drede hym @%a%t bo@e bodi %and% soule mai caste into helle. " And for @is k[n]oulechyng is hard, @%er%for bi sich knoulechyng of mou@ is hel@e maad to ma%n%nes soule. @@e @red $ate, @%a%t is to seie of loue %and% merci, is moost strei$t, for hard it is all%e% @yngs to forsake for +Goddis+ loue, but harder it is a man @%a%t tristi@ in his richessis %and% wole not spende vpon @e pore, to entre into @e kyngdom of heuen. For @e $ate of m%er%ci %and% of loue receyue@ pore men %and% in mysese, %and% @%a%t more is, it receyue@ enemyes to loue; but bi @is $ate passi@ not @e wickid riche man nor @e auerouse nor @e wra@ful man. And @us it is nedeful to go vp to @e +Mou%n%t of Olyues+, @%a%t is to sei to @e werkis of m%er%ci, %and% so wi@ @is goostli oyle of gladnesse to anoynte @e hardnesse of our%e% hert. For oyl of olyues putti@ awei achis %and% aswagi@ swellyngs %and% alwei fleti@ aboue %and% maki@ a ma%n%nes face glad. So charite maki@ esi %and% delectable to man @e werkis of m%er%ci @%a%t bifore wern to hym harde, for @ou$ a man @enke @ese werkis esi to hym @%a%t is of @e gret grace of +God+ @%a%t maki@ of bitter @yngs swete. And in figure herof in +Helisees+ tyme, @e mete @%a%t was in @e pot was bittir to @e p%ro%fetis sones, %and% herfor @ei seiden to +Helisee+, "+Goddis+ man, de@ is in @e pot." %And% he spryngid meele in @e pot @%a%t bitokene@ @e grace of +God+, %and% anoon @e mete was swet ynow to hem all%e%, to whom bifore it was bitter. But now bicause @%a%t in @e +Mou%n%t of Olyuet+, @%a%t is to sey, in hi$nesse of such v%er%tues, su%m% tyme crepi@ yn swellyng of p%r%ide, @%er%for we muste go dou%n% to @e +Vale of Iosaphat+, @%a%t is as moche for to sey as mekenesse of doom. For if ma%n% ascende to hi$nesse of v%er%tues %and% folili p%re%sume@ @%a%t he ha@ @is of hymsilf, he deme@ not mekeli nor ri$tli hymsilf. For he @%a%t is in @e valey of mekenesse, he retti@ it fulli to +God+, %and% if he do ony @yng yuel, he putti@ it to his owen feblenesse. And @us such a man taki@ heede to his owne freelte. He doi@ noon vnworship to +Goddis+ grace. He worshipi@ hem @%a%t ben hier of degre @an he. He suffri@ his euene; he is felawlich v%er%tuousli to hem @%a%t ben lower @an he. And @us at @e last, he entri@ ful sikirli into +I%e%r%usa%l%e%m+, @%a%t is to sey, to @e visiou%n% of pees, w%i%t%h% moche worship %and% ioie. For in token herof, +Crist+ entrid on +Palm Sunday+ into +I%e%r%usa%l%e%m+, %and% wolde be receyued of @e puple, w%i%t%h% p%re%isyng %and% worship of whom he was vnworshipid longe bifore. And al @is was doon to enforme vs @%a%t shulden vnderfongen hym, to mete hym w%i%t%h% brau%n%chis of palmes, @%a%t is to sey, w%i%t%h% floures of v%er%tues, %and% to strewe our%e% clo@es in @e wey, @%a%t is to sey, to putte awey our%e% synful fless[h]li lustis, @%a%t we mowe vndirfonge hym %and% brynge hy%m% w%i%t%h% al spiritual myr@e to @e temple of our%e% soule. Also our%e% Lord wolde haue pore men %and% children for to mete hym, in token @%a%t hy%m% liki@ moche @e seruyce of ynnocent me%n% %and% meke. And herfor sei@ +Crist+ in an o@%er% place, "&Suffri@& &litle children for to come to me, for of such is @e& &kyngdom of heuen&." As if +Crist+ seide, "V%er%i ynnocent men %and% meke deseruen to haue @e kyngdom of heuen, %and% not wickid men nor gilours." @@%er%for pore men shulde%n% not be dispisid nor caste awey, but @ei shulden be receyued, loued %and% worshipid as +Cristis+ temple, as @e receyuyng place of @e +Hooli Goost+, %and% @e herburgeries %and% hostagis of @e Hooli Trynyte. But @%a%t @e cu%m%pany of puple $ede bifore %and% cam aftir, criyng to @e sone of +Daui@+, bitokene@ oon bileue of +God+ in @e Olde Testament goyng bifore, %and% in @e Newe Testament folewyng aftir. @@%er%for if we wolen treuli folewe +Crist+, we musten wandre in @e wey of obedience, for bi @is v%er%tue we musten gete a$en @a loue of +God+ @%a%t we losten bi vnobedience. Also bi obedience we musten gete a$en our%e% heritage of blisse @%a%t we losten bi vnobedience. Also if we wolen come to @e visiou%n% of blisful pees, we musten holde @e v%er%tu of trewe knoulechyng of +Crist+, @%a%t is, as it were, @e second boord @%a%t kepi@ vs from drenchyng in synne. For it is lasse greef for to suffre shame %and% peyne of men here @an to be shamed bifore +God+ %and% all%e% his halewen, %and% to renne into endeless dampnaciou%n% of helle. Also if we wolen haue endeless worship w%i%t%h% +Crist+, we musten fulfille @e werkis of merci as he hymsilf ha@ tau$t vs. And @anne we shuln haue m%er%ci at @e fulle %and% as it were, gold for er@e %and% an hundrid fold for oon, %and% @e best good @%a%t mai be for @yng of nou$t in regard of @at. But now w%i%t%h% @ese @re v%er%tues we musten haue mekenesse, not oonli in mou@, but also in hert %and% in werkis, for @is v%er%tu is keper of all%e% @e to@%er%. And @anne w%i%t%h% @is trewe loue, we shuln come aftir to @e visiou%n% of veri pees, @%a%t is to sey, to heuenli +I%e%r%usa%l%e%m+, %and% w%i%t%h% gret goostli solempnite, receyue @%er%e +Ih%es%u+ +Crist+ w%i%t%h% +Ebreu+ children %and% so ioie w%i%t%h% hym w%i%t%h%outen ende. Am%en%.