JRTBBAL04UPU 4BL be^, c^e^, de^, ka, Co}m cal^ the crab ou}t|of the cre^k, t}oo cly^m the clif, t}oo cu}t the cu}rb, for^ crafti. clou}nz^ rei}ect co^l^d cau}zes^. exc^ept spy^c^es^ be^ su}ffy^c^i.entl.y saerc^e.d, it for^c^e}t}h ma^c^ t}oo be^ of pr^y^c^ ingraet pe^c^es^. C^ic^ero rethorica singulo^z v^ic^it, corv^u}s non v^oc^e cucu}llu}m. the heu^n^l.y father se^i.ng the^ t}oo be^ dis|obeid.ient in ert}h, deliu^ere}t} hthe^ intoo the hands^ of wicked pe^pl^, and intoo the fre^nd|les fe^ld, t}oo re |]g^eneratand rene^w the^, az he^ best ly^ke}t}h, t}oo be^ mo^st|#nec^essary for ^thy degre^, ge^u^i.ng the^ hiz gra^c^, when he^ se^e}t}h ne^d. 5BL Gep go}od|#man gilberd, wit}h y.ou}r. go^ldn.^ girdl^, y.e^ get no|]t}hing by y.ou}r. ga^pi.ng, y.e^ for^get y.ou}r. graet geldi.ng. A g^entl^ i.u}dg^ d}oot}h not reu^eng^ when a^g^e.d g^y^lz deg^enerate}t}h too the g^ibbet. g^eorg^iu}s g^igas et gilbertu}s g^eru}nt gladiu}m ad extinguendu}m gib|]bu}m g^erminantem in gula. I ly in my sisterz^ kitchen wit}h a pillow be^sy^d hir petico^t and thy why^t pilion. Iamz i.est not wit}h i}u}gl^o.r^z^, whoo i}oy t}oo i}angl^, and rei}ect su}b|]i} ecc^ion. In|i}u}stu}s i}ei}unat i}actuoze non i}u}xta i}uramentu}m i}ohannis. 6BL y.e, the y.u}ng y.ut}h vze.d y.ou} y.esterday for^ y.ou}r. y.elow y.a^rn^ y.et y.e^ waer not y.oke.d nor^ y.e^lde.d too su}ch a y.e^man. 1so}n 1su}n 1soon my so}n looke.d v}pon the su}n|baemz^, and t}ook hiz book ou}t|]#of hiz bozo}m, az soon az he^ waz co}m ou}t|#of ou}r co^r^n^|#clo^c^. mizera^bl^ i}elo}zi. hat}h no mezur^^, bu}t deu^ize}t}h merchan^dy^z after dezy^er not vzi.ng wy^z p(r^)ou^izion or^ exerc^y^z. Inu^izu}s mizer non delectatu}r plac^idis muzis. 7BL the v^ic^i.o}s liu^ in contenc^ion, and refuz cor^recc^ion, boystio}s, harti.e.r, witi.e.st. v^ic^iozi i}udic^iu}m fug^iu}nt ob punic^ionem stu}ltic^iae suae. v^ain v^ic^i.o}s v^erlats^ inu^ent t}oo reu^eng^ wit}h v^oic^, be^i.ng v^oid of v^ertu, ge^u^i.ng their wy^u^s^ ou^er crau^i.ng t helo}u^ of sla^u^s^ abo}u^ gra^u^n.es. vnity vniu^ersal^l.y pr^ocure}t}h vc^ t}oo be^ occupie.d and leizur allure}t}h, the v}n|ruli. too the lut. the v}n|i}u}st a^r v}n|lu}ki., not wo}r^t}h a bu}tn^ or^ ru}sh, v}p|ho^l^di.ng tru}mpery at their fu}l lu}st. vnu}s v^estru}m cumulau^it hu}nc ac^eru^u}m. 8BL A qartern of qinc^es^ wil qikl.y qench a qil in a qa^rn^. 1ku}. 1ach, 9BL ach, I chan^g^e.d che^z and chike^n for^ che^|]ry^z^ and artichoks^ and chopt. su}ch for^ a chu}rl^. charity: phillip the philosophor^ goe}t}h 10BL too phizik for^ the phr^enzy this, that, tho^z, t}hu}mb, t}ho^r^n^ (this, that, tho^z) (t}hu}mb, t}ho^r^n^) bo^th thy father, and thy mother lo^th the^, for^ this thy br^aethi.ng on them. A t}ho}zand a^r lot}h t}oo hau^ the tent}h t}histl^ or^ t}ho^r^n^, that thu} hast in thy t}hu}mb: y.et thu} t}hin|]ke}st,t}oo blow them t}hr^o}wh t}hik, and t}hin, in thy^n anger, wit}h a br^et}h.ne^w, thei that t}hink thu}s of this. 11BL t}hrazo, t}hales, t}hessalia: she^ shal^ not shew, su}ch sha^mf.u}l shifts^, in washi.ng trish trash rashl.y. what whe^l ou^er|whelm^e}d the whelp, whoom^ the whe^ry|#man fou}nd on the wharf, why^l the whaet|#man whistl^d. wit}h the whoor^z^ whistl^. 12BL be^, c^e^, de^, the ca^rl^ hat}h a babl^ in the sta^bl^, ma^d of apl^|#tre^ or^ ma^pl^, and a bu}ndl^ of mantl^z^, or^ wh itl^z^in the cra^dl^. the v^y^l fool, did fe^l the fo^l, wit}h 13BL a fy^l, and a stool, which he^ sto^l, wit}hou}t rul: co}m warm^ y.ou}r. br^oom, and get y.ou} ho^m, wit}h y.ou}r. ho^lm^, and ma^k v}s room^ t}o osing a sal^m^, the wy^nd iz cal^m^. they bu}rn^ bu}rdn^z^ of ca^pn^z^ and ba^cn^ in the ga^rdn^: bu}t wa^rn^ t}oo ke^p co^r^n^ in the ba^rn^, and a fat ba r|]renin the warren. y.e^ su}ffer y.ou}r. bu}tter t}oo gu}t|]ter in the fyer, whaer|for^ remember haer|after t}oo consider my ca^r, la|]bo}r^ and dezyer. ca^rz^, labo}r^z^, watchi.ngs^, and v}n|qietn.es, ma^k waery bo^nz^, waek my^nds^, fe^bl^ memberz^, and shor^t ly^u^^z^. 16BL I am suer thaer a^r mo^r^ then fowr^t.e^n ba^r pot|#hangerz^ ou^er the fier ,or^ ten pewter spo^nz^ v}pon the shelf in the cha^mber. heu^n.^, ert}h, baen, laen, maen. pe^pl^, fe^ld, pr^e^st. gy^d, gyz. langu}ag^, anguish, languish, i.uic^, i.uyst. 17BL In the eihte^nt}h y.e^r of the Qe^nz^ rein, I t}howht I miht, se^ by niht, asy^n of rain, be^fo^r^ day|liht, t}hr^o}wh a bo}wh, that gre^w v}p|riht. rein sy^n: I shot at a bu}t, and hit the pin, and fel flat v}pon the bo|]to}m of a tu}b. 21BL tu}rn^ a intoo e^ be^twe^n 22BL he^ar 1haer 1he^r 23BL t}oo lak t}oo laek a le^k t}oo lyk a lok t}oo look lu}k or^ for^tun 1luk a hay 24BL hey a boy a booy a hau} t}oo heu} a bow 25BL beu}ty cal^m^ el^m^|#tre^ ho^l^m^ elm^|#tre^ ho^lm^ a ballanc^. a ba^l of wo^d, or^ o}ther merchan^diz. baal, fal^s god of the assir ians.a bal^. bail, or^ mainpr^iz. bal^m^: ointment. baulm^: erb. bal^d on the hed. bay of co}lor^. bay|#tre^, bar of a do^r^. ba^r, or^ naked. ba^^r, or^ laen. a ba^r, a baest. a ba^rn^, for^ co^r^n^. barren. a Baron, in degre^, be^twe^n a Lo^r^d and a vicount. war. wa^r. t}oo wa^rn^. a warren of coniz^. a callet, or^ y.o}ng qaen. t}oo cal^. cal^m^. cau}l, for^ the hed. cawl abou}t the bo}welz^. cau}z. 26BL a cawsy t}oo go on. t}oo cau^il, or^ i}est. a brak. a bra^k, or^ cros|#bow, a br^a^^k, or^ fern^|#tu}f. a br^aak, for^ hemp. a br^k, or^ sharp snafl^ for^ a hor^s. the ham of the leg. a ha^m, the wo}od clipi.ng abou}t a hor^s|#coller.ha^m^, or^ fodder. hel. t}oo hael, or^ ma^k who^ l.a he^l, of the foot. an elm^|#tre^. a haern^. an ew|#she^p. y.e^, or^ y.ou}. the pil of an apl^. t}oo pill, or^ spoil. a pillor^y. a py^l, or^ haep. a py^^l in the fundme(n)t. a pl, or^ graet sta^k. a pin. t}oo py^n. thin, slender. thy^n. t}oo win, or^ get. wy^n. wy^nd. 27BL t}oo wy^^nd in boto}mz^. t}oo wnd in. wy^ndi.. a wy^ndo^r^, t}oo ge^u^ liht. a wy^^ndo.r^, that wy^^nde}t}h. a wiynde.r, or^ wi nch, or^ instrument t}oo wiynd v}pon.a wyindl.as, or^ pu}li.. a to of the foot. too, a pr^epozic^ion.twoo, in nu}mber. to}wh. t}oo, a sy^n of the Infinitiu^ moo d.tow. too, in compozic^io(n) with an adi}ectiu^: az: too|#go}od, too|#long. too, adu^erb, co(n)i}u}nctiu^l.y, az br^ing my^n too. a tool, t}oo wo}r^k wit}h. t}oo tooil, or^ labo}r^ hard. bots^, in a hor^s. a bo^t, t}oo row in. a boot. abou}t, pr^epozic^ion. abo}u^, not be^naeth. a bow, t}oo shoot wit}h. t}oo bo}w, or^ bend. a bo}wh of a tre^. bowht and sowld. a bou}th, or^ tent. bu}t, a coni}u}ncc^ion. a bu}tt, t}oo shoot at. t}oo bo}ot, az a she^p. 28BL a bo}t, or^ v^esl^ for^ wy^n. a bowl, for^ dr^ink. a bou}l, t}oo cast in pl ay.a bo}wel, or^ gu}t. a bu}l, a baest. sugar. t}oo excuz. a lut t}oo play on. suer, or^ ou}t|#of dou}t. so}wer, or^ sharp. a sowo.r^, of se^ds^. a suo.r^. a sewe.r, or^ sluc^. suet, or^ hard fat. swet, of the body. swe^t. t}oo swel. t}oo swael, or^ bu}rn^|#of haer. t}oo swaer, or^ ta^k o^t}h. a fal^t. a fal^. fal^s, not tru. t}oo v^au}lt, on a hor^s. t}oo v^au}t, or^ ma^k v^au}ts^. a wo}r^m^. warm^, not co^ld. a room, or^ pla^c^. room^, a c^ity. t}oo rowm, or^ wander. a br^oom, t}oo swe^p wit}h. 29BL a helm^, or^ stern^ of a ship. ho^lm^, or^ holly|#tre^. a man^d, or^ basket .an an^dy^r^n^, or^ br^ond|#y^r^n^. a cau}dor^n^. a ga^rdn^. co^r^n^. t}oo moor^n^, or^ lament. a foot, of a coot. a co^t. cotn^. bo^r^n^, by natur. bor^n^, or^ carie.d. t}oo bu}rn^. a bou}rn^, or^ smal^ riu^er. br^o}wn, of co}ler. a bu}rdn^. a ca^pn^. ba^cn^. a bu}tn^, for^ a co^t. wo}odn.^, or^ of wo}od. a hau}|t}ho^r^n^|#tre^. a bu}cler. a ma^pl^|#tre^. an apl^. a sadl^, t}oo ry^d on. a sta^bl^, for^ a hor^s. litl^. o^kn.^, or^ of o^k. t}oo hop. t}oo ho^p. t}oo hoop. t}oo whoop, or^ cal^ alou}d. 30BL a fern^|#br^a^^k: a hemp|#br^aak: a br^k for^ a hor^s, t}oo hy^d: hy^dd., or^ hy^dd.n^, t}oo sly^d: sly^dd., or^ sly^dd.n^: t}oo by^t: by^tt., or^ by^tt.n^: he^ard.d: raedd.: spe^dd.: fe^lt.t: me^tt.: maent.t: t}oo he^ar: t}oo raed: t}oo spe^d: t}oo fe^l: t}oo me^t: t}oo maen: doon.n t}oo doo 31BL an ac^: the laest su}m or^ nu}mber in a dy. an as. az, an adu^erb. grac^ or^ fau^o}r^. gras. t}oo graz, or^ fe^d az cattel d}oo. a mac^, or^ scepter septr^^. a mas, or^ lu}mp. a ma^z. spy^c^. pis. spy^z^. a pla^c^, or^ room. a plais, a fish. plaiz^, or^ pasty^mz^. t}oo kemb, or^ comb. t}oo ke^p. a king. a kna^u^. 32BL a kne^. t}oo knit, a knot. a kniht. a knok, or^ blow. a knu}cl^, or^ i}oint. a lok, for^ a do^r^. a lo^k, or^ pin|#fo^ld. a loc, of wu}l. a lock, or^ flu}d|#ga^t. t}oo look, or^ be^ho^ld. leuk|#warm^. a link, or^ litl^ tor^ch. a lync, of a t}hain. t}oo linck, or^ loiter. a linch, or^ ste^p sy^d of a hil, a l^so a lei|#bou}nd.my wy^f^ and o}ther wy^u^^s^, went too my wy^u^^s^^ mo}ther. a graf, plur. grafs^. a clif, plur. clifs^. a coif, plur. coifs^. Ra^ph, g^enitiu^. Ra^phs^^ a manz^ na^m. Jozeph, g^enit. Jozephs^^ a manz^ na^m. philip, g^enit. philips^^ a manz^ na^m. 33BL we^|#ou}r|selu^^s^. wy^f^, plur. wy^u^^s^. a laef, plur. laeu^^s^. v^ain. t}oo be^ fain, or^ wili.ng by nec^essity. a v^ein, in the body. t}oo fein, or^ cou}nterfet. ou^er, and v}nder. t}oo offer. appe^rz}^ 34BL a lat}h, t}oo ty^l v}pon. a la^t}h, or^ gran^g^. a br^et}h, of wy^nd. t}oo br^aeth, or^ ta^k br^et}h. t}oo lo^th, or^ abhor^. lot}h, or^ v}n|wili.ng. t}oo sooth, or^ consent in tal^k. sou}th, not nor^t}h. this, not that. a t}histl^, pr^iki.ng we^d. thu}, not I, nor^ he^. a t}ho}zand, in nu}mber. thowh, a coni}u}ncc^ion. t}howht, or^ ca^r. thy^n, not my^n. t}hin, not t}hik. the^, the accusatiu^ ca^s of thu}. t}oo t}he^, not t}oo t}hr^y ^u^.zael, zaelo}o.s. 36BL t}oo gra^u^. I gra^u^. t}hu} gra^u^e}st. he^ gra^u^e}t}h. gra^u^i.ng, partic^ip. a gra^u^o.r^. a gra^u^e.r, an instrumen t}oo gra^u^ wit}h. gra^u^e.n. gra^u^i.ng, the art. I gra^u^e.d. thu} gra^u^e}ds}t. he^ gra^u^e}d. t}oo try, or^ ma^k claen. I try, or^ d}oo try. thu} trie}st, or^ d}oos}t try. he^ trie}t}h, or^ d}oot}h try. I trie}d, or^ d}id try. thu} trie}ds}t, or^ d}ids }t try.he^ trie}d, or^ d}id try. tryi.ng, a partic^ip. tryi.ng, the exerc^iz. trie}d. a trio.r^, the persn^. a trie.r, the instrument that trie}t}h. 37BL I h^au^ trie}d. thu} h^ast trie}d. he^ h^at}h trie}d. I h^ad trie}d. thu} h^ads}t trie}d. I shal^, or^ w}il try. thu} shal^t, or^ w}ilt try. l}et him try. aez, dis|aez, the co(n)trary. aezi., t}oo be^ doon.n. aezi.n.es, or^ aez. aezi.l.y. v}n|aezi.. v}n|aezi.l.y. onest. onesti.. v}n|onest, or^ dis|onest. dis|onesti.. v}n|onestl.y. a^bl^, or^ of miht. t}oo dis|a^bl^, or^ dis|pr^aiz. v}n|a^bl^. v}n|a^bl^n.es. a sto^n. sto^ne.n, or^ of sto^n. sto^ni., or^ fu}l of sto^nz^. sto^n|#ly^k, or^ ly^k sto^ n.wy^z. wy^ze.r, or^ mo^r^|#wy^z. wy^ze.st, or^ mo^st|#wy^z. 38BL wy^zd.o}m. wy^zl.y. v}n|wy^zl.y. v}n|wy^zl.ye.st. t}hr^o}wh|ou}t. whaer|for^, or^ for^ what t}oo chastn^. a che^zl^. t}oo charm^. t}oo cherish. chy^ldi.shn.es. chy^dd.n^. cho^zn^. chan^g^a.bl^. a chu}rl^. a wr^ech. a wench. t}oo shu}fl^, or^ t}oo sly^d o^n t}hing v}pon an o}ther. a sho}u^l^. shr^il. a shr^y^ch|#o}wl. a t}histl^. a t}himbl^. a t}hr^esho.r^. t}hirtent}h. t}hirtit}h. t}ho}zandt}h. twentit}h. a twizl^, or^ for^k in a bo}wh of a tre^. a t}hih. 39BL thowh, or^ al^thowh. t}howht. t}oo t}hwhitl^ wit}h a kny^f^. t}oo t}hr^etn^. t}oo be^ lot}h, or^ v}n|wili.ng. t}oo lo^th. t}oo wr^estl^. t}oo qikn.^. t}oo qench. a qa^rn^. wit. wit}h. a withy. why^t. whither. a witch. which, or^ whoo. t}oo wish. t}ho}r^ow, or^ t}hr^o}wh. t}oo t}hr^ow. whaetn.^. a wherl^. ou^er|t}hwart. wr^owht. wr^ot}h. t}oo be^ wo}r^t}h. a whirl^|#pool in the water. a wimbl^. a wr^angl^o.r^. y.a^rn^. 40BL y.ut}h. t}oo y.e^ld. y.ou}r.. 42BL The su}m and effect of the fo^r^mer Traetiz, iz, that the^r a^r in e^nglish spe^ch, xxxvij. seu^eral^ diu^izionz^ in v^oic^, or^ sou}nd of spe^ch: for^ whic h a^rnec^essary, xxxvij. seu^eral^ letterz^ or^ figurz^, hau^i.ng, xxxvij. seu^e ral^na^mz^ agre^i}ng too tho^z^, xxxvij. seu^eral^ diu^izionz^ of sou}nds^ in v^ oic^:and whoo|so dou}te}t}h thaer|of, or^ hat}h any o}ther dou}t in conferi.ng t hewants^ and ab|uc^e.s^ of the ol^d, A, B, C^, and this ne^w toogether, l}et him rezor^t too the fo^r^mer part of this Traetic^: whaer|by he^ may be^ fu}ll.y satisfie.d in al^ dou}ts^, and exerc^iz^ of the ol^d and ne^w. In the ol ^diz pr^ezent sau^i.ng of so}m charg^ (too su}ch az hau^ books^ al^redy) wit}hou }tbyi.ng of the ne^w. And in the ne^w iz sau^i.ng of graet ty^m, which iz mo^r^|#pr^ec^iou}s than the smal^ pr^y^c^ of books^, be^sy^d the graet charg^ th atencraec^e}t}h in ty^me spent by y.u}t}h, and the ou^er|t}hr^ow of many go}od wits^, whoo fal^i.ng intoo dispair at the firs}t, a^r hindere}d thaer|by, and many ty^mz^ vtterl.y cast of, from many go}od and pr^ofita.^bl^ exerc^ize.s^. For^ this I am a^bl^ t}oo say (by too|#mu}ch experienc^) that y.u}th loiter|]i.n gv}nder co}ler of laern^i.ng, iz afterward the mo^r^|#v}n|wili.ng and v}n|]towar dtoo o}ther exerc^izes^, too the graet dis|co}mfor^t of their fre^nds^, the graet hindera.nc^, and too|#la^t repenta.nc^ in them|selu^s^, and the litl^ pr^ofit and qiet esta^t of the comon welt}h, oftn^|#ty^mz^ thaer|by. The singl^ letterz^ be^ thaez^ folowi.ng. v}ntoo thaez^ a^r ade.d: k: of the sou}nd of: c: and al^so: ph: of the sou}nd of: f: and: r^^: of the sou}nd of: er. Which xxxvij. letterz^ hau^ paierz^ too eu^ery of them, (that iz too say) o}ther letterz^ or^ figurz^, whoo agre^i.ng in na^m and sou}nd too eu^ery of them, doo appe^r be^twe^n the do}bl^ pr^ik folowi.ng: and for^ their. na^mz^ se^ be^fo^r^, fol. 21. This su}m iz su}ffic^i.ent of it|self^. for^ the ne^w amendm.ent t}oo be^ perfec tl.y vze.d.43BL ad too thaez^, Of the xl. letterz^ be^fo^r^ shewe.d, xxviij. of them, and their. paierz^ a^r cal^e.d consonants^, which a^r thaez^: O}ther, viij. a^r cal^e.d v^o}welz^, wit}h their. paierz^. O}ther, iij. a^r cal^e.d half^ v^o}welz^: ad too thaez^: r^^: and sou}n|]de.d az this sillabl^: er: and so na^me.d al^so. Thaez^ v^o}welz^ a^r al^way of shor^t sou}nd: exc^ept: be^ do}bl^d. thu}s: or^ that o^n of thaez^ acc^ent points^: be^ sett. ou^er: for^ then be^ thaez^ of longe.r sou}nd, wr^y^tn.^ thu}s: and so of the rest, for^ help in eqiu^oc^y. I cal^ the first, a^: a, wit}h acc^ent: the second, a^^: a, with do}bl^ acc^ent: the t}hird, : a, wit}h for^ke.d acc^ent: and so of o}ther v^o}welz^ so no^te. d,bicau}z it may help mu}ch in eqiu^oc^y. And thaez^, a^r al^way of long sou}nd, ad too thaez^, ae, and al^so the half^ v^o}welz^, a^r of longe.r sou}nd, then any v^o}wel of shor^t sou}nd. When twoo v^o}welz^ (or^ hal^f^ v^o}welz^) co}m toogether in o^n sillabl^, they a^r cal^e.d a dipht}hong, whaer|of the^r be^ in nu}mber, adi.ng haer|v}ntoo: ui: se^ldo}m in vc^. So adi.ng thaez^ seu^n^ mixt sou}nds^ (cal^e.d dipht}hongs^) be^fo^r^ wr^y^tn.^, the^r a^r in e^nglish spe^ch, xliiij. seu^eral^ sou}nds^ in v^oic^, v}nder whoom ^ al^e^nglish wo}r^ds^ and sillabl^z^ a^r sou}nde.d and spo^kn^: adi.ng haer|vnt oothe ra^r dipht}hong: uy. Thaez^ dipht}hongs^ hau^ paierz^ in sou}nd, and the^r be^ al^so o}ther diph|]t}h ongs^,bu}t they hau^ the sou}nd of o^n of the v^o}welz^ be^fo^r^ said., al^ which shal^ be^ wr^y^tn.^ toogether in sqa^rz^ next vnder: bu}t for^ the ty^m in al^ thaez^, no^t that eu^ery dipht}hong iz of az long ty^m or^ longe.r, then any long v^o}wel: ad haer|v}ntoo that hal^f^ v^o}welz^ may ma^k a diph|]t}hong after, a, or^ o, and a^r paierz^ too the sillabl^z^ in their. sqa^rz^ folowi.ng. And haer|in iz t}oo be^ no^te.d, that for^ laern^o.r^z^, the^r iz and shal^ be^ a Pam|]phletimpr^inte.d, conteini.ng br^e^fl.y the effect of this book, seru^i.n g al^sofor^ confere.nc^ wit}h the o^ld or^tography he^r|after. Paierz^ of letterz^. xxviij. co(n)sonants^ wit}h theiz^ paierz^. viij, v^o}welz^. iij. hal^f^ v^o}welz^, r^^. thaer|v}ntoo ade.d. v^o}welz^ of shor^t sou}nd, exc^ept, etc. The na^mz^ of thaez^ acc^ents^. v^o}welz^ of long sou}nd. vij. dipht}hongs^. xliiij. diu^izionz^ in v^oic^, for^ e^nglish spe^ch. 44BL Dipht}hongs^ and v^o}welz^ of o^n sou}nd. I bor^ow, w, t}oo ma^k dipht}hong after v^o}welz^, bo^th for^ hiz ol^d na^m and vc^, and for^ that hiz ne^w na^m iz sou}nde.d thaer|in, and may help in eqiu^oc^y. No^t that, and any of the half^ v^owelz^ neu^er be^gin diph|]t}hong. Al^so, v, u, se^ldo}m be^gin any dipht}hong. Al^so, e^, se^ldo}m or^ ne|]u^er be^ginne.t}h dipht}hong, exc^ept for^ t}he help in eqiu^oc^y. No^t that the^r iz no tripht}hong in me^r e^nglish wor^ds^, thaer|for^ when t}hr^e^ v^o}welz^ co}m toogether, deu^y^d o^n of them, and ma^k the o}ther twoo a dipht}hong: whaer|in no^t wel what v^o}welz^ be^gin no dipht}hong (too spel and sou}nd wor^ds^ the better) exc^epti.ng t}hat twoo hal^f^ v^o}welz^ co}mi.ng toogether, and, a, or^, o, next be^fo^r^ them may ma^k a tripht}hong (that iz) sou}nde.d toogether in o^n sillabl^: az in cal^m^, hol^m^. No}w reste}t}h t}oo know ho}w t}oo deu^y^d wor^ds^ intoo sillabl^z^: for^ the which, first know y.ou}r. consonants^ from the v^o}welz^, and half^ v^o}welz^ and the dipht}hongs^ afo^r^|said, and then mark the rulz^ folowi.ng: whaer|]in no^t that eu^ry v^o}wel and hal^f^ v^o}wel cau}z a sillabl^: exc^ept they be^ in dipht}hong, and then that dipht}hong cau}ze}t}h a sillabl^: al^so a v^o}wel and a hal^f^ v^o}wel co}mi.ng toogether ma^k a dit}ht}hong. And a hal^f^ vo}|]we lco}mi.ng next after, r, r^, iz mo^st ty^mz^ in sillabl^ wit}h the v^o}wel next be^fo^r^, r, az in thaez^ wo}r^ds^, harm^, wo}r^m^, ba^rn^, bu}rn^, chu}rl^ , ma^rl^,bu}t mo^st ty^mz^ eu^ery hal^f^ v^o}wel iz spele.d by it|self^, and y.e t depend|]e}t}hso v}pon the consonant next be^fo^r^ it in ou}r spe^ch, that it s e^me}t}h t}oobe^ i}oine.d in sillabl^ wit}h that consonant. No^t farder that wor^ds^ which a^r me^r e^nglish a^r mo^st of them of o^n sillabl^: exc^ept it be^ a dery^u^a.tiu^ or^ decly^na.tiu^, or^ compou}nde.d: wh ichcompozitiu^s^, dery^u^a.tiu^s^, and decly^na.tiu^s^, a^r aezi.l.y deu^y^de.d in speli.ngby the natiu^ e^nglish, that shal^ laern^, bicau}z he^ iz acqeinte}d wit}h the pr^i|]mitiu^w. borowe.d t}oo ma^k dipht}hong. Vo}welz^ be^gini.ng no dipht}hong. No tripht}hong in me^r e^nglish wor^ds^, exc^ept, l^m^: after a, or^: o. d}oo deu^y^d sillabl^z^ in a wor^d cal^e.d speli.ng. mo^st e^nglish wor^ds^ a^r of o^n sillabl^: exc^ept it be^ 45BL and wit}h the simpl^ of eu^ery wor^d, and wit}h the compozic^ionz^ al^|]so: bu}t a laern^o.r^ knowe.t}h not the maeni.ng of dery^u^i.ng, decly^ni.ng, and compou}ndi.ng of wor^ds^, v}ntil he^ hau^ laern^e.d so}m part of the grammar (which by Gods^ gra^c^, and my ability be^i.ng fu}rnishe.d, (az I hau^ go}od ho^p) I am fu}ll.y pu}rpoze.d t}oo set fu}rt}h in pr^int, and that sp e^di.|]l.y):y.et may the taecho.r^ soon acqeint him thaer|wit}h, shewi.ng him th epr^ik and str^y^ks^ vze.d for^ them, az in the exampl^z^, and cau}z him t}oo de u^y^deu^ery compou}nd, pr^imitiu^, and simpl^, az he^ laern^e}t}h t}oo raed, acc or^di.ngtoo the rulz^ for^ speli.ng folowi.ng. Bu}t wit}ho}u}t tru or^tography, noperfect grammar may be^, and thaer|for^ I fra^m rulz^ of deu^y^di.ng silla|]bl ^z^in wo}r^ds^, in su}ch or^der, that the o^n may aid and confirm the o}ther: and thaer|v}pon a perfect dicc^ionary ma^d accor^di.ngl.y, w}il stey bo^t}h toogether az a t}hird coni}u}ncc^ion, so suer agre^i.ng toogether, that whaer be^fo^r^|#ty^m e^nglish spe^ch waz patche.d and pe^c^e.d, and vze.d so}mty^m this way, and so}mty^m that way, it may (at the lengt}h) co}m too a per|]fect, plain, and aezi. vc^: too the graet co}mfor^t, aez, and pr^ofit of ou}r own nac^ion, and the deliht of o}ther, be^fo^r^ ama^ze.d, and waery at the first siht. Which rulz^ for^ speli.ng (thowh they se^m at the first siht not t}oo be^ so perfect and plain az ou}r spe^ch reqire}t}h) (y.e^ shal^ v}nderstand) I vz it in this wy^z for^ a mo^r^ aez and commodity in the grammar, bicau}z I w}il au^oid many exc^epc^ionz^ thaer|by in the grammar rulz^: which o}|]therwy^z of nec^essity I mu}st vz, too the graete.r pain of laern^o.r^z^: az shal^ appe^r mo^r^ plainl.y t}oo the laern^e.d. And for^ the help of the v}n|laern^e.d ,I w}il vz this stry^k, | : be^twe^n eu^ery compou}nde.d wo}r^d, and for^ eu^ery adi.c^ion in a decly^na.tiu^ this stry^k, ^ , and of dery^u^a.tiu^s^ this pr^ik, . : and al^so v}nder eu^ery letter in o}ther wor^ds^ that be^gine}t}h a sillabl^, contrary too the rulz^ and exc^epc^ionz^ haer|in ge^u^n.^ for^ speli.n g,this stry^k, : which pr^ik and stry^ks^, w}il not o^nl.y be^ a help in laern^ |]i.ngt}oo raed, bu}t al^so a graet liht too a laern^o.r^ of the grammar, t}oo know dery^u^e.d, decly^ne.d, and compou}nde.d wor^ds^, and the etimolog^ of them the better: and not hu}rtf.u}l nor^ painfu}l too a wr^y^to.r^ or^ pr^in| ]to.r^,if the sa^m pr^ik and stry^ks^ be^ vze.d in pla^c^es^ ne^dfu}l for^ the c au}zes^afo^r^|said. And no}w too my pu}rpo^z for^ speli.ng, the rulz^ whaer|of I wr^y^t in e^nglish me^tr^^ for^ the br^e^fn.es and aezi. remembr^^a.nc^ t}haer|o f,az folowe}t}h. 1 No^t v^o}welz^, hal^f^ v^o}welz^, and dipht}hongs^ al^so, in eu^ery wor^d, sillabl^z^ t}oo know. compou}nde.d, dery^u^e.d, or^ decly^ne.d from an o}ther wor^d. Perfect or^tography aide}t}h Grammar mu}ch. Or^tography, grammar, and dicc^ionary aid o^n the o}ther. Wor^ds^ for^me.d and speld. so}m what o}ther wy^z then ou}r spe^ch miht baer for ^ aez in Grammar.46BL 2 For^ eu^ery of thaez^ encraec^ sillabl^z^, amo}ng which, no^t dipht}hongs^, and hal^f^ v^o}welz^. 3 For^ al^ hal^f^ v^o}welz^ a^r speld. mo^st alo^n: exc^ept they folow a v^o}wel in o^n. 4 If that v^o}welz^ twoo or^ t}hr^e^ stand along, let not: i: nor^: v. be^gin a dipht}hong. 5 And in ly^k maner, I say: e^: and: v: se^ld be^gin dipht}hong, if y.e^ spel it tru. 6 And tripht}hong se^ld in e^nglish iz vze.d, exc^ept in wor^ds^ from stran^g^e.rz^ dery^u^e.d. 7 Consonant twixt v^o}welz^ i}oin too the last: exc^ept: x: i}oind. too the v^o}wel be^fo^r^: So mo^st ty^mz^: w: in dipht}hong set y.e^ mu}st, v}nlaest that: be^: be^fo^r^ it, stand in sto^r^. 8 If consonants^ twoo in midst of wor^ds^ be^, deu^y^d them apart, then spel y.e^ trul.y. 9 If consonants^ t}hr^e^ in midst of wor^ds^ stand, deu^y^d the first o^n, ley twoo in o^n band. Exc^epc^ionz^. 10 Y.et in thaez^, wit}hou}t, wit}hin, and, v.pon: in, ou}t, and on, a^r spele.d tru alo^n. 11 r, after consonant, wit}h it iz i}oind., and so ly^k|wy^z, l, mo^st ty^mz^ we^ d}oo fy^nd. 12 If diu^erz^ sillabl^z^ be^ in a wor^d, l}et sillabl^, be^, wit}h no^n elc^ accor^d. 13 Wor^ds^ compou}nde.d, for^me.d, or^ dery^u^e.d, in their. seu^eral^ sor^ts^ mu}st be^ deu^y^de.d. 14 Compou}nds^ hau^ this mark (|) decly^na.tiu^s^ this (^) dery^u^a.tiu^s^ this mark (.) t}oo shew what aech iz. 15 Y.et decly^na.tiu^s^, dery^u^a.tiu^s^ too, a^r sou}nde.d in v^oic^, az rulz^ be^fo^r^ go. 47BL 16 If any hal^f^ v^o}wel, d}oo folow: r, ou}r spe^ch seru^e}t}h wel, t}oo spel them toogether. 17 And this stry^k (}) iz exc^epc^ion g^eneral^, t}oo spel wor^ds^ trul.y, when thaez^ rulz^ fail al^. 18 No^t wel, the^r iz neu^er tru sillabl^, wit}hou}t v^o}wel, dipht}hong, or^ hal^f^ v^o}wel. 19 And thowh hal^f^ v^o}welz^ be^ speld. best alo^n, y.et the next consonant it depende}t}h on. 20 By es^, or^ s^, the plural^ d}oo ges, whooz^ simpl^z^ g^enitiu^s^, end e^s^, or^ s^^. He^r|in iz shewe.d an exerc^y^z of the amende.d or^togra|]phy be^fo^r^ shewe.d, and the vc^ of the pr^iks^, stry^ks^, and no^ts^, for^ deu^y^di.ng of sillabl^z^ accor^di.ng too the rulz^ be^fo^r^ shewe.d. Whaer|in iz t}oo be^ note.d, that no art, exer|]c^y^z, mixtur, sc^ienc^, or^ occupac^ion, what|soeu^er, iz in|]clude.d in o^n t}hing o^nl.y: bu}t hat}h in it seu^eral^ distincc^ionz^, elements^, pr^inc^ipl^z^, or^ deu^izionz^, by the which the sa^m co}me}t}h too hiz perfet v c^.And bicau}z the singl^ deu^izionz^ for^ e^nglish spe^ch, a^r at this day so v }n|]perfetl.ypicture.d, by the elements^ (which we^ cal^ letterz^) pr^ou^y^de.d for^the sa^m, (az may appe^r plainl.y in this fo^r^m.er traetic^) I hau^ set fu} rt}hthis wo}r^k for^ the amendm.ent of the sa^m: which I ho^p w}il be^ ta^kn.^ in go}od part accor^di.ng too my maeni.ng: for^ that, that it shal^ sau^ char|]g ^es^in the elder sor^t, and sau^ graet ty^m in the y.u}t}h, too the graet comodi |]tyof al^ esta^ts^, v}ntoo whoom^ it iz nec^essary, that the^r be^ a knowl.edg^ oftheir dut.y, v}ntoo God che^fl.y, and then their. dut.y o^n too an o}ther: in knowi.ng of which dut.y, consiste}t}h the hapi. esta^t of manz^ ly^f^: for^ ig|] nor^anc^cau}ze}t}h many t}oo go ou}t|#of the way, and that of al^ esta^ts^, in whoom^ ignor^anc^ d}oot}h rest: whaer|by God iz graetl.y dis|plaeze}d, the comon qietn.es of men hindere.d: graet comon welt}hs^ deu^y^de.d, ma|]g^istra^ts ^An exerc^y^z for^ exam^pl^. Of pr^ofits^ the graete.st iz t}oo be^ cho^zn^. Ignoranc^ cau}ze}t}h many t}oo fal^ and offend. 48BL dis|obeie.d, and inferior^z^ despy^zed: pr^iu^at gain and aez sowht, and thaer|by a comon wo wr^owht. And az the i.u}dg^m.ent of the comon welt}h and wo, d}oot}h not ly in pr^iu^at personz^, (and spec^ial^l.y of the inferior^ sor^t) y.et owht the^r t}o o be^in eu^ery o^n a ca^r of hiz dut.y, that hiz pr^iu^at ly^f^ be^ not contrary too thecomon qietn.es, and welt}h of al^ men g^eneral^l.y, (and spec^ial^l.y of thewel minde.d sor^t, whoo a^r t}oo be^ bo^r^n^ wit}hal^ in so}m respects^ for^ their.ignor^anc^, when it raeche}t}h not too the ge^u^i.ng occazion of ly^k off enc^ ino}ther: for^ whoo can wash hiz hands^ claen of al^ fal^ts^[ And suerl.y (in my opinion) az fal^ts^ hau^ their. be^gini.ng of the first fal^ of Adam, so iz the sa^m encraec^e.d by ignor^anc^: thowh so}m wou}ld term^ it t}oo be^ the mo}ther of godl.in.es: for^ if men waer not ignor^ant, bu}t d}id know whaer|in tru felic^ity d}id consist, they wou}ld not fal^ in|]too so many ero.r^z^, too dis|qiet their. my^nds^, and endan^g^er their. bo|]dy^z, for^ transitor^y t}hings^, and so}m|ty^mz^ for^ v^ery trifl^z^. Bu}t so}m wil say, al^ t}hings^ in this wor^l^d a^r transitor^y, which I wil confes, az tou}chi.ng al^ craeturz^ and exerc^izes^ in the sa^m. Y.et the gift of spe^ch and wr^y^ti.ng, iz ly^kl.ie.st t}oo continu wit}h the last, az long az the^r iz any be^i.ng of man: and for^ that, it iz the spec^ial^ gift of God, whaer|by we^ be^ instru}cte.d of ou}r dut.iz^ from ty^m too ty^m, bo^th no}w, hau^ be^n, and shal^ be^ az long az the^r iz any be^i.ng of man, l}e tv}s vz the sa^m in the perfete.st vc^, for^ aez, pr^ofit, and continua.nc^: whi chthis amendm.ent w}il perfor^m^ in e^nglish spe^ch, and hindere}t}h not the raedi.ng and wr^y^ting of o}ther langag^es^: for^ I hau^ left ou}t no letter be^fo^r^ in vc^. And thowh we^ d}oo so}m|what v^ary from o}ther nac^ionz^ in the na^mi.ng of so}m letterz^, (spec^ial^l.y whaer we^ hau^ differi.ng sou}nds^ in v^oic^) y.et the^r iz no fal^t in it, az long az we^ vz na^mz^ agre^i.ng too ou}rown langag^: and in o}ther langag^es^, l}et v}s vz na^mz^ accor^di.ng too the sou}nd of the sa^m langag^, that we^ wou}ld laern^, if they be^ pr^ou^y^|]de .dof su}ffic^i.ent letterz^: and if the or^tography for^ their. langag^ be^ v}n|perfet, whoo ne^d t}oo be^ offende.d, if we^ (for^ spe^di. laern^i.ng) vz fi |]gurz^and na^mz^ of letterz^, accor^di.ng too the sou}nds^ of their. spe^ch. The Latin may remain az it d}oot}h, bicau}z it iz vze.d in so many co}ntry^z^, and that books^ pr^inte.d in E^ngland may be^ vze.d in o}ther co}ntriz^, and ly^k|wy^z the pr^inti.ng in o}ther co}ntriz^, may be^ vze.d he^r: bu}t if a taecho.r^ (for^ the aez of a y.o}ng e^nglish laern^o.r^ of the Latin) d}ooad the stry^k too, c. g. i. v. bicau}z of their diu^erz seu^eral^ sou}nds^, and na^mth, az it waer bu}t o^n letter, az t}h: and say that: u: after: q: iz su per|]fluo}s:Ignoranc^ cau}ze}t}h offenc^es^. Letterz^ mu}st be^ perfet bo^th for^ aez, pr^ofit, and continua.nc^. This ne^w amendm.ent hindere}t}h not the vc^ of o}ther langag^es^. Letterz^ do}bl^ or^ trebl^ sou}nde.d in Latin. 49BL and chan^g^: z: for^: s: so sou}nde.d be^twe^n twoo v^o}welz^, whoo cou}ld i}u}stl.y fy^nd fal^t wit}h|al^[ when the Latin iz so sou}nde.d by v}s e^nglish: which v}nperfetn.es mu}st be^ ma^d plain by o^n way or^ o}ther too a laern^o.r^, and mu}st be^ doon.n, either by perfet figur of perfet na^m a|]gre ^i.ngtoo hiz sou}nd in a wor^d, or^ by do}bl^ na^mi.ng of letterz^ do}bl^ sou}nde.d: o}therwy^z, the laern^o.r^ mu}st of nec^essity laern^ by ro^t, ges, and long vc^: az ou}r nac^ion waz dr^iu^en t}oo doo in laern^i.ng of e^nglish spe^ch, which waz harde.r t}oo be^ laern^ed, (thowh he^ had the sou}nd and vc^ thaer|of from hiz infanc^y) than the Latin, whaer|of he^ v}nderstood neu^er a wor^d, nor^ skant he^ard.d any wor^d thaer|of, sou}nde.d in al^ hiz ly^f^ be^| ]fo^r^:the rezn^ haer|of waz, bicau}z the letterz^ in vc^ for^ Latin, d}id al^mo ^stfu}rnish eu^ery seu^eral^ diu^izion in the sa^m spe^ch: exc^epti.ng the do}bl ^sou}nde.d letterz^ afo^r^|said: which do}bl^ and trebl^ sou}ndi.ng (no dou}t) gre^w by cor^ru}pti.ng the sa^m from ty^m too ty^m, by o}ther nac^ionz^, or^ by the Latinz^ themselu^^s^ mingl^e.d wit}h o}t}her nac^ionz^: for^ (I su}ppo^z) the Italian d}oot}h not at this day ma^k: i: a consonant, be^fo^r^ any v^o}w|]el ,and ge^u^ v}ntoo it the sou}nd of: g^: az we^ e^nglish d}oo al^waiz in that plac^: bu}t ma^ke}t}h it a sillabl^ of it|self^, az in this wor^d: iacob: of t}h r^e^sillabl^z^, in Latin: iacobus of fowr^^ sillabl^z^: and we^ e^nglish say, i} acob:of twoo sillabl^z^, i}acobu}s of t}hr^e^ sillabl^z^: and in me^r e^nglish: Ja^mz:of o^n sillabl^: the Italian al^so for^ the sou}nd of ou}r: g^: wr^y^te}t} h gi:which iz not vze.d in the Latin, bu}t: g: o^nl.y for^ tho^z twoo sou}nds^ o f, g,and, g^: or^, s, be^fo^r^, a, o, u, and so}mty^m be^fo^r^, e, in Latin: by which we^may al^so ges, that, c, in Latin at the be^gini.ng had the sou}nd of, k ,o^nly, for^ that, that the Latin hat}h the sou}nd of: k: and no o}ther letter y.e^lde.d that sou}nd, bu}t, c, o^nl.y in the Latin: exc^ept: qu: su}pplie.d the room so}m ty^m: for^ the Latin rec^eiu^ not, k, intoo the nu}mber of their. letterz^. And for^ the hisi.ng sou}nd of, c, (t}howht rather t}oo be^ crept in by litl^ and litl^) the Latin waz su}ffic^i.entl.y pr^ou^y^de.d by their. letter , s,whooz^ sou}nd we^ e^nglish d}oo mo^st ty^mz^ in the Latin, and in ou}r ol^d or^|]tography,vz in the sou}nd of, z, when, s, co}me}t}h be^twe^n twoo v^o}welz^ :which, z, iz t}howht t}oo be^ no Latin letter: and thaer|fo^r^ it may be^ t}how htthat the Latin rihtl.y sou}nde.d did not y.e^ld so gro^ni.ng a sou}nd in their. hisi.ng sou}nd of: s. And for^ ou}r t}hr^e^ sou}nds^ vze.d in, v, the French d}oo at this day vz o^n|] l.ytwoo v}ntoo it: that iz, the sou}nd agre^i.ng too hiz ol^d and continue.d na^m, and the sou}nd of the consonant, v^, whaer|by we^ may al^so ges, that the Latin at the be^gini.ng vze.d , v, for^ the sou}nd of the consonant: Why Latin waz aezi.e.r t}oo be^ laern^e.d than e^nglish be^fo^r^|#ty^m. A ges for^ the abu.c^es^ in Latin. s sou}nde.d for^, z^. The fre(n)ch vz, v, in ij. sou}nds^ o^nl.y, and for^ the iij. sou}nd, vze}t}h th e dipht}hong ou.50BL and vze.d: u: for^ the sou}nd of the v^o}wel. Bu}t ho}w|soeu^er do}bl^ or^ trebl^ sou}ndi.ng of letterz^ ca^m in: why iz it not lawf.u}l t}oo encraec^ letterz^ and figurz^, when sou}nds^ in spe^ch a^r en| ]craec^e.d[for^ spe^ch waz cau}z of letterz^: the which whoo|soeu^er first in|]u ^ente.d,he^ had a regard too the diu^izionz^ that miht be^ ma^d in the v^oic^, and waz wili.ng t}oo pr^ou^y^d for^ eu^ery of them, az wel az for^ o^n, or^so}m of them: and if (sinc^ that ty^m) the sou}nds^ in v^oic^ hau^ be^n fou}n dt}oo be^ many mo and diu^erz, among so}m o}ther pe^pl^, why shou}ld not letterz^ be^ acc^epte.d, t}oo fu}rnish that langag^ which iz pr^opr^^ too a godl .yand c^iu^el nac^ion of continua.l^ go}u^ern^m.ent, az this ou}r nac^ion iz[ and the better iz, and eu^er shal^ be^ if laern^i.ng (wit}h Gods^^ grac^) flou}r ishin the sa^m: the grou}nd of which laern^i.ng, and the vc^ and continua.nc^ thaer|of iz letterz^, the v}n|perfetn.es whaer|of ou^er|t}hr^e^w many go}od wits^ at their. be^gini.ng, and waz cau}z of long ty^m lost in them that spe^dd. best. The Latin waz mo^st|#aezi. too v}s e^nglish t}oo be^ laern^e.d first, bicau}z of xxj. letterz^, xiij. or^ xiiij. waer perfetl.y perfet, agre^i.ng in na^m and sou}nd, and no letter misplaced, superfluo}s, or^ sou}nde.d, and not wr^y^tn.^, exc^ept in abr^eu^iac^ionz^, and exc^ept by mis|uc^ (az I ta^k it) we ^e^nglish sou}nde.d, ignarus, az, ingnaru}s: magnus, az mangnu}s. Al^so lignum, az lingnu}m, and so of o}ther wor^ds^, whaer a v^o}wel ca^m next be^fo^r^: g: in o^n sillabl^, and: n: be^gan an o}ther sillabl^ folowi.ng: al^so the v}n|perfet letterz^ of do}bl^ or^ trebl^ sou}nd in Latin, had o^n of tho^z sou}nds^, agre^i.ng too the na^m of them, so the^r wante.d bu}t fiu^ or^ six fi| ]gurz^or^ letterz^ t}oo fu}rnish eu^ery seu^eral^ diu^izion of the v^oic^ in the Latin, az we^ e^nglish sou}nd the sa^m: which be^ thaez^, c^. g^. i}. v}. v^. (t }oo be^su}ppo^ze.d rather ab|uze.d by chan^g^ of ty^m, than so v}n|c^ertein at t hebe^gini.ng) be^sy^ds^ this, the Latin hat}h the aspy^ra.c^ion or^ letter (h) v ^e|]ryse^ldo}m after any consonant in o^n sillabl^, and that after: t: in the sou}nd of: t}h: o^nl.y and after: c: in the sou}nd of: k: o^nl.y, and after: r: in the sou}nd of: r: o^nl.y, in a few wor^ds^ dery^u^e.d from the gre^k: neither hat}h the Latin the sou}nd of, ch. e^. oo. sh. th. w. wh. y.. (nor^ the sou}ndof the t}hr^e^ hal^f^ v^o}welz^, l^. m^. n^. in the perfet sou}nd of e^ngl ish spe^ch)neither in singl^ letter, sillabl^, nor^ sou}nd in wor^d: al^ which a ^r v^erycomon in e^nglish spe^ch. Whaer|for^ the Latin taecho.r^z^, wit}h Latin or^tography, d}id not (nor^ cou}ld) su}ffy^c^i.entl.y fu}rnish e^nglish spe^ch wit}h letterz^, bu}t patche.d it v}paz wel az they cou}ld (or^ at the laest, az wel az they wou}ld) bu}t not} hingSpe^ch waz cau}z of letterz^. Why Latin waz aezi. t}oo be^ raedd.. The Latin hat}h not xj. sou}nds^ vze.d in e^nglish spe^ch. E^nglish patche.d v}p in wr^y^ti.ng and pr^inti.ng. 51BL perfet for^ e^nglish spe^ch: az appe^re}t}h by the for^m.er traetic^, so th at of,xxxvij. seu^eral^ diu^izionz^ in v^oic^ for^ e^nglish spe^ch, o^nl.y thaez ^ six, a. b. d.f. k. x. waer perfetl.y perfet, and thaer|by xxxj. diu^izionz^ in v^oic^ v}nper|]fetl.yfu}rnishe.d: whaer|of so}m a^r v}tterl.y wanti.ng, so}m do }bl^ or^ trebl^sou}nde.d, and so}m mis|na^me.d, be^sy^d so}m mis|plac^e.d, so}m wr^y^tn.^, andnot sou}nde.d, and so}m sou}nde.d, that a^r not wr^y^tn.^. Which v }n|perfet|]n.esma^d the natiu^ e^nglish t}oo spend long ty^m in laern^i.ng t}oo raed andwr^y^t the sa^m (and that che^fl.y by ro^t) holpn.^ by continua.l^ exerc ^iz be^|]fo^r^had in hiz aerz^, by he^ari.ng o}ther, and by hiz own vc^ of spaek i.ng,which he^ waz fain t}oo laen mo^r^ v}ntoo, than too the gy^di.ng of the ol^ d or^|]tography,so far v}n|perfet for^ e^nglish spe^ch: which help of exerc^y^z be^|]fo^r^shewe.d in the natiu^ e^nglish, the stran^g^e.r waz v}tterl.y v^oid of , besy^dso}m stran^g^ diu^izionz^ of sou}nds^ in v^oic^ in e^nglish spe^ch, amon g stran^|]g^e.rz^,v}tterl.y v}n|uze.d: which cau}ze.d them at t}he first siht, n ot o^nl.y t}oocast the book away, bu}t al^so t}oo t}hink and say, that ou}r spe^ ch waz sorud and barbaro}s, that it waz not t}oo be^ laern^e.d, by wr^y^ti.ng or ^ pr^in|]ti.ng:which dispair, many of ou}r own nac^ion (wili.ng t}oo laern^) d}i d fal^intoo: for^ the mo^r^|#wili.ng he^ waz t}oo folow the na^m of the letter, thefarder|#of he^ waz, from t}he tru sou}nd of the wor^d: and adi.ng he^r|vn|]to oan v}n|pac^ient and v}n|discre^t taecho.r^, many go}od wits^ waer ou^er|]t}hr^o wn.^in the be^gini.ng, whoo (o}therwy^z miht hau^ gon. fo^r^ward, not o^nl.y in raedi.ng and wr^y^ti.ng their. natiu^ langag^, bu}t al^so (by the abi| ]lityof their. fre^nds^) pr^oc^e^de.d in graete.r dooi.ngs^, too their. own pr^o fit,and stey in the comon welt}h al^so: of which sor^t, waer the y.u}t}h of no^b l^blu}d, and su}ch az had parents^ of graet ability: whooz^ parents^ (t}hr^o}wh tender lou) cou}ld not hardl.y enfor^c^ them t}oo traed that painf.u}l ma^z: and the y.u}t}h fy^ndi.ng it hard, and thaer|by had no deliht thaer|in, to^k any the laest occazion t}oo be^ occupie.d o}therwy^z: whaer|by knowl.edg^ waz laki.ng in su}ch, in whoom^ the comon welt}h (for^ their. ability and credit) reqy^r^e.d mo^st, and su}ch az by al^ raezn^ miht be^ lihts^ t}oo gy^d o }|]ther,and steiz^ t}oo v}p|hol^d o}ther, hau^ be^n dr^iu^n.^ many ty^mz^ t}oo b e^ gy^|]de.dby o}ther their. far|#inferior^z^: whoo (for^ nec^essity or^ o}ther occazion)many ty^mz^ ab|uz dooi.ngs^ pr^iu^at, and so}mty^m pertaini.ng too the co|]monwelt}h, which iz che^fl.y mainteine.d by laern^i.ng (Gods^ grac^ be^fo^r^ al^ t}hings^ pr^efere.d): which laern^i.ng in the inferior^z^, cau}se}t}h du obe i|]d.ienc^toward the superior^z^, and be^i.ng in the superior^z^ taeche}t}h du g o}|]u^ern^m.ent,and final^l.y taeche}t}h al^ esta^ts^ t}oo liu^ in o^n vnity of the esta^tof the comon welt}h, eu^ery esta^t in their. degre^ and cal^i.ng, not wit}h|]ou}to^nl.y six letterz^ perfetl.y perfet: a. b. d. f. k. x. V}n|perfet for^ v}s e^nglish, mu}ch harde.r too stran^g^erz^. E^nglish condemne.d az rud and barbaro}s The best wits^ and wilz^ mo^st ab|uze.d. Laern^i.ng the qiet stey of al^ comon welt}hs^. 52BL the particular pr^ofit, qietn.es, and saf^|gard of eu^ery esta^t: whaer|]v} ntooif I hau^ ade.d any t}hing by this my amendm.ent of or^tography, for^ the vc^ and pr^ofit of laern^o.r^z^, and the sa^m acc^epte.d accor^di.ngl.y , Iwil not o^nl.y spe^di.l.y impr^int the Grammar, bu}t al^so pu}t my help|]i.ng hand v}ntoo a nec^essary Dicc^ionary, agre^i.ng too the sa^m, if God lend me ly^f^, and that I may be^ aeze.d in the bu}rdn^, that dut.y by natur compele}t}h me^ spec^ial^l.y t}oo ta^k ca^r of. Al^ graetest t}hings^ depend of smal^, the y.o}nge.st t}hings^ il br^e^dd.: d}oo shew in ty^m, what d}oot}h be^fal^, t}hr^o}wh fal^ts^ too|#la^t espy^d. Az ty^mz^ and saezn^z^ hau^ their. cou}rc^, and may not be^ reu^o^kt.: so eu^ery t}hing, az ty^m w}il seru^, mu}st hau^ hiz cou}rc^ and lo^t. The harbou}re.d se^d, in ert}hl.y bed, in winter ska^rc^ appe^rz}^: the spr^ing be^gu}n, it stretche}t}h fu}rt}h, and growe}t}h too encraec^. The so}mer co}m, it shewe}t}h plain, hiz natur and hiz ky^nd: and spr^aede}t}h fu}rt}h, after hiz sor^t, aech t}hing az y.e^ may fy^nd. Then au}tu}m or^ the ry^pi.ng ty^m, when aech thing pr^ofit y.e^ldz}^: d}oot}h bid the haru^est hy him fast, t}oo rid tho^z^ frutf.u}l fe^lds^. And az they be^, y.e^ mu}st them ta^k, contente.d wit}h their. ky^nd: the ty^m iz past, y.e^ may not look, for^ o}ther than y.e^ fy^nd. The neglig^enc^, of the ty^m past, can not reco}u^erd. be^: ho}w graetl.y then, este^m we^ owht, aech ty^m, we^ plainl.y se^. The we^ds^ intoo go}od co^r^n^ then, in no wy^z may be^ tu}rn^d.: that in ty^m past, wel we^de.d miht, hau^ be^n., and al^so bu}rn^d.. That afterward, no fe^d thaer|of, miht fal^ intoo the grou}nd: and ou^erco}m the puer grain, that cho^ke.d elc^ iz fou}nd. This se^d I maen exam^pl^ iz, whaer|of so}m ma^k liht fo^r^c^: which rankl^e}t}h wo}r^s, than d}id the we^d, whe(n) it had mo^st hiz cou}rc^. And so}m we^ds^ a^r, so ly^k go}od grain, hardl.y t}oo be^ disc^ern^d.: v}ntil they fraet the co^r^n^ away, the wy^li. fox iz cou}che.d. Mo ensam^pl^z^ of manz^ natur, which d}oot}h mu}ch|#mo^r^ digres: from hiz tru sha^p, wit}h rezn^ hol^p, than d}oot}h the br^utish baest. Or^ y.et the gras, erb, bu}sh, or^ tre^, which labo}r^ of manz^ hand: d}oot}h chan^g^ intoo a better vc^, the best that may be^ fou}nd. 53BL Y.et al^ thaez^ mu}st be^ vzd. in ty^m: the wy^ld baest not so ta^m w}il be^, when he^ iz handl^d. ol^d, az when he^ su}kz^ hiz da^m. The gras hat}h ty^me succo}r^d. t}oo be^: for^ best erbs^ se^ds^ a^r sown.: the crooke.d crab|#tre^ iz ma^d strait, by grafi.ng thaer|v}pon. Y.et y.e^lde}t}h not it the ly^k frut, az mo^st ty^mz^ d}oot}h the tre^: that bo^t}h the stok, and graf iz known.^, of long ty^m go}od t}oo be^. What better graf, can be^ in man, than God h^at}h graft} him|self^: which iz hiz rezn^a.^bl^ sowl, t}oo gy^d t}haer|by hiz ly^f^. This graf, exc^ele}t}h al^ o}ther, the bo}whs^ thaer|of far strech: the fair br^an^ches^ of the sa^m, on al^ the ert}h d}oot}h raech. Whooz^ twigs^ (I say) that smal^e.st be^, d}oo oft ty^mz^ fe^l the smart: be^fo^r^ the br^an^ches^ or^ the bo}whs^, d}oo fe^l what iz their. hu}rt. At length al^ fy^nd, and know riht wel, the fraeti.ng cancerd. wo}r^m^: from twig too br^an^ch, from br^an^ch too bo}wh, y.e too the stem d}oot}h ru}n. Whaer|by infecte.d iz this tre^, graet pity t}oo be^hol^d: v}ntil the grafo.r^ send so}m sal^u^, this cancerd. wo}r^m^ t}oo mo^ld. The laeu^^s^ he^r|of be^ of smal^ fo^r^c^, and wau^ az d}oot}h the wy^nd: y.et bewtif.y, and shadow aek, al^ that iz clad wit}h ry^nd. And if thaez^ laeu^^s^, in any part, the caterpiller by^t: d}oot}h not the twigs^, and br^an^ches^ which, a^r naere.st ta^k a bliht[ The bu}ds^ he^r|of, when they be^ smal^, then soone.st they ta^k harm^: by emot, mou}c^, and smal^ birds^^ bil, whaer|of iz go}od t}oo warn^. And oft the blosso}m be^i.ng blown.^, mo^st|#ly^k a plaeza.nt flo}wer: iz by the frost, and nor^t}h|#est wy^nd, consume.d in o^n o}wer. So that v}ntil the sa^m be^ ry^p, ho}w iz the sa^m su}bi}ect[ too mu}ch mis|hap, if God d}oo not, aech ty^m he^r|in direct. This tre^ thaer|for^ su}cco}r^d. mu}st be^, bicau}z it iz of pr^y^c^[ for^ God him|self^ d}id graf the sa^m, t}oo grow in parady^c^. And az memberz^ in diu^erz parts^, for^ nec^essary vc^: and o}ther t}hings^ for^ co}mlin.es, of body ade.d iz. And aech part hat}h hiz pr^oper gift, and seu^era.l^ wo}r^ki.ng: and aech on o}ther d}oo depend, wit}hou}t any seu^r^^i.ng. So l}et v}s al^ contented be^, wit}hou}t gru}dg^ or^ disdain: for^ no esta^t of God iz ma^d, az thowh it waer in v^ain. And l}et v}s al^ of what esta^t, soeu^er that we^ be^: set helpi.ng hand, and wili.ng stey, t}) v}p|hol^d this go}odl.y tre^. aech man amendi.ng first him|self^, too o}ther wish no il: not o^n I mis, I spaek too al^, t}oo liu^ in ert}h that wil. 54BL Neglect not dut.y in y.ou}r. lif^, I say, by o^n and o^n: al^ a^r include.d, mark it wel, whoo can then liu^ alo^n[ What emperou}r^, king, or^ pr^inc^ iz the^r, whooz^ go}u^ern^m.e(n)t can mis a pe^pl^, that he^ go}u^ern^ may, t}oo shew what hiz po}wer iz. And y.et thowh he^, next God sett. be^, on ert}hl.y t}hings^ t}oo rein: ho}w can he^ se^, exc^ept he^ hau^, mo iyz^ than a^r hiz own: And aerz^ al^so, wit}h fe^t, and hands^, and mou}thes that hau^ skil: t}oo spy, t}oo he^ar, t}oo go, t}oo ru}n, t}oo execut hiz wil. A pe^pl^ can a rulo.r^ lak, no mo^r^ than she^p a haerd: whoo laki.ng, they scatterd. mu}st be^, their. spoil mu}st ne^ds^ then br^e^d. The wu}lf, the fox, the gray al^so, and o}ther, wex fu}l bol^d: the she^p|haerd be^i.ng at hiz rest, if no dog ke^p the fol^d, And bark, when that they d}oo apr^och, and so the she^p|haerd warn^: that he^ awa^k, may from hiz rest, t}oo sau^ hiz she^p from harm^. So that the she^p be^reft be^ not, of the y.u}ng tender lamb: nor^ y.et the lamb ma^d dezolat, of hiz natura.l^ dam. Whaer|by graet lamenta.c^ion, wit}hin the fol^d may ry^z: su}ch az hau^ pe^ty wil then sih, t}oo he^ar the wof.u}l noic^. God gran^t ou}r Qe^n wit}hin hir relm^, so gou^ern^ may and rul: that long she^ may remain wit}h v}s, and we^ hir su}bi.ects^ tru. And that aech o^n wit}h o}ther may, so laed a godl.y lif^: that perfet lou^, and fre^ndship bo^t}h, may dr^iu^ away al^ stry^f^. Then shal^ this yl^ of graet Br^itain, be^ t}hr^ic^ blest at Gods^^ hand: wit}h hiz gra^c^, welt}h, and qietn.es, and lou^, of thaez^ the band. 57BL tu}rn^ a intoo e^. be^twe^n 58BL The ly^k adi.c^ionz^ a^r vze.d in this ne^w amendm.ent, Wit}h ly^k stry^ks^, priks^, and no^ts^ al^so, wit}h ly^k vc^ of acc^ent, In wry^tn.^ ha(n)d, az in the print, no|t}hing wantt}h, bu}t co(n)sent. Thowh thaez figurz^ v}ntoo y.ou}r. siht, at first se^m t}oo be^ stran^g^, Y.e^ may soon fy^nd by litl^ he^d, they d}oo no far way ran^g^ From the ol^d vzd. ortography, graet gayn iz in the chan^g^. The v}n|laern^e.d so^rt may be^ excuze.d, Not wry^ti.ng the no^ts^, in grammar vze.d. 60BL The prynto.r^ nor^ the wry^to.r^ y.et, wil so their a^rt defend, Bu}t that so}m figurz^ he^r|in vzd., they my^nd in ty^m t}oo me(n)d, And if so}m wor^d in qantity d}oo mis|ly^k so}m ma(n)z^ my^nd, The Au}tor^ crau^e}t}h pardn^, tyl a Dictionary end Thaez dou}ts, and then no dou}t god wil, hiz ayd v}ntoo v}s se(n)d. The sha^p of h, that he^r d}oot}h shew, wit}h consonant thu}s i}oyne.d, O^n letterz^ sou}nd it only y.e^ldz}^ be^fo^r in uc^ deu^yde.d, The acc^ent or the tu}rn^e.d stry^k, or comma sett. be^low, Taeche}t}h y.ou playn^ the do}bl^ sou}nd of letterz o^ld t}oo know. Bu}t thaez t}hre^ next d}oo cau}z no sou}nd, for grammar|#rul they grow. 1