JRTBPFG04UPU 1PG William Bu}llokarz}^ Pamphlet] for^ Grammar: Or^ rather t}oo be^ saie.d hiz Abbr^eu^iat}i.on of hiz Grammar for^ E^nglish, extracte.d ou}t|#of hiz Grammar at|#la^rg^. This be^i.ng su}ffic^i.ent for^ the spe^di. laern^i.ng ho}w t}oo pa^rc^ E^nglish spe^ch for^ the perfecte.r wr^y^ti.ng thaer|of, and vzi.ng of the best phr^a^s}e^s^ thaer|in, and the aezi.e.r entr^^a.nc^ intoo the secrets^ of Grammar for^ o}ther langa|]g^es^, and the spe^di.e.r v}nderstandi.ng of o}ther langag^es^ rule.d or^ not rule.d by Grammar: v^ery|#pr^ofita.bl^ for^ the E^nglish nat}ion that dezy^r^e}t}h t}oo laern^ any stran^g^ langag^: and v^e|]ry|#aid|fu}l too the stran^g^o.r^ t}oo laern^ e^nglish perfectl.y and spe^di.l.y: for^|#that E^nglish hat}h shor^t rul (thaer|for^ soon laern^e.d) y.et hau^i.ng su}f|]fic^i.ent rulz^ thaer|in t}oo ma^k the way mu}ch aezi.e.r for^ the laern^i.ng of any o}ther langag^ v}n|]known.^ be^fo^r^ too the laern^o.r^. He^ h^ath al^so cau}z|]e}d t}oo be^ im|pr^inte.d with tru or^tgraphy and Grammar|#no^ts^ o}ther books^ su}ffic^i.ent for^ the exerc^iz and vc^ of this] Grammar. Ge^u^ God the pr^aiz, that taeche}t}h al^|waiz. When trut}h trye}t}h, erro}o.r^ flie}t}h. Im|pr^inte.d at Lo}ndon, by Ed|]mu}nd Bollifant. 3PG The^r be^ in E^nglish spe^ch seu^n^ and t}hirty di|]stinct singl^ diu^is}ionz^ of the v^oic^, and seu^n^ mixt. diu^is}ionz^ cal^e.d dipht}hongs^. So the^r a}r in the who^l, fower and for^ty distinct or^ seu^era.l diu^is}ionz^ in the v^oic^, of that lan|]gag^, which a}r figre.d or^ marke.d by let|]terz^, az folowe}t}h. Too] thaez a}r ade.d, k, of the vc^ of, c: al^so, ph, of the vc^ of, f: and r^^, by it|self^: and al^so, (and) by it|self^ for^ the wor^d, and. Their. Capitalz^ and o}ther paierz^ folow, whaer|of so}m be^ the mo in nu}mber for^ the aezi.|]e.r vzi.ng of fo^r^mer im|pr^esi.onz^, and help in eqiu^oc^y: bu}t first I wil deu^y^d the v^o}welz^ and hal^f v^o}welz^, from the consonants^, with their. ty^m: and then partl.y ho}w thaez v^o}welz^ and hal^f v^o}welz^ may be^ vze.d toogether in diph|]thong, az t}hr^e^ of them so sou}nde.d toogether ma^k a tripht}hong: in which tripht}hong the^r iz al^|way o^n hal^f v^o}wel if the^r be^ not twoo. Eiht v^o}welz^: V^o}welz^ of shor^t ty^m: a. e. i. o. v}. whoo hau^|]i.ng long ty^m a}r acc^ente.d thu}s: a^. e^. or^ ae. cal^e.d e. dipht}hong, y^. o^. and for^, v}. long, we^ vz the diph|]t}hong ou}. 4PG V^o}welz^ of long ty^m: e^. oo. v. whaer|in no^t that e^. ae^. and oo. a}r neu^er sou}nde.d shor^t, exc^ept when a consonant folowi.ng iz du}bl^e.d in a for^m^a.tiu^, sou}ndi.ng e^. or^ ae^. az, e. and sou}ndi.ng, oo. az o}o.. or^, o. t}oo ke^p for^m^a.tiu^s^ perfect in figr, thowh chan^g^e.d in v^oic^, and when, u. iz sou}nde.d shor^t, t}oo acc^ent it thu}s, . aezi.l.y perc^eiu^e.d by|]#raedi.ng au}tr^z^ so im|pr^inte.d: y.ou}r.|#own.^ v^oic^ gy^di.ng y.ou} thaer|in. Hal^f v^o}welz^: l^. m^. n^. r^^. vze.d al^so ly^k the consonants^, l. m. n. r. in for^m^a.tiu^s^ when a con|]sonant goe}t}h next be^fo^r^ any of them, and a v^o}wel ade.d after them endi.ng the for^m^o.r^: for^ in wor^ds^ not for^m^e.d of o}ther, su}ch hal^f v^o}wel stande}t}h last, and iz speld. alo^n by it|self^, exc^ept it folow a v^o}wel t}oo ma^k a dipht}hong. The seu^n^ dipht}hongs^:ai. au}. ei. eu}. oi. ow. ooi. for^ we^ vz w. in dipht}hong bo^th for^ hiz ne^r na^m|]i.ng ly^k a v^o}wel, and bicau}z of hiz o^ld vc^. Tripht}hongs^: an el^m^|#tre^: a cal^m^ wy^nd: a hol^m^|#wand, or^ hol^m^e.n wand. by it|self^. 5PG William Bu}llokar too the] Raedo.r^. Az in, mirror^z^, m^en d}oo, be^ho^ld the sha^ps^, of t}hings^, not thaer, bu}t ta^kn.^ from, so}m su}bstanc^ that, iz thaer|v}ntoo, sett. ne^r: So I, that wish, my ca^s, shou}ld be^, weihe.d, of aech, a|riht, dezy^r^ al^, with my^nd, t}oo mark, this mirror^, he^r in siht. A wo}|man that, hir y.ut}h, h^ath s}pent, and frut|fu}l ra^c^, d}ooth cra^u^, whaer|of, God h^ath, ge^)n}^ v}ntoo hir su}ch az, hir ly^k, wou}ld hau^, And iz, oftn^, be^raeu^e.d of hir tender|#lo}u^e.d o^n, whaer|in she^ i}oyd}, in y.ut}h|fu}l y.e^rz^, for^ which, she^ ma^kt}h, graet mo^n. And God, at|#lengt}h, in elder y.e^rz^, d}ooth bles, hir womb, with frut, that she^, en|i}oyz}, hiz grat}io}s gift gran^te.d, t}hr^o}wh hir, long sut, She^ ho^pe}t}h, that, she^ shal^, hau^ help, 6PG of neihbo}r^z^, fre^nds^ and kin, in|#fardr^^i.ng al^, go}od lu}k, too her, when hir, trau^elz^, be^gin. Thowh gigl^i.ng kit, and wanton ka^t, d}oo litl^ know, the pain, that an^c^ient matronz^, h^au^ fo^r^|fe^lt}t, be^fo^r^, they d}oo attain, T}oo know, what iz, the cark, and ca^r, for^ ho}wsho^ld, and for^ chy^ld, And matronl.y, t}oo y.e^ld so}m stey, in ho}ws, in gran^g^, and fe^ld. Eu^n^|#so, sit}h I, in fo^r^mer y.e^rz^, h^au^ trau^eld}, with go}od my^nd, for^ my co}ntry, from ty^m, too ty^m, az dut.y, d}ooth al^ by^nd: My ho^p, in elder y.e^rz^, at|#last, iz t}oo rec^eiu^|#agein, the fre^ndl.y comfor^t, of go}od my^nds^, t}oo qit part, of my pain. The baeri.ng hor^s, the dr^awi.ng ox, the tooili.ng as, al^so, a}r cherishe.d, for^ their. labor^: why shou}ld not man be^ too^[ Sit}h man, for^ manz}^ sa^k, b.or^n^ iz, no^n can, so liu^, alo^n, that of him|self^, can so pr^ou^y^d, that he^, hat}h ne^d, of no^n. 7PG So}m hau^ o^n gift, so}m an, o}ther: so}m with the body tooyl: so}m with the my^nd a}r exerc^y^zd.: and God, appoointt}h, aech soyl, T}oo br^ing|#fo}r^t}h, diu^ers}l.y, their. fruts^, in barens.t pla^c^, may grow mo^st|#plenty|fu}l, of the best fruts^, if God, wil hau^ it so. No^n shou}ld despy^z, the gifts^ of God, whaer|soeu^er, he^ it fy^nd: whoo|so, setz}|#liht, by|#bettr^^i.ng t}hings^, shewe}t}h, him|self^ v}n|ky^nd, Too him, that ta^ke}t}h painz^ thaer|in, y.) v}n|t}hank|fu}l, iz too God, that iz, the ge^u^o.r^ of al^ gifts^, and can, ma^k go}od of bad. Bu}t t}oo retu}rn^, too mirror^z}^ vc^: the trau^el, I am in, may be^ compa^re.d, too the ty^m, in which, wo}|m^en be^gin T}oo conc^eiu^ chy^ld, and the ten mo}nt}hs^, be^fo^r^, deliu^r^^a.nc^ co}m, iz ly^k my ca^s, rekn^i.ng aech mo}nt}h a y.e^r, within which su}m, Many a pinchi.ng, pang I had, and gre^p, v}ntoo the reinz^, which I be^wr^eyd., too su}ch, az I, 8PG t}howht, w}ou}ld aez, that^ my painz^. I mu}st confes, so}m fre^nds^ I f}ou}nd, that ga}u^ me^ so}m rele^f, with comfor^ta.bl^ spe^ch, bu}t y.et, they aezd} not, al^ my gre^f. No gre^f iz graete.r, too the my^nd, than when, the scor^n^i.ng train d}ooth g^est, and g^y^b, at v^ertuz}^ gifts^, and su}ch az d}oo ta^k pain: Y.e, for^ their. go}od, that dezeru^ not, t}oo hau^, so go}od a t}hing: them|selu^s^ not a^bl^, t}oo doo ly^k, their. my^nds^, not so bendi.ng. If taerz^ shou}ld fal^|#do}wn, from my^n yiz^, it) w}aer not, of chy^ldi.sh my^nd, sit}h, naere.r steps^, of t}hr^e^ sco^r^ y.e^rs^, then fifty, my fe^t fy^nd: Nor^ y.et, for^ faintn.es, of co}r^ag^, sith, wili.ng my^nd me^ laedd}, twy^c^, intoo for^en foz}^ co}ntry, v}nder the ensy^n spr^edd., Seru^i.ng twoo knihts^, riht|#wo}r^ship|fu}l, both soldy.or^z^ of reno}wm, riht|#skil|fu}l in, warl.y affairz^, t}oo seru^ in fe^ld, or^ to}wn: With whoom^ I vzd} su}ch dilig^enc^, that they pu}tt} tru}st in me^, 9PG mo^r^ than in so}m, of elde.r y.e^rz^, and hihe.r of degre^: I seru^d} al^so, in garizon, with capten Tu}rnor^ too^, t}oo get knowl.edg^, in mart}ial faets^, the mu}ster|#books^ can shew: In al^ which ty^mz^ I stu}die}d then, y.e sinc^, az ernestl.y, the soldy.or^z}^ art, az Grammar|#rul, and cou}ld say: no}w for^ me^: If credit w}aer ge^u^n.^ v}ntoo me^: a tool in sto^r^|#ho}ws hy^dd., may seru^ az wel az o}ther d}oo, when the^r iz ty^m and ne^d. When ty^m and leizur ga}u^ me^ laeu^, or^ fre^nd d}id it reqy^r^, I d}id deliht in hawk or^ hou}nd, mo^r^ at my fre^nds^^ dezy^r^, Than al^|toogether for^ plaezr: in tila.g^ had I skil, the y.o}ng t}oo br^e^d, the o^ld t}oo fe^d, with o}ther t}hings^ not il. My my^nd waz b.ent in al^ my ly^f^, t}oo wish my co}ntryz}^ wael, long ty^m stu}dyi.ng the lawz^ of it, that c^iu^ill.y d}oo dael, v}ntil I s}aw t}hr^o}wh co}lo}r^d. riht, 10PG go}od consc^ienc^ baer smal^ sway, and raezn^ range}d not in rank, az I h^ad known}^ the day. Thu}s daeli.ng with m^en diu^ers} waiz^, se^i.ng the cou}rs go|#wr^y, I t}howht it cou}ld, not b) il t}howht|#of, if so}m maen I d}id try, For^ spe^di. laern^i.ng: that the smal^ in y.e^rz^, bu}t in degre^, graete.r, miht with mo^r^ aez attain, the best pat}h|#way t}oo se^: Whooz}^s^^ ne^d )z not su}ch, nor^ co}r^ag^ ba^s, t}oo stu}dy, al^, for^ gain, bu}t t}oo mezur, bo^th riht and wr^ong, a trau^el wo}r^t}h their. pain. A Twin this v^olum iz, that hat}h a felow of mo^r^ fa^m, whoo shal^ in swadl^i.ng clo^t}hs^ ly stil, v}ntil it ta^k hiz na^m, From hir mo^st|#sacred hands^ that sitz}, in royal pr^inc^l.y saet, and may commau}nd, bo^th hih and low, the smal^, the maen, and graet. And that the laern^e.d, no}w wou}ld shew, I cra^u^ among the rest, ho}w many alo^n, for^ hiz co}ntry, h^ath b}r^owht the ly^k too|#pas: 11PG Bo^th for^ the perfect pictri.ng, of spe^ch, and Grammar too^: not laeu^i.ng|#ou}t o^ld letter, nor^ br^ingi.ng ne^w sha^ps^ for^ mo: Nor^ alteri.ng the senc^ of wor^ds^, nor^ of sentenc^ the phr^a^s}, bu}t that aech v^olum, ty^m t}oo co}m, may be^ raedd. az it waz: And by my trau^el E^nglish try^d., a perfect rule.d tu}ng, confera.bl^ in Grammar|#art, with any rule.d long. Bu}t if I er in my conc^eit, or^ by wor^ds^ ge^u^ offenc^, wr^y^t me^ the first, pardn^ the last, and with me^ d}oo dispenc^: For^ az in t}hr^owz^, the wo}|man|ky^nd iz tu}cht., in hard trau^el, when ly^f^ with det}h, for^ maistr^^i. striu^z}, whaer|by she^ can not tel, Whoom^ she^ offendz}: eu^n^|#so my ca^s, too hirz}^ may be^ compa^rd., that trau^el in this weiht.i. wo}r^k, whaer|in, if I h^au^ erd}, If ly^f^ d}oo last, I wil it mend, and t}hink no sha^m at|#al^, t}oo be^ refor^m^d. (for^ man may er) 12PG elc^, baest|#ly^k d}oo me^ cal^. The soldy.or^ in a ho^ld, be^se^g^d., with famin so^r^|#oppr^est., iz dr^iu^n.^ with fo^r^c^, t}oo ma^k hiz way, no^t py^ni.ng ly^k a baest, Refuzi.ng not imparlanc^ with hiz enemy t}oo hau^, az hiz credit, and co}ntryz}^ welt.h}, he^ may with nor^ sa^u^. Az war iz an extre^mi.ty, that wr^ongs^^ fo^r^c^ d}ooth pr^ocur: so paec^ (with nor^) iz pr^eferd., be^fo^r^ warl.y plaezu.r. Y.ou}r. go}od acc^epta.nc^ of thaez painz^, wil cau}z me^ t}oo set hand, t}oo|#perfecti.ng a Dict}ionary, the t}hird strengt}h of this band: If any go}od man wil pr^oc^e^d, thaer|in t}oo ta^k so}m pain, and that go}od lu}k wil stretch t}oo qit, the sa^m go}od wil agein. 13PG W. Bu}llokarz}^ abbr^eu^iat}i.on of hiz Gram|]mar for^ e^nglish extracte.d ou}t|#of hiz Gram|]mar at|#la^rg^, for^ the spe^di. pa^rc^i.ng of e^nglish spe^ch, and the aezi.e.r co}mi.ng too the knowl.edg^ of Gram|]mar for^ o}ther lan|]gag^es^. Spe^ch may be^ diu^y^de.d intoo o^n of thaez eiht parts^: too wit, No}wn, Pr^onou}n, V^erb, decly^ne.d Partic^ipl^, Adu^erb, Coni}u}nct}ion, Pr^epos}it}ion, Interi}ect}ion, v}n|decly^ne.d. So, that the^r iz no|#o^n wor^d t}oo be^ v}ttere.d in ou}r spe^ch, bu}t it iz o^n of the eiht parts^ be^fo^r^ ment}ione.d. The Na^m of any t}hing that may be^ se^n., fe^lt.t, hae^rd.d, or^ v}nderstande.d iz cal^e.d a no}wn, az a hand, a ho}ws, an yi, God, go}odn.es, hae^r|]i.ng, laern^i.ng: and may the aezi.l.ye.r be^ known.^, from eu^ery o}ther part of spe^ch, by so}m|#o^n of thaez articl^z^, A, An, or^ The, sett. be^fo^r^ su}ch wor^d, which may comu}nl.y be^ vze.d be^fo^r^ any no}wn|#su}bstantiu^ na^me.d alo^n: but if a su}b|]stantiu^ be^i.ng in sentenc^ gou^ern^ a no}wn|#ad|]i}ectiu^, the adi}ectiu^ iz commu}nl.y sett. be^twe^n su}ch articl^ and su}bstantiu^, their. pr^epos}it}ion 14PG be^i.ng commu}nl.y sett. be^fo^r^ them al^ (exc^ept so}m ty^m for^ me^tr^^z}^ sa^k) az a man of an exc^el|]e.nt wit waz cal^e.d t}oo answer in the graet hal^ be^fo^r^ al^ the wy^ze.st offic^o.r^z^ of the c^ity. A No}wn|#Su}bstantiu^ iz a perfect wor^d of it|self^ withou}t any wor^d t}oo be^ i}ooine.d with it: az in the wor^ds^ shewi.ng be^fo^r^ what iz cal^|]e.d a no}wn. A No}wn|#Adi}ectiu^ iz a wor^d not perfectl.y v}nderstande.d exc^ept a no}wn|#su}bstantiu^ be^ i}ooyne.d with it: which su}bstantiu^ iz known.^ by the answer, whoo[ or^ what[ m.a^d v}pon the ad|]i}ectiu^: az, go}od, blak, hard, gre^n: whoo go}od[ God. What blak[ pitch. What hard[ wax. What gre^n[ gras. A No}wn iz either of the singular nu}mber, or^ of the plural nu}mber. The Singular Nu}mber spaeke}t}h bu}t of o^n: az, a ho}ws, an yi, the trut.h}. The Plural nu}m|]ber spaeke}t}h of mo than o^n: az ho}wses^, yiz^, trut.h}s^. A, an, seru^i.ng too the singular. The, seru^i.ng too both nu}mberz^. He^r iz t}oo be^ no^te.d, that, A, iz so}m ty^m vze.d with the plural nu}mber, be^i.ng i}ooine.d with an adi}ectiu^ shewing plural nu}mber: az a hu}n|]derd bu}lloks^, a t}ho}zand she^p: or^ with Collec|]tiu^s^: az, a do}zn^ spoonz^: al^so we^ say many a 15PG man, many a ty^m, for^ many m^en, and many ty^mz^. A, d}oot}h so}m ty^m su}pply the maeni.ng of the pr^epos}it}ionz^, in, of, abou}t, v}pon or^ on: and iz so}m ty^m in compos}it}ion with wor^ds^ vze.d adu^erbi.all.y, so}m ty^m g^eru}ndi.all.y: The, iz al^|]way vze.d demonstratiu^l.y or^ relatiu^l.y: a, and an, a}r vze.d appellatiu^l.y. A No}wn|#Su}bstantiu^ may be^ decly^ne.d, or^ at the|#laest vze.d in Fy^u^ Ca^ses^: t}oo wit, The Nominatiu^, the Accus}atiu^, the Gaina.tiu^, the V^ocatiu^, and the G^enitiu^|#pr^opr^^i.etary. Eu^ery Simpl^ su}bstantiu^ withou}t any ad|]i.t}ion too the first na^mi.ng thaer|of may be^ cal^|]e.d the Nominatiu^|#ca^s, thowh it be^ s.po^kn^ alo^n by it|self^, which be^i.ng i}ooine.d with o}ther wor^ds^ in sentenc^, go}u^ern^e}t}h a v^erb in nu}m|]ber and persn^, and iz commu}nl.y sett. be^fo^r^ the v^erb, or^ sy^n of hiz tenc^, and answere}t}h too the qestion, whoo[ or^ what[ m.a^d v}pon the v^erb or^ hiz sy^n: exc^ept a qestion be^ aske.d by the v^erb, or^ that the v^erb be^ the Imparatiu^|#mood, or^ that, it^, or^ the^r, co}m be^fo^r^ the v^erb or^ hiz sy^n, or^ that the nominatiu^|#ca^s be^ sett. after this wor^d Had, whaer if, iz t}oo be^ v}nderstande.d: and so}m ty^m the v^erb agre^e}t}h in nu}mber and persn^ with, it^, thowh the wor^d folowi.ng the v^erb an|]swere}t}h too the qestion, whoo[ or^ what[ az, it^ iz 16PG not I, it^ iz thu}: it^ iz we^, it^ iz not they, the nega|]tiu^, not, be^i.ng al^|way sett. after the v^erb, or^ be^twe^n the v^erb and the sy^n of hiz tenc^. In al^ thaez exc^ept}i.onz^ the nominatiu^ ca^s iz sett. af|]ter the v^erb, or^ after the sy^n of hiz tenc^. The Accus}atiu^|#Ca^s d}ooth g^enerall.y^ folow the v^erb, partic^ipl^, pr^epos}it}ion, or^ g^eru}ndi.al, and answere}t}h too the qestion whoom^[ or^ what[ m.a^d v}pon the v^erb, partic^ipl^, pr^epos}it}ion, or^ g^eru}ndi.al: and iz so}m ty^m vze.d absolutl.y, that iz, not go}u^ern^e.d of any wor^d, when it shewe}t}h, mezr, spa^c^, or^ ty^m. Bu}t the sa^m spe^ch be^i.ng vze.d gaina.tiu^l.y iz cal^e}d the Gain|]a.tiu^|#Ca^s, and be^i.ng cal^e.d or^ s.po^kn^|#v}ntoo iz saye.d t}oo be^ the V^ocatiu^|#Ca^s: az, How Jn, Roberd ge^u^e}t}h Richard a shert, and Nicolas ma^ke}t}h William a co^t. In this sentenc^, Jn iz the v^ocatiu^|#ca^s: Roberd and Nicolas be^ the nominatiu^|#ca^s: shert and co^t be^ the accu|]satiu^|#ca^s: Richard and William be^ the gain|]a.tiu^|#ca^s, which may be^ Res}olu^e.d intoo the ac|]usatiu^|#ca^s by the pr^epos}it}ion, Too or^ For^: az, How Jn, Roberd ge^u^e}t}h a shert too Ri|]chard, and Nicolas ma^ke}t}h a co^t for^ Willi|]am. Al^so it may be^ cal^e.d the gaina.tiu^|#ca^s be^|]i.ng vze.d in ly^k phr^a^s}, thowh in a signific.at}ion contrary too gain: az, he^ b}r^a^k me^ a bow, spooil|]e}d 17PG William a co^t, and hu}rt my father a hor^s. So, that the fower ca^ses^ be^fo^r^ na^me.d be^ of o^n v^oic^ and figur. And so}m ty^m vze.d neither gaina.tiu^l.y, nor^ contraril.y: az, he^ t}o^ld me^ the matter, and shewe}d me^ hiz my^nd. The g^e^nitiu^|#Pr^opr^^i.etary iz so cal^e.d, bi|]c^au}z it gete}t}h, e^s^, s^^, or^ z}^, ade.d too the nomina|]tiu^ of bo^th nu}mberz^: and hau^i.ng after it an o}ther wor^d pr^opr^^ or^ pertaini.ng too it, cal^e.d the Pr^opr^^i.ety, which may be^ sett. be^fo^r^ su}ch pr^opr^^i.etary, if y.e^ res}olu^ this g^enitiu^ pr^opr^^i.e|]tary with the pr^epos}it}ion of: az, the maisterz^ taechi.ng t}hr^o}wh wy^zd.o}mz}^ gy^d, and chy^ldde^rn^z}^ laern^i.ng t}hr^o}wh v^ertuz}^ help, d}oot}h qit the pa|]rents^^ charg^es^: res}olu^e.d thu}s, The taechi.ng of the maister t}hr^o}wh the gy^d of wy^zd.o}m, and laern^i.ng of chy^lddern^ t}hr^o}wh the help of v^ertu, d}ooth qit the cha^rg^es^ of the parent: and if the pr^opr^^i.ety be^ go}u^ern^e.d of a pr^epos}it}ion, su}ch pr^epos}it}ion iz sett. befo^r^ su}ch g^enitiu^|#pr^opr^^i.e|]tary, whoo be^i.ng of the singular nu}mber iz co(m)|]mu}nl.y eqiu^oc with the nominatiu^ plural di|]stinguishe.d thu}s, es^, s^, z^, bu}t the g^enitiu^|#pr^o|]pr^^i.etary miht be^ better distinguishe.d in figur with is^, ou}r v^oic^ not dis|agre^i.ng: e, and, i, in tho^z pla^c^es^ be^i.ng so shor^tl.y pr^onou}nc^e.d. The nominatiu^|#ca^s be^i.ng i}ooine.d with a 18PG partic^ipl^, and gou^ern^i.ng no v^erb, nor^ go|]u^ern^e.d of a v^erb, may be^ cal^e.d the Nomina|]tiu^|#Ca^s|#Absolut: az mezr, spa^c^, or^ ty^m may be^ vze.d in the accus}atiu^|#ca^s absolutl.y al^so: az, they w}aer ten dayz^ ry^di.ng a hu}nderd my^lz^, we^ taryi.ng|#stil at Lo}ndon, and not looki.ng o^n foot withou}t the wal^z^. Su}ch nominatiu^ ab|]solut may gou^ern^ the v^erb, when su}ch partic^i|]pl^ iz res}olu^e.d by hiz v^erb, hau^i.ng be^fo^r^ it o^n of thaez coni}u}nct}ionz^, when, why^ls.t, if, so|#that, or^ su}ch ly^k: az, they w}aer ten dayz^ ry^di.ng a hu}n|]derd my^lz^, why^ls.t we^ tarye.d|#stil at Lo}ndon, and lookt} not o^n foot withou}t the wal^z^. The ca^s cal^e.d Ablatiu^ in Latin or^ o}ther langag^ iz in e^nglish the accus}atiu^, thowh go}|]u^ern^e.d of a pr^epos}it}ion signifyi.ng ablatiu^l.y. T}oo decly^n a No}wn|#Su}bstantiu remem|]ber the twoo nu}mberz^ and the fy^u^ ca^ses^ be^fo^r^ goi.ng: t}oo wit, that the accus}atiu^, the gaina.tiu^, and the v^ocatiu^, be^ ly^k their. nominatiu^ in both nu}mberz^, no^ti.ng the adi.t}ionz^, e^s^, s^^, or^ z^, (ra|]ther is^) t}oo for^m^ the g^enitiu^|#pr^opr^^i.etary sin|]gular, and es^, s^, or^ z^, t}oo for^m^ the nominatiu^ plural accor^di.ng too the letter endi.ng t}he no|]minatiu^ singular. That iz, too or^ ad es^: too or^ ad s^: too v^o}wel, hal^f^ v^o}wel, or^ dipht}hong, 19PG ad z^. Chan^g^ f^, al^|way intoo v^s^. The genitiu^ plu|]ral iz for^m^e.d of the nominatiu^ plural be^i.ng chan^g^e.d in figur: and it w}aer not amis if the g^enitiu^ plural w}aer g^enerall.y for^m^e.d of the nominatiu^ plural, thowh ou}r spe^ch se^ldo}m hat}h e^s^, s^^, or^ z}^, ade.d too the for^m^o.r^ endi.ng in es^, s^, or^ z^, be^i.ng a for^m^a.tiu^ it|self^: for^ exampl^, Thu}s: Singularl.y ba^b, G^enitiu^ ba^bs^ Nominatiu^, bak, baks^. Accus}atiu^, rod, rods^. Gaina.tiu^ and ru}f, ru}fs^. V^ocatiu^, rag, rags^. Plurall.y ba^bs^, G^enitiu^, ba^bs^e^s^. Nominatiu^, baks^, baks^e^s^. Accus}atiu^, rods^, rods^e^s^, Gaina.tiu^ and ru}fs^, ru}fs^e^s^. V^ocatiu^, rags^, rags^e^s^. Singularl.y gra^c^, G^enitiu^, gra^c^e^s^. Nominatiu^, match, matche^s^. Accus}atiu^, br^idg^, br^idg^e^s^. Gaina.tiu^ and box, boxe^s^. V^ocatiu^, ro^z, ro^ze^s^. 20PG Plurall.y gra^c^es^, G^en. grac^es^e^s^. Nominatiu^, matches^, Accus}atiu^, br^idg^es^, br^idg^es^e^s^. Gaina.tiu^ and boxes^, boxes^e^s^. V^ocatiu^, ro^zes^, rozes^e^s^. Singularl.y bu}l, G^enitiu^ bu}lz}^. Nominatiu^, ram, ramz}^. Accus}atiu^, pan, panz}^. Gaina.tiu^ and bar, barz}^. V^ocatiu^, tro}bl^, tro}bl^z}^. Plurall.y bu}lz^, G^enit. bu}lz^e^s^. Nominatiu^, ramz^, ramz^e^s^. Accus}atiu^, panz^, panz^e^s^. Gaina.tiu^ and barz^, barz^e^s^. V^ocatiu^, tro}bl^z^, tro}bl^z^e^s^. Singularl.y wo}r^m^, G^enit. wo}r^m^z}^. Nominatiu^, barn^, barn^z}^. Accus}atiu^, sc^eptr^^, sc^eptr^^z}^. Gaina.tiu^ and way, waiz}^. V^ocatiu^, straw, strawz}^. Plurall.y wo}r^m^z^, G^en. wo}r^m^z^e^s^. Nominatiu^, barn^z^, barn^z^e^s^. Accus}atiu^, sc^eptr^^z^, sc^eptr^^z^e^s^, Gaina.tiu^ and waiz^, waiz^e^s^. V^ocatiu^, strawz^, strawz^e^s^. 21PG Singularl.y staf^, G^enitiu^, stau^s^^. Nominatiu^, laef^, laeu^s^^. Accus}atiu^, be^f^, be^u^s^^. Gaina.tiu^ and wy^f^, wy^u^s^^. V^ocatiu^, lof^, lou^s^^. Plurall.y stau^s^, G^enitiu^, stau^s^e^s^. Nominatiu^, laeu^s^, laeu^s^e^s^. Accus}atiu^, be^u^s^, be^u^s^e^s^. Gaina.tiu^ and wy^u^s^, wy^u^s^e^s^. V^ocatiu^, lou^s^, lou^s^e^s^. No^t that in the decly^ni.ngs^ of thaez exam^pl^z^ and o}ther wor^ds^, ou}r v^oic^ d}ooth se^ld vz, e^s^, ade.d too the nominatiu^|#plural, be^i.ng it|self^ for^m^e.d by, es^, s^, or^ z^, ade.d too the simpl^: y.et I h^au^ thu}s figre.d it for^ distinct}i.onz}^ sa^k, whaer, e^, may wel be^ l.eft|#ou}t thaer|in, and al^so in the g^enitiu^ singular, the simpl^ endi.ng in s, and spec^iall.y t}oo defal^k a sillabl^ in v^e^rs, and then figre.d thu}s: ss^^, z^s^^: az, Midass^^ aerz^s^^ lengt}h waz mo^r^|#wo}ndere.d|#at, than twenty bu}lz^s^^ hor^n^z^s^^ shor^tn.es, or^ a hu}nderd hor^ss^^ aerz^ cropt. too their. heds^s^^ na^p. For^ plaine.r shew res}olu^e.d thu}s: The lengt}h of she aerz^ of Midas waz mo^r^ wo}ndere.d|#at than the shor^tn.es of the hor^n^z^ of twenty bu}lz^, or^ the aerz^ of a hu}nderd hor^ses^ cropt. too the na^p of their. heds^. 22PG No^t al^so that so}m su}bstantiu^s^ chan^g^ v^oic^ and figr in the nominatiu^ plural: az, of man co}me}t}h m^en, of peny co}me}t}h penc^: and so}m|]#few hau^ o^n v^oic^ and figr in both nu}mberz^: az a she^p, and twoo she^p: pe^pl^, folk, swy^n, cat|]tel, fo}wl, de^r, a}r vze.d in both nu}mberz^, and mo^st collectiu^s^ and masa.tiu^s^, and so}m endi.ng in x, or^ z, for^m^ the plural by adi.ng n^^, az of ox, oxn^^: o}f ho^z, ho^zes^ and ho^zn^^, aezi.l.y known.^ too the e^nglish nat}ion. The dou}t|fu}l stran^g^o.r^ may folow g^eneral rul: whooz}^ maeni.ng we^ v}nder|]stand, az wel az we^ know him a stran^g^o.r^ thaer|by, in chan^g^e.d decly^na.tiu^s^. Az|#to}chi.ng G^enderz^ of a no}wn, we^ hau^ litl^ ne^d of distingu}ishi.ng of them, in respect of go|]u^ern^i.ng of an adi}ectiu^ or^ partic^ipl^ whoo a}r v}n|decly^ne.d: bu}t in respect that a su}bstantiu^ maene}t}h the ma^l or^ the fema^l, or^ neither of them, and so}m ty^m maene}t}h bo^th ma^l and fe|]ma^l, al^ which a}r signifie.d by thaez pr^ono}wnz^, He^, She^, It, They, vze.d so}m ty^m demonstra|]tiu^l.y, so}m ty^m relatiu^l.y: y.e mu}st no^t that the Ma^l mo^r^|#pr^opr^^l.y reqy^r^e}t}h He^: and cal^e.d the Masculin|#G^ender. The Fema^l reqy^r^e}t}h She^, and cal^e.d the Femenin|#G^ender. And maen|]i.ng neither ma^l nor^ fema^l reqy^r^e}t}h, It, and cal^e.d the Neu}ter|#G^ender. Bu}t maeni.ng bo^th 23PG ma^l and fema^l reqy^r^e}t}h so}m ty^m He^, so}m ty^m She^, and may be^ cal^e.d the Do}bl^|#G^en|]der, so}m ty^m m.a^d manifest by the expr^esi.ng of he^, or^ she^, accor^di.ng too the su}bstantiu^ shewe.d, or^ antec^edent rehaerc^e.d by any of them: it, be^i.ng mo^r^|#pr^opr^^l.y applye.d too a t}hing not hau^i.ng ly^f^. It be^i.ng vze.d Demon|]stratiu^l.y iz acc^ente.d, thu}s, it^, be^i.ng pr^opr^^l.y of the neu}ter|#g^ender singular nu}mber and t}hird persn^, y.et so}m ty^m vze.d in shewi.ng o}ther g^ender, nu}mber, and persn^: az, it^ iz I, it^ iz not thu}, it^ iz they, it^ iz not we^, that mu}st doo it. Al^so when the g^ender iz Dou}t|fu}l, az in spaeki.ng of a swy^n, a fo}wl, and su}ch ly^k, we^ vz mo^r^|#pr^opr^^|]l.y, It, whoo shewi.ng the nominatiu^|#ca^s of plu|]ral nu}mber and t}hird persn^ sett. after the v^erb|#su}bstantiu^, may su}ffer su}ch v^erb t}oo be^ vze.d in the plural nu}mber: az, it^ be^ m^en, it^ be^ hor^ses^, or^ it^ be^ swy^n that ly thaer. An Adi}ectiu^ or^ a Partic^ipl^ in respect of hiz su}bstantiu^ may be^ saye.d any of thaez g^enderz^, and thaer|]for^ cal^e.d the Commu}n G^ender, so iz of ca^ses^ and nu}mberz^ in an adi}ectiu^ or^ partic^ipl^, and the soone.r bycau}z|#of confere.nc^ with o}ther langag^es^ that decly^n adi}ectiu^s^ and partic^i|]pl^z^. 24PG Sing. he^, Accus}at. him, V^ocat. lak. Nom. she^, Gaina.t. her, and G^en. it, it, Plur. they Accus}at. them Nom. Gaina.t. Sing. and Plur. whoo, G^enit. whooz}^, in al^ g^enderz^, which, or^ Nominatiu^, or^ that, which. Accus}at. whoom^, V^ocatiu^s^ lak. Gaina.t. which, or^ that, Singu. masculin, whoo, G^en. whooz}^, and Plur. femenin, and which, which, Nom. du}bl^ g^en. what, what, Neu}ter and which, dou}t. g^en. what, Accus}atiu^ whoom^, V^ocatiu^s^ lak: exc^ept it^ Gaina.tiu^, which, be^ in su}ch phr^a^s}, Whoo what, a}rt thu}[ what be^ y.e^[ No^t that, whoo, whooz^, and whoom^ mo^r^|#fitl.y seru^ too the signifyi.ng of man|ky^nd: al^so whooz}s^^ miht be^ figre.d for^ distinct}i.on of the plural. O}ther Adi}ectiu^s^ a}r V}n|decly^ne.d: exc^ept they be^ vze.d az a su}bstantiu^, or^ hau^ their. su}b|]stantiu^ v}nderstande.d and not expr^est. with 25PG them, and then folow the decly^ni.ng of a su}b|]stantiu^ accor^ding too the endi.ng letter: az be^|]fo^r^ iz shewe.d t}oo decly^n a su}bstantiu^: az in this sentenc^, the wy^ze.sts^^ pu}rpoz iz t}oo au^oyd the e^u^l^z}^ co}mpany, and t}oo folow the godl.yz}^ adu^y^c^. Adi}ectiu^s^ whoos^^s^^ signific.at}ion and maen|]i.ng may be^ encraec^e.d or^ diminishe.d may for^m^ Compa^ri.s}on: and the^r be^ t}hr^e^ degre^z^ of Compa^ri.s}on: t}oo wit, The Pos}itiu^, the Com|]pa^ra.tiu^, and the Superlatiu^. The Pos}itiu^ be^to^kn^e}t}h the t}hing absolutl.y withou}t exc^es: t}oo wit, not encraec^e.d nor^ di|]minishe.d in signific.ation: az hard, g^entl^, warm^, slow. The Compa^ra.tiu^ so}m|what ex|]c^e^de}t}h hiz pos}itiu^ in signific.^at}ion, and iz for^m^|]e.d of hiz pos}itiu^ by adi.ng, e.r: az harde.r, g^en|]tl^e.r, warm^e.r, slowe.r. The Superlatiu^ exc^e^d|]i.ng hiz pos}itiu^ in the hihe.st degre^, and for^m^e.d of hiz pos}itiu^ by adi.ng e.st: az, harde.st, g^entl^|]e.st, warm^e.st, slowe.st. A|#Few Adi}ectiu^s^ for^m^ Compa^ri.s}on by chan^g^i.ng v^oic^: az, of go}od co}me}t}h better and best: of il and e^u^l^, wo}r^s and wo}r^st.: of litl^, les and laest: of mu}ch, mo^r^ and mo^st: of many, co}me}t}h mo: and so of few o}ther. We^ vz so}m ty^m, the wo}r^se.r, and the lese.r, compa^ra.tiu^l.y: 26PG The compa^ra.tiu^ be^i.ng mo^r^|#pr^opr^^l.y vze.d in compa^ri.ng of twoo toogether: The superlatiu^ vze.d in compa^ri.ng of mo, thowh we^ e^nglish vz the superlatiu^ al^so when we^ compa^r bu}t twoo t}hings^ toogether. The Compa^ra.tiu^ iz so}m ty^m for^m^e.d by|]#seti.ng, Mo^r^, in compos}i.t}ion be^fo^r^ the pos}itiu^: and the Superlatiu^ ly^kw.y^z by|#compou}ndi.ng it with, Mo^st: az, of bo^ld, mo^r^|#bo^ld, and mo^st|]#bo^ld: and so}m ty^m by Better and Best (ta^kn.^ in go}od part) or^ incraec^e.d: and by Wo}r^s and Wo}r^st (ta^kn.^ in il part) or^ diminishe.d, sett. in compos}i.t}ion with the pos}itiu^: az, of laern^e.d, better|#laern^e.d, and best|#laern^e.d: of a^bl^, wo}r^s|]#a^bl^, and wo}r^st|#a^bl^. Thaez, mor^, and, mo^st, be^|]i.ng compou}nde.d mo^stl.y with partic^ipl^z^ of the pr^eter tenc^. An Adi}ectiu^ exc^e^di.ng in signific.at}ion a|]bo}u^ mezr, withou}t any Compa^ri.s}on iz oftn^ vze.d with thaez compos}it}ionz^, too|, or^ ou^er|: az too|#hard, or^ ou^er|#hard: too|#g^entl^, or^ ou^er|]#g^entl^: al^so we^ say, too|#too|#hard, and ou^er|]#mu}ch|#hard: that iz, hard abo}u^ mezr. Twoo Adi}ectiu^s^ co}mi.ng toogether in sen|]tenc^, the o^n incraec^i.ng, diminishi.ng, or^ strong|]l.y affirm^i.ng the signific.at}ion of the o}ther may be^ vze.d in Compos}i.t}ion: az, fu}l|#bo^ld, gre^u^o}o.s|]#sik. 27PG Ly^kw.y^z an Adi}ectiu^ may be^ compou}nd|]e.d so}m ty^m with an Adu^erb or^ adu^erbi.al of qality or^ o}ther: az, wel|#laern^e.d, wel|#be^|lo}u^e.d, mu}ch|#dezy^r^o}o.s, v^ery|#go}od, riht|#glad. And so}m ty^m an Adi}ectiu^ iz vzed Adu^erbi.all.y mo^stl.y qalitiu^l.y, and so}m ty^m qantitiu^l.y: az, spaek soft I pr^ay y.ou}: I lo}u^ y.ou} mu}ch. Y.e^ mu}st No^t that eu^ery wor^d iz o^n of thaez Six Figrz^: t}oo wit, a pr^imitiu^, or^ a deriu^a.|]tiu^: a singl^, or^ a compos}itiu^: a simpl^, or^ a de|]cly^na.tiu^. It iz cal^e.d a pr^imitiu^ when it hat}h signific.at}ion and maeni.ng of it|self^: az, a man, a sto^n, a hand, hard, fat, laen: whoo hau^ thaez De|]ry^u^a.tiu^s^ (with o}ther:) t}oo wit, manho}od, sto^ni., handf.u}l, harde.r, fatl.ing, laenn.es, ta^ki.ng their. seu^eral signific.at}ionz^ of tho^z|#sa^m pr^imitiu^s^, and hau^i.ng v}nder the first letter of their. adi.|]t}ion, this dery^u^a.tiu^|#pr^ik (.) and then cal^e.d perfect dery^u^a.tiu^s^: bu}t be^i.ng chan^g^e.d in v^oic^, az, of e^ngland, e^nglish: of Fran^c^, french: of br^o^d, br^edt}h: of long, lengt}h: may be^ cal^e.d Az|#Dery^u^a.tiu^s^, or^ rather Consangu}inatiu^s^ with su}ch pr^imitiu^s^. It iz cal^e.d a Singl^, when it iz not compou}nde.d with any sillabl^ or^ silla|]bl^z^: az with v}n|, dis|, mis|, too|, les|, v^ery|, eu^n^|, |soeu^er, and su}ch ly^k: or^ that twoo wor^ds^ be^ compou}nde.d with this co(m)pos}i.tiu^|#stry^k (|) 28PG and then cal^e.d a Compos}i.tiu^: az man|ky^nd, hard|#hede.d. This last cal^e.d a compou}nde.d dery^u^a.tiu^. The Nominatiu^|#Ca^s of a no}wn or^ pr^o|]no}wn, and the Infinitiu^|#mood of a v^erb iz cal^|]e.d the Simpl^ of su}ch part of spe^ch: which be^|]i.ng decly^ne.d intoo an o}ther v^oic^ iz cal^e.d a Decly^na.tiu^, and be^i.ng a no}wn hat}h this de|]cly^na.tiu^|#stry^k (^) ou^er the first letter of the adi.t}ion too hiz simpl^, or^ known.^ by this, s^, cal^e.d s^, decly^na.tiu^. Bu}t in eu^ery v^erb, the decly^na.|]tiu^|#stry^k iz sett. v}nder the first letter of the adi.t}ion. And if the decly^na.tiu^ be^ chan^g^e.d in v^oic^ from hiz simpl^, then the decly^na.tiu^|#stry^k iz sett. too the first letter of su}ch v^oic^ chan^g^e.d: az of t}oo se^, I s}aw: of man, m^en. Bu}t if the first letter be^ su}ch with top or^ foot that it can not baer su}ch decly^na.tiu^|#stry^k, then may y.e^ set that^ stry^k too the next letter that may baer that^ stry^k: az of lo}ws, lyc^: of t}oo ge^u^, I ga}u^. So, that it may wel be^ saye.d, whaer the^r iz a dery^u^a.tiu^ or^ decly^na.tiu^ by adi.t}ion, the^r iz al^|]so, a for^m^o.r^, and a For^m^a.tiu^. No^t that so}m o^n wor^d hat}h Diu^ers} signi|]fic.at}ionz^ or^ maeni.ngs^, y.et al^ of o^n part of spe^ch: az a bil (for^ war) a bil (of det) a bil (of a bird:) al^so t}oo hael (or^ t}oo ma^k who^l) and t}oo 29PG he^l (or^ t}oo co}u^er with clo^ths^, etc^.) su}ch wor^d iz cal^e.d an Eqiu^oc: bu}t if su}ch wor^d of Diu^ers} Maeni.ngs^ may be^ vze.d in diu^ers} parts^ of spe^ch, or^ in particular parts^ of any|#o^n part of spe^ch, it may be^ cal^e.d An Eqiu^oca.l: az, of the wor^d, Bu}t, we^ say I shoott} at a bo}t, bu}t I mist} the mark, bycau}z a she^p d}id bo}ot me^. The first, bo}t, be^i.ng a no}wn|#su}bstantiu^: the second bu}t, be^i.ng a coni}u}nct}ion: the t}hird bo}ot, be^i.ng a v^erb. A No}wn|#Su}bstantiu^ may aezi.l.y be^ known.^ by seti.ng, a, an, or^ the, be^fo^r^ it. A no}wn|]#Adi}ectiu^ iz known.^ by a su}bstantiu^ i}ooine.d v}n|]too it, which iz known.^ by|#aski.ng the qestion, whoo[ or^ what[ For^ withou}t a su}bstantiu^ ex|]pr^est. or^ v}nderstande.d, the adi}ectiu^ hath no perfect signific.at}ion. The^r a}r bu}t sixt.e^n Pr^o|]no}wnz^ be^sy^d their. compos}i.tiu^s^: A V^erb iz aezi.l.y known.^ by hiz simpl^, vze.d with hiz sy^n or^ pr^epos}it}ion, t}oo, and mo^r^|#fu}ll.y by|#decly^n|]i.ng it with the t}hr^e^ persn^z^ in bo^th nu}mberz^: az, t}oo lo}u^, whaer|of iz decly^ne.d, I lo}u^, thu} lo}u^|]e}st, he^ lo}u^e}t}h, we^ lo}u^, y.e^ lo}u^, they lo}u^, etc^. A Par|]tic^ipl^ iz aezi.l.y known.^ be^i.ng al^|way dery^u^e.d of a v^erb, and endi.ng in, i.ng, or^ in e.d, d., t., n., or^ n.^, hau^i.ng the dery^u^a.tiu^|#pr^ik v}nder the adi.t}i|]on too the v^erb, or^ v}nder the first letter be^i.ng chan^g^e.d in figr. Al^so be^i.ng a partic^ipl^ it re|]qy^r^e}t}h 30PG a su}bstantiu^ or^ antec^edent az an ad|]i}ectiu^ d}oot}h. An Adu^erb iz known.^ from the fowr^^ parts^ be^fo^r^|#goi.ng for^|#that it can not be^ in the vc^ of any of them, bu}t depende}t}h on so}m v^erb, and i}ooine}t}h so}m spec^ial signific.at}ion too the v^erb, and iz not rule.d of any wor^d, nether rule}t}h any wor^d az a Pr^epos}it}ion d}ooth al^|]way go}u^ern^ an accus}atiu^|#ca^s o}therw.y^z su}ch spe^ch iz an adu^erb. Thaez bo^th be^i.ng known.^ fro(m) a Coni}u}nct}ion whoo eu^er i}ooyne}t}h wor^ds^, sen|]tenc^es^ or^ clau}zes^ of sentenc^es^ toogether, and be^|]i.ng a copulatiu^ or^ dis|i}u}nctiu^ or^ any of thaez t}hr^e^, than, bu}t, be^sy^d, co}pl^ ly^k moods^, tenc^es^, and ca^ses^ az wel az sentenc^es^ and clau}ses^. An In|]teri}ect}i.on iz aezi.l.y known.^, for^ eu^ery wor^d or^ clau}z of sentenc^ be^i.ng su}ddenl.y s.po^kn^ with a so}den passion of the my^nd v}nder an v}n|perfect v^oic^ (which iz in effect v}n|pa^rc^a.bl^) iz cal^e.d an interi}ect}i.on. Which seu^era.l parts^ of spe^ch be^ so}m ty^m distingu}ishe.d by figr az by thaez t}hr^e^ Grammar|#No^ts^ (.) (|) (^) and miht be^ ampl^i. distingu}ishe.d by diu^ers} paierz^ of let|]terz^, and du}bl^i.ng of so}m consonant, and the better if a perfect Dict}ionary w}aer m.a^d ac|]cor^di.ngl.y for^ ou}r spe^ch. For^ the first and che^f pooint in Grammar for^ E^nglish iz t}oo know what part of spe^ch eu^ery wor^d in eu^ery sen|]tenc^ 31PG iz: and thaer|in t}oo be^ wa^r of Eqiu^oc^y, so}m ty^m perc^eiu^e.d o^nl.y by o}ther wor^ds^ in the sentenc^. And when diu^ers} wor^ds^ seru^ for^ o^n maeni.ng: az t}oo le^k, t}oo phansy, t}oo sau^o}r^, su}ch may be^ cal^e.d Co|signific.atiu^s^. A Pr^ono}wn iz a part of spe^ch mu}ch|#ly^k a no}wn, and vze.d in Shewi.ng or^ Rehaerc^i.ng. The^r be^ xvj. Pr^ono}wnz^: t}oo wit, I, thu}, he^, she^, it, this, that^, sa^m, self^, my or^ my^n, thy or^ thy^n, hiz, hir, their., ou}r, y.ou}r.: Too thaez may be^ ade.d whoo, which, (and that for^ which) relatiu^s^ be^fo^r^ shewe.d in a no}wn, with the decly^na.tiu^s^ and compos}i.tiu^s^ of thaez: az, the self^|#sa^m, my|self^, I|#my|self^, my^n|#own.^|#self^, I|#my^n|#own.^|#self^, and so of the second persn^, and in bo^th thaez per|]sn^z^ the plural be^i.ng, ou}r and y.ou}r., i}ooyne.d, with selu^s^: the t}hird persn^ compou}ndi.ng rather with the pr^imitiu^ of the accus}atiu^|#ca^s than with the dery^u^a.tiu^: az him|self^, or^ hiz|self^, etc^. al^ thaez compou}nde.d with, self^, shewi.ng the persn^. Bu}t, own.^, compou}nde.d with a possesi.u^: az my^n|#own.^, shewe}t}h the pr^opr^^ possesi.on. When any Pr^ono}wn shewe}t}h a t}hing not s.po^kn^|#of be^fo^r^ it iz cal^e.d a Demonstratiu^: and rehaerc^i.ng a t}hing s.po^kn^|#of be^fo^r^ iz cal^e.d a Relatiu^, and decly^ne.d az folowe}t}h. 32PG Singularl.y I, Accus}atiu^, me^. Nominatiu^, Gaina.tiu^, Plurall.y, we^, Accus}. v}s. V^oc. Nominat. Gain. lak. Singularl.y thu}, Accus}at. the^, Nominatiu^, y.e^, or^ Gaina.t. or^ and V^ocatiu^, y.ou}. y.ou}, Plurall.y, y.e^, Accus}at. y.ou}. Nominatiu^, or^ Gaina.t. and V^ocatiu^, y.ou}, He^, she^, it: al^so, whoo, which, and that, rela|]tiu^s^, be^ decly^ne.d az be^fo^r^ in a no}wn. Al^ thaez, exc^ept, whoo, lak their. g^enitiu^|#pr^^o|]pr^^i.etary signifie.d by their. dery^u^e.d possesi.u^s^: my and my^n dery^u^e.d of I: thy and thy^n of thu}: hiz, of he^, and of it: hir of she^: their. of they: ou}r of we^: y.ou}r. of y.e^ or^ y.ou}. The Possesi.u^s^ be^fo^r^ shewe.d be^ V}n|decly^n|]e.d, y.et may be^ saye.d t}oo be^ go}u^ern^e.d in ca^s, g^ender, and nu}mber by their. su}bstantiu^ pr^o|]pr^^i.ety: sa^u^i.ng we^ say so}m ty^m, hirz}^, their.z}^, ou}rz}^, y.ou}r.z}^, vze.d pr^opr^^i.etaril.y withou}t any su}bstantiu^ expr^est., al^so my^n and thy^n ly^kw.y^z: at o}ther ty^mz^, my^n, and thy^n, a}r vze.d o^nl.y be^fo^r^ a su}bstantiu^ be^gini.ng with a v^o}wel: az my^n 33PG o^st, thy^n yi: my, and my^n, o^nl.y vze.d in the v^o|]catiu^|#ca^ss. Sing. this, Plur. thaez. Sing. that^, Nom. in al^ the ca^ses^ be^fo^r^ Nom. Accu. Accu. Gain. Gain. and G^en and G^en Plurall.y in al^ the ca^ses^ be^fo^r^, tho^z, V^ocatiu^s^ lak in al^. Self^, and sa^m, be^ v}n|decly^ne.d vze.d com|]mu}nl.y with this articl^, The, vze.d al^so so}m ty^m be^fo^r^ which, a relatiu^: self^, hat}h plurall.y, selu^s^, in compos}i.t}ion t}oo shew the persn^z^ az iz afo^r^|saie.d. A pr^ono}wn hat}h T}hr^e^ Persn^z^. The first Persn^ spaeke}t}h of him|self^: az, I, we^. The Se|]cond iz s.po^kn^|#too: az, thu}, y.e^, or^ y.ou}, and thaer|]for^ eu^ery v^ocatiu^|#ca^s iz the second persn^. The T}hird Persn^ iz s.po^knn^|#of: az, he^, she^, it, they, and thaer|for^ al^ no}wnz^ and pr^ono}wnz^ (be^i.ng su}b|]stanti.u^s^) be^ of the t}hird persn^: exc^ept, I, we^, thu}, y.e^, y.ou}, and eu^ery v^ocatiu^|#ca^s. Adi}ectiu^s^ and partic^ipl^z^ ta^k their. persn^, ca^s, g^ender, and nu}mber, of their. su}bstantiu^s^. The relatiu^s^, whoo, which, and that, ta^ki.ng their. persn^, y.e 34PG g^ender and nu}mber al^so, of their. antec^edent: bu}t rule.d in ca^s by the v^erb, or^ o}ther wor^d in the sentenc^: o}ther relatiu^s^ be^i.ng rule.d in ca^s az a no}wn|#su}bstantiu^, or^ go}u^ern^e.d of a su}b|]stantiu^. A V^erb iz a part of spe^ch decly^ne.d with mood, tenc^, nu}mber, and persn^. It iz cal^e.d a V^erb|#Actiu^ when it signifie}th t}oo doo: az, I lo}u^, I taech, and hat}h a Partic^ipl^ of the Passiu^|#v^oic^ dery^u^e.d of it: az lo}u^e.d, t.au}ht: which partic^ipl^ be^i.ng i}ooine.d with the v^erb|#su}bstantiu^, t}oo be^, ta^ke}t}h hiz mood or^ ma|]ner of su}fferi.ng, and hiz tenc^ al^so of the v^erb|]#su}bstantiu^, and hiz ca^s, g^ender, nu}mber, and persn^, of hiz ruli.ng su}bstantiu^: az, I am lo}u^e.d, be^ thu} lo}u^e.d: O|#that he^ w}aer lo}u^e.d: wou}ld|]#God we^ h^ad be^n. lo}u^e.d: if they h^au^ be^n} lo}u^e.d: when we^ shal^ be^ lo}u^e.d, etc^. and hau^i.ng no par|]tic^ipl^|#passiu^ iz cal^e.d a v^erb|#neu}ter, whooz}^ par|]tic^ipial iz i}ooyne.d with the v^erb su}bstantiu^ in be^i.ng o^nl.y: az, I be^i.ng ru}nn. too the to}wn, my father c}a^m ho^m. Mo^r^ iz saye.d of a partic^ipl^ in the ty^tl^ thaer|of. T}oo Hau^, may be^ cal^e.d a V^erb|#possesi.u^, and hiz compou}nd, T}oo Hau^|#leu^er, a v^erb|#choic^a.|]tiu^. Al^ o}ther v^erbs^ a}r cal^e.d V^erbs^|#Neu}terz^|]#V}n|perfect, 35PG bicau}z they reqy^r^ the Infinitiu^|]#mood of an o}ther v^erb t}oo expr^es their. signifi|]c.at}ion or^ maeni.ng perfectl.y: and be^ thaez, may, can, miht or^ mou}ht, cou}ld, wou}ld, shou}ld, mu}st owht, and so}m ty^m, wil: shal^, be^i.ng a me^r sy^n of the futr tenc^. The^r be^ Fy^u^ Moods^. The Indicatiu^, the Imparatiu^, the Optatiu^, the Su}bi}u}nctiu^, and the Infinitiu^. The Indicatiu^|#mood shewe}t}h a raezn^ tru or^ fal^s: az, I lo}u^. Or^|#elc^ aske}t}h a qestion: az lo}u^|]e}st thu}[ The Imparatiu^ bide}t}h or^ comman^de}t}h: az lo}u^ thu}, lo}u^ y.e^. The Optatiu^, or^ wishi.ng mood, wishe}t}h or^ dezy^r^e}t}h, and hath al^|way an adu^erb of wish|]i.ng i}ooyne.d be^fo^r^ hiz nominatiu^|#ca^s: az, pr^ay|]#God I lo}u^: I|#pr^ay|#God thu} lo}u^: God|#gran^t he^ lo}u^. Al^so thaez, I|#wou}ld, wou}ld, wou}ld|]#God, wou}ld|#too|#God, O|#that, and O|#if, be^ ad|]u^erbs^ of wihsi.ng shewi.ng the optatiu^|#mood. The Su}bi}u}nctiu^|#mood hat}h eu^er|#mo^r^ a coni}u}nct}ion sett. be^fo^r^ hiz nominatiu^|#ca^s, and depende}t}h v}pon an o}ther v^erb in the sa^m sen|]tenc^ ether goi.ng be^fo^r^ or^ co}mi.ng after it: az, the maister wil be angr^^i., if we^ be^ y^dl^: when we^ vz dilig^enc^ we^ laern^. 36PG The Infinitiu^ hat}h nether nu}mber, nor^ persn^, nor^ nominatiu^|#ca^s be^fo^r^ it, and iz known.^ commu}nl.y by this sy^n or^ pr^epos}it}ion, t}oo, which, t}oo, iz not expr^est. many ty^mz^ when the^r co}me}t}h an accus}atiu^|#ca^s be^twe^n the In|]finitiu^|#mood and the v^erb be^fo^r^|#goi.ng: az bid him co}m hither: with so}m v^erbs^ we^ vz a ly^k phr^a^s} in the nominatiu^|#ca^s: az, y.ou} say I am y^dl^: That, be^i.ng a Res}olu^o.r^ of the first, and v}nderstande.d in the last: az, bid that he^ com hither: y.ou} say that I am y^dl^. Nether d}oo we^ vz, t}oo, after a v^erb|#neu}ter|#v}n|perfect, exc^ept after, owht: az, we^ owht t}oo go thither. The^r be^ t}hr^e^ Ty^mz^ cal^e.d Tenc^es^. The ty^m that iz No}w, cal^e.d the Pr^es}ent|#Tenc^: az, I lo}u^. The ty^m Past., cal^e.d the Pr^eter|#Tenc^: az I lo}u^e}d. The ty^m T}oo Co}m cal^e.d the Futr|]#Tenc^: az I shal^ or^ wil lo}u^. Ty^m Past. hat}h t}hr^e^ Diu^is}ionz^. The first cal^e.d the Pr^eter|#Tenc^: az I lo}u^e}d, so}m ty^m hau^i.ng the sy^n or^ pr^epos}it}io(n), d}id or^ d}idst i}ooin|]e.d with the simpl^: az I d}id lo}u^, thu} d}idst lo}u^. The second, be^i.ng perfectl.y past. cal^e.d the pr^e|]ter|#perfect|#Tenc^, hau^i.ng al^|way the sy^n or^ pr^epos}it}ion, h^au^, h^ast, or^ h^ath, sett. be^fo^r^ it: az I h^au^ lo}u^e}d, thu} h^ast lo}u^e}d, he^ h^ath lo}u^e}d. The t}hird be^i.ng mo^r^ than perfectl.y past. hau^i.ng 37PG al^|way the sy^n or^ pr^epos}it}ion h^ad or^ h^adst be^fo^r^ it, and cal^e.d the Pr^eter|#plu|perfect|]#Tenc^: az I h^ad lo}u^e}d, thu} h^adst lo}u^e}d, he^ h^ad lo}u^e}d. The^r iz al^so a Dou}t|fu}l|#pr^eter, and a Dou}t|fu}l Futr|#Tenc^ known.^ by so}m ad|]u^erb, or^ wor^ds^ in the sentenc^ shewi.ng the ty^m and az may appe^r by the decly^ni.ng of v^erbs^ folowi.ng. The^r be^ in effect bu}t t}hr^e^ Coni}u}gat}ionz^ or^ Decly^ni.ngs^ of E^nglish v^erbs^. The first iz of v^erbs^|#actiu^, and v^erbs^|#neu}ter. The second of the v^erb|#su}bstantiu^. The t}hird of neu}terz^|#v}n|]perfect. The v^erbs^, T}oo hau^, and T}oo doo, hau^ their. spec^ial decly^ni.ngs^: az appe^re}t}h folow|]i.ng V^erbs^ of the first Coni}ugat}ion a}r thu}s decly^ne.d. Indicatiu^|#mood pr^es}ent|#tenc^ singular. I lo}u^. Plural. we^ lo}u^. thu} lo}u^e}st. y.e^, or^ y.ou} he^ lo}u^e}t}h. they Or^ thu}s, I d}oo lo}u^. we^ d}oo lo}u^. thu} d}oost y.e^, or^ y.ou^ he^ d}ooth they 38PG Pr^eter|#tenc^ singular, I lo}u^e}d. Plu. we^ lo}u^e}d. thu} lo}u^e}ds}t. y.e^ or^ he^ lo}u^e}d. they Or^ thu}s, I d}id lo}u^. we^ d}id lo}u^. thu} d}idst y.e^ or^ he^ d}id they Pr^eter|perfect|#tenc^ sing I h^au^ lo}u^e}d Pl. we^ h^au^ lo}u^e}d. thu} h^ast y.e^ or^ he^ h^ath they Pr^eter|plu|perf tenc^ sin. I h^ad lo}u^e}d Pl. we^ h^ad lo}u^e}d. thu} h^adst y.e^ or^ he^ h^ad they Fut tenc^ sing. I shal^ or^ wil Pl we^ shal^ or^ wil lo}u^ thu} shal^t or^ wilt y.e^ or^ he^ shal^ or^ wil they The pr^es}ent|#tenc^ iz so}m ty^m vze.d futrl.y by raezn^ of so}m adu^erb or^ o}ther spe^ch in the sentenc^ shewi.ng a ty^m t}oo co}m: az I ry^d ten dayz^ henc^, and my man co}me}t}h after me^. Imparatiu^|#mood Pr^es}ent and lo}u^ thu}. Plur. lo}u^ y.e^ or^ y.ou}. dou}t|fu}l Futr singul. L}et, a v^erb|#im|persn^a.l go}u^ern^i.ng an ac|]cus}atiu^|#ca^s 39PG of the first or^ t}hird persn^, may be^ sayd. t}oo hau^ an Imparatiu^|#signific.at}ion: az l}et me^ lo}u^, l}et him lo}u^. etc^. Optatiu^|#mood Pr^es}ent and I|#pr^ay|#God I we^ lo}u^. dou}t|fu}l futr singul. pr^ay|#God or^ thu} y.e^ or^. God gran^t he^ they Dou}t|fu}l|#pr^eter and dou}t|fu}l fut. I wou}ld I lo}u^e}d we^ wou}ld thu} lo}u^e}ds}t. y.e^ or^ wou}ld|#God he^ lo}u^e}d they wou}ld|#too|#God lo}u^e.d. or^ O|#that Pr^eter tenc^ I|#pr^ay|#God I lo}u^e}d. we^ lo}u^e}d. pr^ay|#God or^ thu} lo}u^e}ds}t y.e^ or^. God|#gran^t he^ lo}u^e}d. they Pr^eter|perfect tenc^, I we^ h^au^ lo}u^e}d. The adu^erbs^ next thu} y.e^ or^ be^fo^r^|#goi.ng be^i.ng ade.d. he^ they Pr^eter|plu|per. tenc^ I|#wou}ld I h^ad we^ wou}ld thu} h^adst y.e^ or^. wou}ld|#God he^ h^ad they wou}ld|#too|#God h^ad lo}u^e}d. O|#that, or^ O|#if Futr|#perfect tenc^ I|#pr^ay|#God I we^ lo}u^ he^r|after. pr^ay|#God or^ thu} y.e^ or^ God|#gran^t he^ they 40PG This Optatiu^|#mood iz so}m ty^m vze.d in the pr^es}ent, and dou}t|fu}l futr tenc^es^ in the sin|]gular nu}mber and t}hird persn^, withou}t any of thaez adu^erbs^ of wishi.ng: az, God sa^u^ y.ou}: God gran^t them gra^c^: the Lo^r^d ke^p v}s from e^u^l^: go}od lu}k be^ with y.ou}. The Su}bi}u}nctiu^|#mood iz decly^ne.d az the Indicatiu^|#eu^ery|whaer hau^i.ng al^|way a con|]i}u}nct}ion be^fo^r^ hiz nominatiu^|#ca^s: exc^epti.ng, that after coni}u}nct}ionz^ condit}iona.lz^, exc^ept|]i.u^s^ and adu^ersatiu^s^, it iz decly^ne.d eu^ery|whaer in the voic^ of the optatiu^|#mood: thu}s, Su}bi}u}nctiu^|#mood when I lo}u^. we^ lo}u^. Ilo}u^e}d. thu} lo}u^e}st. y.e^ or^ thu} lo}u^e}ds}t. he^ lo}u^e}t}h. they he^ lo}u^e}d. we^ lo}u^e}d. or^ I d}id lo}u^ I h^au^ lo}u^e}d etc^. y.e^ or^ thu} d}idst thu} h^ast they he^ d}id, etc^ he^ h^ath, I h^ad lo}u^e}d. Ishal^ or^ wil lo}u^. thu} hadst thu} shalt or^ wilt he^ h^ad, etc^. he^ shal^ or^ wil No^t that, when, vze.d interrogatiu^l.y or^ an|]swera.tiu^l.y, iz me^rl.y an adu^erb of ty^m. Pr^es}ent and If, so|#that, I, we^ lo}u^ dou}t|fu}l exc^ept, o}nlest, thu}, y.e^ or^ futr ten. thowh, al^|thowh he^, they 41PG Dou}t|fu}l pr^eter and dou}t|fu}l futr If, so|#that, I lo}u^e}d. exc^ept, o}nlest, thu} lo}u^e}dst. thowh, al^thowh, he^ lo}u^e}d. we^ lo}u^e}d, or^ d}id lo}u^. Pr^eter|#tenc^. decly^ne.d az y.e^ or^ the dou}t|fu}l they pr^. next be^fo^r^. Pr^eter|perfect tenc^ If, so|#that, I, we^ h^au^ lo}u^e}d. exc^ept, o}nlest, thu}, y.e^ or^ thowh, al^|thowh he^ they Pr^eter|plu|perfect tenc^ If, so|#that, I h^ad lo}u^e}d. exc^ept, o}nlest, thu} h^adst thowh, al^|thowh he^ h^ad we^, y.e^, or^ they, h^ad lo}u^e}d. Futr|#perfect tenc^ If, so|#that, I, we^ lo}u^ exc^ept, o}nlest, thu}, y.e^ or^ he^r|after. thowh, al^|thowh he^, they This Perfect|#futr may be^ decly^ne.d al^so with shal^ or^ wil accor^di.ng too their. persn^z^. Infinitiu^|#mood Pr^es}ent and t}oo lo}u^ Pr^eter|#tenc^ t}oo lo}u^e}d. Pr^eter|perf. t}oo h^au^ lo}u^e}ddou}t|fu}l futr|#ten. Pr^eter|plu|perfect|#tenc^. t}oo h^ad lo}u^e}d. Futr|#perfect t}oo lo}u^ he^r |after.42PG A Partic^ipl^ of the pr^es}ent|#tenc^ lo}u^i.ng. A partic^ipl^ of the pr^eter|pas. lo}u^e}d. A Partic^ipl^ of the pr^eter|actiu^ hau^i.ng|#lo}u^e.d. The second Coni}ugat}ion t}oo decly^n the v^erb|#su}bstantiu^. Indicatiu^|#mood Pr^es}ent|#tenc^ singular I am. Plur. we^ be^ or^ a}r. thu} a}rt. y.e^ or^ he^ iz. they Pr^eter|#tnec^ I waz. we^ w}aer. thu} w}aer. y.e^ or^ he^ waz. they Pr^eter|perf. I h^au^ we^ h^au^: be^n}. thu} h^ast y.e^ or^. he^ h^ath they Pr^eter|plu|pe. I had we^ h^ad: be^n}. thu} h^adst y.e^ or^. he^ h^ad they Futr|#tenc^ I shal^ or^ wil we^ shal^ be^. thu} shal^t or^ wilt y.e^ or^ or^ he^ shal^ or^ wil they wil Imparatiu^|#mood Pr^es}ent and dou}t|fu}l futr tenc^es^ be^ thu}. be^ y.e^, or^ be^ y.ou}. L}et, go}u^ern^i.ng the first and t}hird persn^. 43PG Optatiu^|#mood Pr^es}ent and I|#pr^ay|#God I, we^ be^. dou}t|fu}l pr^ay|#God, or^ thu}, y.e^ or^. futr|#ten God|#gran^t he^, they Dou}t|fu}l pr^et. I|#wou}ld I, we^ w}aer. wou}ld thu}, y.e^ or^ and dou}t|fu}l futr ten. wou}ld|#God he^, they wou}ld|#too|#God O|#that, or^ O|#if Pr^eter|#tenc^ I|#pr^ay|#god I, we^ w}aer. pr^ay|#god, or^ thu}, y.e^ or^ God|#gran^t he^, they Pr^eter|perfect tenc^ I|#pr^ay|#god| I, we^ h^au^: be^n}. pr^ay|#God or^ thu}, y.e^ or^ god|#gran^t he^, they Pr^eter|plu|perfect tenc^ I|#wou}ld I, we^ h^ad: be^n} wou}ld|#god thu}, y.e^ or^ wou}ld|#too|#god he^, they O|#that, or^ o|#if Futr|#perf. I|#pr^ay|#God I, we^ be^ he^r|after. pr^ay|#God, or^ thu}, y.e^ or^ God|#gran^t he^, they Su}bi}u}nctiu^|#mood The Su}bi}u}nctiu^|#mood iz decly^ne.d ly^k the 44PG Indicatiu^ and the Optatiu^, vzi.ng it accor^d|]i.ng too the coni}u}nct}ionz^ i}ooine.d with it, az be^|]fo^r^ iz shewe.d in the first coni}ugat}ion. Infinitiu^|#mood Pr^es}ent and dou}t|fu}l futr t}oo be^ pr^eter t}oo be^n}. Pr^eter|#perf. t}oo h^au^ be^n}. pr^eter|plu|perfect tenc^ t}oo h^ad be^n} Futr perf t}oo be^ he^r|after Partic^ipl^ of the pr^es}ent tenc^ be^i.ng. partic^ipl^ pr^eter hau^i.ng|#be^n.. The t}hird Coni}ugat}ion iz the decly^ni.ng of v^erbs^|#neu}terz^ v}n|perfect. V^erbs^|#Neu}terz^ v}n|perfect a}r v}n|decly^n|]e.d sa^u^i.ng they hau^, e}st, ade.d for^ their. second persn^ singular in the pr^es}ent and dou}t|fu}l fu|]tr|#tenc^: exc^epti.ng, mu}st. In which twoo ten|]c^es^ o^nl.y, May, and Can, of bo^th nu}mberz^ be^ vze.d. Bu}t, Miht, or^ mou}ht, Cou}ld, Wou}ld, Shou}ld, Mu}st, and Owht, may be^ vze.d in al^ moods^, and bo^th nu}mberz^, ta^ki.ng their. tenc^ and ty^m of their. Infinitiu^|#significatiu^ with|]ou}t the sy^n or^ pr^epos}it}ion, T}oo: Hau^ and Had, be^i.ng ba^rl.y thaer|v}ntoo i}ooine.d in their. du 45PG tenc^es^: Bu}t, owht, reqy^r^e}t}h, t}oo, after it eu^ery|]whaer: az, I can lo}u^: thu} mihts}t lo}u^e}d, he^ cou}ld hau^ lo}u^e}d: we^ wou}ld h^ad lo}u^e}d: y.e^ shou}ld lo}u^ he^r|after: they mu}st lo}u^: they owht t}oo lo}u^. Mo^r^ iz saye.d in my Grammar at|#la^rg^ tu}ch|]i.ng the eqiu^oc^y in Wil, Wilt, and Wou}ld, so}m ty^m shewi.ng wili.ngn.es, so}m ty^m a com|]mau}ndm.ent, so}m ty^m a wishi.ng maent.t by them. The adu^erb of wishi.ng (wou}ld) iz known.^ by hau^i.ng no nominatiu^|#ca^s. Indicatiu^|#mood pr^es}ent and dou}t|fu}l futr tenc^. I may, can, wil. we^ may. thu} mais}t, cans}t, wilt. y.e or^ y.ou} can. he^ may, can, wil they wil. Indicatiu^|#pr^es}ent and dou}t|fu}l futr. I miht, cu}ld, wou}ld, shou}ld, mu}st lo}u^. etc^. thu} mihts}t, cou}lds}t, wou}lds}t, shou}lds}t, mu}st he^ miht, cou}ld, wou}ld, shou}ld, mu}st pr^eter. lo}u^e}d. Futr perfect tenc^ lo}u^ he^r|after. pr^eter|perf. h^au^ lo}u^e}d. pr^eter|plu|p. h^ad lo}u^e}d. The Optatiu^ and Su}bi}u}nctiu^|#mood be^ of ly^k v^oic^ az be^fo^r^ eu^ery|whaer: their. adu^erbi.|]alz^ and coni}u}nct}ion be^i.ng i}ooine.d with|al^. In ly^k maner iz, Owht, decly^ne.d by adi.ng 46PG T}oo, too hiz Infinitiu^|#significatiu^: az, I owht t}oo lo}u^, t}oo loou^e}d, t}oo h^au^ lo}u^e}d, t}oo h^ad lo}u^e}d, t}oo lo}u^ he^r|after: no^n of thaez hau^i.ng the Im|]paratiu^|#mood, nor^ the Infinitiu^, nor^ partic^ipl^. The decly^ni.ngs^ of the v^erbs^, T}oo Doo: and T}oo hau^, pr^operl.y cal^e.d a v^erb possesi.u^. Indicatiu^|#mood pr^es}ent|#tenc^ I doo. we^ doo. pr^eter|#ten. I did thu} doos}t. y.e^ or^ y.ou} thu} dids}t. HE0 DOOT+H. they he^ did. we^ y.e^ or^ they did. the o}ther te(n)c^es^ a}r decly^ne.d in al^ moods^ az the first coni}ug. no^ti.ng doon}n, t}oo be^ in al^ hiz o}ther pr^etr^^z^ Indicatiu^|#mood pr^es}ent tenc^. I hau^. we^ hau^. thu} hast. y.e^ or^. he^ hat}h. they And so fo}r^t}h, hau^i.ng had, in al^ hiz pr^eterz^ and decly^ne.d az the first coni}ugat}ion e|]u^ery|whaer. No^t that so}m v^erbs^ chan^g^ v^oic^ in al^ pr^eter|]#tenc^es^: az, t}oo se^k, I s}owht, I h^au^ s}owht, I h^ad s}owht: s.owht: t}oo s}owht, hau^i.ng|#s.owht: and so}m chan^g^ v^oic^ bu}t in the first pr^eter of the Indicatiu^|#mood o^nl.y: az, of t}oo se^, I w}aw: I h^au^ se^n}, I h^ad se^n}, t}oo se^n}, se^n., hau^i.ng|#se^n.. Of 47PG which a fu}le.r gatheri.ng|#toogether shal^ be^ he^r|]after m.a^d: be^i.ng in aezi. vc^ al^redy for^ eu^ery natiu^|#e^nglish persn^ t}oo be^ v}ttere.d in spe^ch and vze.d in figr. T}oo Hau^, be^i.ng Compou}nde.d with, leu^er, bu}t better compou}nde.d with, rather: az, t}oo hau^|#leu^er, pr^opr^^l.y cal^e.d a v^erb|#chaic^a.tiu^, iz decly^ne.d az hiz singl^ in al^ moods^ and tnec^es^. For^ al^ compou}nde.d v^erbs^ folow the decly^n|]i.ng of their. singl^ whether the compos}it}ion be^ sett. be^fo^r^ or^ after su}ch singl^ v^erb. Hau^, and, Had, sett. after a v^erb neu}ter v}n|]perfect, and go}u^ern^i.ng an accus}atiu^|#ca^s, hat}h so}m ty^m a spec^ial signific.at}ion or^ maeni.ng withou}t any possesi.on: az in thaez phr^a^s}es^: I can hau^ y.ou} baetn.^: we^ cou}ld hau^ him co}m: they mou}ht hau^ you}r. father baet y.ou}, bicau}z y.ou} wou}ld hau^ had me^ gon} with y.ou}. D}oo, d}oost, and d}ooth, seru^i.ng too the pr^es}ent|#tenc^. D}id, and d}idst, seru^i.ng too the pr^eter|#tenc^. Hau^, h^ast, and h^ath, seru^i.ng too the pr^eter|perfect Had, and h^adst, seru^i.ng too the pr^eter|plu|perf. Shal^, shal^t, wil, and wilt, seru^i.ng too the fut. tenc^. Thaez and al^ v^erbs^ neu}terz^|#v}n|perfect a}r so}m ty^m vze.d withou}t expr^esi.ng their. v^erb with them: az, ho}w d}oo y.ou} t}hink[ az y.ou} d}oo. I h^au^ laern^e}d az y.ou} h^au^, thowh I can not sing az 48PG y.ou} can, and wil doo az mu}ch az eu^er y.ou} cou}ld. The commu}ne.st for^m^i.ng of pr^eter|#tenc^es^ iz by adi.ng, e}d, t}oo the simpl^, or^, d, by syncope: bu}t if y.e^ laeu^|#ou}t, e, after, or^ sh, the d, iz chan^g^e.d intoo t: az, of t}oo br^ac^, br^ac^|]e}d, and br^ac^t}: of t}oo stretch, stretche}d, or^ stretcht}. If the stran^g^o.r^ ad, e}d, too eu^ery pr^eter, we^ v}n|]derstand hiz maeni.ng az wel, az we^ v}nder|]stand him a stran^g^o.r^ by it in so}m wor^ds^. Me^|#t}hink, of the pr^es}ent|#tenc^: and me^|]#t}howht of the pr^eter|#tenc^, a}r Im|persn^a.lz^ v}ndecly^ne.d, not go}u^ern^e.d nor^ go}u^ern^i.ng any ca^s: bu}t, L}et, vze.d imparatiu^l.y or^ permissiu^|]l.y go}u^ern^i.ng an accus}atiu^|#ca^s, and commu}n|]l.y an Infinitiu^|#mood with|al^, se^me}t}h t}oo hau^ a nominatiu^|#ca^s of the second persn^ v}nder|]stande.d: it^ skile}t}h, it^ be^hoou^e}t}h, and su}ch ly^k, be^ of the singular nu}mber and t}hird persn^, se^m|]i.ng t}oo be^ go}u^ern^e.d of an Infinitiu^|#mood, sen|]tenc^ or^ clau}z of a sentenc^ folowi.ng: az me^|]#t}hink it iz wel, l}et it alo^n, and l}et me^ go, for^ it skile}t}h not whether of v}s hau^ it, se^i.ng it be^|]hoou^e}t}h v}s bo^th t}oo look too it. A Partic^ipl^ iz a part of spe^ch dery^u^e.d of a v^erb, from whoom^ it ta^ke}t}h hiz signific.a|]t}ion or^ maeni.ng: and be^i.ng of the Pr^es}ent|]#tenc^ 49PG ende}t}h in, i.ng, ade.d too the simpl^ of the v^erb: az of t}oo lo}u^, lo}u^i.ng: of t}oo taech, taechi.ng: and may be^ vze.d absolutl.y withou}t any su}b|]stantiu^ g^eru}ndi.all.y i}ooine.d mo^stl.y in compo|]s}it}ion after a pr^epos}it}ion: az, in|#lo}u^i.ng go}od|]n.es, and by|#taechi.ng the sa^m, v^ertu iz encraec^|]e.d. The sa^m v^oic^ iz al^so a no}wn|#v^erbal, ether go}u^ern^i.ng a v^erb, adi}ectiu^, or^ relatiu^, or^ iz go}|]u^ern^e.d in ca^s, hau^i.ng oftn^ ty^mz^ o^n of the ar|]ticl^z^, a, an, or^ the, sett. be^fo^r^ it (or^ miht be^) in the sentenc^. The^r iz al^so an o}ther no}wn|#v^erb|]a.l in o.r^, signifyi.ng the dooo.r^: and an o}ther in e.r, signifyi.ng an instrum.ent whaer|with a t}hing iz doon.n: az, I hy^r^e}d a tryo.r^ for^ the try|]i.ng of my co^r^n^, bu}t he^ lakt} a trye.r. A Partic^ipl^ of the Pr^eter|#tenc^|#passiu^ hath al^|way a passiu^ or^ su}fferi.ng signific.at}ion for^m^e.d of the simpl^ of the v^erb, by adi.ng thaer|v}ntoo e.d, d., n., n.^, or^ t., and be^i.ng chan^g^e.d from the figr of hiz simpl^ hat}h the dery^u^a.|]tiu^|#pr^ik v}nder the first letter, ta^ki.ng hiz mood etc^. az iz be^fo^r^|#saye.d in a v^erb|#actiu^, and for^m^|]e.d or^ figre.d thu}s: of t}oo lo}u^, lo}u^e.d, or^ lo}u^d.: of t}oo se^, se^n.: of t}oo know, known.^: of t}oo taech, t.au}ht. Which v^oic^ be^i.ng dery^u^e.d of a v^erb|]#neu}ter iz vze.d with be^i.ng, and not passiu^l.y, and may be^ cal^e.d a partic^ipial: bo^th which be^|]i.ng 50PG Compou}nde.d after, hau^i.ng, hau^ o^nl.y an actiu^ or^ dooi.ng signific.at}ion: az, I hau^i.ng|#lo}u^|]e.d the^ so mu}ch, and hau^i.ng|#t.au}ht the^ so long, t}hink il of the^ hau^i.ng|#gon. from me^ withou}t laeu^. And be^i.ng eqiu^oca.l al^so with the simpl^ of hiz v^erb, iz distingu}ishe.d in figr, thu}s: I pu}t, I pu}tt}, I h^au^ pu}tt}, I h^ad pu}tt}, and the matter iz pu}tt. intoo ou}r hands^, which du}bl^i.ng of a consonant I h^au^ hither|too vze}d o^nl.y for^ this distingu}ishi.ng of the pr^eterz^ from the simpl^ of the v^erb, or^ for^ the shor^tn^i.ng of a v^o}wel, which iz of long ty^m in the simpl^ or^ pr^es}ent|#tenc^, and of shor^t ty^m in the pr^eterz^: az, of t}oo hae^r, co}me}t}h hae^rd}d, in the pr^eterz^ of the v^erb, and hae^rd.d in the pr^eter of the parti|]c^ipl^, whoo a}r al^ of o^n v^oic^ (exc^ept so}m ty^m the first pr^eter iz chan^g^e.d in v^oic^ from hiz simpl^, az iz shewe.d be^fo^r^ in a v^erb) the for^m^a.tiu^|#par|]tic^ipl^s^ a}r for^m^e.d by adi.t}ion accor^di.ng too the letter endi.ng the simpl^ of the v^erb, mo^r^|#fu}ll.y handl^e.d in the Grammar at|#la^rg^. The vc^ of a partic^ipl^ mo^stl.y for^ shor^tn.es of spe^ch, which may be^ mo^r^|#ampl^i. Res}olu^e.d by the v^erb and the relatiu^ That, tu}rn^a.bl^ in|]too which, az, a lo}u^i.ng man, or^ a man that lo}u^|]e}t}h: a man lo}u^e.d of al^ m^en: and thowh, lo}u^e.d, remain a 51PG partic^ipl^ in bo^th phr^a^s}es^, y.et it may be^ res}olu^|]e.d by hiz v^erb|#actiu^: az, a man that al^ m^en lo}u^: and by su}ch res}olu^i.ng, and the helps^ be^fo^r^ shewe.d y.e^ may aezi.l.y know a partic^ipl^ from any o}ther part of spe^ch, thowh eqiu^oca.l with o}ther wor^ds^. Partic^ipl^z^ of pr^es}ent a}r com|]pa^re.d by e.r, or^ e.st, bu}t the pr^eterz^ by mo^r^, and mo^st, better, and best, wo}r^s, and wo}r^st., be^fo^r^ shewe.d in a no}wn. An Adu^erb iz a part of spe^ch i}ooine.d with a v^erb or^ partic^ipl^ t}oo decla^r their. signi|]fic.^at}ion mo^r^|#expr^esl.y by su}ch adu^erb: az, co}m hither if thu} wilt go|#foor^t}h, so}m ty^m with an adi}ectiu^: az, thu}s br^o^d: and so}m ty^m i}ooine.d with an o}ther adu^erb: az, ho}w soon, az spe^di.l.y, y.et bo^th thaez dependi.ng v}pon so}m v^erb or^ parti|]c^ipl^ al^|way of an actiu^, passiu^, or^ be^i.ng signi|]fic.at}ion, which y.e^ shal^ the aezi.l.ie.r know t}oo be^ an adu^erb, by|#asking the qestion, what, v}pon it, whaer|v}ntoo a v^erb, partic^ipl^ or^ adi}ectiu^, an|]swere}t}h singl^ or^ in sentenc^: bu}t if a su}bstan|]tiu^ answer too the qestion, be^ sur^^ that it iz a pr^epos}it}ion, for^ an adu^erb go}u^ern^e}t}h not any ca^s, nor^ iz go}u^ern^e.d of any wor^d. The negatiu^ not, iz commu}nl.y sett. after the v^erb or^ hiz sy^n of tenc^, and be^fo^r^ a partic^ipl^. Mo^st o}ther ad|]u^erbs^ 52PG a}r vze.d indifferentl.y be^fo^r^ or^ after v^erbs^: exc^epti.ng that, aski.ng and wishi.ng a}r vze.d o^nl.y be^fo^r^ the v^erb, hiz sy^n, y.e be^fo^r^ hiz nominatiu^|#ca^s too^. So that the v^oic^ of a pr^e|]pos}it}ion, not go}u^ern^i.ng any ca^s iz chan^g^e.d intoo an adu^erb. The v^erbs^^ compos}it}ion sepe|]rate.d by, not, or^ an accus}atiu^|#ca^s, hat}h this no^t : az, he^ left not of t}oo be^ ernest, the o}ther left|#of long|#ago. Their. signific.at}ionz^ appe^r by the ty^tl^z^ folowi.ng, be^gini.ng first with ty^m. Ty^m: az, no}w: of|#la^t: he^r|after: why^ls.t: not|#y.et: neu^er: then: not|#at|#al^: at|#last: oft: se^ld: henc^|fo}r^t}h: by|#and|#by: long|]#a|go: soon: sinc^: and when, an interro|]gatiu^, o}ther|wy^z vze.d coni}u}nctiu^l.y ly^k why^ls.t: az, tooday: toomor^ow: tooniht: asoon: may be^ ta^kn.^ su}bstantiu^l.y^k: az wel az adu^erbi.all.y. Pla^c^: az, he^r: thaer: whaer: hither: thither: whither: henc^: thenc^: whenc^: v}p: do}wn: a|br^o^d: bak: fo}r^t}h: of: a|way. Or^der: az, mo^r^|ou^er: farder: farder|mo^r^: finall.y: at|:last: afterw.ard: thaer|after. Aski.ng: az, ho}w[ why[ whaer|for^[ whaer|too[ Affirm^i.ng, or^ gran^ti.ng: az, for^|soot}h: y.e: y.e|]#for^|soot}h: mary: y.e|#mary: y.es: y.es|]#mary: 53PG suerl.y: v^eril.y: be^t, for^ be^|#it. Denyi.ng, or^ for^bidi.ng: az, not: no: no|#for^|]soot}h: no|#mary. Taezi.ng|#on: az, on: on|#on: go|#too: toot, for^ too it, rather interi}ect}ionz^. Wishi.ng: az, I|#pr^ay|#God: pr^ay|#God: God|]#gran^t: wou}ld: I|#wou}ld: wou}ld|#God: wou}ld|#too|#God: O|#that: O|#if. Geti.ng|#toogether: az, toogether: with|al^: too^ and, al^so, vze.d last in sentenc^. Parti.ng: az, a|su}nder: a|part: a|sy^d: of: Che^wzi.ng: az, rather: y.e|#rather: y.e|#bu}t|#ra|]ther. A t}hing not ende.d: az, sca^rc^: sca^rc^l.y: scant: scantl.y: nih: al^|mo^st: not|#y.et. Shewi.ng: az, lo^. Chan^c^: az, perhaps: per|chan^c^: per|adu^en|]tr: may|#chan^c^, for^ it may chan^c^. Ly^kn.es: az, so: thu}s: az: eu^n^|#az: ly^k|#az. Qality: az, wel: wy^zl.y: strongl.y: mo^stl.y|]#for^m^e.d of an adi}ectiu^ or^ partic^ipl^, and so}m ty^m of a su}bstantiu^ al^so by|#adi.ng, l.y, az na^ml.y: manl.y: or^ adi.ng a, in com|]pos}i.t}ion be^fo^r^ an adi}ectiu^: az, a|br^o^d: a|]long: or^ by wiz shewi.ng ly^kn.es: az, hartw.iz: ta^bl^w.iz: longw.iz: flatw.iz: br^o^dw.iz: o}therw.iz. And mo^st adi}ectiu^s^ 54PG vze.d adu^erbi.all.y. And g^enerall.y al^ ad|]u^erbs^ answeri.ng too the qestion, ho}w[ so}m ty^m shewi.ng ly^kn.es. Qantity. az, yno}wh. al^toogether. az|#mu}ch. not|]#awhit. mu}ch. litl^. and o}ther answeri.ng too the qestion, ho}w mu}ch[ Cal^i.ng. az, ho. how. Compa^ri.ng t}hings^ toogether. az, az|#wel. az|]#wel|#az. and o}ther compou}nde.d with, az, thowh the la^te.r, az, w}aer singl^i. vze.d or^ bu}t v}nderstande.d. For^ in compa^ri.ng t}hings^ toogether, az, iz twy^c^ in the phr^a^s}. The^r may be^ so}m adu^erbs^ pertaini.ng too o}ther ty^tl^s^ of signific.at}ion. az, o^nl.y: for^ excludi.ng or^ shu}ti.ng|#ou}t. And so}m per|]tain too diu^ers} ty^tl^z^ be^fo^r^ ment}ione.d, known.^ by their. diu^ers} signific.at}ionz^. Diu^ers} signific.at}ionz^ for^m^i.ng compa^ri.s}on. Adu^erbs^ of qality endi.ng in, l.y, for^m^ compa^ri.s}on mo^stl.y by|#adi.ng e.r, and e.st. The rest by the compos}it}ion mo^r^, and mo^st. az, of wy^zl.y, wy^zl.ie.r, wy^zl.ie.st. of, hartw.iz, mo^r^|#hartw.iz, mo^st|#hartw.yz. of a|br^o^d, mo^r^|#a|br^o^d, mo^st|#a|br^o^d. The, iz so}m ty^m vze.d be^fo^r^ adu^erbs^ and ad|]u^erbi.alz^ of the compa^ra.tiu^ and superlatiu^ de|]gre^. y.e so}m ty^m hau^i.ng, of, or^ among parta.|]tiu^l.y. 55PG az, the better y.e^ doo, the mo^r^ m^en wil lo}u^ y.ou}. bu}t he^r|in y.e^ d}id the v}n|wy^zl.ie.st of them al^. Az, vze.d compa^ri.ngl.y iz repe^te.d agein. az, he^ iz az go}od az y.ou}, and liu^e}t}h az wel az y.ou}. Bu}t shewi.ng ly^kn.es iz vze.d alo^n coni}u}nc|]tiu^l.y. az, I doo az he^ doot}h. And so}m ty^m vze.d after the adu^erb, So, or^ adi}ectiu^, Su}ch. az, doo it so, az pr^aiz may co}m thaer|of. Al^so, he^ iz su}ch a man, az I neu^er s}aw. So|#az in compos}i.t}ion iz a coni}u}nct}ion condit}iona.l. az, I wil doo it, so|#az they be^ con|]tent. rather so|#that. Adu^erbs^ of Pla^c^ be^gini.ng with h, th, wh, be^|]i.ng in Compos}i.t}ion with a pr^epos}it}ion, hau^ commu}nl.y pla^c^, ty^m, cau}z, occas}ion, mater, t}hing, clau}z, or^ sentenc^, v}nderstnade.d by su}ch compos}i.t}ion, which may be^ res}olu^e.d by, this, that, which, or^ what, hau^i.ng su}ch pr^epos}it}ion sett. be^fo^r^ them, and o^n of the signific.atiu^ maeni.ng (be^fo^r^ v}nderstande.d) no}w expr^ese.d. The be^gini.ng with, h, res}olu^e.d by this. th, by that. wh, by which, or^ by what. az, from|#henc^. from|#thenc^. from|#whenc^. That iz, from this pla^c^, from that pla^c^, from the which pla^c^, from what pla^c^[ Hither|too, thither|too. that iz, too this pla^c^ or^ ty^m, too that pla^c^ or^ ty^m. Al^so} 56PG whaer|v}ntoo, or^ whaer|for^ h^au^ y.e^ saye}d this[ that^ iz: v}ntoo what end or^ pu}rpoz, or^ for^ what cau}z h^au^ y.e^ saye}d this[ su}ch compos}i.t}ion with for^, be^gini.ng with th, or^ wh, (not interrogatiu^|]l.y) iz a coni}u}nct}ion vze.d so}m ty^m illatiu^l.y, so}m ty^m cau}za.ll.y. Bu}t thaez co^mpos}i.t}ionz^ a}r t}oo be^ handl^e.d mo^r^|#at|#la^rg^ in a Dict}ionary. So, the v^oic^ of an adu^erb i}ooyni.ng wor^ds^, clau}zes^, or^ sentenc^es^ toogether, iz a Coni}u}nc|]t}ion: bu}t go}u^ern^i.ng any ca^s iz a pr^epos}it}ion. And thaez be^ the t}hr^e^ spec^ial pooints^ t}oo be^ no^t|]e.d, ho}w t}oo know thaez t}hr^e^ parts^ of spe^ch a|]su}nder, thowh eu^ery v^oic^ of thaez t}hr^e^ parts^ of spe^ch be^ not expr^ese.d in the exam^pl^z^ ge^u^n.^ for^ them. No^t farder, that so}m signific.at}ionz^ expr^es|]e.d in so}m langag^, or^ langag^es^, by o^n or^ by di|]u^ers} parts^ of spe^ch, a}r in an o}ther langag^ ex|]pr^ese.d by an o}ther part or^ parts^ of spe^ch: y.et a}^ may y.e^ld perfect senc^ or^ maeni.ng in the langag^ so vze.d. A Coni}u}nct}ion iz a part of spe^ch that i}oin|]e}t}h wor^ds^, sentenc^es^ or^ clau}zes^ of senten|]c^es^ toogether, whooz}^ differi.ng signific.at}ionz^ appe^r by their. ty^tl^z^ folowi.ng. Copulatiu^s^ affirm^a.tiu^l.y. az, and: al^so: 57PG and|#al^so: aek: and|#aek, for^ al^so: al^so, bo^th, iz so}m ty^m vze.d in the be^gini.ng be^|]fo^r^ an affirm^a.tiu^|#copulatiu^ ad|i}ooini.ng az, too^, iz vze.d in endi.ng. Copulatiu^s^ negatiu^l.y. az, nor^: nether: nor^|]#y.et. Disi}u}nctiu^s^. az, or^: ether: or^|#elc^. Discretiu^s^. az, bu}t. Cau}za.lz^ and illatiu^s^. az, bicau}z: se^i.ng: sit}h: sinc^: that demonstratiu^l.y: for^|#bicau}z: se^i.ng|#tha sit}h|#that: sinc^|#that: for^|#that: for^, for^|#why, thaer|for^, and whaer|for^, me^r illatiu^s^, and vze.d ad|i}ooini.ngl.y: the rest, so}m ty^m vze.d pr^ae|i}ooini.ngl.y, that iz, in the be^gini.ng, cau}za.ll.y, so}m ty^m adi}ooin|]i.ngl.y, that iz, in the midl^, illatiu^l.y. Condit}iona.lz^. az, if: if|#that: bu}t|#if: v}nlest: elc^: or^|#elc^: so|#that: indifferentl.y vze.d. exc^ept, elc^, or^|#elc^, vze.d al^so disi}u}nctiu^l.y. Exc^epti.u^s^. az, exc^ept: exc^epti.ng: bu}t: sau^: sau^i.ng: be^sy^d: al^ thaez hau^ so}m ty^m, that, annexe.d too them, and vze.d indiffere.ntl.y, az exc^ept that I se^ it, I wil not spaek it: al^so I wou}ld not saie}d it, bu}t that I s}aw it. Interrogatiu^s^ and dubitatiu^s^. az, whether: whether|#or^|#no, so}m ty^m sepera^te.d. az, I know not whether y.e^ wil hau^ it or^ no: 58PG so}m ty^m, or^ not. Thaez hau^i.ng al^|way a disi}u}nctiu^ ad|i}ooini.ng them, and so}m ty^m with no, or^ not: az afo^r^|#shewe.d. Adu^ersatiu^s^. az, thowh: al^|thowh: ho}w|be^it al^|be^it: not|withstandi.ng: al^ thaez hau^|]i.ng so}m ty^m, that, annexe.d, and so}m ty^m y.et, or^ o}ther adu^ersatiu^ ad|i}ooine.d. Redditiu^s^ too the sa^m. az, y.et: for^|#al^|#that: ne|]u^ertheles: and|#y.et: y.et|#for^|#al^|#that: y.et|]#neu^ertheles: y.et|#not|withstandi.ng. y.et, be^i.ng commu}ne.st redditiu^, ether singl^i. or^ in compos}i.t}ion, se^ld pr^ae|i}ooini.ng, bu}t ad|i}ooini.ng. Electiu^s^. az, than: az, du}bl^e.d: az iz shewe.d in an adu^erb: or^|#elc^, so}m ty^m vze.d diminitiu^|]l.y. And, ether, vze.d with a disi}u}nctiu^, az bo^th, iz vze.d be^fo^r^ a copulatiu^. And, at|]#laest: at|#the|#laest: comu}nl.y pr^aei}ooine.d be^|]fo^r^ if: or^ ad|i}ooine.d after an adu^ersatiu^. A v^erb attendi.ng on a coni}u}nct}ion mu}st of nec^essity hau^ an o}ther v^erb be^fo^r^ or^ after it in the sa^m sentenc^ or^ clau}z of sentenc^. Coni}u}nct}ionz^ Copulatiu^s^, disi}u}nctiu^s^, e|]lectiu^s^, and so}m exc^epti.u^s^, and adu^erbs^ of ly^kn.es vze.d coni}u}nctiu^l.y, a}r ad|i}ooine.d co|]mu}nl.y be^twe^n wor^ds^, sentenc^es^, and clau}zes^, and go}u^ern^ ly^k mood, tenc^, and ca^s: exc^ept 59PG the la^te.r tenc^ hau^ an expr^est. sy^n, or^ o}ther spe^ch contrary too the fo^r^mer tenc^: az, I raed and wr^y^t eu^ery day, bu}t play not, nor^ sle^p withou}t laeu^: al^so, I h^au^ f}ou}nd a top, a book, fiu^ arrowz^, and a pu}rc^ fu}l of cou}nterz^, bu}t thu} shal^t not hau^ them. this last, bu}t, iz a discretiu^. bo^th, vze.d fo^r^mo^st, and too^, vze.d hy^ndmo^st co|]pulatiu^l.y, may be^ ta^kn.^ for^ adu^erbs^ of gather|]i.ng toogether: az, ether, so dis|i}u}nctiu^l.y vze.d, may be^ saie.d an adu^erb of che^wzi.ng. A Pr^epos}it}ion iz a part of spe^ch pr^opr^^l.y vze.d pr^epos}itiu^l.y, that iz, go}u^ern^i.ng an accus}atiu^|#ca^s sett. next after it (exc^ept so}m ty^m in v^e^rs it iz sett. after hiz ca^su.al wor^d) az I go too the chu}rch: and iz so}m ty^m post|pos}i|]tiu^l.y vze.d, that iz, when it go}u^ern^e}t}h the rela|]tiu^, that, or^ which, co}mi.ng be^fo^r^ a v^erb, whooz}^ go}u^ern^i.ng pr^epos}ition iz sett. after su}ch v^erb: az, this iz the man whoom^ we^ spa^k of, or^ of whoom^ we^ spa^k, and iz so}m ty^m vze.d in com|]pos}i.t}ion after a v^erb, bu}t be^i.ng seu^ere.d from the v^erb by the adu^erb, not, or^ by an accus}a|]tiu^|#ca^s, may be^ saye.d t}oo be^ sett. in appos}it}i|]on adu^erbi.all.y, and then hau^i.ngthis no^t be^fo^r^ it, az o}ther adu^erbs^ so seu^ere.d: bu}t be^i.ng vze.d so in post|pos}it}ion, and seu^ere.d az 60PG be^fo^r^|#saye.d, may hau^ this no^t (, and saie.d t}oo be^ sett. in post|pos}it}ion seu^ere.d: az, br^ing|#in the manz}^ ma^l, or^ br^ing the manz}^ ma^l in, for^ it iz the ma^l which I b}r^owht the mo}ny (in. So that a pr^epos}it}ion may be^ saie.d t}oo be^ sett., so}m ty^m pr^epos}itiu^l.y, so}m ty^m pos}t|pos}itiu^l.y, so}m ty^m compos}i.tiu^l.y, so}m ty^m appos}itiu^l.y, and so}m ty^m post|pos}itiu^l.y seu^ere.d: which first post|pos}it}ion iz so}m ty^m vze.d in compos}i.t}ion with the v^erb, and then the relatiu^ go}u^ern^e.d of the v^erb. for^ v^erbs^ compou}nde.d in e^nglish go}u^ern^ no o}ther ca^s than o}ther singl^ v^erbs^, that iz, an accus}atiu^|#ca^s. A Pr^epos}it}ion iz of diu^ers} v^oic^es^, az folowe}t}h next, al^|way go}|]u^ern^i.ng an accus}atiu^|#ca^s, o}therw.iz it iz an adu^erb, az iz be^fo^r^ saie.d in an adu^erb. V}p: do}wn: too: intoo: v}ntoo: v}p|too: do}wn|#too: at: be^fo^r^: ageinst: with: withou}t: within: abou}t: along: abr^o^d: al^|#abr^o^d: to|]ward: of: ou}t|#of: in: bicau}z|#of: be^naeth, or^ be^low: after: nih, nih|#too: nih|#v}ntoo, or^ ne^r: be^hy^nd: be^twe^n: among: ou^er: v}nder: on, or^ v}pon. be^sy^d. by. t}hr^o}wh, or^ t}ho}r^owh: t}hr^o}wh|]ou}t. for^. amidst. be^y.ond. abo}u^. v}ntil. v}nder. fro, or^ from. and so}m ty^m twoo a}r compou}nde.d, az from|#ou}t. from|#among. from|#amidst. from|]#abo}u^. from|#v}nder. from|#v}pon. from|#be^fo^r^. 61PG from|#be^y.ond. ou^er|#ageinst, etc^. hau^i.ng com|]mu}nl.y in su}ch compos}i.t}ion a signific.^at}ion of bo^th singl^z^. Bu}t be^i.ng sett. in compos}i.t}ion be^|]fo^r^ a v^erb, d}ooth so}m ty^m lo^z hiz pr^opr^^ signifi|]c.at}ion: az, t}oo ou}t|#ry^d, signifyi.ng t}oo ry^d fast|]e.r: t}oo ou^er|co}m, maeni.ng t}oo maister, t}oo con|]qer, t}oo exc^el: tu}chi.ng: conc^erni.ng: az|#tu}ch|]i.ng: az|#conc^erni.ng: az|#for^, pr^epos}it}ionz^ al^so. C^ertein pr^epos}it}ionz^ for^m^ a compa^ra.tiu^ and superlatiu^ degre^, az folowe}t}h, which com|]pa^ri.s}onz^ a}r no}wns^ adi}ectiu^s^ so}m ty^m adu^erb|]i.all.y vze.d. Of, v}p: v}pe.r, v}pe.r|mo^st, and v}p|mo^st. Of, do}wn: do}wne.r, do}wne.r|mo^st, and do}wn|]mo^st. Of, in: ine.r, ine.r|mo^st, and in|mo^st. Of, be^fo^r^: fo^r^mer, fo^r^most. Of, be^naeth: naether, naether|most. Of, be^hy^nd: hy^nder, hy^nder|most, and hy^nd|]most. Of, be^y.ond: y.ondere.r, y.ondermost and y.ond|]most. Of, v}nder: v}ndermost. Of, naer: naere.r, next. Of nih: nihe.r, next. Toward, iz so}m ty^m diu^y^de.d by hiz ca^su.al wor^d, o, be^i.ng chan^g^e.d too, oo: az, we^ c}a^m too 62PG Lo}ndon w.ard, or^ toward Lo}ndon the mo}n|]day, and r}o^d too Oxfor^d w.ard or^ toward Ox|]for^d the sa^m day. And so}m pr^epos}it}ionz^ hau^, w.ard, in dery^u^a.t}ion after them: az, inw.ard, ou}tw.ard, ofw.ard, and a}r adi}ectiu^s^ so}m ty^m vze.d adu^erbi.all.y, and so}m ty^mfor^m^i.ng an adu^erb of qality by adi.ng, l.y: az, in|wardl.y, sou}thw.ardl.y, thowh we^ pr^onou}nc^ so}wtherl.y. Sou}t}h, and o}ther pooints^ of the co}mpas for^m^|]i.ng dery^u}a.tiu^ with w.ard a}r vze.d so ly^kw.iz: that iz, toward the pooint so for^m^i.ng dery^u^a.|]t}ion. Al^so, we^ say ho^mw.ard, maeni.ng toward ho^m. Pr^epos}it}ionz^ a}r so}m ty^m compou}nde.d be^|]fo^r^ a su}bstantiu^ al^so, bu}t after an adu^erb: az, I wil ma^k an in|sett. thaer|on t}oo pr^ofit my of|spr^ing he^r|after. And be^i.ng compou}nde.d after a v^erb d}oo commu}nl.y ke^p their. pr^opr^^ signific.at}ion, bu}t compou}nde.d be^fo^r^ a v^erb, d}oo oftn^ y.e^ld too the v^erb so}m o}ther signific.a|]t}ion, not pr^opr^^ too su}ch pr^epos}it}ion. Bu}t tu}ch|]i.ng the signific.at}ionz^ of singl^ pr^epos}it}ionz^, and their. compos}i.t}ionz^ be^fo^r^ v^erbs^, they a}r t}oo be^ handl^e.d at|#la^rg^ in a Dict}ionary: ou}r o}ther compos}i.t}ionz^ d}oo commu}nl.y ta^k signific.at}i|]on of bo^th t}hings^ compou}nde.d, az by rul iz or^ may be^ ex|plaine.d he^r|after. 63PG No}w we^ h^au^ handl^e.d a pr^epos}it}ion in hiz diu^is}ionz^, pr^epos}itiu^l.y, post|pos}itiu^l.y, compos}|]i.tiu^l.y, appositiu^l.y, and post|pos}itiu^l.y seu^ere.d, or^ vze.d singl^ adu^erbi.all.y. The compou}ndi.ngs^ of su}bstantiu^s^, and the appos}it}ionz^ vzed with su}bstantiu^s^, and with v^erbs^, shal^ be^ mo^r^|]#plainl.y exam^pl^e.d in the pla^c^i.ng of wor^ds^ in sentenc^ cal^e.d constru}ct}ion after the handl^|]i.ng of an Interi}ect}ion, which folowe}t}h. An Interi}ection iz a part of spe^ch that be^|]to^kn^e}t}h a su}dden passion of the my^nd: the signific.at}ion or^ maeni.ng of which spe^ch mu}st be^ v}nderstande.d by the g^estr, cou}ntenanc^, or^ passion of the spaeko.r^, and so}m ty^m with re|]gard of the persn^ s.po^kn^|#too, or^ of the t}hing s.po^kn^|#of: az iz shewe.d by the ty^tl^z^ folowi.ng, or^ su}ch ly^k. So}m be^ of Sor^ow: az, alas: ho^w. Faer: az, oh: O|#Lor^d. Wo}nder: az, whou}h: go}od|#Lo^r^d. Disdain: az, waw. Shu}ni.ng: az, henc^: away: fy. Pr^aizi.ng: az, oh exc^elent. Scor^n^i.ng: az, O|#br^a^u^. Lamenti.ng: az, oh, ho, ho. 64PG Cryi.ng|#ou}t: az, O|#go}od|#Lo^r^d. Cu}rsi.ng: az, wo, wo: what|#a|#mische^f^[ Lau}hi.ng: az, ah, hah ha. Cal^i.ng: az, how: whoop: how|#sir|a. Silenc^: az, paec^: hu}sh: tst. T}hr^etn^i.ng: az, wel wel: go too go too. Stopi.ng: az, ho^: phtro}wh. Fo^r^c^i.ng: az, gep: on: hop: het, aa^|]ho}r^s}n^z^. Frayi.ng: az, hu}h: sho}wh. And so of al^ o}ther v^oic^es^ v}n|perfectl.y v}t|]tere.d, y.et signifyi.ng so}m su}dden passion of the my^nd, in what maner soeu^er the sa^m be^ v}tter|]e.d: az, O|#abmina^bl^ act: away with him: mixt. in sentenc^ thu}s: Fy|#fy|#for^|#sha^m, what wor^l^d iz this[ Go}od|#Lo^r^d, what shal^ we^ say[ Wo, wo, too them: alas the why^l alas and wel away. Soeu^er, hau^i.ng no signific.at}ion of it|self^, bu}t by compos}i.t}ion after an o}ther wor^d, signifie}t}h infinitl.y, and az it w}aer withou}t exc^ept}i.on: and iz so}m ty^m seu^ere.d from hiz compos}i.t}ion thu}s: whoo|soeu^er say nay, and what|soeu^er mater it be^, and ho}w|soeu^er it be^ doon.n cu}n|]i.ngl.y, I wil accomplish what|soeu^er com|]man^dm.ent 65PG y.e^ wil ge^u^ me^. Or^, what man soe|]u^er say nay, and what mater soeu^er it be^, and ho}w cu}ni.ngl.y soeu^er it be^ doon.n, I wil ac|]complish what comman^dm.ent soeu^er y.e^ wil ge^u^ me^. V}n|, dis|, and mis|, a}r sett. in compos}i.t}ion be^fo^r^ wor^ds^: v}n|, and dis|, ge^u^i.ng a signific.a|]t}on contrary too the singl^ wor^d, that iz, nega|]tiu^l.y, or^ contrary too the singl^: bu}t mis|, gran^ti.ng the signific.at}ion of the singl^, bu}t|]#y.et in o}ther maner than iz signifie.d in the sin|]gl^, and o}therw.iz than it owht t}oo be^: az v}n||]nest, dis|nest, v}n|br^y^dl^, and v}n|arm^, dis|]tru}st, dis|alo}w, mis|tru}st, mis|alo}w, mis|]ta^k, mis|chan^c^: mis|be^le^f. And ab|, az ab|vc^, ab|vz. V^ery, and eu^n^, signify al^|way affirm^a.|]tiu^l.y az it w}aer with ernestn.es, mo^stl.y in com|]pos}i.t}ion: az, v^ery|#go}od, v^ery|#wel: a v^ery|#v^ar|]lat: eu^n^|#no}w. A br^e^f re|capitulat}i.on or^ rehaerc^a.l of the fo^r^mer traeti.c^, tu}chi.ng the ety|]molog^ and constr^^u}ct}ion for^ e^nglish spe^ch. Az E^nglish hat}h few and shor^t rulz^ for^ decly^ni.ng of wor^ds^, so it hat}h few rulz^ for^ 66PG i.ooini.ng of wor^ds^ in sentenc^ or^ in constr^^u}ct}i|]on, ne^i.ng graetl.y aide.d in bo^th thaez pooints^, in that^ that the v^erb hat}h commu}nl.y hiz nomi|]natiu^ ca^s expr^est., ly^kw.iz the adi}ectiu^ hiz su}b|]stantiu^, and the relatiu^ cna not be^ withou}t an antec^edent: and when diu^ers} su}bstantiu^s^ or^ clau}zes^ go be^fo^r^ the relatiu^, whaer|by the an|]tec^edent miht be^ dou}t|fu}l, we^ vz commu}nl.y t}oo expr^es the riht antec^edent agein with the relatiu^. Ou}r pr^epos}it}ionz^ and compos}i.t.ionz^ be^i.ng plenti|fu}ll.y vze.d d}oo aid v}s mu}ch al^so, bo^th for^ the tenc^ of the v^erb, and ca^s of the su}bstantiu^, whoo not be^i.ng nominatiu^|#ca^s too a v^erb, v^ocatiu^, pr^opr^^i.etary, nor^ gaino.r^, nor^ vze.d absolutl.y (az iz be^fo^r^ plainl.y shewe.d in the ty^tl^ of ca^ses^) mo^stl.y attende}t}h on hiz go}|]u^ern^o.r^ goi.ng next be^fo^r^ it in plain constr^^u}c|]t}ion withou}t v^e^rs, and answere}t}h too the qesti|]on whoom^[ or^ what[ m.a^d with and after su}ch go}u^ern^o.r^ cal^e.d hiz appenda.nt. The spe^ch be^|]i.ng al^so az graetl.y aide.d (for^ the distinct}i.on of v^oic^, and perfect signific.at}ion or^ maeni.ng of wor^ds^) by the diu^ers} diu^is}ionz^ or^ parts^ in the v^oic^, for^ which we^ hau^ no}w seu^n^ and t}hirty di|]u^ers} and distinct letterz^, and seu^n^ dipht}hongs^: az the latin and so}m o}ther langag^es^ (be^i.ng dr^y^u^n.^ thaer|v}ntoo t}hr^o}wh lak of so many diu^is}ionz^ in 67PG v^oic^ az e^nglish hat}h) a}r aide.d by their. diu^ers} and many sillabl^z^ in mo^st wor^ds^: ou}r e^nglish wor^ds^ (not bei.ng for^m^a.tiu^s^) a}r commu}nl.y bu}t of o^n sillabl^, y.et ca^pa^bl^ of any t}hing, that any o}ther langag^ may baer or^ v}tter: which conclude}t}h that ou}r spe^ch iz far|#shor^te.r than o}ther of many sillabl^z^, we^ v}tteri.ng so}m ty^mz^ fy^u^ or^ six wor^ds^ with fy^u^ or^ six sillabl^z^, when o}ther a}r dr^y^u^n.^ too diu^ers} sillabl^z^, in al^most eu^ery wor^d exc^ept a few pr^epos}it}ionz^, y.e in so}m of tho^z fy^u^ or^ six wor^ds^ t}oo vz fy^u^ or^ six sillabl^z^, and so}m ty^m mo in so}m|#o^n wor^d, y.et ou}r langag^ az senc^i.bl^ az theirz}^, and soone.r conc^eiu^e.d in senc^ too the aer by the raezn^z^ a|]fo^r^|saie.d, thowh (hither|too) v}tterl.y defa^c^e.d of the credit du} v}ntoo it, for^ lak of tru or^tgra|]phy and Grammar, no}w perfor^m^e.d too the graet credit and perpetual stey of the best vc^ ot the sa^m spe^ch for^|eu^er, a perfect dict}ionary be^i.ng m.a^d a re^r|ward he^r|v}ntoo. And az de|]cly^ni.ngs^ of wor^ds^, and the mo^st rulz^ for^ con|]str^^u}ct}ion a}r handl^e.d|#toogether be^fo^r^: so he^r folow|#next the sa^m rulz^ for^ constr^^u}ct}ion with the rest vze.d in ou}r e^nglish phr^a^s}es^, and that^ in v^e^rs, bo^th for^ br^eu^ity and the delihta.bl^ aez of the memor^y, az folowe}t}h: after which en|]sue}th a br^e^f co(n)fere.nc^ of the latin ca^s expr^ese.d 68PG by ou}r e^nglish pr^epos}it}ion, which iz graet aez too ou}r nat}ion that wil laern^ latin constr^^u}ct}i|]on, and a ly^k aez too the laern^e.d stran^g^o.r^ t}oo at|]tain spe^di.l.y v}ntoo e^nglish. Br^e^f no^ts^ in v^e^rs for^ pa^rc^i.ng e^nglish in many pooints^ agre^i.ng with latin az folowe}t}h. First mark the parts^ of spe^ch of wor^ds^ in eu^ery sentenc^, No^ti.ng sy^nz^ and eqiu^oca.ls^ t}oo v}nderstand their. senc^. Then no^t aech v^erbs^^ nominatiu^, sett. mo^st be^fo^r^ the v^erb, Exc^ept the v^erb ask qestion, or^ be^ the bidi.ng mood. Or^ h^ad, res}olu^d. intoo plain phr^a^s}, coni}u}nct}ion, if, may get. For^ then the ca^s nominatiu^ be^fo^r^ the v^erb iz sett., Az iz when it^ or^ the^r d}oo co}m be^fo^r^ the v^erb riht|#fit. So}m ty^m a v^erbs^^ Infinitiu^, so}m sentenc^ or^ so}m clau}z Iz too the v^erb nominatiu^, and t}hird persn^ d}ooth cau}z. 69PG L}et adi}ectiu^s^ hau^ su}bstantiu^s^^: l}et antec^edents^ be^ Fo.u}nd|#ou}t for^ eu^ry relatiu^: l}et su}ch too rulz^ agre^: For^ v^erbs^^ nu}mber and persn^ mu}st agre^ v}ntoo hiz ca^s: Az relatiu^, in g^ender too^, vzt}h antec^edents^^ gra^c^. Adi}ectiu^s^^ ca^s, g^ender, nu}mber, mu}st hiz su}bstantiu^ plaez, And, oft, iz vzd. su}bstantiu^l.y^k, adu^erbs^ of it fy^nd aez. Many ca^ses^ nominatiu^, many su}bstantiu^s^ se^n., Or^ antec^edents^ singular, with coni}u}nct}ion be^twe^n, Co}pl^i.ng su}ch, cau}z their. rule.d wor^d al^|way plural t}oo be^, Whoo in persn^ and g^ender mu}st with mo^st|#wo}r^thy agre^: Whaer first persn^ iz wo}r^thie.st, the second iz the next. The masculin, then feminin g^ender lookt}h t}oo be^ best: Sa^u^ in su}ch t}hings^, az hau^ no ly^f^, the neu}ter ta^kt}h|#away al^ stry^f^. This last (for^ persn^ and g^ender) 70PG seru^t}h latin rul mo^r^|#ry^f. O}ther ca^ses^ folow their. rul: exc^ept they attend on An o}ther wor^d, and answer too whoom^[ or^ what[ m.a^d v}pon The next wor^d be^fo^r^|#appenda.nt, on whoom^ su}ch ca^s iz attenda.nt: Sa^u^i.ng al^|way, whoo, which, or^ that, when they relatiu^s^ be^, Az v}shor^z^ go be^fo^r^ their. lo^r^d, and rule.d diu^ers}l.y, Accor^di.ng too the rulz^ for^ ca^s m.a^d for^ wor^ds^ attenda.nt, Bu}t pr^epos}it}ion and g^eru}nds^ se^ld v}shor^s.hip d}oo gran^t: When nominatiu^ stran^g^ co}me}t}h twixt relatiu^ and v^erb, The relatiu^ mu}st be^ su}ch ca^s az the v^erb wil affo^r^d: If nominatiu^ be^ not thaer, the relatiu^ hiz staed d}ooth baer. Pr^opr^^i.ety of relatiu^| pr^opr^^i.etary mu}st Folow the rulz^ of relatiu^, for^ ca^s, if al^ be^ i}u}st. So mu}st relatiu^s^^ su}bstantiu^ with relatiu^ expr^est.. 71PG The relatiu^ so}m ty^m iz ruld. by pr^epos}it}ion In figr sett. after a v^erb, ether in compos}i.t}ion, Or^ seu^erd. hat}h this no^t ( t}oo shew it sett. in post|pos}it}ion. That may be^ na^md. eqiu^oca.l, oft a demonstratiu^: So}m ty^m coni}u}nct}ion cau}za.l^: so}m ty^m a relatiu^, Chan^g^e.d for^ which: that coni}u}nct}ion iz oft l.eft|#ou}t in the sentenc^, laeu^i.ng the v^erb alo^n. The su}bstantiu^ of parta.tiu^ vzd. with, of, or^ among, Iz v}nderstande.d by the wor^d attendi.ng, of, a|long: Interrogatiu^ and numeratiu^ d}oo folow the ly^k song. V^erb|#su}bstantiu^ cra^u^t}h after it su}ch ca^s az d}ooth be^fo^r^ it go, Y.e thowh a passiu^ partic^ipl^ v^erb|#su}bstantiu^ d}oo then folow. So co}pl^i.ng and dis|i}ooini.ng wor^ds^, electiu^s^ and ezc^epti.u^s^ too^, Adu^erbs^ of ly^kn.es, al^so bu}t co}pl^ ly^k ca^s, and mo^st ty^mz^ (d)oo 72PG i}oon moods^ and tenc^es^ ly^k|#al^so. V^erbs^ of aski.ng and taechi.ng wil rul accus}atiu^|#ca^ses^ twoo, The o^n su}ffr^^o.r^, the o}ther t}hing, ou}r spe^ch d}ooth so alo}w. The endi.ng, i.ng, for^ partic^ipl^, or^ vzd. g^eru}ndi.all.y, D}oth go}u^ern^ ly^k ca^s az their. v^erb, that d}ooth their. senc^ su}pply. V^oic^|#actiu^ intoo passiu^|#v^oic^ may be^ res}olu^d., and so V^oic^|#passiu^ intoo actiu^|#v^oic^ may be^ resolu^e.d too^. The su}ffr^^o.r^, no}w nominatiu^, at|#first folowd} the v^erb, Whooz}^ ruli.ng ca^s waz the dooo.r^, bu}t no}w the passiu^|#wor^d, Cra^u^t}h, of, or^ by, be^fo^r^ the sa^m, aech langag^ so affo^r^d. A partic^ipl^ res}olu^d. may be^ v^ntoo the v^erb, ly^kw.iz Ou}r spe^ch alo}we}t}h best the phr^a^s}, that y.e^lde}t}h the best gy^z. The su}bstanc^ and the qality of t}hing iz first in phr^a^s}, When, of, iz l.eft|#ou}t in ou}r spe^ch, and the t}hing last in pla^c^, 73PG Both sett. in compos}i.t}ion no}w: bu}t vc^, res}olu^ by, for^, And qality so}m ty^m by, with, when compou}nds^ y.e^ abr^. Part, parc^el, or^ perteini.ng|#too cra^u^ the t}hing i}ooind. be^fo^r^, Su}bstanc^ iz known.^ by adi}ectiu^, dery^u^d from su}bstantiu^s^^ sto^r^: Az for^ exam^pl^ he^r I shew, ho}w y.e may su}ch compou}ndi.ngs^ know. On an ert}h|#bank ne^r medow|#grou}nd, I s}aw a hor^s|#comb ly, Which I b}r^owht intoo a hor^s|#mil that a sto^n|#wal^ s}tood nih, And fy^ndi.ng thaer an elm^e.n plank, I s}owht for^ a wo}od|#betl^ And wo}odn.^ wedg^es^, bu}t f}ou}nd nawht, sa^u^i.ng a laten|#ketl^. On a bank of ert}h or^ ert}hn.^ bank, ne^r grou}nd for^ medow, I s}aw a comb for^ a hor^s ly, which I b}r^owht intoo a mil with hor^s, that s}tood nih a sto^ne.n wal^, or^ wal^ of sto^n, and fy^ndi.ng thaer an elm^|#plank, or^ plank of elm^, I s}owht|#for^ a betl^ for^ wo}od, and wedg^es^ of wo}od, bu}t f}ou}nd no|t}hing, sa^u^i.ng a ketl^ of laten. The^r iz al^so in ou}r spe^ch an Appos}it}ion, a term^ applia.bl^, when diu^ers} v^erbs^ of o^n mood, 74PG tenc^, nu}mber, and persn^: or^ diu^ers} su}bstan|]tiu^s^ fo o^n ca^s: or^ o}ther wor^ds^ of o^n|self^ part of spe^ch folow o^n an o}ther in sentenc^ withou}t a copulatiu^ or^ disi}u}nctiu^, su}ch su}bstantiu^s^ be^|]longi.ng so}m ty^m too o^n|#self^ t}hing: bu}t hau^|]i.ng copulatiu^ or^ disi}u}nctiu^ be^fo^r^ the la^te.r may pertein too diu^ers} t}hings^: and su}ch wor^ds^ may be^ saye.d t}oo stand in appos}it}ion, bycau}z they a}r al^ v}nder o^n rul. Al^so diu^ers} su}bstan|]tiu^s^ may be^ in a sentenc^ toogether, not go}|]u^ern^i.ng nor^ go}u^ern^e.d v}ntil al^ be^ expr^est., so}m be^i.ng sett. in appos}it}ion, so}m in compos}i.t}ion, so}m with pr^epos}it}ion, the last go}u^ern^e.d so}m ty^m by a coni}u}nct}ion, and so}m ty^m iz pr^opr^^i.|]etary, az in this exam^pl^. The riht|#nor^a.^bl^ the Lo^r^d Roberd Du}d|]ley, Erl^ of Lec^ester, Baron of Denbih, kniht of the mo^st|#nor^a.^bl^ or^der of the garter and of S. Michael, maister of hir Mai}estyz}^ hor^ss^, o^n of hir Hihn.es mo^st|#nor^a.^bl^ pr^iu^y Cou}nc^l^, Chan^c^elo.r^ of the Uniu^ersity of Oxfor^d, and Lieu}|tenant g^eneral of al^ the e^nglish gari|]s}onz^ in Flanderz^s^^, soldy.or^z^s^^ co}r^ag^es^, wy^z|]d.omz^, aptn.ess^^, and strengt}hs^ a}r imploye.d, be^|]stowe.d, and vze.d v^aliantl.y, wy^zl.y, co}ml.y, and strongl.y, t}oo v}p|ho^ld, maintain, and defend the nor^, dignity, esta^t, comodity, and pr^ofit of 75PG them|selu^s^, their. co}ntry, and posterity. With pardn^ cra^u^e.d, if I h^au^ ere.d in mis|pla^c^i.ng or^ mis|ta^ki.ng any wor^d vze.d he^r, o^nl.y for^ exam^pl^ az afo^r^|sayed. And he^r|in no^t that t}oo expr^es any pr^opr^^i.|]etary or^ apperteina.nt by the possesi.u^, hiz, se^m|]e}t}h too me^ v^ery|#v}nfit: for^ then lawi.or^z^ in feof|]m.ents^, habendu}mz^, warranti.z^, and o}ther clau}zes^ for^ gran^ts^, miht argu strongl.y that su}ch wor^d perteine}d not too the feoffe., warrante., or^ o}ther gran^te., bu}t too the irz^, execto.r^z^, administr^^a.|]tor^z^ and assignz^ of su}ch feoffe., warrante., or^ gran^te.. And so g^enerall.y of o}ther pr^opr^^i.eta|]riz^, no}w be^i.ng figre.d plainl.y with the de|]cly^na.tiu^ no^t (hiz, be^i.ng vze.d accor^di.ng too hiz pr^opr^^ vc^) y.e the pr^opr^^i.etary v^oic^ and figr iz vze.d so}m ty^m al^so appenda.ntl.y be^fo^r^ the pr^o|]pr^^i.ety attenda.nt apperteini.ngl.y: az, the wal^z}^ br^edt}h, and my sta^u^s^^ lengt}h be^ al^|#o^n. Adu^erbs^ of pla^c^ compou}nde.d wth any pr^epos}it}ion, Y.e^ may res}olu^ by this, that, which, or^ what, no}w sett. alo^n After pla^c^, ty^m, maner, cau}z, t}hing, clau}z or^ sentenc^ first maent.t: H, cra^u^i.ng this, th, cra^u^i.ng that, 76PG wh, which or^ what h^ath s}ent. An answer mu}st agre^ in ca^s, and tenc^ with qestion: Exc^ept the ca^s and tenc^ be^ su}ch, that rulz^ ge^u^ plain exc^ept}i.on. Az|#tu}chi.ng an v}n|perfect v^oic^, aech langag^ hat}h hiz phr^a^s}: By cou}ntenanc^ and g^estr su}ch hiz maeni.ng al^|way haz}. Pr^osody. Az Pr^osody, for^ v^o}welz}^ ty^m, by figr iz mMa^d plain, So v^oic^ in v^e^rs sou}ndt}h shor^t v^o}welz^ dipht}hongl.y^k, be^i.ng twain. And az|#for^ e^nglish v^e^rsi.fyi.ng, ou}r me^tr^^ and ou}r ry^m Wil set|#foor^t}h any|#o^n deu^y^c^, with mater, tun, and ty^m, Su}ffic^i.ent for^ mirt}h or^ wo, for^ ernest, or^ ga^m sliht, For^ gra^u^ or^ wanton, hih or^ ba^s, for^ terro}r^ or^ deliht. Accor^di.ng too aech my^nds^^ conc^eit, e^nglish can ke^p du pla^c^, And shou}ld be^ wr^ongd. if y.ou} it ty 77PG v}ntoo a stran^g^ tu}ngs^^ gra^c^. Thaer|for^ I laeu^ Pr^osody too au}tr^z^, and cau}z t}oo co}m: And neu^er ty that^ too straiht rulz^, which can seru^ eu^ry tu}rn^, Bu}t that accou}nt vzt}h Pr^ot}hesis, or^ cou}nt Apheresis, Az d}ooth aray, or^ ray the ly^k: raim.ent of the last iz: And twixt for^ be^twixt we^ alo}w, and lo}w the ly^k of this. So hal^f^ v^o}wel in for^m^a.tiu^ in midl^ may encraec^ A sillabl^, az, e, so}m ty^m may decraec^ in that^ pla^c^. And, z}, for^, e}t}h, may chan^g^e.d be^ t}oo y.e^ld so}m v^e^rs hiz gra^c^ trul.y. A shor^t confere.nc^ of e^nglish pr^epos}it}i|]onz^ not vzd. in latin for^ o^n maeni.ng. Ta^k he^d of, Of, for^ g^enitiu^: exc^ept it folow v^oic^ passiu^: or^ maen az, fro, for^ ablatiu^, whaer pr^epos}it}ion latin iz ryu^ or^ passiu^ ma^kt}h dooo.r^ datiu^: 78PG In staed of that^|#sa^m g^enitiu^, ne^d, rult}h o^nl.y an ablatiu^: az wo}r^thy, and hiz contr^^|#adi}ectiu^. Pr^aiz or^ dis|pr^aiz and mezr wil ma^k choic^ of thaez twoo ca^ses^ stil. plentio}o.s, v^oid, fu}l, and empty, t) accuz, condemn^, warn^, pu}rg^, or^ try, of cry^m, cau}z, t}hing, or^ ly^k maen nih. He^d, too, or^, for^, gaino.r^z^, ly^kw.iz and when ly^kn.es and pr^ofit ry^z, which cau}z datiu^ in latin gy^z. Bu}t, for^, with pr^ic^ iz ablatiu^, whooz}^ lo^n adi}ectiu^ iz g^enitiu^: for^, shewi.ng cau}z, cra^u^t}h ablatiu^. Mark, with, be^fo^r^ instrument, and maner of dooi.ng ablatiu^: the last hat}h t}hr^o}wh, or^ by, az oft when cau}z iz shewe.d, for^, iz mo^r^|#ryu^, so, with, after ende^wd., content. And, by, whoom^ compa^ra.tiu^ h^ath s}ent or^, than, e^nglish, in latin maent.t. Ing, partic^ipl^ compou}ndd. with, by, t}hr^owh, with, or^ in, g^eru}ndi.all.y, ma^kt}h g^eru}nd, do, latin su}pply. Pr^epos}it}ionz^ e^nglish rul pla^c^, lo^ e^nglish pr^epos}it}ionz^s^^ gra^c^, which in latin go}u^ern^ no ca^s. 79PG In|#shewi.ng pla^c^ with at, or^in, vz g^enitiu^ in the latin, az, too, cra^u^e}t}h accus}atiu^, from, by, or^ t}hr^o}wh, cra^u^ ablatiu^. Latin vzt}h pr^epos}it}ionz^ too^ in o}ther phr^a^s}es^ from thaez wy^d, az in their. ruli.ng y.e^ may know, oft v}nder|s}tood they ca^ses^ gy^d. So}m v^erbs^ rul ca^ses^ twoo or^ t}hr^e^, then su}ffr^^o.r^ o^n mo^st ty^mz^ wil be^ mo^st vze.d in accus}atiu^, diu^ers} rulz^, diu^ers} ca^ses^ ge^u^. Im|persn^a.lz^ lak nominatiu^, in latin go^u^ern^i.ng datiu^, so}m go}u^ern^ an accus}atiu^, (be^sy^d so}m ty^m a g^enitiu^) tho^z e^nglish be^ nominatiu^, or^|#elc^ clau}z, or^ infinitiu^ d}ooth it|self^ rulo.r^ too su}ch ge^u^. Ta^k he^d of the e^nglish last mood, and partic^ipl^ endi.ng with, i.ng, latin g^eru}nds^ oft ma^k thaez go}od, supinz^ ra^re.r for^ thaez they br^ing. Mo^st latin v^erbs^ be^i.ng compou}ndd. with pr^epos}it}ion be^fo^r^ them, a}r e^nglishe.d az singl^ v^erbs^, whooz}^ rule.d ca^s ta^kt}h v}ntoo him 80PG the pr^epos}it}ion: if not, set su}ch compos}i.t}ion last mo^st|#fit. Whaer compou}ndd. phr^a^ses^ dis|agre^, go}od au}tr^z^ serch, and shu}n not me^. Eqiu^oc^y d}ooth aech spe^ch plaez, res}olu^ aech phr^a^s} that senc^ may aez, I know not shor^te.r rulz^ than thaez: sau^ the concor^ds^ and rulz^ be^fo^r^, agre^ mu}ch with the latin sto^r^. So}m fal^ts^ may be^ in this im|pr^esi.on: the Compo^s}o.r^ be^i.ng so mu}ch accu}sto}me.d in the fo^r^mer vc^: and the Au}tr^ so perfect in the sen|]tenc^, that an o}ther acqeinte.d with this vc^ may soone.r fy^nd so}m fal^ts^. Qd. W. Bu}llokar. 1