Almyghty Godde in Trynyte
In wham anely er p{er}sons thre
Fader and Sone and Haly Gast
Yat er a Godde als we trowe mast
Spede vs now at yis bygynnyng
And graunt vs alle gode endyng
And gif me grace swilk wordes to say
Yat may be mast Godde to pay
And to hym louyng and worschepe
And to ye fende shame and shenship
And to yhow yat me heres alswa
Hele of saul and til alle ya
Yat has nede of gode counsaylle
And mede to me for my trauaylle
Prayes alle now par charite
Specially yat it swa be
And yareto ilk man with godewille
Bidde a {Pater Noster} stille
Gode men and wymmen I yhou pray
Takes gode kepe to yat I say
And takes no rewarde to my dedes
Al if I be synful yat redes
Ne to my p{er}soun ne to my body
Yat I hald feble and vnworthy
For al if I be of ille maners
Ye wordes I rede er neuer ye wers
For alle gode wordes men suld prayse
And noght lacke ne loue yat yam says
Yarefore takes na rewarde to me
Wethir I am gode or ille to se
Bot to my wordes anely takes kepe
And whyle I speke kepe yhou fra slepe
And on alle yat heres me right
Ye benysoun of God mot lyght
I warne yhow first at ye bygynnynge
I wil make na vayne carpynge
Of dedes of armes ne of amours
Als dose mynstraylles and iestours
Yat mas carpynge in many place
Of Octouayne and Isambrase
And of many othir iestes
And namely whan yai cum to festes
Ne of ye lyf of Beuis of Hamptoun
Yat was a knyght of grete renoun
Ne of Sir Gye of Warwyke
Al if it myght sum men lyke
I thynk my carpynge sal noght be
For I hald yat noght bot vanyte
Bot yis salbe my carpynge
To carp of mast nedefull thynge
Yat sykirest es for saul and lyf
To man and womman mayden and wyf
Yarefore gode men yat er here
Listens me and yhe may lere
How yhe sal rewell here yhour lyf
And gouerne wele yhour wyttes fyue
How yhe sal folow Goddes wille
And knaw bathe gode and ille
And what yhe sal chese and what forsake
And what way yhe sal to heuen take
In Inglische tunge I sal yhow telle
If yhe so lange with me wil dwelle
Na Latyne wil I speke ne wast
Bot Inglische yat men vses mast
For yat es yhour kynde langage
Yat yhe haf mast here of vsage
Yat can ilk man vnderstande
Yat es borne in Ingelande
For yat langage es mast shewed
Als wele amonge lered als lewed
Latyne als I trowe can nane
Bot ya yat has it of skole tane
Summe can Frankische and na Latyne
Yat vsed has court and dwelled yarin
And som can of Latyne aparty
Yat can Frankys bot febilly
And som vnderstandes Inglische
Yat nouthir can Latyn ne Frankische
Bot lered and lawed alde and yhunge
Alle vnderstandes Inglische tunge
Yarefore I hald it mast siker yan
To shewe ye langage yat ilk man can
And al for lewed men namely
Yat can na manere of clergy
To kenne yam war mast nede
For clerkes can bathe se and rede
In sere bokes of haly writte
How yai sal lif if yai loke itt
Yarefore I wil me haly halde
To yat langage yat Inglisch es called
Gode men vnderstandes me now
Ye right way I sal kenne yhow
Yat yhe may halde whyle yhe lif
And swilk a lessoun I sal yhow gyf
Yat Mirour of Lyf to yhow may be
In whilk yhe may al yhour lyf se
First wil I speke of ye grete p{ro}fyte
Of ye {Pater Noster} yat comes of it
And of ye fruyt and ye dignyte
Of yat prayere als men may se
And specially of ye seuen askynges
Yat on ye {Pater Noster} hynges
And of ye seuen giftes of ye Haly Gast
Yat ye seuen askynges may to vs hast
And of seuen syns yat mast may smert
Yat ye seuen giftes puttes out of hert
And specially of vertus seuen
Yat may be sette in yair stede euen
And of ye seuen blissedhedes
To whilk ye seuen vertus vs ledes
And of ye seuen medes alle
Yat to ya blissedhedes suld falle
Of alle yise poyntes I thynk to say
Whaso wil here yam alle he may
Ye {Pater Noster} first men leres
For it es heued of alle prayers
It es a prayere mast sufficiaunt
Til alle ya yat it will haunt
And mast siker whareso yai ga
For yis lyf and ye tothir alswa
Wharefore ilk man yat has tane
Ye trouth of baptym at ye funt stane
Yat prayere suld lere and tent
Thurgh Halykirkes commaundement
And ya yat wil noght lere ne knawe
Yat prayere dispyses Goddis lawe
Yarefore ye manere es yis to loke
When first a chylde es sette to boke
Ye {Pater Noster} he sal first lere
For it es mast precious prayere
Yat lessoun Godde almyghty
Taght his discyples specially
Yarefore may it be right callede
Goddes prayere als we it halde
Wharefore yai yat vnderstand wille
Yis lessoun als yai suld thurgh skille
Yai suld become bathe meke and mylde
And debonere als a chylde
Swilk er ye verray skolers right
Of our wyse mayster Godde of myght
Yat of his wisdome oft yam leres
And teches yam als his awen skolers
Bot we may fynde many a man
Yat ye naked lettre anely can
Of yis prayere yat Cryst wroght
Bot ye vnderstandynge can yai noght
Yarefore thynk yam it sauourles
For yarein fele yai na swettenes
Ful litell deuocioun haue yai
In yat prayere when yai it say
Bot whaso vnderstandes it wele
A swete prayere yai may it fele
Yis prayere suld be praysed ay
Byfore alle ye prayers yat we say
For it es p{ri}uyleged als we se
By ye resoun of thynges thre
Ane es dignyte yat heghe es
Anothir thynge es shortenes
Ye thridde thyng es grete p{ro}fyte
Yat on many wyse comes of it
First yis prayere may be called
A prayere of dignyte als I halde
For Cryst made it first to say
And taght his disciples so to pray
A prayere of shortnes we it calle
For in short wordes Cryst made it alle
A prayere of p{ro}fyte it es right
For thurgh it we ask of Godde of myght
Al yat es nedeful for yis lyf here
And for ye tothir yat es more clere
Yis prayere es short in worde wroght
It es in sentence lange in thoght
It es light to say prayande
It es sutill to vnderstande
Short in worde es yis prayere
For men it suld lyghtlyar lere
And thurgh shortnes of it by kynde
Haf it ye titter in yair mynde
In sentence it es lange to se
For ye mare deuocioun yarein suld be
For ye naked lettre yat es noght heuy
Men suld say by mouth anely
And alle ye sentence of it
Vnderstande and in hert knytt
It es also light to say
For men suld thurgh it ofter pray
Sutill to vnderstande es it
For men suld mare sette yair witte
On ye sentence of it namely
Thurgh grete bisynes and study
Yis bede puttes alle ille oway
And alle yat gode es wynnes vs ay
It festens in vs alle gode to last
And mas our hert to Godde stedefast
In yis prayere er askynges seuen
Whilk yai er I sal yam neuen
Of whilk seuen I fynde thurgh skille
Thre yat dose away alle ille
I fynde also thre othir askynges
Yat alle yat gode es to vs brynges
Yhete es yare ane als I can telle
Yat festens our hert in alle gode to dwell
So yat ilkane of ya askynges sere
Has sere offices als yhe sal here
First thre dose away alle ille
Yat oft falles loude or stille
For alle manere of ille we calle
Outhir yat was or es or yat may falle
For ye ille yat has bene done
Yus we say to fordo it sone
{Et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos}
{dimittimus debitoribus nostris}
In yis we ask to cleren our thoght
Forgifnes of yat we haf wroght
For ille yat men may after do
Yus say we als falles yarto
{Et ne nos inducas in temptacionem}
In yis we ask sum sleght to se
Agayne alle ille yat may be
For ye ille yat we do ilka day
We say yus to put it away
{Sed libera nos a malo}
In yis we ask ryght abstynence
Of alle ille yat fyles our conscience
Yhete es yare othir askynges thre
For allekyn gode yat may be
For alle manere of gode outhir bodily es
Or gastly gode or gode endeles
For bodily gode here to haue
Our sustinaunce yus we craue
{Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie}
In yis we aske strength and myght
For to sustayne our lyf here right
For gastly gode here to stir vs
To luf Godde we say yus
{Fiat voluntas tua sicut in celo et in terra}
In yis we ask nyght and day
Stedfast wille Godde to serue ay
For gode to haue withouten end
We say yus whareso we wende
{Adveniat regnum tuum}
In yis ye blisse of heuen we craue
And grace to be worthy it to haue
For festenyng of our hertes to stande
In gode yus say we prayande
{Sanctificetur nomen tuum}
In yis we ask wille stedefast
Withouten faylyng in gode to last
Swilk maner of askynges bene
In yis haly prayer sene
Bot yis prayer bygynnes right
With four wordes of grete myght
On whylk at ye bygynnynge hynges
Al ye spede of ye seuen askynges
Thurgh four wordes yat may we fele
If we vnderstande yam wele
How we sal rewel vs by skille
To do yat mast es Goddis wille
Yarefore first byhoues vs nede
If we sal of our askynges spede
Yise four wordes vnderstande
And lede our lyf als yai commande
Elles er we noght worthy
To be herde of Godde almyghty
Yise er ya four wordes to here
Yat er ye entre of yis prayere
{Pater noster qui es in celis}
Yise er on Inglische yus to neuen
Fader our yat es in heuen
Yise four mykell mater byndes
Als clerkes in yair bokes fyndes
Ye first worde es {Pater} right
Yat es a worde of grete myght
For it may make vs sone to spede
Of our askynge when we haf nede
Als we may bathe se and fele
If we vnderstande yat worde wele
For Saynt Bernard says yat ye prayere
Yat bygynnes right in yis manere
With yis swete name to neuen
Yat es called Fader of heuen
Gyues ane hope to purchace
Al yat we ask here of grace
Yis worde Fader to vndirstande
Yat makes swete al ye remenande
Shewes vs what we sal trowe
And what we sal do here and howe
It shewes ye lengthe of Goddes beynge
Yat es ay withouten endynge
For Godde withouten bigynnyng es
And his lastynge es endeles
He es bigynnyng withouten bygynnyng
And he es ende withouten endyng
Yat ordayned yam yat his ware
To lif with hym for euermare
For yhe sal wele vnderstande yan
Yat first when Godde maked man
Ilk man to gode destayned he
Bot he wist what ilk man wald be
Wha wald be gode wha wald be ille
For he gaf ilk man a free wille
For to chese or for to halde
Gode or ille whethir yai walde
Yhete {Pater} stirs vs to knawe euen
Thre thynges in Godde Fader of heuen
And thre thynges in his sons to se
Yat lufs ye Fader with hert fre
First in Godde ye Fader es myght
And yarewith wisdome and godenes right
In Godde ye Fader er alle yise thre
For he es a Godde in Trynyte
Might es ay in hym anely
For he es Godde Fader almighty
Mayster and Lorde als clerkes can telle
Of heuen and erthe and of helle
And of alle thynge maker he es
And bigynnynge of alle godenes
Swa men may als I vnderstande
Knawe his myght yat es ay lastande
In Godde ye Fader es wisdome
Yat of hymself anely byhoues come
Thurgh whilk he his menyhe ledes
And gou{er}nes yam wysely and spedes
And namely his childer yat he wroght
Yat lufs hym wele in hert and thoght
So may men knawe whaso wille
His wisdome by kyndely skille
In Godde ye Fader es bounte
Yat es ye thridde thynge to se
For Godde ye Fader his childer loues
And somtyme here he yam proues
And when he sese yat yai do wronge
He betes and chastyes yam amonge
And if yai forsake hym for certayne
And sithen wil turne til hym agayne
He yam resayues debonerly
And fayne es of yaire cumpany
So may men knawe ye godenes
Yat in Godde ye Fader es
Yarefore suld his childer alle
Als oft als yai Fader calle
Knawe in hym yise thynges thre
Might wisdome and bounte
Yhete in his childer men may knawe
Thre thynges to telle here on rawe
Yat yai haf of ye Fader mast
Als I wil shewe yhou in hast
Ye twa bene nobillesce and ritches
Ye thridde es beute als I gesce
Nobillesce first es als I wene
In yam yat Goddis childer bene
For mare nobillesce may na man se
Yan it es Goddis childer to be
Yat es so heghe ane emp{er}our
And kynge of alle kynges of honour
Ritches also to yam falles
Yat men Goddis childer calles
For mare ritches may na man haue
Yan Godde on his childer vouches saue
For Godde mas yam his heyres right
Of ye kyngedome of heuen bright
Yar alkyn ritches yat may falle
Er sene and alkyn delyces withalle
Beute in Goddis childer es
For Godde yam made to his liknes
And after his shappe yat es so fayre
He made yair saulles of ye ayre
Mare beute myght neuer be sene
Yan in his lickenes es als I wene
For so grete beute als es yarin
Na hert may thynk na imagyn
Yarefore his childer suld thynk ay
Als oftsithe als yai Fader say
Of yise thre thynges yat yai haue
Of ye Fader yat wele vouches saue
Swilk thynges on yam for yair byhoue
Yarefore yam awe wele yair Fader luf
Also yis worde yat Fader es called
Askes of vs sex thynges to halde
Yat I wil recken here on rawe
Yis sex suld his childer knawe
Luf and drede and obedience
Seruyse honour and reu{er}ence
Ye first thynge yat Godde askes of vs
Es luf yat we luf hym yus
With al our hert in body wroght
With al our saul with al our thoght
With al our hert yat es to say
Yat we on nathynge nyght ne day
Sette our hert to luf mare
Yan on Godde hou so we fare
Na in nathynge yat man may neuen
Haf mare delyte yan in Godde of heuen
With al our saul we suld hym luf
Yat es to say if we wil proue
We suld titter thole if we war wis
Our lyues be parted fra our bodys
Yan fra Godde departed be
Yat es our Fader ful of pyte
Yat es we suld ye dede are take
Ar we suld our Fader forsake
We suld hym luf with al our thoght
Yat es to say yat we suld noght
Our wytte ne our vnderstandynge
Ne our thoght thurgh imagynynge
About nathynge mare occupy
Yan in Godde Fader almyghty
Ye secund thyng es drede alswa
To haue in hert whareso we ga
Yat we Godde drede with al our myght
Thurgh sones drede yan do we right
And noght thurgh drede yat men calles
Carls drede yat oft falles
For carls dredes yair lou{er}des thurgh awe
And noght for luf als men may knawe
Ye gode sons thurgh luf has drede
To wreth yair fader in worde or dede
Yis may wele be sones drede called
Swilk drede in hert suld we halde
And drede ay mare Goddis greuaunce
Yan payne of helle or his vengeaunce
For drede of payne anely to se
Es drede withouten charyte
Al yat men dose in swilk a drede
Sal turne yam to litell mede
Bot first thurgh ferdnes may drede bygyn
Anely for vengeaunce of synne
Thurgh whilk men may bygynne do wele
And afterward a swete luf fele
Yat ye Haly Gast with drede sal knyt
In yair hertes to stable yair witte
Drede mas a man synne forsake
And luf mas a man gode vertus take
Yai yat yise twa in hert wil halde
Goddes sonnes may right be called
Ya sonnes may calle here baldely
Godde yair Fader almyghty
Ye thridde thynge obedyence es
Yat es to say bouxsomnes
Yat we be bouxsom to do Goddis wille
And alle his commaundements to fulfille
For ye sonnes suld be obedyent
To do ye Fadirs commandement
His commandements whaso wil loke
He may fynde yam aftir in yis boke
Ye ferth thynge es s{er}uyse
For we er halden of office
To serue Godde our Fader to pay
With al ye bisynes yat we may
And al our hert and our wille gif
To do yat hym es mast lieue
Swilk s{er}uyse may mast ly
In alle ye werkes of mercy
Als men may fynde in yis boke
Aftirward whaso wil loke
Ye fift thynge es honour tolde
Yat we suld alle yhunge and olde
Loue Godde with grete talent
Of alle godes yat he has vs sent
On whilk gode we suld take kepe
And spende yam in his worshepe
And in na ryots ne in folys
And if we do we er noght wys
For vs byhoues acount to gif
Of yat we do whyle we here lif
And of alle yat Godde here wil vs sende
And shew how we haf yam spend
And of alle ye folys yat we do
And of ilkan hour and tyme yarto
Yarefore we suld Godde honour
Ilka tyme and ilkan hour
Outhir in worde or in dede
Or in thoght hym honour bede
And thank hym oft and loue hym ay
Of yat he dose vs nyght and day
So suld ye gode sonnes by skille
Honour ye Fader yat es his wille
Reu{er}ence es ye sext and ye last
For we suld with hert stedefast
Do Godde alle maner of reu{er}ence
And namely here in his p{re}sence
In kirk and in stedes withoute
Yar his body es borne about
We suld thurgh reu{er}ence knele doun
Be it in felde or be it in toun
His p{re}sence here es ouer alle
Yar we may speke to hym or calle
Bot Halykirk his hous I halde
Yat es mast stede of prayer called
Yare suld we hym mast reu{er}ence do
With deuocioun yat falles yarto
For when we speke to Godde or pray
We suld do hym reu{er}ence ay
Yat es to say lout or knele
With vncouerd heued yan do we wele
And when we noght knele we suld stande
If we may wele yat war semand
And noght sitte yare with couerd hede
To speke with Godde in haly stede
Ne in kirk yat falles his hous to be
We suld noght speke of vanyte
For lesse reu{er}ence we do hym yan
Yan we wald do ane erthely man
For if we war als I vnderstand
In ye kynges chaumbre of Ingelande
To pray ye kynge of his grace
How wald we bere vs in yat place
Wald we noght yare in his sight
Do hym reu{er}ence with al our myght
And kepe vs so yat we nathynge
Suld say yat myght displese ye kynge
Mikell mare reu{er}ence yan suld falle
To Godde yat es mast kynge of alle
For he es kynge of alle kynges
Of wham al grace and godenes sp{ri}nges
Yarefore to Godde yat we to pray
We suld do ye reu{er}ence yat we may
So may we al our askynge haue
If it be skilfull yat we craue
Swilk reu{er}ence to ye Fader falles
Of his childer yat on hym calles
Yarefore we suld nyght and day
When we ye {Pater Noster} say
Als meke childer and bouxsom be
To our Fader ful of pyte
Als we wil yat he be to vs
A gode Fader and a gracious
And if we wil his gode childer be
Vs byhoues alle folys fle
And loke yat we be clene within
When we sal {Pater Noster} bygynne
In yis worde ligges a questyoun
At ye bygynnyng of yis oresoun
Why a man our Fader says ay
And may noght als wele my Fader say
And wha falles felaw with hym be
When he says gif vs and noght gif me
At yis may men answer sone
And telle skill why it es done
Thurgh skill suld none my Fader say
Bot he yat es Goddis sone verray
Thurgh kynde withouten bigynnyng
And withouten ende and fayllyng
Bot thurgh kynde his sonnes er we noght
Bot in als mykell als we er wroght
To his lickenes als es sene
Als bathe Ieus and Sarzynes bene
Bot we bene his childer thurgh grace
And thurgh his chesyng to folow his trace
Als men may fynde in som lande
Swilk a law als I vnderstande
Yat he yat es a riche man knawen
Yat here has na childe his awen
May chese a pou{er} mans chylde yat es fayre
And make it his sone and his ayre
Yis grace vs dide Godde Fader of myght
Als says Saynt Paul ye apostel right
When he made vs thurgh yat grace com
To right trouth and to cristendome
Yat war first pouer and naked to telle
And childer of wreth and of helle
Wharefore when yat we say yus
Our Fader and say gif vs
We gader to vs our brethir alle
Yat to grace of baptym God wald calle
Yat ye childer of Halykirk bene
Thurgh trouth of baptym yat es clene
Yis worde {Noster} vs shewes yarby
Ye largesce and ye curtaysy
Of Godde yat tittar inoghe gyues
Yan lytell to yam yat here lyues
And soner to many yan to ane
Yat here has ye right trouth tane
For Saynt Gregor spekes on yis manere
And says yat a right prayere
Ye mare yat men it comon mase
Ye mare it es worth and vertu has
Als a candell es brighter to kenne
Yat serues til an halle ful of men
Yan ye candell yat s{er}ues of light
Noght bot anely to a mans sight
Yis worde {Noster} vs biddes alswa
Loue Godde our Fader whareso we ga
And with al our hert thank hym sone
Of ye grace yat he haues vs done
Thurgh whilk we bene his childer fre
And his heyres ordayned to be
And yat we luf byfore alle othir
Ih{es}u Cryst our eldest brothir
Yat in yis grete grace vouched saue
Vs his awen brethir to haue
Yis worde Noster vs commaundes yhete
Yat we right kepe with al our witte
In our hertes ye Haly Gast
Yat es wytnes here to vs mast
Of ye grace of chesyng of vs
Yat may thurgh skille be called yus
Als a wede yat es mast to prayse
Als Saynt Paul ye apostell says
Thurgh whilk we er siker bi right
To haf ye heritage yat es vs dight
Of Godde our Fader yat es rightwys
Yat es ye blisse of paradys
Yhete on yis worde {Noster} hynges
Amange alle othir twa thynges
Yat we suld hald in hert ay
Als oft als we ye {Pater Noster} say
Ane es luf of brothirhede
Anothir es syker hope to spede
Luf suld we thurgh yis worde fele
Yat ilkane of vs luf othir wele
For we er alle bathe heghe and lawe
Brethir als ilka man suld knawe
Of a fader and a moder right
Our fader es Godde mast of myght
And our moder es Halykirk
Aftir wham vs bihoues wirk
Ilkane suld luf als syster and brothir
Bot nane of vs suld dispyse othir
Bot ilkane othir suld honour
And help in nede and socour
Als dose ye lyms of a body
Ilkane helpes othir kyndely
Lyms of a body er we alle
Yat body Halykirk we calle
Of whilk body Godde es ye hede
Yarefore suld ilkane othir rede
And ilkane here for othir pray
Als men may here Saynt Iame say
For yat prayere may to alle avaylle
Yat dose Halykirkes counsaylle
For he yat mase hys prayere comoun
With gode hert and deuocioun
He mase hym felawe of ye commonyng
Of alle Halykirk in alle thynge
And for ilka {Pater Noster} yat he says
Night or day when so he prays
He wynnes hym als I vnderstande
Part of ane hundreth thousand
Yis worde {Noster} yat es myghty
Vs kennes to hate thre synnes namely
Ane es a synne yat men pryde calles
Anothir es hatred yat oft falles
Ye thridde thynge es auaryce
Ouer many men hauntes yat vyce
Pride yat yhernes to haf maystry
Puttes a man out of cumpany
For when a man to pryde drawes
He wald be oboun alle his felawes
Yat man war noght here worthy
To dwelle langar in cumpany
For pryde oft brekes felawshepe
And puttes a man vnto shenshepe
Als Lucifer for pryde was
Casten to helle for his trespas
He was putt out als clerkes telles
Of ye cumpany of aungels
Hatred yat felaws p{er}sayue can
Out of cumpany puttes a man
For if a man his felaw hate
And fondes to fordo his state
Al ye felawshepe greues he
In cumpany suld he noght be
Auaryce puttes a man I wene
Out of cumpany yat es clene
For when a man noght comon wille
With his felaws aftir skille
Ne with yam part of yat he has
Bot yat he wynnes his awen it mas
Swilk a man methynk suld sone
Out of cumpany be done
Yarefore to swilk Godde vouches noght saue
Yat yai part of ye {Pater Noster} haue
Yis worde {Noster} vs shewes by skille
Yat Godde es our awen if we will
With ye Fader and ye Sone and ye Haly Gast
Als we thurgh right trouth may tast
If we hym loue and worshepe
And hys commandements kepe
Als Godde says to vs ilkane
In ye goddespell of Saynt Ione
Certayne hope we suld haue ay
When we ye {Pater Noster} say
For yis worde yat Noster es called
Wille yat we hope in hert halde
To spede of yat we aske and craue
If it be skilfull yat we wald haue
For he es our gode Fader of myght
And we er his awen childer right
Yarefore we hope better by skille
Yat he our askynge wil fulfille
Sen he es our Fader and we er his
We hope of yat we sal noght misse
Yis worde {qui es} shewes what God es
And ye ground of his sothfastnes
For our Fader als clerkes telle can
Es verray Godde and verray man
A substaunce in Trinite
And nane othir Godde es bot he
Thurgh wham alle manere of thing es wroght
Withouten wham ne may be noght
Yarefore es synne in haly writte
Called noght for Godde neu{er} made itte
Men fyndes writen als clerkes can knawe
In ye secund boke of ye alde lawe
Yat Godde apered in a mountayne
Vnto Moyses and yat was c{er}tayne
And sayde to hym yus you sal go
Into Egipt to Kynge Pharao
And bidde hym deliuer in quert and hele
My folk ye childer of Iraell
Yat he in s{er}uage haldes thurgh myght
Say I sent ye to hym right
Louerd q{uod} Moyses if men ask me
Yi name what sal myne answer be
Yan sayde he if men ask my name
You sal say I Am Yat Am
Yus saltou say and noght it hele
Vnto ye childer of Iraele
He Yat Es has me sent
Hider on yhou to take tent
Yarefore says yis noble clerkes
And haly men of haly werkes
Yat amange alle ye heghe names to neuen
Yat es sayde of Godde of heuen
Ye first and ye p{ro}prest es yis
Yat mast bi skille may vs wisse
And kenne to knawe what Godde es
Thurgh knawyng of sothfastnes
For alle othir names yat may be
Als when men spekes of his bounte
Or of his wisdome or of his myght
Als we here clerkes yus calle hym right
Ye Right Gode Ye Right Fayre and Semely
Ye Right Wys or Ye Right Myghty
And many othir wordes men says
Of hym when men wil hym prayse
Yat says noght p{ro}prely to herynge
Ye righte sothe of Goddis beinge
Bot we yat rude er and vnsleghe
To speke of swilk thing so heghe
Speke we of Godde als we can
Als we speke of ane erthely man
Of wham we knawe noght ye name
Yan er we noght mykell to blame
Men says a man es a kynge of myght
He es an erle he es a knyght
He es gode he es curtays
And many swilk wordes men says
Thurgh whilk he may bi worthynes
Knawe a man whatso he es
Al if we knawe noght his name
So may we speke of Godde ye same
Many a worde fynde we may
Yat shewes what war of hym to say
Bot yare may na worde so p{ro}pre be
Als yis worde {Es} yat we here se
Yat neuens ye name so p{ro}prely
And so shortly of Godde almyghty
In als mykell als we vndirstande
He es anely Godde alweldande
He es al ane ay lastandely
And withouten bigynnyng ye same myghty
And so he es withouten endynge
Yat may men say of nane othir thinge
He es sothfastly ay to last
For he es verray and stedefast
Ouer alle thing he wroght thurgh myght
Ya yat er his creatures right
Alle his creatures als men sese
War noght elles bot vanytese
Als Salamon says yat was witty
And to regarde of Godde anely
And alle suld turne vnto noght
Warne Godde yam sustayned yat yam wroght
Thurgh his grace and his vertu
And so he dose al for our pru
He es al ane sothfastly and fast
For he es ye same ane ay to last
And ay in ye same poynt of festenynge
Withouten any maner of lousynge
And withouten chaungyng of powere
And withouten stiryng in any manere
Als says Saynt Iame ye haly man
Yise wordes als I shewe yhou can
Alle othir thynges may stired be
Of what kynde so yai er bot he
Wharefore als haly writte beres wyttenes
He es called p{ro}prely He Yat Es
For he es sothfastly to se
Withouten any vanyte
He es stedefastly in alle thynge
Withouten any stirynge
He es ay lastandely to dwelle
Withouten any ende to telle
Withouten was withouten salbe
For na passyng es of hym to se
Now may yhe vnderstande wele
Yat nathynge may be better to fele
Yan to knawe yat yat Godde es
In wham we fynde allekyn godenes
Bot nathinge so harde es to knawe right
Als knawe what Godde es and his myght
Yarefore ilk man be war thurgh witte
And muse noght ouermykell on it
For men myght so erre and wrange wirke
Agayne ye trouth of Halykirke
It es inoghe to ilka man
Yat ye {Pater Noster} can
To say our Fader yat es in heuen
Yat aywhare yar men may hym neuen
In erthe on lande and in ye se
In helle and in heuen es he
Ouer al men may fele his myght
Al if men may noght se hym right
Bot we may se in many stede
His blissed body in fourme of brede
Bot face to face we se hym noght
Til we be til heuen blisse broght
Yare sal he be mast p{ro}prely sene
And honured with yam yat yare bene
He es als so gastly to say
In haly mens hertes nyght and day
Yat heghe er als ye heuen es sene
And er ay clere als heuen and clene
For in swilk hertes es Godde ay cledde
And yarein sene lufd and dredde
And loued ay and worshiped wele
For swilk hertes may hym fele
Yis worde {qui es} yhete vs calles
To twa thynges specially yat falles
Ane es right trouth yat vs sal saue
Anothir es drede in hert to haue
First ye trouth we suld halde right
Yat we trowe here with al our might
Specially in yise twa thinges
On whilk al our trouthe here hinges
In ye sothfastnes of Godde to wirk
And in ye powere of Halykirke
In ye sothfastnes of Godde trowe we
Yat he es a Godde in Trynyte
Fader and Sone and ye Haly Gast
Yat er a Godde thurgh trouth to tast
For he es a Godde in threhede
And he es thre in anehede
And if yhe wil wyte hou yat may be
Bihald ye sonne and yhe may se
Whareby Godde vndirstanden es
For he es called Sonne of Rightwysnes
In ye sonne yat shynes bright
Yhe may se thre thynges right
Ane es fayrnes als fyre grete
Anothir es brightnes ye thridde es hete
And nane of alle yise thynges thre
May fra ye othir departed be
If men did away ye brightnes
Yan bihoued men be sonneles
Or if men did ye hete yarefra
Yan bihoued men ye sonne forga
For whare ane es yare bihoues be alle
It may nane othir wise bifalle
In ye fayrnes als of fyre semand
Ye Fader first we vndirstande
In ye brightnes yat comes of it
Ye Sone we vndirstand thurgh witte
In ye hete of ye sonne to tast
We vnderstand ye Haly Gast
Yise thre p{er}sones er alle ane
And nane may be fra othir tane
Ye T{ri}nyte men yise thre calles
And to yise thre thre thinges falles
To ye Fader first falles myght
And to ye Sone wisdome right
And to ye Haly Gast godenes
Alle falles to a Godde yat es
To wase liknes we er wroght
In sawll als we may se thurgh thoght
Bi thre thinges yat mase it like
To Godde yat es in heuenrike
Ya thre bene mynde and vnderstandyng
And wille or luf withouten fayllyng
Thurgh mynde suld we thynk right
On Godde ye Fader ful of myght
Yat thurgh his myght alle thing made
Heuen and erthe and ye werld brade
And ilka thynge in right kynde
So may his might cum to our mynde
Thurgh vnderstandyng may we se
Godde ye Sone yat boght vs fre
And ordaynes alle thyng thurgh wisdom
Yat may to our vndirstandyng com
Thurgh wille or luf we may fele
Godde ye Haly Gast right wele
Yat alle godenes in hym has
To wham our wille and luf gase
Yus we may in our saul se
All ye haly Trinyte
Of yise thre mans saul made es
Aftir Goddis image and his lickenes
For aftir ye Sone we er made right
Yat ye image es of ye Fader of myght
Yarefore we se ye Fader lickenes
Bi ye Sone yat his image es
If yat we wille trowe ay yus
Godde thurgh trouth es yan in vs
Forwhy als ye apostell telles
Cryst in ye trouth ay dwelles
And ye trouth es in ye thoght
And ye thoght in ye hert es broght
And ye hert es in ye brest
And ye body about it nest
Yat es ye warde of ye castell
Of ye hert yar ye trouth sal dwell
Bot we suld on yis manere wirk
Thurgh ye trouth and be noght irk
We suld thynk on hym yat vs wroght
And honure hym yat vs alle boght
And hym habyde yat vs wil saue
And yherne ye blisse yat we wald haue
And knawe wele thurgh trouth yat Godde es
Ful of mercy and rightwisnes
Whaso yus dose he trowes right
In ye sothfastnes of Godde of myght
In ye powere of Halikirk alswa
We suld trowe whareso we ga
Ilke a kirke es Goddis hous
Bot al Halykirke es Goddis spouse
Yat we suld our Moder halde
Als Godde es our Fader called
For of Halykirk we er borne
Thurgh baptem elles war we lorne
Thurgh Halykirke vs bihoues be ledde
And with haly writte vs bihoues be fedde
For als a womman thurgh kynde knawen
Norishes a childe yat es hir awen
With ye mylk yat comes out
Of hir pappes yat sho beres about
Right so Halykirk our Modir dere
Norisches vs on ye same manere
And vs sustaynes and fedes alswa
With ye mylk of hir pappes twa
Yat gifs many stremes of mylk
In haly writte men may fynde swilk
Of ye ta pappe sp{ri}nges stremes ten
And of ye tothir twelf to kenne
Yat mylk whaso vnderstandes it
Es called bi skille haly writte
Ye twa pappes er yat I talde
Ye new testament and ye alde
Ye ten stremes yat out sprentes
Er called ye ten commandementes
Bi twelf stremes yat er sp{ri}ngande
Of ye tothir pappe I vnderstande
Twelf articles of ye trouth right
Yat we suld kepe bathe day and night
Yus sustaynes vs Halykirke
And teches vs gode werkes to wirke
Thurgh haly writte yat es so swete
Yat mas vs with gode vertus mete
It es gadered for it es trewe
Bathe of ye alde law and of ye newe
Ye twa lawes togider er gode
Of yam comes al our saul fode
For of ye alde lawe als es knawen
Er ye ten commaundementes drawen
And of ye newe lawe bi it ane
Er twelf articles of ye trouth tane
Yise er ye commaundementes ten
Yat byndes here alle cristen men
Ye first es yis withouten errour
You sal na fals goddis honour
Anothir es yis yat es c{er}tayne
You sal noght take Goddis name in vayne
Ye thridde es ye haly day you kepe
Ye ferth es fader and moder you worschepe
Ye fift es sla na man willefully
Ye sext es with na womman you foly
Ye seuent stele noght yat othir mens es
Ye aghtned bere na fals wittenes
Ye neghent es loke you couayte noght
Yi neghpur wyf thurgh wille na thoght
Ye tende couayte noght whareso you gase
Nathinge yat yi neghpur has
Yise ten commandementes on rawe
Er alle taken of ye alde lawe
Yat Godde gaf first to Moyses
Yat he for his p{ro}phete chese
Opon ye Mount of Synay
Yar Godde spake with hym apertly
Yise commaundementes er na fables
Forwhy Godde wrate yam in twa tables
With his fynger als clerkes knawes
And ya bitokenes ye twa lawes
In ye tane er commandementes thre
Yat bene onentes ye Trinite
In ye tothir seuen bene
Onentes our neghpur als I wene
Ye first es yis withouten dout
You sal na fals goddes lout
Bot men suld Godde almighty honour
And hym ane s{er}ue thurgh gode labour
And sette yair luf and yair lykynge
In yat Godde bifore alle thinge
Thurgh yis commandement to fele
Ilk man may bithynke hym wele
If he haf leelly Godde honured ay
If he haf s{er}ued hym wele to pay
If he haf lufd Godde ouer alle thynge
If he haf done withouten grochynge
Ye s{er}uyse yat he aght thurgh right
To Godde yat es mast of myght
If he haf fulfilled here
Al his penaunce on right manere
If he haf to Godde done right
Al yat he in baptem hight
Al may he se if he take tent
Bi yis first commandement
Yis vs forbedes alle mysbileues
And alle outrages yat Godde greues
Yis commaundement ordaynes euen
A man to Godde ye Fader of heuen
Ye secund commaundement folwand
Es yis als I vnderstande
You sal noght take Goddis name in vayne
Yis commaundment falles to ordayne
A man to Godde ye Sone yat es
Yat says yus I am sothfastnes
Whaso wil kepe yis commandement
Bihoues be war and take gode tent
And with al his myght hym forbere
Yat he na maner of ath swere
Bot in tyme when it war nede
To trye a soth yat es in drede
Ye thridde es halugh wele yi haly day
Yat es yus mykell for to say
You sal kepe ye Sonendays clene
And alle ye solempne festes yat bene
Yat es ordayned thurgh Halykirke
Fra alle werk of s{er}uage to wirke
Yat es to say fra werkes of body
And fra werkes of syn and of foly
For synne es a wretche thralledome
Yat som men hauntes of custome
Yis commaundemente ordaynes mast
A man to Godde ye Haly Gast
Yise thre commaundementes to fele
Kennes hym yat vnderstandes yam wele
How he sal haue hym yat he be
Acordande to ye Trinite
Ye othir seuen may a man kenne
How he sal haue hym onence alle men
Yat here his euen crysten bene
And onence himself to kepe him clene
Ye first es fader and moder honour
So suld men do and yam socour
And als wele yam yat gastly bene
Als ya yat er bodily sene
And on twa maner whaso tas kepe
Men suld fader and moder worshepe
Ane es to yam men suld be bousom
And do yam reu{er}ence of coustom
Anothir es als clerkes can rede
Men suld yam helpe in yaire nede
And in alle thinge counsaylle yam right
With al yair conyng and yaire myght
So yat yai may lengar lyue
Opon erth and noght Godde greue
To honour yam men suld vouche saue
Thurgh wham yai yair lyf here haue
For he yat wil noght thurgh bouxsomnes
Worship yam thurgh wham he es
It is noght right yat he lange be
Yat yat he es here to se
Anothir es you sal noght sla
Ilk man be war he do noght swa
For thre maners of slaghter bene
Fra whilk man suld kepe him clene
A slaght{er} es thurgh hande smert
Anothir thurgh tunge ye thridde thurgh hert
Thurgh hande es slaght{er} when men st{ri}kes
With any wapen yat men likes
Thurgh tunge also may be sone
Slaghter on twa maners done
Ane es thurgh commaundement namely
Of a man yat es myghty
For whasoeuer ye slaght{er} mas
He yat comaundes it he slaas
Anothir es thurgh suggestyoun
Of a man yat mas hym boun
To wrye a man or to gif rede
Wharethurgh he may be done to dede
Whaso yus a man wil dere
He may be halden a manslaere
Thurgh hert also may slaghter be
On twa maners als men may se
Ane es when a man thurgh thoght
Wald anothir to dede war broght
In als mykell als his wille es yan
He es slaer of yat man
Anothir manere es c{er}tayne
He yat tholes a man be slayne
And may hym sokour and noght wille
He yat es manslaer thurgh skille
And als bodily slaghter es right swa
Men may gastly a man yus sla
Yat es when a man thurgh enuye
Anothir hates in hert dedely
Or hym backebytes arely or late
Or hym sclaunders his loos to abate
Thurgh attry wordes and felle sawes
Or fra ya yat nede has withdrawes
Ye lyflade yat yair lyf suld halde
A manslaer he may be called
Ye thridde commandement es yis yan
You sal noght foly with woman
In yis commaundement Godde forbedes
Alle manere of fleschely dedes
Yat falles bitwene man and womman
Als clerkes teches yat best can
To saue ye dede of sposaylle
Yat es thurgh Halykirkes counsaylle
Leeffull and lawefull to fulfille
If it be done als ye lawe wille
Alle fleschely dedes bot yat anely
May be called dedes of litchory
Yat er werkes of grete vnclennes
Yat drawes a man to payne endeles
Bot whaso yhernes to be sene
In heuen blisse with a lyf clene
He suld kepe hym here haally
Fra alle corrupciouns of body
Ye ferth es you sal noght stele
If you wil be halden leele
In yis commandement namely
Es theft forboden and robbery
Okir als and extorsyouns
And alle vnleffull raunsiouns
Fals marchaundys and gylery
And sacrilege and simony
And alle vnleeffull takynges
Alle withhaldynges and wrange hidynges
Of othir mens gode withhalden stille
Agayne yair wytynge and yair wille
And whaso may be funden gilty
In any of yise he es noght worthy
To haf ye lyf yat es ay c{er}tayne
Bot he al yhelde haally agayne
Yat es wrange tane if he be mighty
Or elles aftir his might aparty
For he yat yhernes to haf ye lyf
Yat ay sal last withouten stryf
He suld fra na man take with wrange
Ne yat he has tane withhalde ou{er} lange
Na mare yan he wald war tane
Or withhalden fra himself alane
For elles yis commandement brekes he
And es out of right charite
Ye fift you sal bere na fals wyttenes
Ne nathynge say yat fals es
Agayne yi neghpur thurgh ille wille
Yat him may dere or greue ille
Ilka man here suld haf grete drede
To leghe or to say falshede
To greue his neghpur namely
And if he do he es worthy
Ye blisse of heuen for to tyne
And in helle to haue endeles pyne
For yise twa yan dispyses he
Sothfastnes and charyte
And whaso thurgh hymself wil noght
Greue a man thurgh malyce soght
When othir men hym harme wil do
He suld nane wyse assent yarto
In yis commaundement to loke
Es forboden als says ye boke
Alle manere of leghe and lesynge
Alle fals falaces and forswerynge
Alle maner of false losengeryse
And alle fals conspiracyse
Ye sext you sal noght by yi lyf
Couayt here yi neghp{ur} wyf
Yat es to say a man suld noght
Yherne his neghp{ur} wyf in thoght
Ne yhete nane othir womman
Suld man couayte yat witte can
Ne a womman a man in foly
Anely thurgh likynge of body
A man suld noght couayte to haue
8ra His neghpur mayden ne his knaue
Ne his ox ne his asse yat gase
Ne na moble yat he hase
Nouthir robes ne vessele
Ne siluer ne gold ne mele
Yise men may fynde yat gifs tent
Contende in yis commaundement
Ye seuent of yis last seuen
And ye last of ye ten to neuen
Es yis you sal noght thurgh langynge
Couayt to haue yi neghpur thynge
Nouthir his hous ne his lande
Ne nathyng als I vnderstande
Yat haally may noght lifted be
Fra ye ground als men may se
In yis commaundement last sene
Es forboden als I wene
Alle manere of couatyse
Yat es vnskilfull and wrangwyse
Yise twa commaundements to fele
To twa bifore acordes wele
Yat es to say you sal noght fleschely
Synne with na wommans body
Ne you sal na mans gode stele
Ne othir mens gode hyde ne hele
For he yat has in hert ille wille
Or if his entencioun be ille
He may noght lange als says yis clerkes
Kepe hym wele fra wicked werkes
Yarefore methink wele if a man
Or a woman yat right skille can
Wille na dede of litchery do
He suld noght yan assent yarto
Ne to yam in yair foly
Yat has wille to do litchery
And if a man wil noght stele
Bot wald be halden gode and leele
He suld noght couayt in hert lange
Othir mens gode to haue with wrange
Yise er ye commaundements ten
Of wilk falles ye thre to kenne
Vnto ye luf of Godde of heuen
And to ye luf of our neghpur euen
Yise commaundements er now talde
Bathe ye newe lawe and ye alde
Ye whilk Goddis childer thurgh right
Suld knawe and kepe with al yair might
For he yat ye trouth in hert wil haue
Suld kepe yise commaundements and saue
On ye tothir syde shewes ye new lawe
Twelf articles of ye trouth to knawe
Ye whilk ye twelf apostels made
Yat ye grace of ye Haly Gast habade
For ilk apostell by and by
Of ye crede made a party
And ilka parte an article es called
And in ye crede er twelf to halde
For after ye noumbre yat was sene
Of twelf apostels twelf articles bene
Yat ilka man here bihoues haue
And halde in hert yat wil be saue
Bot ye ground of ye trouth bihoues be
To trowe trewely yus in ye Trinite
Yat ye Fader and ye Son and ye Hali Gast
Er a Godde in thre p{er}sones to tast
Ye twelf articles I shewe yhou sal
And yair names yat made yam alle
Ye first article es yis to rede
Of ye twelf yat er in ye crede
To trowe in Godde Fader almyghty
Yat heuen and erth made craftyly
And alle thing als says ye boke
Petre first yis article toke
Anothir es to trow with mynde
In Ih{es}u Cryst his Sone thurgh kynde
Yat a lorde es mast rightwys
Of heuen and erth and p{ar}adys
For a man suld trowe with al his myght
Yat ye Sone es lyke to ye Fader right
And euen with hym als clerkes may rede
In al yat falles to his Goddehede
And ye same es to vndirstandynge
Yat ye Fader es in alle thynge
Bot yat ye Fader of rightwisnes
Es othir p{er}sone yan ye Sone es
Als yis clerkes in boke can shewe
Yis article toke Saynt Andrewe
Ye thridde article nest folwande
Es to trowe and to vnderstande
Yat Ih{es}u Cryst of myght mast
Conceyued was of ye Haly Gast
And of ye Virgyne Mary borne
Elles had we bene alle forlorne
Yat es to say specially
Yat Crist conceyued was in Mary
Thurgh vertu of ye Haly Gast right
And noght thurgh werk of mans myght
And yat sho bifore ye birth was
Clene mayden withouten trespas
And in ye birth was mayden clene
And after ye birth and ay has bene
Yis article falles whaso tas hede
To ye Sone onence his manhede
Yis article ordayned nane othir
Bot Saynt Iame Saynt Iohan brothir
Ye ferthe es to trowe als clerkes wate
Yat Cryst tholed vndir Pounce Pilate
Mikell reproue and vilanye
Yat to hym was done thurgh envye
For Pilate was in Ierusalem yan
A iustys and a domesman
Thurgh wham Cryst was demed to dede
Falsely after ye Iewes rede
And his body on ye croyce done
And dede was and biryed sone
In a sepulcre wroght of stone
Yis article made Saynt Ione
Ye fift es als clerkes can telle
To trowe yat Cryst went doun til helle
Aftir his dede ful gode spede
In saul anely with his Goddehede
To delyuer ye saules fra care
Of ye haly faders yat war yare
Yat es to say of ilka man
Yat yan was dede fra ye werlde bigan
In verray trouthe and hope c{er}tayne
Yat yai suld be delyuerd fra payne
And thurgh Cryst Goddis Sone boght
And to ye blisse of heuen be broght
Yarefore als sone als Cryst was dede
He went doun right to yat stede
Yar ye haly faders ware
And broght yam out of sorow and care
Bot to depe helle went he noght
To take yam out yat yider war broght
For yai trowed noght in his comynge
Yarefore yare es ay yair wonynge
And afterward on ye thridde day
He rase fra dede als we here say
Alle haly writte to fulfille
Als it was his swete wille
And sone yareafter appered he
To his disciples als yai myght se
And for he wald proue his vpperysyng
Yhete made he here lengar dwellynge
Fourty days after he rase
Yis article made Saynt Thomas
Ye sext article als so to neuen
Es to trowe yat he stey to heuen
Ye fourtyde day of his vprysynge
Withouten any manere of lettyng
Alle his disciples yat seande
And sittes on his Fadir right hande
Yis article bihoues vs alle wit
For Saynt Iacob ordayned it
Ye seuent article es alswa
To trowe right whareso we ga
Yat Godde sal com at domesday
To deme ilk man yat es to say
Bathe quicke and dede als says yis clerkes
And gode and ille after yair werkes
Ye gode to ioy ye ille to payne
Yis sal we trowe yat es c{er}tayne
Yis article made Saynt Philippe
Yarefore we wil it noght ouerhippe
Ye aghtned article in hert to tast
Es to trowe in ye Haly Gast
Yat es to trowe thurgh stedfastnes
Yat ye Haly Gast sothfastly es
Ye gift and ye luf of ye Fader and ye Sone
9ra Als yai in heuen togider wone
Of wham comes alle godes of grace
In seuen giftes to purchace
Yat for our saulles best suld be
Als ye sal after here and se
And yat ye Haly Gast es right
Ye same Godde ay ful of myght
And ye same Lorde in sothfastnes
Yat ye Fader and ye Sone ay es
Bot yat ye p{er}son we othir halde
Yan of ye Fader and ye Sone es called
Yis article yat I yus shewe
Ordayned first Saynt Berthelmewe
Ye neghent article yat I shew now
Es in Halykirke to trowe
And also in ye comonynge
Of alle haly mens lifynge
For Halykirk als men may kenne
Es gaderyng of alle cristen men
Yat in ye trouth of Cryst has bene
And chosen for gode men and clene
And yat er yhete whareso yai wende
And yat salbe to ye werldes ende
Alle sal yai be in a company
In heuen with ioye and melody
And we sal trowe if we vs kepe
To comon with yat felawshepe
On yis article yat men to tentes
Hinges ye seuen sacramentes
In ye whilk ilka man suld trowe
And ya sal I shewe yhow nowe
Baptem yat first es halde I ane
Yat falles at ye funt be tane
Anothir es to vndirstande
Confermyng of bischop hande
Ye thridde es penaunce mare or lesse
Ye ferth ye sac{ra}ment of ye auter es
Ye fift es order of grete myght
Ye sext es matrimoigne right
Ye seuent es last enoyntynge
Yise seuen in our trouth suld hynge
Baptem clenses a man withinne
Of ye grete originall synne
Yat he of our formast fader tas
And thurgh yat baptem grace has
Confermynge of bisshop at ye last
Festes ye Haly Gast fast
In hym yat baptized es right
To strengthe him agayne ye fendes might
Penaunce fordose als clerkes wate wele
Bathe dedely synne and venyele
Ye sacrament of ye auter dight
Es a thynge of grete myght
Yat es Goddis awen flesshe and blode
Yat of brede es made to saul fode
Yat sacrament may fest and knytte
Grace in hym yat receyues itte
Yat repentaunt es and clene withinne
Yat he falle noght agayne in synne
And may recounsaylle hym agayne
And in gode werkes hym sustayne
Order gifs power to wirk
Ye sacramentes of Halykirke
Mat{ri}moigne es grete and mighty
For it fordose synne dedely
Of dede bitwene man and womman
If yair entent be skilfull yan
Last enoyntyng yat oft es done
To seke men may alegge sone
Bathe body and saul of payn withinne
And clense a man of venyall synne
Yis article yat I yus rede
Saynt Mathewe sette in ye crede
Ye tende article yareaftir es
To trowe to haf forgifnes
Of alle synnes to whilk men tentes
Thurgh vertu of ye sac{ra}mentes
Yis article made Saynt Symon
Alle our hele hynges yareon
Ye elleuent article folwande
Es yis namely to vnderstande
And to trowe withouten fayntyse
Yat alle men sal at domesday ryse
Out of yair graues in flesshe and felle
And body and saul togider sal dwelle
Euermare withouten ende
Whethir yai to ioye or payne wende
Yis article amange alle othir
Made Iudas Saynt Simons brothir
Ye twelft article and ye last
Es to trowe with hert stedefast
Yat ye gode men yat salbe saue
Endeles lyf yan sal haue
In heuen with ye Trinite
Yar ioye and blisse sal eu{er}mare be
Bot ye wicked sal wende yat day
To ye fire of helle yat lastes ay
For yan salbe shewed na mercy
Ilka man sal haue als he es worthy
Yis article yat es sette shortly
In ye crede made Saynt Mathy
Yise er ye twelf articles knawen
Yat of ye we lawe er drawen
Yhete yis worde when we it rede
{Qui es} stirs vs to haue drede
For al if we Godde our Fader halde
And we be here his childer called
He es rightwys and sothfast
And wil yhelde vs at ye last
Aftir our dedes and yat es skille
Be yai gode or be yai ille
And yat salbe at domesday sene
Wele es hym yat yan es clene
For yan wil Godde rewarde sone
To ilka man after he has done
Yarefore we suld ay haf drede
To do ille thurgh worde or dede
For we sal gif acount yat day
Of ilk idell worde yat we say
Yis worde {in celis} es wele semand
To yam yat wil it vnderstand
Bot bi yis worde yat yus es tane
It semes yar er ma heuenes yan ane
And yat es sothe to p{ro}ue bi skille
Whaso vnderstande it wille
For yare es na heuen of sikernes
Bot anely yare yar Godde es
And whareso Godde vouches saue to dwelle
Yare men may heuen bi skille telle
In many places Godde may be
Alle at a tyme als men may se
By a mirour on yis wyse
Yat es crased in sere partyse
In ilka pece grete and smale
Man may se ay a thynge hale
Alle at anes in ye mirour bright
And alle may be a thynge in sight
So shewes Godde him in many place
Al at a tyme thurgh myght and grace
In heuen and in erthe he es sene
And in haly mens hertes clene
And ilka hert yat Godde may halde
Bi skille may be heuen called
For als ye heuen es clene and clere
So er yair hertes on ye same manere
Yair hertes er ay ful of blisse
Gastly men suld vnderstande yis
For in Godde anely es al yair thoght
On othir thynge ne think yai noght
Bot in ye luf of Ih{es}u Cryst
Er alle yair hertes thurgh thoght rauyst
In yat yai haue so grete delite
Yat yai it think a ioy parfyte
Thurgh thoght in hert yan may yai se
Ye mast blisse yat in heuen may be
Yat es ye sight of Godde almyghty
Yat yai may se in hert gastly
Yarefore es heuen bi yis skille best
In ilka place yar Godde wil rest
Yat es in ye hertes of haly men
Yat in erthe mast wille hym kenne
Bot in heghe heuen als es proued
He es mast worshiped and loued
With alle ye halughs yat yare bene
Of wham he es yare bodily sene
For alle yat comes to yat place
Sal se him yare face to face
And yat sight es yair sou{er}ayne blisse
Wa es hym yat yat sal mysse
Yis worde {in celis} vs stirs to se
Ye heght of Goddis maieste
For he es so heghe yat al wroght
Yat obown hym may be noght
Bot vnder hym es alle thinge
Yat euer had any bigynnynge
And whaso yhernes to cum so heghe
Hym bihoues clym vp bi a steghe
Yat suld be made als says yis clerkes
Of harde penaunce and haly werkes
For yider comes na man to hym
Bot he wil bi yis steghe clym
Bot whaso wille his syn forsake
Bigynnes yan yis steghe to make
And ya yat of na penaunce irkes
Ne of almus dede yis steghe wirkes
Yis worde {in celis} vs askes thre thinges
Yat tittest a man to heuen bringes
Ane es called verray mekenes
Strengthe of wille anothir es
Pruesce of hert es ye thridde
With yise thre men suld be ledde
For yare may na man to heuen com
Bot he be meke here and bouxsom
For Godde says yus als clerkes knawes
He salbe heghed yat hym lawes
And he yat hymself here heghe wille
He salbe lawed and yat es skille
Yarefore we suld thynk and knawe
How heghe Godde es and we so lawe
And yat we haue noght yat gode es
Of ourself bot wickednes
For al yat we haue of grace and witte
Al comes of Godde yat sendes vs itte
Yarefore if we wil wisdome seke
We haf grete mater to be meke
For so heghe to heuen wynne we noght
Bot we thurgh mekenes yider be broght
We may noght cum on heght so fer
Bot verray mekenes vs vp bere
Verray mekenes als falles to be
Shewes it in yise thinges thre
In hert in mouthe and in werke
Ilkane of ya may be a merke
Als I sal recken yam here on rawe
Thurgh whilk men may mekenes knawe
Mekenes falles in herte to dwelle
Thurgh yise four thynges yat I sal telle
Thurgh oft bithinkynge vp and doun
And thurgh verray contriscioun
Thurgh gode suffraunce withouten g{ro}chyng
Thurgh haly delyte withouten chaungyng
Thurgh oft bithinking may mekenes com
And make a man meke and bouxsom
Yat him bithinkes of his wrechednes
And what Godde has done hym mare and lesse
For if he lat his thoght noght passe
And hym bithynk what he first was
And whethen he come if he right se
And what he es and whare es he
And what he salbe at ye ende
And whiderward he sal yan wende
He may fynde skilles and knawe
Wharethurgh he suld him meke and lawe
He suld think he was first noght
And sithen conceyued in syn wroght
Of a porcioun of foul matere
Yat es a wlatsom thing to here
Fra a foul herber he yan came
Yat was fra his moder wame
What he es he suld think
For he es noght bot filth and stynke
Na fruyt of himself may com
Bot filth and stynk yat es wlatsom
To alle wickednes he es heldande
Bot in alle godenes he es fayllande
Of himself withouten ne withinne
Comes noght bot filthe and synne
He es here in a mirke vallay
Yar dole and anger es night and day
Yat ful es of drede and trauaylle
And of vanyte yat sal faylle
And of p{er}ils yat oft here falles
Yat vallay men yis werlde calles
Yat to ye se may lickened be
For it ebbes and flowes als dose ye se
With grete waghes yat lang lastes
Yat vppe and doun a man ay castes
Yarefore whaso traystes on it
It sal desceyf him ar he wit
And when ye werled has him faylled
And ye dede him has assaylled
Yan sal his body noght elles be
Bot wormes mete and erthe to se
His body men sal in a pitte lay
And ye saul sal wende anothir way
Whethir it wende to ioye or payne
Na man wate here for c{er}tayne
Bot after ye endyng yat he sal make
He sal his right iugement take
Be it gode or be it ille
He salbe demed yaraftir thurgh skille
Also if he wald bithynk hym sone
What godenes Godde haues hym done
And what gode he dose him night and day
And what he sal do hym and do may
He suld luf him and drede in thoght
Mare yan anythynge yat es wroght
And luf and drede in alle thinge
May sonest a man to mekenes bringe
He suld think ay wele in thoght
How Godde made him first of noght
Aftir his image and his lickenes
And ordayned him to ioye endeles
And gaf him witte to knawe and skille
What es gode and what es ille
And how he boght hym agayne
When he was dampned to helle payne
Thurgh our formast fader synne
Yat made first Godde and vs to twynne
And what payne he tholed and reproue
And how he dyed for our luf
Al tholed he mekely yat might greue
Ensaumple of mekenes vs to gieue
Also he suld think when he may
What Godde him dose night and day
He sendes him ilk day his sustinaunce
He saues him here fra alle meschaunce
He helpes him when he has nede
He strengthes him in alle gode dede
Witte and strengthe he hym sendes
And fra ye fende he hym fendes
He spares him ay in his foly
And to forgif him he es ay redy
Al if he him gretly greue
When he askes mercy he wil forgif
And ay when he to hym turne wille
Did he neuer so mykil ille
He wil receyf him als his sone
And ordayne him in blisse to wone
Bot he yat here vouches noght saue
To turne hym to hym and mercy craue
After yis lyf he sal wende
To payne of helle withouten ende
Of swilk thoght comes luf and drede
Yat may a man to mekenes lede
Also thurgh verray contriscioun
Mekenes it shewes in hert boun
For when sorow in a mans hert rynnes
When he bithinkes him of his synnes
And of ye vnkyndenes yat he has wroght
To Godde yat hym so dere has boght
Yan tenders his hert for hys synne
And mekenes lightens sone withinne
Thurgh gode suffraunce also we se
Mekenes falles in hert to be
For when a man tholes with godewille
Angers yat er sharp and ille
Be it sekenes or be it pouert
Mekenes shewes it yan in hert
Yhete fynde I yat thurgh haly delyte
Mekenes shewes it in hert tyte
For when a man his hert settes right
To luf Godde with al his myght
Lastandly withouten fayllynge
And has delyte in nane othir thing
In ye hert yar swilk delyte es
Schewes it verray mekenes
In mouth mekenes shewes it ay
Thurgh yise four thynges yat I now say
Thurgh oft wreghyng in shrift of ille
Thurgh deuoute prayere loude or stille
Thurgh hertly continuele louynge
Thurgh gode shewyng and techynge
First thurgh oft wreghyng in shrift
Yat ye saul toward Godde may lift
Mekenes amange alle othir thewes
Openly in ye mouthe it shewes
For when a man es ay redy
To wreghe hymself in shrift namely
Of alle ye synnes yat he has wroght
In worde in dede and in thoght
And namely of ye hede synnes seuen
Yat er mast principall to neuen
Yat es to say pryde and envye
Ire and slewth and litchery
Glotony and couatyse
If he war gilty on yis wyse
And mare walde say if he couthe
Yan shewes mekenes it in mouthe
Yhete thurgh deuoute prayere semes
Mekenes in mouth als men demes
For when a man prayes deuoutly
To our Louerd Godde almyghty
With al ye wille yat in hym es
Yan semes in his mouth mekenes
Thurgh continuele louynge bi sight
Mekenes shewes it in mouth right
For when a man loues Godde ay
And thankes hym bathe nyght and day
Of alle gode yat he has hym done
Yan shewes it mekenes in mouth sone
Thurgh teching and shewyng of lare
Mekenes shewes it openly yare
For when a man es bisy to kenne
And to shewe gode lare to alle men
It semes wele bi his mouth fre
Yat mekenes suld in hym be
In werke mekenes may be sene
Thurgh yise four thinges yat here bene
Thurgh qwyting of al yat dette es
Thurgh leel bodyly bouxsomnes
Thurgh wirkyng of gode werkes namely
Thurgh harde lyf ye flesshe to chasty
First thurgh quytinge of alle dett
Mekenes in werk es right sette
For when a man wil right knawe
Alle manere of dette yat he awe
Bathe to Godde yat es ful of myght
And to his euen cristen right
And mase asseth to Godde and man
Mekenes shewes it in werk yan
Thurgh bouxsomnes als I wene
Mekenes may in werk be sene
For when a man with al his myght
Es bouxsom bathe day and nyght
Vnto Godde and to Halykirke
Yair commaundmentes leelly to wirk
And to his sou{er}aynes aftir skille
Es bouxsom to folow yair wille
In hym semes mekenes ay redy
Yat shewes it yan in werk apertly
Thurgh wirkynge of gode werkes in sight
Mekenes in werk shewes it right
For when a man es bisy ay
To do al ye gode yat he may
And namely ye werkes of mercy
Yat ouer alle othir er mast worthy
Yan may men mekenes se and fele
Yat in werke shewes it wele
Thurgh sharpnes of harde lyf to lede
Mekenes shewes it in werk and dede
For when a man in penaunce lifs
And thurgh penaunce his flesshe greues
And flees delytz and kepes him chast
And forsakes yat his flesshe yhernes mast
To chasty it and to putte it lawe
Yan may men mekenes in werke knawe
Now haf I shewed here twelf thinges
On whilk verray mekenes hynges
Yat mas yair cours bi thre ways
Als ye boke bifore right says
Ye twelf skils yat yhe herd me neuen
Ledes verray mekenes euen
Bi thre partys and mase it light
In hert in mouth and in werk right
Withouten ya twelf in yise thre
Verray mekenes may noght be
Yis worde {in celis} with gode skille
Askes of vs strengthe of wille
Forwhy ye way yat we oft layte
To heuen es so narow and strayte
Yat na man may passe yarby
Withouten gastly strengthe namely
Yat es to vndirstande yus
Bot he be als ye boke says vs
With haly werkes strengthed wele
And gode vertus yat he suld fele
And namely with yise vertus seuen
Yat I wil now specially neuen
Yat es trouth hope and charyte
Sleght yat thurgh witte bihoues be
Methfulnes strengthe and rightwisnes
Thurgh whilk ilk gode man gou{er}ned es
Ye thre first dyuyne vertus men calles
And ye four after cardynalles
Dyuynes men calles ye first thre
Trouth and hope and charyte
For yise thre ordaynes specially
Al ye hert to Godde almyghty
First trouthe als says Saynt Austyn
Yat es ye first vertu dyuyne
Puttes vs here vnder Goddis lawe
And makes vs yat Lorde to knawe
Of wham we halde als he vouches saue
Alle ye godes yat we here haue
Right trouth als says yis clerkes
Es bigynnyng of alle gode werkes
Trouth withouten gode werk es dede
For of alle gode werkes it es hede
Thurgh werkes anely na man may
Withouten trouth Godde wele pay
Hope es a siker habydynge
Of gastly gode aftir our endynge
Thurgh ye godenes of Godde almyghty
And thurgh our gode dedes aparty
For to com when we hethen wende
Vnto ye blisse yat neuer sal ende
And noght anely in ouer grete trayst
Of Goddis godenes yat men may frayst
Ne al anely als witte vs ledes
In trayst of our awen gode dedes
Bot in trayst of yam yat faylles noght
When yai er bathe sammen broght
For nouthir we sal so fer falle
Intil wanhope mast synne of alle
Yat we ne sal trayst to haf blisse
If we wele do and leue our mysse
Ne we ne sal so fer com
Intil ouerhope thurgh our awen dome
Yat we sal trayst als men witteles
So mykell in Goddis godenes
Yat we sal hope yat blisse to haue
Withouten gode dedes and be saue
Hope als Saynt Austyn says
Vs may to Godde vplift and rayse
And mas vs stalward and myghty
And smert and wight and hardy
To vndirtake for hym in right
Yat yat passes here mans myght
Charyte of ye thre es last
Yat enioynes vs to Godde fast
For charyte es nane othir thinge
Bot dere anehede with hert lykynge
Charyte wil yat we Godde luf
Ouer alle thyng als men may proue
And our euen crysten luf suld we
Als ourseluen with hert fre
We suld luf Godde for hymself anely
And our euen cristen for God almyghty
For ye tane may noght als I fele
Withouten ye tothir be lufs wele
Als Saynt Ione in his pistell says
Whase sawes er mykell for to prays
Yat commaundement he says we haue
Of Godde namely als he vouches saue
Yat whaso lufs Godde als he can
He lufs his euen crysten yan
For he yat lufs noght with hert fre
His brothir wham he may se
How suld he luf in hert right
Godde of wham he has na sight
Charyte yat es right tane
Mas ye hert and Godde al ane
Als says Saynt Paul trouth yar it es
In Godde sees sou{er}ayne sothfastnes
Hope his sou{er}ayne heght may se
And charyte his sou{er}ayne bounte
Yise thre vertus departed bene
Thurgh thre degrees of luf clene
Forwhy for thre thynges fynde I can
Yat men specially lufs a man
Outhir forthy yat men has herde
Grete gode of hym yat he wele ferde
Or forthy yat men bides to haue
Grete gode of him als he vouches saue
Or forthi yat men has had namely
Grete gode of hym of curtaysy
Bot yise thre maners of luf clene
In yise thre first vertus er sene
For luf of trouth heres and wirkes
And of gode werk neuermare irkes
Luf of hope yat alle gode waytes
Feles ye right sauour and baytes
Luf of charyte resayues at ye last
And sees and tastes and haldes fast
Ye four lattar vertus to halde
Er ye vertus cardynals called
Of whilk spekes yair auyse
Yis philosofers yat war wys
Bot ye Haly Gast gy(es) yam wele
Ane hundrethfalde better to fele
Als Salamon says in ye boke
Of wisdome als clerkes may loke
Ane es warnes als I right halde
Anothir es methefulnes called
Strengthe also ye thridde vertu es
And ye ferth es rightwisnes
Yise four vertus men comonly calles
By skille ye vertus cardynalles
Forwhy yai er als men may se
Mast p{ri}ncipalle aftir ye first thre
For thurgh yise four vertus sere
A man may gyen himseluen here
Als ye pape thurgh his cardynals
Gou{er}nes Halykirk als falles
And als ye herre gouernes ye dore
And beres it vp fra ye flore
Right so yai may a man right kepe
Yat he falles noght doun ouer depe
Warnes vs wisses ay war to be
And ye wathes of yis werld to fle
For it kennes vs to knawe bi skille
Whilk es gode and whilk es ille
And also to sundre haally
Ye tane fra ye tothir party
And ye ille ay to forsake
And ye gode anely to take
And of twa gode to chese ye bettir
Yat to ye saul may be swettir
Warnes kepes ay wele a man
Yat his witte right rewell can
Yat he be noght deceyued namely
Thurgh wicked wyles of ye enemy
Methe kepes yat he be noght
Corrumped thurgh fals luf in thoght
Strengthe him kepes yat he noght be
Ouercommen thurgh drede or adu{er}syte
Rightwisnes him settes thurgh myght
In order and in state right
Onence alle othir mare and lesse
For it kepes to ilk man yat his es
Yise four vertus yat er dyuers
Er als four tours in four corners
Of ye haly mans hous so fre
Yat mas ye hous siker to be
Warnes it kepes thurgh purueaunce
Toward ye est fra p{er}ils and chaunce
Methe it kepes toward ye southe
Agayne wicked hetes vncouthe
Strenght toward ye north es sette
Agayne ye wicked coldes to lette
And rightwisnes westward socours
Agayne ye wicked rayne shours
Yise four vertus has offyces sere
Yat salbe keped on sere manere
Als a philosofir says yat ight
Placius in a boke right
Yat he made of yise four vertus
And parted yam sleghely and sayd yus
Yat warnes has offices thre
Forwhy thurgh him als men may se
Al yat euer a man sal do
Or say in alle yat falles yarto
Alle ordaynes he and ledes at wille
And rewels bi ye lyne of skille
And nathing wil do day ne nyght
Bot yat yat es resoun and right
And in alle his werkes mare and lesse
He puruays hym als sikerest es
Aftir ye ordynaunce and ye wille
Of Godde yat alle gode wil fulfille
A grete lorde he may be called
Yat has yis vertu and may it halde
And gyes hym in yise thre thinges
Thurgh yis vertu yar grete myght hinges
Methe also has offices thre
For ye hert yat has yat vertu fre
Nouthir couaytes ne has talent
To do thinge yat him may repent
In nathynge he passes forby
Ne ouer skille vnmesurabilly
And vnder ye yhock of resoun right
He settes and dredes day and nyght
Al ye couatyse yat regnes mykell
In yis werlde yat es ful fykell
Yat es to say whaso has
Yis vertu whareso he gase
He kepes hym yat he be noght
Corrumped nouthir in wille ne thoght
Thurgh thre thynges als Saynt Ion says
Yat man confoundes and Godde myspays
Yat es lust of flesshe and p{ry}de of hert
And couatyse of ye werlde so smert
Strengthe also has als I wene
Thre offices als here es sene
For ye hert yat has yis vertu right
Rayses itseluen on heght thurgh myght
Oboun alle p{er}ils yat may be
In yis werlde yat we here se
He dredes nathinge bot vilany
And angre and welthe he bers sadly
And suffirs euenly wo and wele
Welth or angre whethir he fele
So yat his hert es neuermare
Ouer heghe here for na welefare
Ne ouer laghe here on ye tothir syde
For nane illefare yat may bityde
Bot stifly withouten fayntyse
Standes agayne alle his enemyse
Whethir yat yai bodyly be
Or gastly yat men may noght se
So yat na foul temptacioun
Make him lightly to falle doun
A gode knyght he suld be talde
And ane hardy bachilere and a balde
Yat in yise thre thinges to fele
War appertly p{ro}ued and wele
Yise thre vertus armes a man
And ordaynes hym sikerly yan
And saues him ay in gode quert
When he has yise thre thinges in hert
Als yai ly in brede and lengthe
Yat es resoun luf and strengthe
Warnes right kepes ye resoun
Yat it be noght deceyued thurgh tresoun
Methe kepes ye luf ay fre
Yat it noght corrumped be
Strengthe kepes ye strengthe right
Yat it be noght ou{er}comen thurgh myght
Rightwisnes right wille may gif
Til a man ordaynely to lif
Onence ilk man bathe mare and lesse
To do to yam al yat right es
For als ye philosophre says wele
Yis es ye vertu als men may fele
Yat mas a man do yat hym awe
Onence ilk man bathe heghe and lawe
For it yheldes reu{er}ence als es sene
To yam yat oboun hym bene
And lufrede on gode manere
To yam yat bene euen with hym here
And grace to yam with hert fre
Yat vnder hym falles to be
Thurgh yise four vertus yat I prays
Als ye wys philosophre says
A man es worthy thurgh fauour
Yat he be made right gou{er}nour
First of hymself als es mast nede
And aftirward of othir to lede
In yise four vertus yat I sayde last
Yis olde philosophres studyed fast
And to forsake ye werlde vouched saue
Vertu and wisdome for to haue
Yarefore yai war here right called
Philosophres yat lif yus wald
For philosophye als we se
Es a worde of grete dignyte
And es yus mykell for to say
Als luf of wisdome yat lykes ay
And philosophre es noght elles
Bot lufer of wisdom als clerkes telles
Lorde how vs aght to drede sare
Yat ya yat sumtyme paens ware
And war withouten c{er}tayne lawe
And ye grace of Godde couth noght knawe
Ne ye gift of ye Haly Gast
Bot folwes yair awen witte mast
And yhete yai climned in ye mountayne
Of parfytenes of lyf c{er}tayne
Yus yai did als I shewe yhow